So you've moved into your new house . The first thing your friends will ask is, “When can I see him?” If this question causes a feeling of panic, then for you, dear Forum-Grad readers, we have some useful tips.

Housewarming in the style of "challenging perfection"

In other words, gone are the days when you had to wait for every little thing to take its place before inviting a company to a housewarming party. The furniture was moved, placed in the corners and you can arrange a buffet!

However, your guests can be helpful in creating the interior. Everyone has at least some experience in home improvement. Perhaps your colleague tiled his kitchen. Or best friend is an expert in wall painting and color selection.

You can hear a lot of useful things, so there is no better place to collect ideas than such a company! Today we will show you how to host a housewarming party for your guests. Don't wait until everything is perfect like in the picture. Open the doors and let the guests come!

We choose the decor, we decorate the home!

What could be better than decorating your new home with fabulous garlands of colorful stickers? They remind us of various creative possibilities. Are you looking for color options? Go to the hardware store and take a few "chips" of different colors with you. You can choose the one you like. Why not do it with friends?

Decorate your buffet table with a decorative model of a charming house in the center. Let her show off among champagne, glasses, plates and snacks [from Pottery Barn].

A new home is a blank slate for a decor rainbow. Choose an option that has details in bright colors. For example, tulips and floating flower arrangements. Below you can see a photo with a table decoration from Camilla. It's taken from her video. This New Year's Eve decor can be easily adapted for your holiday too!

Don't forget to pay attention to the outside of the house. A string with bright flags looks funny. This decoration would be a wonderful welcome for your guests [from ninainvorm via Houzz].

Or do you like fire garlands? When the sun sets, guests will go outside and be amazed by such lighting. The lights look stylish and festive [from Pedersen Associates via Houzz].

Don't forget the shiny details! You can design decoration even on a limited budget [by Mirror80].

Give your guests some trinket, let them take it home as a keepsake. You can do something to remind them of the new address.

Making a housewarming menu

You have decorated the house, but how to treat the company? Since you'd like guests to share their creative minds at this celebration, welcome their artistic whims from the start by offering to mix drinks. The small bar shown in the photo, made with your own hands for the celebration of the New Year, will also come in handy for you.

In another image from Camilla, we see neatly printed signs with guest guides on how to create your own sparkling blend. If you're inviting your buddies to come up with your own cocktail, make some nice specialty recipe cards like the one shown in the picture ahead of time. This will give them a chance to show their taste and free you from being a bartender all night long.

Another interesting option is a special buffet design that will give your guests more choice to create dishes [from Preppy Mom's diary].

In addition to the set for making cocktails and snacks, you should make several ready-made options so that guests can diversify their pastime. Also add some extra décor to the table in the form of eye-catching trays and pretty tableware [from Crate & Barrel].

Don't want your friends to sit in one place all evening? Arrange snacks not only on the dining table, but also on the coffee table and nightstand in the living room. This will be a very good decision. After all, you want to show off your space, don't you [by Shu Box]?

Don't forget dessert! Let it be part of the decor! In the photo below we see a colorful cake depicting the Beehive booth from West Elm. Are you worried that the company will immediately start the feast with dessert? No problem! The dome covering the cake will show your guests that it's not time for sweets yet.

Activities for guests

At a housewarming party, guests have fun and communicate. Why not? At the same time, you have just moved into a new home and are looking for design options. Now you have a whole group of different people. Why not get their advice? Let them think design decoration for empty space. A recent Austin Home magazine article suggested making "inspiration boards". You can display whatever you like on them. And let the guests vote for the design and discuss it.

Do not rent furniture for guests! Let them see the unfinished areas. Ask them for advice on furniture options and styles. Sometimes a blank slate is more inspiring than a filled one [from Carson Poetzl Inc. via Houzz].

Don't be afraid to share your bold plans. Have you decided to make a bright living room that will be painted in all the colors of the rainbow? Share your idea and see how people react. You will most likely hear different points of view, which you can consider later. Never let others change your mind and dispel your dreams, but sometimes practical advice will help make the space even more interesting and beautiful [by Anthony Baratta].

Lastly, offer your guests some colored paper so they can have fun writing down their design suggestions. It will be convenient to make a special box in which guests can leave their notes, and you can collect grains of wisdom [from].

This article touched on a larger topic than decorating a buffet for housewarming guests. We just wanted you to take away all the worries and not worry about how to welcome friends for the first time in a new home. Relax, rejoice with them, getting valuable advice!