Adult birthday script for a woman. Birthday entertainment

Birthday is a special holiday not only for children, but also for adults. Each of us is always looking forward to this day, and in order not to repeat the usual feast every year, we suggest you take advantage of funny and unusual scenarios for birthday. With us you will find holiday scenarios, which is right for you and your birthday will definitely be remembered by everyone.

Scenario for a woman: "Fairy tale cruise"

The guests are in the banquet hall, standing in a row. The birthday girl enters.

- Our dear (name, patronymic)!
We love you, respect you
And we've known you for a long time
We kindly ask you to start

Accept congratulations!

Several people in folk costumes come forward from the guests. If possible, you can parody the ensemble of Nadezhda Babkina. 3 congratulatory ditties are sung to the soundtrack or live music.
1. We have gathered today
Not for a rally
Everyone came to the court here,
Come on, guests!
To pronounce the last word, and better than the whole phrase of this ditty, the microphone is brought to the birthday girl. She invites guests to come in. You can give her a phrase to read on a piece of paper.
Music plays, guests sit down.

2. Oh, once again,
Today we have a holiday here,
Who will tell the whole truth
Oh (name) us now?
While singing ditties, guests are given pieces of paper with a written poem. It underlines the phrase that the guest should read aloud. The guest follows the poem. When it's his turn, he reads his line. Then the next and so on. It turns out a whole poem.
Lines in the poem:
"That's right, they said
Or it's the other way around" - chastushechniks sing.

Our house (name) is a bunny,
Ideal hostess
And the drummer of labor
At work, as always.
Correctly said, here
Or it's the other way around.
Endowed with beauty
And not alone in life
Husband still in love
And surrounded by love.
Correctly said, here
Or it's the other way around.
If the husband is demon in the ribs,
Suddenly to the left oh-hoo,
Immediately (name) finds out
And, as it should, caresses!
Correctly said, here
Or is it the other way around?
Our (name) talents
Don't count at all
Writes, sews, prepares manti
So, lick the saucer!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
How good are you!
(These two lines are read in unison.)

The ditties continue:
1. I'll go dancing
Let me stamp my foot
All those who came with envy
Let them burst today!
2. Whether in the garden, in the garden
(Name) walked
In front of her is the princess
She bowed her head!
3. I'll drink a glass, yes, a loan,
To avoid problems
Congratulations, congratulations
With adulthood!

The first toast "To the birthday girl" is raised. Guests drink and eat.

- The holiday has just begun, and there are already so many good words said to the birthday girl. And for good reason. After all, today is her main holiday, a holiday that comes from childhood. In this case, nothing and no one will forbid us all today to plunge a little into the world of childhood. And in childhood, for sure, many of us wanted to get into a fairy tale. Today there will be such an opportunity. On this wonderful day, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale, not even in one, but in several at once. And with your permission, I will play the role of a storyteller.
And the first fairy tale in which we have already found ourselves ... But, by the way, let the birthday girl herself guess what fairy tale we are in.
The guest comes out. It is better if this role is played by a young girl. In her hands is a flower glued from colored paper. The flower has 7 petals of different colors.

What do you think, what kind of fairy tale are we in? ("Flower-seven-flower".)

Flower girl:
- A riddle is written on each petal of this magical flower. We will give it to the birthday girl. She will tear off the petal and make riddles for the guests. Answers to them are our greatest desires. And one petal is empty. His birthday girl will be the last to tear off and make her most cherished wish. For him, we all together raise our filled glasses and drink.
6 riddles written on the petals:
1. Without legs, but they walk. (Money.)
2. He looks at everyone, but does not order himself. (Sun, sunshine.)
3. It is different for a woman and a man, and each finds it in each other. (Happiness)
4. Her smile inspires more than all the Red Bulls put together. (Luck)
5. What determines the weather in the house? (Good mood.)
6. A magnet attracts iron to itself, and it attracts people to each other. (Love.)
The last petal is torn off by the birthday girl, makes a wish, glasses are raised for its fulfillment.

- Wonderful. But you can get to the next fairy tale only through... The dance floor! Everybody is dancing!
There is a musical break.
At the end of the musical break, three people in bear masks appear on the dance floor.

- And here are our owners of the next fairy tale! What story are we in? (Masha and the bears.)
Certainly. Masha ran away from these bears, so they are very angry and will hunt all of us. Whoever is caught will be turned into a bear. But they don't just hunt. These bears are related to each other. They have one hand tied. And your task is to break into pairs or threes at will and join hands. Bears will stand in the center of the hall. You must run from one part of the hall to another so that the bears cannot touch you. The winner is the pair or triple that remains intact to the end.
Markings are placed in the hall: from where and where you need to get so that the bears do not piss. Those who have been taunted sit down at the table. After the game, all guests sit at the table.

- And now, sitting at the table, we were already in next fairy tale. And this story is called...
The host takes out round bread.

- "Kolobok".

- That's right, the fairy tale "Kolobok".
Our Kolobok traveled, traveled around the world and returned back to his parents.
And who should be thanked for the fact that he was able to get away safely from the hare, and from the bear, and from the wolf? Who taught him all the wisdom of life?

- Parents.
The third toast is raised - for the parents. And round bread is thrown along the table, everyone breaks off a small piece for himself and eats it. Thus, there is enough round bread for all those present.
Carlson enters the hall ("flies"). Heading straight for the birthday girl. This is a guest in disguise. It is better if it is the husband of the birthday girl.

- Oh, incomparable (name)! (Gets down on one knee.) Let me kiss your hand! I, a man in the prime of life, am struck by your beauty and charm. Let me invite you to dance!
The game "Dance on the newspaper" is held. It is attended not only by the birthday girl with Carlson, but also by all the guests. There is a musical break after the game.
Then the guests are seated at the table.

- And now we get into a fairy tale of 12 months. In this tale, we are also waiting for some interesting adventures. In order to overcome them, it will take 12 brave people.
12 people go to the center of the hall.

- Now each of you will pull out a piece of paper on which the name of the month is written. After that, your task will be to depict this month with the help of facial expressions and gestures so that the rest understand what this month is. You can show flowers that bloom this month, play up events, holidays that this month has, and so on. Words and sounds are excluded.
A pantomime contest is held to guess the months.

- So all 12 months have been unraveled, which means another year away. And we are already celebrating another birthday. And what a feast without a real Russian song!
But we will not just sing. I will be the conductor, and the rest will be the choir. By the gesture of my hand, the choir will sing softer or louder. The hand is high, we sing loudly, in the middle - medium, and below - quietly. Any folk song known to everyone is chosen. For example, "Oh, frost, frost." Everyone sings according to the conductor's hand.

- Just a great choir we got. But it was only a warm-up, that is, a chant.
And now, in honor of the birthday girl, we sing the song "Happy Birthday" to the soundtrack (or to live music). The song "Happy birthday, love to dizziness ..." is performed by the guests.
Applause sounds. The response word is given to the birthday girl.
(After each competition, the winners may be awarded small incentive prizes.)

Merry holiday!

Scenario-feast for adults "Happy Birthday, dear friend"

Scenario for adults for a holiday in the form of a feast.

Leading: On this significant day, everyone came to congratulate you, dear birthday man, on your birthday! I am sure that every guest has something to say to the hero of the occasion. It is from this interesting moment that we will begin our evening!

Birthday is a glorious holiday
A good, long-awaited holiday.
On this day, I wish you all the best,
Light, joy, happiness, warmth!

In order for the birthday boy to know all the good things with which you came to him, I propose to make a collective toast. I start a toast, but at the most interesting moment I suggest that my table neighbor continue it. Thus, you get a long toast with a great, and most importantly interesting meaning. The main thing is that the last person ends the toast logically. Well, in what order the toast will be said, we will find out with the help of lots.

