Special and private management functions. General and special control functions

The word "function" means activity, work, duty. The functions carried out in the production of material products are divided into executive and organizational, or management functions.

Executive functions are performed by employees in accordance with a specific task and their qualifications.

When performing any managerial function, the synthesis (association) of employees is carried out to perform the tasks set, and their activities are coordinated. It is this element of synthesis in managerial activity that distinguishes management functions from executive functions. The functions of production management are a relatively independent type of synthesizing activity of people, due to the presence of a division of labor in production management. The relativity of this independence lies in the fact that any managerial decision and action is subordinated to the ultimate goal of management.

Management functions can be classified according to various criteria. It is more convenient to divide them into functions of general and specialized management.

The specialized control functions are divided into three groups

Technological functions include the development of rational systems for the production of products, technologies for its creation, processing, storage and transportation;

Providing functions provide for the fulfillment of the requirements of production technology by providing it with everything necessary. This includes engineering, material and technical, cultural and household and economic services.

Coordinating functions provide forecasting of the development of the enterprise; production-economic and operational-technical planning; organization of production processes and labor of people; management, control and regulation of the course of production (operational management).

There are general and special management functions. General functions include forecasting and planning, organization, coordination, motivation (stimulation), accounting and analysis, control.

The special functions of management are in principle the same as the general ones, but only in a certain (special) area of ​​activity: in the sphere of circulation, supply, marketing, production preparation, production maintenance, etc.

Planning is a management function that determines the goals of the activity, the means necessary for this, as well as developing methods that are most effective in specific conditions. Planning also includes making forecasts of the possible direction of the future development of the object in close interaction with its environment.

Planning is the basic, starting function of management. It is with the preparation of the plan that the activity of any firm or company begins.

There are several types of plans.

Strategic (long-term) plans are drawn up for a period of 3 to 5 years. Usually they contain the philosophy of the development of the company, as well as the most general goals outlined by the management.

Medium-term plans are drawn up for a period of one to three years. They contain very specific goals and qualitative characteristics.

Short-term plans are drawn up for a period within one year.

Organization - the formation of the structure of the control object and providing it with all the personnel necessary for normal functioning, initial resources, equipment, buildings, and funds. Organization as a function of management is:

Organizational design - division of the organization into blocks corresponding to the most important areas of activity for the implementation of the organization's goals. This process involves the establishment of the powers of various positions, the definition of official relations of specific individuals.

Organization of the work process - includes ensuring the normal functioning and interaction of various departments of the organization in achieving the planned goals.

The organizational structure is the "product" of the organizational design process and is the formal rules developed by managers for the effective division of labor and distribution of official duties among individuals and groups. The structure characterizes stable connections between the elements of the organization, allows you to determine the areas of control of managers and coordinate all functions.

Motivation is the main element of the regulatory function and is the process of stimulating a person or group of people to activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. This is a special type of managerial activity aimed at activating people working in an organization and encouraging them to work effectively. Stimulation is the process of using various incentives to motivate people. Stimulation takes many forms. In management practice, one of its most common forms is financial incentives.

Control - quantitative and qualitative evaluation and accounting of work results. Control is an element of feedback, since on the basis of its data, earlier decisions, plans, norms and standards are adjusted.

Control, according to the classics of management, links together all the functions of management, as it allows managers to maintain an acceptable state of affairs and correct wrong steps through replanning, reorganization and reorientation. Control is based on feedback.

Control has a strong influence on people's behavior. A poorly designed control system can make the behavior of workers oriented towards it, i.e. people will strive to meet the requirements of control, and not to achieve their goals, which can lead to the issuance of distorted information.

Control is effective if it is strategic in nature, aimed at achieving specific results, carried out in a timely manner and economically.

Coordination is also an element of the regulatory function, ensuring the achievement of coordination in the work of all parts of the system by establishing rational connections (communications) between them.

Any kind of joint activity of people implies a relationship between them, i.e. exchange of any information.

Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information between two or more people.

