non-verbal information. Functions of non-verbal communication

Our body language, compared to other verbal (speech) means of communication, is unique. If we imagine that it is he who carries from 60 to 80 percent of the information transmitted to the interlocutor, it is easy to understand the need to interpret this method of contact. If we want to be sure that we understand a person accurately, we must combine information from the body and verbal expressions into one big picture.

Which of us has not encountered a feeling of vague anxiety when communicating with a person when he claimed one thing, but subconsciously you felt his falsity. You will say that this is intuition and good for those who have it. In fact, it is easy to develop intuition by observing the interlocutor and, knowing the specific meaning of gestures, draw the right conclusions.

An example of non-verbal communication

An experiment was conducted in a psychology class at a university. The audience, which consisted of married couples, was divided into two groups by gender and allowed to watch videos of various types of crying babies. Then they were asked to explain their meaning. Most women who have had children accurately deciphered them (hunger, wet diapers, pain, etc.), while men did not see much difference in the options for crying. This led to the conclusion that women, being more sensitive and observant, are easier to interpret non-verbal gestures. It is more difficult for men to do this, they need specifics, and not all sorts of sentimental experiences. Of course, there are also exceptions.

This case also explains the fact why it is difficult for the stronger sex to tell a lie to his wife, who seems to read in the eyes real situation of things.

Non-verbal means of communication

So, consider non-verbal means of communication. To clearly understand their diverse structure, we present their classification:
1. Expressive movements (body posture, facial expressions, gestures, gait).
2. Tactile movements (handshake, patting on the back or shoulder, touching, kissing).
3. Visual-contact gaze (direction of gaze, its duration, frequency of contact).
4. Spatial movements (orientation, distance, placement at the table).

In this article, we will dwell on the first two groups of means of non-verbal communication and try to characterize their meaning. It should be remembered that to interpret a single gesture without a combination of other body signals means to mislead oneself. Therefore, before drawing specific conclusions, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the behavior of the interlocutor, as well as his physical and psychological state.

Movements are expressive

Open gestures and body postures


The hands of the interlocutor are turned palms up and widely spread to the sides. The head is straight, the shoulders are straight. The look is straight. Facial expressions are natural, without tension and stiffness. This posture of friendliness, as a means of non-verbal communication, speaks of openness, sincerity. She is also spoken about by a handshake with a grasp of her with two of her hands. Men can unbutton their shirt or jacket while talking. Communicating with such a person, you involuntarily relax and feel trust in him.


In non-verbal communication, there is the concept of mental contact, which is expressed in involuntary copying of each other's gestures or the entire behavior. A signal is sent to each other: "I understand you perfectly." And indeed, if you take a look at the peacefully talking couple at the table, we will see similar poses, the same arrangement of hands up to the mirror. If you want to convince another person of unconditional sharing of his opinion, just copy his body position.

If we observe the gait of a happy man in love, we note the flying gait, which is very striking. It is also characteristic of self-confident, energetic people. It seems that they do not care about all the problems.

Closed gestures and postures (protection, suspicion, stealth)


Have you seen how someone hides their hands in a conversation? It is likely that he is telling a lie, since the human brain subconsciously sends signals to the body and when a lie is told, there is a strong desire to put his hands in his pocket, scratch his nose, rub his eyes. All these are typical signs, however, as MirSovetov has already said, it is necessary to explain the meaning of non-verbal gestures in the aggregate. A person suffering from a runny nose can scratch his nose, rub his eyes - a child who has just woken up, etc.


Arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed in standing and sitting positions - a classic gesture of closeness, inaccessibility. Frequent blinking is a sign of protection, confusion. The emotional status of a person does not allow you to feel free and at ease. If you try to negotiate something with such an interlocutor, it is likely that you will be refused. To “melt the ice”, MirSovetov advises using the means of non-verbal communication already described above, try to take an open pose with palms up.

Gestures of reflection and evaluation


It is expressed in tingling of the bridge of the nose with closed eyes. When the person with whom you communicate decides what to do or what to do, in general thinks about solving a certain issue, at this time he can rub his chin.


If a person holds his hand at his chin, with his index finger stretched along his cheek, and with the other hand he supports his elbow, his left eyebrow is lowered - you will understand that he has matured a negative assessment of what is happening.


It is interpreted as a slight tilt of the head forward and a slight touch of the cheek with the hand. The body is tilted forward. Here is a person who is interested in what is happening, positively related to information.

Gestures of doubt and uncertainty


You probably noticed how some students, listening to the speaker, cover their mouths with their palms? This gesture indicates disagreement with the lecturer's opinion. They seem to hold back their statements, suppress true feelings and experiences. If your friend suddenly makes a gesture of disbelief in a conversation, stop and think about what words caused such a reaction from him? Observing the behavior of the boss, the subordinate will understand what needs to be said, and what is better to remain silent. Distrust quickly turns into rejection, and then into rejection.


A non-verbal gesture such as scratching or rubbing the back of the ear or neck may indicate that the person does not fully understand what they want from him or what you mean in a conversation. How to interpret such a gesture if you were told about full understanding? Here, preference should be given to the non-verbal signal of the body. In this case, the person did not understand anything. The hand clasping the other behind the elbow also speaks of uncertainty, probably its owner is in an unfamiliar society.

Gestures and postures indicating unwillingness to listen


The interlocutor props up his head with his hand. It is clear that he is indifferent to what is happening. If he is sitting in the audience, we can say with confidence: the material presented by the lecturer is completely uninteresting. In such cases, MirSovetov recommends changing the topic of conversation to one that excites him or “shake him up” with an unexpected question. Be sure that he wakes up, and this is exactly what you need.


Shaking off non-existent hairs, straightening the folds of clothes, pulling down a skirt in non-verbal communication is a sign of your opponent's disagreement with the stated point of view. You will quickly realize the need to switch to neutral topics. However, if a thread really sticks to the sleeve of the jacket, the clothes are wrinkled, you should not regard this as a gesture of disapproval.

Willingness to leave

Can be identified by signs such as drooping of the eyelids (loss of interest), scratching the ear (fencing off the flow of speech), sipping the earlobe (does not want to speak out), turning the whole body towards the door or pointing the leg in this direction. The gesture in the form of removing glasses also gives a signal to end the conversation.


When a person tells a blatant lie and realizes that you have seen through him, he will experience irritation from your rightness, which may manifest itself in an involuntary loosening of a tie or collar. In non-verbal communication, this can also manifest itself in rubbing the neck, unnecessary hand movements, pinching a lady's handbag, mechanical drawing on paper.

Dominance gestures


The so-called "director's pose" or "boss pose" in a sitting position. Hands lie behind the head, one foot on the other. If the eyelids are barely closed or the corners of the eyes are slightly squinted, the gaze is directed downward - you have arrogance, neglect. This position of the body as a means of non-verbal communication is often taken by bosses, people in leadership positions. They are self-confident, demonstratively express their importance to others. An attempt to copy this gesture threatens with an early dismissal from work.


