Rules and procedure for working with an electronic class journal. Electronic libraries, features of working with them Electronic journal features of working with it

« Electronic journal in the work of the teacher and the class teacher "

Electronic journals and diariesslowly but surely enter the daily life of schools. Education should not lag behind other areas of life, because schools educate people who will live in the society of the future. And imagine tomorrow without computers, the Internet and other technical means the new century is no longer possible.

The program has an intuitive interface that mimics a traditional classroom magazine. The basic operating techniques are very simple, which greatly facilitates the development of the program by users with a wide variety of PC skills. It can be noted that there is a significant time saving when working with the program and the release of the teacher from routine operations. The program automates the process thematic planning and makes it possible for both the teacher and the administration to track the progress of the program and, if necessary, to correct it.

The program works on the basis of a database already available in the school, which frees the school from the need to maintain several databases.

The use of an electronic class journal in the activities of all subject teachers completes the construction of a single information space of the school, in which teachers, administration, students and their parents would be united. aim implementation of the "electronic classroom journal" is a gradual transition from paper to electronic form accounting for student progress, automation of routine computing processes.

Advantages "electronic classroom journal":

  1. "transparency" in front of students, parents and school administration of the course of the pedagogical process,
  2. objectivity of setting intermediate and final marks;
  3. the ability to predict the performance of individual students and the class as a whole;
  4. ease of control over attendance by students of training sessions, educational and thematic planning and implementation of programs by teachers;
  5. a high level of log data security, subject to compliance with the rules information security

First of all, we will create all the conditionsfor the work of a subject teacher with "EJ" at the workplace.A single local area network unites all school computers and all computers used by the school administration.

My principled position is that a subject teacher should work with an electronic journal only at his workplace in real time. Information technology should actually facilitate the work of the teacher, and not complicate it. The teacher should see the real advantages of working with an electronic journal for automating the routine processes of recording student progress and facilitating their work. Working with an electronic journal should save the teacher's time.

But in order for all this to start working, the school administration held a seminar, the main idea of ​​which was to show the specific possibilities of the EJ program to really facilitate the work of subject teachers and class teachers. During this training, the basic technological methods of working with the program are mastered. It is especially important that all teachers of the school receive work skills, since all teachers will work with the program at their workplace on their own.

A serious obstacle to the introduction of an "electronic journal" is that an electronic document in a school does not have an official status and cannot be a full-fledged replacement for a traditional journal. Thus, it became necessary to keep two copies of the class journal - in electronic and traditional form.

Since work with EJ is mandatory for all teachers, the performance indicator can be considered the timeliness of entering information, the objectivity of the output of the final marks. Difficulties encountered by teachers are regularly monitored and instructive seminars are held in the system to overcome these difficulties.

I would like to emphasize that Information Technology in our school is not an end in itself, but only a means to improve the quality of our activities.

Now the electronic class magazine in our school is a complex software tools, which includes a database created in the automated information and analytical system "Paragraph" and the program "Class Journal", as a means of accessing and working with it to keep records of the current progress of students and control their attendance.

By registering on the Petersburg Education portal, parents get the opportunity to really influence the learning process of their child and thereby, together with the school, solve the problem of improving the quality of the educational process not in words, but in deeds. Access to the electronic diary by access code is possible only to the data of your child. The implementation of the program has a pronounced social orientation, since There are no costs for parents.

Introduction of electronic journal and electronic diary-this is new standard school informatization. It allows the school to get up to date.Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to meet all its requirements.

Electronic journal: specifics of work and audience analysis

Gone are the days when electronic journals were seen as a lightweight version of a paper ("real") magazine. Success stories not so much yet, but they prove that e-zines are on par with conventional publications while retaining some important features and benefits. We will consider the specifics of the work of the electronic journal and the experience of analyzing the readership on the example of the journal "Economic Sociology".

Specifics and advantages of the electronic journal

The first electronic journals in Russia were created at the turn of the new millennium "for growth" at a time when the Internet audience was rather limited. In 2000, the number of Internet users was 3.6% of Russia's urban population. 56% of citizens, according to the Public Opinion Foundation, have not heard about the Internet at all. The download time for a 1 MB file was up to 10 minutes (I had to keep the volume of the number within 1.2 MB and make remote applications). And the main means of transferring information were 3.5-inch floppy disks. Now many of these things are perceived with a smile. Technical restrictions on access to electronic journals have been removed, and the availability of electronic versions of the journal (or at least the availability of annotations on the site) has turned from exotic into mandatory requirement for every edition. The best e-journals are no longer viewed as a kind of "under-published". Many even began to see them as the main prospect for the development of the magazine business.