1. Collective toast
After such a chic toast, it will be useful to have a snack. And, of course, to drink to the health of our birthday boy.


And now I invite all guests, including the birthday man, to take part in a frank blitz oprase, in which there will be a bit of humor. So, each person pulls out two pieces of paper from the box - one contains an intriguing question, and the other contains a suggested answer. Thus, we will learn about the most intimate secrets and secrets of all those present. Everyone independently pulls out a question and an answer so that everything is fair.

2. Blitz survey
Question cards:
Do you often wake up in bed with a Georgian stranger?
Do you dream of a love meeting with a black man?
Do you like to sing while washing your hair?
Do you sleep in a bunny costume?
How often do people see you picking your nose?
Do you like to read novels in the toilet?

Answer cards:
Only on payday
I don't know, but my subconscious tells me that of course
I don't believe my ears! How did you know?
It's true, these are the best moments of my life.
This happens when I eat at night.
Only after wine-beer-vodka cocktail!

Host: It's time to have a bite again, otherwise our guests will leave the holiday hungry!

Have a bite? Fine! Then I propose to move a little. The next game is played by our men who don't even know what it's like to be pregnant!

3. Competition "Ninth month of pregnancy"
Rules: Each man is given Balloons to be hidden under the shirt. Thus, a decent tummy will turn out. The task of each man is to collect as many matches scattered on the floor as possible. The main thing is that the balls do not burst! Thus, we will find out which man will be the most dexterous.

Host: Great! And now I propose to show a film called "Modern silent cinema" for our birthday boy. Each guest is given a piece of paper on which the word is written. It is necessary to show this word to the birthday man with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The birthday boy, of course, must reveal all the secrets of the silent genre by guessing the cherished word.

Suggested words: holiday, rose, bouquet, birthday, gift, surprise.

4. The game "Silent Movie"
And finally, I would like to say:
birthday bright holiday
Day of fun and goodness!
Invite friends and girlfriends
Let the kids stand in a circle
Set the table soon
We all have more fun together!

Scenario "Happy birthday, beautiful and great Woman!"

The scenario is designed for holding a birthday (anniversary) of a woman. Congratulations can sound both during the evening in a restaurant and at home. In this scenario, birthday greetings are presented by the rulers of different eras, states, and even Galaxies. In advance, you should take care of the appropriate "outfits", as well as gifts.

Presenter: Our dear Woman (instead of the word woman, according to the script, the name of the birthday girl is affixed)! Today is a special day - the day of your honor and praise. Today, rulers from different states, galaxies and even from various eras of world history have come to visit us. Accept their congratulations and gifts! And Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible will be the first to cross the threshold of this hall!

(Music sounds - languid and majestic, to match the era tsarist Russia. The "King" enters. Mandatory attire - scepter, orb, hat and caftan. Gifts are an element of the wardrobe that the birthday girl has long dreamed of, for example, a fur coat, a trigger, boots, etc. All the words of the “king” are written on the appropriate parchment in the handwriting characteristic of that time).

Tsar: “I am the great Tsar and Prince of All Russia, John Vasilyevich, on this day I congratulate you, Princess Woman, on your holiday - your birthday. I wish you good health, shine with beauty and overshadow all the servants sitting here, have obedient children, and a hard-working peasant. Accept, princess, a gift from the royal shoulder!

Gives a gift, leaves.

Presenter: And now the ruler of the East has come to us - a sensitive and incomparable Sultan!

(Oriental music sounds. “Sultan” enters. It is better that the husband of the birthday girl congratulates the Sultan in the outfit. The outfit is a turban, light pants - trousers, a colorful shirt. Gifts - flowers, a chest with huge amount coins of 10 kopecks, since they are most similar to gold, a box of chocolates in the form of a heart. You must first find the music for the song "If I were a Sultan")

Sultan sings:
If I were a sultan
I would have a palace
And in my palace
There would be a hundred rings.
It would be better then
Chose for you
Gold b, pearls
I would give!

Chorus (2 times):
Not very bad
to congratulate you
Much better -
Give gifts!
If I were a sultan
I would be rich
I would give you
A whole garden of flowers!
But since I am a husband,
Only and everything
I will give you happiness and love!
Chorus (2 times).

Gifts are given under the appropriate words. Having performed the song, the Sultan kisses the hero of the occasion and leaves!

Host: Rumors about your birthday have reached even the galactically distant planets of our Universe. The Lord of the planet Alpha - Centauri - Gorfield came to congratulate you.

(Electronic music sounds, better than the Space group. An alien enters. You should take care of the alien costume in advance, if you couldn’t find it, make a green mask on your face and put on a shiny cloak. Gifts - a set of CDs with your favorite music or films of the birthday girl ).

Alien (burr like a foreigner): Oh Woman! You, as a representative of the human race, would be uniquely suited to us for experiments thanks to your excellent mind, fortitude and energy. But just because today is such a holiday and because your heart is bright, your soul is kind, and your eyes glow with warmth, we will not touch you. Accept gifts from our planet. All the information is collected here, which is selected according to your taste guidelines and style orientation!

Gives a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: But not only from the far corners of the Universe, but also from the far corners of the planet, representatives of different nations are in a hurry to congratulate you, our incomparable Woman. The leader of the African tribe Chingachkuk also came to us today! Meet!

(African motifs sound. The "leader" enters. You can also make a mask or put a black stocking on your head. Put leaves on your belt. Gifts - a figurine, feng shui money, "singing wind" - an accessory that is hung over the door and which rings when someone comes in. You should take care of the soundtrack for the song "Chunga-changa" in advance).

The leader sings:
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, wind in hand
Chunga-changa, and more tatem,
So that he gave happiness and warmth!
Chorus (2 times):
Chung-chang congratulations,
Chunga-changa and I wish
I wish you happiness, joy
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, a couple of coins
May they bring good luck
And let the world, the world reigns around!
Chorus (2 times)

Gives gifts to the corresponding words in the song. Leaves.

Presenter: And the Supreme God of Olympus - Zeus himself completes our galaxy of congratulations!

(Music from the “sounds of nature” series sounds. Zeus enters, wrapped in a sheet instead of a robe, a laurel wreath on his head. Gifts - an exclusive bottle of wine, cognac or other alcoholic drink.)

Zeus: I, as the God of Olympus, not only address great and loud words of congratulations in your honor, but also consider it an honor to present you with a cup of wine, which is not only tasted on Olympus, but also tried by representatives of the higher castes of the human race. Eat it - cleanse your thoughts, strive for obedience, be beautiful and healthy! All the most majestic and swift!

Gives a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: For the words of the brightest representatives of peoples, powers, Galaxies, you need to drink and eat. Let's continue the fun and celebration!


