Neutral words for company names. How do you come up with a company name? What is unacceptable or undesirable to use in a company name

A name is a promise ... it is the first thing a consumer learns about a company or its product ...

Henry Charmesson

A name for an organization can be compared to a person's name. It becomes fateful, reveals personality traits and distinguishes among the crowd. Any company also has its own character and characteristics.

A good name reflects the value of the company and its products in the minds of customers. Few know that the island in the Caribbean known as Paradise did not attract tourists until it was called Pig. The gooseberry from China became popular in the United States after it became a kiwi.

Examples of successful brand names will help you evaluate modern meaning naming.

What is quality naming?

Naming is not just a play on words, but a significant element of marketing. Professional selection of names for organizations, products, brands is becoming more and more important.

High-quality naming is the foundation of a competitive brand and effective market promotion. Its main goal is to position the company, product, service.

Naming is used to solve a variety of tasks, including:

  1. The need to emphasize the special properties, to distinguish the product from others.
  2. The desire to evoke positive associations and emotions: trust, admiration, interest.

Sour cream "House in the Village" or the restaurant "Demyanova Ukha" ... A good name can inspire and become a good basis for brand promotion.

5 stages of working on a title

  • Positioning, definition of the market segment

Without marketing research it is impossible to create a brand. Who is the target audience? What group do they belong to potential consumers? What is the market niche and strategy of the company. For example, the name of the travel agency "Exotic Wedding" indicates a narrow specialization.

  • Standards and Requirements

What criteria should a firm meet? The examples should reflect the company's strategy and fit into the market situation.

  • Generating ideas

Brainstorming, group discussion or employee survey. Ideas can be generated in any form, but at this stage it is important to refrain from criticism.

  • Analysis of ideas

An assessment of the options and how they meet the original standards. Semantic and phonetic analysis of names. Lexical and psycholinguistic testing.

  • Testing

Clients or potential customers are involved in "field trials", who finally decide what to call the company. Examples include in the survey. Research companies are most often involved in organizing testing.

An obligatory element of naming is the legal check of the developed name, which is required for registration. In many cases, you need to pay attention to the meaning of a name in foreign languages.

So all the extensive work of creating a new name is two steps. First, you need to formulate a message for the consumer, and second, translate the message into a commercial form.

10 ways to choose a name for your company

  1. Use the language and words of the client. What does a prospective buyer value in a product or service? How will he benefit? The offered product should be close and understandable to the consumer, like “Your Realtor” or “Agusha”.
  2. Dictionaries will help you to enrich your vocabulary. Original ideas can be found using dictionaries of associations, explanatory or foreign.
  3. The collected information will help to formulate slogans. You don't have to start with a name. Naming is a creative process.
  4. Analysis of the names of competing firms. When choosing a name, it is worth considering their successful options or mistakes - for example, such curiosities as the company "Labor Corn", the hairdresser "New Hair" or the bank "Padun".
  5. Do not rush to cross off the selected ideas from the list, but remove them for a few days. After a week or two, it will be easier to evaluate a worthy option with a fresh eye.
  6. Before finally deciding what to call the company, the examples should be checked for uniqueness.
  7. Evaluating consumer opinions can significantly speed up searches. It’s not enough to just talk to friends or family. Organize a customer survey to evaluate the selected options, invite them to come up with their names.
  8. In some cases it can be helpful to look at the world... An ingenious thought can be born unexpectedly. The founder of Adobe chose this name in honor of the river near his home. Remember that registration as a trademark of generic and specific concepts is not possible.
  9. Using the data of psycholinguistics, choosing what to name according to research, give a result with the correct selection of the letter combination. It is recommended to use the letters "D", "L" (cause joyful emotions). The letter "K" tells customers about the speed. But it is better not to take the hissing or deaf ones, they tune in to the negative. The letter "Z", as it turned out, causes fear.
  10. There are more than thirty technicians for the formation of names. From names with classical Latin roots to rhymed names. For example, the creator of the global sports brand was known among his friends as Adi (it turned out to be a compound abbreviation "Adidas").

What should you call a construction company? Examples of

The name for the construction company should focus on target audience and reflect the scope of the firm. "Bystrostroy" is a good choice as the name of a company specializing in the construction of houses in a short time.

Agency "Apartments de Luxe" will attract a category of clients with a certain income, and " New house"- a more democratic name.

What is the name of the company? Examples of names such as "Stroygarant", "Stroytekh" are understandable to the population and inspire confidence. Intrigue "Stroygefest", "Neostroy" or "StroyCity". The abbreviation will not work, as it can scare off a potential customer.

For organizations working with individuals, the simple version "Bogatyr", "StroyNaVek" is appropriate. When working with foreign partners, it is important to carefully consider what to call the construction company. Examples should reflect professionalism. Preferably catchy name on English language... For example, "Leader Builder" or "Prof building".

