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Sergey Arsentiev

Semantic core or how to choose keywords for the site

I am unlikely to sin against the truth if I say that the basis for the successful implementation of the promotion is initially correct and effective selection keywords for which it is profitable to promote the site.

It is impossible to grasp the immensity, so each Internet project is optimized for specific search queries that users make and which exactly correspond to the company's activities. The totality of all these requests is the so-called " semantic core of the site».

The compilation of the semantic core begins with an analysis of the subject of the site and the selection of approximate expressions by which the potential audience will search for this Internet project. That is, if a company offers PVC windows, then it is logical to make a list of approximately such requests as “pvc windows”, “plastic windows”, “double-glazed windows”, etc. The broader the horizons and experience of the optimizer, the easier it is to do this.

The main rule that I now successfully use in my work is that you need to select keywords not just for the entire site, but for its specific page.

Firstly, this is necessary in order not to get confused in hundreds and thousands of key phrases. For me personally, there is nothing more tedious and unnatural than stuffing a lot of hand-picked keywords that correspond to the theme of the entire site into its individual pages. It is much easier and more correct to select different keys initially for different pages of the site.

Secondly, modern SEO is closely tied to user behavior. That is, you need to strive to ensure that the selected keys correspond as much as possible to the meaning and direction of the text on the hosted page. So that the visitor, who then goes to the site page using this key, receives exactly the information that he wanted to find by entering his key.

100 keywords were found for a site selling PVC windows. When the optimizer began to shove them across the pages, it turned out that the key "pvc photo window" got on the page with the price list for the products offered. It's just that there were a couple of pictures with windows on this page, so the optimizer decided that the query was quite suitable for her.

But over time, when the “Portfolio” section was filled on the site, where dozens of works were presented, it became clear that this query is much better suited for a portfolio where a whole photo gallery is presented, and not for a regular page with a couple of photos.

In other words, the search query should correspond to the page on the site that best suits it.

Personally, for this, it’s easier for me to initially start not from the request and the need to shove it somewhere on the site, but from the site page, its essence, meaning and purpose for the target visitor, selecting relevant queries for this page.

Of course, in order to initially select keys for specific pages, you need to have in mind the site plan and the structure of its existing or future sections. But as they say, "it's better to lose a day, then fly in half an hour." There are exceptions to this rule, but in most cases, selecting queries for a specific page simplifies the optimizer's task several times over.

Where to select search queries?

So you have indicative list requests for certain pages of the site. Now we need to evaluate them. quantitative characteristic- and whether these queries are searched in principle, and if so, which queries are searched more often, which less often and in what particular word form.

Search engines have such statistics, which methodically record and store all search queries from users. And they provide free services with which you can extract this data.

If you enter the search queries of interest into these services, you can find out how many times in a particular region visitors entered them into the search form. Now let's take a closer look at the most popular free key selection service for the semantic core from Yandex.

How to select keywords in Yandex?

Compared to the service from Google, the service from Yandex is, of course, as simple as a rake. But it is precisely this simplicity that makes it an even more convenient tool for an SEO optimizer than the “fancy” Google. At least when I started my work as an optimizer, it is easier and more familiar for me to use it. So I will describe it in detail.

To get keyword statistics, you need an active Yandex account. Under it, you need to go to the page for issuing statistics, select a region and enter the search query of interest in the appropriate field. At the same time, it is important to use certain formatting of the key query in order to understand how many search queries were for this particular phrase. To do this, the query is taken in quotation marks, and an exclamation mark is placed before each word. Like this: "!PVC windows".

If you enter a query without quotes, then it will match the broad match. That is, the number of requests will include "pvc windows" and "pvc windows in Moscow" and "buy pvc windows" - that is, those requests for which promotion may not be planned!

Let's take a closer look at keyword match types in Yandex:

Request Format Description What queries will be included in the statistics Quantity per month
PVC windows IN total amount queries for this phrase will include all queries with these words in any of their word forms, in any arrangement and with any other words in the search phrase. pvc windows
pvc windows in moscow
pvc window installation
136 000
!PVC windows An exclamation mark before a word means that the given word must be only in the specified word form and in the same sequence relative to each other. In this case, other words may be present in the queries. pvc windows in moscow
pvc window installer
pvc window video
73 000
"PVC windows" Only those queries will be included that consist only of words in quotes, in the same sequence, but in any word form. PVC windows
pvc windows
10 000
"!PVC windows" Match the search query as closely as possible: words in a different word form, sequences, and also no other words in the search query are included. PVC windows 9 699

Obviously, only the last option is suitable for SEO needs: “! windows! pvc”, because promotion is not in which the word form of the key is not particularly important. In a regular search for queries that differ even more than one letter, different sites in the TOP can be shown. Therefore, all efforts of the optimizer should be concentrated on the most specific search keys with the exact correspondence of each letter to the most frequent queries.