At the beginning of the birthday, all guests are warned that throughout the holiday there will be a competition for the best draw. Of course, guests should be notified in advance of this so that they can better prepare. And at the end of the party, the winner will be presented with an original prize, it is desirable that it also be a joke. After the first competition, all participants are invited to the festive table, which is desirable to arrange in the original form corresponding to the theme of the celebration. For example, artificial dishes disguised as natural can be added to original recipes. Now you can find fruits that do not differ in the degree of naturalism from real ones. The traditional contest is a contest of jokes. But since every company is sure to find an avid hunter for this kind of entertainment, the format of the competition must be limited. After the feast comes the turn of real jokes, contests and games, which must be alternated for a change. The degree of sobriety Quite simple and at the same time fun game. The host calls nouns at a fast pace, and the guests compete in speed to come up with a diminutive form of this word. For example, mom is mommy, a bag is a handbag, a goat is a goat, a sofa is a sofa, a pen is a pen. The final word will be water. As a rule, guests determine for him the option of vodka, although some water would be more correct. The presenter in this case puts a natural diagnosis on the guests: “increased butylism”. GAI raffle For this raffle, the presenter invites three or four of the most daring participants and announces that they will have to overcome a section of the distance on “ultra-modern racing cars”. As "bolides" of aerodynamic form, participants are given basins in which they must quickly reach the finish line, where a "traffic police inspector" is already waiting for them, who asks the most nimble racer to "show documents". Since the winner does not have documents, the traffic cop asks to breathe into the tube, the role of which in this case is played by balloon . You need to breathe until the balloon bursts with a roar. Since the pipe was irretrievably damaged, the winner must follow the procedure of passing through a series of bottles placed in a straight line at a short distance from each other. While the player is being blindfolded, the assistants quickly remove the bottles. And under the general explosion of fun, the “violator” describes intricate zigzags. The last test for the winner of the race will be the repetition of the tongue twister "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry." After that, the traffic cop announces the winner of the race completely drunk, because he did not pass a single sobriety test, and as a consolation prize, a "fortifying liquid" is awarded - a bottle of vodka, wine or beer. What is MPS? Everyone is invited to participate in this draw. The facilitator sits the participants in a circle and explains that each of them has an MPS, and it is necessary to find it. At the same time, you can ask the facilitator leading questions, which he may not answer if they lead to an answer too quickly. The game continues until someone guesses what MPS is. And this is an abbreviation for the words "my right neighbor." Reflection The most daring participant of the next drawing is given a felt-tip pen, paper and a mirror. The player's task is to connect ten dots on paper with straight lines, while looking at the reflection of the sheet in the mirror. During the art process, the facilitator, standing behind, writes down all the words spoken by the player during the drawing. When the task is completed, the host reads aloud to the guests the full “speech” of the newly-minted artist and announces that the participant uttered these words to his beloved on the first newlyweds night. Fortune-telling During the dance program, a gypsy suddenly enters the hall and offers fortune-telling to everyone who wants to. Examples of gypsy predictions: - Contagious diseases await you, different diseases. And not because the lines of the hand are bad, but because they are too dirty - Oh, honey! I didn’t want to talk, but I’ll say: a heavy blow awaits you! (After a pause) In the morning, when you get on the scales. - Wai, I know everything, I see everything. In the morning you will run for beer, in the evening - for the girls. - You will sleep softly and sweetly, dear ... Until the cake is pulled out from under you. - I see how they put their eyes on you. And a heart with a liver to boot. And on top of something long .... Ah, I see it's a herring! And in my pants... Everyone can take part in this competition. Each participant must name his favorite movie to his neighbor, sitting on the right. After that, everyone takes turns saying the phrase “And in my pants ...” and the name of the film that the neighbor told him. Catch, fish, catch! Volunteers are invited, who then line up. Participants of the competition must perform all the actions that the presenter will call. Meanwhile, the presenter pronounces the text: - You come to the river to catch a fish (the participants pretend to be walking with a fishing rod thrown over their shoulders). Look around - a great place! You try the water - wow, cold. You unwind your rods. Putting a worm on a hook. Throw gear. And if you stand on this pebble, you can cast the bait even further. So that the waves do not wet your pants, it is better to roll them up. The water is getting higher, roll up your pants again! Then you turn to the guests and say: And now a competition for the most beautiful legs is announced! Zoo For this entertainment, you need to prepare sheets of paper on which to write the names of animals. Prepared papers are distributed to everyone who wishes. Each participant secretly reads his piece of paper. The host announces the rules of the game: as soon as he names the animal, the participant who has this name written on the sheet must quickly sit on the floor. Then the game itself begins. The host begins his story about going to the zoo, about what animals he saw there. As soon as the name of a certain animal sounds, all players, as one, flop on the floor, since they all have the same name. Quite an eerie sight. As prizes for participants in contests and games, you can also come up with prizes with a trick. For example: - a souvenir of small size, wrapped in a large number of packages and having an outwardly huge size; - a necklace made from good candies; - a head of cabbage with a cut out stalk, in place of which a piece of paper is inserted with the inscription: “So big, but you still believe in fairy tales!”; - Realtor's manual - children's fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"; - a mirror with the inscription "It's you"; - a gift for a "novice musician" - a whistle; - a purely masculine set - a newspaper and a bottle of beer. But the main objective host - to make the guests laugh, and not laugh at a separate participant in the draw. Therefore, if you know that among those present there are touchy natures, do not allow him to games where he can become a victim of a prank.


Congratulation. You need to start your birthday with congratulations. The birthday boy will be pleased if a poem or song is composed especially for him. However, the usual congratulations in prose would be appropriate, the main thing is that it be sincere.

After a serious congratulations, you can offer such fun. On a large postcard, the text of congratulations is written, while all adjectives in it are omitted. One of the organizers of the holiday asks the birthday man or all those present to name a few adjectives. The called adjectives fit into the postcard in the gaps (you need to enter the words with a pen of a different color). After that, the card is handed to the birthday man, who reads the resulting congratulation aloud.
In order for this entertainment to really succeed, the original opening text and the imagination of the participants in inventing adjectives are required.

Template for playing with adjectives.
"Our ... and ... Peter Alekseevich (here it is necessary to enter the name of the birthday man). We congratulate you on this ... holiday. We wish you success in your ... work and in ... life. May all your ... undertakings have ... a final. With respect and ... wishes, your ... colleagues. " In order to create your own template, write a standard greeting and delete all epithets from it.

Gift search. A gift can be given immediately after congratulations. However, if the birthday boy is young at heart and has a prettier sense of humor, you can come up with more original way donations.

For example, you can wrap a gift in paper and invite the birthday person to guess what it is.

Another option is to hide the gift in the room where the holiday is taking place, and describe the path to it on sheets of paper also hidden in the room. The birthday boy receives the first sheet and learns from it about the whereabouts of the next note. The last note leads him to a gift.

You can also invite the birthday boy to complete some fun tasks to see if you can give him this gift. In this case, the gift should really be expensive and necessary for the birthday man.

Banquet. After receiving the gift, all those present can sit down at the festive table. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the reason for the feast and try to make the birthday man feel all the time that he is in the spotlight.

For the first birthday. The first participant says: "For my first birthday, they gave me ..." and names any object. The second participant must repeat what the first said and report:

"For my second birthday, they gave me ...", naming any other item. So, each next participant lists the messages of other players and names a new gift. The participant who makes a mistake is out. The player who remains in the game wins.
The interest of the game largely depends on the originality of the names of gifts invented by the participants.

Game example:
Player 1: "I got a pack of diapers for my first birthday."

Player 2: "I got a pack of diapers for my first birthday. I got a toy car for my second birthday."

Player 3: "For my first birthday I was given a pack of diapers. For my second birthday I was presented with a toy car. For my third birthday I was presented with felt-tip pens."

Player 4: "I got a pack of diapers for my first birthday. I got a toy car for my second birthday. I got felt-tip pens for my third birthday. I got a drum for my fourth birthday." Etc.

Your gift. The participants are divided into two teams. The players of the teams take turns showing the pantomime of the opposing team some object - a "gift". If the players of the second team guess what the item is, they get a bonus point.
After all members of one team present their gifts, the teams switch roles.
The team with the most points wins.

Comic fortune-telling "Magic bag". At the end of the holiday, you can offer all participants a comic fortune-telling, allowing you to guess what their own birthday will be like. The birthday boy can also participate in this entertainment, guessing on his next holiday.

For divination in a bag or opaque plastic bag stacked various items. Participants take turns pulling out any object without looking! Each item has a specific meaning.

Examples of items and their meanings:
Souvenir or chocolate bottle with alcohol. There will be a big booze at the birthday party.

Small chocolate bar or candy. At the birthday party there will be an unusually tasty treat.

Chewing gum. The holiday will be very, very long.

Clapperboard. There will be a lot of noisy fun at the festival.

Matchbox. Birthday will be full of bright moments and incendiary entertainment.

