Project "clean ponds". Construction of wooden houses from logs and glued beams House project clean ponds

Voronezh region
Repyovsky municipal district

Municipal state educational institution
"Istobinskaya secondary school"

Regional (within the framework of the All-Russian) competition "Yunnat - 2014"

Educational research work

« Chistye Prudy »

Completed by: Prosvirina Ksenia Ilyinichna.

Head: biology teacher
Perfileva Elena Viktorovna

Project content

I. Introduction.

1. Rationale for the choice of the object of study (relevance)………….2

2.Goals and objectives……………………………………………………………………3

3.Expected results………………………………………………………..3

4. Location of research work…………………………..4

II .Project work……………………………………………………….5

1.1.Geographical location of the object……………………………………..8

1.2. Landscape near the reservoir, soil condition, animals and plants of the reservoir and coastal zone…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Research methods………………………………………………………………9

4.Water quality research…………………………………………… 10

5. Research results…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

III. Conclusion.

1. Conclusion on the ecological state of the reservoir and the adjacent territory, made by schoolchildren on the basis of the collected and generalized material…………………………………………………………….13

2.Conclusions and suggestions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13-14

3. Literature used…………………………………………………… 15



1. Rationale for the choice of the object of study (relevance)

Water is important in all natural processes taking place on Earth and plays an important role in the practical activities of man. The continuous water cycle in nature determines the flow of water to the continent.

Water dissolves and mechanically destroys rocks, and forms the appearance of the earth's surface.

The variety of phenomena and processes occurring in the hydrosphere with far from always reasonable and thoughtful use of water has led to an aggravation of the water problem.

This applies not only to natural reservoirs, but also to reservoirs created by human hands, i.e. artificial reservoirs or, as they are also called, ponds. If natural reservoirs are primarily used as sources of drinking water, then ponds open up an opportunity for conducting economic activities for breeding and catching commercial fish, at the same time being places of recreation for the population.

In my project, I want to pay attention to the ecological state of ponds, the types of pollution and ways to eliminate them.

The main pollution, in my opinion, is agricultural and domestic. Agricultural pollution occurs as a result of agricultural activities in close proximity to ponds. Fertilizers and various kinds of pesticides occupy a significant place in modern technologies for the cultivation of agricultural crops. After heavy rains along with water flows into the pond

rushes a large number of harmful substances, leading to biogenic contamination of the reservoir.

Household pollution are present in water because of that. that residents throw various household waste onto the banks of the pond and into the reservoir itself, which also negatively affects the ecology of the reservoir.

When developing the project, the following factors were taken into account: - deterioration of the ecological state of the Centralny pond, located in the very center of the village

The need to stop the export of household waste to the territory adjacent to the pond and restore proper order on it;

Improvement of the territory and creation of a place of rest.

2. Goals and objectives.

The purpose of the research is to assess the ecological state of the Central Pond, identify sources of pollution, as well as develop and implement measures to improve the pond and improve the surrounding area.

Project objectives:

Exploring the ecological state of the reservoir, involve children in scientific work, instill skills in assessing the quality of the environment and thereby lay the seeds for the future, public monitoring;

To form in schoolchildren an understanding of the relationship with nature and the place of man in the natural system surrounding him;

Form a respect for nature;

- to form in students an active life position, a desire to be indifferent to the fate of their small Motherland, its ecological state.

3.Expected results

1. Knowledge and skills acquired during the implementation of the project.

2. Experience of interaction with the environment, communication with classmates, employees of the administration of the settlement, fellow villagers, making responsible decisions.

3. Attract public attention to the problems of the ecological state and improvement of the adjacent territory of the village water bodies.

4. Creation of favorable conditions for the preservation and promotion of health, recreation of citizens, improvement of environmental culture.

4. Location of the research work.

- pond "Central", located on the territory of the village of Istobnoe, Repevsky district, Voronezh region.


