Training program on the method of industrial training. The work program of industrial training in the profession of a plasterer, painter, construction

Added to site:


This program has been developed in accordance with ST0 37.371.09012-2009 “Quality Management System. Training, retraining and improving the competence of personnel. Organization of work”, GOST 12.0.004-99 “Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions”, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003 “On Approval of the Procedure for Training in and Testing the Knowledge of Occupational Safety Requirements for Employees of Organizations” and is intended for professional training of workers in the profession “straightener on machines”.

It includes: qualification characteristics, curriculum, thematic plans and programs on special technology and industrial training to prepare workers for the 2nd category, tickets.

In the section "training", taking into account the specifics of production and possible variable terms of training, only qualification characteristics, educational and thematic plans for special technology and industrial training for the 3rd, 4th category, tickets are given.

The duration of training for new workers is 4 months, in accordance with the current List of professions for the vocational training of workers (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 3477 of 10/29/01). The duration of training for advanced training of workers is determined taking into account the complexity of the material being studied and the skill level of the trainees. The content of the work of workers, as well as the requirements for knowledge and skills in advanced training, are in addition to similar materials of the previous level of qualification of trainees.

Training can be carried out both in group and individual methods.

Qualification characteristics are compiled in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers. Issue 2 Section "Forging and pressing and thermal work" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1999 No. 45 (with amendments and additions)

Changes and additions can be made to the thematic plans of the subject under study, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, within the hours set by the program.

Industrial training is carried out at the workplace of the enterprise.

The master (instructor) of industrial training must train workers in the effective safe organization of labor, the use of new equipment and advanced technologies in the workplace, consider in detail with them ways to increase labor productivity and measures to save materials and energy.

In the process of training, special attention should be paid to the need for a solid assimilation and implementation of all labor safety requirements. For this purpose, the teacher of theoretical and master (instructor) of industrial training, in addition to studying the general labor safety requirements that must be observed in each specific case, draws attention to compliance with safety rules when working on specific equipment.

By the end of the training, each trainee should be able to independently perform all the work provided for by the qualification characteristic, technical conditions and standards established at the enterprise.

Students are allowed to independently perform work only after passing the qualification exam and the test for labor safety. Qualification exams are held in accordance with STO 37.371.09012-2009.


workers on the 2nd category.


Profession - Corrector on machines

Qualification - 2nd category

Training period - 4 months

1st category

Characteristics of works. Participation, together with a straightener of higher qualification, in tilting and moving workpieces, parts and products to be straightened as the first assistant when straightening on presses with a force of up to 75 kN (75 tf) and as a second assistant when straightening large workpieces and parts on presses with force over 750 to 2500 kN (over 75 to 250 tf).

Should know: arrangement of serviced presses, rollers and other straightening machines; the purpose and conditions for the use of the most common simple devices; rules for supplying blanks, parts and products for a press or rollers; rules for their removal and storage; conditional signaling used in the workplace.

2nd category

Characteristics of works. Editing in cold and hot condition for a ruler and a square of simple and medium complexity parts from sheet, bar and section metal on rollers, roller-straightening and other machines and presses with a force of up to 750 kN (75 tf). Editing of calibration metal on a straightening-cutting machine and tubes on a pipe straightening machine. Participation in the editing of profiles of sheets, strips, pipes, bars and other products made of non-ferrous metals and alloys on various straightening equipment. Adjustment of presses and installation of fixtures under the guidance of a straightener of higher qualification. Participation in the editing of large workpieces and parts on presses with a force of over 750 to 2500 kN (over 75 to 250 tf) as the first assistant. Management of the right machines.

Should know: the principle of operation of serviced presses, rollers and other straightening machines; purpose and conditions for the use of special devices, lifting mechanisms and instrumentation; properties, deformation and changes in the structure of sheet and section metal during straightening; steel marking; technical conditions for editing parts.


Corrector on machines, 2nd category

Training period -4 months

Well. Item.

Number of hours

Theoretical training.

Economic course

General technical course.

Electrical engineering.

Materials Science.

Reading drawings and diagrams.

Automation of production based on electronic computing.

Occupational safety, including: first aid, occupational hygiene, medical examinations.

Special course:

Practical training.

Industrial training.

Introductory lesson

Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work

Maintenance of correct equipment and heating devices

Teaching metal straightening in cold and hot condition

Independent performance of the work of the straightener on machines


Qualifying exam.

Note: when training a worker in an adjacent (second) profession, it is allowed to train only in the subject “Special Course” with “Practical Training” and with the addition of separate topics for theoretical training, for which the worker was not trained in the main profession.