This process should be called binding. It is he who allows people to coordinate their efforts, act in concert, achieving the goals of the organization. The better the communication process is organized, the more stable, productive and competitive the organization is. Underestimation of the importance of this process by some managers usually leads not only to losses of firms and companies, but sometimes to the complete cessation of their activities in the market.

The management function is a certain type of labor activity, isolated in the process of specialization of managerial work.

In general, a function is a set of actions that are relatively homogeneous in some way, aimed at achieving a particular goal and at the same time subordinate to the general goal of management.

In management theory, there are:

    general (basic) and

    special (specific) control functions.

General functions are those activities that are not associated with the special specifics of the control object and are common to all controls.

These usually include:






    control and regulation.

This list reflects the stages of the management cycle with sufficient completeness, but it is not universally recognized. There are both narrower and broader lists in the literature.

All general (basic) management functions should be performed in each unit and at each level of management. A characteristic feature of common functions is their mutual penetration into each other.

Planning- this is a type of management activity aimed at setting a goal for the development of an object and developing a program to achieve it. This function is the leading one in the management cycle, since the implementation of other functions is subordinated to the task of achieving common goals.

Organization- a management function whose task is to ensure the achievement of goals. It is the process of creating an organization structure that enables people to work effectively together, as well as providing the work with everything necessary (personnel, materials, equipment, facilities, funds, etc.). The organization includes the division into parts and delegation of the implementation of a common management task by allocating responsibility and authority, as well as establishing relationships between various types of work.

Management- the function of management, which in practical terms is the definition of the general idea of ​​​​management, ensuring the necessary direction for the development of the organization; this is management according to generalized characteristics, strategic guidelines, forecasts, factors of the general activity of employees.

Coordination- management activities that ensure the coordinated interaction of all management actions and functions, the uninterrupted and continuous management process.

Motivation- this is an activity whose purpose is to activate an individual or a group of people to activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

Control- this is a management activity, the task of which is the quantitative and qualitative assessment and accounting of the results of the organization's work.

Regulation- a type of activity through which the characteristics of the system are kept on a certain trajectory and which is aimed at preventing or correcting failures in the development of the organization in relation to the goal.

The variety of organizational forms of construction and purpose of industrial and commercial structures generates a variety of management functions. At the same time, there is a general understanding that "there is a management process applicable to any organization, which consists in the implementation of the functions that every leader should perform."

In addition to general functions, specialized management functions are formed that have specific characteristics that are individual for each specific organization.

Special (or specific) features management - these are management functions that are determined by the belonging of management to the activities of the organization as a whole or to specific stages of the production process.

For example, according to the impact on individual stages of the production process, the following are distinguished: management of the technical preparation of production; organization of the main production; organization of service production; marketing. On the basis of the impact on individual factors of production: personnel management; management of the organization of labor and wages; logistics; financial management.

Specific (special) management functions, their list depends on the specifics of the industry and enterprise. For example, a machine-building enterprise is characterized by such special functions as: design preparation of production; technological preparation of production; main production management (dispatching); maintenance and repair management, etc.

Each special function has in its composition the types of work corresponding to the general functions:


Organization and coordination

Marketing Motivation

Control and regulation

In practice, the ratio of special and general functions is fixed in the management structure. Depending on the importance of the functions and the specific scope of work, special units can be organized and, conversely, it is possible to combine homogeneous general functions for various types of specific activities.

Recently, in a number of works, the emphasis is on such two most important management functions as marketing and innovation.

Marketing covers all areas of the enterprise insofar as they affect the marketability of products and services: from research and development to the purchase of raw materials, production, packaging, transportation, sales to customers, service, etc.

The concept of "innovation" includes the conduct of scientific and technical research and the development of new products and services, as well as the implementation of any changes in the style of the enterprise. Innovation happens when:

    they are already required by the market (marketing concept of organization management);

    a fundamentally new product (service) has been developed and the task is to bring it to the market (the concept of “technological pushing”).

A feature of modern management is to ensure a balance between these two approaches to managing an organization.

Management as a specific activity, its essence, objective necessity.

