Instrumentation adjuster: what kind of profession, ranks, training. The program and methodology for commissioning work on instrumentation and automation What is instrumentation and automation

I approve

[position, signature, full name

manager or other

An official authorized


[legal form, job description]

organization name, [day, month, year]

enterprises] M. P.

Job description

adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 6th category [name of organization]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers. Issue 2 Part 2 , Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2011 N 906n "On approval of the Model Norms for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers in chemical industries engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as at work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution", and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 6th category belongs to the category of workers and directly reports to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person with a secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least [value] years is accepted for the position of adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 6th category.

1.3. The adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 6th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the position of the head].

1.4. The adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 6th category must know:

Device, principle of operation and methods of setting up serviced equipment;

Technical conditions for operation;

Rules for the removal of characteristics during testing;

The device and principle of operation of radio tubes, triodes, semiconductor diodes, transistors and their main characteristics;

Methods and methods of electrical and mechanical adjustment of elements and simple blocks of electronic computers, the principle of gain generation;

Rules for receiving radio waves and setting up stations of medium complexity;

Appointment and use of instrumentation (oscilloscope, standard generator, cathode voltmeter, etc.);

Rules for reading measurements and drawing up graphs on them;

Fundamentals of electrical engineering, electronics and radio engineering in the scope of the work performed;

Principles of establishing the modes of operation of individual devices, devices and units;

Principles of regulation of blocks of medium complexity and stabilized power supplies;

Principles of coding and decoding in telemechanics systems;

Technique for setting up digital tracking systems;

The device, purpose and principle of operation of complex mechanisms of radio engineering systems and devices;

Methods and methods of electrical, mechanical and complex adjustment of complex devices and the technological sequence of adjustment;

Layout of complex schemes with processing of their elements;

Fundamentals of mechanics;

Technology for assembling equipment blocks of any complexity;

The design, schemes and principles of operation of electronic counters of cash machines, rejection conveyors, counting and summing and computer control machines;

Methods and methods for setting up various electrical units and complex regulators;

Methods for calculating individual elements of control devices;

Rules for registration of delivery technical documentation;

Fundamentals of telemechanics within the scope of the work performed;

Basics of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of sanitary, personal hygiene;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed;

Types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Production alarm.

2. Job responsibilities

The adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 6th category is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Adjustment of simple electronic heat engineering devices, automatic gas analyzers, control and measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, calculating and analytical mechanisms with fitting and fine-tuning of parts and assemblies.

2.2. Adjustment of control circuits for contact-relay, ionic, electromagnetic and semiconductor electric drives.

2.3. Adjustment, testing and delivery of elements and simple electronic units with the removal of characteristics.

2.4. Drawing up and layout of simple and medium complexity schemes.

2.5. Adjustment of instruments and installations of automatic control of medium complexity with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings.

2.6. Adjustment, testing and commissioning of blocks of medium complexity and power supply systems for electronic computers and control machines, instruments and information-measuring systems.

2.7. Checking the electrical parameters of regulated equipment using various instrumentation.

2.8. Drawing up layout diagrams for regulation and testing of complex mechanisms, devices, systems.

2.9. Adjustment, verification and commissioning of complex schemes of industrial automation, telemechanics, communications, electronic-mechanical testing and electro-hydraulic machines and stands equipped with information and measuring systems.

2.10. Adjustment of counting machines with electronic counters and rejection conveyors for checking and counting coins of various denominations.

2.11. Comprehensive testing of an electronic computer control system with a testing machine.

2.12. Adjustment and testing of electronic computer control machines.

2.13. Drawing up schematic and assembly diagrams for adjustment and testing of complex and prototypes of mechanisms, devices, systems.

2.14. Development of adjustment methods and schemes for connecting regulated equipment with instrumentation and power supplies.

2.15. Adjustment and testing of equipment and units of radio stations, direction finders, radar installations and devices for automatic operation of electronic equipment.

2.16. Performing work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, maintaining the established technical documentation.

2.17. Management of workers of lower ranks of the same profession.

2.18. [Other Job Responsibilities].