II. Project work

An initiative group was organized to form the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of the project among the students. It included students of grades 8-9 in the amount of 5 people. The work of the initiative group was coordinated by the teacher of biology Perfilyeva E.V.

During the conversations, excursions to the reservoir, the members of the initiative group examined and analyzed in detail the ecological state of the Central Pond and the state of the adjacent territory. And immediately a number of questions arose:

Why the problems of reservoirs have become relevant for this period?

What is their importance? Why haven't they decided yet?

1.1.Geographic location of the object.

Pond "Central" was built in 1967 on the site of a deep ravine that divides our village into two parts. Located in the center of the village. The reason for the construction was that the rocks that form the banks of the ravine are weak, loose and easily eroded by rainwater, as well as streams arising from melting snow. To prevent further destruction of the soil, this pond was built. Trees were planted on the shore, strengthening the slopes of the ravine and the banks of the pond, fish were bred. Its dimensions are: length - 350m, width - 60m. The depth of the pond in different places is from 0.5 m (in the upper part of the pond) to 2.5-3 m at the dam.

1.2. Landscape near the reservoir.

The studies carried out showed the presence on the banks of the pond of a significant amount of meadow herbs (bluegrass, timothy grass, creeping clover, etc.), a variety of tree and shrub vegetation.

The soil cover is represented by sod-meadow loamy soils.

During the study of the ecosystem of the Central Pond, the following living organisms were recorded:

Invertebrates: large bivalves, pond snail (small);

Beetles: whirlwinds, swimmers;

Fish: crucian carp, carp, carp, perch;

Reptiles: lizard (fast, already);

Birds: sparrows, tits, nightingale, starling, crows, jackdaws, swifts, magpies, herons, hawks;

Mammals: rats, mice, weasel, marten;

Amphibians: pond frog, green, newt.

The flora of the reservoir is represented mainly by algae. They are the simplest aquatic plants. However, pollution of the reservoir can lead to a violent growth of algae and it begins to "bloom". At the same time, toxins are released, leading to the death of its inhabitants. People can also suffer indirectly, for example, through fish caught in a pond.

3. Research methods.

The study of reservoirs is the most natural task, the solution of which will solve serious environmental problems. There are various methods for studying water bodies:

3.1. Hydrological- include monitoring the dynamics of the water level in reservoirs, temperature conditions, etc.

3.2.Hydrochemical- include monitoring the quality of water in reservoirs, i.e. determining the amount of mineral and organic substances contained in it, determining their nature by hydrochemical methods.

3.3.Hydrobiological- this is a characteristic of the state of the aquatic ecosystem in terms of the plant and animal population of the reservoir.

4.Water quality research.

In this project, I took hydrological research methods as a basis. The topic of the project is new for me, and hydrological research methods do not require special equipment and chemicals.

The sequence of studying water parameters

Before starting the work, I drew up a plan of the reservoir, on which I indicated the places of water withdrawal and places of pollution. (see Attachment).

Reservoir study plan

1. Determination of water temperature.

2.Transparency of water.

3. Turbidity.

4. Determination of the smell of water.

5. Determination of water color.

Water transparency. There are suspended solids in the water, which reduce its transparency. There are several ways to determine the transparency of water.

A) According to the disk of Secchi. To measure the transparency of water, a Secchi disk is used, which is a white disk with a diameter of 40 cm with a weight attached to it so that the disk goes vertically down. Instead of a Secchi disk, you can use a plate, a lid, a bowl placed in

grid. The disc is lowered until it is visible. The depth to which the disc sank will be an indicator of the transparency of the water.

B) Font. A standard font is placed under a cylinder 60 cm high and 3-3.5 cm in diameter at a distance of 4 cm from the bottom, the test sample is poured into the cylinder so that the font can be read, and the maximum height of the water column is determined. I used this method to determine the transparency of water.