Control is a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective, purposeful, productive group (Peter Drucker)

Control- is the transfer of the system to a new state by influencing its variables (Bir)

Management stood out as an independent type of activity in the course of the division of labor, with the emergence of its cooperation and an increase in the scale of production.

The formation of management as a science is associated with three important events:

  • growth of large corporations: new management models were required;
  • separation between ownership and control: with the concentration of capital, a few owners came to realize the need for professional property management.
  • development of new theories: as the practice and theory of management become the subject of research, a huge body of knowledge is created that can be transferred to others.

Management- applies only to the organization. (synonyms for us)

Management is:

  • - process, through which professionally trained professionals form and manage organizations through setting goals and developing ways to achieve them;
  • - aggregate management functions(planning, organization, control, motivation), the implementation of which ensures the effective functioning of the organization;
  • - art, those. the ability to achieve goals by directing the work, intelligence and behavior of people working in the organization;
  • - People managing the organization; (specific roles)
  • - governing bodies or apparatus
  • - the science, i.e. an independent field of knowledge that has its own subject of study, its own specific problems, methods and ways to solve them.

The main features inherent in management as a whole are:

1) purposefulness;

2) the impact on the object is a set of measures that allow you to change the nature of the functioning of systems and transfer them to the desired state.

Management is divided into:

  • the subject (body) of management is the active part that generates control actions;
  • the object of control is the passive part to which control actions are directed.

The system is in its original state, i.e. without control is full of uncertainty and its behavior is chaotic. Management destroys uncertainty based on the emergence and processing of information. Information reduces variety. And reducing diversity is one of the basic principles of governance, not because the system itself is being simplified, but because its behavior is becoming more and more predictable.

The need for management stems from the cooperative, joint nature of labor, i.e. the social nature of labor is associated with the need for its coordination.

General and special control functions. Management as a special function of management. Leadership roles.

Control function- a certain type of labor activity, isolated in the process of specialization of managerial work.

Types of control functions:

1) general (basic);

2) special (specific).

General control functions- types of activities that do not depend on the characteristics of the control object; are implemented on all control objects without exception; are elements of the management cycle:

- planning;- organization and coordination; - control and regulation; - motivation.

Planning- this is a type of management activity aimed at setting a goal for the development of an object and developing a program to achieve it.

Organization - a management function whose task is to ensure the achievement of goals.

Coordination- management activities that ensure the coordinated interaction of all management actions and functions, the uninterrupted and continuous management process.

Control- this is a management activity, the task of which is the quantitative and qualitative assessment and accounting of the results of the organization's work.

Regulation - a type of activity through which the characteristics of the system are kept on a certain trajectory and which is aimed at preventing or correcting failures in the process of development of the organization in relation to the goal.

Motivation - This is an activity whose purpose is to encourage an individual or group of people to activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

Special (specific) control functions- they are not elements of the management cycle; depend on the features of the control object; are not considered equally important for all control objects:

Organization of new tourist routes;


Personnel Management;

The ratio of general and special functions of controls: Each special function contains in its composition the types of work corresponding to the general functions.

Management- a function consisting in coordinating the activities of various management units. Leadership relationships are realized through the activities of a leader at any level, i.e. an official who is endowed with a formal status and is responsible for the activities of the organization and its divisions.

In the modern theory of organization and management, the following types of leadership are distinguished:

direct (with the help of orders, instructions, sanctions for deviation from the program, etc.);

  • indirect (use of motivation mechanisms).

In the process of fulfilling his duties, the leader, according to Mintzberg's definition, assumes 10 roles, which are present to one degree or another at all levels of management and at all periods of time. These roles are grouped into three categories:

1. Interpersonal roles.

1.1. Chief Executive, i.e. symbolic head, whose duties include activities of a legal and social nature.

1.2. Leader, i.e. responsible for the activation and motivation of staff, as well as for the recruitment, training and retraining of staff.

1.3. Connecting link, i.e. the leader is responsible for developing a self-developing network of external contacts.

2. Information roles.

2.1. Information receiver.

2.2. Information Distributor- communicates information received from external sources to the members of the organization.