A similar gesture is used by almost all men, women are much less. The nature of the handshake can say a lot, first of all, it will reveal the intentions of the other person. If at the moment of connecting two hands one is higher with the back side, its owner demonstrates his leading position. You can check how firmly he defends his status as a leader in a simple way: turn your hand up. If you feel resistance, then you will not be able to convince him to take equality between you.

Sexual gestures

When a man likes a woman, he shows thumbs in his belt, puts his hands on his hips, or spreads his legs wide. Gazing at a woman is usually intimate, and can linger on selected parts of the body for a long time. A man can involuntarily straighten his tie or collar with his hand.
If a woman seeks to interest, she unconsciously tosses her head, straightens her hair, straightens her blouse. A more subtle art of seduction through non-verbal communication consists of exposing the wrists, spreading the legs in a sitting or standing position. If a woman demonstrates an intimate look in combination with an accidentally slipped shoulder strap, half-dressed shoes on a crossed leg, be sure that she wants to start flirting. A parted mouth and wet lips are typical of sexual appeal.

Tactile movements

These include hugs, handshakes, pats on the shoulder or back, touching, kissing.


By the nature of the hugs, their strength, duration, they determine the meaning of the feelings expressed by a person.
Bosom friends, who were in a long separation, at the meeting almost strangle each other in a strong embrace. Lovers linger in gentle embrace for a long time. Hugs between distant relatives, depending on previously maintained contacts, can be both restrained, cold, and ardent. Between close people, they have a soft sincere meaning. In wrestling matches, for example, the competitors briefly hug and part ways.

Such a means of non-verbal communication as hugs is more common among representatives of the strong half of humanity, between women they are a little less common. Now you can see two teenage girls on the streets running towards each other with open arms. At this age, the frequency of such contacts, both between boys and girls, is expressive, when you want to throw out an excess of joy, delight and admiration for the meeting. If you see same-sex couples walking slowly down the sidewalk in an intertwined embrace, it can unwittingly suggest homosexuality.


Handshakes, as one of the means of non-verbal communication, also differ in the way they are performed, strength and duration. A strong, energetic shaking of the interlocutor's hand, coupled with a joyful exclamation, speaks of the sincerity of the partner, his desire to continue the conversation. The girth of one's hand in the form of a "glove" also speaks of friendliness. But if an inanimate hand is extended to you, like a dead fish, they do not want to contact you.

A cold hand in a shake can signal that its owner is either cold or very worried. Sweaty palms speak of a nervous experience. A hand shaking palm down indicates a desire to dominate another person. If, on the contrary, it is turned palm up, its owner unconsciously recognizes himself as a subordinate to the interlocutor.

Patting on the back or shoulder

Patting on the back or shoulder is mostly characteristic of men. These non-verbal gestures are often interpreted as a sign of friendship, concern, or encouragement. They can be seen in almost all age categories. Patting, as it were, demonstrates masculine strength and the readiness of its owner to come to the rescue.

By the way, this gesture should not be confused with that used in medical practice. A newborn child is slapped on the back to make him scream and expand his lungs, a choking person is slapped from behind. Patting is a type of technique in massage practice. That is, the specific meaning of this gesture depends on the current situation.


Touch is widely used in the world of non-verbal communication. V learning activities it helps to stop a naughty naughty person, in the case of a deaf person - to attract his attention, in medical practice, with the help of this gesture, a state of health is diagnosed, the massage technique is built on a combination of methods of touching the body, in the intimate sphere between spouses they serve as a prelude to connection. Different types of touch are an indicator of the partner's unexpressed feelings. They can be gentle, affectionate, light, strong, rough, hurting, etc.


Kissing, as a kind of tactile gesture, is widely used in all aspects of human life. In relation to a specific object, the nature of kisses changes. Mother kisses the child tenderly and with love, between loving people they can range from a light touch of the lips to a passionate kiss. MirSovetov in a separate article reveals the whole gamut of this type of gesture in courting the opposite sex. Here we note that kisses can be both sincere manifestations of feelings, and formal, cold, traditional. Kiss at a meeting and goodbye, kiss at the time of birth.

Visual-contact look

Eye contact is an undeniably important communication process. As you already know, a person receives about 80% of impressions from all senses through vision. With the help of the eyes, you can convey a variety of expressions, thanks to them we can carry out the process of managing the course of a conversation, provide feedback in human behavior. The look helps in the exchange of remarks, since most statements without the participation of the eyes would be meaningless.

Remember how badly interlocutors on the Internet need a variety of emoticons, which are a substitute for such a means of non-verbal communication as an exchange of views, facial expressions. After all, without seeing each other, it is much more difficult to convey the feelings experienced. Developers of instant messaging programs, improving their program characteristics, are trying to include and expand the function of eye expression, general facial expressions and various hand gestures. And, as practice shows, the demand for such programs like ICQ is very high. People crave full-fledged communication on the Web. And the appearance of the video call function in cell phones and installing video equipment on a computer that allows you to communicate interactively, contemplating each other, is precisely the answer to the need for live communication at a remote distance.

Also, the look takes part in the expression of intimacy, frankness. With it, you can set the degree of proximity to a person.

In communication, the gaze, as a rule, performs an information search, for example, the listener looks at the speaker, and if he paused, silently expects to continue without interrupting eye contact; gives a signal about a free communication channel, for example, a speaker with an eye sign indicates that the conversation is over; helps to establish and maintain social relations when we are looking for a person's gaze to enter into a conversation.

In psychology, there are several types of views, each of which carries very significant information about a person’s thoughts:
1. Business look - when we look at the forehead and into the eyes of the interlocutor. Often we behave this way when meeting with unfamiliar people, leaders and bosses.
2. Social look - when we direct our eyes to the area of ​​​​a person's face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth, nose and eyes. It is typical in situations of easy communication with friends and acquaintances.
3. Intimate look - passes through the line of the interlocutor's eyes and falls to a level below the chin, neck to other parts of the body. There may be dilation of the pupils, as a foretaste of pleasure.

We have already mentioned the fact that it is more difficult for men to deceive their wives, girlfriends, since women can expose lies much faster by reading their eyes. How do they do it? First of all, according to the characteristic changes in the eyes due to contraction of the eye muscles. When trying to deceive, it is difficult for a person to withstand a gaze, he blinks and looks away. These signs can also be present with sadness, shame, disgust. If he experiences suffering, tears flow from his eyes, but they also appear with laughter and joy.
In any case, for the correct interpretation of non-verbal gestures, we take into account the environment, the context of circumstances. One thing can definitely be stated for sure: the expansion or contraction of the pupils, which occurs as a response to excitation, occurs involuntarily, without taking into account consciousness, the autonomic nervous system is involved in this. If the direction of the gaze can still be somehow controlled, then changing the pupils is beyond our control. When we talk about a person: “he has expressive eyes”, “she has an evil look”, “she jinxed me”, then we mean exactly the information obtained through non-verbal communication when observing a person’s pupils. Children abandoned by their parents have a dry, distant look, filled with the pain of loneliness, which gives them an adult expression. On the contrary, beloved and caressed babies look at the world in a completely different way.