Choosing the name of a law firm

Industry standards strongly influence the conservative legal business... The choice of options for a company name is very limited. What is the name of a law firm?

Examples show that names with Latin terminology or euphonious surnames of partners, combinations with general concepts("Consulting", "legal league", "bureau", "group"). New words are also used, but the client does not always associate them with legal activity.

Successful options include "Zetra" or "Asters". This is an example of how short and consonant names benefit from popular names such as Legal Aid.

Names that carry monumentality, confidence and positiveness are popular. "YurMagistry", "Arman", "Legal Center" or "Legal Company".

Trade naming

The marketing name positions and promotes the product. What is the name of a trading company? Examples should be memorable and beautiful. Harmonious perception of the name by ear plays an important role. What is on sale that evokes pleasant associations.

For trading houses and chains, names with a superlative degree are often used (Mega, Extra, Maxi, Super). The method of misspelled words is interesting. "GastroGnom" instead of "Grocery store", "StakeHolders" instead of "Steakholders".

Play on words is popular, for example, the Klevoye Mesto fishing store, the Terry Rai store, where they sell bathrobes and towels.

In any case, faceless names like "World of Taste" or "Wonderful Product" should be avoided.

How to choose a name for a furniture company?

The furniture market is one of the most saturated. In order to stand out from the competition, you need an original, but understandable, selling name.

What is the name of a furniture company? Examples - such as "Servant`S", "Divan Divanych" or "Mr. Mebel", will play the role of advertising and save money on promotion.

Many manufacturers are striving to master a specific market niche. For small and medium-sized companies, an emphasis on line of business and specialization is beneficial. "Furniture workshop / studio ...", "Formula of the sofa", "Your kitchens".

The production of luxury furniture, taking into account the interests of wealthy clients, will require a name that emphasizes the status: "GrantMebel", "Furniture House", "InteriorLuxe".

There are also funny names: "Soft place" (sells sofas and armchairs), the firm "Sidaun" or under the name "Mebelov".

In fact, 90% of all items for trade marks were invented on the knee by directors or managers of organizations. Only 10% of market names are classified as professional namers. It is noteworthy that it is these 10% that own 90% of the market!

As you name the yacht, so it will float. Captain Vrungel

Regardless of how long your law firm has been around, the name issue may be more relevant to you than anything else in your marketing. The name of the company is one of the main elements of marketing whatever one may say. This is the first thing your prospect sees and hears.

A firm with a bad name can still be made successful, but a firm with a good name can be made successful in half the time. It is possible to change the name for most law firms in the market without any damage and special costs, and in some cases I directly recommend my clients to start improving their marketing by changing the name. What for?

The most important positioning specialist is Jack Trout, an American marketer. He wrote the bestselling books Positioning: Battles for Minds, Differentiate or Die, and Marketing Wars. You can buy them at any bookstore.

What does it say? The shorter and clearer the message you broadcast to your customers, the better. Your company must have distinctive feature, unique trade offer, what your competitors do not have, what will make your customers remember and distinguish you from your competitors, what your customers will not be able to get from others.

And if you articulate it, it will make you stand out in the eyes of your customers. The main message you are broadcasting should be hardcoded into your title and slogan.

A good title should convey your core business and competitive advantages... By my own example, I can say that at first my company was called "Drive Consulting" and the slogan was "Legal assistance to motorists". And what difficulty did I face?

My target audience was rather poor at remembering and pronouncing the name of the company. Only 30% of clients remembered our name and found us on the Internet using it. The rest could not only remember the name, but sometimes even pronounce it. In fact, the name "Drive Consulting" did not play any useful role in my business.

Therefore, over time, I decided to rename my company, choosing a name for it that would be easy to remember and easy to find. I came up with such a name when they opened registration in the domain zone "RF" - this is "avtoadvokat.rf", to which I also came up with a slogan reflecting my main competitive advantage - a narrow specialization.

I didn’t take this slogan from the ceiling. For a long time I interviewed my clients, which most motivated them to turn to us for legal assistance. And the most common answer was “narrow specialization”. Therefore, I decided to make the phrase "narrow specialization" our slogan.

To choose the perfect company name, you need to know your target audience. A good name should be easy to remember and should not be confused with the names of other companies.

The name can consist of the names of the founders, a description of the types of activities, a description of the niche, including if it is limited to a certain territory, your main competitive advantage, as well as various combinations of the specified words and even abbreviations, if they do not mislead your customers.

To change the name to a more effective one, it is better to conduct a survey of your customers about how they perceive your organization, its name, its competitive advantages. And based on the analysis of the answers, you should decide how effective the name of your company is and whether it should be changed.