2.3. A source of information–. communicates information to external contacts of the organization regarding plans, goals, policies, results of work

3. Roles associated with making managerial decisions.

3.1. Resource allocator- makes and approves all significant decisions in the organization.

3.2. Entrepreneur - seeks opportunities for development within and outside the organization.

3.3. Eliminating violations.

3.4. Negotiator- Responsible for representing the organization in all significant negotiations.

Topic 3. Control functions

1. Classification of control functions.

2. General management functions.

3. Special and private management functions.

Classification of control functions

Control functions - these are the types of activities with the help of which the control subsystem affects the control object.

Management functions are divided into general, special and private.

General (basic) control functions inherent in all social management systems (SSU). These are planning, organization, motivation and control.

Special Features related to the mission of the company. These functions dominate the activities of individual enterprises and organizations.

Private Functions have a certain specificity and are associated with non-core activities.

General control functions

1. Planning is a set of actions for the optimal achievement of the company's goals.

Planning can be strategic or tactical. Strategy means drawing up a comprehensive comprehensive plan that ensures the achievement of the goals of the enterprise. The implementation of the strategic plan covers the tactics and policies of the enterprise.

Strategic planning involves 4 types of management activities:

1) allocation of resources;

2) adaptation to the external environment;

3) internal coordination;

4) organizational strategic vision.

The distribution of resources provides for:

Ø the most rational use of equipment, production areas;

Ø optimal maneuvering of commodity resources,

Ø formation of stocks;

Ø acceleration of the turnover of current assets;

Ø minimization of costs (costs) of the enterprise;

Ø optimal placement of frames.

Adaptation to the external environment- strategic actions that improve the relationship of the enterprise with its environment. It is carried out through the development enterprise policy or firms. It provides a general guide for action and decision making.

The policy involves the development and enforcement rules, which precisely determine the course of action in a particular situation.

To implement the strategy, it is necessary to control the implementation of the tasks set. Control involves checking the fulfillment of tasks in terms of scope and timing for the entire range of targets. In addition, control must be effective, i.e., identified shortcomings must be eliminated.

2. Organization - This is a management function, meaning the creation of conditions for the joint effective work of people to achieve the goals of the company.

The organization provides for the existence of authority and responsibility, as well as the delegation of authority.

Powers- the right of the manager to use certain resources of the organization, as well as to direct the efforts of individual employees to perform certain tasks.

Responsibility- the obligation to complete the tasks and be punished for their incorrect implementation.

Delegation transfer of authority and responsibility to another person. At the same time, powers are delegated to positions, and not to a specific person.

Building an organization involves the creation of a management apparatus that would maximally correspond to the strategic plan of the organization, would ensure its effective interaction with the environment and the achievement of its goals.

For the successful implementation of management functions, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the following local principles of organization:

§ purpose principle- the organization and its individual links work in the name of a common goal;

§ the elasticity of the organization- when defining tasks and responsibilities, an optimum should be established between the freedom of action of employees and administrative regulations;

§ sustainability- the control system should be built so that its elements under the influence of the external and internal environment do not change radically;

§ continuous improvement of organizational work;

§ direct subordination– every employee must have one boss;

§ scope of control- the manager is able to provide and supervise the work of a limited number of subordinates in a qualified manner;

§ unconditional responsibility of the leader for the actions of subordinates;

§ proportionality responsibility authority;

§ exception- the implementation of repetitive, routine decisions is entrusted to lower management levels;

§ feature priority- the managerial function gives rise to the governing body, and not vice versa;

§ combination– it is necessary to ensure the optimal combination of centralism and independence.

The need for organizational activity is due to the following:

To achieve their goals, people are forced to unite;

Any joint activity will be more effective if it is determined for each of any team what it should do, what it is responsible for, who controls its work.

In organizational activities, there are 3 main areas:

1) definition of controllability standards, i.e. the number of people who can be effectively managed by one leader.

At the top level of management, the manageability rate is from 4 to 8 people, at lower levels - from 8 to 16 people.

A study by the American Management Association in 100 large companies with annual sales of $1 billion showed that the manageability ranges from 1 to 24 people (with an average of 9 people).