1.1.1. Thematic plan and program of the subject "Fundamentals of economic knowledge, organization and stimulation of workers' labor."

Thematic plan.


Topic 1. Main articles of labor legislation.

General provisions. Collective agreement, labor contract, working hours, rest time, guarantees and compensations, labor discipline.

Topic 2. Labor rationing.

Progressive forms of organization and stimulation of labor. Rationing of labor (basic concepts and provisions). Elimination of loss of working time, certification of workers, their rationalization, expansion of service areas and combination of professions.

Forms of remuneration, material and moral incentives.

Principles of organization of production teams, the main directions of their improvement. Brigade and individual forms of labor organization at the plant. Regulations on the production team, team council. Organization of the brigade form of remuneration.

The main directions of the scientific organization of labor.

Labor discipline and its role in the organization of labor processes.

Topic 3. Economic categories, criteria, indicators.

Increasing the efficiency of production is the main direction of the enterprise. Labor productivity as the main indicator of production efficiency.

Fixed and circulating assets of the enterprise, capital productivity.

The cost of production, as a synthetic generalizing indicator that characterizes all aspects of the enterprise.

Increasing profits is the ultimate goal of reducing the cost of production. The profitability of the company's products.

The concept of price. The right price level, as an opportunity to recover costs and receive a certain profit.

The essence of the concept of "inflation".

Joint-stock company, share and share price, management bodies of a joint-stock company, dividends.

A brief analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.

1.2. Thematic plan and program of the subject "Quality Management System".

Thematic plan.

International quality systems.

History of origin, goals and objectives.

Requirements for a quality management system,

established by GOST R ISO 9001-2008.

The process approach is the basis of the quality management system.

Quality management principles.

Mandatory documented QMS procedures.

Quality quide.

Quality policy and administration commitments.

Certified quality management system - continuous improvement, development perspective.



Conduct training according to the Program of the subject "Quality Management System", approved by the Representative of the Management for the QMS - the head of the Quality Control Department


1.3.1. The program of the subject "Electrical Engineering".

The use of electricity in production and at home. The concept of electric current. Thermal effect of current. Short circuit and protective measures. Electromagnetic induction, the principle of operation of the generator and transformer. Creation of a rotating magnetic field by multiphase currents and the principle of operation of an asynchronous motor.

General information about the electric drive. Electric motors and ballasts used on serviced equipment. Electric motors used in lifts and power tools. Rules for starting and stopping electric motors.

Types of fixtures, rules for their location, installation and fastening in the production of work. Projector lighting. Basic rules of electrical safety and electrical protection.

The procedure for conducting work near electrical installations. Classification of electrical devices and premises according to the degree of electrical safety and safe voltage.

Ways of rational use and saving of electricity.

1.3.2. The program of the subject "Materials Science".

Subject tasks. Importance of metals in industry. The content of the subject and its role in the formation of professional knowledge and qualifications of the worker. Basic information about the structure of metals and from the theory of alloys. Properties of metals. Cast iron. Become. Non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Thermal and chemical-thermal treatment of metals and their alloys. Hard alloys and mineral-ceramic materials. Protection of metals from corrosion. non-metallic materials. Plastics. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of structural materials.

1.3.3. Reading drawings and diagrams

The value of drawings in engineering and production. The value of graphic literacy for a skilled worker.

The concept of a sketch, drawing. Current GOSTs for the preparation and execution of drawings and other technical documentation.

Drawing formats. Drawing lines. Designation of sizes and limit deviations. Designation, design and inscriptions on the drawings. Drawing fonts. The concept of scale.

The concept of projections. Central and parallel projection. projecting rays. Axes of projections. Visual representation of a point. Projection of a line segment.

The concept of axonometric projections, their types. The image of flat figures in axonometric projections (triangle, rectangle and circle).

Projections of geometric bodies.

The concept of the working drawing and its purpose in production. General requirements and design of working drawings. Cuts and sections. The main types and planes of projections. Name and numbering of the main species, their location.

Plans, their construction and drawing. Sections are simple and complex (along a broken line). Hatching in cuts and sections. The incisions are complete and local.

Sections. Sections are complex and rendered. Designation of section lines.

Features of construction drawings, their types and content.

Technical design and working drawings. Drawing dimensions on construction drawings. The concept of a project for the production of works. The composition of the graphic part of the project for the production of works. Reading working drawings and technological maps.