Participants take the received items as gifts.

Helpful Hints: If in order to receive a gift, the birthday boy will have to make some efforts to find him, it is necessary that this gift really brings joy and does not disappoint the hero of the occasion. Therefore, in such cases, the gift must be selected most carefully, taking into account the wishes of the birthday man, his hobbies.

Regardless of the entertainment being carried out, it is necessary to make this holiday so that the birthday person feels that this is his holiday. When preparing the script, you need to find out the opinion of the birthday man and his wishes. At the same time, some moments of the holiday should be pleasant surprises for the hero of the occasion.

for birthdays, anniversaries and just for the holidays

The best impromptu requires careful preparation - the organizers of the celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, know this better than anyone else. The main task of the festive scenario is to unobtrusively captivate guests, endow them with a good mood. For this, you can use fun games that look impromptu, or a serious scenario with a flexible approach.

It is important to understand that a holiday is an unpredictable phenomenon, in which there is always a place for retreats or a change of mood. Therefore, the organizer of the holiday is like a good conductor, who is also a psychologist. To notice in time that the mood of the guests has gone in the wrong direction, to stop the acute situation, to divert attention from an accidental problem - this is what a real organizer is.

The script for a birthday or any other holiday has a modular structure that allows you to change the program in places, closing accidentally interruptions. Even if at first glance everything in the script is subject to linear logic, there is always the opportunity to rebuild it on the go, literally between toasts. Guests will not notice anything, and the holiday will only gain momentum!

Scenarios for an anniversary birthday for women and men

Festive anniversary in nature

If the weather permits, you can spend it in a very original and undoubtedly fun way. Nature sets up a benevolent attitude towards everything around, so games and pranks are held with a bang with pouring water, sprinkling flour and the like.

Anniversary celebrations can begin with a comic congratulations.

I want to test the mental abilities of the hero of the day. To do this, take an ordinary matchbox. We stick one match in the box, we give the other to the hero of the occasion. I will ask questions. If the birthday boy finds it difficult to answer, he must light a match on the box with his match.

After a few simple questions, the host asks: “When is the donkey’s birthday?”. The subject naturally lights a match. The moment has come to solemnly hand him this box with a burning match and sing in chorus “Happy Birthday to you”

(voice Owl from the cartoon "The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh"). Expensive …. ! Happy Birthday to You! At this joyful moment, let me present you with this wonderful lace (brings a bucket from which the lace hangs).

The culprit solemnly pulls the string and pulls out a bottle of champagne or vodka.

And now I invite all those present to participate in the contest “Do you know the hero of the day?”. The first guest to answer the question correctly gets a candy. At the end of the quiz, the owner of the largest number of sweets will receive a prize from the birthday boy - a photo with a personal autograph and the right to drink brotherhood with him.

Sample list of questions.
1. What is the day of the week when the birthday boy was born.
2. His height, birth weight.
3. Where did this event take place.
4. What was the time of day.
5. What was the name of the kindergarten teacher.
6. Favorite toy.
7. The best school friend of the birthday boy
8. What kind of education did he get.
9. Where was the first day of work.
10. When I bought the first car.
11. Where did you spend your last vacation.
12. Where did you meet your other half.
13. When was the wedding day.
14. What was the weather like that day.
15. Give the exact age of the children.
16. Favorite dish.
17. Favorite drink.
18. Favorite activity.
19. Favorite books/movies.
20. Foot size.
21. How many acres is the summer cottage.
22. Favorite alcoholic drink.
23. Brand of the car.
24. Name best friend(girlfriends).
25. Favorite song.

It is advisable to ask simple questions, such that you can find out the answers in advance, although it all depends on the company and it is not always necessary to know the answer to the question, in this case they are purely symbolic.

This is where the official part can end, and move on to the stormy entertainment.
For the birthday boy, you can arrange an impromptu concert and at the same time demonstrate your many talents.

Joke-draw “Merry fortune-telling”

Good people, I'll try to surprise you
And I'm surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will solve the riddle
He will know his fate.
So my 1st riddle:
Does he have a heel behind his nose? (boot)

We continue fortune-telling - gild the pen ...
I wish my predictions come true!

Surprises await you in life
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
The house is huge, the garden is blooming,
Husband rich and teetotal
And many more wonders!

Waking up one day, you will see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle, he will pick up, loving,
And he will take you to distant lands.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied offal
And dried fruit compote.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret.
So you're going to be a chef!

You will be fat and ruddy,
Raise geese and chickens.
The husband will drive up on a tractor, shout loudly:
"Smoke break, Serve dinner, wife,
And a bottle of wine!

You will be a noble knight
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to intercede for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

Your house will be a full bowl,
There is always an influx of guests,
And your wife is the most beautiful
There will be seven children.
And one day you will come drunk:
The step is uneven, muddy look ...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white "Volga"
With a yacht flying in azure waves.
With a bronze tan on strong shoulders.

Kohl will not come out of you
sissies and crybabies,
That will give you life
New bucks!

There are many miracles in life
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

There are many ways and things in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then the wide road
Will not become a narrow path!

The husband will buy earrings, fashionable boots,
On the hands will wear
and do not ask for half a liter!

The news came to you:
There is no salt today!
And then, you look, yes you will give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Children are born from salt!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known as a millionaire throughout the district!
Because uncle will be found in America
Leave you a legacy without looking!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up quickly!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
That's what you win from shoes lace!

You not to be bored
We must sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people
When people are happy
You will become a pop star!

If you want to be happy
Then you have this advice:
Eat 3 kilos of salt
And a big bag of candy.
Then drink some vodka...
You will be happy, even kill!
I've been talking here, joking...
Still didn't please anyone.
I see someone's sad eyes ..
Well, there will be dancing for you ...

55th Anniversary Scenario (for woman)

Script Host: Dear Colleagues! Dear birthday girl!

Today we are in friendly cheerful company, in our so-called “banquet hall” we decided to congratulate the hero of the day.
May this day go down in history forever
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let them carelessly,
No one, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
To start the celebration, as expected,
It is proposed to fill all the glasses.

Why are there many people?
All friends gathered here
For a well-deserved rest
They came to congratulate you.

Well, here's two fives for you,
How fast the years go by
But for a reason like this
Do not be upset!

Of course it's not 16
And far from 25
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be discouraged!

After all, a string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's look honestly, from above:
What were you before?
Walked - ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
Bones covered with flesh
Rounded features:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to the bones.
And those sparkling eyes
At least someone will be driven crazy!
And therefore, without extra words I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion.

Leading: And now I want to give the floor for congratulations to the director of our team.

Director: Dear _______________!

From the bottom of my heart with great respect
Receive our congratulations today
We are happy to congratulate you and wish you
All also to work, all also to dare.
Do not grow old in soul and outwardly
To be blooming as before.
Keep the spark of the soul and still love.
Be beautiful as always to you for many years.

(Gift given)

The team sings congratulations to the motive of the song “I am standing at a half-station”, gives gifts.

Friends and relatives sit
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way behind.
Greetings are spoken.
Where, are you cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned.

As a token of our attention
Accept wishes,
To the joy of all live for many years.
Let the years, like a blizzard,
Everything is gray,
And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness to you,
Unchanging success,
We wish you lots of luck.
I wish you excellent health, hopes and personal happiness,
Let youth not leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And may there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful!

Leading: This holiday is a birthday.
Just a great anniversary.
To keep the fun going
I’ll say to everyone: “Pour it!”

I propose to drink for these wonderful wishes!

Leading: You cried into the world when you were born,
And everyone was laughing...
But indeed, we had a little pensioner.

Leading: The word for congratulations is presented to our pensioners.

1. That's the hour for retirement!
Once in a lifetime, he happens to us!

2.We came here today
Wish you many years
You accept from us Lyubasha
Our pension greetings.