Turbidity of water. Water has increased turbidity due to the content of coarse inorganic and organic impurities in it. I determined the turbidity as follows. She shook a sample of water and poured it into a test tube so that the height of the column was 10 cm and was examined in transmitted light. Turbidity is expressed in arbitrary units: weak, noticeable, strong.

Determination of the smell of water. Odors in water can be associated with the vital activity of aquatic organisms or appear when they die - these are natural odors.

The smell of water in a reservoir can also be caused by sewage flows entering it, industrial effluents - these are artificial odors.

The smell was determined at room temperature 20 0 C, as well as when heated to 50-60 0 C, characterizing qualitatively (swampy, earthy, fishy, ​​putrid, aromatic, oily, etc.). The strength of the smell is determined on a five-point scale:

0-no smell; 1-very weak; 2-weak; 3-notable; 4 is very strong.

Determining the color of water. A qualitative assessment of the color is made by comparing the sample with distilled water. To do this, in glasses of

of colorless glass, separately investigated and distilled water is poured, against the background of a white sheet in daylight, they are examined from above and from the side, estimating the color as an observed color, in the absence of color, the water is considered colorless. When describing chromaticity, ordinary colors are used: yellow, light yellow, greenish, brown.

Study results table

Sampling location

T 0 C
















III. Conclusion.

1. Conclusion on the ecological state of the reservoir and the adjacent territory, made by schoolchildren on the basis of the collected and generalized material.

An analysis of the results of a hydrological study and a survey of the banks of the Central Pond made it possible to establish the following: - the reservoir and the adjacent territory are intensively polluted with household waste in the form of building materials waste, various types of packaging, food waste, etc.;

The banks of the pond are overgrown with trees and shrubs, which makes them impassable. When dying, the remains of vegetation enter the reservoir, thereby creating conditions for acidification of water, which negatively affects the flora and fauna of the reservoir;

There are cases of oil products getting into the water as a result of washing vehicles in the summer.

2.Conclusions and suggestions.

The initiative group, having carefully studied the results of the study, came to the following conclusion:

Despite the existing facts of violation of the ecology of the reservoir, it still has a good ability to self-purify. This is confirmed by studies of the ecosystems of the reservoir and the adjacent territory;

Until the Central Pond finally turned into a swamp, it is necessary to take urgent measures to restore the ecology of the reservoir.

For this you need:

2.1. Using the accumulated material, apply to the administration of the settlement with a proposal to support the initiative of schoolchildren to improve the Central Pond.

2.2. Together with the administration of the settlement, develop and approve a program to restore the ecology of the pond and the surrounding area.

2.3. Determine the sources of financing, the timing of the work and those responsible for their implementation.

2.4. Establish a procedure for the removal of garbage from the streets located in the immediate vicinity of the pond.

2.5. Increase control over the state of the sanitary regime of the pond area.

3. Literature used.

1. Ashikhmina T.Ya. School environmental monitoring: educational and methodological manual. M., Rendezvous; 2000.

2.Belov S.V. Environmental protection. M., 1995.

3. Galeeva N.L. Ecology and the human world. Lessons of ecological thinking. –M., Tidex Co., 2002.

4. Zverev A.T. Workshop, grades 10-11. M., Agar; 2002.

5. Zverev I.D. Educational research on ecology at school, M., 2003.

6.Merenyuk G.V. Environmental pollution and public health. M., 2000.

7. Kotova L.I., Ryzhkov L.P. Ecological control of water quality. M., 1995.

8.Internet resource.


Plan-scheme of the pond "Central"

Scale 1:4500 cm

A, B, C - water sampling points

household waste

Recreational area.

Photo 1. Pond "Central"

Photo 2. Pond "Central" near the dam

Photo 3. External view of the left bank.

Photo 4. Appearance of the right bank.

Photo 5. "Traces" of a person.

Photo 6. "Corner" of nature.

Photo 7. Taking a water sample from a reservoir.

Photo 8. Taking a water sample from a reservoir

Photo 9. Determination of water transparency.

Photo 10. Determination of water turbidity.