Longitude of gaze can indicate the degree of interest. Staring, inseparable will tell you about the intention to find out some information from you or force you to obey. For couples in love, such a look serves as a signal to begin active courtship. If a close look is directed at a sleeping person, subconsciously he may experience anxiety, even wake up. Interestingly, in the animal world, a gaze serves as a signal for an impending attack, so there is nothing surprising when, feeling such a signal from an unfamiliar person, you experience anxiety and a desire to hide. With peripheral (lateral) vision, we are able to see objects and the environment around us, analyze the degree of danger.
Serial killers and maniacs look very different from the look of an ordinary person. All the previous behavior of a person up to a given point in time, the situations that he solves and the methods that he uses in eliminating problems - everything leaves an imprint on the expression of his eyes. A tired mother after a sleepless night with a baby, a pensioner living on crumbs, a student who did not receive a scholarship that he was counting on - everyone has peculiar expressions in their eyes. If, for example, you are in a close relationship with such people, you will definitely understand the reason for such a view.

Spatial movements

This or that distance in contacts between individuals is determined by the social status of those communicating, their national characteristics, age, gender, as well as the nature of the relationship of partners. And this is also one of the forms of non-verbal communication that is useful to know. By the way, this knowledge about spatial orientation according to a specific situation is actively used by psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists.

By the location of two people at the table, one can judge the nature of their communication.

1. The position of the corner location is the most favorable for communication between the student and the teacher, the leader with his subordinates, since both have enough space for exchanging views, gesturing. The corner of the table serves as a soothing barrier that protects against unexpected attacks. Their views do not cross, and when difficult points of discussion are touched upon, one can always direct their eyes to a stationary object and concentrate on formulating an answer.

2. Competitive-defensive position - used in heated discussions, disputes, discussions. The interlocutors sit opposite each other, which allows a good overview of facial expressions, gestures made, which can change every second depending on the severity of the issues under discussion. The table-like barrier between them gives a chance of relative safety in case the peaceful discussion suddenly turns into a phase of waving arms and a desire to grab the opponent by the breasts. In this case, the position opposite each other helps not to miss the non-verbal signals of the interlocutor and respond to them in time.

3. Independent position - indicates an unwillingness to communicate. The interlocutors sit at different corners of the table, which negatively affects the communication process. If you try to change the situation, sit closer, the other person can defiantly get up and leave the room. It is the most negative form of communication at the table and a form of non-verbal communication in general.

4. The position of directed cooperation - there are no physical barriers between the participants in the conversation, they sit side by side. Communication is confidential and intimate. In this position, almost all issues and topics can be discussed, since the interlocutors fully accept each other.

According to the position of two talking people, their degree of proximity to each other, types of personal spaces are distinguished:
- public (the distance between them is more than 3.5 meters);
- social (from 3.5 to 1.5 meters);
- personal (from 1.5 meters to 40 cm);
- intimate and super-intimate (from 40 cm and closer).

If an unfamiliar person tries to overstep your personal distance, you will instinctively step back or stretch out your arms to prevent intrusion into your personal space. You may feel anger, increased heart rate, adrenaline rush. If you are in a situation where an invasion is imminent (elevator, crowded transport), we recommend that you try to remain calm, do not talk to him, it is better to refuse even non-verbal contact with him (do not look the person in the eye).

An interesting experiment was conducted regarding the preservation of its territorial space. After the briefing, the girl was asked to sit next to the student at the table in the library. She imperceptibly tried to sit as close as possible, and with each of her attempts, the neighbor instinctively moved back to the edge. Each of you experienced a similar desire in such a situation to maintain your territory with the help of various non-verbal gestures, for example, moving your elbow away, shielding your shoulder from an annoying neighbor, pulling your head in.

Maintaining personal distance can also be seen in transport. It has been noticed that in an empty transport people sit one by one in paired places. If they are not there, they take a place next to a trustworthy neighbor, turning away in the other direction.

Another example of non-verbal communication. In the park, people like to take up all the space on the benches. If someone else comes up to someone sitting alone and asks for permission to sit down, as a rule, he receives consent. But very soon the first leaves, looking for a free shop.

V countryside the concept of personal space is much broader than in the city. The interlocutors can talk at a distance of 2-5 meters, and this is not a problem or inconvenience. In the city, where there is a fairly high population density, personal territorial space is narrowed to a minimum, and again, this does not interfere with free communication. The greatest discomfort is experienced by a rural resident while in the city. He will literally physically feel the lack of air and space. There is evidence of how many adaptation problems they had when moving to the city, how they experienced a painful longing for the expanses of fields and meadows, the silence and freshness of the air, saturated with the peculiar aromas of earth and grass. What can we say about psychological suffering in dealing with a large number of absolutely indifferent people who are always in a hurry on important matters.

An intimate distance is secretly established between close people, in which everyone feels comfortable. A change in the previously established boundaries of personal space may indicate the emergence of a different type of relationship. A vivid example of such non-verbal communication: a guy and a girl who have just met each other establish a social distance. As the relationship deepens and develops, the distance is replaced by a personal and intimate one.

By the spatial arrangement of several people in a room, you can determine who sympathizes with whom, even if they do not advertise their feelings. Their benevolent attitude towards the neighbor is expressed in the body turned towards him, the head and the toes of the shoes directed at him. If a boring person is caught in communication, but you want to talk with an interesting girl, the toes of your feet are in her direction, although the body continues to be turned towards the boring person.

Once in a certain room, people often break into small groups and begin their discussions inside them. It is interesting to trace the means of non-verbal communication in such a situation. For example, when an outsider tries to join the group. He first comes closer. The group looks back at him, and if he arouses antipathy, the circle of conversation imperceptibly closes, so that he is on the sidelines. If he attracted the attention of the interlocutors, a small passage is formed, where the new participant is wedged. In case of loss of interest in the newcomer, the circle imperceptibly pushes him out, forming a chain of active members of the group.

Concluding this review, MirSovetov will allow himself to note that the above classification of non-verbal means of communication is by no means complete and complete. It reflects only one side of the variety of ways a person enters society. After all, no matter how long a person lives, he constantly brings new and new options for communication, which are the most relevant in specific circumstances.

The ability to correctly interpret non-verbal signals will greatly facilitate attempts to integrate into any sphere of human relations and will serve you well more than once in critical situations.

