What to do if the work does not please. If your favorite work does not bring joy - what to do? Two models of emotional attitude to work

90% of people hate their jobs. For them, it is a modern form of slavery. For fear of being left on the street without a piece of bread and with unpaid bills, a person spends hours, weeks, years on a business that brings him nothing but disappointment. Well-known American businessman, investment consultant and publicist James Altucher, whose blog Altucher. Confidentially read by hundreds of thousands of people, advises anyone who does not make work happy to quit immediately. In a recent article for TechCrunch, he lists ten reasons why this should be done now.

According to Altucher, the current state of the world economy creates all the conditions to leave the hateful offices and begin to implement their brilliant ideas. “You can't make money without selling something substantial. You can't do anything significant without using your imagination. You cannot have imagination without indulging in the idea of ​​creating something of value for other people,” the investor writes.

In order to live a new life, many illusions must be abandoned. One is that the middle class is long dead. With current technology, companies are moving away from in-house workers in favor of outsourcing and remote workers. Business centers are empty, and the number of office plankton is drastically reduced. The time of clerks has passed: today, sitting out your pants in the office can no longer be considered a career achievement. According to Altucher, the American Dream never really existed. It was just a marketing ploy invented by Fannie Mae.

The second strong reason for early dismissal is the development of technology. Most of the jobs needed in the 20th century are not needed today. Thanks to electronics, the need for live employees has been drastically reduced. The 2008 crisis gave corporations the opportunity to get rid of employees with a clear conscience. Now the economy is recovering, but jobs are not returning. Therefore, it is better to leave now yourself, otherwise after a while you will simply be thrown out into the street as unnecessary.

Third, corporations don't like their employees. They are interested in the result, the finished product, financial performance. Personal, career and creative aspirations of employees only irritate employers. They want dutiful and obedient mediocrities who work 90 hours a week, don't demand a raise, and don't claim their rights at all.

The fourth reason is that money does not make people happy. Therefore, you should not work only for the sake of money. Scientific studies have shown that an increase in salary does not give a similar increase in the level of happiness. This is because people spend everything they earn. They spend their extra money on things that they absolutely do not need: new accessories for the car, a TV with a slightly larger screen, a sofa of “actual” colors. Salary handouts, Altucher believes, do not give people what they really need: freedom from financial turmoil.

The fifth argument in favor of leaving a job you hate is that the life of a forced laborer can be destroyed by several people at once - a boss, a partner, a client - with one decision. The employee has to kowtow to them. “The only way to avoid this situation is to diversify your activities, where no one particular person - the buyer, boss or client - can not make such a decision that can make you rich or destroy you, fulfill the dreams of a lifetime or destroy them,” believes the author of the article.

Further, each person should answer the question: does the work meet his physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs. If the answer is “no” (for example, overload interferes with creativity and does not leave time for developing your own business), then such work should be parted without the slightest doubt.

It is also worth running away from office slavery immediately because your retirement plan is a waste of money. The savings myth has dissolved: inflation will eat up most of it. All you have to do is spend your whole life doing things you don't like to do so that you can live in poverty in retirement, or be brave and find yourself: open your own business, start a new project, or change your lifestyle so that you do not think always about money.

The eighth good reason for immediately leaving a boring job is to prove to yourself that all those excuses because of which you still have not done this are not worth a damn. “I’m too old”, “I have to raise children”, “I’m not creative enough” are just ridiculous excuses that do not allow you to get out of prison, even when the door to freedom is open and the sun is shining outside.

It's okay to take small steps towards your goal of freedom, Altucher says. Even if circumstances do not allow you to write a letter of resignation the moment you finish reading this article, you need to start right now preparing the right ground for this. It is necessary to understand exactly how you want to restructure your life, and in your daily activities be guided by these settings.