1.3.5. The program of the subject "General information about technical mechanics".

Basic laws of dynamics. The force of inertia. The concept of the impact of solid bodies. The main elements of the gear. Gear ratios of multi-link gears. Gear, worm and chain drives, their design and scope. Methods for measuring torque and power. The concept of static balancing of rotating parts. The principle of operation of friction and belt drives.

1.3.6. Automation of production based on electronic computing.

Familiarization of workers with the generalized structure of the automatic production control system, the possibilities and principles of using control electronic computers, actuators and devices associated with a computer.

The concept of production control systems with the use of computers. The use of computers in the automation of production systems and processes (the content of the topic is specified and supplemented by the teacher in accordance with the specifics of the industry, enterprise and profession).


1.4.1. The program of the subject "Requirements for labor protection in the conduct of work."

The main causes of injuries in the production of work by a straightener on machines.

Harmful and dangerous physical production factors in the course of work.

Individual protection means. Requirements for personal protective equipment for the corrector on machines.

Security standards, procedure for issuing, storage, use of overalls, special footwear and personal protective equipment.

Measures for the personal safety of the corrector on the machines during the preparatory work.

Occupational safety requirements during the work of a straightener on machines.

Rules for the technical operation of equipment and labor safety requirements.

Labor protection requirements before starting work, during work and at the end of the work of the straightener on the machines.

Actions of employees in case of emergency. The procedure for notification and provision of first aid to the victim in the event of an accident. Preservation of the situation. Responsibility for violation of labor protection.

Fire safety measures. The main causes of fire. Rules for the use of fire extinguishing means. Actions in case of fire. Responsibility of the employee for violation of the Fire Safety Rules.

Electrical safety requirements when working on equipment. Measures for protection against electric shock.

Limiting norms for lifting and moving weights (one-time, permanent, during a work shift).

1.4.2. Thematic plan and program on the subject "Equipment and technology for performing work by profession."

Thematic plan

machine straightener.

2 digits


Topic 1. Introductory lesson.

Familiarization with the purpose and objectives of training, with the requirements for a straightener on machines, the organization of the educational process, and qualification characteristics. The procedure for performing trial work and conducting a qualifying exam.

The value of the profession, development prospects. Labor, production and technological discipline.

Topic 2. Basic information about the production and organization of the workplace.

Organization of production. Raising the technical level of production. The composition of the divisions of the plant. Conditions for the smooth operation of the production site.

Safe organization of the workplace. Inspection before starting work of the workplace: sufficiency of lighting, availability of fire extinguishing equipment, absence of foreign objects that may interfere with work. Safety requirements for the work of a straightener on machines. Layout and equipment of the workplace of the straightener on machines

Checking the safety, convenience of the workplace.

Measures to keep the workplace clean and safe during work. The procedure for cleaning the workplace before the transfer of the shift.

Topic 3 Metal heating and heating devices

Metal heating. heating mode. Influence of heating and cooling on the quality of straightening. heating devices. Flame heating furnaces, their performance. Electric ovens. Rules for the operation of furnaces and their maintenance.

Topic 4 Equipment, tools and accessories for straightening.

Basic correct equipment. Technical specifications. Main parts, nodes, mechanisms. Performance definition. Types of repair. Tools used for editing. Work tool. Measuring tool.

Topic 5. Technological process of editing.

The concept of the technological process of editing. The concept of deformation. Types of editing. Editing of sheet metal. Editing profile rolled stock. Editing simple details. Permissible dimensional deviations Necessity of heat treatment after straightening.



Thematic plan


Topic 1. Introductory lesson

Acquaintance with the structure and characteristics of the enterprise. Familiarization with the work of enterprise services. Economic performance of the enterprise.

Familiarization of students with the structure of the workshop, the workplace of the straightener on machines, equipment and the type of work performed.

Familiarization with the internal labor regulations, working conditions, forms of labor organization, work modes.

Briefing on labor protection and safety (conducted for each type of work) and fire safety. Training in the use of personal protective equipment.

Topic 2. Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

Topic 3. Maintenance of the right equipment and heating devices

Familiarization with the equipment for heating metal and the rules for its maintenance. Introduction to tools and equipment. Inspect equipment before starting work. Turning on and stopping equipment. Monitoring the operation of equipment and its maintenance during operation. Exercise in mooring loads and transporting to straightening. Participation in current repairs.

Arrangement of students at work places.

Topic 4. Teaching metal straightening in cold and hot condition

Selection, preparation and verification of the necessary working and measuring tools. Editing parts from sheet and bar material. Editing simple details. Contouring and movement of metal during straightening. Transportation and stacking of straightened parts.