Every person is a social being. We cannot live without communication. At birth, the child is already in social group, consisting of medical staff and mom. Growing up, he communicates with relatives, friends, gradually acquiring all the necessary social skills. It is impossible to live a quality life without communication. But this is not such an easy process as it seems at first glance. Communication has a multi-level structure and features that must be taken into account when transmitting or receiving information.

Communication as a way to carry out life activities for a person

Well-known psychologists have determined that a person in his life makes two types of contacts:

  1. With nature.
  2. With people.

These contacts are called communication. There are many definitions for this concept. Communication is called:

  • a special form of interaction between people and their interpersonal relationships;
  • friendly or business relationship of a person with another person;
  • interaction of a group of people (starting from 2 people) for the exchange of information, knowledge of the world, which can be affective-evaluative in nature;
  • the process of conversation, conversation, dialogue;
  • mental contact between people, which is manifested through a sense of community, the implementation of joint actions, the exchange of information.

What is the difference between communication and communication

Communication covers all aspects of human contact. These are contacts with nature, and with neighbors, and at work. Communication is subject to certain requirements and rules. This concept presupposes specific goals for communication that at least one of the parties of the communication process has. Verbal communication (speech is its main means) is subject to strict rules, depending on its type. The communicator (the person who takes an active part in the communication process) has specific tasks that are designed to influence the other participant in the conversation. This process is more appropriate for business communication. That is why there is the concept of "verbal business communication, which is applicable only in official communication and involves a verbal exchange of information.

Two main types of communication

The process of exchanging information and influencing all participants in communication is divided into two large groups. In these groups, all the functions of communication must be carried out, otherwise it will not be productive.

Verbal communication involves the verbal transmission of information. In this process, someone is talking and someone is listening.

Non-verbal communication occurs due to the implementation of the optokinetic system of signs. Gestures, facial expressions, pantomime are appropriate here, special attention is paid to tone and intonation, eye contact occurs. This way of communication outwardly expresses the inner world of a person, his personal development.

Verbal communication - what is it?

We use verbal communication almost every minute of our interaction with people. We constantly exchange information, teach someone, listen to the flow of words ourselves, and so on. Verbal communication involves listening and speaking. In the process of such communication, its own structure is determined, it is attended by:

  • "What?" - message.
  • "Who?" - communicator.
  • "How?" - specific transmission channels.
  • "To whom?" - the object of communication.
  • "What effect?" - the influence of interlocutors on each other, who pursue certain goals for communication.

The means of this type of communication

Verbal means of communication include speech, language, word. Language - as a way of communication for people and the transfer of information - appeared a very long time ago. It is a communication tool. The word of the language is a symbolic symbol that can have several meanings at the same time. Verbal communication cannot do without speech, which can be oral and written, internal and external, and so on. It should be noted that inner speech is not a means of transmitting information. It is not accessible to other people. Therefore, verbal speech communication does not include it in its system of means.

Speech helps a person to encode certain information and transmit it to the interlocutor. It is through her that the informant influences his interlocutor, inspiring him with his point of view. While the interlocutor in his own way can perceive it. This is where the main functions and verbal means of communication begin to work.

Her forms

The forms of verbal communication include oral and written speech, as well as such forms of interaction as monologue and dialogue. Depending on the development of events, oral speech may acquire signs of a dialogue or monologue.

Forms of verbal communication include different types of dialogues:

  • actual - the exchange of information with the recipient for only one purpose - to support the conversation, sometimes it is perceived as a ritual (for example, when the question "how are you" does not involve listening to the answer);
  • informational - an active process of information exchange, presentation or discussion of any important topic;
  • debatable - occurs when there is a contradiction in two or more points of view on the same problem, the purpose of such a dialogue is to influence people to change their behavior;
  • confessional - a confidential type of dialogue, which involves the expression of deep feelings and experiences.

Monologues in everyday life are not as common as dialogues. Verbal and non-verbal communication can be present in a monologue, when during a report or lecture a person not only provides information, but also accompanies it with facial expressions, gestures, raised tone and changing intonation. In this case, both words and gestures become a specific code of the message being transmitted. For the effective perception of these codes, it is necessary to understand them (it is difficult for a Russian person to understand a Chinese, just as certain gestures are incomprehensible to a simple layman).

Types of verbal communication

Speech communication has its own types. We have already listed the main ones - this is speech in all its manifestations, dialogue, monologue. Features of verbal communication are that it contains more private types of communication.

  1. A conversation is a verbal exchange of opinions, thoughts, knowledge. This process can involve two and more people who communicate in a relaxed atmosphere. Conversation is used when a problem is highlighted or an issue is clarified.
  2. An interview is a little different from a conversation in a formality. The topics of the interviews are narrow professional, scientific or social issues.
  3. Dispute - a dispute on scientific or any socially important topics. This type is also included in the concept of "verbal communication". Communication within the dispute between people is limited.
  4. The discussion, in turn, is also public, but the result is important in it. Discussed here different opinions on a particular issue, different points of view and positions are presented. As a result, everyone comes to some one opinion and a solution to the controversial issue.
  5. A dispute is a confrontation of opinions, a kind of verbal struggle in order to defend one's opinion.

Features of the processes of speech communication

The processes of verbal communication can take place with certain difficulties. Since two or more people take part in such communication, with their own interpretation of the information, unforeseen tense moments may arise. Such moments are called communication barriers. Both verbal and non-verbal means of communication are subject to such barriers.

  1. Logical - a barrier at the level of the logic of information perception. It occurs when people interact with different types and forms of thought. The acceptance and understanding of the information provided to him depends on the intellect of a person.
  2. Stylistic - occurs when the order of the information provided is violated and its form and content do not match. If a person starts the news from the end, the interlocutor will have a misunderstanding of the purpose of its presentation. The message has its own structure: first, the attention of the interlocutor arises, then his interest, from him there is a transition to the main provisions and questions, and only then there is a conclusion from everything that has been said.
  3. Semantic - such a barrier appears when people with different cultures communicate, the meanings of the words used and the meaning of the message do not match.
  4. Phonetic - this barrier arises with the features of the informant's speech: fuzzy speaking, quiet intonation, shifting logical stress.

Means of non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is an external form of manifestation of the inner world of a person. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are correlated in one message to varying degrees. They can complement each other, accompany, contradict or replace. It has been proven that the transmission of information is carried out with the help of words by only 7%, sounds occupy 38%, and non-verbal means occupy 55%. We see that non-verbal communication occupies a very important place in human communication.

The main means of communication without words are gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, eye contact systems, as well as a certain intonation and tone of voice. The main means of non-verbal communication also include human postures. For someone who knows how to interpret them, postures can say a lot about a person's emotional state.

Features of non-verbal communication

In communication without words, everything is important: how a person holds his back (posture), how far he is, what gestures, facial expressions, postures, views, and so on. There are certain areas of non-verbal communication that determine the effectiveness of communication.