Examples of bad names for a law firm:

"Legal Aid Center", "Union of Lawyers", "Association for the Protection of the Rights of Policyholders", "Bureau of Legal Defense", etc. (the reason - the name is not remembered, does not distinguish the company from other firms, made up of common words, reminds the name of a public organization , which is bad for a commercial firm).

Examples of good names: "Dentons", "Baker & McKenzie", "Pasternak, Martynyuk and Partners", "Avtoadvokat.rf" (the reason is they are unique, provide information about the founders or the type of activity of the company, contain contact information).

Not a single company can exist without a name: an anonymous company will not be registered, it will not be able to open a bank account, issue contracts, conclude agreements.

How to choose a company name should be taken care of in advance. Registration of a new business will take a lot of time and effort - when you need to apply for registration, your brain will be busy with solving numerous other problems.

In such a situation, you can get confused and write down the first phrase that comes to mind. Then the understanding will come that the company has a completely dissonant name, which can only scare away customers, but it will be too late to change something ...

Important points to remember before choosing a company name

Is it important to choose a good name for your company? The tax authorities will register any name that does not contradict the law. But they do not guarantee that a business with that name will be successful.

What should be the name of the company so that customers want to go there:

  • the name must reflect the scope of the company;
  • it is desirable that search engines on the Internet on the request of this name give out the minimum number of answers of the same name;
  • so that the phrase evokes a positive attitude and does not contain ambiguity;
  • should be easy to read, pronounce and remember.

There are many more nuances - it all depends on the specific circumstances.

Video on what name to come up with for the company

Why the choice of a company name should be approached responsibly

Let's say in the recent past a person has used the services of a very good company. After a while, he wanted to contact them again or recommend the service to his friends. What was the name of this company, what queries could you use to find it?

I only remember something unpronounceable, similar to the City Construction Service. It is very tedious to search for something unknown, and the client goes to their competitors.

Someone decided to have a big banquet and choose a suitable establishment. In front of him is a sign: Cafe Tantalus. Immediately I remember the hero of Greek myths, suffering from hunger and thirst. It is better not to embarrass yourself in front of the guests and look for another restaurant.

To prevent a company from getting into such situations, you need to be very careful and serious about choosing a name for the company.

The need for marketing research

Perhaps someone will be lucky, and a catchy, interesting, memorable slogan will immediately come to mind, but such successes are extremely rare. It is better not to wait for favors from your mind, but to take control of the matter.

You need to start with marketing research: who will make up the bulk of the company's customers?

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If teenagers are interested in a company whose name contains youth slang, then such a name can scare off retirees.

Analyze what assortment and prices are planned. Trading house with the signboard "Cheap overalls" will interest both workers and managers, and "Cheap fur coats from elite furs" - will cause bewilderment.

The scope of the company should be reflected in its name

If you come up with a name for a company that has nothing to do with its activities, and even worse - evokes associations with services that the company does not provide, then you can get numerous requests from inappropriate customers, who, justifiably, may have a negative impression of you after receiving a refusal.

Of course, there are firms that have taken on a name that has nothing to do with their business and are now thriving, but there are many opposite examples.

The hardest part is to get through First stage, to be able to declare oneself, it is at this time that the name can work both for the company and against it. Now no one turns to Apple for apples, but it is not known how it was at the beginning of their careers.

The originality of the name will help to be in the TOP of Internet search engines

Any businessman wants to know about his activities as much as possible more people... If you give a company a name under which many companies are already operating in other cities, there is a risk of ending up on the last pages in the search engine. It is very unlikely that any of the users will be looking for your service for so long. It is important to choose a combination that is almost absent in the world wide web, then the search engines will immediately bring the user to the desired address.

Better to spend a few extra minutes, enter a request for your favorite name in Google or Yandex and see how many pages the system will display. Sometimes changing a single letter in a name can reduce the number of “competitors”.

The name should evoke positive emotions

Few people want to contact a company whose name is associated with something unpleasant. Some will associate the Three Little Pigs cafe with a children's fairy tale, others with a delicious ham, but many will imagine a dirty pigsty or ugly behavior. Better to avoid ambiguities that cause negative emotions or laughter: Adam & Eve clothing store.

There is also a danger in including your surname in the name of the company. Not all of them are euphonious enough, and the client may have unpleasant memories associated with the business owner's namesake. If you want to be sure to insert your name into the name of the company, you can beat it.

Let's say Vladimir Doronin opens tourist agency, which can be called "Lord of the Roads". Such a phrase will help to avoid problems even if the owner wants to sell his business to another person.

Memorability and ease of pronunciation

The name should be sonorous, easy to remember. There is no desire to contact a company whose name is difficult to pronounce, and it is generally impossible to write it down from memory.

