Smoking makhorka-grits. General specifications

GOST 15846-79

GOST 18242-72

GOST 18251-87

GOST 18300-87

GOST 19423-81

GOST 21241-89

3.2.1; 3.5.1

GOST 24363-80

GOST 25336-82

3.2.1; 3.3.1; 3.6.1

GOST 28498-90

3.2.1; 3.6.1

5. The limitation of the period of validity has been removed under the protocol N 2-92 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93)

6. EDITION with Amendment No. 1, approved in March 1988 (IUS 5-88)

This standard applies to smoking tobacco - crumbs made from a crushed mixture of various varieties of fermented tobacco raw materials.



1.1. Smoking tobacco must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for recipes and technological instructions in compliance with sanitary norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Smoking shag is produced: of the highest quality, flavored, N 1 strong, N 2 medium and N 3 light.

1.3. For the manufacture of smoking makhorka used: makhorka-raw material fermented in accordance with GOST 9678.

1.4. In terms of physicochemical indicators, smoking tobacco must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Norm for makhorka

Indicator name

highest quality

N 1 strong

and N 2 middle

N 3 light

Humidity of makhorka when leaving the factory,%, no more

Mass fraction of large parts in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of crumbs in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of fines (poppy) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of dust in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of solid parts (veins, petioles, stems) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of soft parts (leaf pulp) in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of artificial grits from clean pressed tobacco dust,%, no more

Mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter,%, not less

Note. The moisture content of shag, intended for long-term storage, must be at least 18%.

1.5. Foreign impurities in the smoking shag are not allowed.

1.6. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by organoleptic indicators is carried out according to a 30-point system:

aroma of tobacco smoke - 10 points;

the taste of tobacco smoke - 10 points;

the fortress of tobacco smoke - 5 points;

fullness of tobacco smoke - 5 points.

1.7. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by aroma, taste, strength and fullness of smoke is carried out according to the most pronounced feature in accordance with the requirements of Table 2-5.

table 2

Sign of aroma of shaggy smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3

Nice shag without defects

Simple shag

Simple shag with a touch of rudeness

The smell of burning wood (badil)

Smell of greenery

Foreign unpleasant odor in the smoke, unusual for makhorka

Table 3

Sign of taste of shaggy smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3

Soft pleasant shaggy

Lightly covers the oral cavity

Slightly stinging tongue, irritating throat

Severely irritating and coats the oral cavity

Burns tongue and mouth

Severely irritating to the throat

Slightly gives off greens

Acidic with a taste of greenery

The harsh taste of greens

Table 4

Sign of the strength of shag smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3


Above average strength

Medium fortress

Below average fortress

Weak fortress

Table 5

Sign of fullness of shag smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3 light


Average completeness

Not full enough


1.8. The overall assessment of smoking shag by aroma, taste, strength and fullness of shag smoke must be at least 15 points.


2.1. Smoking makhorka is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of smoking tobacco of one name, one net weight of a pack, one date of manufacture, drawn up with one document of quality.

2.2. To control the quality of smoking tobacco, the sampling is carried out randomly according to a one-stage normal control plan, with an acceptance level of defectiveness of 4.0 and a special control level C-1 in accordance with GOST 18242 *. The sample size from a batch of no more than 500 boxes is equal to 3 boxes.

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 50779.71-99 is in force.

2.3. A batch of products is accepted if there are no defective boxes in the sample, and rejected if there are one or more defective boxes in the sample.


3.1. Sampling

3.1.1. From each sample box selected according to clause 2.2, 15 packing units (packs) for laboratory tests and 1 packing unit for sensory evaluation are randomly selected.

3.2. Determination of the moisture content of smoking tobacco

3.2.1. Equipment and reagents

Tin trays with an area of ​​(120 ± 2) cm with a side height (10 ± 2) mm.

Thermometer according to GOST 28498.

Medical tweezers in accordance with GOST 21241.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336.

Calcium chloride (dehydrated), pure or sulfuric acid in accordance with GOST 4204, concentration not less than 94% (density 1.830-1.835 g / cm3).

3.2.2. Testing

The smoking tobacco is removed from the packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1, mixed thoroughly. Two samples of makhorka weighing 4-5 g are placed in trays dried to constant weight and weighed. The makhorka trays are placed on the top or middle shelf of the drying cabinet. Dry for (20 ± 1) min at an air temperature of (108 ± 2) ° С. The drying time starts from the moment the set temperature is established in the cabinet. The ventilation openings of the cabinet must be fully open. At the end of drying, the trays with a sample of shag are quickly transferred to a desiccator with calcium chloride or sulfuric acid, cooled for 12 to 15 minutes and weighed with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.2.1, 3.2.2.

3.2.3. Processing of results

The moisture content of makhorka for each sample separately in percent is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the tray, g;

Weight of the tray with a sample of makhorka before drying, g;

- weight of the tray with a sample of makhorka after drying, g.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 0.5%.

3.3. Determination of the mass fraction of large parts, grains, fines (poppy) and dust in makhorka

3.3.1. Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336.

A device for determining the contamination of leaf tobacco (ZLT), having a frequency of circular translational movements of the working table (180 ± 5) rpm.

A set of sieves with a diameter of (200 ± 5) mm, consisting of:

a sieve with a sieve cloth 1-29-1x0.8 or 1-30-1-1.0 according to NTD;

a wicker sieve made of semi-compact mesh 045 or 05 in accordance with GOST 6613;

a wicker sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315 in accordance with GOST 6613;

dust collection tray.

The fraction remaining on a sieve with a sieve cloth is large pieces of shag, on a sieve made of mesh 045 or 05 - large, on a sieve made of mesh 028 or 0315 - small change (poppy seeds). The makhorka fraction collected in the pallet is dust.

It is allowed to use other sieving machines with similar metrological characteristics according to the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.3.2. Test preparation

The smoking shag is carefully removed from the packaging units selected in clause 3.1.1, slightly loosened and dried to (15 ± 0.5)%, after which a sample is taken with a mass of (100 ± 1) g.

3.3.3. Testing

A sample of makhorka is placed on the upper sieve of the ZLT device and sieved for (10 ± 0.1) min. Each fraction is weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.3.4. Processing of results

The mass fraction of tobacco fractions in percent is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the makhorka fraction, g;

Sample weight of makhorka, g.

For the test result, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed: for large parts - 0.3%, for grains - 10%, for fines - 1%, for dust - 0.5%.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.4. Determination of the mass fraction of hard and soft parts in shag

3.4.1. Equipment

Porcelain mortar in accordance with GOST 9147.

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Drying cabinet (see appendix).

3.4.2. Testing

Pre-dried according to clause 3.2, a sample weighing 4-5 g is ground in small portions in a porcelain mortar using a pestle with a rubber tip by light pressing and manually sieved through a braided sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315.

The solid parts remaining on the sieve are weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.4.3. Processing of results

The mass fraction of solid parts in makhorka as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of solid parts of tobacco, g;

Sample weight of makhorka, g.

The mass fraction of soft parts in makhorka as a percentage is calculated by the formula

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 5% for hard and soft parts.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.5. Determination of the mass fraction of artificial grits in makhorka

3.5.1. Equipment

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Medical tweezers in accordance with GOST 21241.