  1. Public - more than 400 cm from the informant, such communication is often used in classrooms and during rallies.
  2. Social - 120-400 cm distance between people, for example, at official meetings, with people whom we do not know well.
  3. Personal - 46-120 cm, conversation with friends, colleagues, visual contact takes place.
  4. Intimate - 15-45 cm, communication with loved ones, you can not speak loudly, tactile contact, trust. With a violent violation of this zone, blood pressure may increase, the heartbeat may become more frequent. This phenomenon can be observed in a heavily filled bus.

Verbal and non-verbal communication are processes that will help to achieve efficiency in negotiations, if these zones are not violated.

Sign language

Gestures are usually called socially practiced movements that can convey the emotional mood of a person. There are a very large number of gestures, and they are all classified according to the purpose of transmitting information by a person and his internal state. Gestures are:

  • illustrators (complement the message);
  • regulators (you can see the attitude of a person);
  • emblems (common symbols);
  • affectors (transmission of emotions);
  • estimates;
  • confidence;
  • uncertainty;
  • self-control;
  • expectations;
  • denials;
  • location;
  • dominance;
  • insincerity;
  • courtship.

By how a person behaves during a conversation, one can determine his internal state, how interested he is in the exchange of information, and whether there is sincerity.

Human facial expressions

Human facial expressions are also a way of informing. With the immobility of the face, 10-15% of all information is lost. If a person is lying or hiding something, then his eyes meet the eyes of the interlocutor for less than a third of the time of the entire conversation. The left side of a person's face more often gives out emotions. With the help of the eyes or the curvature of the lips, accurate messages about the state of the person are given. This happens due to the behavior of the pupils - their contraction and expansion is beyond our control. When we experience emotions of fear or sympathy, the pupils change characteristically.

Non-verbal communication and its features


Snezhana Ivanova

Non-verbal communication includes: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, voice timbre, distance between interlocutors and body position during a conversation.

According to statistics, when people interact, only 7% of information is really transmitted through coherent speech, the remaining 93% we receive through sign language. This concept is a whole science, the successful development of which contributes to the formation of a better understanding between partners. Non-verbal communication helps to form a sense of trust between interlocutors, deep contact of souls. It has been noticed that the more openly we feel in front of a person, the more actively we show non-verbal means of communication. This means that in the process of interacting with pleasant people, a person smiles more often, his face looks relaxed, his eyes shine. Non-verbal interaction includes: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, voice timbre, distance between interlocutors and body position during a conversation.

Sign language itself has a number of characteristics that help you better understand the subject of the conversation and literally "live" it from beginning to end. Your interlocutor cannot consciously control the signals sent, since such things cannot be controlled, which means that by definition he cannot deceive you. What are the significant features to designate such a concept as non-verbal communication?

Features of non-verbal communication

Accurately reflects feelings

Whatever you experience: anger, surprise, disappointment, happiness or sadness - your facial expressions and gestures will definitely tell the interlocutor about it. Not everyone really knows how to read faces, but on a subconscious level, a person always feels whether they are telling him the truth or want to deceive. It has been noticed that a liar constantly brings his palm to his face: either covers his mouth, or imperceptibly scratches his nose or eyelid. Such manifestations indicate a hidden intention to deliberately mislead the interlocutor, to give deliberately incorrect information to achieve personal gain.

Non-verbal interaction is able to fully reflect the feelings and emotions experienced at the moment. That is why it becomes almost impossible to hide the state of being in love from others. Being in this unforgettable feeling, a person ceases to control himself: he begins to show exactly those emotions that currently guide thoughts and actions. The boundaries of reality are erased, the person feels inspiration and delight from the happy opportunity to be himself.

Opportunity to achieve deep understanding

Non-verbal communication is different in that it helps people get to know each other better through interaction. If we are attentive enough to our interlocutor, then we will soon begin to understand the true motives of his actions and actions. This is because during personal interaction we had the opportunity to observe all those signs and expressions of feelings that characterize the emotional state of a person.

The possibility of achieving deep mutual understanding increases rapidly in cases where both interlocutors are tuned to effective interaction. The process of non-verbal communication helps them to concentrate on each other and catch messages and signs that are invisible to others.

Non-verbal means of communication: types

Non-verbal means are the accompanying elements of communication, they complement the conversation, give it more emotionality. Without these significant factors, any interaction would become too formal, would acquire an official connotation.

facial expressions

Non-verbal interaction necessarily affects the facial expressions of a person. It complements any process of communication, makes it as bright and saturated as possible. When we talk with a person, we always look him in the face, expecting to see confirmation or refutation of our thoughts there. Even if the interlocutor does not respond to our words, then internally we always know whether he agrees with us or not. Emotions tend to be very strongly reflected on the face. Human facial expressions change depending on the emotions experienced, which allows us to better understand who is nearby.

Non-verbal means of communication help to better understand what the other person is experiencing at the moment. Facial expression is the main element of displaying feelings. For example, anger can be felt by wide open eyes, drawn together eyebrows and downturned corners of the lips. The state of happiness cannot be confused with anything else: an open look, the corners of the lips are raised, the eyes are shining. Surprise is expressed in the fact that the mouth is slightly open, the eyebrows are raised up. In a state of fear, a person tends to clamp down strongly: his eyes are averted or lowered, his facial expressions are sluggish, as if frozen. When the subject is in a state of deep sadness, he ceases to notice the surrounding people and events, but simply plunges into himself, often closing in on his own experiences. At this moment, the person is not able to interact productively with other people, to be useful in some way, since she herself needs help and comfort.

Gestures and postures

The process of non-verbal communication is based on the subconscious capture of signals from the person with whom we communicate. The way a person sits largely determines his attitude to the subject of conversation and to the interlocutor in particular. In the case of sincere interest, the subject usually seeks to get close to the one who is most sympathetic to him. Even if a person does not have the opportunity or is simply embarrassed to approach, then his legs will take the exact direction where he would like to go at that moment.

Uncertainty is expressed in involuntary scratching of the ears or folded hands on the chest. You can sometimes notice how some people in a stressful situation do not know where to put their hands. At the very least, this indicates that they are experiencing a feeling of intense anxiety and are trying to control their excitement. In a state of openness, a person behaves freely and uninhibited: the whole body is relaxed, the look is relaxed and positive. Happiness literally extends to everything we do: everywhere it accompanies lightness and good mood.

The feeling of superiority over others makes the person straighten his back, take a leading position: the head is raised up, the shoulders are straightened, the eyelids are somewhat closed. Such an expression means something like this: “I know everything better than you, and therefore you must obey me”

In a state of boredom, a person usually tends to prop his cheek with his palm and sit in this position for a long time. The back is bent, the look is floating, dispersed.