Few of the mothers want to take their child to the children's cafe “Cupcake with Chocolate” - the poor child simply cannot pronounce these words. It is much more pleasant to visit the Veselye Marmeladki confectionery, the kids will remember this name and will ask their parents to come back there again.

It is advisable to test the invented name on friends and relatives. Find out what associations this phrase evokes in them, especially listen carefully to the opinions of those who are part of your customer group. Children are great experts, and they can come up with completely unexpected ideas.

Legal requirements for the name of firms

You can try and come up with a great name for the company, but it will not be registered if it contradicts the law. There are several important points which must be taken into account:

  • No matter how you like a foreign word, you will have to write it in Russian letters in its official name. In this transcription, it may turn out to be ugly or ambiguous. It is allowed to use a foreign alphabet in the abbreviated name, it is convenient for those companies that interact with international partners.
  • The full name must include the type of ownership, for example: Fakel Limited Liability Company. For correspondence with partners and internal documents, an abbreviated name is allowed: LLC Fakel.
  • Words that imply participation in activities must not be included in the name of the company. government agencies: parliamentary, ministry. It is also not allowed to use the official names of foreign countries. It will not work to call the company "Products from France", even if the founders are really going to trade exclusively in goods from this country.
  • It is not allowed to include names in the name of the company international organizations: Doctors Without Borders clinic, IOC salon. It makes no sense to convince officials that they do not mean the International Olympic Committee, but fashionable clothes from the couturier, the company will not be registered.
  • Tax authorities will not pass a title that includes a name famous brands: it is useless to try to register the company "Ryazan Coca-Cola".
  • The name cannot contain obscene words, immoral or inhuman concepts, phrases that are offensive to some groups of the population. The Crucified Jesus nightclub may attract the attention of a certain group of young people, but such a name will not work, as it hurts the religious feelings of Christians. Better not to call the store for the blind “Dawn”, and the ritual agency “Dream”.
  • If the fantasy has declared a strike, there is a temptation to name the company simply by the type of activity: LLC "Apartment renovation", but this is not allowed by law.

Some words can be included in the title only with the permission of the relevant commissions. These include derivatives from the name of our state - Russia, or the name of its capital - Moscow. The same applies to the word "federal" and the forms derived from it.

Sometimes it is convenient to give a company two names: one complete for official documents, and a sonorous abbreviation for advertising. Few people pay attention to the limited liability company "Sleeping blankets and pillowcases", but LLC "SON" will be remembered right away.

It is difficult to come up with a completely unique name, but the law does not prohibit taking the name of a company from another region for your business. In this case, you need to make sure that the namesake company does not have an officially registered trademark with a verbal element of this name, otherwise the court may force the name of the twin company to be changed.

How to come up with a company name for different areas of activity

Depending on what the company will be doing, you need to approach the choice of the name in different ways. It is advisable to determine what the main quality will attract a client in this business, and use it in the name.

It is not necessary to directly name the definition, you can use objects, mythological heroes or natural objects associated with it: a cheetah - speed, a rock - reliability.

For construction

Customers are interested in the speed and quality of services, they will be attracted by the names: "House for ages", "Skillful masons". Before coming up with a name for a construction company, it is advisable to consider what type of activity it will be engaged in.

Construction of residential buildings - "A moment before housewarming", "Reliable walls"; apartment renovation - "Cozy Nest", "Design and Beauty"; sale of building materials - "Goods for a skilled craftsman", "From the foundation to the roof." You can call the store of finishing materials "Traffic light of paints", then buyers at every intersection will remember about it.

For production

If a firm is created for the manufacture of any goods, the name should reflect what exactly it produces. There are a lot of options: making bags - "Kangaroo", bed linen - "Sleeping Beauty", confectionery- "Gingerbread House", "Sweet Dream".

For trading

When choosing a name for trading company you need to take into account what goods the company is going to sell and who will make up the bulk of the buyers. Jewelry salon "Cheap Rings" will cause ridicule and a desire to bypass it, but "Shine of Luxury" will attract buyers.

A store of discounted clothes will be named "Economical Clothes for You", and a fashion boutique - "Suits of world brands". The phrase "Luxurious toilets for ladies" will sound ambiguous, an association with sanitary cabins may arise.

For legal

It is important for clients that competent professionals work in a law firm, so that they fight for the client's interests to the end, they can be trusted. They will be remembered and will cause a desire to turn to the specialists of the name “Guardian of Justice”, “Servants of Themis”.

For tourist

There is great competition in this area, you need to choose a name that will immediately attract attention and be remembered: "Guiding Star", "Window to the World". It is advisable to consider what types of tourism the company will deal with. For active recreation, hiking, extreme routes, the name "World of Adventures", "Four Elements" is suitable. Fans of comfortable rest, convenient hotels will not like such names very much, while they will be more attracted by “ sunny Beach"," Exotic with comfort ".

