Criteria for assessing participation in a business game. Business game as a type of gaming technology

Criteria for evaluating the student's work in the educational discussion

Criteria for evaluating a student's work in a business game

Criterion Score
Takes an active part in the work of the group, proposes his own options for solving the problem, speaks on behalf of the group with recommendations on the problem under consideration, or complements the respondent; demonstrates preliminary information readiness in the game 1,4
Takes an active part in the work of the group, participates in discussions, makes standard recommendations on the problem under consideration, prepares objections to opponents, but does not act himself and does not supplement the respondent; demonstrates information readiness for the game 1,0
Participates in the discussion, but does not express his own point of view, cannot formulate answers to the objections of opponents, does not speak on behalf of the working group and does not supplement the respondent; demonstrates poor information readiness for the game 0,7
Takes part in the work of the group, but offers unsubstantiated, not supported by factual decisions; demonstrates weak information readiness 0,5
Does not take part in the work of the group, does not express any judgments, does not act on behalf of the group; demonstrates complete ignorance of the essence of the problem under study.

Individual homework

Explanatory note

Individual homework assignments are an important stage in the formation of the student's competencies. The fulfillment of such tasks requires not only theoretical training, but also an independent scientific search. Completing assignments and checking them allows you to form and assess the level of mastering all the competencies provided for by the work program of the discipline. Individual homework involves the search and processing of statistical, theoretical and practical material on a given topic. Homework assignments, their information support are set in the Materials for preparation for seminars and methodological instructions for the implementation of independent and creative work in the discipline "Management in the tourism industry".

The objects of this form of control are the following competencies: OK-6, PK-7, PK-8, PK-12. The objects of assessment are:

- knowledge of management functions, forms of management of tourism industry enterprises;

- knowledge of the types of management decisions and methods of their development;

- knowledge of the basics of personnel management of a tourist enterprise;

- the ability to diagnose and identify various types of problem situations in the tourism industry, develop measures to prevent and overcome them, plan and monitor the implementation of the project, ensure coordination with all functional divisions of enterprises in the tourism industry.

- understanding the place and role of management in the activities of enterprises in the tourism industry.

- the ability to use information support and communications in management;

- knowledge of human resource management;

- knowledge of the organization and management technology in tourism.

- the ability to analyze the problems of tourism management and find ways to solve them;

- the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the work of tourist enterprises;

- the ability to substantiate the principles of rational use of transport;

- the ability to generalize, analyze the material studied, draw conclusions, illustrate the theoretical and practical foundations of the organization of management at the enterprises of the tourism industry.


- possession of experience in organizing management at the enterprises of the tourism industry;

- the ability to negotiate, establish relationships, meet the needs of clients in a travel agency;

- the ability to establish communications;

- the ability to apply professional knowledge in the provision of tourism services.


by discipline " Business law»

for 3rd year students of the direction "Jurisprudence"

The maximum number of points in the discipline - 100 :

50 points- active participation in seminars;

30 points- fulfillment of control tasks;

20 points- student's independent work.

The total of seminars is 38 hours, i.e. 19 lessons.

Grading system

Excellent answer - 3 points;

A good answer is 2 points;

Weak answer - 1 point.

Supplements (regardless of their number) - 1-2 points.

Student's independent work - 20 points.

Competencies tested: PK-2,6,8,9,13,15,16,17.VK - 2.4

1. Preparation of abstracts and reports on the topics:

Types of entrepreneurship:

A - tourist activity,

B-G jewelry store

D-L - pawnshop,

Z-L cinema,

M- cafe / restaurant,

Р-С - production of household chemicals

U - X - food production,

D-S - tannery,

X is a dairy farm,

Ш - transportation by fixed-route taxi,

Legal services, etc.

2.Analysis of scientific articles on the problems:

"Actual problems of entrepreneurial activity",

"Problems of Small Business",

“Peasant (farm) or personal subsidiary farm for the production of agricultural. products ",

"Unfair competition, ways to solve the problem",

"Dominant position in the market as a basic category of antitrust legislation", etc.