Criticality is manifested in the fact that the subject puts his hand to his cheek and straightens his index finger along its entire length. At the same time, the eyes follow the surroundings from time to time. So non-verbal communication can tell a lot, tell the innermost secrets of a person.

Intonation and timbre of the voice

We are often accustomed to perceive exactly the words of the opponent, and not how exactly he pronounces them. Nevertheless, our subconscious mind always determines exactly how people treat us, what opinion about us is formed from the outside. These or other feelings always affect the voice, and non-verbal communication helps to understand this.

Excitement causes the subject to speak in abrupt phrases, sometimes "swallowing" endings and even whole words. At the same time, it often seems that a person wants to prove something: he goes astray, sometimes gets confused in his own statements. Being in a state of excitement, we are unable to soberly assess the situation in which we find ourselves.

Uncertainty is manifested by the appearance during a conversation of an unreasonable cough, various nervous twitches. Some people are completely lost and are literally afraid to raise their eyes to the interlocutor, others suddenly start talking incessantly.

Enthusiasm and joy are manifested by a high tone of voice, the speech itself sounds confident and measured. In this mood, the subject feels that he can handle everything and he will be able to overcome any obstacles.

visual contact

Non-verbal communication is of great importance in the process of interaction itself. Visual contact is very important for establishing close, trusting relationships. Sincerity between partners is born from an inner feeling of mutual respect and acceptance. The ability to look the interlocutor in the eye and understand him with his soul and heart is the greatest achievement. The closer the distance between the interlocutors during a conversation, the more open they can be towards each other. As a rule, close proximity is chosen by friends and relatives, the distance is kept with colleagues and subordinates.

Thus, non-verbal communication is an integral system of mutually influencing signals and actions, which, in turn, affect the quality and effectiveness of interaction between partners.

Communication is carried out different means. Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Verbal communication(sign) is carried out with the help of words. Verbal means of communication include human speech. Communication experts have calculated that modern man pronounces approximately 30,000 words a day, or more than 3,000 words per hour.

Depending on the intentions of the communicants (to tell something, learn, express an assessment, attitude, encourage something, agree, etc.), various speech texts arise. Any text (written or oral) implements a system of language.

So, language is a system of signs and ways of connecting them, which serves as an instrument for expressing thoughts, feelings and wills of people and is the most important means of human communication. The language is used in a wide variety of functions:

  • Communicative. Language acts as the main means of communication. Due to the presence of such a function in the language, people have the opportunity to fully communicate with their own kind.
  • Cognitive. Language as an expression of the activity of consciousness. We receive most of the information about the world through language.
  • accumulative. Language as a means of accumulation and storage of knowledge. The person tries to keep the acquired experience and knowledge in order to use them in the future. In everyday life, notes, diaries, notebooks help us out. And the "notebooks" of all mankind are all sorts of monuments of writing and fiction, which would be impossible without the existence of a written language.
  • constructive. Language as a means of forming thoughts. With the help of language, the thought “materializes”, acquires a sound form. Expressed verbally, the thought becomes distinct, clear to the speaker himself.
  • emotional. Language as one of the means of expressing feelings and emotions. This function is realized in speech only when the emotional attitude of a person to what he is talking about is directly expressed. Intonation plays a big role in this.
  • Contact setting. Language as a means of establishing contact between people. Sometimes communication seems to be aimless, its information content is zero, only the ground is being prepared for further fruitful, trusting communication.
  • ethnic. Language as a means of uniting people.

Speech activity is understood as a situation when a person uses language to communicate with other people. There are several types of speech activity:

  • speaking - the use of language in order to communicate something;
  • listening - perception of the content of sounding speech;
  • writing - fixing the content of speech on paper;
  • reading is the perception of information recorded on paper.

From the point of view of the form of existence of the language, communication is divided into oral and written, and from the point of view of the number of participants - into interpersonal and mass.

Any national language is heterogeneous, it exists in different forms. From the point of view of social and cultural status, literary and non-literary forms of the language are distinguished.

The literary form of the language, otherwise - the literary language, is understood by the speakers as exemplary. Main feature literary language- the presence of stable norms.

Literary language has two forms: oral and written. The first is a spoken speech, and the second is a graphical one. The oral form is original. Non-literary forms of the language include territorial and social dialects, vernacular.

For the psychology of activity and behavior, non-verbal means of communication are of particular importance. In non-verbal communication, the means of transmitting information are non-verbal signs (poses, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, attitudes, spatial arrangement, etc.).

To the main non-verbal means of communication relate:
Kinetics - considers the external manifestation of human feelings and emotions in the process of communication. It includes:

  • gesture;
  • facial expressions;
  • pantomime.


Gestures are various movements of the hands and head. Sign language is the oldest way to achieve mutual understanding. In different historical eras and different peoples had their own generally accepted ways of gesticulation. Currently, attempts are even being made to create gesture dictionaries. Quite a lot is known about the information that gestures carry. First of all, the amount of gesture is important. Different peoples have developed and entered into natural forms of expression of feelings various cultural norms of strength and frequency of gestures. M. Argyle's studies, which studied the frequency and strength of gestures in different cultures, showed that within one hour the Finns gesticulated 1 time, the French - 20, the Italians - 80, the Mexicans - 180.

The intensity of gestures can grow along with an increase in the emotional arousal of a person, and also if you want to achieve a more complete understanding between partners, especially if it is difficult.

The specific meaning of individual gestures is different in different cultures. However, in all cultures there are similar gestures, among which are:

  • Communicative (gestures of greeting, farewell, attracting attention, prohibitions, affirmative, negative, interrogative, etc.)
  • Modal, i.e. expressing assessment and attitude (gestures of approval, satisfaction, trust and distrust, etc.).
  • Descriptive gestures that make sense only in the context of a verbal utterance.

facial expressions

Facial expressions are the movements of the muscles of the face, main indicator feelings. Studies have shown that with a motionless or invisible face of the interlocutor, up to 10-15% of information is lost. There are over 20,000 descriptions of facial expressions in the literature. The main characteristic of facial expressions is its integrity and dynamism. This means that in the facial expression of the six basic emotional states (anger, joy, fear, sadness, surprise, disgust), all facial muscle movements are coordinated. The main informative load in the mimic plan is carried by eyebrows and lips.

Visual contact is also exclusively important element communication. Looking at the speaker means not only interest, but also helps to focus on what we are being told. Communicating people usually look into each other's eyes for no more than 10 seconds. If we are looked at a little, we have reason to believe that we or what we say are treated badly, and if there is too much, this may be perceived as a challenge or a good attitude towards us. In addition, it has been observed that when a person lies or tries to hide information, his eyes meet the eyes of a partner for less than 1/3 of the conversation time.

In part, the longitude of a person's gaze depends on what nation he belongs to. Southern Europeans have a high gaze frequency that may be offensive to others, and the Japanese look at the neck rather than the face when talking.