Photo 11. Determination of the smell of water.

Photo 12

Photo 13. Leveling the surface

Photo 14. Cleaning the area from wood residues

Photo 15

Photo 16

Photo 17. Initiative group

(from left to right): Kretinina A., Stupnikova I., Zakharova M., Baranova O.,

9th grade students.

Photo 18. Study of the relief of the pond shore.

Photo 18. Development of a sketch of a recreation area.

Photo 19. Location of the planned recreation area (pictured

to the right of the gazebo)

Fig.1 Arrangement of a recreation area: 1- reservoir; 2 - scaffolding; 3-beach;

4- ladder; 5- umbrella; 6- lawn; 7- gazebo; 8- trees; 9 - parking for vehicles.

Fig. 2 Sketch of a recreation area

Photo 20. Discussion of the project by the initiative group and the head of the settlement Aristova V.I.

Development of interior design projects

Design project

7500 rub./m 2

Design project

8500 rub./m 2

Design project
"5 stars"


Design project "Gift"

Order a complete set in the studio of Anzhelika Prudnikova, and we will refund you 50% of the cost of the design project of the completed premises! Thus, a design project from the "Prestigious" package will cost you 2 times cheaper. As a result of the work, you will receive a completed project in the form of a complete color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. The composition of the design project:

Design project "Comfortable"

The main advantages of the "Comfortable" design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. Comfortable design project consists of:

  • 1. Scheme of the dimensions of the premises included in the object.
  • 2. Proposal of a sketch of the scheme-plan for planning and / or redevelopment of the object (1 option).
  • 3. Sketch of the scheme-plan of construction installation (dismantling) if agreed and provided in writing).
  • 4. Sketch of the ceiling design scheme.
  • 5. Sketch of the lighting layout plan.
  • 6. Sketch of the circuit-plan for the placement of switches.
  • 7. Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of electrical outlets and electrical outlets.
  • 8. Sketch of the floor plan, layout of materials for the floor.
  • 9. Sketch of the plan for naming the walls.
  • 10. Sketch of the scheme-plan of fixtures.
  • 11. Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed and provided in writing).
  • 12. Sketch of the scheme-plan for laying tiles on the walls (if laying tiles is provided).
  • 13. 3-D visualization of the interior design in a given program, developed on the basis of the results of stage 1, is issued in a printed form.

Design project "Prestigious"

The main advantages of the "Prestigious" design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. The prestigious design project consists of:

  • Scheme of the dimensions of the premises included in the object;
  • Proposal of a sketch of the layout plan and / or redevelopment of the object (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of construction installation (dismantling) if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of the design of the ceiling;
  • Sketch of the lighting layout plan;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of switches;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of electrical outlets and electrical outlets;
  • Sketch of the floor plan, layout of materials for the floor;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of sanitary and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of doorways;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for naming walls;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of floor heating with the binding of the regulator (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of fixtures;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of electrical equipment;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of furniture and its dimensions;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of decorative materials;
  • Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the kitchen equipment layout plan (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for laying tiles on the walls (if laying tiles is provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the sketch of the design project;
  • 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program

Design project "5 stars"

The main advantages of the design project "5 stars". You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Lead time 7-8 weeks. 5 stars design project consists of:

  • Scheme of the dimensions of the premises included in the object;
  • Proposal of a sketch of the layout plan and / or redevelopment of the object (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of construction installation (dismantling) if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of the design of the ceiling;
  • Sketch of the lighting layout plan;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of switches;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of electrical outlets and electrical outlets;
  • Sketch of the floor plan, layout of materials for the floor;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of sanitary and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of doorways;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for naming walls;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for the placement of floor heating with the binding of the regulator (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of fixtures;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of electrical equipment;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of furniture and its dimensions;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan of decorative materials;
  • Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of the kitchen equipment layout plan (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan for laying tiles on the walls (if laying tiles is provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the sketch of the design project;
  • 3D visualization of the interior design in a given program, 3D panorama of the front area