Independent work must be submitted before last practical lesson... Independent work submitted after the deadline is not accepted or evaluated, with the exception of missing the deadline for valid reasons (provide a document certifying the reason for missing the deadline.


evaluation of abstracts and articles

Maximum points

Knowledge and understanding of theoretical material.

The student correctly defines the concepts under consideration, giving appropriate examples; demonstrates deep knowledge of theoretical material, independence of work.

Analysis and evaluation of information

The student uses various methods of cognition (analysis, comparison techniques, the relationship of concepts and phenomena; gives alternative views on the problem under consideration, makes reasoned conclusions, uses a large number of different sources of information.

Building judgments

The presentation of the material is clear and precise, logically structured, the student is given various points of view and their personal assessment. The presentation corresponds to the genre of the problematic scientific article.

Registration of work

The illustrative method is used - presentations

Independent work No. 3. (Business game-debate).

Debate is an intellectual game, which is a special kind of discussion conducted according to strict formal rules. It is based on a resolution (the topic of debate), which is always formulated in the form of an affirmative proposal. Competitors must persuade the judges and spectators (but not the opposing team) to their point of view. This is achieved by providing their arguments in support of their point of view and putting forward counterarguments for the statements of opponents.

Teams can have a different number of participants (usually 3-6). There are several options for team and individual debates, in which either only making speeches is possible, or the possibility of participation in a cross-discussion is added, but the discussion is always organized as a clash of two opposing positions.

The fundamental principles of organizing debates are honesty and respect for partners, and the most important principle is "there are no losers!"


Teams (consisting of player-speakers) - the approvers defend the topic, the deniers - refute.

The referees decide which of the teams was more convincing in proving their position; keep the game protocol, in which the areas of collision of positions are noted; indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the speakers' presentation.

Timekeeper - monitors compliance with the rules and regulations of the game.

A coach (tutor) is usually a teacher (less often - experienced student debaters who have completed a full training course).

Stages of work in the "Debate" technology


Choosing a theme.

Building a plot of evidence

Choosing arguments

The debate itself

Announcement of positions (discussion)

Round of cross-questions



Criteria for evaluation:

10 points are awarded to the winning team that will present their point of view on the problematic issue in a more reasoned manner, demonstrate the ability of collective discussion and thinking, correctly select and use the legal norms that regulate the appropriate attitude and show the most vivid and competent speech.

5 points - to participating teams.

Business game number 2

The role-playing game is carried out upon completion of the study of the discipline "Business Law".

The purpose of the role-playing game is to practice the skills of the practical application of the knowledge gained during the course of the course on the example of resolving a specific situation; development of general cultural and professional competencies.

    correct identification of the problem inherent in a disputable situation;

    the formation of skills in the delimitation of various types of production in the civil process;

    the formation of the parties' positions on the basis of the interpretation of the provisions of the legislation in the absence of a direct rule for resolving the dispute;

    development of a well-grounded solution to a controversial issue;

    developing the ability to apply normative legal acts, to implement the norms of law;

    development of the ability to legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances;

    development of the ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activity in legal documentation;

    mastering the skills of preparing legal documents.

The role play is carried out in four stages.

Stage I - preparation for the dispute, the formation of the positions of the parties.

Stage II - conducting the proceedings.

Stage III - working out a decision on the case.

Stage IV - discussion of the solution worked out.

The plot of the case is determined by the students independently.

The approximate composition of the participants in the business game:

1. The judge presiding over the case;

2. The secretary of the court session;

4. Representative of the plaintiff;

5. Defendants;

6. Representative of the defendant;

7. Witnesses.

It is necessary to identify two students (not involved in the game) who will act as independent experts. Their main task is to identify procedural mistakes made during the game and evaluate the work of students.