3.5.2. Testing

Fractions of tobacco - large parts and grains, determined according to clause 3.3, mix thoroughly, take a sample weighing (10 ± 1) g and spread a thin layer on a sheet of white paper.

From the sample, use tweezers to select artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust and weigh with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.5.3. Processing of results

The mass fraction of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust, g;

Sample weight, g.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 1%.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6. Determination of the mass fraction of nicotine in tobacco in terms of dry matter

3.6.1. Equipment and reagents

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Glass flask in accordance with GOST 25336, with a capacity of 200-250 cm3.

3.6.2. Test preparation

A sample with a mass of (55 ± 5) g is taken from the packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1, dried at a temperature of 25 to 40 ° C to a moisture content of (9 ± 1)%, crushed on an electric coffee grinder and sieved manually through a woven sieve , from a semi-compact mesh 045 or 05.

The resulting sample is mixed several times, laid out in a thin even layer on paper and two parallel samples, each weighing (2 ± 0.01) g, are taken from different places. Weighing is carried out with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

3.6.3. Testing

Each sample taken is poured into a conical or round flat-bottomed flask with a capacity of 200 to 250 ml, add 10 ml of a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. After that, the flask is lightly shaken so that the sample is evenly moistened, and 50 ml of kerosene, accurately measured with a pipette, is added. Then the flask is closed with a stopper with a thermometer and a glass tube (air condenser) 20 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter passed through it.

The thermometer is placed in the flask so that the mercury ball is immersed in the liquid. The flask is heated over an alcohol lamp or on an electric stove through an asbestos lining.

The mass is heated from room temperature to boiling for 4-5 minutes and boiled for 2 minutes so that no vapors are released from the glass tube. Then the contents of the flask are mixed well with a rotary motion, cooled and allowed to settle.

The kerosene extract settled in the flask is carefully (without shaking) drained or filtered through a folded paper filter in an amount of about 40 cm into a dry beaker or conical flask with a capacity of 50 cm.

The drained kerosene hood must be transparent. If this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to heat the kerosene extract to a temperature of (35 ± 5) ° С, after which it quickly settles, becomes transparent and pours into another dish.

From a transparent extract, 25 cm are taken with a pipette, transferred to a clean, rinsed with distilled water, a conical flask with a capacity of 100 to 250 cm, 10 cm of a 50% solution of ethyl alcohol and 2-3 drops of a lacmoid solution are added there, and then titrated with a decinormal solution of sulfuric acid.

The titration is finished when the lower transparent layer of the liquid takes on a purple hue.

To calculate the mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter, determine the moisture content of a sample of smoking tobacco according to claim 3.

3.6.4. Processing of results

The mass fraction of nicotine in makhorka in terms of dry matter as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the amount of decinormal sulfuric acid solution used for titration (counting from the burette), cm;

- correction factor for sulfuric acid;

- mass of a sample of makhorka, g;

- moisture sample of makhorka,%.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 5% rel.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6.1-3.6.4. (Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.7. Determination of the net weight of smoking tobacco in terms of 20% moisture

3.7.1. Equipment

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.2. Test preparation

The smoking shag is removed from the two packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1 and weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.3. Processing of results

The net weight of smoking tobacco in grams in terms of 20% moisture is calculated by the formula

where is the net mass of smoking tobacco at actual humidity, g;

Humidity of smoking tobacco, determined according to clause 3.2.2,%.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the allowable discrepancies between which should not exceed 5%.

Calculations are carried out to the nearest whole units.


4.1. Smoking tobacco is packed with a net weight of (50 ± 2.5) g and (100 ± 5) g in terms of 20% moisture.

4.2. Smoking tobacco of the highest quality and flavored is packed in packs of colored writing paper in accordance with GOST 6861.

It is allowed to pack in paper reams in accordance with GOST 8273, grade D.

4.3. Smoking makhorka N 1 strong, N 2 medium and N 3 light are packed in paper reams in accordance with GOST 8273, grade D or in reams of makhorka paper.

4.4. Packs with smoking tobacco must be clean, intact and firmly glued.

4.5. Printing on labels should be clear, drawings and inscriptions should not go over to the side of the pack, should not get dirty and have a smell of paint.

4.6. Artistic design of packs according to normative and technical documentation.

4.7. Each pack must have the following designations:

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

location and subordination of the manufacturer;

name of makhorka;

net weight of tobacco in grams with the indication: "at 20% moisture";

date of production;

designation of this standard;

the inscription "The USSR Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous for your health."

4.8. Packs with smoking makhorka are packed in plywood boxes in accordance with GOST 10131 or wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 10131, or in corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13511. Before placing the shag, the boxes inside must be lined with paper.

4.9. Corrugated cardboard boxes are packed using one of the following methods:

stitching metal staples of longitudinal and transverse valves of the bottom and cover using gaskets in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9142;

gluing the longitudinal flaps of the bottom and the cover to the transverse ones, followed by gluing the longitudinal seams with paper tape at least 60 mm wide or with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251;

stitching the bottom valves with metal staples using a gasket and gluing the longitudinal seam of the cover with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend on both sides of at least 100 mm or with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251;

mechanized gluing of the longitudinal seams of the bottom and the lid of the boxes with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend of at least 100 mm on the sides or with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251.

It is allowed to combine the above packing methods to ensure the strength of the boxes.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.10. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of manipulation signs: "Keep away from moisture", "Keep away from heating", an additional inscription "Flammable" and the application of markings characterizing the products:

name and location of the manufacturer, its subordination, trademark;

the name of the makhorka;

net weight of smoking tobacco in a pack;

net weight of smoking tobacco in the box;

date of manufacture;

designations of this standard;

tare numbers according to the price list.

4.11. Packing smoking tobacco for the Far North and hard-to-reach areas in accordance with GOST 15846.

4.12. Smoking makhorka is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the transportation rules in force for the corresponding mode of transport.

Vehicles intended for the transportation of smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and free of foreign smell.

4.13. The storage room for smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and well ventilated. Relative air humidity (65 ± 5)%.

4.14. The floor in the room must be at least 50 cm above ground level. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be placed on a wooden floor or flooring, or on wooden planks at least 10 cm above the floor with gaps for air circulation.

4.13, 4.14. (Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.15. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be stacked in stacks of no more than six boxes in height with aisles between two or three rows. The distance from heat sources must be at least 1 m.

4.16. It is not allowed to store perishable products and goods with a smell in the same room with smoking tobacco.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of smoking tobacco meets the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of smoking tobacco is 12 months from the date of manufacture.

APPENDIX (required)


To determine the moisture content of smoking tobacco, drying cabinets are used according to the normative and technical documentation, which provide the required drying conditions.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
Tobacco and makhorka. Specifications: Sat. GOSTs. -
M .: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2000



Technical conditions

Official edition



Collection “Tobacco and makhorka. Specifications "contains standards approved before September 1, 2000.

Changes have been made to the standards, adopted before the specified date.

Current information about the newly approved and revised standards, as well as the changes adopted to them, is published in the monthly information index "State Standards"

© IPK Publishing house of standards, 2000


MAHORKA - SMOKING BARS General technical conditions

Makhorka - smoking particles. General specifications

Date of introduction 07/01/83

This standard applies to smoking tobacco - crumbs made from a crushed mixture of various varieties of fermented tobacco raw materials.