Finally, the tenth reason for firing an eccentric blogger is the simple thesis that abundance never stems from your work. It can only be achieved by getting out of prison, out of the narrow framework of "home - work - home". You need to strive to make the world around you better, and then he himself will tell you how to succeed. “Until you set yourself up for success and everything that this choice entails, you will be locked up in prison. You will look into your partner's eyes for a hint of whether he or she loves you. But gradually the light will fade, the heat of another body will grow cold, and once again you will fall asleep without dreams in this darkness,” the author concludes.

Isn't all work fun? How to find the "weak link"? Finding resources in the four areas of life. Rituals and their role in the search for joy. The regime of the day, week, month - what to do to feel better at work. What can be changed and where to start the change?

It was still dark outside. I wanted to sleep so much that it seemed that if I blinked, my eyes would close together and nothing would make them open. But the alarm rang and rang. And it will ring for a long time, every two minutes. He lies so far away on purpose. To turn it off, you need to jump out of bed, quickly run across the cold tiles (also by design), grab the phone from the shelf and, together with it, flicker back under the warm blanket. And while in bed, you still have to solve an arithmetic problem that blocks the call off.

While all these operations are being carried out, the dream disappears. More precisely, he hides somewhere in a corner, surreptitiously raising his voice every hour - either with a yawn, or with a memory of the bed, or with sudden impotence. Then it needs to be drowned out, best of all with a cup of coffee.

Getting out of bed, she runs to the bathroom, then quickly to the kitchen, half asleep making coffee and pouring boiling water over oatmeal. The main thing is not to burn yourself with boiling water. Don't pour it on your feet. The main thing is to have time!

Throwing coffee - at work you can drink without finishing oatmeal - anyway, you don’t want to eat anything at such an early hour, she hastily threw on her clothes. Fastening her jacket on the go, she closed the doors with a lock ...

She froze, staring into the night. I imagined how she enters the office, how she greets me, how she takes a pen and marks her arrival ... And then - the same thing, for many, many years now ... A wave of nausea rolled over and clung to her stomach. She realized that she just couldn't go anywhere right now. With trembling hands she opened the door, stumbled into the apartment and sank to the floor ...

Many years ago, Grigory Skovoroda wrote about "kind of work" - about work that is "kindred" with us, close to us, gives pleasure, joy from its performance. This is what we dreamed of doing, what we do well and what we like. Being engaged in "related" work, a person can be happy.

Calculate the time it takes you to work (per day).

Let's say you work the standard 8 hours. Round trip time is another 2 hours. Total - 10 hours.

Count how many hours you sleep. The average figure is 8 hours.

So, sleep + work = 18 hours.

There are 24 hours in a day, no matter how sad it is to realize.

24-18 = 6 hours.

You only have 6 hours left to live outside of work.

No matter how pleasant the work is, sooner or later you get tired of it. At some point, you begin to understand that he no longer brings the joy that he brought before.

And you have to work. So it turns out that we often spend a lot of time in a place that we either don’t like or simply doesn’t bring much joy. This cannot but be reflected in those 6 hours that remain for us personally.

The more “non-joy” at work, the less joy we bring to the time left for ourselves. Because there is no strength to rejoice. We forget how it's done. And to return this joy is not so easy. Depression can occur in a week, and to get out of it, it will take about two to three months of work with a psychotherapist.

Let's find joy together! It can be found, you just need to know where.

Determine the "weak link". The weak link is the place where your energy disappears and life becomes like twilight. In fact, this place is not the whole "work", but only part of it. It may be more, it may be less, but it is only a part. How to understand what kind of link it is? There are not so many of them. And if I missed something, you are free to add your points.

Schedule. Too tight, too hard, or none at all. Well, that is, it seems to exist, but you do not have time to do everything at this time, and your working day turns into a working day. Or you have to come too early. Or it's too late to leave. Or it does not coincide with the schedule of the spouse, the schedule of the kindergarten, school, sections for which your child is enrolled. Or ... (write your inconvenience).

Think about it: if the schedule were different, there would be more joy at work and less displeasure at work.