Description of the stages of the role-playing game:

Stage I - preparation for the dispute. The representatives of the parties form legal positions on the basis of the current legislation and the circumstances of the case.

Stage II - conducting the proceedings. The parties take turns presenting the positions they have developed, expressing arguments in their defense, assessing the validity of the arguments of the other side, asking each other clarifying questions. The court guides the process of considering the case and asks questions, the answers to which will make it possible to make a lawful and well-grounded decision on the case.

Stage III - working out a decision on the case. The court, taking into account the arguments of the parties presented in the course of the proceedings, develops and announces the decision on the case.

Stage IV - discussion of the solution worked out. Game participants and spectators (students of the group who did not take direct part in the game) discuss the validity of the proposed solution to the disputable situation, evaluate the arguments voiced during the game from the standpoint of their compliance with the legislation and the judicial practice developed on the basis of its application.

Business game evaluation criteria:

Criterion (assessment indicator)

The quality of the assignment

Argumentation, originality of the proposed solutions

Ability to navigate in non-standard situations

Ability to correctly apply regulations

Clarity, completeness and quality of filling out the documentation

Maximum points for a business game

Execution of control works- 30 points.

In the process of studying the discipline, during the semester, it is planned to perform two tests. Examination works are carried out in the form of a colloquium and testing on all topics.

Examination number 1: Estimated from 0 to 15 points.

Test work number 2: Estimated from 0 to 15 points.

The period of the control work No. 1 at the 10th seminar on the topics:

An example of the rules of a business game

· Work on the study, analysis and discussion of tasks in teams is carried out in accordance with the proposed scheme of cooperation.

· The speech should contain analysis and generalization. Answers to the proposed questions must be reasoned and reflect the practical significance of the problem under consideration.

· After the speech, any participant can ask questions to clarify or develop the problem. Questions should be short and clear.

· Answers to questions should be strictly to the point, reasonable and laconic.

· If it is necessary to develop and clarify the problem, any participant in the game can make suggestions and additions. They must be correct and friendly.

An example of the rights and obligations of participants:

1) Teacher:

· Instructs the participants of the business game on the methodology of its conduct;

· Organizes the formation of teams, experts;

· Manages the course of the business game in accordance with didactic trees and rules of the business game;

· Makes operational changes in educational activities, asks questions, objects and, if necessary, comments on the content of speeches;

· Delves into the work of experts, participates in summing up. Promotes scientific generalization of results;

· Organizes the debriefing.

2) Expert group:

· Evaluates the activities of participants in a business game in accordance with the developed criteria;

· In the course of a business game, finalizes the criteria for assessing the activities of teams;

· Prepares a conclusion on the assessment of the teams' performance, discuss it with the teacher;

· Speaks with the results of evaluating the performance of teams;

· Distributes places between the teams in agreement with the teacher.

3) Participants in the game:

· Carry out tasks and discuss problems in accordance with the scheme of cooperation in teams;

• kindly listen to opinions;

· Prepare questions, additions;

· Strictly observe the regulations;

· Actively participate in the performance.

4. Conclusions (reflection). Training in business games is aimed at the formation of communication skills: to establish and maintain communication, to direct the discussion of issues along a given channel, to develop the correct style of relations. The games develop skills related to the organization of work: to correctly distribute work, highlight the most important issues for discussion, clearly organize work in accordance with the planned plan, and prepare draft documents. Business games develop a culture of decision-making, bring up limitations in emotional manifestations, restraint in words and deeds.

Expected performance of business games:

· Cognitive: in the process of a business game, students get acquainted with the methods of argumentation and thinking in the study of the issue (problem), the organization of the work of the team, the functions of their "position" by personal example;

Educational: in the process of a business game, the consciousness of its participants' belonging to the team is formed, which forms criticality, restraint, respect for the opinion of others, attentiveness to playmates;

· Developing: in the process of a business game, logical thinking, the ability to find answers to the questions posed, speech, the ability to communicate during the discussion are developed.