Topic 5. Training in techniques, operations and types of work performed by a straightener on machines

Turning and movement of straightened workpieces, parts and products when straightening on presses. Cold and hot straightening under a ruler and a square of simple and medium complexity parts from sheet, bar and section metal on rollers, roller-straightening and other machines. Editing gauge metal and tubes. Editing profiles of sheets, strips, pipes. Adjustment of presses and installation of fixtures. Management of the right machines.

Topic 5

Mastering all types of work included in the range of duties of a straightener on machines of the 2nd category. Mastery of skills in the scope of the requirements of the qualification characteristics.

All work is performed by students independently under the supervision of an industrial training instructor. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the quality of the work performed and compliance with the requirements of labor safety rules.

Qualification (trial) work.


by profession "corrector on machines"

3rd category

Characteristics of works. Cold and hot straightening on a ruler and a square of complex parts made of sheet and profile metal before and after heat treatment on rollers, straightening machines and presses with a force of over 750 to 2500 kN (over 75 to 250 tf). Dressing and deburring of ductile iron castings after heat treatment on presses with a force of up to 750 kN (75 tf). Straightening and cutting off blanks of coiled parts on straightening-cutting machines with accuracy in terms of curvature of more than 0.2 to 2 mm at a length of 1 m. equipment. Participation in the editing of large workpieces and parts on presses with a force of over 250 tf as an assistant. Adjustment of equipment and installation of fixtures for straightening parts. Establishment of rational techniques for editing parts.

Should know: the device and the rules for setting up serviced presses, rollers and other straightening machines; the device of special devices, lifting mechanisms and control and measuring instruments.


advanced training of workers by profession

"car straightener"

for the 3rd, 4th category

Training period 2 months

Well. Item.

Theoretical training.

Economic course.

Fundamentals of economic knowledge, organization and stimulation of workers' labor

Quality management system (QMS).

General technical course.

Electrical engineering.

Materials Science.

Reading drawings and diagrams.

Tolerances, landings and technical measurements.

General information about technical mechanics.

Automation of production based on electronic computing

Labor protection, fire safety, including:

first aid, occupational health, medical examinations.

Special course:

Requirements for labor protection during work.

Equipment and technology for performing work by profession.

2. Practical training.

Industrial training.

Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work.


Qualifying exam.


Note: when training a worker in an adjacent (second) profession, it is allowed to train only in the subject “Special Course” with “Practical Training” and with the addition of separate topics for theoretical training, for which the worker was not trained in the main profession


1.4.2. Thematic plan and program for the subject "Equipment and technology for performing work by profession"

for advanced training in the profession "straightener on machines"

Thematic plan

on the 3rd, 4th districts

Introductory lesson.

Basic information about the production and organization of the workplace, about the equipment.

Requirements for labor protection during work.

environmental protection




to improve the skills of workers by profession

"Director on machines" for the 3rd category

Introductory lesson

Note: occupational safety briefing is carried out at the workplace for each type of work

Annex 1. Examination tickets for the preparation of workers in

profession "straightener on machines"

2-3 digits

Annex 1


for training workers by profession

"car straightener"

2-3 digits

Ticket number 1

Define the term "quality".

What are nominal, actual and limit sizes?

For the 3rd district:

What is a share, share price?

Ticket number 2

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

The main federal legislation in the field of waste management.

What is meant by permission?

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is a joint stock company?

Ticket number 3

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

List the types of landings.

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is inflation, hyperinflation?

Ticket number 4

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

Describe the hazardous properties of waste.

What is steel, what grades of steel do you know?

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is a dividend?

Ticket number 5

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

What measuring tool do you use?

What should a straightener know on machines of the 2nd category?

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is an employment contract?

Ticket number 6

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

Name the hazardous properties of waste.

What is surface roughness and how is it defined?

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is a collective agreement?

Ticket number 7

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

What document establishes the requirements for a quality management system?

What is brass, bronze, their scope?

For the 3rd district: What kind of work is included in the scope of duties of a straightener on machines.

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is a closed joint stock company?

Ticket number 8

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

Environmental damage in waste management.

What is the scale, in what scale are the drawings made?

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

Current assets, their cost, use?

Ticket number 9

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

Define the term "Quality Management System" (QMS).

Methods for determining the hardness of metal.

For the 3rd district:

Fixed assets (funds), what are they, how are they calculated?

Ticket number 10

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

How are sources of pollution classified according to their range?

The concept of interchangeability of parts and assemblies.

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is depreciation? Depreciation deductions?

Ticket number 11

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

Personal opportunities and responsibility of workers of this profession in environmental protection.

What is cast iron and its types?

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements.

What is a technology card?