1.1. Smoking tobacco must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for recipes and technological instructions in compliance with sanitary norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Smoking tobacco is produced: of the highest quality, flavored, No. 1 strong, No. 2 medium and No. 3 light.

1.3. For the manufacture of smoking makhorka used: makhorka-raw material fermented in accordance with GOST 9678.

1.4. In terms of physical and chemical indicators, smoking tobacco must meet the requirements specified in table. one.

Table 1

Norm for makhorka

Indicator name


No. 1 strong

flavored and No. 2 medium

No. 3 light

Humidity of makhorka when leaving the factory,%>, no more

Mass fraction of large parts in makhorka,%>, no more

Mass fraction of crumbs in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of fines (poppy) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of dust in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of solid parts (veins, petioles, stems) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of soft parts (leaf pulp) in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of artificial grits from clean pressed tobacco dust,%, no more

Mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter,%, not less

Note. The moisture content of shag, intended for long-term storage, must be at least 18%.

Official edition ★

Reprinting prohibited

1.5. Foreign impurities in the smoking shag are not allowed.

1.6. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by organoleptic indicators is carried out according to a 30-point system:

aroma of tobacco smoke - 10 points; the taste of tobacco smoke - 10 points; the fortress of tobacco smoke - 5 points; fullness of tobacco smoke - 5 points.

1.7. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by aroma, taste, strength and fullness of smoke is carried out according to the most pronounced feature in accordance with the requirements of table. 2-5.

table 2

Shag score, points

Sign of aroma of shaggy smoke




No. 2 middle

No. 3 light

Nice shag without defects

Simple shag

Simple shag with a touch of rudeness

The smell of burning wood (badil)

Smell of greenery

Foreign unpleasant odor in the smoke, unusual for makhorka

Table 3

Sign of taste of shaggy smoke

Shag score, points




No. 2 middle

No. 3 light

Soft pleasant shaggy

Lightly covers the oral cavity

Slightly stinging tongue, irritating throat

Severely irritating and coats the oral cavity

Burns tongue and mouth

Severely irritating to the throat

Slightly gives off greens

Acidic with a taste of greenery

The harsh taste of greens

Table 4

Sign of the strength of shag smoke

Shag score, points



No. 1 strong

No. 2 middle

No. 3 light

Above average strength

Medium fortress

Below average fortress

Weak fortress

Table 5

1.8. The overall assessment of smoking shag by aroma, taste, strength and fullness of shag smoke must be at least 15 points.


2.1. Smoking makhorka is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of smoking tobacco of one name, one net weight of a pack, one date of manufacture, drawn up with one document of quality.

2.2. To control the quality of smoking tobacco, the sampling is carried out randomly according to a one-stage normal control plan, with an acceptance level of defectiveness of 4.0 and a special control level C-1 in accordance with GOST 18242 *. The sample size from a batch of no more than 500 boxes is equal to 3 boxes.

2.3. A batch of products is accepted if there are no defective boxes in the sample, and rejected if there are one or more defective boxes in the sample.


3.1. Sampling

3.1.1. From each box of the sample, selected by and. 2.2, 15 packing units (packs) are randomly selected for laboratory tests and 1 packing unit for sensory evaluation.

3.2. Determination of the moisture content of smoking tobacco

3.2.1. Equipment and reagents

Tin trays with an area of ​​(120 + 2) cm 3 with a side height (10 + 2) mm.

Thermometer according to GOST 28498.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336.

Calcium chloride (dehydrated), pure or sulfuric acid in accordance with GOST 4204, concentration not less than 94% (density 1.830-1.835 g / cm 3).

3.2.2. Testing

From packaging units selected by and. 1, remove the smoking tobacco, mix thoroughly. Two samples of makhorka weighing 4-5 g are placed in trays dried to constant weight and weighed. The makhorka trays are placed on the top or middle shelf of the drying cabinet. Dry for (20 + 1) min at an air temperature of (108 + 2) ° С. The drying time starts from the moment the set temperature is established in the cabinet. The ventilation openings of the cabinet must be fully open. At the end of drying, the trays with a sample of shag are quickly transferred to a desiccator with calcium chloride or sulfuric acid, cooled for 12 to 15 minutes and weighed with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.2.1, 3.2.2.

3.2.3. Processing of results

Humidity of tobacco (W) for each sample separately in percentage is calculated by the formula

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 50779.71-99 is in force.

where t is the mass of the tray, g;

mi ~ mass of a tray with a sample of shag before drying, g; t 2 - weight of the tray with a sample of tobacco after drying, g.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 0.5%.

3.3. Determination of the mass fraction of large parts, grains, fines (poppy) and dust in makhorka

3.3.1. Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336.

A device for determining the contamination of leaf tobacco (ZLT), having a frequency of circular translational movements of the working table (180 ± 5) rpm.

A set of sieves with a diameter of (200 ± 5) mm, consisting of:

a sieve with a sieve cloth 1-29-1 x 0.8 or 1-30-1-1.0 according to NTD;

a wicker sieve made of semi-compact mesh 045 or 05 in accordance with GOST 6613;

a wicker sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315 in accordance with GOST 6613;

dust collection tray.

The fraction remaining on a sieve with a sieve cloth is large pieces of shag, on a sieve made of mesh 045 or 05 - large, on a sieve made of mesh 028 or 0315 - small change (poppy seeds). The makhorka fraction collected in the pallet is dust.

It is allowed to use other sieving machines with similar metrological characteristics according to the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.3.2. Test preparation

The smoking shag is carefully removed from the packaging units selected in clause 3.1.1, slightly loosened and dried to (15 ± 0.5)%, after which a sample with a mass of (100 ± 1) g is taken.

3.3.3. Testing

A sample of makhorka is placed on the upper sieve of the ZLT device and sieved for (10 ± 0.1) min. Each fraction is weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.3.4. Processing of results

The mass fraction of tobacco fractions (X) in percent is calculated by the formula

X = ^ - 100,

where t 3 is the mass of the makhorka fraction, g;

/ l 4 - mass of the makhorka sample, g.

For the test result, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed: for large parts - 0.3%, for grains - 10%, for fines - 1%, for dust - 0.5%.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.4. Determination of the mass fraction of hard and soft parts in shag

3.4.1. Equipment

Porcelain mortar in accordance with GOST 9147.

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Drying cabinet (see appendix).

3.4.2. Testing

Pre-dried according to clause 3.2, a sample weighing 4-5 g is ground in small portions in a porcelain mortar using a pestle with a rubber tip by light pressing and manually sieved through a braided sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315.

The solid parts remaining on the sieve are weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4.3. Processing of results

The mass fraction of solid parts in shag (A)) in percent is calculated by the formula

where t 5 is the mass of the solid parts of the shag, g; t 6 - mass of the makhorka sample, g.

The mass fraction of soft parts in shag (X 2) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 5% for hard and soft parts.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.5 Determination of the mass fraction of artificial grits in makhor-ke

3.5.1. Equipment

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Medical tweezers in accordance with GOST 21241.

3.5.2. Testing

Fractions of makhorka - large parts and grains, determined by and. 3.3, mix thoroughly, take a sample weighing (10 ± 1) g and spread it in a thin layer on a sheet of white paper.