And also think: what are the advantages of such a schedule. Do you still get something, since you continue to work there? You get more done, you earn more... Make a list of these pluses.

Place of work. Far from home or too close. Noisy. Quiet. Not very environmentally friendly. Not aesthetic. It is inconvenient to get there - five transfers and then on foot along the gullies.

If it was in another place - everything would be fine? Or not?

Workplace. Here you are at your workplace. How are you there? Maybe you don't have it at all. Or you share it with someone who is always sticking his sandwich in your papers. It's uncomfortable furniture. Or the table is in such a cold place that you always have a cold. Too hot. Noisy. Unpleasant odors.

Work process. You don't like the process itself. It's not what you dreamed of. From one kind (papers, machine tools, computers, etc.) you are tempted to run away to hell. Or do you like it in principle, but there are nuances: a better machine, a more modern monitor and faster processors, not so many tasks from the authorities and a little understanding that you have two hands, not four, and 24 hours a day, not 48.

Payment. It seems to you that you are not paid as much as your work is worth. Too little. Or too much. Or irregular. Or every time you do not know what you will get - all or nothing. Your salary does not depend on your efforts. Or it depends, but also on the mood of the boss, who can issue a bonus or pay a fine.

Result. You do not see the result of your work. This is a typical problem for working with people who come and go, and we do not know how their fate developed further. Or the result of the work is not appreciated. Or no one understands how much effort you put into the work. Other people may not see the result of the work or may not know that your merit is in it.

Relations. Everything seems to be good at work, but the relationship does not add up. With whom exactly? bosses. Colleagues. Clients. And how does this manifest itself? Think and make yourself a list of difficulties. Determine whether you are having trouble with all your superiors or only with a specific one. Do all colleagues dissatisfy you or just some? Are all clients always? Or only some and sometimes?

Justice. This is a topic in which both payment for work, relationships, and results are tied at once. You work in a team and you know how everyone does their job. And you know how you work. You also know how you and (sometimes) your colleagues are paid. The American psychologist J.S. Adams was the first to describe how we compare our contribution to work and remuneration for it, as well as the contribution of colleagues and their remuneration. And if there is an imbalance - someone works less, but gets more, or vice versa, then there is an internal tension, a drop in motivation, an unwillingness to work. By the way, here is the key to understanding the low interest in the work of civil servants.

We measure our capabilities and desires for change. This was a short list of problem areas that you can add to. Its main task is to help you localize the problem, limit the minuses with a palisade in order to bring them together and sort it out. Because otherwise they scatter all over the field, and it seems that all the work is not a joy ... But it turns out that the point is not in all the work, but in one thing! And this one is easier to deal with than all!

If you've ticked off a few things that take away the joy of work, consider what category they fall into: "I can change that" or "I can't change that." Keep in mind: it often seems that something cannot be changed, but in reality everything is different!

So, even if it seems impossible, try it. Sometimes, in order to change something in the outside world, you need to start with internal changes. Then the perspective will change and you will be able to see everything in a new light.

And although it seems that work on changes should start with “cons”, with “problems”, this is not so. You do not yet have the strength to solve the problem itself. First you need to gain strength. Before diving into the depths with scuba gear, you need to learn how to use it.

Looking for resources! We create resources!

To search for resources, pick up a crystal. Not simple, but a crystal by N. Pezeshkian. The crystal is very simple, but its simplicity is its genius.

Four spheres of life that simultaneously serve as both a source of resources and their sinks. Draw this crystal for yourself and imagine that you have one hundred percent of your life energy. Distribute it among these four spheres.

Now look, where is the most force going?

Usually to work!

And where is the least?

Usually on the body.

An important note: the most “exhausted” area of ​​life often turns out to be the most resourceful if you start paying attention to it!

Body. Our body is a resource of enormous power. In fact, it contains the brain, do not forget about it. Without a normally working body, the brain cannot last long, and, as a result, depression, loss of motivation, loss of the meaning of life. So let's start taking care of ourselves.