3. Types of work

Adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 6th category performs the following types of work:

3.1. Automation in the gas industry - adjustment.

3.2. Automatic power supplies, contactors, limit switches, protection and blocking elements - function check.

3.3. Blocks, components and devices of chemical-thermal and electro-vacuum equipment - regulation.

3.4. Lamp generators - adjustment with the selection of screen voltages, the removal of graduated frequency curves of circuits with power measurements.

3.5. Loop oscilloscopes - medium repair and adjustment.

3.6. Electrical converters - circuit assembly, adjustment and elimination of defects.

3.7. Calculating devices - regulation of nodes.

3.8. The receivers are simple in four to six stages - tuning with the removal of the frequency response.

3.9. Selsyns - regulation and coordination in the scheme of stations in accordance with the technical conditions and instructions.

3.10. Metal-cutting machines, electric drives of locking and control devices of all types - a simple adjustment of the automation circuit.

3.11. Industrial gas installations (oxygen, hydrogen and acetylene stations) - adjustment of equipment, automation and circuits.

3.12. Electrical circuits - oscillography of current and voltage.

3.13. Automation of power supply, pressure and temperature - adjustment and verification.

3.14. Equipment for intra-factory dispatching communication of radio stations and intercoms - adjustment and adjustment.

3.15. Equipment for industrial television, electronic engraving machines - adjustment.

3.16. Telecontrol equipment for non-contact and relay systems - adjustment and adjustment.

3.17. Ultrasonic industrial equipment and flaw detection of medical equipment, phototelegraphs - adjustment.

3.18. Blocks on semiconductor devices - adjustment.

3.19. Blocks, units of complex chemical-thermal and electro-vacuum equipment - adjustment.

3.20. Vibrostands with an electronic control system - adjustment, check.

3.21. Relay protection - adjustment.

3.22. Machines, automatic, electric and electronic self-recording devices - adjustment and testing.

3.23. Automated washing machines - repair and adjustment of software devices.

3.24. Open-hearth, hardening, induction furnaces - adjustment of automation schemes.

3.25. Oxygen and pyrometric instruments - adjustment and testing.

3.26. Devices of corrective and programming devices - adjustment.

3.27. Radio units - connecting the unit to the mains in a circuit with a power supply, setting the wavelength of the high-frequency part, removing the DC mode, checking the radio frequency gain.

3.28. Systems of calculating devices - adjustment.

3.29. Metal-cutting machines of varying complexity and with program control, equipment for flexible technological processes - adjustment of automation.

3.30. Television and electronic-mechanical plotters - adjustment.

3.31. High and low frequency amplifiers (two to five stages of amplification) - adjustment with fitting and adjustment of all parameters of incoming radio tubes, tuning the local oscillator circuits and equalizing the frequency band in bandpass amplifiers and cutoff filters, tuning the resonance, removing and plotting frequency characteristics.

3.32. Complex automation of industrial plants for the production of oxygen, argon, hydrogen, acetylene and other gases - complex adjustment.

3.33. Medical electronic equipment - adjustment.

3.34. Electronic equipment, generators of all types, electronic oscilloscopes, complex non-contact telecontrol systems - adjustment with detection and elimination of damage.

3.35. Complex ultrasonic equipment - adjustment.

3.36. Light-photometric, magnetoelectric, optical-acoustic gas analyzers - adjustment.

3.37. Gas-cutting machines with program control - adjustment.

One of the main characteristics of measuring instruments is the accuracy class (an indicator that describes the permissible error). This value is not static, it changes during operation. As a result, over time, the error may go beyond the permissible limits.

This threatens with many troubles, ranging from disruption of the technological process and ending with the threat of an emergency. Therefore, devices, sensors, measuring mechanisms and other specialized equipment must be regularly calibrated in the instrumentation and control department. Let's talk about the organization of this service and its main tasks.

What is KIPA?

This definition includes all control equipment and automation used in almost various industrial areas and in everyday life. Examples include electricity and water meters, pressure regulators in the oil and gas industry, automation for boiler rooms, etc.

Abbreviation decoding

The abbreviation of this term stands for quite simply - instrumentation and automation. The service with the same name performs the following tasks and functions:

  • implementation of metrological supervision;
  • maintenance, adjustment and repair of measuring equipment;
  • introduction of new automation systems at the enterprise, for example, automated control systems.

In some cases, foremen and adjusters of the "Instrumentation and A" department can be involved in the commissioning of electrical equipment, if there is a production need for it.

