Okved for cleaning services. Okvad for cleaning services Who uses cleaning and cleaning services

From January 01, 2016, OKVED 2 will come into force - a new Classifier of types of economic activity, in which a whole section is allocated for. New types have also appeared for other near-cleaning business areas. The statistical authorities have already started calling entrepreneurs to clarify the types of activities, but still some entrepreneurs should study the document well in advance so as not to miss their own among more than 200 codes. It will be especially difficult for those involved in the maintenance of the internal infrastructure of buildings (power supply, elevators, ventilation, etc.).

Theoretically, it has been possible to use OKVED 2 codes since 2014. In practice, the introduction of a new classifier of economic activity was postponed twice (first to January 2015, and then to 01/01/2016) due to the lack of the necessary software from the Federal Tax Service. Therefore, the replacement of codes will be carried out by the tax authorities without the participation of legal entities after the development of the relevant software. Victoria Paneva, a legal adviser at Cristanval, told InfoKlin that Rosstandart's order No. 1261-st dated September 30, 2014 established a transitional period for a gradual transition to the use of new classifiers until January 1, 2016.
“In 2015, when registering a business, it is recommended to use the old classifier OKVED 2001,” said Viktor Kozin, Executive Director of NAI Becar. “It will be enough for already working entrepreneurs and directors of enterprises, after recoding, to simply order new extracts from the USRIP and USRLE at the tax office for free.” At the same time, Viktor Kozin reminded businessmen of the need to independently verify the correctness of new codes so that they can be sure that the tax authorities did not make mistakes when recoding.

So what did the developers of OKVED 2 prepare for real estate service companies?

Cleaning (professional cleaning, cleaning and laundry)

Cleaners can rejoice: they won’t have to climb the new classifier for a long time, since its developers have collected almost all types of activities related to the cleaning industry in one section - OKVED Class 81 “Building and territory maintenance activities”. Classes in OKVED 2 are divided into subclasses, in which codes of activities are placed directly.
There are three subclasses in Class 81, two of which - "Comprehensive maintenance activities" (81.1) and "Cleaning and cleaning activities" (81.2) - contain 7 OKVED codes and almost completely describe various types of cleaning. In the group of cleaning codes, one can find: provision of various ancillary services within the premises of the client, internal and external cleaning of buildings of all types, cleaning of industrial equipment, washing of trains, buses, aircraft, etc., cleaning of the interior of tankers and sea tankers, disinfection and pest control in buildings, ships, trains, etc., bottle washing, street cleaning, snow and ice removal, and grounds maintenance services.

Cleanliness is needed everywhere. That is why many businessmen, having started activities related to cleaning premises, subsequently do not change it and do not use additional OKVED codes to reflect additional activities, since decoding 81.22 OKVED means that the activity is related to cleaning and cleaning any type of premises and buildings.

Maintaining a staff of cleaners has long proved unprofitable. After all, sometimes one person is enough to maintain cleanliness, although at the same time, a special team of cleaners is required to carry out a major cleaning. Therefore, most often, many firms hire a team to carry out a major type of cleaning, capable of performing the required amount of work for a certain fee.

Who uses cleaning and cleaning services?

In fact, the demand for cleaning companies is now at a special level. That is why many novice businessmen use OKVED 81.22 as the main code. It reflects the work in the form of cleaning and cleaning carried out in buildings of any type. It also includes office, residential and non-residential premises. But not only the cleaning of small square premises is carried out by firms conducting activities reflected by this code. 81.22 also applies in the case of cleaning and cleaning in the premises of a plant, factories, institutes, shops and other commercial as well as professional establishments.

In addition to cleaning the premises, companies offering cleaning services and operating under OKVED 81.22 also carry out such types of work as the procedure for cleaning chimneys and fireplaces from contamination. Cleaning companies also carry out such work as cleaning the incinerator, boiler, ventilation shaft and exhaust fans. It is worth noting that this code is used by cleaning companies that provide special types of services related to cleaning production equipment and industrial facilities from contamination.