2) establishing the relationship of powers and responsibilities of managers and their subordinates at different levels of management;

3) the formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise, i.e., dividing it into units and establishing links between them.

3. Motivation is a process that encourages a person to act in order to achieve personal goals and the goals of the organization. Motivation requires a clear vision of needs and rewards.

Need- a lack of something that requires satisfaction.

Reward- everything that a person considers valuable for himself.

Motivation should be carried out by the manager, taking into account the knowledge of the needs of his subordinates, which determine human behavior.

There are various theories of motivation. The simplest - Maslow's theory.

The famous American psychoanalyst Abraham Maslow came to the conclusion that there is a hierarchy of needs. She is usually called Maslow's pyramid, which consists of 5 levels:

1) physiological needs - food, clothing, shelter, health, rest.

2) security - social guarantees, pension fund, insurance, etc.

3) social needs - contact with others, communication.

4) self-respect - competence in one's profession, independence, the right to make decisions, career growth

5) self-expression and development - study, creativity.

The basis of Maslow's pyramid is formed by physiological needs.

Drawing - Maslow's pyramid

Another American scientist David McClelland He believed that human behavior is determined by 3 needs:

1) power (the ability to influence others)

2) success (receipt of remuneration for completed work);

3) involvement (the need to establish friendly relations, to provide services, to have ample opportunities for communication).

American scientist Frederick Herzberg The motives of human behavior are divided into:

1) hygienic factors (working conditions, earnings, psychological climate, degree of direct control over work);

2) motivators (success, promotion, recognition and approval of work results).

According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are associated with the external environment, and motivators are associated with the nature and essence of work. In the absence or insufficiency of hygienic factors, a person has dissatisfaction with work.

However, motivation theories developed by American scientists and based on the American system of values ​​are not always acceptable in other countries (for example, in Japan). At the same time, the Japanese value system and the Japanese management system (focus on the group, group responsibility) can hardly be applied in Western countries.

It is quite obvious that the motivation of labor must take into account the mentality of each nation.

Management also uses theories that focus on the process of motivation.

These include: Vroom theory, justice theory and Potter-Lawler theory.

Main content of Vroom's theory is that motivation is determined by the expected performance, the expected reward and the expected value of the reward. This theory is called expectation theory.

Supporters theories of justice they proceed from the fact that people perceive remuneration subjectively and compare it with the remuneration of other people for similar work, and if an employee finds his remuneration unfair, then he significantly reduces the productivity and quality of work.

Potter and Lawrer developed the theory of motivation, which includes elements of the theory of expectations and the theory of justice. According to this theory, the level of effort expended is determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that a certain level of effort will actually entail an appropriate level of reward.

4. Control is the most important management function. This is a verification of the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

Control begins from the moment the goal is set and the task is brought to the executor.

The tasks of control in the management of the production process are to maintain and maintain the order of work established by the plan, to streamline this process. At certain intervals, planned indicators are compared with actual ones, the causes of failures in the course of production and provision of resources are identified.

Control is implemented by checking the information coming from the sphere of the production process in the form of control and accounting documents (feedback).

At each stage of control, according to the information, the state of the production activity of the enterprise and its divisions is revealed. When discrepancies are identified in the implementation of plans, solutions are developed to ensure them, and in some cases, plans are promptly adjusted.

There are several types of control:

1) Preliminary control– should ensure the implementation in practice of established requirements, rules, procedures and standards.

For example, preliminary control in terms of material resources is aimed at ensuring that purchased materials meet established standards;

In terms of labor resources, preliminary control provides for a careful selection of employees when hiring, taking into account job requirements, their business and personal qualities.

In terms of financial resources, such control is carried out with the help of preliminary budgets.

2) Current control- carried out directly in the course of work. Usually it is carried out by the leader himself, checking the work of subordinates. Current control in the control system is based on feedback.

3) Final control- It is usually carried out when the work has already been completed and the results obtained can be compared with the given ones.