Observing the fundamental unity of academic and publishing requirements with conventional journals, the electronic edition has its own noticeable advantages over paper counterparts.

The main advantage of the electronic journal is absolute accessibility for the reader from the first to the last issue from the moment of the release of each issue. You can easily and at any time get all the issues of the magazine and keep them at hand in your computer. Links to journal articles are easily integrated into virtual texts and e-learning programs used in Learning Management Systems.

To this is added the exact knowledge of the real "circulation" of each issue. It is measured by the number of downloads by users of the full number (see figures below). This circulation, unlike a regular magazine, is not fixed, it grows constantly every year and differs in individual issues. This allows, among other things, to determine the focus of reader interest at the statistical level.

The installed counters make it possible to measure in sufficient detail the volume and structure of the readership as a whole and for each individual issue (we will return to examples later).

E-journal is more economical. The editorial and publishing costs here are similar to the paper edition. But due to the absence of costs for replication, the costs of publishing an electronic journal are reduced by about two times compared to a conventional journal.

Finally, the electronic journal provides the reader with additional services - the ability to search by keywords, a quick view of all issues under selected headings, obtaining statistics, etc. A network mailing is done to regular readers of the journal, it is possible to develop interactive forms with readers.

The journal "Economic Sociology", which will be discussed below, does not have a separate paper version. It was fundamentally created and promoted precisely as an electronic magazine in order to prove that this format is not only not secondary, but can compete with the best paper magazines, and eventually surpass many of them.

Portrait of an electronic magazine

The electronic journal "Economic Sociology" has been published since 2000. The founders are the National Research University - graduate School Economics (since 2007) and Vadim Valerievich Radaev (editor-in-chief).

The purpose of the journal from its very first issue is to affirm international standards economic and sociological research, represent modern works Russian and foreign authors in the field of economic sociology, inform the professional community about new research projects, involve young colleagues in the professional community, and exchange experience in teaching socio-economic disciplines. In each issue new translations are given, mainly it is a question of "modern classics" - the most famous works 1990-2000 All headings are permanent, contained in each issue.

The journal remains the only specialized academic publication in Russia in the field of economic sociology and occupies key positions. It publishes materials reflecting state of the art economic sociology and contributing to the development of this area in its modern sense.

Access to all issues of the journal is permanent, free and free of charge at http://www. ecsoc. hse. ru. Each issue is contained in a single file (10-12 sheets in PDF format).

The journal meets all requirements for academic periodical. All issues go through a full cycle of editing and proofreading. A single standard for the design of materials is maintained. The magazine has a full professional design layout. Since 2008, mandatory double anonymous review of all articles has been introduced. The journal does not charge any fees for publications.

Formally, the magazine is also no different from a conventional paper edition. It has an editorial board and a permanent staff of editorial staff (responsible secretary of the journal -), has ISSN 1726-3247, is registered with the Ministry of Press (El No. 77-8029). Since 2009, it has been included in the RSCI, in 2010, among the first group of electronic journals, it was included in the list of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The magazine is published 5 times a year: in January, March, May, September and November. It is distinguished by the scrupulous accuracy of the release - each issue is published in the third decade of the declared month. Not a single number in 11 years was late for a single day.

Every year, starting from 2006, the journal holds an all-Russian competition of works by regional authors and novice authors. The works of the winners and runners-up are published in the journal.

The impact factor of the journal (RSCI, 2009) is 0.189. By this indicator the journal is in 4th place among specialized sociological publications (if we remove the “noises” from this list), leaving ahead of the World of Russia, Region: Economics and Sociology and Journal of Research social policy”and bypassing many other strong sociological publications.

Readership measurement experience

The electronic format of the journal allows you to form a relatively detailed idea of ​​your readership - its volume, structure according to various indicators, follow the dynamics over the years, trace the fate of each individual issue or individual material from this point of view (if the issues are "cut"). We will give the most telling significant figures about the visitors of the site of the journal "Economic Sociology" and its readership.

The number of visitors to the magazine site has a relatively steady upward trend, reaching up to one and a half times a year. During the period of publication of the magazine, the average monthly traffic to the site increased from 500 to more than 4,000 unique visitors. There are clear seasonal fluctuations in this attendance, with a dip in July-August (during this period the journal is not published) and two peaks in May and December of each year (on the eve of student sessions).

Rice. 1. Average monthly site traffic (number of unique addresses)

Note: The temporary drop in the number of visits in 2010 was caused by gaps in statistical accounting due to the transfer of the journal to another technological platform.