Such a variety of types allows any cleaning company not to conduct additional activities, since OKVED 81.22 allows you to actively develop and be in demand in any field. After all, cleanliness is needed everywhere, whether it is a factory or an apartment.

What cleaning companies don't do

Despite the fact that OKVED 81.22 allows cleaning and cleaning literally in any room, it still does not reflect some types of work related to cleaning the facades of buildings. The use of steam blasting or sandblasting is carried out only by those cleaning companies that operate under OKVED .99.

And although cleaning companies operating exclusively under OKVED 81.22 cannot carry out such types of work as washing windows or cleaning facades. But other types of work in the form of cleaning rooms, stoves and other elements that often require regular cleaning in residential and industrial premises, they can perform quickly and efficiently.

Entrepreneurial activity, due to the expansion of demand for various types of services, finds its most diverse manifestations. But all types are united by one characteristic - they must be registered in the manner prescribed by law, for which OKVED codes are used. To select a code, a new edition of the classifier came into force in 2016, what kind of OKVED does it provide for cleaning services? We will consider this issue in this article.

Previously, three editions of the classifier were used, and it was difficult for a novice entrepreneur to choose exactly one of them for use. The codes were selected in different ways, which caused confusion both in registration documents and in state registries. It is for this reason that the state authorities decided to use a single classifier within the framework of entrepreneurship throughout the country.

OKVED-2 became such a classifier, the development of which was completed back in 2014, but then it was not introduced as a single one, and entrepreneurs retained the right to leave the already selected codes. But for 2016, this classifier is recognized as the only valid one, which means that it will be necessary to select codes for registration using it. In addition, there is a need for re-registration. For this purpose, entrepreneurs who have been working for a long time must choose a code for themselves according to the new classifier and apply for its change in state registers.

Previously, this process was accompanied by the payment of a state fee, but due to the situation this year, changes in data and extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP will be carried out free of charge.

What can be included in cleaning services

As mentioned above, a variety of activities can become entrepreneurship, including cleaning and washing services and other cleaning and washing services. At the same time, companies that are going to provide such types of services, like everyone else, must undergo state registration and indicate OKVED.

It is worth talking about the fact that cleaning can manifest itself both in the direct implementation of cleaning and washing of a professional type, and in some other types, which can be cleaning equipment, washing buildings of various types externally, cleaning tankers from the inside, cleaning streets, including snow removal, etc. Cleaning services also include disinfection and disinsection measures, which are an integral part of the production process in various fields.

Some types of cleaning services may even lie in the field of landscaping, washing cars, trains, ships, providing dry cleaning services, and so on.

Solution from a new classifier

OKVED-2 differs from previous editions in that its structure has become clearer and more accessible. There was an improvement in sections, which led to the formation of specialized classes, which, in turn, are divided into subclasses and types, which makes the procedure for selecting a code much easier, it is important just to find your class, and orientation in it occurs almost “automatically”.

Thus, OKVED cleaning services in 2016 were combined into a whole class 81, which greatly facilitates the search for the required code for the type of service provided. So, class 81 is divided into subclasses: 81.1 - intended for cleaning activities of various premises of an integrated type, as well as 82.2 - cleaning and cleaning activities.

In the new edition of the classifier, these two subclasses included 7 types of different activities, among which you can find any type of cleaning services, including even washing bottles, process equipment, as well as disinfection and disinfestation measures. This greatly simplifies the selection process.

Other codes

This article is aimed at facilitating the process of finding the necessary code for entrepreneurs and organizations providing professional washing and cleaning services, which means that, in addition to class 81 in the classifier, they may need some other codes that are better mentioned for easier navigation through the classifier:

  • 39 - a code that can be useful if the specialization of the business object lies in cleaning after construction.
  • 99 is the code used by the enterprise that cleans the facades of buildings with the help of steam and sandblasting.
  • 20 is a code that can be used by car wash stations, since it specializes in washing vehicles.
  • 01 - useful to an entrepreneur if his specialization is washing and chemical cleaning of textiles and carpet-type products.

So, OKVED for cleaning services in the conditions of the new classifier created a separate class, but this does not exclude the possible use by entrepreneurs of codes from other classes.