The final control is carried out too late in order to respond to problems that have arisen during the work. But still, it allows you to take into account these problems in the future when performing or planning similar work, as well as to reward employees for the results obtained.

In the control process, it is extremely important to choose the right list of parameters to be checked, set tasks and criteria for their implementation.

Special and private control functions

Special functions are associated with the implementation of the functions of the company. They dominate her activities..

For example:

The mission of an industrial enterprise is the release of certain industrial products. Therefore, the special function of the management of an industrial enterprise is production.

The mission of a retail trade company is to sell a certain range of consumer goods to the population. Therefore, the special function of management of such a firm will be commercial activity.

Along with industrial and commercial activities, enterprises carry out such frequent management functions as marketing and innovation.

Marketing helps to expand the field of activity, improve economic performance, create new jobs, and better meet the demand of buyers.

Innovation involves the development of new products and services based on new advances in technology and enterprise management.

Some private management functions at the enterprise provide logistics, economic and engineering services for enterprises. These are regulatory and auxiliary functions.

All of the above management functions serve as the basis for the formation of organizational management structures.

2. Process approach in management

There are several stages in the formation of management science, which reflect the system of views in a certain period of time.

1. The process approach considers management as a process that combines the main functions of management into a series of continuous interrelated actions.

2. A systematic approach to management formulated the concept of the external environment of the enterprise and the importance of the analysis of the external environment for the enterprise.

3. The situational approach tries to link specific methods, technologies with specific situations to achieve the goals of the enterprise with the rational use of resources, it involves the analysis of situational variables.

The process approach was first proposed by adherents of the school of administrative management, who tried to describe the functions of a manager. However, these authors tended to view such functions as independent of each other. The process approach, in contrast, considers management functions as interrelated.

Management is seen as a process because working to achieve goals with the help of others is not some one-time action, but a series of continuous interrelated actions. These activities, each of which is a process in itself, are essential to the success of the organization. They are called managerial functions. Each managerial function is also a process, because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions. The control process is the total sum of all functions.

Henri Fayol, who is credited with the initial development of the concept, believed that there were five original functions. According to him, "to manage means to predict and plan, organize, dispose, coordinate and control."

In general, the management process can be represented as consisting of the functions of planning, organization, motivation and control. These four primary functions of management are united by the connecting processes of communication and decision making. Management (leadership) is considered as an independent activity. It involves the ability to influence individuals and groups of workers in such a way that they work towards the achievement of goals, which is essential for the success of the organization.

The allocation of management functions occurs as a result of the division and specialization of labor in the field of management. Various classifications of management functions are applied.

Planning- this is a type of management activity for setting goals and ways to achieve them. The result of the planning process is a system of plans, including corporate, functional plans, employee plans, etc.

Organization- this is a type of management activity for the development of a management structure, distribution of powers and responsibilities.

Motivation- this is a type of managerial activity to encourage a person to activity, which has a certain target orientation.

Control is a type of management activity to ensure that the organization achieves its goals.

The activity of performing functions is a process that requires certain resources and time. It was the process approach to management that made it possible to see the relationship and interdependence of management functions.

The management process reflects the recommended sequence of functions, or rather the sequence of starting actions to perform functions, since the implementation of multi-loop feedback leads to the simultaneous implementation of functions.

Connecting processes are the process of communication and decision making. Communication process is the process of exchanging information between two or more people. Thanks to communications, managers (management apparatus) receive the information necessary for making decisions and bring the decisions made to the employees of the enterprise. If communications in the enterprise are poorly established, decisions can be erroneous.

Decision making process is the choice of an alternative.

In the process of performing management functions, managers have to make a large number of decisions: when planning: setting goals, determining the necessary resources, choosing ways to achieve goals and objectives; in the implementation of the function of the organization: the structure of production, the structure of management, the organization of the production process, support services and service production, the organization of labor of workers and specialists.

2. Essence and content of management functions

Planning-- this is one of the ways by which leadership ensures a single direction of efforts of all members of the organization towards the achievement of its common goals. With this function, the management process begins, the success of the organization depends on its quality.