How to name a transport company

Passengers need to get to the airport safely and on time. the right place, and the name of the firm can convince them that the company guarantees such a service. Taxi agency - "Gepard", "Punctual driver"; bus transportation - "Minute per minute", "Quiet trip". Names that indicate virtues that should be the norm should be avoided: "Sober chauffeurs", "Accident-free travel".

Additional nuances when choosing a company name

Recently, it has become fashionable to turn to esoteric practices on all issues. If you wish, you can tackle complex calculations and choose the option most suitable for astrology, numerology or Feng Shui - how to choose a name for a company so that it is successful. It is not necessary to completely follow these practices, but there are rules that you should follow.

Choosing a company name is a creative job. Nothing good will come of it if you regard it as a tedious duty. When there is no desire, it is useless to wait for a successful result; it is better to postpone or entrust this work to specialists.

Wait for the moment when the mood is great, and the desire to do naming on its own reaches its highest point. Be confident that everything will turn out great, and get down to business with enthusiasm.

The name should be melodic, pleasant to pronounce and not very long, so that its sound turns into a kind of mantra. Then each pronunciation of these words will create positive vibrations that will contribute to the success of the company.

If a theater begins with a coat rack, then the first impression of a company is formed by its name. It is up to the founders to decide whether to contact naming specialists or start choosing a name on their own.

Professionals will do everything in accordance with the legislation and the rules of their profession, but they will not be able to feel the emotions, the state of mind of the founder of the company.

It is better to strain your imagination, take the time and independently find words that will not only appeal to customers, but also create positive mood all employees.

Video on how to come up with the name of an LLC:

Everyone probably knows the expression "As you name a ship, so it will float", and this rule of life, in fact, also applies to the company.

That is why many people ask a reasonable question - "How to choose the right Feng Shui company name?": The examples below will help you figure it out and, perhaps, immediately solve your dilemma. Also from this article you will learn important secrets and subtleties that will allow you to avoid common mistakes when choosing a loud name for your business.

Feng Shui company names

A good Feng Shui title is one that has one or three words and includes the syllable of the activity you intend to do. Let's go through these points in order and in more detail to understand everything.

So why should a company name be one word (or three), why not two, five, or some other number? Let's go back to the origins of Feng Shui numerology. The fact is that the ideal name of a company in general should fit into one single word.

The number one is a very good symbol, according to Chinese Feng Shui, it literally means "winning."

Therefore, it turns out that if your brand or LLC has one word, then it is already programmed for success. A three-word name is also a good choice, since three is a number that is interpreted as "growth", and therefore your business will quickly go up the hill. But as for the name of the company, which consists of two words - here, alas, one should not expect much success.

Let's look at a trivial example. Let's say you decide to open a beauty salon and plan to name it "Christina". This is a good name for a feng shui company, although it does not reflect the energy of the future field of activity, but, nevertheless, the name has a feminine gender, and therefore is closely related to beauty.

When you are preparing a sign for your office or business, consider and next factor: the final words on your sign, including the name, should also be either three or one.

V individual cases it could be the number six, as it is also good for business.

So you make a sign for your salon, and it says "Barbershop Christina". We end up with two words that should be avoided, and in this situation even a good company name loses its energy. It would be more logical to add one more word and rename the sign: "Women's hairdresser Christina" or "Beauty salon Christina". Also, if you need more words to describe services and you do not fit into three, you can expand this number to six, as already mentioned above. This is a favorable number, because it is interpreted as "wealth". Then our sign may sound like this: "Kristina beauty salon and hairdressing salon." In this case, we get six words on the sign.

Let's take another example. A person decides to open a construction company and looks for an original and unusual solution for himself. For example, it gives a company an invented name or some word that does not have any meaning at all. construction business nothing to do. Let's say a person chooses the name "Arkady" for his brand.

By itself, it will not bring any profit and is frankly unsuccessful in Feng Shui, because there is no specific energy in it. It is more logical in this case to supplement the name in order to attract good luck and rename the brand, for example, in "Arkadiystroy" - this is a completely different matter, and from the point of view of Feng Shui, this brand already initially has the correct and suitable energy, it becomes a favorable direction for the flows of the invisible power of Qi ...

If the founder of the company does not want to change the name, then you can get out of the situation differently: add two preceding words to it, which will enhance the energy of the name and bring it back on track. In this case, we will add the appropriate words and we will end up with "Construction Firm Arkady". Of course, this is not exactly what should be used for successful business however, in this case, the harm from an inappropriate name is minimized.