One person wrote that he wants to promote the site for the request "promo games". Apparently, he saw that such a request occurs about 2600 times a month. But he was not convinced that such a word form was the most suitable for him. And if you look, then:

Thus, the client wanted to invest in the promotion of a site on demand, which can bring such a small number of visitors that it would hardly be effective for him.

Maybe he thought that if he ranks for the query "promo games", he will automatically rank for all queries with these words. But SEO is not advertising, it's work on optimizing the site. for specific words where even the ending matters. Thus, I repeat once again that the selection of key queries for the site is the most important stage that affects the effectiveness of the entire promotion. And you need to do it right, otherwise the result from SEO may not be at all.

Expand the semantic core.

Agree that different people can look for such a product as PVC windows in different ways. Someone will enter in the search "pvc windows", someone "pvc windows", someone else "plastic windows" and so on. The task of the optimizer is to come up with as many different variants of such queries as possible and analyze each of them. It often happens that the option that did not immediately come to mind is gaining the most, and the competition for it is minimal!

But what to do if your imagination is no longer enough to come up with new options for search queries? Then pay attention to the right Yandex statistics window. It displays a list of queries that people from target audience client. There may be a lot of useful information in the form different types similar search terms.

After that, you need to again enter each of these queries into Yandex statistics and see how many times it was searched for in the same word form, that is, for example, "!plastic! windows".

By the way, in this way you will determine only high- and mid-frequency requests. And if the task is to advance on cheap low-frequency queries (read more), then you need to break each selected key into subkeys, for which you can simply click on the appropriate search query and various options this search query.

If there are usually only a few high-frequency requests, tens of mid-frequency requests, then hundreds and thousands of low-frequency requests. Then the cycle repeats: it will be necessary to enter each low-frequency request in the same word form (suddenly, almost no one is looking for it!) And determine the most popular of them.

Already imagine the amount of work, right? Therefore, I strongly do not recommend doing this manually, but it is better to automate routine operations as much as possible.

A program for compiling a semantic core.

In addition to manual selection of search queries, you can use paid software product KeyCollector, which allows you to automate the collection process, increasing its efficiency literally hundreds of times.

If you are serious about making money by providing SEO services, you just need to shell out and get a KeyCollector, otherwise your activities will be ineffective.

How to select keywords for SEO promotion (video)

Finding the answer to the question of how to choose the right keywords for an article on the site can take a lot of time. I honestly read all the articles on this topic that Yandex gives out on this request on the first two pages. And all articles, approximately, are similar to each other. After all, articles are written by people, and search robots evaluate their relevance (how the content meets the request).

Almost all articles contain information about working with keys in Yandex Wordstat, but I did not find anything in any article about another very useful tool that helps to work effectively with keys. I will share this miracle service with you in this article.

In any case, it is very important to use keywords, setting up ads or editing videos. And especially for a website or blog. After all, how can a reader find the answer to his question, even if you have one, if he simply cannot find your article? So let's deal with this topic on my example.

What are keywords in text

Keywords in the text are the words by which we are looking for information on the Internet. When opening Yandex, Google, Mail or any other search engine, a person enters his question into the search bar and receives links to articles and videos in the search results, where, according to the search engines robots contains the answer to this request.

How much the found materials answer the request is another question, and it remains on the conscience of the content author. One thing is for sure, without key queries on the Internet, it is impossible to promote a site, or promote articles, or set up advertising. And that means you can’t even dream about getting traffic.

For example, I use keywords in blog articles. That is, I am writing an article and I plan to attract traffic from search engines to this article. So I need keys (key queries) that match the topic and content of my article. The article should respond to a request, help solve a particular problem.

To make it clear exactly how I select the keys and how I work with them, I will show everything using the example of this article that you are currently reading. So. I decided to write an article on the topic of choosing keywords for an article. The first thing I do is check how popular this request is.