The effectiveness of business games is ensured by a number of factors:

When they constitute a system for the formation of a specialist throughout the entire period of training, developing from simple to complex at various stages of training;

· When they contribute to the integration of different disciplines, becoming complex;

Differing from each other in educational goals, business games solve common problems:

· Development of skills in search, collection, processing and analysis of economic, legal, commercial and other information; application of the acquired knowledge and skills in solving practical situations of entrepreneurial, organizational and legal activities;

· Formation of skills of work in a team and with a team; education of the creative personality of the future specialist, combining professionalism, organizational skills, independence.

The evaluation of the results of the game is carried out in order to summarize the intermediate and final results of the results of the activities of enterprises. The main task of the assessment is to get an idea of ​​the nature of the actions of the teams participating in the game. There are two options for assessing the outcome of the game: assessment of the game by its participants; assessment of the game by its leader. The assessment of the game by its participants is carried out for each enterprise and covers all periods of the game. The assessment of the game by its leader is carried out as a final one for the totality of the periods of the game and is carried out by comparative analysis of the result of the activities of all participants in the game, i.e. is of a general nature and is carried out in the main areas of the enterprise.

Summing up the results of the business game should be accompanied, along with the ranking of the participants, by a thorough analysis of the factors of the leaders' success and the reasons for the lag of the outsiders of the game.

The business game makes it possible to visually and simply represent the modeling process. The skills and abilities obtained as a result of conducting a business game have a higher degree of assimilation in comparison with other traditional teaching methods.

Sections: General educational technologies

The leading and general form of school teaching and upbringing, the central component of all teacher's activities is the lesson. It is in the lesson that coordination and integration of all the teacher's efforts takes place. The lesson is a living cell of the educational process, all the most important and the most important thing for the student is done in the lesson. The educational process begins with a lesson, and it ends with a lesson. Each new lesson is a step of new knowledge and development of the student, a new contribution to the formation of his mental and moral culture. Many lessons do not have a sufficient educational and developmental impact on students. Success depends to a large extent on the development of the lesson theory, on the development and scientific substantiation of the relationship between the elements of the lesson, its structure, preparation scheme, etc. The end result of the lesson consists of two components: the activities of the teacher and the activities of the students in the lesson. It is impossible to consider one from the other in isolation, for the second is the result of the quality of the first.

The development of a personality cannot occur outside the development of its activity - cognitive, communicative activity. One of the didactic tools aimed at developing the activity of students and ensuring their involvement in interpersonal communication and interest in the results of the educational process are role-playing and business games. The essence of the didactic game is to transfer to students some of the functions (control, information, organizational, evaluating), traditionally performed by the teacher. Such an organization of the educational process is very variable and therefore, depending on the age, the specifics of the academic subject, the preparedness of the students, it can be carried out in various forms (for example, the whole class can be divided into several interacting role groups or individual students are endowed with individual roles). It is important that the teacher, when organizing and analyzing the conduct of the game, pays attention not to the quality of performance of a particular role by students, but to the degree of their involvement in the game, their activity, initiative and the ability to improvise, to the possibility of playing (therefore, mastering) by students different roles and diverse activities.

One of the varieties of a role-playing game is a business game - conditional reproduction, imitation, modeling of some real activity, which the participants in the game jointly master. Moreover, each student solves his own separate problem in accordance with his role and function. In collaborative activities, students also develop collaboration skills.

The game only arouses the interest and activity of students when there is an element of surprise in it. Of course, in this case, the elements of repetition and surprise, improvisation should be optimally dosed in order to ensure the developmental effect of the game, the dynamics of mastering specific methods of action.

Currently, there are a significant number of different types, definitions and classifications of business games.

A business game is a reproduction of the activities of managers and management personnel, game modeling of management systems.