Through planning, management seeks to establish the main lines of effort and decision making that will ensure unity of purpose for all members of the organization.

Planning forms:


medium term

Current (budgetary, operational)

Types of plans:

1. Depending on the content of economic activity: production plans, marketing plans, logistics, financial plan, advertising plan, plan for NOT, etc.

2. Depending on the structure of the company: the work plan of the enterprise, section, branch, department. Planning involves a reasonable choice of goals, the definition of policies, the development of measures and activities, the choice of methods for achieving goals. Depending on the direction and nature of the tasks under consideration, there are three types of planning: strategic or long-term; medium-term and tactical or current.

The planning function means the development and adoption of a specific resolution, written or oral, in which a goal or another goal will be set before the object of management. This decision is a management decision.

The planning function involves deciding what the goals of the organization should be and what the members of the organization should do to achieve those goals. At its core, the planning function answers three main questions:

1. Where are we currently located? Managers must assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in important areas such as finance, marketing, manufacturing, research and development, and human resources. All this is done to determine what the organization can realistically achieve.

2. Where do we want to go? By assessing the opportunities and threats in the organization's environment, such as competition, customers, laws, political factors, economic conditions, technology, supply chain, social and cultural change, management determines what the organization's goals should be and what might prevent the organization from achieving those goals.

3. How are we going to do it? Leaders must decide, both broadly and specifically, what the members of the organization must do to achieve the goals of the organization.

Organize means to create a structure. There are many elements that need to be structured so that an organization can carry out its plans and thereby achieve its goal. One of these elements is work, specific tasks of the organization, such as building houses or assembling a radio or providing life insurance.

Сyщнocть фyнкции cocтoит в тoм, чтoбы oбecпeчить выпoлнeниe peшeния c opгaнизaциoннoй cтopoны, тo ecть coздaть тaкиe yпpaвлeнчecкиe oтнoшeния, кoтopыe бы oбecпeчили нaибoлee эффeктивныe cвязи мeждy вceми элeмeнтaми yпpaвляeмoй cиcтeмы.

To organize means to divide into parts and delegate the implementation of a common managerial task by distributing responsibilities and powers, as well as establishing a personal relationship between

The function of the organization is realized in two ways: through administrative and organizational management and through operational management.

Administrative and organizational management involves determining the structure of the company, establishing relationships and distributing functions between all departments, granting rights and establishing responsibilities between employees of the management apparatus.

Operational management ensures the functioning of the company in accordance with the approved plan. It consists in a periodic or continuous comparison of the actual results obtained with the results planned by the plan, and their subsequent adjustment. Operational management is closely related to current planning.

There are two main aspects of the organizational process:

1. Division of the organization into divisions according to goals and strategies.

2. Delegation of powers.

The content of the function is:

Adaptation of the organizational structure of the company to the tasks of the planned activity;

Selection of people for specific work and delegation of powers to them, rights to use the resources of the organization.


The task of the motivation function is to ensure that the members of the organization perform work in accordance with the duties delegated to them and in accordance with the plan. Managers have always carried out the function of motivating their employees, whether they themselves realized it or not.

The essence of the motivation function lies in the fact that the staff of the organization performs work in accordance with the rights and obligations delegated to them and in accordance with the accepted management decisions.

In a general sense, motivation is the process of inducing oneself and others to activities in order to achieve certain goals.

Content theories are based on identifying the inner urges that cause people to act in certain ways. According to the theory of Oil, all human needs can be divided into five groups:

physiological needs - necessary for survival;

the need for security and confidence in the future;

social needs - the need for belonging to any human community, a group of people;

· needs for respect, recognition;

The need for self-expression.

Positioning needs in the form of a strict hierarchical structure, Masloy showed that the needs of the lower levels (physiological and safety needs) require the first choice Before the need for the next level becomes the most powerful determinant of human behavior, the need for the lower cost must be satisfied. The manager needs to observe subordinates to determine what active needs drive them.