The first is physical activity. Do what you want and how you want. You can download video tutorials, you can run, you can jump. The main thing is to start little by little and let the sweat come out. If you feel like skipping after a week (and you will, that's for sure), say no and drag yourself out of bed. Monitor your condition while charging. Sleepy at first, it will gradually wake up, colors will appear around, forces will begin to flow to the body. Put yourself a tick for such an increase in strength. This is something that was difficult to achieve with morning coffee and other things.

At first, the body may be indignant - it is not used to it. Do you know how much has accumulated: salts, waste, fats; it will all start to come out. There may be a slight deterioration in the condition, but it is temporary, and this is normal. During charging, you may experience dizziness, stomach pain, and other symptoms. If they are disturbing, then stop there, do not break yourself, move gradually. Do more tomorrow.

The second is nutrition. Your brain needs adequate nutrition to function properly. It consumes 20% of the energy of the entire body, despite the fact that it weighs only 2% of body weight! And you feed him once a day, in the evening, because you didn’t have time in the morning, there is no time in the afternoon ... Where does he get strength from? It's like an engine that gets gas intermittently. Will he be able to work properly? Not!

If it's difficult to organize this on your own, look for a good nutritionist who can help you create a meal plan.

Be aware of fluids: in the heat of work, we often forget to drink, limiting ourselves to a cup of coffee or tea at lunchtime. You need to drink a lot, and high-quality water! After two or three days, you will notice how the headache and fatigue gradually go away. Try it!

Third, fresh air. Let's give ourselves a chance to breathe. At any opportunity away from the office, in the cold, in the rain or snow! Away from smoking rooms, enclosed spaces without ventilation. Say "yes" to the drafts! What if the office is in the city center? It does not matter, and there you can find places where there is fresh air.

The fourth is pleasure. Make your body feel good - what it likes: massage, peeling, bath, sex, walks ... Make a list of what you like, and go ahead, add it to your life. I want a cake - allow yourself, make it a kind of victory ritual. End of the week - a trip to your favorite cafe. If you can’t, but really want to, then sometimes you can.

Fifth - mode. This is the answer to the question of where to find the time for all this. We’ll talk more about the mode a little later, but for now, think about what you can remove from your daily activities so that you have time for important things. Maybe an extra hour in front of the TV. Maybe an extra round of tanks. Maybe a meeting you don't want to go to.

Activity. What can be done if it takes so much strength? Remember one hundred percent? If you add energy to your body, there will be less of it in activity. Does this mean that activities will suffer? Not at all. On the contrary, you will be able to do everything better and faster. Because there are already more forces, the brain began to work as it should, gasoline appeared!

Success is very important for work. The feeling of success gives strength. Look at your work and answer: “What have you done that you can praise yourself for?” No, don't compare yourself to anyone. And with the old one too. Then and now are, as they say, two big differences. It doesn’t matter that the success is small, tell yourself: “Yes, I succeeded!” Let them manage to put the folder in the closet correctly, write the patient's illness code, not be late for work, just come to work. Look for your successes, good luck and put them in a piggy bank. Better yet, write it down in a notepad. In the evening, look through and tell everyone: “Yes, this is good!”

You will see how day by day it will become easier and easier for you. As your success will grow, so will your mood.

Rest is important for work! Especially after work. Yes, there are times when it seems that you need to think only about work! But if you think about it all the time, there will be no strength left to solve the problem. And the decision will not come. Therefore, try to put the work on "pause". When you get home from work, take a look around. Listen to the sounds around you. Consider people's faces. Read a book. Listen to music. Dream about meeting your loved one.

Communication, traditions. We communicate everywhere, including at work. This area is communication not about work. Maybe at work, but not about her. This is communication with friends, relatives, neighbors, loved ones, children. See if you have enough energy in this area? Or is it worth adding? Or subtract? After all, there is an excess of communication, sometimes you want silence and loneliness.