Ticket number 12

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

What is the primary focus of a quality management system?

The concept of the shaft and hole system.

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is share liquidity?

Ticket number 13

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

The procedure for collecting production waste.

Ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Meaning, scope.

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is the wholesale and retail price of products?

Ticket number 14

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

Who is responsible for performing activities affecting quality in the quality management system?

What is section and incision?

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements.

What is profit and how is it calculated?

Ticket number 15

"Director on machines" 2-3 category

Environment and human health.

Non-ferrous metals and alloys, their properties and scope.

For the 3rd district:

Occupational safety requirements and additional special occupational safety requirements

What is productivity and labor productivity?


STO 37.371.09.012-2009 - Standard of the organization. Quality Management System. "Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel." Organization of work

System of labor safety standards "Organization of labor safety training". General provisions. GOST 12.0.004-90

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003 N 1/29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations"

Collection of normative documents on labor protection.

Vyshnepolsky I.S. Technical drawing. - M.: Academy, 2000.

Vereina L.I. Technical mechanics. - M.: IRPO, 2000.

Fetisova G.P. Material science and technology of metals. - M.: Higher school, 2000.

Evdokimov F.E. Fundamentals of electrical engineering. - M.: Higher School, 1999.

Zaitsev S.A., Kuranov A.D., Tolstov A.N. Tolerances, landings and technical measurements in mechanical engineering. - M .: Academy, 2005

Zaitsev S.A., Gribanov D.D., Tolstov A.N. Control and measuring devices and tools.

Gulyaev A.P. metal science

Valtsev, Semenova E.V. Logistics of waste disposal at the enterprise: foreign experience and guidelines. For Russia. Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Series B Economics 1999

Darulis P.V. Waste of the regional city. Collection and disposal. Smolensk. 2000.

Engineering and environmental management. M.Logos. 2002.

Experience of municipalities and enterprises in the disposal of industrial and domestic waste. Materials of the scientific-practical seminar. Novokuznetsk.

"I approve"

FKP director

educational institution 44

________________ О.Е. Koshelev

«» ________________ 2014


Industrial training in the specialty

« Plasterer »


Approved by the methodological commission of the vocational training cycle

FKP educational institution No. 44

Minutes No. ____ dated "_____" ________________ 2014

Chairman of the MC __________________ O.N. Gorshkov


The work program is drawn up in accordance with the State

requirements for a minimum content and level of training

graduate by profession Plasterer »

Deputy Director for UPR

___________________________ C .M. Zhuravlev

"_____" ________________________________2014


_____________________ A.M. Peshkov

Chief Engineer of IK-7 _____________________ S.A. Shevchenko

Explanatory note

This work program of the educational discipline (RPUD) of industrial training is designed to train skilled workers in the FKP educational institution 44.

The RPAP was developed in accordance with the methodological recommendations for the development of work programs for academic disciplines of primary vocational education.

The work program includes:

This explanatory note;

Thematic plan for the academic discipline "Industrial training";

In the process of studying the discipline "Industrial training", students should acquire the following knowledge and skills:

The student must know:

    types of finishing works;

    name and purpose of the hand tool;

    surface preparation technology for finishing work;

    the procedure for performing simple, improved, high-quality plaster;

    the procedure for plastering architectural details;

    main types of decorative plasters;

    organization of internal plastering works;

    mechanisms and equipment for plastering works;

    the procedure for performing plastering work in winter;

The student must be able to :

    use the basic tools for the production of plaster work;

    use basic control and measuring instruments;

    prepare various types of surfaces for finishing work;

    determine the mobility and density of the plaster solution;

    perform the simplest work when plastering surfaces and repairing plaster;

    to nail drapery shields and piece shreds;

    prepare dry mixes according to a given composition;

    stuff nails and braid them with wire;

    strain and mix solutions;

    to cut the surface manually;

    comply with the rules of labor safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.


Industrial training of studentsbranch of the FKP educational institution No. 44

by profession 19727" Plasterer"

Study period 4 months


Name of sections and topics

Number of hours


student work











Performing plaster work




Installation of frame-cladding structures




Performing verification work







Introduction-3 hours

Acquaintance with the training program, bringing the requirements of labor safety and fire safety, an excursion to the base enterprise.

Topic1. Plastering works - 177 hours

Workplace organization. Preparation of various mixtures of a given composition. Preparation of various types of surfaces for plastering. Throwing, spreading the solution with various tools. Simple plastering, repair work. Plastering of building facades.

Topic 2. Installation of frame-cladding structures - 27 hours

Production of frames of various types for the installation of sheet materials. Cutting sheets, making mastics. Installation of sheet materials. Seam finishing.