I would like to express my gratitude to the Golden Log team for REALLY high-quality, client-oriented work. A bit of background… We are not building our first house from a log, so having already some experience, we approached the choice of a project and a contractor quite carefully and for a long time. At first, the task was absolutely not to build it from a log, and we came to the exhibition site to see a completely different house, from a different company, from a different material. And we decided to go and see the house made of logs, rather "according to old memory." By that time, we had already bought two projects that were completely modified to our requirements in other companies, but something stopped us from starting construction. But perhaps this is how it should be when the house is yours, everything happens quickly and smoothly. We immediately chose the project, it was modified a little for us, for which, by the way, we did not pay extra money, we signed the contract and the construction began quite quickly, during which we had no complaints or questions. As a result, the house is built, it dries, and we are completely satisfied with our cooperation with the Golden Log company and plan to continue further finishing with them.

House made of logs near Borovsk

The Golden Log company built me ​​a house from logs (diameter 28 cm), developed a project, helped to tie the house to my site among our birch favorites. They made a foundation for us (pile), assembled a log house and immediately made a capital roof - BRAAS tiles at a good discount. I am completely satisfied with the work, I am waiting for the shrinkage to pass and I will come to them for finishing. I can safely recommend them - the workers did not drink, did not litter, smoked only in the allotted place, the company took out all the garbage after itself, as if there were none.

Log house near Chekhov

We have known the specialists of this company for a long time, we built a house with them. We also came to them for finishing - we want to especially note the sensitive control of the foreman (twice a week he was at the site all the time the work was being done) and the skill of the finishing guys! Next year we will bring the house on a turnkey basis only with them!

Turnkey log house in New Moscow

For a long time we chose a company for building a house for our parents - in order to transport it out of town and provide complete comfort. An excellent team of professionals - they competently made the project, taking into account all the wishes of the mother, quickly assembled a log house of excellent quality. Less than a year later, we made a roof with them, sanded and painted the house, inserted wooden windows. Now we are waiting for the next season to make communications and already deliver furniture! Thank you!

Voronina Marina

Research and social project aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of the ponds of the village. Voznesensky



Municipal educational institution Dokuchaevskaya secondary school of the Talovsky district of the Voronezh region

Project theme: "Clean Ponds"

Participants: students in grades 5-11

Head: Tamara Alexandrovna Bocharnikova, teacher of biology and chemistry

Voznesensky village


Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3

  1. We are the inhabitants of the Stone Steppe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5
  2. "Land of Blue Ponds". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8
  3. Ponds - beauty, necessity or...? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10
  4. Our concern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11
  5. What's next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14
  6. What to do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17


Objective of the project : to study the "sanitary condition" of the ponds in the village of Voznesensky and Dokuchaevsky and take measures to improve it.

Tasks: 1. Show the importance of reservoirs on the territory of the settlement and the need to keep them clean.

2. Identify problems and outline ways to solve them.

Problem : an increase in the amount of garbage on the banks of the Rakovsky pond in the village. Dokuchaevsky can lead to the accumulation of harmful substances in the water and adversely affect the inhabitants of the reservoir.

Relevance : the topic is relevant due to the fact that the issue of garbage disposal from the territory of the village is currently acute.

Hypothesis: many streams flow down from the unauthorized landfill, melt water, passing through garbage waste, carries decomposition products into the ponds. Harmful bacteria that get into the water can lead to epidemics, to the death of the inhabitants of the reservoirs.