From the sample, use tweezers to select artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust and weigh with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.5.3. Processing of results

The mass fraction of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust (YG 3) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where t 7 is the mass of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust, g; t% is the mass of the sample, g.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 1%.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6. Determination of the mass fraction of nicotine in tobacco in terms of dry matter

3.6.1. Equipment and reagents

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Glass flask in accordance with GOST 25336, with a capacity of 200-250 cm 3.

Pipette according to NTD.

Filter paper in accordance with GOST 12026.

Thermometer according to GOST 28498.

Glass funnel in accordance with GOST 25336.

Electric tiles in accordance with GOST 14919.

Electric coffee grinder in accordance with GOST 19423.

Lighting kerosene KO-20.

Technical ethyl alcohol in accordance with GOST 18300.

Sulfuric acid in accordance with GOST 4204.

Sodium hydroxide in accordance with GOST 4328 or potassium hydroxide in accordance with GOST 24363.

Distilled water in accordance with GOST 6709.

3.6.2. Test preparation

From packaging units selected by and. 1, take a sample with a mass of (55 ± 5) g, dry it at a temperature of 25 to 40 ° C to a moisture content of (9 ± 1)%, grind on an electric coffee grinder and sift by hand through a woven sieve from a semi-compact mesh 045 or 05.

The resulting sample is mixed several times, laid out in a thin even layer on paper and two parallel samples, each weighing (2 ± 0.01) g, are taken from different places. Weighing is carried out with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

3.6.3. Testing

Each sample taken is poured into a conical or round flat-bottomed flask with a capacity of 200 to 250 cm 3, add 10 cm 3 of a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. After that, the flask is lightly shaken so that the sample is evenly moistened, and 50 cm 3 of kerosene, accurately measured with a pipette, is added. Then the flask is closed with a stopper with a thermometer and a glass tube (air condenser) 20 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter passed through it.

The thermometer is placed in the flask so that the mercury ball is immersed in the liquid. The flask is heated over an alcohol lamp or on an electric stove through an asbestos lining.

The mass is heated from room temperature to boiling for 4-5 minutes and boiled for 2 minutes so that no vapors are released from the glass tube. Then the contents of the flask are mixed well with a rotary motion, cooled and allowed to settle.

The kerosene extract settled in the flask is carefully (without shaking) drained or filtered through a folded paper filter in an amount of about 40 cm 3 into a dry beaker or conical flask with a capacity of 50 cm 3.

The drained kerosene hood must be transparent. If this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to heat the kerosene extract to a temperature of (35 ± 5) ° С, after which it quickly settles, becomes transparent and pours into another dish.

From a transparent extract, take 25 cm 3 with a pipette, transfer it to a clean conical flask rinsed with distilled water with a capacity of 100 to 250 cm 3, add 10 cm 3 of a 50% solution of ethyl alcohol and 2-3 drops of a lacmoid solution there, and then titrate decinormal solution of sulfuric acid.

The titration is finished when the lower transparent layer of the liquid takes on a purple hue.

To calculate the mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter, determine the moisture content of a sample of smoking tobacco according to clause 3.2.

3.6.4. Processing of results

The mass fraction of nicotine in shag (X 4) in terms of dry matter in percent is calculated by the formula

324 А -К Л4 т 9 (100 - Щ ’

where A is the amount of decinormal sulfuric acid solution used for titration (counting from the burette), cm 3;

K is the correction factor for sulfuric acid; t 9 - mass of a sample of makhorka, g;

W x - moisture content of the makhorka sample,%.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 5% rel.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6.1-3.6.4. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7. Determination of the net weight of smoking tobacco in terms of 20% moisture

3.7.1. Equipment

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.2. Test preparation

The smoking shag is removed from the two packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1 and weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.3. Processing of results

The net weight of smoking shag (t 10) in grams in terms of 20% moisture is calculated by the formula

Scho ~ 100 - 20 '

where t 11 is the net mass of smoking tobacco at actual moisture content, g;

W is the moisture content of smoking tobacco, determined according to clause 3.2.2,%.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the allowable discrepancies between which should not exceed 5%.

Calculations are carried out to the nearest whole units.


4.1. Smoking tobacco is packed with a net weight of (50 ± 2.5) g and (100 ± 5) g in terms of 20% moisture.

4.2. Smoking tobacco of the highest quality and flavored is packed in packs of colored writing paper in accordance with GOST 6861.

It is allowed to pack in paper reams in accordance with GOST 8273, grade D.

4.3. Smoking makhorka No. 1 strong, No. 2 medium and No. 3 light are packed in paper reams in accordance with GOST 8273, grade D or in reams of makhorka paper.

4.4. Packs with smoking tobacco must be clean, intact and firmly glued.

4.5. Printing on labels should be clear, drawings and inscriptions should not go over to the side of the pack, should not get dirty and have a smell of paint.

4.6. Artistic design of packs according to normative and technical documentation.

4.7. Each pack must have the following designations: the name of the manufacturer and its trademark; location and subordination of the manufacturer; name of makhorka;

net weight of makhorka in grams with the indication: "at 20% moisture"; date of production;

designation of this standard;

the inscription "The USSR Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous for your health."

4.8. Packs of smoking tobacco are packed in plywood boxes in accordance with GOST 10131 or wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 10131, or in corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13511. Before placing the tobacco, the boxes inside must be lined with paper.

4.9. Corrugated cardboard boxes are packed using one of the following methods:

stitching metal staples of longitudinal and transverse valves of the bottom and cover using gaskets in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9142;

gluing the longitudinal flaps of the bottom and the cover to the transverse ones, followed by gluing the longitudinal seams with paper tape at least 60 mm wide or with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251;

stitching the bottom valves with metal staples using a gasket and gluing the longitudinal seam of the lid with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend on both sides of at least 100 mm or adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251;

mechanized gluing of the longitudinal seams of the bottom and the lid of the boxes with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend of at least 100 mm on the sides or with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251.

It is allowed to combine the above packing methods to ensure the strength of the boxes.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.10. Transport markings - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs: "Keep away from moisture", "Keep away from heating", an additional inscription "Flammable" and the application of markings characterizing the products:

name and location of the manufacturer, its subordination, trademark;

the name of the makhorka;

net weight of smoking tobacco in a pack;

net weight of smoking tobacco in the box;

date of manufacture;

designations of this standard;

tare numbers according to the price list.

4.11. Packing smoking tobacco for the Far North and hard-to-reach areas in accordance with GOST 15846.

4.12. Smoking makhorka is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the transportation rules in force for the corresponding mode of transport.

Vehicles intended for the transportation of smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and free of foreign smell.

4.13. The storage room for smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and well ventilated. Relative air humidity (65 ± 5)%.

4.14. The floor in the room must be at least 50 cm above ground level. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be placed on a wooden floor or flooring, or on wooden planks at least 10 cm above the floor with gaps for air circulation.

4.13, 4.14. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.15. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be stacked in stacks of no more than six boxes in height with aisles between two or three rows. The distance from heat sources must be at least 1 m.

4.16. It is not allowed to store perishable products and goods with a smell in the same room with smoking tobacco.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of smoking tobacco meets the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of smoking tobacco is 12 months from the date of manufacture.



To determine the moisture content of smoking tobacco, drying cabinets are used according to the normative and technical documentation, which provide the required drying conditions.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).