Gradually, the readership of the magazine is also growing. The circulation of the journal is increased by a cumulative total. In the first month after the release, each issue is downloaded by up to 1 thousand people. For a year, this figure grows to an average of 2.5 thousand, in two years - up to 4.5-5 thousand. And in five years it reaches a normal level - 5-7 thousand downloads, depending on the number. Several leading numbers are approaching the 8,000 mark. The average circulation a year after the release of the magazine is gradually accelerating.

Rice. 2. Average circulation of magazines of one year as of 12/17/2011 (cumulative total)

Note: The counter was supplied in 2001. The total number of number downloads for 2000-2001. actually a little more.

The geographic cross-section of the readership divides it into three parts that are close in size. The first third falls on Moscow, the second - on the Russian regions, the third - on readers from other countries (near and far abroad are divided approximately in half). In the near abroad, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan stand out, in the far abroad - the USA, Canada, Bulgaria, Germany.

The future of the magazine

Despite the availability of the necessary financial resources, the magazine will remain an electronic project. But life does not stand still, and much in the work of the magazine will soon change.

The first ten-year cycle of the journal publication has come to an end. And we believe that the main function of this period - enlightenment - has been relatively successfully completed. Economic sociology is institutionalized as a professional discipline. A critical mass of classical and modern foreign texts was translated, which made it possible to introduce key terms and concepts into circulation, to form a professional language for the Russian-speaking audience. A corpus of texts has been created that reflects the results of theoretical and empirical research by Russian-speaking authors. While maintaining the educational element of its activities, the journal should move to a new level of work and solve other professional tasks in the next few years.

The task of internationalization of the journal "Economic Sociology" is defined as a key reference point for the near future. This does not mean a transition to English (except for the abstracts of articles and the English site already submitted). The magazine will continue to work for a wide Russian-speaking audience, but this will be done in a slightly different way. An international editorial board of the journal will be created - not to formally include prominent names, but to change the format of the journal's activities by actively including our foreign colleagues working in Russian in its activities.

The journal will pay more attention to current research conducted in the international professional community. Since the pool of Russian authors who meet the proposed standards of academic texts remains rather narrow, it is planned to expand the circle of authors by including researchers from different countries. Also, texts from related disciplines will be published more actively - neo-institutional economic theory, anthropology, economic psychology and other areas that may be of interest to economic sociologists.

The state of electronic journals and diaries of students (28.04.14 meeting with the director)

We live in the conditions of global informatization of the world space. Informatization has penetrated into all spheres of human activity and is one of the main conditions for achieving success. In this regard, the role of the school as educational institution is undergoing significant changes, today it is not the transfer of the amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind that comes to the fore, but the technology of operational search, comprehension, transformation, storage and transmission of information, as well as the technology of setting problems for research and finding their solutions.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the main problem of our educational institution is to improve the quality of education. Improving the quality of education can be achieved through the widespread use of information resources and computer technology in education. The unified information space of the school is a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level: administration, teachers, students and their parents. This connection is most facilitated today by the system of electronic journals and diaries.

The electronic school magazine is a new standard for school informatization in the near future. It allows the school to rise to the modern stage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), meet all its requirements.

To date logistical the base of our school has computers used both in the management of the educational process and in the educational process. There are projectors, printers, screens in separate rooms. The management has created conditions for improving the ICT competence of school staff, a local network has been launched, and all teachers have access to the Internet. But, unfortunately, computers are not available in every office. Nevertheless, the above conditions allow our school to actively implement the use of electronic diaries and journals. This process allows you to automate the control over academic performance, duplicate entries in the school journal, protecting it from distortion, and makes it possible to control the accumulation of grades in subjects.

The purpose of the electronic journal is to contribute to the timely identification of educational and other problems of students; their elimination through targeted actions; forecasting the further activities of the teacher and student to improve the quality of knowledge.

The electronic journal does not require anything other than Internet access. Teachers can work with him from home, and parents can also monitor the progress of their children at home.

In the electronic journals in the system, full statistics are displayed and all the necessary calculated indicators are presented. For example, automatic marking for a quarter (the program calculates the average score for current marks)

The administration has the ability to control the occupancy of the journal and sees a complete picture of progress in any sections: by class, by subject, individually by teacher or student. Electronic journals in this regard are also good helpers for both class teachers and parents.

Based on the foregoing, we can come to the following conclusions about what a school electronic journal should be like:

1) The electronic journal is similar to a school one paper magazine and has an easy way to fill;

2) The student's data on grades (as well as other information entered in the electronic journal, such as comments, omissions, etc.) is available only to those who have the right to see them: teachers, school administration, parents (in the student's electronic diary) ;

3) Pupils and their parents have the opportunity to control the average grade in subjects, thereby working to improve academic performance. This is helped by a summary sheet of students by subject.