If it is not enough, think why? No time? Or not with anyone? Or both?

View your phone list. Maybe there is someone you would like to see? Try calling him. Or write.

If there is a lot of communication, think about whether you need so much? If you want to reduce, make a list of contacts and decide who in your life is not really needed? Who takes time and effort without bringing anything in return? What will change if you spend less time with this person and say: “Sorry, I can’t today - I just don’t want to”?

Fantasies, values, spirituality. In the heat of everyday life, we often forget why we actually work. Like - it's good. And if not, then, perhaps, there was some purpose? Dream? A wish? Which?

Fantasy is what a compass is to a ship. Without it, you can get lost and swim, swim, circling in one place until you run out of water and supplies. Or until he hits the shore of some island.

Remember your dreams. What are they about?

You can just lie down and dream, let go of your fantasy, let it float at the behest of the wind. Now write down all your fantasies and try to rewrite them as goals. Think about whether your work brings you closer to these goals? And what can be done to bring it closer?

Sometimes fantasies seem to live a separate life. Watch the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It is about a man who fantasizes for any reason, but does little to bring fantasies to life. At some point, everything changes, but I'm talking about something else. The fact that sometimes it’s worth working with dreams, turning them into goals. And then they will become a real and powerful resource. Helps with this "reification" and planning. "Reification" - writing down goals, posting photos or pictures with them, pinning flyers. Planning is a more time-consuming process. Having turned a dream into a goal, we think about what needs to be done to achieve it, and we get several smaller goals that are already more achievable. And so on, until we get to what can be done today: go to bed earlier, wake up earlier, kiss a child, look for a tour operator.

We create rituals and change rituals. Rituals help to gain a sense of the ground under your feet, solid ground from which you can push off. The main thing in the ritual is to do it with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. Let a few seconds, but with full dedication.

A ritual can be something quite ordinary, but helping to wake up, get together, tune in, think. The same cup of morning coffee, but brewed not in a hurry, but with pleasure in the smell, color, the sound of grain grinding; drunk not in one sip, but in small sips, each of which you will fully experience, feeling how the taste changes, how the aftertaste does not let go of the tongue for a long time. You can drink and watch the world wake up, watch it for just a few minutes, but these minutes will give you more strength than caffeine itself.

The ritual can be coming to work, meeting colleagues with a smile, morning tea and talking about life.

Take a look at your life: where can you find a place for ritual?

And also: maybe there are rituals unproductive, interfering?

In the morning you run out of the house so as not to be late for the minibus. It's a ritual, but does it give you a sense of joy? Try walking or cycling. In the evening you come and sit down at the TV. Does it relax you? Try to take a shower and cook something from oriental cuisine; buy "growing crystals" on the way home and grow them with your son; take out a dusty box of chess and play a game with your wife.

Eradicate unproductive rituals, replace them with new, useful ones!

We normalize the mode. By changing the mode, you can find time for rituals, and for your body, and for many other things.

Daily regime. See when you go to bed and how you wake up. If this is a problem, to start with an effort of will, start going to bed earlier than usual. At least an hour earlier. At first it will be difficult to fall asleep, as the body is already accustomed to living in a different rhythm, but in a few evenings it will rebuild itself. And you will start to get enough sleep, and maybe wake up before the alarm. If you woke up earlier, get up, do not get enough sleep, pull yourself out of bed, even if it's a day off. From such an oversleeping, there will be more harm than from getting up early. Also adjust your diet. Once a day is not food, get away from this way of life. I have had clients who were able to pull out of depression in two or three weeks by simply adjusting their diet. Try. At first, it will also be difficult, but if you have done morning exercises, then the body will already be ready for breakfast. Eat what you love, what tastes good. If you don't like oatmeal - don't, look for your morning product. Even if it is borscht, if you like it, let it be.

Weekly mode. It just so happens that the days are organized into weeks. They also have their own rhythm, their own cycles. It is very important to give yourself rest - active, saturating with strength, and not taking them away. Trips to the castles of Ukraine, trips to swimming pools and water parks, walks in the forest and games on the street - this is what you should fill your day off with.