V.A. Panin (topic leader), A.V. Borisenko, T.M. Rylova

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 04.06.82 No. 2304

3. REPLACE GOST 936-54


Item number

Item number

GOST 4204-77

GOST 14192-96

GOST 4328-77

GOST 14919-83

GOST 6613-86

GOST 15846-79

GOST 6709-72

GOST 18242-72

GOST 6861-73

GOST 18251-87

GOST 8273-75

GOST 18300-87

GOST 9142-90

GOST 19423-81

GOST 9147-80

GOST 21241-89

GOST 9678-79

GOST 24363-80

GOST 10131-93

GOST 25336-82

3.2.1; 3.3.1; 3.6.1

GOST 12026-76

GOST 28498-90

GOST 13511-91

page 1

page 2

p. 3

p. 4

p. 5

page 6

page 7

page 8

page 9

p. 10



Technical conditions

Official edition


UDC 633.97: 006.354


Collection “Tobacco and makhorka. Specifications "contains standards approved before September 1, 2000.

Changes have been made to the standards, adopted before the specified date.

Current information about the newly approved and revised standards, as well as the changes adopted to them, is published in the monthly information index "State Standards"

© IPK Publishing house of standards, 2000



MAHORKA - SMOKING BARS General technical conditions

Makhorka - smoking particles. General specifications

Date of introduction 07/01/83

This standard applies to smoking tobacco - crumbs made from a crushed mixture of various varieties of fermented tobacco raw materials.


1.1. Smoking tobacco must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for recipes and technological instructions in compliance with sanitary norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Smoking tobacco is produced: of the highest quality, flavored, No. 1 strong, No. 2 medium and No. 3 light.

1.3. For the manufacture of smoking makhorka used: makhorka-raw material fermented by GOST 9678.

1.4. In terms of physical and chemical indicators, smoking tobacco must meet the requirements specified in table. one.

Table 1

Norm for makhorka

Indicator name


No. 1 strong

flavored and No. 2 medium

No. 3 light

Humidity of makhorka when leaving the factory,%>, no more

Mass fraction of large parts in makhorka,%>, no more

Mass fraction of crumbs in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of fines (poppy) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of dust in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of solid parts (veins, petioles, stems) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of soft parts (leaf pulp) in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of artificial grits from clean pressed tobacco dust,%, no more

Mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter,%, not less

Note. The moisture content of shag, intended for long-term storage, must be at least 18%.

Official edition ★

Reprinting prohibited

1.5. Foreign impurities in the smoking shag are not allowed.

1.6. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by organoleptic indicators is carried out according to a 30-point system:

aroma of tobacco smoke - 10 points; the taste of tobacco smoke - 10 points; the fortress of tobacco smoke - 5 points; fullness of tobacco smoke - 5 points.

1.7. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by aroma, taste, strength and fullness of smoke is carried out according to the most pronounced feature in accordance with the requirements of table. 2-5.

table 2

Shag score, points

Sign of aroma of shaggy smoke




No. 1 strong

No. 2 middle

No. 3 light

Nice shag without defects

Simple shag

Simple shag with a touch of rudeness

The smell of burning wood (badil)

Smell of greenery

Foreign unpleasant odor in the smoke, unusual for makhorka

Table 3

Sign of taste of shaggy smoke

Shag score, points




No. 1 strong

No. 2 middle

No. 3 light

Soft pleasant shaggy

Lightly covers the oral cavity

Slightly stinging tongue, irritating throat

Severely irritating and coats the oral cavity

Burns tongue and mouth

Severely irritating to the throat

Slightly gives off greens

Acidic with a taste of greenery

The harsh taste of greens

Table 4

Sign of the strength of shag smoke

Shag score, points



No. 1 strong

No. 2 middle

No. 3 light

Above average strength

Medium fortress

Below average fortress

Weak fortress

Calcium chloride (dehydrated) pure or sulfuric acid by GOST 4204 concentration not less than 94% (density 1.830-1.835 g / cm 3).

3.2.2. Testing

From packaging units selected by and. 1, remove the smoking tobacco, mix thoroughly. Two samples of makhorka weighing 4-5 g are placed in trays dried to constant weight and weighed. The makhorka trays are placed on the top or middle shelf of the drying cabinet. Dry for (20 + 1) min at an air temperature of (108 + 2) ° С. The drying time starts from the moment the set temperature is established in the cabinet. The ventilation openings of the cabinet must be fully open. At the end of drying, the trays with a sample of shag are quickly transferred to a desiccator with calcium chloride or sulfuric acid, cooled for 12 to 15 minutes and weighed with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.2.1, 3.2.2.

3.2.3. Processing of results

Humidity of tobacco (W) for each sample separately in percentage is calculated by the formula

w = m 1Z m 1 10 ()

* On the territory of the Russian Federation there is GOST R 50779.71-99.

where t is the mass of the tray, g;

mi ~ mass of a tray with a sample of shag before drying, g; t 2 - weight of the tray with a sample of tobacco after drying, g.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 0.5%.

3.3. Determination of the mass fraction of large parts, grains, fines (poppy) and dust in makhorka


A device for determining the contamination of leaf tobacco (ZLT), having a frequency of circular translational movements of the working table (180 ± 5) rpm.

A set of sieves with a diameter of (200 ± 5) mm, consisting of:

a sieve with a sieve cloth 1-29-1 x 0.8 or 1-30-1-1.0 according to NTD;

braided sieve made of semi-compact mesh 045 or 05 according to GOST 6613 ;

braided sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315 according to GOST 6613 ;

dust collection tray.

The fraction remaining on a sieve with a sieve cloth is large pieces of shag, on a sieve made of mesh 045 or 05 - large, on a sieve made of mesh 028 or 0315 - small change (poppy seeds). The makhorka fraction collected in the pallet is dust.

It is allowed to use other sieving machines with similar metrological characteristics according to the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.3.2. Test preparation

The smoking shag is carefully removed from the packaging units selected in clause 3.1.1, slightly loosened and dried to (15 ± 0.5)%, after which a sample with a mass of (100 ± 1) g is taken.

3.3.3. Testing

A sample of makhorka is placed on the upper sieve of the ZLT device and sieved for (10 ± 0.1) min. Each fraction is weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.3.4. Processing of results

The mass fraction of tobacco fractions (X) in percent is calculated by the formula

X = ^ - 100,

where t 3 is the mass of the makhorka fraction, g;

/ l 4 - mass of the makhorka sample, g.

For the test result, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed: for large parts - 0.3%, for grains - 10%, for fines - 1%, for dust - 0.5%.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.4. Determination of the mass fraction of hard and soft parts in shag

3.4.1. Equipment

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Drying cabinet (see appendix).

3.4.2. Testing

Pre-dried according to clause 3.2, a sample weighing 4-5 g is ground in small portions in a porcelain mortar using a pestle with a rubber tip by light pressing and manually sieved through a braided sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315.

The solid parts remaining on the sieve are weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4.3. Processing of results

The mass fraction of solid parts in shag (A)) in percent is calculated by the formula

where t 5 is the mass of the solid parts of the shag, g; t 6 - mass of the makhorka sample, g.

3.5.2. Testing

Fractions of makhorka - large parts and grains, determined by and. 3.3, mix thoroughly, take a sample weighing (10 ± 1) g and spread it in a thin layer on a sheet of white paper.