Topic3. Performing verification work - 9 hours

Application and leveling of plaster layers.

List of literature and teaching aids

Means of education


The industrial training program is designed for the vocational training of skilled workers in the profession "Plasterer", contains the federal component of the educational standard.

The level of disclosure of the educational material of the program corresponds to the intellectual capabilities of students, the level of their educational and general technical training.

The work program can be used to train students with secondary and incomplete secondary education in an educational institution at a correctional colony.


Senior master FKP educational institution No. 44

_________ A.M. Peshkov


The industrial training program is designed for the vocational training of skilled workers in the profession "Plasterer", trained at the school, contains the federal component of the educational standard.

The purpose of industrial training is to teach students how to perform the simplest work when plastering surfaces and repairing plaster.

The work program is designed to teach primary vocational education.


Chief Engineer of IK - 7 S.A. Shevchenko




APK Director

L.V. Grishina

"__" ____________ 201__

Code: 23.02.04 "Technical operation of lifting equipment (by industry)"
OK 16-94
Qualification: Technician

Developed and compiled by:
master of industrial training
Spitsin Alexander Evgenievich

Program reviewed

at a meeting of the methodological commission

Protocol No. __ dated "__" __________ 201_.

Federal component of the standard

fully implemented

Chairman of the Commission _____G.A. Solodovnikova


industrial training work program

by profession 23.02.04 "Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry)"
The working curriculum of industrial training by profession 23.02.04 Technical operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry) was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the specialty of secondary vocational education (SVE). Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 274 dated April 05, 2010, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (reg. No. 17426 dated June 01, 2010), 23.02.04 Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment (by industry), basic curriculum (BCP).
Educational and industrial practices are based on the subjects of the general professional and professional cycle: engineering graphics, technical mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics, materials science, metrology and standardization, the structure of the transport system,

information technologies in professional activities, legal support of professional activities, labor protection, life safety, maintenance of road and construction machines, fundamentals of traffic legislation, basics of safe driving, business communication.

Professional modules, including UE and PP.

structures - 274 hours.

UP.01 - 108 hours.

PP.01 - 72 hours.

Transport, construction, road machinery and

equipment - 190 hours.
UP.02 - 216 hours.

PP.02 - 180 hours.

organizations - 150 hours.

UP.03- 36 hours.

PP.03- 36 hours.

tractors - 48 hours.

work - 92 hours.

UP.04- 108 hours.

PP.04 - 144 hours.

The content of the work program of industrial training

1. Explanatory note
2. Thematic plan
3. Content of the work program
4. Lesson-thematic plan
5. Requirements for the quality of professional training
6. Requirements for the results of the development of the BRI
7. List of literature and teaching aids

1. Explanatory note
The working curriculum of industrial training by profession 23.02.04 Technical operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry) was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the specialty of secondary vocational education (SVE). Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 274 dated April 05, 2010, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (reg. No. 17426 dated June 01, 2010), 23.02.04 Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment (by industry), basic curriculum (BCP).
1. The purpose of mastering the industrial training program.

  • consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained in the study of basic disciplines;

  • the acquisition by students of practical skills and competencies in the field of professional activity;

  • familiarization with the content of the main work and research carried out at the enterprise or in the organization at the place of internship;

  • mastering the techniques, methods and ways of processing, presenting and interpreting the results of practical research;

  • acquisition of practical skills in future professional activities.

2. Tasks of industrial training.

  • the formation of skills and abilities to perform the whole range of works on the repair and maintenance of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment; earthworks;

  • formation of skills and abilities in the construction, maintenance and repair of roads;

  • education of high culture, hard work, accuracy in the performance of technological process operations for the repair, maintenance and operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment;

  • development of interest in the field of organization of work and management of a division of the organization; ability to analyze and compare production situations; speed of thinking and decision making.

3. The place of educational and industrial practice in the structure.
Educational and industrial practices are based on the subjects of general professional and professional cycle: engineering graphics, technical mechanics,

electrical engineering and electronics, materials science, metrology and standardization, the structure of the transport system, information technology in professional activities, legal support for professional activities, labor protection, life safety, service maintenance of road and construction machines, the basics of traffic legislation, the basics of safe driving , business conversation.