4) The electronic journal controls the number and completeness of the grades given, which ensures the correct certification of students.

The class teacher and the school administration have tools for monitoring and diagnosing the progress of the class for each subject, for individual classes, for each teacher and for each student;

5) The electronic journal provides the ability to control missed lessons, by date and by subject;

6) Users of the electronic journal have the opportunity to visually distinguish grades for control, independent and other types of work on the page with grades;

Analyzing your work this direction, I want to say the following, I give marks regularly, of course, I do not have the opportunity to set them every day. But still, I try to do this work on weekends. The inconvenience for me personally lies in the following: I have to write out grades in a separate notebook and transfer them to an electronic journal at home. And also, sometimes there are problems on the site itself, I don’t know what it depends on, but sometimes the download speed of one mark is about a minute and it takes a lot of time to put all the marks, it happens, but quite rarely. And, of course, despite the widespread informatization and computerization, not all parents have access to the Internet and therefore cannot use electronic diaries their students.

In my opinion, the introduction of electronic journals and diaries in the educational process contributes to: greater meaningfulness, certainty, purposefulness and awareness; as well as enhancing the cognitive activity of students and the implementation of real student-centered learning; and as a result - to improve the quality of education.

Digital Libraries, features of working with them


Digital libraries and their role for professional activity

Features of working with electronic libraries




information library electronic

Libraries have become one of the most sought-after resources on the Internet. They are called both virtual and electronic, digital libraries. The peculiarity of this kind of library is that a certain part of the information fund (or the entire fund) after digital processing becomes available via networks, CD or DVD. They can be virtual, that is, exist, so to speak, “without walls”, or rely on the resources of already existing traditional libraries. In the latter, as a rule, catalogs are first digitized, and the data necessary for users are sent by e-mail, regular mail or fax. To meet the needs of readers, specially trained personnel are working, using modern facilities information and communication technologies. The name "electronic libraries" is the most frequently used in Russia.

How useful are such libraries for professional activities? The fact that it is possible to work with catalogs, access to electronic materials: digitized printed works(books, magazines, illustrations, maps, charts, graphs, etc.), photographs, movies, videos, paintings, 3D models, animations, audio files, and so on. Moreover, catalogs and many electronic materials are offered in the mode of free (free) access.

In this essay, we will consider the essence of digital libraries, their role for professional activities (on the example of a teacher's activity) and the features of working with electronic libraries.

1. Digital libraries and their role for professional activities

The availability of materials in various electronic formats, whether originally created in electronic form or digitized, gave rise to a discussion of the concept of a digital library, which was defined as follows:

"The electronic library is an information service in which all informational resources contained in a machine-readable form, and all the functions of acquisition, storage, preservation, issuance and access are provided through the use of digital technologies.

Professor of the Royal College of Library Science from Copenhagen (Denmark) Ole Garbo notes a number of significant changes that have appeared as a result of the use of modern information and communication technologies in libraries.

Let us analyze these tendencies on the example of a teacher's professional activity.

ü First, there are obvious prospects for reducing the cost of disseminating normative, educational, and methodological information through the use of Internet technologies. Already now, a lot of materials do not need to be printed, stored, transported and distributed. Electronic editions contribute to the empowerment of authors. Even small-circulation, and therefore unprofitable publications can find their readers and bring a positive practical effect.

ü Secondly, the time of receipt of the necessary information to its consumers in the face of schools, teachers, students and their parents will be significantly reduced.

ü Fourthly, access to rare sources will be expanded due to their digitization. Sources stored on such short-lived media as paper, film, audio and video tapes, discs, records will be preserved from disappearance and complete oblivion, especially since some playback devices are gradually disappearing from use (for example, record players).

ü Fifth, innovative information and advanced pedagogical experience are being disseminated more intensively. It is possible to work free of charge with the catalogs of the largest state, regional and university libraries and track the necessary data on modern publications. Electronic editions of books, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers or electronic versions of printed publications also contribute to the development of innovations.

ü Sixth, the possibility of obtaining quick access to all information available in the world is constantly expanding (some information is provided only on paid basis, but this is often a common practice offline, for example, in the case of copying necessary materials). Users can work in digital libraries, regardless of the physical location of information sources, at any convenient time of the day and in any place convenient for the reader.

All this undoubtedly increases the teacher's interest in teaching and research activities.