According to its specificity, a look can be:

  • Business - when the gaze is fixed on the forehead of the interlocutor, this implies the creation of a serious atmosphere of business partnership
  • Social - the look is concentrated in a triangle between the eyes and the mouth, this contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of easy secular communication.
  • Intimate - the gaze is not directed into the eyes of the interlocutor, but below the face - to chest level. Such a look indicates a great interest in each other in communication.
  • A sidelong glance is used to convey interest or hostility. If it is accompanied by slightly raised eyebrows or a smile, it indicates interest. If it is accompanied by a frowning forehead or lowered corners of the mouth, this indicates a critical or suspicious attitude towards the interlocutor.

Pantomime- this is gait, posture, posture, general motor skills of the whole body.

Gait is the way a person moves. Its components are: rhythm, step dynamics, amplitude of body transfer during movement, body weight. By the gait of a person, one can judge the well-being of a person, his character, age. In psychological studies, people recognized emotions such as anger, suffering, pride, happiness by walking. It turned out that a "heavy" gait is typical for people who are angry, "light" - for joyful ones. A proud person has the longest stride, and if a person suffers, his gait is lethargic, oppressed, such a person rarely looks up or in the direction he is walking.

In addition, it can be argued that people who walk quickly, waving their arms, are confident in themselves, have a clear goal and are ready to realize it. Those who always keep their hands in their pockets are likely to be very critical and secretive, as a rule, they like to put other people down. A person who keeps his hands on his hips seeks to achieve his goals in the shortest possible way in the minimum amount of time.

Pose is the position of the body. The human body is able to take about 1000 stable different positions. Posture shows how a given person perceives his status in relation to the status of other persons present. Persons with higher status adopt a more relaxed posture. Otherwise, conflict situations may arise.

One of the first to point out the role of a person's posture as a means in non-verbal communication was the psychologist A. Sheflen. In further studies conducted by V. Schubts, it was revealed that the main semantic content of the posture is the individual's placement of his body in relation to the interlocutor. This placement indicates either closeness or a disposition for communication.

A pose in which a person crosses his arms and legs is called a closed position. Arms crossed on the chest are a modified version of the barrier that a person puts up between himself and his interlocutor. A closed posture is perceived as a posture of distrust, disagreement, opposition, criticism. Moreover, about a third of the information perceived from such a posture is not absorbed by the interlocutor. The easiest way to get out of this pose is to offer something to hold or look at.

An open position is one in which the arms and legs are not crossed, the body is directed towards the interlocutor, and the palms and feet are turned towards the communication partner. This is a posture of trust, consent, goodwill, psychological comfort.

If a person is interested in communication, he will focus on the interlocutor and lean towards him, and if he is not very interested, on the contrary, orient himself to the side and lean back. A person who wants to make himself known will keep himself upright, in a tense state, with his shoulders turned; a person who does not need to emphasize his status and position will be relaxed, calm, in a free, relaxed position.

The best way to achieve mutual understanding with the interlocutor is to copy his posture and gestures.

Takeshika- the role of touch in the process of non-verbal communication. Handshakes, kisses, stroking, pushing, etc. stand out here. Dynamic touch has been proven to be a biologically necessary form of stimulation. A person's use of dynamic touch in communication is determined by many factors: the status of partners, their age, gender, degree of acquaintance.

Inadequate use of tactical means by a person can lead to conflicts in communication. For example, a pat on the shoulder is possible only under the condition of close relations, equality social position in society.

handshake- a multi-speaking gesture, known since ancient times. Primitive people at a meeting extended their hands to each other with open palms forward to show their unarmedness. This gesture has changed over time, and its variants have appeared, such as waving the hand in the air, placing the palm on the chest, and many others, including the handshake. Often a handshake can be very informative, especially its intensity and duration.

Handshakes are divided into 3 types:

  • dominant (hand on top, palm turned down);
  • submissive (hand below, palm turned up);
  • equal.

The dominant handshake is the most aggressive form of it. With a dominant (powerful) handshake, a person tells the other that he wants to dominate the communication process.

A submissive handshake is necessary in situations where a person wants to give the initiative to another, to let him feel like a master of the situation.

A gesture called "glove" is often used: a person wraps both hands around the other's hand. The initiator of this gesture emphasizes that he is honest and can be trusted. However, the “glove” gesture should be applied to well-known people, because at the first meeting, it can have the opposite effect.

A firm handshake up to the crunch of fingers is a hallmark of an aggressive, tough person.

A sign of aggressiveness is also shaking with an unbent, straight hand. Its main purpose is to keep a distance and prevent a person from entering his intimate zone. The same goal is pursued by shaking the fingertips, but such a handshake indicates that a person is not confident in himself.

Proxemics- defines areas of the most effective communication. E. Hall identifies four main areas of communication:

  • Intimate zone (15-45 cm) - a person allows only people close to him into it. In this zone, a quiet confidential conversation is conducted, tactile contacts are made. Violation of this zone by outsiders causes physiological changes in the body: increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, rush of blood to the head, release of adrenaline, etc. The intrusion of an “alien” into this zone is regarded as a threat.
  • Personal (personal) zone (45 - 120 cm) - a zone of everyday communication with friends and colleagues. Only visual eye contact is allowed.
  • Social zone (120 - 400 cm) - a zone for official meetings and negotiations, meetings, administrative conversations.
  • Public zone (more than 400 cm) - a zone of communication with large groups of people during lectures, rallies, public speaking, etc.

In communication, it is also important to pay attention to vocal characteristics related to non-verbal communication.
Prosody- this is the general name of such rhythmic-intonational aspects of speech as pitch, volume of voice, its timbre.

Extralinguistics- this is the inclusion in speech of pauses and various non-morphological phenomena of a person: crying, coughing, laughing, sighing, etc.

The flow of speech is regulated by prosodic and extralinguistic means, linguistic means of communication are saved, they supplement, replace and anticipate speech statements, express emotional states.

It is necessary to be able not only to listen, but also to hear the intonational structure of speech, to evaluate the strength and tone of the voice, the speed of speech, which practically allow us to express our feelings and thoughts.

Although nature has endowed people with a unique voice, they give color to it themselves. Those who tend to sharply change the pitch of their voices tend to be more cheerful. More sociable, more confident, more competent and much more pleasant than people who speak in a monotone.

The feelings experienced by the speaker are reflected primarily in the tone of voice. In it, feelings find their expression regardless of the spoken words. Thus, anger and sadness are usually easily recognized.

A lot of information is given by the strength and height of the voice. Some feelings, such as enthusiasm, joy and distrust, are usually conveyed in a high voice, anger and fear - also in a rather high voice, but in a wider range of tonality, strength and pitch. Feelings such as grief, sadness, fatigue are usually conveyed in a soft and muffled voice with a decrease in intonation towards the end of each phrase.