Let this also be a ritual. You will immediately realize how good it is, how it renews you. Besides, it's a great topic of conversation. You can draw other people into your hobby and you will have a support team. And the relationship in the team will definitely improve. You will become closer and more interesting to each other.

Month mode. Also try to do something special every month: fast, go to the mountains, skydive, go to the bathhouse. This will be a thread for you that will help you to hold on, if suddenly the joy is lost again.

We change things around us. Here we come to changes in the outside world. Let's start with the workplace. What could you improve on it? What to add and what to remove?

Write a list. Next to each item, write down who it depends on. Start with those that depend only on you. For example, clean the table, sort the papers, rearrange the table. Any change you make will work for you, inspire confidence in yourself, give you a sense of control over your life.

If not everything depends on you, talk to colleagues. Perhaps someone does not care about noise, does it still work in headphones? And someone is hardened, he is not afraid of drafts? Discuss, try!

In the end, if you have tried everything, and the joy does not increase in any way, maybe you should change jobs?

The doorbell rang. I didn't want to open it at all. All day she would cry, then calm down. Eyes, probably quite red ... Somehow putting herself in order, she went to the door.

There stood Yarik, their courier. He sometimes took papers from her, they exchanged two or three words ... Why is he?

Hello! he smiled. I was sent to check on you.

Well, how am I? - she asked, standing on the threshold and not inviting him further.

Yes, to be honest, no way ... - he said. - I now!

He left, she closed the door. But after a couple of minutes the bell rang again and she automatically opened the door. Yarik was there again, but with a package in his hands.

May I enter?

Well come in...

Where is the kitchen?

There ... - She waved her hand deep into the apartment.

He took off his shoes, jacket and went with the package in the indicated direction. She followed him, not understanding anything and especially not wanting to understand. And Yarik was already putting the kettle on and unpacking what he had brought.

Is there a toaster?

Half an hour later she was sitting at the table with him and eating sandwiches with caviar, washing them down with some stunningly delicious tea. Its aroma hovered in the air, filled the entire kitchen with itself, and then did not disappear for a long time.

I take it you've been covered? - he asked.

Seems to be yes…

The chief said that you can stay at home for a couple of days. And I'm... Can I drop by tomorrow, visit, maybe I'll buy something delicious?

Most people go to work every day. The lucky ones rush there with enthusiasm, replaying the plan of the day ahead in their heads, figuring out how best to cope with what lies ahead. But, alas, there are few of them. Most often, people despondently trudge to the place of service, like lambs to the slaughter, foreseeing another boring, gray day in a disgusting, dusty office or in some other, no less dull place. What is the way out? To stay in the infinite right up to the exit to a well-deserved rest? Or maybe you need to change something?

Weigh all the pros and cons

If you experience daily discomfort due to the fact that you do not like your work, and it does not bring you the slightest satisfaction, you must urgently take action, otherwise, they warn you, you risk falling into a protracted depression. Work, whether you like it or not, takes eighty-five percent of your life, if only because you spend the whole daylight hours on it, even if you are a happy family man, you have a lot of friends and acquaintances, an interesting hobby. It is up to you to decide whether to look for another place or get used to it. Changing jobs is a serious step, and of course, it should be considered. Weigh all the pros and cons. Perhaps compensation for boring, routine work in your case is a decent salary. Why not change anything in our time of economic instability, when many would be happy to be in your place?

It is possible that you are satisfied with a flexible schedule - this is also a reason, especially for people who do not tolerate any kind of framework. But if you are kept in a hateful job only by the fact that there is a good team here, or dubious considerations like “they don’t look for good from good”, “the best is the enemy of the good” - think about it. It is possible that in this way you justify your inertia, indecision. After all, with sound reasoning, it is unlikely that all the nice people have gathered in your office - for sure they are found in other places. Believe me, worthy colleagues are easier to find than a good job.