Now let's discuss typical mistakes most aspiring entrepreneurs. In pursuit of originality, many businessmen act rashly and forget that even a good idea can be doomed to failure due to an inappropriate name. Any business works to attract customers - the more, the better the company is doing. And it attracts customers, of course, a laconic, but capacious name.

Therefore, if you name a construction company "Arkady" and put it on the sign without the preceding words, then simply destroy all the feng shui of your brand. And keep in mind one more thing: the preceding words must be right before the brand name, have the same shape and size of letters so that they form a single whole sentence. In this case, energy will accumulate at the beginning of the phrase, and only then - in an inappropriate or unsuccessful brand name.

But if you take these words down, write them on top, or make a small postscript somewhere in the corner of the sign or logo, then there simply won't be any sense. Remember the unity of your name.

Also, along with inappropriate minimalism, when the name of a company consists of one inappropriate word, the opposite situation is often encountered. This is very easy to explain with an example: say, a company places a sign above the entrance that says “Construction company Arkadiystroy”.

This creates an absurd energy picture and destroys the harmony of the streams of luck, because the name itself already gives a clear idea of ​​the type of services that await people within the walls of the office and it attracts flows of Qi. Therefore, it is better to remove the repetition of the same type of words or, if necessary, replace them with similar ones. And then, in this case, the "carrying word" (the one that is designed to accumulate and attract the energy of good luck, which describes your activity), we bring forward, so as not to violate the feng shui of the name: "Arkadiystroy: we create houses."

These are primitive and understandable examples, on the basis of which you should immediately understand how Feng Shui generally works when it comes to the name of the company.

Now let's repeat the basics that we learned above in order to remember them and avoid the most common mistakes:

  1. The name (logo) of a brand or company ideally consists of just one word;
  2. As part of your name, there must be a word or syllable that clearly indicates the type of your activity;
  3. Your sign, logo, website, and so on, should have either one, or three, or six words;
  4. If the name of the company is unfortunate, we give it a place at the very end, and in the front we add the necessary ones;
  5. If the brand name is suitable and has the correct Feng Shui (contains a clear hint of your activity), then we put it at the very beginning of the sign, logo, etc .;
  6. There is no need to strengthen the meaning of the name, complementing it with the same syllable or word, since this violates Feng Shui;
  7. Do not chase the original and strange names as such a name can make you invisible to the flow of Qi and business luck, as well as to your potential customers.

Believe it or not, it is often these “primitive” rules that help a business grow to incredible proportions in a short time. While innovative ideas and outlandish names often remain in the shadows, misunderstood and unnecessary. Therefore, it is better to follow a proven path here, so as not to upset the balance and be able to harmoniously develop your entrepreneurial activity.

Successful company names: examples of feng shui

Let's dwell a little more on illustrative examples so that you are finally convinced that Feng Shui is very important here, and also not be tormented by the question of which Feng Shui LLC name is more suitable for you or how to “call” your company or office.

For example, an aspiring entrepreneur decides to open a network of recreation complexes on the shore or on the beaches, where swimming pools, water slides and other entertainment will be located. A suitable name for the brand comes to mind - "Water World". Here, in theory, everything is quite good - brief and succinctly, while the first word very well reflects the scope of the future establishment or recreation complex, and therefore it will perfectly attract positive energy, and with it - both visitors and money.

However, we notice that our brand will consist of only two words, and for guaranteed success we need one word or three. There is a small discrepancy. What can be done in this case?

Many of you must have already guessed and formed an ideal solution in your head. We just add the word "Aquapark" in front of the name, thereby making it the main thing (because there is a more accurate description of the services provided and this word has a stronger Feng Shui energy). And we get the perfect name "Water World Aquapark". Better for such an idea and hard to come up with!

And here is another example: a person wonders how to name his restaurant in order to bypass competitors and create a harmonious brand that will bring him stable and high income. Of course, you can invent something very original and unusual, but this will not bring any positive outcome.

Let's think together: why are they opening restaurants at all? This is the place where people come for food, to enjoy dinner, to enjoy their meal.

In order for the feng shui of the name to develop as successfully as possible and work for its owner, it is necessary to convey the main mission of the institution in your brand, and even strengthen it with an additional word in order to bypass the competition.

But do not forget that there must be a word that carries the most accurate meaning, and therefore it is better to include "Restaurant" in the name right away. Since the restaurant serves food, you can attract positive energy and an influx of visitors by adding the word "Delicious". In addition, you can not guess for a long time, because often people come to restaurants in the evenings to have dinner or have a good time with family and friends.

And therefore nothing better than the "Restaurant" Yummy Dinner "or" Restaurant "Tasty Trapeza", you can not think of. The names “Juicy Steak Restaurant” would also be great if it was a meat restaurant, “Hot Burger Diner” and so on.