The study of sections and topics of the listed disciplines should precede the consolidation of the relevant sections and topics of theoretical training in educational and industrial practice.
4. Forms of educational and industrial practice.
Educational and production practice is carried out in training and production workshops and at the workplaces of the enterprises of the Apatito-Kirov region, in accordance with the agreements.
5. Venue and timeeducational and industrial practice.
Educational and industrial practice is carried out during the academic year at 2, 3, 4 courses in training workshops and a tractor track located on the territory of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Moscow Region SPO "Apatity Polytechnic College" and at the enterprises of the cities of Apatity and Kirovsk.

Educational and industrial practice is supervised by masters of industrial training.
6. Description of professional modules, including UE and PP.

  • PM.01 "Operation of lifting and transport, construction,
road machinery and equipment during construction,

MDK.01.01 Technical operation of roads and construction

structures - 274 hours.

MDK.01.02 Organization of scheduled preventive work for the current

using machine complexes - 298 hours.
UP.01 - 108 hours.

PP.01 - 72 hours.

  • PM.02 "Maintenance and repair of lifting and transport,
construction, road machinery and equipment in

stationary workshops and at the place of work":

MDK.02.01 Organization of maintenance and repair of hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment in various operating conditions - 674 hours.

MDK.02.02 Diagnostic and technological equipment according to

maintenance and repair of lifting

Transport, construction, road machinery and

equipment - 190 hours.
UP.02 - 216 hours.

PP.02 - 180 hours.

  • PM.03 "Organization of the work of primary labor collectives":
MDK.03.01 Organization of work and management of the unit

organizations - 150 hours.

UP.03- 36 hours.

PP.03- 36 hours.

  • PM.04 "Performance of work in one or more professions
workers, positions of employees ":

MDK.04.01 Technology of locksmith work on repair and technical

maintenance of road construction machines and

tractors - 48 hours.

MDK.04.02 Technology of excavation, road and construction

work - 92 hours.

UP.04- 108 hours.

PP.04 - 144 hours.
Educational and industrial practice is 900 hours, of which:
II course - 72 hours - educational practice

III course - 252 hours - educational practice

288 hours - industrial practice

IV course - 144 hours - educational practice

144 hours - production practice.

7. Professional characteristics of the profession SPO 23.02.04 "Technical operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry)".

  • Profession name:
specialty 23.02.04 "Technical operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry)". Qualification - technician.

  • Purpose of the profession:
operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment in the construction, maintenance and repair of roads;

maintenance and repair of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment in stationary workshops and at the work site;

organization of work of primary labor collectives; performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (appendix to the Federal State Educational Standard).

  • Qualification:
The level of general education required for obtaining a profession is secondary (complete) general education.

The level of vocational education is secondary vocational education.

Tariffication of labor by profession 23.02.04 "Technical operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry)" is carried out directly at the enterprises.
Characteristics of professional activity.
Content parameters (types) of professional activity:

  • Operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment during the construction, maintenance and repair of roads;

  • Maintenance and repair of lifting and transport,
construction, road machinery and equipment in stationary workshops and at the work site;

  • Organization of work of primary labor collectives;

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • technical operation and adjustment of transport and technological machines and equipment;

  • organizational and managerial activity;

  • development of design and technological documentation for the repair, modernization of transport and technological machines and equipment;

  • work in almost any organization where hoisting and transport, construction, road machines are available and serviced;

  • work in research and design and technological organizations according to the profile of the specialty;

  • a technician for the technical operation of hoisting-and-transport, construction, road machinery and equipment can hold the positions of a foreman, site manager, mechanic, design technician.

8. Learning elements correspond to certain levels of assimilation:
1st level - recognition of previously studied objects, properties, processes, performance of professional activities with support (hint).

2nd level - independent execution from memory of a typical action.

3rd level - productive action, i.e. creation of an algorithm of activity in a non-standard situation based on previously studied typical actions.

2. Thematic plan for industrial training.
The structure and content of the UE and PP by profession 23.02.04 "Technical

operation of hoisting-and-transport, construction, road machines and

equipment (by industry).


Module name

Topic number

Topic name

Number of hours

IIcourse 2 semester



Operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment in the construction, maintenance and repair of roads.


Organization and traffic safety.



The main elements of the highway.



Fundamentals of road operation






Verification work.


OnlyIIhalf a year




IIIwell1 half a year

PM.01 UP.01


Fundamentals of road construction.




Maintenance and repair of hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment in stationary workshops and at the work site.


Maintenance of hoisting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment.




Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.







Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.


Proizvodstvo earthworks bulldozer.



Production of earthworks with an excavator.


Verification work


OnlyIhalf a year


IIIcourse 2 semester

PM.01 UP.01

Operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment in the construction, maintenance and repair of roads.


Drives and control systems of road machines.