Description of the project.The Chistye Prudy project is a logical continuation of previous projects carried out by students of the Dokuchaevskaya secondary school:

  1. Information and research project "Transformation of the nature of the Stone Steppe".
  2. Information and research project "Ponds of the Stone Steppe". Authors: Voronina Marina, Kolchina Maria, Korolev Vitaly, 2009
  3. Information and research project "What's in your name?" (or why is our school called Dokuchaevskaya?). Authors: Voronina Marina, Kolchina Maria, Korolev Vitaly, 2009-2010 ( or

Therefore, most of the information in this project is taken from previous projects, and the source is:

  1. Internet
  2. excursion to the Museum of the Research Institute. V.V. Dokuchaeva (see photo)
  3. excursion around the native land (see Appendix 1 and photo)
  4. F.N. Milkov, A.I. Nesterov, N.G. Petrov, M.V. Goncharov "STONE STEPPE" - Voronezh, VSU, 1971
  5. B.I. Skachkov, A.I. Turovsky, N.S. Agafonov and others. "The Transformed Steppe" - M .; Agropromizdat, 1988
  6. Mass media, incl. regional newspaper "Zarya"
  7. Data of the department of ecology and environmental activities of the Talovsky district (Appendix 2)
  8. Observations and photos of schoolchildren
  9. Data of a sociological survey of residents of the village of Dokuchaevsky
  10. Meeting with the head of the Voznesensky settlement Dubrovin G.P. (photo)

The project is under development and has not been completed, but ways of implementation have been outlined for further research and action.

  1. We are the inhabitants of the Stone Steppe.

The stone steppe is an example of co-creation between man and nature. The will and labor of man. In place of the dry steppes, a man-made forest field landscape of high productivity arose. Today, in the land use structure of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Chernozem Strip named after. V. V. Dokuchaev there are 15 thousand hectares of arable land, 900 hectares of protective forest plantations, 35 ponds and reservoirs with a total surface area of ​​386 hectares. The idea of ​​creating cultural landscapes in order to optimize the steppe nature management belongs to V.V. Dokuchaev (1881), and the first experiments on its implementation were laid down by a special expedition formed on May 22, 1882, under the Forestry Department to test and take into account various methods and techniques of forest and water " management" in the steppes of Russia. The impetus for research was the drought of 1891, which destroyed the harvest in twenty provinces of the black earth zone. The purpose of the expedition was "... to improve the natural conditions of agriculture with streamliningwater managementin the steppe zone of Russia through various kinds of afforestation andwater works"(Dokuchaev, 1936). The forest belts laid out by the Special Expedition and in subsequent years up to 1908 are striking in their splendor. Long-lived species of forest-steppe oak forests were selected as part of the plantations. In the first forest belts of the Dokuchaev oasis, priority belongs to the early race of oak. and its satellites: ash, maple, linden.Today, old forest belts rise to a height of 25-30 meters.As in oak forests, forest grasses have appeared in them: May lily of the valley, hairy sedge, chickweed, gout.Birds and animals in the belt forests of the Stone Steppe the same as in the adjacent Spike Forest. In wide and narrow forest strips, the nightingale, bunting, chaffinch and gray warbler give their singing voices. Spotted woodpecker, great tit, blue tit, coot redstart nest in the strips. Almost in every There are several globular nests of magpies in the strip.The tops of many trees in the forest strips are occupied by extensive rook colonies.Forest plantations among the fields quickly become reserves of entomofauna - insects that live off pests.Systems of cascading ponds were created in the beams. This made it possible to cut off the useless runoff of moisture, which only leads to water erosion of soils, and created water bodies that contributed to the rise of groundwater and the creation of a milder microclimate.In the logs and hollows of the steppe werebuilt large and small reservoirs. Lined with forest ravine strips, they become like real forest lakes.

Researcher at the Research Institute. V.V. Dokuchaev A.I. Pashchenko introduces us to the legacy of V.V. Dokuchaev

Our villages Voznesensky and Dokuchaevsky, as well as Pokrovsky and Pakhar are located in this most beautiful corner of Russia.

The longest and most beautiful village of Dokuchaevsky, located along the amateur pond (one of the first ponds in the Bolshiye Ozerki gully)

The village of Voznesensky, located along the perimeter of the Klishin and Chugunov ponds

  1. "Land of Blue Ponds"

Ponds are man-made lakes of the Russian steppes. Just as strips of artificial belt forests protect crops and soils of plowed steppes from dry winds, so pond water “hidden” in ravines and dry valleys sometimes remains for the animals and birds inhabiting our region the only place where you can adequately survive the period of harsh summer droughts.