It is these names that are optimal and attract both crowds of people and an abundance of positive energy, and not "Restaurant Esmeralda" or "Cafe Juno", which, even when compared with the names above, cause persistent antipathy and do not carry any positive charge.

For this, the name of the Feng Shui company is needed: in order to form a positive perception and attitudes in a potential client at the initial stage, in order to create an energetically strong and attractive name for a company, office, office, institution or LLC.

Feng Shui company name, list: examples

Great examples can be found in banking services. As you already understand, the most successful projects will be those where the name includes the word "bank" or something that reflects the money turnover. Moreover, it is in the banking sector that it is important to observe the correct name consisting of one word, since the unit is closely related to honor and win - this is the optimal energy for a banking company.

The energy of honor will allow you to quickly create an atmosphere of a stable and reliable bank around you, and the winnings that a single name entails will add lasting success to your business in financial affairs.

Let's look at simple examples: good names for this type of service would be:

  • Sberbank
  • Finbank
  • Privatbank

... and other "banks" that sound succinctly, concisely and carry powerful Feng Shui.

The situation will be worse for the offices that have three words in the name, but which at the same time reflect the essence of the activity:

  • Finance and credit
  • Marine family bank
  • First National Bank

And therefore, if you really need the help of energy forces and significant help in business, and also if you dream of bypassing competitors and quickly getting ahead, then choose the only correct name of the Feng Shui company. The examples above will help you accept the right decision and will save you from gross mistakes, due to which even the most wonderful ideas and business projects often perish.

The question of how to name an LLC is one of the defining questions for founders. Without choosing a company name, the company simply cannot be registered. Civil Code presents to the name legal entity certain requirements, but for good choice this, of course, is not enough. What should you name your company to bring commercial success?

But before we name the LLC, we will define the boundaries that the law has established, otherwise no luck will help - the limited liability company will simply not be registered. There are few of them and they are given in article 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The corporate name of a limited liability company should not include:

  • Concepts that do not meet the norms of humanity, morality and public interest;
  • Official names of foreign states in full or abbreviated form and derivatives thereof;
  • Official names of bodies state power(federal, subjects of the Russian Federation and local government), as well as public associations;
  • Foreign language borrowing of terms and abbreviations reflecting the organizational and legal form of a legal entity (for example, Ltd).

Also, some local regulations may impose restrictions on the inclusion in the name of an LLC of words denoting a region or settlement. In particular, the Moscow Government allows the use of the name of the capital only with the permission of the Heraldic Council.

The uniqueness of the company name

Or maybe you shouldn't puzzle over how to name an LLC, but take the name of a well-known and successful competitor as a model? If you conduct a search in the register of legal entities using the FTS program, then, for example, there will be more than a hundred companies with the name "Autoservice". However, for tax office all these organizations are unique because they have different registration codes (, OGRN, KPP).

The tax office does not check the company name of a company for uniqueness when registering a business, but we do not recommend using this. Article 1474 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation warns that the copyright holder, whose company name was used, has the right to go to court and oblige the namesake company if:

  • Plaintiff's business name before;
  • Organizations do one thing.

And if we talk about the protection of rights to a registered brand, i.e. trademark or a service mark, then the offender can be forced to pay the damages caused to the copyright holder.

How many names can an LLC have?

By the way, the usual short name, for example, LLC Liga is just one of the possible names for a legal entity. In addition to the abbreviated one, in the application for registration in the form P11001 indicate full company name, in our case, Liga Limited Liability Company.

The charter can also include abbreviated and full title in English:

  • LLC Liga
  • Limited Liability Company Liga

Plus you can add the name of the LLC in the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation, i.e. there are six variants of the brand name in total.

And you can also register a trademark, then there will be even more variants of names by which the company will be recognized. For example, the limited liability company Basis-Renaissance, which produces furniture for children, has registered the KIDS Renaissance brand. Accordingly, it can be promoted on the market both under the brand name Basis-Renaissance LLC and under the brand name KIDS Renaissance.

What to consider when choosing a name

Marketers have a whole science of choosing the name of a brand, product or service, the so-called naming... Naming methods can also be considered when looking for a name for a limited liability company.

For example, it could be:

  • Association with the type of activity of the company;
  • Adjustment to a benchmark or a successful competitor;
  • Abbreviations for numbers and words that are important to business owners;
  • Neologisms, i.e. invented and fantasy concepts that do not mean anything yet;
  • Personal and associative advantages;
  • Funny rhymes;
  • Truncation of words and their combination.