Well, as for the second argument, they don’t look for good when everything suits them anyway. And if you live from Saturday to Saturday - what kind of good is that?

Change not the job, but the attitude towards it

Well, if you still decide to act cautiously, not to take radical measures, you have only one way - try to change your attitude towards work and employees.

Look at your responsibilities in a new light. In the end, any, even the most routine, business can be approached creatively. Creativity never hurts! It is possible that your creative attitude will contribute to a successful career. And there, you look, and excitement will appear.

If you don’t like the work itself, but the general atmosphere, if you have conflicts with colleagues, analyze what is the reason for them. It is possible that the matter is not in others, but in you, and then changing jobs will not help - in a new place you will encounter exactly the same problems.

If we are talking about an interpersonal conflict, the person is unpleasant to you, you are also unpleasant to him, each of you does not miss the opportunity to put a spoke in the wheels of another, first of all, try to step back. Get out of the game, do not react to his attacks, be emphatically correct. If friction arises on professional grounds, it seems to you that wrong decisions are being made that can harm the common cause, try to prove your point of view, involve an “independent expert” - an employee who can objectively judge your differences.

To dispel the last doubts, take a vacation. Try to forget about the problems for this time, completely switch off, relax. When in a week or two you return to the workplace and look at the situation with a fresh look, it will immediately become clear to you - your dissatisfaction with work and colleagues was objective, or you were just tired and are now ready to continue working with renewed vigor.

If you still decide

So, having weighed all the pros and cons, you are still going to change jobs. If this is not a spontaneous, but really thoughtful decision, make a plan to "retreat to predetermined positions."

First of all, determine for yourself the date - when you must find a new place.

Firstly, it disciplines you, and secondly, in this way this intention will cease to be a Manilov project, but will turn into a clearly set goal that must be achieved. And further. If you decide to leave, but do not take any action, then your attitude to the matter changes ("Why should I strain myself if I will not be here very soon?"). This attitude can eventually become a habit and hurt your future career.

Formulate for yourself - what do you expect from a new job. Maybe you need to change the field of activity or occupation. Let's say you're tired of paperwork and want to deal with people. Why not start teaching then?

Or your hobby is photography, and you have achieved a certain professionalism in this matter. Perhaps in your case, a hobby can become a job. You will do what you love, and you will be paid for it - isn't that happiness?

The main thing is to abandon stereotypes. In the end, nowhere is it written that you can work only in the specialty received in your youth. Contact psychologists - there are many tests that are designed specifically for those who need career guidance, not only for schoolchildren and applicants, but also for adults who feel that the time has come for a change.

So, break the conventional wisdom and go for it! A new job will help you regain your peace of mind and feel an incomparable feeling of joy and fullness of life.

People can make different demands on the place of work: high wages, friendly staff, the presence of a canteen, proximity to home. But all these criteria will quickly lose their appeal if the work is not interesting or if it brings not joy, but a headache and a feeling of dissatisfaction. The list is endless. But the essence of the problem is clear - unloved work.

There is only one question: what to do if work does not bring joy? Change jobs or adapt? Experts believe that extreme measures should be taken only when other opportunities to find satisfaction in the workplace have been exhausted.

Choice of profession.

First of all, let's face it: almost always the source of problems lies in the initial choice of profession. You can change many jobs, but sooner or later you will still find working conditions that suit you only if you are committed to your profession.

If initially you were able to understand yourself and made the right choice by enrolling in an educational institution for a specialty that you sincerely dreamed of, and which became “yours”.

But if you were convinced that “this is a profitable place”, or “family traditions should be continued”, or “this is a suitable profession for a woman”, and your enthusiasm at that time was at zero, then it will be much more difficult to find an outlet in work.

Nevertheless, even such a case is not hopeless. Let's find out how to love the thing you do regularly during work hours.

Create a work ethic.

If work does not bring joy, but you still need to work somehow, try to create a working mood for yourself.