The speed of speech also reflects feelings. A person speaks quickly if he is excited, worried, talks about his personal difficulties or wants to convince us of something, to persuade. Slow speech most often indicates depression, grief, arrogance, or fatigue.

By making minor mistakes in speech, for example, repeating words, choosing them uncertainly or incorrectly, breaking off phrases in mid-sentence, people involuntarily express their feelings and reveal intentions. Uncertainty in the choice of words manifests itself when the speaker is not sure of himself or is going to surprise us. Usually speech deficiencies are more pronounced with excitement or when a person tries to deceive his interlocutor.

Since the characteristics of the voice depend on the work of various organs of the body, their state is also reflected in it. Emotions change the rhythm of breathing. Fear, for example, paralyzes the larynx, the vocal cords tense, the voice "sits down." With a good mood, the voice becomes deeper and richer in shades. It has a calming effect on others and inspires more confidence.

There is also Feedback: With the help of breathing, you can influence emotions. To do this, it is recommended to sigh noisily, opening your mouth wide. If you breathe deeply and inhale a large amount of air, your mood improves, and your voice involuntarily decreases.

It is important that in the process of communication a person trusts signs of non-verbal communication more than verbal ones. According to experts, facial expressions carry up to 70% of information. When expressing our emotional reactions, we are usually more truthful than in the process of verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication is an important and integral part of the communication process. Facial expressions, gestures, movements, intonation and tone of voice, gaze - all these factors affect the effectiveness of the process of information exchange between the sender and the addressee.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that, with the help of body language, people convey very important, and most importantly, truthful, information in the process of communication. Non-verbal means of communication and their forms came to the attention of researchers relatively recently. The result of their detailed study was the emergence of a new science - non-verbal psychology.

In every person, to one degree or another, two forces counteract: the need for solitude and the thirst for communication with people.
Vladimir Nabokov. Lectures on Russian literature.

The whole truth about non-verbal communication

Analyzing whether our interlocutor is telling the truth, we subconsciously take into account not only words, but also messages transmitted using body language. Scientists have managed to prove that almost 50% of information is transmitted by gestures and facial expressions, and only 7% - by words.

Undoubtedly, the gestural and mimic accompaniment of speech can tell much more about others than their full autobiography.

Non-verbal communication is a side of communication, consisting in the exchange of information between individuals without the help of speech and language means, presented in any sign form. Such means of non-verbal communication as: facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, etc. perform the functions of supplementing and replacing speech, conveying the emotional states of communication partners.

If a few words or sentences are needed to fully describe an emotional state, then to express any feeling in non-verbal means, it is enough to perform just one movement (for example, raise an eyebrow, expressing surprise or nod).

Basic elements of non-verbal communication

Learning the means of non-verbal communication will make our daily communication more effective. The ability to read between the lines is very important in the process of building a strategy of behavior, since various manifestations of non-verbal information exchange can become the key to many mysteries and secrets.

It is believed that not a single person is able to fully control the movements of facial expressions and gestures during a conversation. Even weak signals, instinctively given by the interlocutor, will help to draw the correct conclusions to his opponent.

  • Behavior: by observing changes in human behavior depending on the situation, you can learn a lot useful information. Expression- expressive means: gestures, facial expressions. Haptic interaction: touching, shaking hands, hugging, patting on the back. Sight: duration, direction, change in pupil size. Movement in space: gait, posture while sitting, standing, etc. Individual reactions to various events: speed of movements, their nature (sharp or smooth), completeness, etc.

Modern scientists have nevertheless been able to develop special techniques that can mislead even experts in sign language. Having thoroughly studied some non-verbal techniques, you can use certain elements to convince the interlocutor of the sincerity of your intentions. But this is quite difficult, since the non-verbal accompaniment of speech is activated during the dialogue by our subconscious.

The meaning of some postures and gestures

Almost every day a person comes into contact with other people, communication arises between them. As you know, communication is divided into verbal and non-verbal. The methods of non-verbal communication can include everything except speech, that is, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, postures and more.

Consider below the most popular postures for non-verbal communication:

  • If a person hides his hands behind his back, most likely he wants to deceive you. Widely opened hands, turned palms up, indicate that the interlocutor is friendly and willing to communicate. If your counterpart crossed his arms over his chest, then he feels discomfort and does not want continue the dialogue. Concentrating on a serious issue, a person will involuntarily rub his chin or pinch the bridge of his nose. If, while listening to you, a person constantly covers his mouth with his hand, then you are not speaking convincingly enough If the interlocutor is bored, he props up his head with his hand An energetic handshake, accompanied by a joyful verbal greeting, speaks of the sincere intentions of the person If your counterpart cannot catch the essence of the conversation, he will scratch his ear or neck.

    Hand gestures when speaking

    Hand gestures can tell in sufficient detail about the general mood of the conversation of the interlocutor. The saturation of a person's speech with gestures adds bright colors to the conversation. At the same time, too active gestures or periodically repeated gestures can indicate self-doubt and the presence of internal tension. In general, hand gestures can be divided into open and closed:

    • Open gestures testify to the trust and friendly attitude of the interlocutor. Supplement can serve as a slightly advanced body.
    • Closed hand gestures in almost all cases indicate some discomfort and a person’s desire to “close”. For example, hands located on the elbows and “clasped in the lock” indicate the interlocutor’s unpreparedness for a direct conversation and decision-making at the moment. If a person has a ring on his finger, and he periodically touches and scrolls it, then this gesture indicates nervous tension.
    If the interlocutor, while at the table, raises his hand to his lips, then most likely he wants to hide certain information or deceive. You should also pay attention to the gesture when the interlocutor touches his ear with his fingers, as it means a desire to end the conversation.

    Leg position for communication

    • attention position: Open pose with legs together, toes slightly apart. This position indicates a neutral behavior of a person.
    • The position in which the legs are apart is most characteristic of the male half of humanity., since it is some signal of dominance. At the same time, this position indicates confidence, a person stands firmly on his feet.
    • If one leg of the interlocutor is put forward the other, then this gesture can reveal his intentions regarding the conversation. In the case when a person’s sock is directed to the side when talking with you, this means that he is not averse to leaving as soon as possible. And, on the contrary, when the sock is turned towards the interlocutor, the person is carried away by the conversation.

    Crossed Leg Variations

    All crossed leg positions indicate a closed attitude and defense. Often, a person takes this position of the legs, experiencing discomfort and stress. In combination with crossed arms (most often in the chest area), the posture indicates a person’s desire to protect himself from what is happening and the inability to perceive information. The position called "hooking legs", characteristic of women, means fear, discomfort and tightness.


    Human gestures are sometimes much more eloquent than his words. Therefore, when talking with an interlocutor, due attention should be paid to gestures.