From the sample, use tweezers to select artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust and weigh with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.5.3. Processing of results

The mass fraction of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust (YG 3) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where t 7 is the mass of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust, g; t% is the mass of the sample, g.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 1%.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6. Determination of the mass fraction of nicotine in tobacco in terms of dry matter

3.6.1. Equipment and reagents

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

Lighting kerosene KO-20.

Ethyl alcohol technical GOST 18300.

3.6.2. Test preparation

From packaging units selected by and. 1, take a sample with a mass of (55 ± 5) g, dry it at a temperature of 25 to 40 ° C to a moisture content of (9 ± 1)%, grind on an electric coffee grinder and sift by hand through a woven sieve from a semi-compact mesh 045 or 05.

The resulting sample is mixed several times, laid out in a thin even layer on paper and two parallel samples, each weighing (2 ± 0.01) g, are taken from different places. Weighing is carried out with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

3.6.3. Testing

Each sample taken is poured into a conical or round flat-bottomed flask with a capacity of 200 to 250 cm 3, add 10 cm 3 of a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. After that, the flask is lightly shaken so that the sample is evenly moistened, and 50 cm 3 of kerosene, accurately measured with a pipette, is added. Then the flask is closed with a stopper with a thermometer and a glass tube (air condenser) 20 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter passed through it.

The thermometer is placed in the flask so that the mercury ball is immersed in the liquid. The flask is heated over an alcohol lamp or on an electric stove through an asbestos lining.

The mass is heated from room temperature to boiling for 4-5 minutes and boiled for 2 minutes so that no vapors are released from the glass tube. Then the contents of the flask are mixed well with a rotary motion, cooled and allowed to settle.

The kerosene extract settled in the flask is carefully (without shaking) drained or filtered through a folded paper filter in an amount of about 40 cm 3 into a dry beaker or conical flask with a capacity of 50 cm 3.

The drained kerosene hood must be transparent. If this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to heat the kerosene extract to a temperature of (35 ± 5) ° С, after which it quickly settles, becomes transparent and pours into another dish.

From a transparent extract, take 25 cm 3 with a pipette, transfer it to a clean conical flask rinsed with distilled water with a capacity of 100 to 250 cm 3, add 10 cm 3 of a 50% solution of ethyl alcohol and 2-3 drops of a lacmoid solution there, and then titrate decinormal solution of sulfuric acid.

The titration is finished when the lower transparent layer of the liquid takes on a purple hue.

To calculate the mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter, determine the moisture content of a sample of smoking tobacco according to clause 3.2.

3.6.4. Processing of results

The mass fraction of nicotine in shag (X 4) in terms of dry matter in percent is calculated by the formula

324 А -К Л4 т 9 (100 - Щ ’

where A is the amount of decinormal sulfuric acid solution used for titration (counting from the burette), cm 3;

K is the correction factor for sulfuric acid; t 9 - mass of a sample of makhorka, g;

W x - moisture content of the makhorka sample,%.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 5% rel.

Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6.1-3.6.4. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7. Determination of the net weight of smoking tobacco in terms of 20% moisture

3.7.1. Equipment

Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.2. Test preparation

The smoking shag is removed from the two packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1 and weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.3. Processing of results

The net weight of smoking shag (t 10) in grams in terms of 20% moisture is calculated by the formula

Scho ~ 100 - 20 '

where t 11 is the net mass of smoking tobacco at actual moisture content, g;

W is the moisture content of smoking tobacco, determined according to clause 3.2.2,%.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the allowable discrepancies between which should not exceed 5%.

Calculations are carried out to the nearest whole units.


4.1. Smoking tobacco is packed with a net weight of (50 ± 2.5) g and (100 ± 5) g in terms of 20% moisture.

4.2. Smoking tobacco of the highest quality and flavored is packed in packs of colored writing paper on GOST 6861.

It is allowed to pack in paper reams according to GOST 8273, brand D.

4.3. Smoking shag No. 1 strong, No. 2 medium and No. 3 light are packed in paper bundles according to GOST 8273, brand D or in packs of tobacco paper.

gluing the longitudinal flaps of the bottom and the lid to the transverse ones, followed by gluing the longitudinal seams with paper tape at least 60 mm wide or with adhesive tape along GOST 18251 ;

stitching the bottom valves with metal staples using a gasket and gluing the longitudinal seam of the lid with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend on both sides of at least 100 mm or adhesive tape along GOST 18251 ;

mechanized gluing of the longitudinal seams of the bottom and the lid of the boxes with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend of at least 100 mm on the sides or adhesive tape along GOST 18251.

It is allowed to combine the above packing methods to ensure the strength of the boxes.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.10. Transport marking - by GOST 14192 with the application of manipulation signs: "Protect from moisture", "Protect from heating", an additional inscription "Flammable" and the application of markings characterizing the products:

name and location of the manufacturer, its subordination, trademark;

the name of the makhorka;

net weight of smoking tobacco in a pack;

net weight of smoking tobacco in the box;

date of manufacture;

designations of this standard;

tare numbers according to the price list.

4.11. Packing smoking tobacco for the regions of the Far North and hard-to-reach areas by GOST 15846.

4.12. Smoking makhorka is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the transportation rules in force for the corresponding mode of transport.

Vehicles intended for the transportation of smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and free of foreign smell.

4.13. The storage room for smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and well ventilated. Relative air humidity (65 ± 5)%.

4.14. The floor in the room must be at least 50 cm above ground level. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be placed on a wooden floor or flooring, or on wooden planks at least 10 cm above the floor with gaps for air circulation.

4.13, 4.14. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.15. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be stacked in stacks of no more than six boxes in height with aisles between two or three rows. The distance from heat sources must be at least 1 m.

4.16. It is not allowed to store perishable products and goods with a smell in the same room with smoking tobacco.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of smoking tobacco meets the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of smoking tobacco is 12 months from the date of manufacture.



To determine the moisture content of smoking tobacco, drying cabinets are used according to the normative and technical documentation, which provide the required drying conditions.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).


6. EDITION with Amendment No. 1, approved in March 1988 (NUS 5-88)

Agriculture. GOST 936-82: Smoking makhorka. General technical conditions. OKS: Agriculture, Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment. GOSTs. Smoking makhorka-grits. General technical conditions. class = text>

GOST 936-82

Smoking makhorka-grits. General specifications

GOST 936-82
Group Н81



General specifications

Makhorka - smoking particles. General specifications

OKP 91 9371

Date of introduction 1983-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Food Industry

V.A.Panin (topic leader), A.V. Borisenko, T.M. Rylova

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 04.06.82 N 2304

3. REPLACE GOST 936-54


Item number

GOST 4204-77

3.2.1; 3.6.1

GOST 4328-77

GOST 6613-86

GOST 6709-72

GOST 6861-73

GOST 8273-75

GOST 9142-90

GOST 9147-80

GOST 9678-79

GOST 10131-93

GOST 12026-76

GOST 13511-91

GOST 14192-96

GOST 14919-83

GOST 15846-79

GOST 18242-72

GOST 18251-87

GOST 18300-87

GOST 19423-81

GOST 21241-89

3.2.1; 3.5.1

GOST 24363-80

GOST 25336-82

3.2.1; 3.3.1; 3.6.1

GOST 28498-90

3.2.1; 3.6.1

5. The limitation of the period of validity has been removed under the protocol N 2-92 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93)

6. EDITION with Amendment No. 1, approved in March 1988 (IUS 5-88)

This standard applies to smoking tobacco - crumbs made from a crushed mixture of various varieties of fermented tobacco raw materials.