Types of instrumentation

The classification of measuring equipment is made depending on the physical and technical characteristics of the instruments, as well as their qualitative and quantitative indicators. By the name of the group, it is easy to determine the purpose of the measuring devices included in it:

  • instruments for measuring temperature - thermometers (A in Fig. 2);
  • devices for determining pressure - pressure gauges (B);
  • flow meters of the working medium or other substances - flow meters (C);
  • determinants of the composition of gas mixtures - gas analyzers (D);
  • tank filling level sensors - level gauges (E), etc.
Figure 2. Different types of measuring instruments

Each of the groups, in turn, is divided into several subgroups, according to the design and principle of operation. For example, manometers, among them there are devices for measuring excess pressure, its difference, or displaying the absolute value. The design of these devices can be electrocontact or mechanical.

Structure of the I&C department

The structure of I&C departments is formed taking into account many factors, of which two key ones can be distinguished:

  • the number of measuring instruments used by the enterprise;
  • service complexity.

Based on these factors, a centralized or decentralized structure of the service is formed. Briefly about each of them.

Features of a centralized structure

This method of forming a subdivision is suitable for enterprises that do not have many measuring instruments, sensors, etc. involved in their technological schemes. This allows you to combine the operation and maintenance department into one service, which is managed by the head of the instrumentation shop. In small enterprises, this managerial person can combine the position of the chief metrologist.

One of the groups of specialists of the service is assigned to certain production areas for regular maintenance of instrumentation (including accounting for instruments and their repair) located on the territory specified in the job description. If necessary, by order of the head of the workshop, this group of specialists can be reinforced by other employees of the service, for example, to carry out extensive repair or installation work.

This structure allows you to create teams of narrow specialization (for example, installers, electricians, electricians, electricians, electricians, electronics engineers, etc.). They are engaged in the repair, adjustment and installation of complex equipment, as well as the commissioning of new systems. After commissioning is completed, the equipment is serviced by a team in charge of the workshop where the installation was made.

Features of a decentralized structure

This method of organization is practiced in large enterprises. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the repair (methodical) unit is a separate service, while the tasks of operation are assigned to the technological workshop. Each of these divisions has its own leadership. The specialists of the methodological division are headed by the chief metrologist, and the employees of the operation department are subordinate to the head of the shop.

The duties of the methodological service include all types of planned, overscheduled and scheduled preventive repairs. Payment for the services rendered is transferred to a separate current account, it is deducted from the funds allocated to the technological workshop of instrumentation and automation.

Depending on the characteristics of production, the operation of the operation service is organized taking into account the specialization of work, or according to technological features.

In the first option, groups of specialists are created who are responsible for the operation of certain types of instrumentation (signaling, automation, controls, etc.). In the second - teams of craftsmen responsible for the operation of equipment of certain technological flows.

In a decentralized structure, the methodological service is financially completely dependent on the technological workshop, since payments for the work done come from its budget.

If a production need arises, operational service can be strengthened by employees of the repair unit or crews responsible for the installation of automation and control systems. The order for this must be issued by the chief instrument operator of the enterprise (metrologist). The operation service must cope with the majority of regular commissioning works on its own.

Main goals

Regardless of the structure of the instrumentation and control service, its main tasks include:

  • creation of conditions under which the uninterrupted operation of all systems for which the unit is responsible will be ensured;
  • ensuring the availability of spare parts, backup equipment for measuring equipment and automation;
  • checking the correct operation of devices located in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the service;
  • regular instructions and training of personnel on the rules and regulations for the operation of automation and control equipment;
  • commissioning of new specialized projects.

Responsibilities of an Instrumentation Mechanic

In accordance with the requirements of the professional standard, the instrumentation and automation fitter must know the principle of operation of the equipment he controls, be able to repair and maintain it. For example, for the maintenance of electrical equipment, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate specialized education, general knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering will not be enough.

Depending on the specifics of the equipment being serviced, the locksmith’s workplace may have the following fixtures and sets of tools: an instrumentation cabinet, shields, equipment installed on consoles, measuring devices, sockets for connecting electrical appliances, etc.

This specialty requires the employee to understand both the equipment entrusted to him and the general technology of the process.

What does an I&C engineer do?