There are four types of keywords. Super high frequency (UHF), High frequency (HF), mid frequency (MF) and low frequency (LF).

My blog is young, so promotion for low-frequency queries will be the most effective. The fattest key I use in the article is “keywords”. This is a high-frequency key request (HF). From him I will “dance”.

To check, I traditionally use the selection of words from Yandex - Wordstat Yandex. I enter my query into the search box: "keywords".

This key was used in user requests 266,675 times in the last month. But this is a very broad key, which is used in so many articles and materials on the Internet. And the competition for this key is just crazy, since small blogs and large advertising and marketing agencies make materials on this topic.

But! Right there, in the output below, I select a key query that is already closer to the topic and content of my article: “Pick up keywords”. I click on this request and see the statistics of issuance already for it.

8,582 times over the past month, users entered this query into the Yandex search bar. This is a mid-range key and I like it much more already, but it will still be difficult to promote an article for this key, since there will still be a lot of competition. Too many materials in the search are issued for this request too.

But the key “how to choose keywords for an article”, which is located below, in the same issue and is a low-frequency query, suits me almost perfectly. After all, I am writing an article just on the topic of selecting keys specifically for the article. This is the key I will continue to work with. I click on this key query and go to the page with statistics already on it.

Now I know that article keyword research was searched 235 times in a month.

And 39 out of 235 people asked how to pick keys “correctly”. This nuance can also come in handy for me!

So people are interested in this particular topic and I have real opportunity help someone. Now we need to find out the frequency of this key.

Frequency in Yandex is divided into three types: basic, exact, refined

235 is the base frequency, the most inaccurate. It reflects the popularity not only of this particular request, but also of all its word forms and declensions. To calculate the base frequency, the request is entered without special characters, the so-called "operators". I want to get a more accurate key frequency so that my article is as relevant as possible to the request, that is, it accurately answers the question posed.

How to check keyword frequency

How to get accurate and refined frequency. The exact frequency will show how many times users have entered a particular query in different declensions. To get the exact frequency, you need to use the quote operator. That is, before you click the "Pick up" button in Wordstat, you need to enclose the query itself in quotation marks. And then it will be a more accurate indicator.

The exact frequency in Yandex Wordstat looks like this:

I want to get and use even more accurate data. The specified frequency reflects the most relevant and necessary information for me. This frequency shows how many times users have entered exactly the phrase that I want to use in my article. To get the specified frequency, you need to put your query in quotation marks, and put the "exclamation mark" operator before each word in the query.

Such a query will show the popularity among users of the combination of search words without declensions and additional tails. When working with keywords, it is better to use the specified frequency, since it most accurately reflects the essence of the request and its popularity among Internet users.

The corrected frequency in Yandex Wordstat looks like this:

111 impressions per month for the key "How to choose keywords for an article" and 39 impressions for the query "How to choose the right keywords for an article." These are good low-frequency queries, for which it is already quite possible to try to bring the article to the TOP of search results.

It remains to evaluate the competition for these key queries so that the work done on writing the article does not turn out to be useless. After all, the meaning of all these key manipulations is precisely the promotion of the article and the receipt of traffic. And in order to evaluate this very competition, you can use simple and understandable tools. Use it to your health!

Free keyword research and analysis services

Yandex Wordstat

I only use two services because there are more than enough of them. You are already familiar with one of them and a lot of various articles have been written about it. And I will not be an exception. This is a really simple, clear and convenient tool for working with keywords. It was with his help that I conducted the primary selection of keys for this article and you can see it in the screenshots. Yes it YandexWordstat.

The only thing I can add to this tool is a free and very useful plug-in utility for browsers - Yandex WordstatAssistant. After installing it, a special module is added to the Yandex Wordstat page where you can collect the keys you like. Everything is simple. A “+” icon appears next to each request in the output, and if you click it, the key is copied to the plugin window. And then you can save the collected keys, copy or paste them into some of your tables and get your list of keys with frequency. The plugin is free.


But this is a very interesting tool! A lot of resources are known and written about Wordstat. But not everyone is familiar with Mutagen. I hasten to correct this injustice! This online service shows not only the number of requests for a particular key, but also the level of competition and the number of so-called "tails" to requests. Let's show it clearly.

Tails are additional lower-frequency queries to keywords. The key is “pick up key queries”, the tails are “correct”, “for an article on the site”.