1.1. Smoking tobacco must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for recipes and technological instructions in compliance with sanitary norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Smoking shag is produced: of the highest quality, flavored, N 1 strong, N 2 medium and N 3 light.

1.3. For the manufacture of smoking makhorka used: makhorka-raw material fermented in accordance with GOST 9678.

1.4. In terms of physicochemical indicators, smoking tobacco must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Norm for makhorka

Indicator name

highest quality

N 1 strong

and N 2 middle

N 3 light

Humidity of makhorka when leaving the factory,%, no more

Mass fraction of large parts in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of crumbs in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of fines (poppy) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of dust in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of solid parts (veins, petioles, stems) in makhorka,%, no more

Mass fraction of soft parts (leaf pulp) in makhorka,%, not less

Mass fraction of artificial grits from clean pressed tobacco dust,%, no more

Mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter,%, not less

Note. The moisture content of shag, intended for long-term storage, must be at least 18%.

1.5. Foreign impurities in the smoking shag are not allowed.

1.6. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by organoleptic indicators is carried out according to a 30-point system:
aroma of tobacco smoke - 10 points;
the taste of tobacco smoke - 10 points;
the fortress of tobacco smoke - 5 points;
fullness of tobacco smoke - 5 points.

1.7. Evaluation of the quality of smoking tobacco by aroma, taste, strength and fullness of smoke is carried out according to the most pronounced feature in accordance with the requirements of Table 2-5.

table 2

Sign of aroma of shaggy smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3

Nice shag without defects

Simple shag

Simple shag with a touch of rudeness

The smell of burning wood (badil)

Smell of greenery

Foreign unpleasant odor in the smoke, unusual for makhorka

Table 3

Sign of taste of shaggy smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3

Soft pleasant shaggy

Lightly covers the oral cavity

Slightly stinging tongue, irritating throat

Severely irritating and coats the oral cavity

Burns tongue and mouth

Severely irritating to the throat

Slightly gives off greens

Acidic with a taste of greenery

The harsh taste of greens

Table 4

Sign of the strength of shag smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3


Above average strength

Medium fortress

Below average fortress

Weak fortress

Table 5

Sign of fullness of shag smoke

Shag score, points

highest quality


N 1 strong

N 2 middle

N 3 light


Average completeness

Not full enough


1.8. The overall assessment of smoking shag by aroma, taste, strength and fullness of shag smoke must be at least 15 points.


2.1. Smoking makhorka is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of smoking tobacco of one name, one net weight of a pack, one date of manufacture, drawn up with one document of quality.

2.2. To control the quality of smoking tobacco, the sampling is carried out randomly according to a one-stage normal control plan, with an acceptance level of defectiveness of 4.0 and a special control level C-1 in accordance with GOST 18242 *. The sample size from a batch of no more than 500 boxes is equal to 3 boxes.

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 50779.71-99 is in force.

2.3. A batch of products is accepted if there are no defective boxes in the sample, and rejected if there are one or more defective boxes in the sample.


3.1. Sampling

3.1.1. From each sample box selected according to clause 2.2, 15 packing units (packs) for laboratory tests and 1 packing unit for sensory evaluation are randomly selected.

3.2. Determination of the moisture content of smoking tobacco

3.2.1. Equipment and reagents

Tin trays with an area of ​​(120 ± 2) cm with a side height (10 ± 2) mm.
Thermometer according to GOST 28498.
Desiccator according to GOST 25336.
Calcium chloride (dehydrated), pure or sulfuric acid in accordance with GOST 4204, concentration not less than 94% (density 1.830-1.835 g / cm3).

3.2.2. Testing
The smoking tobacco is removed from the packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1, mixed thoroughly. Two samples of makhorka weighing 4-5 g are placed in trays dried to constant weight and weighed. The makhorka trays are placed on the top or middle shelf of the drying cabinet. Dry for (20 ± 1) min at an air temperature of (108 ± 2) ° С. The drying time starts from the moment the set temperature is established in the cabinet. The ventilation openings of the cabinet must be fully open. At the end of drying, the trays with a sample of shag are quickly transferred to a desiccator with calcium chloride or sulfuric acid, cooled for 12 to 15 minutes and weighed with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.2.1, 3.2.2.

3.2.3. Processing of results
The moisture content of makhorka for each sample separately in percent is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the tray, g;

Weight of the tray with a sample of makhorka before drying, g;
- weight of the tray with a sample of makhorka after drying, g.
The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 0.5%.

3.3. Determination of the mass fraction of large parts, grains, fines (poppy) and dust in makhorka

3.3.1. Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.
Desiccator according to GOST 25336.
A device for determining the contamination of leaf tobacco (ZLT), having a frequency of circular translational movements of the working table (180 ± 5) rpm.
A set of sieves with a diameter of (200 ± 5) mm, consisting of:
a sieve with a sieve cloth 1-29-1x0.8 or 1-30-1-1.0 according to NTD;
a wicker sieve made of semi-compact mesh 045 or 05 in accordance with GOST 6613;
a wicker sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315 in accordance with GOST 6613;
dust collection tray.
The fraction remaining on a sieve with a sieve cloth is large pieces of shag, on a sieve made of mesh 045 or 05 - large, on a sieve made of mesh 028 or 0315 - small change (poppy seeds). The makhorka fraction collected in the pallet is dust.
It is allowed to use other sieving machines with similar metrological characteristics according to the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.3.2. Test preparation
The smoking shag is carefully removed from the packaging units selected in clause 3.1.1, slightly loosened and dried to (15 ± 0.5)%, after which a sample is taken with a mass of (100 ± 1) g.

3.3.3. Testing
A sample of makhorka is placed on the upper sieve of the ZLT device and sieved for (10 ± 0.1) min. Each fraction is weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.3.4. Processing of results
The mass fraction of tobacco fractions in percent is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the makhorka fraction, g;

Sample weight of makhorka, g.
For the test result, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed: for large parts - 0.3%, for grains - 10%, for fines - 1%, for dust - 0.5%.
Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.4. Determination of the mass fraction of hard and soft parts in shag

3.4.1. Equipment
Porcelain mortar in accordance with GOST 9147.
Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.
Drying cabinet (see appendix).

3.4.2. Testing
Pre-dried according to clause 3.2, a sample weighing 4-5 g is ground in small portions in a porcelain mortar using a pestle with a rubber tip by light pressing and manually sieved through a braided sieve made of semi-compact mesh 028 or 0315.
The solid parts remaining on the sieve are weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g.
(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.4.3. Processing of results
The mass fraction of solid parts in makhorka as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of solid parts of tobacco, g;

Sample weight of makhorka, g.
The mass fraction of soft parts in makhorka as a percentage is calculated by the formula

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 5% for hard and soft parts.
Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.5. Determination of the mass fraction of artificial grits in makhorka

3.5.1. Equipment
Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.
Medical tweezers in accordance with GOST 21241.

3.5.2. Testing
Fractions of tobacco - large parts and grains, determined according to clause 3.3, mix thoroughly, take a sample weighing (10 ± 1) g and spread a thin layer on a sheet of white paper.
From the sample, use tweezers to select artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust and weigh with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.5.3. Processing of results
The mass fraction of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of artificial crumbs from pressed tobacco dust, g;

Sample weight, g.
The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 1%.
Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6. Determination of the mass fraction of nicotine in tobacco in terms of dry matter

3.6.1. Equipment and reagents
Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.
Glass flask in accordance with GOST 25336, with a capacity of 200-250 cm3.
Pipette according to NTD.
Filter paper in accordance with GOST 12026.
Thermometer according to GOST 28498.
Glass funnel in accordance with GOST 25336.
Electric tiles in accordance with GOST 14919.
Electric coffee grinder in accordance with GOST 19423.
Lighting kerosene KO-20.
Technical ethyl alcohol in accordance with GOST 18300.
Sulfuric acid in accordance with GOST 4204.
Sodium hydroxide in accordance with GOST 4328 or potassium hydroxide in accordance with GOST 24363.
Distilled water in accordance with GOST 6709.