Energy equipment.



Load-lifting, transporting and loading-unloading machines.



Equipment for the construction of artificial structures.


PM.01 PP.01

Operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment in the construction, maintenance and repair of roads.


Machines for preparatory and earthworks.



Machinery for paving.



Repair and maintenance of roads and road structures.





Engine repair.




Maintenance and repair of material handling, construction, road machinery and equipment in stationary workshops and at the work site.


Transmission repair.



Chassis repair.




Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.



Complex works.




Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.


Locksmith and locksmith-assembly work.


Verification work


OnlyIIhalf a year




IVwell1 half a year



Maintenance and repair of material handling, construction, road machinery and equipment in stationary workshops and at the work site.


Repair of the steering and brake system.



Repair of working equipment of the excavator.



Repair of the working equipment of the bulldozer.




Verification work


OnlyIhalf a year


IVcourse 2 semester



Maintenance and repair of material handling, construction, road machinery and equipment in stationary workshops and at the work site.


Repair of hydraulic equipment



Repair of electrical equipment.




Maintenance and repair of material handling, construction, road machinery and equipment in stationary workshops and at the work site.


Diagnostic and technological equipment for the maintenance and repair of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment.


Verification work





Organization of the work of personnel for the operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment.






Organization of work of primary labor collectives.


Implementation of control over the observance of technological discipline in the performance of work.



Registration and preparation of technical and reporting documentation on the work of the mechanical repair department, incl. at a particular enterprise.


OnlyIIhalf a year




Total per course


Driving a shovel excavator


driving a bulldozer


Note: driving is carried out outside the training time grid in the amount of 15 hours for each type of vehicle.

road machinery and equipment during construction,

UP.01 - 108 hours.

II course - 36 hours - heavy equipment class, autotractor track

III course - 72 hours - heavy equipment class, autotractor track

PP.01 - 72 hours.

III course - 72 hours - practice in production.

The program is intended for vocational training in the profession of plasterer, painter, construction graduates of schools of the 8th type.

The program is useful for masters of industrial training dealing with correctional groups.


The content of the work program of industrial training

1. Explanatory note

This curriculum of the educational institution of primary vocational education GOU NPO "Vocational School No. 34" is intended for the vocational training of graduates of correctional schools of the 8th type by profession plasterer, house painter according to the list of vocational training approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of April 1, 2011. No. 1440. Construction painter 00066, Plasterer 19727.

The curriculum is developed on the basis of:

Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS) for the profession of primary vocational education (NPO) 270802.10 Master of finishing construction works approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 dated April 16, 2010

2. Thematic plan for industrial training

Topic name

Number of hours

Introductory lesson

Safety and fire safety

Construction tour

PM. Installation of frame-cladding structures

Preparation of various surfaces for finishing

PM. Performing plaster work

Performing simple surface plastering and plaster repairs

Performing work of medium complexity on plastering the surface and repairing plaster

PM. Performance of facing works by tiles and plates, PM. Performance of facing works with synthetic materials

Performing simple work on facing with ceramic, glass, asbestos-cement and other tiles

PM. Performing painting work

Carry out simple painting and repair work

Carrying out works of average complexity on painting and repairing surfaces

Topic number 1. Introductory lesson

Instruction on safety measures, industrial sanitation, fire safety for construction. Acquaintance with the nature of the work of construction organizations, jobs.

Topic number 2 Preparation of various surfaces for finishing

Preparation of the surface for plastering according to the task. Stuffing the wound on the walls. Cleaning walls and ceilings from dust. Ceiling cleaning. Cleaning the walls from the colorful composition.

Topic No. 3.4 Performing simple and medium-sized work on plastering the surface and repairing plaster.

Preparation of plaster mortars with various components, application of mortars to the surface with various tools and methods. Leveling and grouting. Plastering corners, slopes, niches, window and door openings, columns. Quality control of the work performed.

Performing mixing solutions in mortar mixers, supplying solutions with mortar pumps to plastering sites.

Organization of the workplace according to the task. Performing plaster repairs. Closing cracks, exfoliated places, repairing violations in rods. Repair of plaster of columns, beams, platbands, cornices, window and door openings, stairways.

Quality control of the work performed.

Topic No. 5 Performing simple work on facing with ceramic, glass, asbestos-cement and other tiles.

Organization of the workplace according to the assignment.

Surface preparation for cladding. Performing hanging on various surfaces. Wall cladding with glazed tiles on cement mortar, on mastimka. Performing diagonal laying of ceramic tiles. Tiled flooring. Repairs to tiled floors and tiled surfaces.