3. Worked a lot,
You didn't work in vain
That's for it dear
You have been given a pension.

4. You will sit at home,
Will you miss, grow old,
If you sing in the choir,
You will instantly look younger.

5. There is no reason for sadness and tears -
The autumn of life is like frost in winter;
Let's tell everyone, without hiding anything:
Every age has its own beauty!

6. Age is our only experience brings
He doesn't age you at all.
After all, 55 is not autumn for us yet,
But only the velvet season.

7. Do not be sad and do not be sad,
There is no return to those past days,
Smile always and everywhere
And don't go to the doctors.

8. On this anniversary day, beautiful,
We want to sincerely wish:
Only joy, long life,
Sorrow and grief do not know.

9. And we wish you to continue
Don't get old, get younger.
Multiply a number of fives
Yes, live well
Without sadness and problems
Need to be always and everything.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the council of pensioners allows you, Lyubov Vladimirovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues and husband, solemnly swear: fervently with the heat of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the obligations of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in spite of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with duties and rights.
Duties: (on the screen)

Get up, wash up. Sit down, eat.
receive guests,
Don't forget friends.
Put the brazhonka for distillation.
Do sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly
Never grow old
All men like it.

Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie down.
And if I want, I will drink.
I will go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
Whoever I want, I love.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!

Presenter: Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect for you, would like to say special words and make a special gift.
- We would give you a miracle,
Magic beautiful moment
Only a miracle has been done before,
The people who gave you life, birth!

Please raise your glasses and drink for the parents of the hero of the day __________________!

Be healthy, beloved wife,
Wallet to always be tight
Optimism and creativity!
Every day to give joy.
Since we are talking about men,
I want to remind you of a man
who many years ago fell in love with our (name)
and is still a support and a shoulder
in family life for her. AND
so, the word to the wife of the hero of the day.

How much beauty in the world:
The sun, the sky is blue,
And spring flowers
They can't compare to you.
For many years we walked side by side,
It was all: sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
We are already getting old.
We won't let her into the house
Let him take a walk
When it comes again,
Let us not be found at home.
You are my good
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with lots of love.

I give you this song. "I love you to tears" or others.

Thank you for finding words that please and comfort at the right moment.

I want to drink for what you are!

Leading: Today the address of the hero of the day received telegrams. Allow me to read them.

Grandma, hello, don't be sad,
We're out of candy, mind you.
Your grandson _______-.

Well, now, friends, the time has come
Fill a glass for parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to the beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
He gave me a lot of mind.
For those thanks to whom now
Vanya is sitting among us as a birthday man.

So, let's fill our glasses and drink for the parents of our hero of the day, let them be fun and pleasant today.
Dear guests! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were many congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him. The word is given to the sister and brother of the hero of the day.

Dear friends, we continue our evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary of

Happy thirtieth anniversary
All friends rush to congratulate
And wherever fate would wear them -
Everyone is here today.
We wish you good health
And a long life without worries
Good luck, happiness and luck!
It's time for big victories!

Let's all fill our glasses, and drink for the happiness and health of our birthday boy!

Wow, I see you are moving something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter says:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 20__. Ivan's anniversary is not canceled
3. Remember: for starters, it didn’t hurt everyone to drink a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not cancelled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health
And many sincere friends.
We do not give the birthday
No headsets, no rings,
Surely you will receive warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

I propose a word for congratulations to friends. Dear guests, dear birthday boy, the children's nursery group "Mouse" has come to your holiday!

Congratulations to Uncle Vanya
Our favorite kindergarten
Sends greetings to you dear,
Junior Nursery Squad.
We promise to listen to Vanya,
Always go to the potty
When everyone has eaten porridge,
Let's take the cups.
Be healthy uncle Vanya!
Many many more days
We promise to come
To you on the hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drip red into your glasses.

If you want, believe
If you want, don't believe
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.
This animal is called "moose"
- It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able
So that happiness does not end,
About good things to dream about, so that business succeeds
So that everything always comes true!

We want to congratulate you
With a wonderful date - thirty years.
You have already achieved a lot
But here comes the flourishing of all forces.
May hope never
Your earthly one will not leave the path.
May it be full of good luck!
We don't want to turn away from it!

In the Canary Islands, out of 365 days a year, only 350 are sunny.
So we wish you, Vanya, so that in your life there is a ratio of joyful and sad days.
But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid. Here in those 15 days when there is no sun, they all gather together in their large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mango fruits. And again they have a good mood in their souls, again the sun shines in their souls. And you, Vanya, on gloomy and rainy days, do not forget to take mangoes. And if there is no juice at hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!
Thirty years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you
The soul does not age with age.
So that creativity does not leave,
To make the table wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To love my wife more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
Let luck not leave you!

Hey, Ivan, such a thing -
Vodka boiled in glasses
Schaub she was not out of breath,
We need to bite a little.
For such a reason
Let's say a toast is small.

Masha and Glasha meet.
- Masha, how is your husband Misha?
- As he drank - so he drinks, as he beat - so he beats.
- Well, thank God, if only I didn’t get sick!
To the health of all those present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We walked nicely at your holiday
Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday
So be healthy, live richly,
And we are leaving home to the hut!
The evening ends with songs and dances.

Do you want your birthday party to be fun, interesting and not boring? Then the birthday entertainment program that we offer you will help you with this. In our entertainment program, we offer ideas of what you and your guests might enjoy. Watch and choose the best.

And the first thing we offer you is a game of forfeits. If you think that this game outdated and not interesting, then you are mistaken. It is played and constantly improved. For example, like this: you make a chamomile, in which the petals will come off. As many petals as there are guests at your party. Chamomile dress on the birthday. On each petal there are inscriptions, that is, tasks that will need to be performed. Guests take turns approaching the birthday man and pulling one petal. And they do what is written there. It turns out some kind of fortune-telling from the birthday man, and the fulfillment of his desire. For example, these:
- I want you to sing me a song about my birthday!
- tell me three compliments.
- you see, I'm a chamomile, give me water to drink.
- kiss each guest on the cheek for me and say hello.
- tell me something kind.
- Feed me delicious food.
- Take a selfie with me.
And so on, any desires and tasks.

Next, you need to prepare four tablets. They are written - bushes, grass point, striptease, sauna. Call any four guests. They go out and turn their backs on the guests. And stick signs on their backs. It turns out that the participants themselves do not see the signs. And they don't know what it says. And everyone else sees. Then the facilitator asks the participants questions in turn, to which the participants answer. And the guests laugh because they know what is written on the backs. For example, questions:
- Do you often go there?
- with whom do you go there?
- what do you take with you there?
- what are you doing there?
- when will you go there again?
The answers to such questions cause laughter, and the guests rejoice, except for those who participate in the competition, because they understand that they have been set up.

Now the game is called - now I will tell the whole truth. Also this game can be called - I'll tell you a secret.
The essence of the game is that the guests also take turns listening to one card at a time and read out what is written there.
Card examples:

Now I'll tell you the whole truth
I can't live without songs!
I've been singing since morning
I'm whistling, screaming, aru!

I'll tell you a secret
Sometimes I go to striptease.
I look at the girls
I won't take my eyes off it!

Now I'll tell you the whole truth
I love to lie in the bath!
I lie, I lie, I lie
I'm in no hurry!

I'll tell you a secret
I don't like vodka at all!
But without her I can't
After all, I go on holidays!

Now I'll tell you the whole truth
I have money in the bank!
Interest always drips
I do not live on them!

I'll tell you a secret
I don't watch TV!
I go to the street
I'll get the news there!