3.6.2. Test preparation
A sample with a mass of (55 ± 5) g is taken from the packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1, dried at a temperature of 25 to 40 ° C to a moisture content of (9 ± 1)%, crushed on an electric coffee grinder and sieved manually through a woven sieve , from a semi-compact mesh 045 or 05.
The resulting sample is mixed several times, laid out in a thin even layer on paper and two parallel samples, each weighing (2 ± 0.01) g, are taken from different places. Weighing is carried out with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

3.6.3. Testing
Each sample taken is poured into a conical or round flat-bottomed flask with a capacity of 200 to 250 ml, add 10 ml of a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. After that, the flask is lightly shaken so that the sample is evenly moistened, and 50 ml of kerosene, accurately measured with a pipette, is added. Then the flask is closed with a stopper with a thermometer and a glass tube (air condenser) 20 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter passed through it.
The thermometer is placed in the flask so that the mercury ball is immersed in the liquid. The flask is heated over an alcohol lamp or on an electric stove through an asbestos lining.
The mass is heated from room temperature to boiling for 4-5 minutes and boiled for 2 minutes so that no vapors are released from the glass tube. Then the contents of the flask are mixed well with a rotary motion, cooled and allowed to settle.
The kerosene extract settled in the flask is carefully (without shaking) drained or filtered through a folded paper filter in an amount of about 40 cm into a dry beaker or conical flask with a capacity of 50 cm.
The drained kerosene hood must be transparent. If this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to heat the kerosene extract to a temperature of (35 ± 5) ° С, after which it quickly settles, becomes transparent and pours into another dish.
From a transparent extract, 25 cm are taken with a pipette, transferred to a clean, rinsed with distilled water, a conical flask with a capacity of 100 to 250 cm, 10 cm of a 50% solution of ethyl alcohol and 2-3 drops of a lacmoid solution are added there, and then titrated with a decinormal solution of sulfuric acid.
The titration is finished when the lower transparent layer of the liquid takes on a purple hue.
To calculate the mass fraction of nicotine in terms of dry matter, determine the moisture content of a sample of smoking tobacco according to claim 3.

3.6.4. Processing of results
The mass fraction of nicotine in makhorka in terms of dry matter as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the amount of decinormal sulfuric acid solution used for titration (counting from the burette), cm;
- correction factor for sulfuric acid;
- mass of a sample of makhorka, g;
- moisture sample of makhorka,%.
The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the permissible discrepancies between which should not exceed 5% rel.
Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of the first decimal place.

3.6.1-3.6.4. (Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.7. Determination of the net weight of smoking tobacco in terms of 20% moisture

3.7.1. Equipment
Laboratory balance with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.2. Test preparation
The smoking shag is removed from the two packaging units selected according to clause 3.1.1 and weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.01 g.

3.7.3. Processing of results
The net weight of smoking tobacco in grams in terms of 20% moisture is calculated by the formula

where is the net mass of smoking tobacco at actual humidity, g;

Humidity of smoking tobacco, determined according to clause 3.2.2,%.
The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the allowable discrepancies between which should not exceed 5%.
Calculations are carried out to the nearest whole units.


4.1. Smoking tobacco is packed with a net weight of (50 ± 2.5) g and (100 ± 5) g in terms of 20% moisture.

4.2. Smoking tobacco of the highest quality and flavored is packed in packs of colored writing paper in accordance with GOST 6861.
It is allowed to pack in paper reams in accordance with GOST 8273, grade D.

4.3. Smoking makhorka N 1 strong, N 2 medium and N 3 light are packed in paper reams in accordance with GOST 8273, grade D or in reams of makhorka paper.

4.4. Packs with smoking tobacco must be clean, intact and firmly glued.

4.5. Printing on labels should be clear, drawings and inscriptions should not go over to the side of the pack, should not get dirty and have a smell of paint.

4.6. Artistic design of packs according to normative and technical documentation.

4.7. Each pack must have the following designations:
the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;
location and subordination of the manufacturer;
name of makhorka;
net weight of tobacco in grams with the indication: "at 20% moisture";
date of production;
designation of this standard;
the inscription "The USSR Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous for your health."

4.8. Packs of smoking tobacco are packed in plywood boxes in accordance with GOST 10131 or wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 10131, or in corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13511. Before placing the tobacco, the boxes inside must be lined with paper.

4.9. Corrugated cardboard boxes are packed using one of the following methods:
stitching metal staples of longitudinal and transverse valves of the bottom and cover using gaskets in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9142;
gluing the longitudinal flaps of the bottom and the cover to the transverse ones, followed by gluing the longitudinal seams with paper tape at least 60 mm wide or with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251;
stitching the bottom valves with metal staples using a gasket and gluing the longitudinal seam of the lid with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend on both sides of at least 100 mm or adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251;
mechanized gluing of the longitudinal seams of the bottom and the lid of the boxes with paper tape at least 100 mm wide with a bend of at least 100 mm on the sides or with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251.
It is allowed to combine the above packing methods to ensure the strength of the boxes.
(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.10. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of manipulation signs: "Keep away from moisture", "Keep away from heating", an additional inscription "Flammable" and the application of markings characterizing the products:
name and location of the manufacturer, its subordination, trademark;
the name of the makhorka;
net weight of smoking tobacco in a pack;
net weight of smoking tobacco in the box;
date of manufacture;
designations of this standard;
tare numbers according to the price list.

4.11. Packing smoking tobacco for the Far North and hard-to-reach areas in accordance with GOST 15846.

4.12. Smoking makhorka is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the transportation rules in force for the corresponding mode of transport.
Vehicles intended for the transportation of smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and free of foreign smell.

4.13. The storage room for smoking tobacco must be dry, clean and well ventilated. Relative air humidity (65 ± 5)%.

4.14. The floor in the room must be at least 50 cm above ground level. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be placed on a wooden floor or flooring, or on wooden planks at least 10 cm above the floor with gaps for air circulation.

4.13, 4.14. (Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.15. Boxes with smoking makhorka should be stacked in stacks of no more than six boxes in height with aisles between two or three rows. The distance from heat sources must be at least 1 m.

4.16. It is not allowed to store perishable products and goods with a smell in the same room with smoking tobacco.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of smoking tobacco meets the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of smoking tobacco is 12 months from the date of manufacture.

APPENDIX (required)


To determine the moisture content of smoking tobacco, drying cabinets are used according to the normative and technical documentation, which provide the required drying conditions.
(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).