  1. If you have never done morning exercises - it's time to start! Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual and do some light exercise. A surge of vivacity after the exercises will lead you to tone, and the physical state of a person, as you know, is directly related to the emotional state.
  2. 5 minutes before leaving the house, conduct a meditation session aimed at loving others and the world in general - this will help you relieve excessive anxiety.
  3. During work, try to take breaks for lunch and coffee breaks. This will allow you to take a break from the busy work rhythm and “reboot”. As a result, you will return to business with renewed vigor.
  4. Surround yourself with nice little things. Put in the workplace your favorite photo of a loved one or an object that makes you happy and warms your soul.
  5. Do not react to external stimuli. A pushy colleague, a finicky customer, or a frustrated boss are people you can't control, so don't even try. It is better to abstract and try to be as restrained and polite as possible in dealing with them.
  6. Don't expect praise from management or peers. Your legitimate reward is officially only a salary, so if you are waiting for other rewards, praise yourself. Tell yourself that you are a great worker who is brilliant at your job.
  7. Try to radiate goodwill and self-confidence. Be a pleasant person to interact with. Then you can surround yourself with friends and loyal customers.
  8. Strive to do the work at 100%, or better - at 110%. So you will feel more confident and can earn the approval of management.

How to reboot yourself if work does not bring joy. Here are some tips from psychologists to help you get ready for the day.

  1. Try to visualize your working day exactly as you would like it to be.
  2. Link work to your life goals. Explain to yourself why you are going to it.
  3. On the way to work, you can listen to positive music or read an interesting book - this will give you the necessary positive charge.
  4. Follow Munchausen's advice: "Smile, gentlemen!"
  5. Try to do all the most important and responsible things in the morning, when the energy supply has not yet been exhausted.
  6. Don't stay at work if it's a burden to you. There is no point in bearing the burden of a trouble-free employee if your soul is torn to freedom, and your mind constantly reminds you: today there is a parent meeting at school, and the refrigerator is empty at home. At the end of the day, leave the workplace without remorse if there are important things waiting for you outside of it.
  7. At the end of the working day, remember all the pleasant moments that you had.

How to turn work into a hobby.

The word work is associated with the word slave. If work does not bring joy, then you are a slave to your work. Well, if you enjoy your activities, this is no longer a job, but a hobby.

  • If a once interesting job turns into a real hard labor, the hours drag on for a long time, and it seems to you that Groundhog Day has come, this is an occasion to reflect. Perhaps you have stayed too long in one place, and it's time to conquer the new Everest.
  • Think about prospects. What results will your work bring to you in a year, in five years, and even ten? Will you find yourself in the chair of the boss, go on maternity leave with good capital, master all the subtleties of your favorite profession? Or will you stay at your workplace without any prospects?
  • Try to spend your lunch break outside the office. And don't take work home! So you will have more reasons to miss her.
  • Strive to be the best in your profession. "Corypheus", "pro", "unsurpassed specialist" - how these words warm! A lot of diplomas and diplomas, participation in conferences, writing reports, the opportunity to be recognizable by colleagues ... Recognition of your achievements will significantly increase self-esteem and make it clear that you are "in the right place."

And yet, if the work does not bring joy.

Work is just a part of your life, and not the most important one. And if this part poses a threat to your personal happiness - it destroys you as a person, exhausts you mentally and physically, drives you into stress, cultivates an eternal feeling of guilt - then you should give up such work. For the sake of spiritual integrity.

It is better to earn less money or have less prospects than to drive yourself into a corner and forget how to enjoy life. When the "union" did not work out, the work must be parted. But you need to do it as painlessly as possible for yourself.

If at the moment you are working “for money”, “for security”, “for confidence in the future”, but would like to do something else and you know what exactly, do not make hasty decisions, dramatically changing your life. Let your favorite activity gradually "sprout" from your existing work: act without giving up the resources you have and the opportunities of the experience gained earlier.