In the course of a business game, it becomes possible not only to carry out the activities of specialists, but also to identify problems and the reasons for their occurrence, develop options for solving problems, etc.

The essence of the business game lies in the creative activity of the participants who need to find a problem and ways to solve it.

Depending on the functions, business games are divided into three groups:

  1. Educational (used in training managers and specialists to develop their skills and abilities for the practical use of theoretical knowledge in their practice).
  2. Production (working out the management system at the enterprise, developing mechanisms for introducing innovations, forecasting the further development of the enterprise, etc.).
  3. Research (used to test hypotheses, new principles of work organization, introduction of new technologies, etc.).

A number of innovations are not implemented at the enterprise only because its employees have insufficient ZUN level, there is no apparent need for its implementation and insufficient psychological preparation for the perception and implementation of innovations.

Each participant in the business game acts within the framework of the position that he performs in the management structure.

One of the requirements of business games is imitation of the most characteristic elements of human activity, their maximum approximation to reality. This requires taking into account the specifics and conditions of a particular enterprise.

The business game prospectus should be presented in the following form: the name of the game, educational goals, the composition of the participants, initial information, methodological recommendations and the procedure for conducting the business game, summing up the results of the business game.

The advantage of business games is that they allow:

  • consider a specific problem in the face of a significant reduction in time (process shrinkage);
  • to master the skills of trainees to identify, analyze and solve specific production problems;
  • work by a group method in the preparation and adoption of management decisions;
  • orientation in non-standard situations;
  • focus the listeners' attention on the main aspects of the problem and establish causal relationships;
  • develop mutual understanding between the participants in the game.

Disadvantages of business games:

  • the relative complexity of the preparation;
  • the lack of formalized criteria that would make it possible to make a more objective assessment and compare the expected result with reality;
  • lack of a clear algorithm for the game.

Business games conditions:

  • attentiveness;
  • involvement in the game;
  • ownership, respect for the point of view of others;
  • scale (without taking into account the rigid framework of existing laws);
  • self-expression.

Before playing, you should clarify some terminological concepts:

A task is a set goal that needs to be achieved

A problem is a complex theoretical or practical issue that requires study and resolution. The problem can be viewed as a contradiction between old and new knowledge, requirements, etc. ...

When conducting a business game, it is necessary to establish regulations (there should be enough time to solve the problem). The task of the teacher: to bring to the consciousness of the participants in the game the main provisions and conclusions, to give a clear conclusion, what the participants in the game managed to achieve. The incompleteness of the game devalues ​​all the work involved in its implementation.

There are business games in which the participants are divided not into teams, but assign roles: director, head of the planning department, heads of shops, etc. Those. in such games, the composition of the characters is determined, and their tasks are established. The discussion proceeds with regard to certain roles.

The course of the game itself is almost no different from the previous one, only the performance of the participants in the game will correspond to the role played.

The structure of the business game.

Stage of the game Activities of the participants in the game Teacher activities
Stage 1 - the goal of the game is formulated and the necessary information is given Clearly imagine the problem or the structure of tasks, correlate the problem with the set goal Organize work in small groups (teams). It is better to invite the participants in the game to choose the problem and the group on their own.
Stage 2 - students' independent work in teams They delve into the problem, try to understand it, develop skills for analyzing the situation and show personality abilities. Collective discussion: practical experience is used, positions are clarified, conclusions or solutions are developed through an agreement. The existence of a separate point of view of some of the participants is possible.

Provides assistance

Stage 3 - intergroup discussion Each group offers its own solution to the problem under consideration. Members of other groups act as opponents: ask questions, make critical comments, or support the project manages the discussion, with the help of leading questions tries to lead to the correct solution of the problem.

Forbidden: express your point of view related to the analysis of the situation or problem

Handouts for the business game.

  1. Description of the business game
  2. Methodical recommendations for a participant in a business game
  3. Reference materials and tables required to process information and prepare an appropriate decision.