Also, do not forget to play a game called - who am I? The essence of the game is that guests put masks on their faces. However, they do not see their mask and do not know. Who are they. But they see everyone else. Guests take turns asking questions about themselves and getting answers. And so on until someone guesses his mask. Here are examples of masks to help you have fun:

If one of the friends or relatives will take on the role of leader and organizer. To help enthusiasts who are ready to arrange a holiday for their dear birthday man and loved ones on their own, we offer with scenario of the entertainment program of the birthday "Merry family holiday", which is written just for those who want to entertain guests at a friendly feast. All competitions, games, can be held in any order, during a feast or in dance breaks, and the props for games are the simplest that can always be found in the house. Instrumental melodies selected at the discretion of the organizers can sound in the background

Scenario "Merry family holiday"

When meeting guests, the culprit of the event invites them to choose multi-colored rubber bands for money from a small box and put them on their wrists like a bracelet. It is best to divide the participants of the feast into four teams, between which competitions will take place. For example, blue, red, yellow and green.


Board game "Close people"

Leading. I welcome all of you to our family holiday, where family members, relatives and closest friends have gathered.

Therefore, I ask you:

Shake hands with those sitting opposite you at the table;

Embrace those to your right and left.

Pat on the shoulder of those who are within arm's reach of you.

Kiss the one with whom you came to this holiday.

Send air kisses to the hero of the occasion.

Clink glasses with those sitting at the table nearby.

My toast is for the event!

Board game to warm up guests

Before continuing our festive feast, I ask the owners of names beginning with the letters: A, O, C, I, N to rise in their places, and I ask the rest to applaud them. (Guests applaud.)

Those whose names begin with the letters: P, E, T, B - drink brotherhood. (Guests fulfill the host's request.)

Men kiss the hands of ladies sitting next to each other at the table (Men fulfill the request of the leader.)

All women share a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. (Women make a joint toast.

Banquet break

Little fun "Take the prize"

Leading. I have prepared a souvenir for one of you. For the one who solves the riddle.

Everyone has it: adults and children, schoolchildren and teachers, soldiers and generals, tailors and scientists, artists and spectators. What's this?

(Answer - button. Guessing - receives a prize. If no one guessed correctly, the presenter continues.)

The prize is given to the one who has the largest number of buttons in the outfit. (The winner will receive a prize.)

The next competition is for men. Prizes will go to those who have a comb and a handkerchief with them. (Winners get prizes.)

TO competition - joke "Beauty Queen"

Leading. Dear ladies, mademoiselle, senoritas, mrs, miss, frau, medhen, woman, girls, madam, girls, citizens, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, girlfriends, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, cousins, grandmothers, sisters, matchmakers, seamstresses, cooks , accountants, engineers, doctors, pensioners… In a word, women, the next contest is for you! It's called "Beauty Queen".

Anyone who has lipstick and a mirror can participate in this competition. Congratulations! You are in the second round of the competition! Who has perfume and powder. Bravo! You are in the semi-finals!

We continue. Who has a hairbrush and a wallet. Hooray!

You are the finalists of the beauty queen contest.

The one of you who has a 14 by 17 wrench with you wins.

Not? Sorry! On "no" and there is no winner!

Banquet break

A fun game "Remove the negative"

Leading. I want to remind you that at the entrance to our holiday, you received a colored rubber band, which I asked you to save. It's time to pay attention to the color of your gum. I will name the color, and you wave your hand, who has the rubber band of that color. Green... blue... red... yellow... (Guests do the task.)

I ask each team to select one participant in our family holiday. I invite them to the center of the room.

(Four guests go to the host. Each is given one cheerleading broom or fluffy washcloths.)

These are washcloths - cleaners. I ask you to choose one man from those present and carry out prevention: remove the evil eye, negativity, negative energy from them. Fragments of songs will sound in which certain parts of the body are mentioned, and you carry out prophylaxis with washcloths - clean sweepers.

(Song fragments sound where various parts of the body are mentioned)

I think these women deserve a big round of applause and a moment of glory. This song is for them.

(A snippet of a song sounds"Beauties can do anything." Women solo.)

Leading. And now men with pure karma and soul invite women to a slow dance.

Sounds like a lyrical hit. Pairs of players dance, those who wish to join.

There is a dance block.


The host, with the help of a bell, invites everyone to continue the feast.

Guests say toasts, read prepared congratulations, present gifts to the hero of the occasion.

Leading. I want to remind you that at this table are the most beloved, closest relatives and friends of the birthday man.

I am convinced that each of you could easily participate in one or another TV show. And this is not said for flattery, it can be confirmed right now. I propose to turn to the cinema. Let's all remember the continuation of the legendary movie phrases together.

Game - chant "Complete the phrase"

The facilitator starts, and the participants finish the phrase.

Drinking champagne in the morning ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Who will plant him, he ... monument!
And now humpbacked! I said ... humpbacked!
Who does not work eating! Remember student!
Third street builders ... d 25, apt 12.
Freedom for Yuri ...Detochkin!
So that you live on one ... salary!
And then Ostap ... suffered!
I never ... I don't get drunk!
How much is opium ... for the people?
You will have coffee and tea with cocoa.
Abroad us ... will help!
I came not to kill ...Then they will kill you!
you have a global ... Mother!
Baba flowers, children ... ice cream!
right now ...sing!

Leading. Now let's turn to the music, to be more precise, to the songs. I invite our multi-colored teams to remember the old songs about the main thing. The team that recognizes the melody faster than others and sings the song gets a point. Those with the most points receive a team prize.

(Fragments of popular retro songs sound. A contest is underway. The winners are awarded a box of chocolates.)

Competition "Touching ladies"

(The host takes out a tray with small cloth bags, inside of which are: salt, sugar, buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, horns, starch.)

Leading. Again I invite from each team one woman. (A participant in the game exits.)

On this tray you see bags with something inside. Feel the contents of the bag one by one.

(The game is over.)

Leading. Please applaud our "sensual and touching" ladies (Guests applaud.)

I ask the participants in the game to hand one of the men of their team a sheet of newspaper and take their place at the table (The presenter gives out sheets of newspapers.)

Competition "Newspaper heroes"

Leading. Men, I'm waiting for you at the epicenter of our holiday. Meeting place can not be Changed. (Men exit.)

The competition is simple: who will fold a newspaper sheet in half in 10 times faster?

(Competition in progress. Instrumental music plays in the background.)

Leading. Team player wins... (names team color)

I propose how to pass your newspaper sheet as a baton to another member of your team. (Other players are selected.)

I ask you to unfold the sheets and make “balls” out of them. Take the ball in your right hand and stand with your back to the open door four steps away from it. Turn your head as far as possible to the right and throw the “ball” over your left shoulder so that it flies out the door.

(A competition is underway. The distance is small, the goal is large, but rarely will anyone be able to throw a paper “ball” out the door at once. If someone succeeds, he is declared the winner.)

Dance game "Bound in one chain"

Leading. Teams of "yellow" and "green" are invited to the dance floor.

(Teams leave the table. The host gives each headdress. These can be hats, caps, earflaps, bath hats, etc.)

I ask you to try on these hats and each team to stand in a column one after another.

(In each team, for all participants, with the help of clothespins, the leader attaches hats to the rope at a distance of one meter. Each team has its own rope.)

Our dance game is called Chained. Various melodies will be played, during which the teams are invited to dance, but so that their hats do not come off.

(Popular dance melodies sound. For example, “Chivala”, “Lambada”, “Nafanana”, Letka-Enka”, “Lezginka”, “7-40”, etc.)

The scenario of the woman’s birthday “Wonderful Changelings” with elements of theatricalization is addressed to those who do not want to grow old in soul and prefer to enjoy every new day, rather than sigh about the past years.

Cool jokes, surprise moments and unexpected reincarnations will not only create a festive mood, but will also charge the birthday girl and her guests with optimism for a long time.

best gift from friends

Birthday can be celebrated in different ways. What will it be? A banquet, a stylish party, a picnic with a trip to nature - it's up to the birthday girl, on whose shoulders a lot of different troubles for organizing the reception of guests will fall.