More about competition. The description for the Mutagen service says the following:

The level of competition is calculated based on the analysis of sites in the top 30 Yandex issuance. When evaluating, we analyze the factors due to which sites are in the top of Yandex and calculate how difficult it will be to "move" them.

The details of the algorithm's operation are not disclosed, since it does not make sense due to the fact that the ranking mechanisms change periodically and the algorithm has to be tweaked.

And so. The service is focused on finding non-competitive queries and the maximum level of competition is 25. In addition, the service itself recommends taking queries with competition up to 5 points and the number of views from 150. And since the service takes statistics only from Yandex and does not take into account the search for the same Google or Mail, then in this way, the number of effective views can be 2 times more.

The service is shareware. That is, every day you will have access to a free check of 10 key queries, and usually this is enough. If not, then every 100 requests cost 30 rubles. If you have already checked some key, then the money for checking is not debited. For example, I deposited 300 rubles into my account 5 months ago and the money has not yet run out, and during this time I checked hundreds of keys, probably four.

Let's continue. To choose the most effective key, I need to compare them in Mutagen.


  1. "How to choose keywords for an article" - view. 127 tail. 107, conc. 10
  2. "How to choose keywords for an article on the site" - view. 59 tail. 0, conc. 6
  3. How to choose the right keywords for an article 34, tail. 5, conc. 7

Fanfare! We have winners!

I decided that my article would be called "How to choose the right keywords for an article on the site" This title contains keys 2 and 3, which means that the article is more likely to be issued for both of these queries with less competition.

Now it all depends on whether this article is useful and whether you read it to the end. This is the so-called "behavioral factor". That is, if you went to this article from the search, read it to the end and it turned out to be useful for you, then the search engine will “remember” this. And next time, on the same request of another person, it is more likely to give out this most useful article, maybe even on the first page)

And one more extra bonus!

As a help, you can use the tips of search engines. Have you noticed that as soon as you start writing a question in the search bar, the robot immediately tries to add it, as if foreseeing what you want to ask? Here are the hints. These are just the queries that real people write. And in such tips, sometimes you can also catch very good requests in order to write a useful article for them later.

Now you will learn how you can select good keywords for your articles. And if you dig well, you can find very “tasty” keys that will bring a lot of traffic to your resource and easily bring your site to the TOP of search results. Now I’ll tell you a couple of tricks about how you can use the collected keys and summarize.

How to use keywords in text

The main key should be in the title of the article. This is the first thing that the search robot pays attention to. It is desirable that this key be contained in the first paragraph of the text and then met several times in the text.

In my case, the main query is contained in the title and 4 times in the article. Perhaps now, when you read this article, the key is also in the first paragraph, but at the time of writing, it is not there.

As you can see, each of the subheadings is a key query in itself, with its own query statistics and its own level of competition. And since search robots and subheadings "see" as keys, then traffic may well come for these queries. And, as you know, there is never enough traffic!

Summing up

To select good keywords for your articles and attract traffic from the search for them, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • It is desirable to write articles only on those topics that are really interesting to people. That is, do not write for the sake of keywords, for the sake of search robots, since not robots still read your articles. If we are to write an article, then let it really give an answer to the question asked or help to understand some problem.
  • For article titles, headings and subheadings, it is better to use low-frequency keywords. Yes, such keywords most likely will not immediately bring tons of traffic to your resource, but these will be requests from people who know exactly what they want to find. And to a specific question, it is always easier to give a detailed answer. And the reader will definitely be grateful to you.
  • Use several LF keys in the article. If you try to deduce a certain formula, it looks like this: 1 LF key (headline + 4-5 times in the article) + 2-3 related, thematic LF keys (subheadings) + benefit = good, useful article and traffic.

That's all for now. I tried to describe the search and selection of keys for the article as simply and accessible as possible, so I really hope that my article helped you understand this topic. Write in the comments below if you understand everything or if you still have questions. I would appreciate your feedback and feedback!

Over the years of website promotion, we have broken many copies in disputes with business owners, in-house marketers and SEO specialists about which promotion strategies they consider the best, as well as the importance of various and sudden tasks and decisions that are made unilaterally by the customer . As a rule, the client pays for any unconstructive stubbornness with the lack of dynamics on the project. Yes, in the end we still find a mutual solution, but it takes 1.5-2 times more time to promote the site and achieve results.