Here is about naming for LLC in the Russian Federation:

If we talk about the semantic component of the brand name, then it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. The name of the legal entity should evoke a positive or at least neutral association. As a negative example, we can cite the name of the Children's Regional Human Rights public organization operating on the territory Sverdlovsk region, - "Snake". On the one hand, this word does not violate either morality or humanity, but on the other hand, it has an ambiguous connotation, especially when it comes to children.
  2. Activities commercial organization can be conditionally divided into more or less "solid", and this should be reflected in the name. For example, banks, insurance, legal, consulting companies should inspire confidence and reliability in customers. And the areas of business related to leisure or tourism should set you up for relaxation and pleasant associations with travel. There are, of course, interesting exceptions. So, in 2002, a limited liability company "Razdolbai Service" was registered in Rostov-on-Don. It worked here interesting game words: "gouge", as an optional person, a bum, a slob, and the form of the verb "gouge", i.e. break, destroy, dismantle. It is the dismantling of various structures that this company has been engaged in for 15 years, and, at a very high level, using advanced diamond technologies.
  3. The scale of the business and the name of the company should not conflict. For example, a shop near your home should not be called something pompous, such as "Empire of Taste" or "Elite", because this will cause a smile among customers. Conversely, if you are aiming for large-scale activities, do not use diminutive suffixes.
  4. Consider the regional affiliation of your business. In some cases, the use of the names of small towns evokes associations with parochialism and lack of business scope. But if you, on the contrary, produce a unique and high-quality product, then the name of the city can become a kind of chip and help in promotion.
  5. If you want to include the name or surname of the owner in the name of the company, then it is advisable that he himself personally took part in the business, and not just invested capital. For example, the traditional name for law firms includes the last name of the practitioner and his associates. At the same time, the use of the name or initials of the founders may complicate the subsequent sale of the company.
  6. Choose words that are easy to understand and misspellable. Avoid cumbersome abbreviations like StroyServicePromTech. It is better to use a combination of two or three short and understandable words than such a construction. By the way, the corporate name of a legal entity can consist of only one letter. It's funny, of course, but not so original. At least in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities there are several LLC "Yo", as well as "Y". There is even a limited liability company "Ya-Yo". It is difficult even to imagine how such a name is perceived by ear.
  7. If you choose foreign language borrowings, then take into account the meaning of this word and what kind of association it evokes among Russian-speaking consumers. Remember, for example, the Duru soap, which in Turkish means “clean”. Or shampoo "Wash & Go", which for English-speaking consumers was perceived as the slogan "Wash and go", but for Russians it had a dissonant meaning. True, these are the names of trade marks, but similar mistakes are made when choosing a brand name.

Name generators

They can help you in choosing the right words. free generators titles that are easy to find in any search engine. Such services will put all the examples of names with the desired words into a neat list.

Let's try using the generator to choose the name of the LLC:

  • By the word "home" - DomStroy, EvroDom, DomExpert, SuperDom, DomShop, RusDom, EcoDom, BestDom, InterDom;
  • By the word "right" - PravoLand, PravoMarket, RusPravo, PravoTaym, PravoLife, MasterPravo;
  • By the word "bargaining" - TorgOffice, TorgPlus, TorgKlub, SuperTorg, TorgOnline, TorgPartner, VipTorg, TorgShop.

In principle, many of them can be used immediately as the trade name of a limited liability company.

Nice video on "5 Ways to Come up with a Company Name":

How the success of the company and its name are related

What does the phrase "wild berries" tell you? What can a company do that has chosen such a name? Production of dietary supplements or soft drinks, landscape design, freezing fruit and berry products?

Meanwhile, this is the largest online store of clothing, footwear, accessories Wildberries. Its owner, Tatyana Bakalchuk, wanted Russian women to wear bright, beautiful clothes that, against the background of the familiar gray background, looked as noticeable as wild berries in the forest.

Tatiana Bakalchuk's company is called "Wildberries Limited Liability Company", and this word is perceived by a Russian-speaking buyer with great difficulty. In English, Wildberries is also difficult to pronounce or enter into the search bar without errors.

Nevertheless, neither the complex pronunciation and spelling, nor the lack of a direct semantic connection with the type of activity did not prevent the owner of "Wildberries" from being among the ten richest women in Russia.

And here is another hypermarket Russian Internet chose a really simple sonorous name - Ozon. This word is easy to remember, pronounce, write in Russian and English versions. In addition, for the Russian-speaking buyer there is an association with fresh air, and this is always well received. Although there is an opinion that the owners of "Ozon" did not think about anything like that, but simply abbreviated the name of the world giant "Amazon".

By the way, if we talk about the name of the hypermarket "Amazon", then they say that at first its owner Jeff Bezos chose the name "Cadabra". But then I listened to the opinion of the employees, who were reminded of the word "cadaver", that is, "dead body". As a result, the name was given in honor of the longest river in the world - the Amazon.

And if you believe that there are variants of names that bring good luck, then you can turn to a numerologist or astrologer. It is possible that esoteric secret knowledge will help you choose a company name for a successful business start.