Those invited can significantly alleviate her fate by taking over the preparation of the entertainment program. And it will be the most best gift for a birthday you can think of.

In order for the “Wonderful Changelings” to be a complete surprise for the hero of the occasion, the script and the preparation process must be kept in strict confidence until the significant day. Of course, you will have to take care of costumes and props, find time for rehearsals, record music, but the pleasure of performing scenario ideas will surely pay off all the effort expended.

Hall decoration

The room in which it is planned to celebrate a significant date should be decorated. We don't need any special decorations for our scenario. But balloons, garlands, posters with wishes will give the hall a grand look and create a holiday atmosphere from the very threshold.

DIY costumes and props

Theater experts say that a good costume can save even a failed performance. There is little demand from home-grown artists, but costumes play no less a role in amateur staging than on the professional stage.
To implement the Miraculous Changeling scenario, you will need to create a number of vivid images from various historical eras.

ancient greek poet

The role of the ancient Greek singer of lyrical songs according to the script is reserved for the husband or young man of the heroine of the holiday. His appearance in such an unexpected role should make an indelible impression on her.
To do this, we take a white sheet, wrap it around the body and fasten the ends on the shoulder with a pin, forming beautiful tails. You will get a robe similar to a tunic - the traditional dress of the inhabitants of ancient Hellas.

We put on homemade sandals on our feet, which are cardboard soles with attached long strings, according to the principle of beach slates. You can get by with simple sandals, and in the warm season, nothing prevents the singer from appearing barefoot.

The head will be crowned with a wreath of wire closed in a ring and bay leaves glued to it with adhesive tape. The lyre in the hands of the poet, cut out of cardboard, will give the image a finished look.

medieval sorceress

Belted wide dress to the toes, loose and disheveled long hair, a bunch of dry grass on the belt ... We have no confidence that in the Middle Ages women who were accused of witchcraft looked exactly like that. But there is an opportunity to create an image in your imagination and embody it with the help of ordinary and simple things.

You should also prepare witchcraft props - a bottle filled with any liquid (elixir of immortality) and tea bags with signed labels:

  • From the evil eye;
  • From damage;
  • From erysipelas;
  • From evil spirits;
  • From the moth;
  • For a love spell;
  • For wealth;
  • Good luck;
  • For triplets.

crowned empress

A very bright look, for which a puffy ball gown, high hair, jewelry and a scepter are suitable.
Corrugated paper can be used to make a high collar and a fan.

The easiest option is to wrap the royal person in a robe of plain silky fabric, and put a homemade foil crown on her head. You should also prepare a scroll of paper rolled up with the text of the decree, which Her Majesty will announce at the festive table.

time lord

The master of time, who is also the co-host of the event, according to the scriptwriter, is a wanderer in a baggy robe with a bag on his shoulder and a staff in his hands. He has a thick beard of cotton or fur and a wrinkled hat.

He has the amazing ability to travel through time. All that is needed for this is to translate the arrows of the old alarm clock.

You can come up with your own options for decorations, because the development of costumes is a creative matter, giving wide scope for imagination.

And the music sounds...

The musical accompaniment of the event should be given the most serious attention. When preparing the dance part, it is necessary to take into account the musical preferences of the birthday girl and her guests.

So, for an age audience, it is appropriate to include melodies of the last century in the program. It is clear that the tastes of the older and younger generations will diverge.

In the event that a campaign of different ages gathers at the table, both old and modern rhythms should sound.

Another thing is the selection of music for dramatizations and competitions. Here you should be guided by other rules.

The melody should convey the mood of the moment, emphasize the character of the theatrical heroes, give the action a national or historical sound where it is necessary according to the script.

For the musical arrangement of the script "Wonderful Changelings" you will need a number of the following soundtracks:

  1. Nino Rota "Romeo and Juliet" (instrumental music).
  2. Sirtaki.
  3. "Dance of the Knights" (Nissan Murano commercial, remix).
  4. Fanfare for the herald's exit.
  5. Exit of the Queen (fanfare).
  6. A. Rybnikov "Music of Love and Space" (lyrical melody).

It is necessary not only to record these melodies, but also to determine the person responsible for the sound. He must know the script well in order to avoid problems with musical accompaniment.

You can use other soundtracks at your discretion. The main thing is that the music expresses the idea inherent in each scene.

A cool script for a woman's birthday "Wonderful Changelings"

Leading: Dear friends! A wonderful occasion has gathered us today at this festive table. It is not customary to talk about the age of a woman out loud, but in this case, this law does not apply, because our dear ... (name) is timeless. I propose to raise the first toast to the eternally young birthday girl!


Leading: Attention attention! A very unusual guest came to us for the holiday. He wanders the world and calls himself the lord of time.
No one knows who he is, where he comes from and where he is heading. We are a hospitable people and therefore we cannot let a person go hungry! Please come to the table!

time lord: Thank you, good people! Honor and praise to the hospitable house and its mistress. I know what a joyful event she is celebrating today, and it was no coincidence that I ended up in this place and at this time. I have been sent on a mission to send greetings to... (name) from different time dimensions.

Leading: (addressing the audience) All this sounds very strange. He seems to say hello himself!

time lord: Yes, yes ... I have been traveling in time for a long time, meeting different people, attending royal receptions and in the shacks of the poor.
The local people know the birthday girl well, her virtues are legendary. The ancient Greeks consider ... (name) the daughter of Zeus himself.
Medieval troubadours compose odes in her honor. Masters of the Renaissance brush paint portraits from it. And recently, in the palace of a philanthropist, I saw a naked female statue with wings - an exact copy of ... (name)!

Leading: Sorry, but it's really hard to believe!

time lord: Modern people too rational and often take me for a madman. For this reason, I open my gift only to the elect. I know that ... (name) still believes in fairy tales and is waiting for a miracle. And so I want to show her something...

He takes out an alarm clock from his bag, rotates the arrows and says:

One, two, three, four, five,
Turn back time, turn back
Through mountains and plains
oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of our earth
Move back!

(Guests can be cheered up even more if you pull a bunch out of your beard each time with the words of the spell “Fuck-tibi-doh, tibi-doh”, “Mana-mana-tyts-tyts-tyryrym”, etc.)

Soundtrack number 1 sounds.

The husband of the birthday girl appears in the form of an ancient Greek poet. He “tweaks” the drawn strings of the lyre and reads to a muffled melody, drawing out the words strongly:

I saw you by chance
And immediately he seemed to go crazy.
Cupid, flying over us,
He fired ten arrows at me.

You with the grace of a Naiad
Floated, with only a glance,
And felt alternately
Chill and heat and great hail.

I thought that the goddess herself
Came down to earth from above
I wanted for you
Go to kiss the footprints.

Struck by your majesty,
The whole world is frozen to stone
The eagle fell to the ground from the sky
And the formidable lion purred.

A wonderful moment has passed
Many years have passed since then
But for me a different goddess
It won't, it won't, and it won't...

Leading: This story is surprisingly similar to the novel ... (name) and ... (husband's name), isn't it? Sit down, dear, at the table, help yourself.

ancient greek singer: Yes, I see you have a mountain feast and a river of wine! Why isn't anyone dancing?
We have a new dance in fashion in ancient Greece. His movements are so simple that I can teach you right now.

Shows a set of movements and steps of sirtaki, guests are invited to a dance break. Phonogram No. 2.
Continuation of the feast

Leading: (carefully looks at the ancient Greek character) Well, I don’t know if there is some catch here. I have a vague doubt that I have already seen this poet somewhere ...

time lord: About such in ancient times they said: "His distrust was so great that he already seemed suspicious to himself."
And for our birthday girl, miracles are just beginning. The sorceress in the seventh generation, the Koldui Baba, wishes to congratulate her. Let's go to the Middle Ages.