This job has the following responsibilities:

  • organizational work related to ensuring the smooth operation of equipment;
  • responsibility for the introduction of automated equipment;
  • management of instrumentation and automation services, in particular, coordination of teams of specialists;
  • metrological support;
  • preparation of technical documentation (technological map, maintenance schedules, verification, calibration);

  • long-term planning (action plan for a month, quarter, year);
  • acceptance of completed work;
  • drawing up prescriptions, in accordance with the identified shortcomings and comments;
  • organization of control over the fulfillment of tasks.

An example of decoding the stigma of verification

After verification of the device by the instrumentation and control service, the device is marked with an appropriate designation (stamp), as a rule, it carries a certain information component. We give an example of decryption.


  • Verification date (quarter).
  • Image of the Gosstandart sign.
  • The year is encrypted with two digits, in our case 09 - 2009.
  • A code that allows you to determine the service that tested the device;
  • Sign assigned to an employee of the instrumentation and automation equipment.

The profession of a mechanic dealing with instrumentation is becoming more and more relevant every day. What is the reason? This will be discussed further.

Who is an I&C engineer?

Almost any enterprise has a variety of different instruments, sensors, meters and other technical devices. All such equipment must be supervised by someone. The instrumentation adjuster is the very specialist who is able to control the safe and efficient operation of all devices available in the production. So, a professional is obliged to conduct a periodic inspection of the equipment, its high-quality repair or replacement.

It should be noted right away that the profession in question is not so simple. After all, a competent specialist must have a fairly wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities. Without all this, it will not be possible to carry out their work functions qualitatively.

What should an I&C engineer know?

The profession has as many as seven categories, and therefore the knowledge of specialists with different qualifications can differ significantly. However, it is worth highlighting the most basic points that are enshrined in the special job description of the employee. Here are some of them:

  • basics of technological methods of locksmith production;
  • the device of the working tool and its purpose;
  • techniques, methods and means of working with springs in a hot or cold state;
  • methods of performing locksmith work;
  • basics of electrical work;
  • the basics of connecting wires;
  • properties of materials for tinning;
  • the basics of safety, methods and means of protection during work.

And much more. It is also worth giving the basic practical skills that an employee should have. Among them:

  • performing locksmith processing;
  • proper use of tools;
  • high-quality soldering;
  • elimination of defects, etc.

Thus, a mechanic and automation must have a fairly large stock of knowledge and skills. Moreover, this employee must constantly develop his knowledge and skills. After all, progress does not stand still, and working equipment is constantly being improved.

The rights of the instrumentation adjuster

The specialist in question, like any other officially working person, has a certain range of rights. What are these rights? How and when can they be implemented? The instrumentation adjuster, according to a special job description, has the right to:

  • constantly improve their skills and professional skills;
  • demand from management the necessary documents or tools for work;
  • arrange all necessary benefits or social guarantees;
  • receive full salary on time;
  • offer superiors various ideas or plans to improve the organization.

Above, only the most basic rights that the specialist in question has were named.

Responsibility of the instrumentation adjuster

A mechanic for instrumentation and automation has not only rights, but also a certain share of responsibility for some of his actions. What does the special job description fix in this case? Here are key excerpts from that document:

  • the employee bears disciplinary responsibility for staying at the workplace in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • the employee is obliged to bear responsibility for the complete failure or improper performance of his main work functions and duties.

In addition, the employee is responsible for:

  • for causing material damage to the organization;
  • for committing offenses or crimes in the workplace;
  • for conflicts or inciting discord in the work team.

Thus, an instrumentation and automation fitter, like any other employee, is obliged to bear disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for a certain kind of act, depending on their severity and scale.

Required education for work

How and where is it necessary to study in order to get the profession of "instrumentation and automation adjuster"? Training for this profession is available almost everywhere, and it will be almost no difficulty to obtain the education necessary for the specialty. So, the specialty of the same name is present in almost any technical school or college, which can be entered on the basis of 9 classes of the school. The duration of training is about 3-4 years. However, it is worth noting that there are also special courses where you can get qualified much faster. There are, however, they are far from everywhere; but the number of disciplines and curricula does not differ much compared to.

Among the training cycles necessary for obtaining education are:

  • educational practice;
  • Physical Culture;
  • professional certifications.