The construction of ponds and reservoirs in the Voronezh region has been going on for the second century and the total number of built reservoirs has already exceeded 2.5 thousand with a total water surface area of ​​almost 300 km 2 .

By the number of reservoirs in this region, the Talovsky district stands out, where their number reaches 266. The oldest ponds of the region are located on the territory of the famous "Stone Steppe". Since 1896, Talovsky Pond has been operating here, and inIn the ravine Bolshiye Ozerki, three ponds appeared in 1895.These ponds stretched across the territory of the village of Dokuchaevsky

The second stage of mass construction of ponds lasted from 1965 to 1985. The intensification of the construction of reservoirs during this period was caused by two reasons - the expansion of irrigated lands and the development of pond fish farming. The ponds built at that time represent fundamentally new hydraulic structures. To drain excess water from the pond, spillways made of reinforced concrete structures, with and without gates, began to be used. Fundamentally new designs of weirs have greatly extended the "life" of artificial reservoirs and reduced labor costs for the operation of ponds.

The story about the ponds will be incomplete if not to say about the ponds located within the boundaries of settlements. The construction of such reservoirs was carried out almost simultaneously with the advent of buildings. There is not a single rural settlement in the region, located on the slopes of dens and small rivers, where at least one reservoir has not been built. A pond in the middle of a village is a place for recreation, a reserve of water during a fire hazard period, and sometimes the only source for technical water supply and rearing of domestic waterfowl. (

Ponds of the Voznesensky settlement on the satellite map

On the territory of our settlement there are 24 large and small ponds. Many reservoirs are now used for recreational fishing. This is a wonderful recreation area, a place for creativity of artists, writers, poets, amateur photographers. In the 90s, these ponds constituted a whole complex of fish farming, bringing huge profits to the collective farm named after. Dokuchaev. During the perestroika period, the economy collapsed, and at present most of the ponds are stocked with fish by private entrepreneurs (Sologub A.I., Voronin A.M., etc.)

Pokrovsky pond in the village of Pokrovsky

  1. Ponds - beauty, necessity or...?

A creative group consisting of Marina Voronina, Maria Kolchina and Vitaly Korolev conducted a study and presented the information project "Ponds of the Stone Steppe" at school and regional scientific and practical conferences, at the "Student of the Year 2009" competition. Ponds are both a necessity and a beauty that needs to be preserved in the original form in which our ancestors left it for us.

Presentation of the project "Ponds of the Stone Steppe". Presented by Maria Kolchina

  1. Our concern

Ponds are hydraulic structures necessary for the national economy and human life. But at the same time they require constant attention. Artificial reservoirs are not only potential, but also real causes of emergencies. Man-made reservoirs of the region require constant attention and care.

Do our ponds require care? To answer this question, we turned to the department for ecology and environmental protection under the Talovskaya administration. We were provided with "Information on the technical condition of ponds and hydraulic structures in the Voznesensky rural settlement as of July 30, 2007" (Appendix 2). According to this document, all the ponds of our Voznesensky settlement are in satisfactory condition.

The second stage of the clarification was an ecological excursion, during which a visual inspection of the state of the ponds and the coastal zone was carried out. Excursions were held in spring, summer 2009, spring 2010.