One, two, three, four, five
Turn back time, turn back
Through mountains and plains
oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of our earth
Move back!

Phonogram No. 3. The Sorcerer Baba appears. Reads the text with a tongue twister, like a spell.

I see everything, I know everything
I take off the damage
I read thoughts
I will charm any man
Want a handsome
Want oblique.

To whom I will conjure children,
I only blow on water.
To whom a potion from idleness,
To whom a horse, to whom a bridle ...
I cook herbs for days.

And our birthday girl
Do not find more beautiful in the world
I give her a difficult elixir,
At least in a bottle of water.
Endured for ten centuries
Who will drink
Will be immortal!

time lord: A real magical gift! Yes, what a nuisance. There are skeptical citizens around this table. They refuse to believe in miracles.

Sorcerer woman: My sorcerer's gift is easily verified. Let the birthday girl guess any word, and I'll stand outside the door. Let's see what comes of it.

Leading: Attention, friends! Let's start a session of exposing medieval magic!

During the absence of the Sorcerer Baba, the heroine of the holiday thinks of a word.

After the "clairvoyant" returns, the presenter lists different words, until he calls the one that the hero of the occasion made up. It is at this moment that the clairvoyant will shout: "Here it is."

The session can be repeated several times with the same result. The secret of the focus is simple. The host and Koldui Baba are in cahoots. They established in advance that the previous word before the hidden word will certainly begin with the letter M. For example, the presenter lists dishes: borscht, vinaigrette, pizza, meatballs, herring under a fur coat, Korean carrots ...
The witch is already aware that the favorite dish of the birthday girl will follow.

After the competition, she presents the guests with a drug - signed tea bags.

Continuation of the feast.

The sorcerer woman and the ancient Greek singer quietly leave the room and return to the table in disguise.

Soundtrack number 4 sounds

Leading: What else is this?

time lord: These sounds come from the 18th century, directly from the imperial palace.
Let's hurry to the court, otherwise we won't be blown off our heads! The great empress herself wishes to see the birthday girl with her retinue.

One, two, three, four, five
Turn back time, turn back
Through mountains and plains
oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of our earth
Move back!

Phonogram No. 5. Empress appears.

empress: Gracious sovereigns and empresses! I have gathered you on a joyful occasion for our entire fatherland - name day ... (name). And I want to immediately announce my royal decree.

Decree of the Most Serene, Most Powerful, Great Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna, Autocrat.

For considerable merits, but for glorious deeds, I wish to express my royal mercy to the girl ... (name), who, without sparing her life, serves the Russian land by faith and truth.
By his example, he teaches others how to love a husband, to honor a father and mother, to put unreasonable offspring on their feet. The day is full of work, like a bee.
Therefore, I command my lazy ministers to be driven from the yard, and put in their place ... (name).

I give the red maiden an ermine coat from the tsar's shoulder and a pair of bay horses, so that they are regularly delivered to the service of the sovereign. And since her rank went uphill, I order you to show ... (name) all respect and bow low with your forehead when you meet.

I order you to make fun on this occasion with music, magnificent tables, with overseas caviar - squash, with cannon fire.
Don’t pour too much wine for the guests, so that they don’t roam the city squares with red noses and don’t embarrass other people. And if someone changes the word of the sovereign, beat him with a whip, and hang him on a rack, if it was not customary for others.

The imperial order must be carried out exactly and without delay.

... (date) from the Nativity of Christ.

empress: And now I wish you fun.

time lord: Her Majesty cannot be rebuked. Everyone plays!

empress: Parsley, my pea jester is an inventor for all sorts of riddles. He composes on the go, and then thinks to everyone in a row. So I composed for your holiday. For the wise men who are the first to find the answer, I will make royal gifts.

  • What is not in Paris, but is in Moscow, is not in the Seine, but is in the Neva? (answer: letter "B")
  • The bell ringer Vaska needs 15 minutes to climb the bell tower. And how much time will he need for that, if he takes with him a clerk and a clerk? (answer: 15 minutes)
  • Yashka-serf ran across the field in the pouring rain. There was no dry thread left on it. As soon as he wringed out his trousers, a whole tub of water leaked out, and not a single hair on his head got wet. How can this be? (answer: Yashka was bald)
  • Gathered serf Glashka in the garden 6 apples. And since she is not a greedy girl, she gave half to Grishka the groom. Served, so to speak. How many apples does she have left after that? (answer: 5 and a half)
  • The landowner rode to the village in a carriage drawn by three horses. On the way he met the same 3 carriages. How many carriages went to the village? (answer: one carriage)
  • 5 rowans grew. Each has 5 large branches. And on the branches of these large 5 small ones. On the branches of those small, 5 liquid apples grows. How many fruits from the trees will the gardener Proshka collect? (answer: none. Apples do not grow on mountain ash)

empress: How much I love to meet brainy people in my state. For this, I allow the sovereigns to kiss my brightest hand, and I order the empresses to give out a gingerbread from the royal table that remained from the reception of the ambassadors.
And now I retire to rest in the bedchamber. I'm kind of tired of you. (leaves)

time lord: It's time for me to go, too. Kudos for the kind welcome. Warmed, fed, watered the tired wanderer.
For such hospitality I want to thank you with small presents that I have gathered around the world. Let everyone choose a gift to their liking.

A fun lottery is being drawn.
The role of the drum will be played by a hat, from which the guests will take notes one by one. Each participant must read the text aloud, and the lord of time will announce and present prizes.

Didn't sleep at night, counting sheep?
Here's a candle for that.
The aroma fills the house
And induce a sound sleep. (aroma candle)

Matches are needed always and everywhere
At home in the kitchen, on a picnic.
Strike a match - it's a simple matter,
And the meat from the grill is tastier than raw! (Matchbox)

Start the day with a cup of coffee
From dawn to dawn
You will be like an electric broom
With a battery inside! (sachet of coffee)

It is very important to wash
Mornings and evenings
And unwashed piglets
Shame and disgrace! (soap)

If you grease the handles with cream
With no regrets, from the bottom of my heart
Become like cat paws
Silky and soft. (hand cream)

If you want a sweet life
You can eat chocolate.
It's better to eat a piece
To get through the doorway. (Chocolate)

Be like a minister
Write plans in a notebook
Bring in the system quickly
The affairs of their cycle. (Notebook)

Take a sheet of music,
To write music.
The case of Mozart and Bach
Someone has to keep going! (notebook)

Rattle is a trifle
Might come in handy soon.
The news will arrive from the hospital,
And the folder is ready! (beanbag)

It's hard to come up with a more useful present,
Than waterproof glue durable "Moment".
Firmly adheres rubber to skin
So then it's impossible to tear it off. (Glue "Moment")

Continuation of the feast.

Final scene. Held closer to the end of the event. Phonogram No. 6.

Leading: A letter has just arrived in the name of the traitor. It is strange that there is no stamp or seal on the envelope.

The birthday girl opens the envelope and reads the text. A touching lyrical sound to the scene will be given by the melody of phonogram No. 6.

Darling, ... (name)! Do not be angry that for so long there was neither hearing nor spirit from me. All the years of our separation, I continued to wander the world.
And now I am writing to you from the distant future. It's amazing. Earthlings fly to the Moon and Mars. Robots live among people. There are no wars and cures for serious illnesses have been found.

By the way, I was very pleased to meet you again at your anniversary. So much time has passed and you haven't changed. The same charming smile, kind heart and wide soul.

I saw the happy faces of relatives and friends who came with flowers and congratulations. Your inquisitive and cheerful grandchildren made me completely delighted.
And what beautiful words you uttered at the festive table: “The secret of my longevity is not at all in the elixir of the Witch-woman, but in the fact that I have the strongest family and the most reliable friends!”.