About the 2nd and 3rd category in the profession

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide characterizes the profession in question as a job with seven categories. Each skill level has its own range of responsibilities and functions. The 2nd and 3rd categories in the profession are, one might say, initial. As a rule, only college graduates who have completed their studies, workers with little experience, etc. are concentrated here. Here are examples of jobs typical for a specialist with a 2nd or 3rd category:

  • work with large relays, distributors and regulators; their assembly and repair;
  • assembly and calibration of copper or platinum resistance thermometers;
  • assembly, repair and adjustment of compact thermocouples;
  • production, repair and commissioning of various degrees of complexity of clamps;
  • drilling, grinding, reaming, pinning and other work with gears, bushings, set rings, screws, etc.

About the 4th and 5th category in the profession

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook contains indications of job descriptions for specialists of the 4th and 5th categories. It is in these documents that the main examples of the work of specialists are fixed. Here are the approximate types of work that a locksmith with the 4th category should carry out:

  • capital or scale commodity or automobile scales with an index device, bunker or analytical scales;
  • repair or restoration of adding machines;
  • replacement of necessary parts in automatic regulators;
  • inspection, repair or adjustment work.

The instrumentation adjuster, having the 5th category, is able to carry out work of approximately the following type:

  • repair and adjustment of sights;
  • replacement of gear axles;
  • balancing of mobile devices;
  • repair of assembly tables;
  • revision of polarized relays, etc.

About the 6th and 7th category in the profession

The ranks of an instrumentation and automation adjuster indicate a lot: the level of education, work experience, professional skills, etc. The 6th and 7th qualification levels are considered quite important and prestigious.

What types of work are typical for specialists with the 6th category?

  • Adjustment on the existing equipment of autoregulators and heat meters.
  • Repair of electronic equipment.
  • Work with automatic portion scales.
  • Work with wagon exemplary scales.
  • Repair of oscilloscopes.
  • Works with
  • Repair, adjustment and commissioning of various electronic selection devices.

What types of work are typical for a specialist with a 7th grade? Here are some examples:

  • testing and verification of microprocessor devices (pressure sensors, differential pressure gauges, etc.);
  • verification and testing work with gas analyzers, measuring instruments (moisture, salt, pressure, etc.).

About the 8th category in the profession

A specialist with the eighth grade is considered the most important and experienced specialist in production. Naturally, this kind of worker is endowed with particularly complex functions. What is the professional standard in this case?

The instrumentation fitter with the latest qualification level, in addition to managerial duties, must also:

  • compile and maintain programs for microprocessor controllers, regulators and other devices;
  • select the necessary characteristics that would meet the efficient, but at the same time economical and optimal operation of the equipment;
  • check, test and commission level gauges, recorders, vibrometers, devices with intelligent pressure sensors, paperless recorders, computer-based devices, etc.

A specialist may have many other functions, but here everything will depend on the orders of the authorities and the place of work.


For friends!


Adjuster of instrumentation and automation - a specialist in the installation of instruments and electrical circuits of various automation systems. The launch of any facility requires a lot of effort from the operational personnel of the instrumentation and automation. It is necessary to study the technological scheme of the new facility, the equipment with which you will have to work, the signaling and blocking schemes, and safety precautions. Most of these functions (checking, installation, adjustment and testing of devices, circuits, systems used in equipment for monitoring, regulating and managing automated processes) are performed by instrumentation and automation adjusters. Their high qualification is evidenced by the fact that in the system of continuing professional education, the profession of an instrumentation and automation adjuster begins with the 4th category, and not from the 2nd, like that of an instrumentation and automation fitter or instrument operator.

Description of activity

Mostly, the instrumentation adjuster works in factories and in production, where he sets up automatic lines, devices that regulate production processes, dispatch communications and other automation. Testing and putting the equipment into operation is also the responsibility of the adjuster.


average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The professional duties of an adjuster of instrumentation and automation depend on his qualification category (from 4 to 8). The instrumentation adjuster performs the installation of instruments and electrical circuits of various automation systems; carries out adjustment of electrical circuits and testing of electronic devices with the removal of characteristics; studies the principles and mode of operation of electronic equipment devices; masters the technology of assembling equipment blocks of any complexity, methods for calculating various elements, control devices; studies and puts into practice technical, technological and operational documentation.