Initial information can be given both in the lesson and in advance. Better in advance, because time is not wasted on familiarization with the information. The teacher must explain the features of the game, the procedure for conducting and discussing, explain the criteria for assessing the results of a business game, because when working in small groups, the game is adversarial.

The unpredictability of a business game makes it a specific form of cognitive activity. The technology of game activity is a certain sequence of actions, operations of the teacher for the selection, development, preparation of games, the inclusion of children in play activities, the implementation of the game itself, and summing up its results. In the course of the game, the student masters the experience of life and social relations, the personality as a whole develops.

Business games are used when it is necessary to convey to children the processes of functioning of any systems. Lessons are most often illustrative, and in the game the student becomes personally involved in the functioning of the studied system, gets the opportunity to “live” for some time in “real” life conditions. The advantage of the business game is that it does not replace traditional teaching methods, but rationally supplements them, allowing you to more effectively solve the assigned tasks.

As an example, consider the business game “Assembling a Computer” (informatics), in which the work of a real computer company that assembles and sells computers to order is simulated.

Lesson - business game "Assembling a computer"

Lesson topic: The main devices of the computer.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity.

Form of carrying out: business game.

Lesson objectives:

educational: in a playful way, organize the activities of students to generalize and systematize knowledge on the topic: "Basic computer devices", functions of basic devices and information interaction;

developing: to create conditions for the development of schoolchildren's ability to formulate problems, suggest ways to solve them; create conditions for the development of the ability to formulate their own point of view, express and argue for it; develop the ability to analyze and generalize, self-control and self-esteem;

educational: to promote the development of the ability to communicate with each other; help students realize the value of working together.

Lesson idea.

Pupils are offered the following business game situation: “There are several companies in the city that assemble computers to order. The work of each of the firms during one specific day proceeds as follows. The working day begins. In the morning there are still no orders and you can do something at your leisure, for example, compiling a crossword puzzle from those words that are used in work. Then an order comes in: the customer wants to buy a computer, but he does not know exactly what configuration this computer should be and what additional equipment he will need for the computer. We need to help him in this. ”

The simulation model in this case is the work of a company that assembles and sells computers. Game model is the working day of the company. The lesson contains two main stages, at each of which a specific task is performed.

Task 1 - solving a crossword puzzle or a rebus. At this stage, students get acquainted with new concepts of the topic and solve a crossword puzzle or a rebus using these concepts.

Task 2 - assembling the computer (determining the configuration of the computer). By completing this task, students will learn the definition of new concepts, the functionality of the constituent parts of the computer, the varieties of these components. At the end of the assignment, students should present a computer configuration option with justification why they are proposing this option.

Organization of the lesson.

The working group is divided into several play groups of 3-4 people each. One of the members of the group is selected to be an engineer (group captain), the other - as a manager, the rest act as technicians. It is necessary to invite in advance two teachers or high school students who will help both the players and the moderator during the game: give consultations, check the assignments, monitor the correctness of the answers and evaluate the work of the groups. The leader is the computer science teacher who organized the game and teaches in the given class.

Lesson equipment.

Each game group must have leaflets with the rules of the game, a grading system, cards with crosswords and puzzles, cards with images of components and peripherals, a textbook, a price list, a memo on conducting a conversation with a customer.

Experts must have leaflets with the rules of the game, the grading system, a memo for conducting a conversation with employees of the company.

The price list can be found at any computer hardware store.

Rules of the game.

The game takes place in the form of a competition between game groups, the task of which is to score the maximum number of points that are awarded for correctly completed tasks and tactful behavior during the game.

Players can seek advice from experts. The facilitator can influence the course of the game, participate in the discussion, giving remarks and asking questions. The role of the teacher in the game should be minimal. In a well-prepared business game, the teacher generally acts before the start of the game. The less he interferes in the process of the game, the more elements of self-regulation and mutual control of students in it, the higher the educational value of the game.