D. McClelland identified three levels of needs:

· the need for power - the desire to influence other people. Those who have the highest need for power and have no inclination to adventurism or tyranny "should be prepared to occupy the highest leadership positions;

· the need for success. Is satisfied not with the announcement of the success of any person, but with the process of bringing the work to a successful completion;

· the need for involvement. It means that people are interested in the company of acquaintances, establishing friendly relations, helping others.


Control is the process of ensuring that an organization actually achieves its goals.

1. Control is very important for the successful functioning of the organization.

2. Without control, chaos begins and it becomes impossible to unite the activities of any groups.

3. Monitoring is necessary to detect and resolve emerging problems before they become too serious.

4. Control is used to stimulate successful activity.

5. Control is necessary to deal with an uncertain situation, both internal and external. Uncertainty: changing laws, social values, technology, competitive conditions, etc.

6. Control prevents the emergence of crisis situations.

7. Control supports everything that is successful in the activities of the organization.

8.Breadth control. Control must be comprehensive.

The control function is such a characteristic of management that allows you to identify problems and adjust the activities of the organization accordingly before these problems develop into a crisis. Any organization must have the ability to fix its mistakes in time and correct them before they damage the achievement of the organization's goals.

There are three aspects of managerial control:

Standard setting is the precise definition of goals to be achieved within a given time frame. It is based on the plans developed during the planning process.

It is a measurement of what has actually been achieved over a given period and a comparison of what has been achieved against expected results. If both of these phases are performed correctly, then the management of the organization not only knows that there is a problem in the organization, but also knows the source of this problem.

The stage at which action is taken, if necessary, to correct major deviations from the original plan. One possible action is to review the targets to make them more realistic and relevant to the situation. The teacher, for example, through a system of tests, which is a method of monitoring to determine the progress of students in learning compared to established norms, saw that the group could learn more material than was originally determined. As a result, he may revise curricula to accommodate more material.

The manager must choose one of three lines of conduct: do nothing, eliminate the deviation, or revise the standard.

The following types of control are distinguished:

· preliminary control.

current control

final control.

The control technology is carried out according to the following scheme:

1. choice of control concept (system, process, private check);

2. determination of the goals of control (purposefulness, correctness, regularity and effectiveness of control);

3. establishment of control standards (ethical, industrial, legal);

4. choice of control methods (diagnostic, therapeutic, preliminary, current, final);

5. Determination of the scope and area of ​​control (continuous, episodic, financial, product quality).

3. General and special management functions, criteria for their selection.

Management functions should be understood as relatively separate areas of management activity (labor processes in the field of management), which provide management impact. They reflect the essence and content of management activities at all levels of management.

Management functions arose as a result of the division and specialization of labor.

General management functions - functions that form the management cycle and reflect the specifics of managerial work, regardless of the nature and specifics of the organization's activities. The main functions include: planning, organization, motivation and control.

The planning function occupies a central place among all functions, as it is designed to strictly regulate the behavior of an object in the process of implementing its goals and tasks. The planning function provides for the definition of specific tasks and the development of production programs for each division for various planning periods. The organization of management is a set of techniques, methods, a rational combination of methods and links of the management system and its relationship with the management of objects and other management systems in time and space.

The function of motivation has an impact on the team in the form of incentive motives for effective work through social influence, collective and individual incentive measures.

The control function manifests itself in the form of influencing a team of people by identifying, summarizing, accounting, analyzing the results of the production activities of each workshop and bringing them to the heads of departments and services in order to prepare management decisions. This function is implemented on the basis of operational, statistical, accounting data, identification of deviations from the established performance indicators and analysis of the causes of deviations.

Special control functions- functions, the composition of which is determined by the specifics of the activity of the managed object

Since any organization uses various resources in its activities, it makes sense to talk about the management of these resources. And according to the type of activity of employees of the management apparatus related to the use of enterprise resources, specific management functions can be distinguished.

On the basis of management processes, special functions are the management of the main production, auxiliary production, technical training, logistics, patent and licensing activities, capital construction, and the like.

On the basis of the object - the management of an enterprise, workshop, service, department, section, brigade, and the like.

On the basis of the elements of production and economic activity - management of labor, objects and tools of labor, information.