Amateur pond (settlement Dokuchaevsky). Spring 2009

Pokrovsky Pond (Pokrovsky settlement). Summer 2009Rakovsky pond (settlement Dokuchaevsky). Spring 2009

Head pond (settlement Dokuchaevsky). Spring 2009 Head Pond (Dokuchaevsky settlement). Spring 2010

The picture shows the same pond at different times. When we saw him in this form in the spring of 2009, the question naturally arose: “What happened?”. For clarification, we turned to the head of the department for ecology, Morozova Lyudmila Ivanovna. She said that at present the pond, rented by PE Sologub A.I., has been lowered for sanitary cleaning. Funds for the implementation of these works are allocated by the district in the amount of 50% and a private entrepreneur (50%). She also said that these are conscientious entrepreneurs, they keep order and the ecological state, although the winter of 2010 turned out to be unpredictable, and some of the fish died from lack of oxygen. Exactly one year later, we admired the beauty of the Head Pond, where crucian carp are still splashing in clear water, where it is pleasant to relax with friends and breathe clean air.

Neretinskiy pond (settlement Dokuchaevsky). Summer 2009Pokrovsky Pond 2. Summer 2009

Chugunov pond. Voznesensky village. Summer 2009.

During a visual inspection of the coastal zone, we concluded that the condition of the ponds is generally good, on the banks of some of them (Lyubitelsky, Rakovsky) there is household garbage (bags, plastic bottles, packs of cigarettes, etc.). In order to make the village cleaner, and with it the coastal zone of the ponds, in May 2010 the Clean Coast campaign was held (see. The action was attended by students of grades 5-11, divided into two groups. The purpose of the action is to clear the shore of the Amateur Pond from garbage (this pond is not stocked with fish, here you can often see amateur fishermen and vacationers).

Participants of the "Clean Coast" campaign

An unauthorized dump was found on the shore of Rakovsky Pond. It starts at the very end of the Dokuchaevsky village (right behind the cottages). Its size is constantly growing. And if in the spring of 2009 it did not approach the reservoir, then in the autumn of 2010 we found that it was growing and “creeping” to the Rakovsky and Golovny ponds. We studied the composition of the garbage. These are disposable plastic tableware, plastic bottles, fabric clothes, paper, construction waste, plant residues, etc.

Unauthorized landfill for the village. Dokuchaevsky. Spring 2009Unauthorized landfill on the banks of Rakovsky Pond. September 2010

Location of unauthorized dump on satellite map

Garbage is not sorted, most of it is made up of polymeric materials. Its location is not fenced.

What to do?

With this question, we turned to the head of the local settlement Dubrovin Gennady Petrovich.

Meeting with the head of the Voznesensky settlement Dubrovin G.P.

Currently, the elimination of garbage is reduced to the fact that the landfill is set on fire, and the unburned residues are moved by a bulldozer. This is a big problem in our community. And the problem is the lack of culture, because the authorized dump is a kilometer away from this one.

We interviewed the residents of Dokuchaevsky.

Survey data (32 people took part in the survey)

  1. Why do people bring garbage here?

Because there's a dump here - 28 people

Because it's closer here - 2 people

I don't know - 2 people

  1. Have you heard of the location of an authorized landfill?

No - 18 people

Yes - 14 people

  1. Who do you think should take out the trash?

Village council - 14 people

Residents - 7 people

I don't know - 11 people

Plan for further actions (continuation of work on the project)

1. Together with the rural settlement, inform the population about the need to stop garbage collection in this place, because this can lead to water pollution in the Golovny and Rakovskiy ponds. (Make signs and put them up at the landfill, post flyers in public places).

2. Examine the water of the Rakovsky pond for the presence of harmful substances in it. If necessary, seek advice from the department of the agrochemical laboratory, the department of ecology and environmental protection under the Talovskaya district administration.


Pupils in grades 9-11 were offered the topic of a mini essay “But the Earth never forgives the shame of the Earth.” Here are excerpts from one of them. Lyuda Nerutskaya writes: “...People are used to only taking from nature... And if we remove the streets, treat everything that surrounds us more carefully, nature would generously reward us with beauty and freshness. I would like the former beauty to be restored in the 4th section, so that the pond where V.V. Dokuchaev stopped would meet us with the brilliance of clean cool water.” Care is felt in every line of childish creativity. This means that the school yard, the street, and the ponds will be clean.