At the end of the game, the total points scored by the groups for the whole game are calculated, and for a certain amount of points (which is set by the leader), each player receives a positive assessment.

Grading system.

The correctness of the assignments is assessed according to the following criteria:

Exercise 1:

  • right;
  • accuracy;

Assignment 2:

  • orientation in the material;
  • a culture of speech;
  • brevity;
  • consistency and persuasiveness;
  • highlighting the essential;
  • ability to interest listeners.

The maximum number of points for completing each of the tasks is 5 points.

The behavior of the participants in the game is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • mutual assistance in the group;
  • ability to communicate with colleagues;
  • ability to organize work in a group;
  • the ability to keep within time when solving problems;
  • the ability to listen to the speech of their own speaker and the speaker of another group.

The number of points that are awarded for tactful behavior during the game is 5, and a few more points can be added at the discretion of the host and experts.

For violation of discipline fines are levied:

  • each comment of the presenter or expert-consultant - 1 point;
  • non-observance of the rules of the game - 2 points;
  • gross violation - up to 5 points.

Lesson plan.

  1. Preparatory stage - 2 min.
  2. Crossword puzzle solution - 10 min.
  3. Assembling a computer - 30 minutes (for each group: preparing a computer assembly - 10 minutes, talking with a customer - 10 minutes).
  4. Summing up the lesson - 3 min.

Depending on the level of training of students and the availability of time, the game can be simplified, as well as shortened in duration.

During the classes.

Participants occupy places depending on the previously assigned roles: game groups, expert consultants, presenter.

The presenter informs the participants of the didactic purpose of the game.

Leading. Each of your groups has organized a limited liability company. Please give a name to your company.

The guys come up with the names of their firms-teams.

Leading. Your first working day begins. Until orders are received, you can spend your free time usefully - try to solve a crossword puzzle from computer terms.

2. Solution of the crossword puzzle.

Teams receive crossword sheets. After the expiration of the time allotted for the completion of this task, the presenter announces the completion of the stage. The teams pass their decisions on to the experts, who, while the players are completing the tasks of the next stage, check and evaluate the work of each of the teams.

3. Assembling the computer.

Leading. Your company has received an order. The customer asks you to assemble a computer for him, but he does not know exactly what configuration this computer should be and what additional equipment he will need. The customer wants to use this computer both for work and for games. He can pay 80,000 tenge (this is a task for the 1st team, for other teams it can be, for example, 850,000, 90,000 tenge). Your task: to help the customer in determining the configuration of the computer, i.e. help him determine the power of the computer, the size of the hard disk, RAM, video card, type and size of the monitor, type of printer, presence of speakers, type of mouse and keyboard, scanner, etc. The conditions for fulfilling the order are as follows: on the one hand, the customer must not purchase unnecessary items, i.e. if an employee of the company believes that the customer himself has chosen some item that is not really useful to him, then the employee must reasonably and convincingly prove this; on the other hand, it is necessary to equally sensibly and convincingly prove to the customer that he will need just such and such an item.

Each team receives several pictures of components and peripherals. Players should prepare to communicate intelligibly about what is shown in each picture, whether the item depicted is essential for the computer to function, and its functionality and variations.

Further, the teams offer a variant of the computer configuration for a given amount (real price lists are used) and convince the customer to purchase a computer of just such a configuration. Experts act as customers. The conversations of the representatives of the firms-teams with the customers take place in turn, one after the other. One customer talks to each team. He has a memo on how to behave, what to ask about and for what purposes to demand a computer. The customer must communicate with all members of the game group, everyone must explain something to him. At the end of this stage, the customer announces whether he is satisfied with the service of this company.

An example of a memo for employees of a company.

“For the entire amount that the buyer has, you need to offer the product. You only have Celeron 1200 processors in stock. A large shipment of Epson inkjet printers has arrived and you need to sell them urgently. You don't have speakers, only headphones. You have only 512 MB of RAM ”.