At the same time, there are a number of problems associated with the functioning of electronic libraries, which still cannot be overcome, and most likely will not be able to do so in the near future. Some of them are very serious (such as the problem of information security), some duplicate similar problems of any traditional library (when it is closed, its funds cannot be used in the same way as in case of technical problems on the Web). Some problems can be periodically resolved (for example, updating outdated computer equipment and software), while others do not (so far it has not been possible to develop sufficient grounds for the protection of intellectual property rights).

Many countries of the world care about the creation of electronic libraries. In the US, they began to form in the 80s of the XX century, in the UK - in the early 90s of the twentieth century. In Japan, the project "Digital Libraries of the 21st Century" is being implemented, and in Germany, the electronic library "Global-Info" is being created.

Currently, more than one and a half thousand large and medium-sized libraries in different countries of the world provide access to their electronic catalogs, in the US alone, about 96% of public and 85% of university libraries are connected to the Internet. The catalogs of national libraries of 47 countries of the world are presented at: #"justify">The Internet does not limit the possibilities of research by national borders, temporal or other barriers, therefore the world's largest libraries are available to everyone. But these foreign libraries cannot fully become an alternative to Russian libraries or completely replace them. The problem is not only that the Russians do not know well foreign languages. It is very important for any country in the world to preserve and develop the national cultural heritage and to contribute in every possible way to the creation of an information environment.

In Russia, the creation electronic resources and their software and hardware, including via the Internet, began in 1995 and is supported by a number of state scientific and technical programs.

At the round table "The Future and Problems of Russian Libraries", held on January 26, 2005 in the Moscow Center of the Federation of Internet Education with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, heads of Internet companies and creators of electronic libraries, employees of state educational, cultural and scientific institutions, lawyers , journalists, it was noted that the creators of Russian electronic libraries face serious technical, organizational, financial difficulties, social and legal issues.

Despite all these problems, only in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet the number of notable electronic libraries is already several hundred, although not all of them are regularly updated with new materials.

State electronic libraries strictly observe copyrights, strive to use electronic copies as additional source replenishment Money, which, however, is natural, since it is necessary to purchase equipment, pay for the work of specialists, create funds, and so on. Private collections sometimes have a significant number of digitized materials in the public domain, however, they are created, most often, in violation of intellectual property rights, without a guarantee that the source matches the original, protection against plagiarism.

What materials, for example, can a teacher find for his professional activities in the free access mode in Russian electronic libraries? This largely depends on the status and funding of the library, its links with scientific centers.

The largest number of reliable electronic materials and a wide range of services offered among electronic Russian libraries is available in libraries of federal significance.

the largest Russian library is Russian State Library. On the library website (#"justify"> For biologists, many interesting resources are presented in the electronic library of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (#"justify"> The Moscow State University Library is not easily accessible to external users, as it has entered into a license agreement with the Scientific Electronic Library to connect computers of his university local network to the resources provided by the electronic library, so only libraries of some faculties are available for free use on the Web.

History teachers will find the library of electronic resources of the Faculty of History interesting (#"justify"> 2. Features of working with electronic libraries

So, digital libraries (another name is online libraries) are sites that contain electronic versions of texts - literary works, critical, art history, memoirs and scientific literature.

Consider the forms of work with these libraries. But first, let's look at some of the libraries.

The oldest of the Runet network libraries that exist today is the library of Maxim Moshkov<#"justify">· the ability to search for books within a particular library;

· the ability to search for books in several libraries;

· the ability to subscribe users to updates of specific books in the electronic library;

federal libraries

<#"justify">National and Republican Libraries of the Russian Federation

<#"justify">Foreign Libraries


Drawing a conclusion on the above material on electronic libraries, we can draw the following conclusions.

The provision of materials in electronic form means that, with the appropriate hardware and software, users can access the materials regardless of location. There is no longer a need to personally go to the library where materials are stored, as was the case with printed publications. Thus, there is an excellent opportunity to expand access to funds, while avoiding the rapid deterioration of materials. Creating a scenario for providing access to large amounts of resources through the network requires significant financial and human resources.

There is no doubt that digital libraries will develop and improve. Gradually, from copying printed publications and creating funds of digitized materials, libraries will move on to more complex work, they will begin to perform not only consulting, but also educational functions. Moreover, in the future, electronic libraries will turn into "public centers of the information society." The creation of large and accessible national electronic libraries contributes to a more efficient use of information, which in the future will have a positive impact on the level of development of science and technology, culture and will improve the education system. Electronic libraries that provide the opportunity to work with modern electronic educational resources in the free access mode will help improve the efficiency and quality of professional activities.


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