Example of a memo for a customer.

“You know that the latest brand of computer is the Pentium IV. You want to print photos using a computer, listen to music through speakers, watch movies.

You're asking:

  • Pentium is the name of a computer company?
  • What is memory and what is it for?
  • What's the difference between CD-ROM and DVD-ROM?
  • How are large cube-like monitors different from thin monitors?
  • What can I print large posters on?

You are constantly wondering why you are being offered this particular subject and not another ”.

4. Summing up the lesson.

The presenter gives an overall assessment to all the participants in the game and each one individually; analyzes the entire course of the game, focusing on successful and unsuccessful decisions; assesses the general behavior of the participants in the game - interest, mutual assistance, non-standard thinking, discipline, etc. In addition, it is desirable that the players themselves express their opinion about the game - about its content, organization, and also make suggestions for its improvement.


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  4. Arutyunov Yu.S. Methodological issues of business games // Application of active teaching methods: Abstracts. Dokl.nauchno-tekhn. School-seminar.- L., 1987.- p. 85
  5. O. N. Polshchikova Business game at a computer science lesson. .// Informatics and Education., - 2003 -№3.

Business game participants.

Game concept.

Business game theme.

Conducting a lesson in the form of a business game

Approximate topics of abstracts

Topic 5. Ways of practical assessment of the effectiveness of various categories of personnel

1. Modern methods of personnel assessment in Russia

2. Problems of personnel labor assessment in the practice of domestic enterprises

3. Methods for assessing personnel labor in the practice of foreign firms

4. Management of personnel development as a factor in increasing labor efficiency

Criteria for evaluation - see criteria suggested in topic 2.

Interviewee assessment method

To form the skills of assessing applicants for the position, the vision of the necessary skills, job competencies of employees, the acquisition of self-organization skills. The business game makes it possible to simulate a methodology for the practical assessment of the effectiveness of various categories of personnel.

The business game takes place among students of one group, who are divided into teams of two. Methods of forming teams: drawing of lots, random selection, mutual sympathy and others.

3. Expected results:

Acquisition of skills in personnel assessment methodology;

Mastering the skills of working with job descriptions,

Mastering communication skills;

Acquisition of skills in the selection of personnel for the position;

Mastering the technologies of personnel management;

You are a recruiting specialist for Company X. You need to hire a lead manager of the purchasing department. Describe your plan of action, the method of evaluating the interviewee. Describe the required job competencies of the employee.


Work in pairs. Each of you in turn is a human resources specialist and a job applicant.

For participation in a business game, the student is awarded points in accordance with the criteria presented in the table.

Criterion name Evaluation scale (in points)
The quality of the analysis of options for the selection of a specialist for the position, the analysis of the necessary competencies from 0 to 10
The quality of defense of the chosen option: the ability to state the main provisions, defend the point of view reasonably, perceive the opposite, answer the questions of opponents from 0 to 5
Accuracy of compliance with the regulations from 0 to 5
Team activity during group work from -3 to +3
Team activity as an opponent when discussing options for other teams from -3 to +3
Ability to lead a discussion from -3 to +3
Non-observance of the regulations: by the game team by the presenter -3 -1
Total from -12 to 29

The conversion of points into a five-point rating scale is presented in the table.

A set of multilevel tasks and tasks:


Complete the HR Manager Competency Model

Role Competence Demonstrates (skills, abilities) Activity (indicators)
Strategic partner Organizational ability. Problem solving. Customer service. Stress resistance. Oral communication Understanding the external business environment. Knowledge of the mission of the company. Understanding the organizational culture of the client. Knowledge of a systems approach. Understanding the business process and ways to improve the efficiency of the company. Innovation and risk-taking Connects HR policy with the strategy and mission of the company. Applies the principles of the organization's development. Adapts HR procedures to the client's organizational culture. Applies principles of human resources management to change business processes and increase the efficiency of the company
Technical expert
Change agent