So, what phrases from business owners, marketers - customers of SEO services - do we hear most often and, most importantly, what are they fraught with? Read, think and even argue with us in the comments - we are absolutely honest with you, because we really want our joint projects to be even more successful.

Numerous articles and books about SEO tirelessly reiterate that it is important to carefully select the semantic core based on data about user behavior, site capabilities, demand, topic competition - and this is only part of the parameters. Semantics is the basis of promotion.

However, about 30% of clients are still guided by the semantic core, which they have compiled based on their own considerations. It may consist of 5 requests, not even covering 20% ​​of the site. But it is these key phrases, according to the client, that will bring success and prosperity to his business. Meanwhile, most leads to the site are brought by users who clicked on low-frequency and mid-frequency queries, since it is such queries that are entered by potential customers interested in making an order.

There are projects with a fairly wide semantic core. However, this core was assembled five years ago and it does not contain some of the requests that appeared later. Some key phrases are no longer relevant, because the products were removed, but they were forgotten or did not want to be removed from the semantic core. Another 5% of the queries included in the semantic core may need to be reworked due to a mismatch in their intent, as people entering them in the search line began to look for other information on the page. As a result, the issuance has changed accordingly. There is nothing to think about positions in the top for such queries until the site has what the user needs.

There are also very interesting wishes of clients to advance according to words that seem to be related to their activities. For example, a Moscow beauty studio really wanted to be in the top for the query “Olga Shelest”, since this is their client. Doubtful connection: this information can be taken into account as an additional news occasion, but such a query definitely does not need to be included in the main semantic core.

Or “Let's add Milling Machines to our site as well.

Quite often, when promoting a site, it becomes necessary to adjust its structure (for example, adding or removing hierarchy levels). However, site and business owners may look at it differently: “Our clients have been using this site for 10 years. If we do as you suggest, they won't find anything. Therefore, we will not change anything! Yes, indeed, no one wants to lose potential customers, and an SEO specialist is not interested in this either. But sometimes, without changing the structure, the chances of bringing the site to the TOP for certain queries are reduced to zero. For regular users, you can develop instructions, a system of hints so that they do not get lost in the new structure of the resource, call them and tell them that there have been changes.

Structural issues often arise when a client wants to add new products to a site, and does so by simply creating an additional page, when logically it should be a section, subsection, or subdomain. For example, often a catalog of paints, wallpaper, plumbing, chandeliers, laminate and other things are added to the repair service website. On the one hand, everything is logical, but search engines give preference to sites devoted exclusively to chandeliers, wallpaper, plumbing, etc., according to relevant queries. Do you want to explore a new direction? This needs to be taken more seriously.

Either in order to save money, or for some other reason, many site owners do not want and even forbid working with the entire resource until the promoted pages reach the TOP. But this approach contradicts itself! Even if 10 promoted pages are optimized according to all SEO canons, and the remaining 200 (or even more) will have elementary errors (for example, duplicate pages, meta tags, empty titles, end-to-end spam blocks, non-unique texts, etc.), then the TOP will not see. All this ballast will pull the site down, preventing those 10 optimized pages from “shooting” and keeping in the TOP, as search engines evaluate the entire site.

The reasons may be different: “We bought these texts from a cool copywriter and are not going to change them” or "Texts spoil everything, we don't need them". And these two extremes are often encountered: the client is either against the texts in general (especially after the noise made by Baden-Baden, which punishes over-optimized content), or values ​​them too much and does not allow even minimal changes to be made. From the point of view of a promotion specialist, these situations are equivalent - we are losing one of the main SEO tools.

Or another scenario: “These 2 paragraphs apply to all of our products, so they should be on all pages”.

In both cases, we are talking about uniqueness. On the one hand, of course, it's good that after the creation of the site is already filled with texts, it will be much more convenient for visitors. But, on the other hand, the partner's content has lost its uniqueness, and your site will not get better from the stolen texts. Moreover, 3-5 more of the same partners can have the same texts. If you have a partner site that you can use information from, you still need to adapt the content to your resource so that it is unique. If there is content that really should be on every page, you can place it in the form of images or close it from indexing with the noindex tag to avoid duplicating texts within the site.

“Because everything is individual, it is very difficult to describe the calculation. And we have discounts, but everything is situational on them, we will not be able to give information either ... "

Prices are a different story. Many businessmen prefer not to advertise the cost of their goods and services. Why? There are many options:

  • they are afraid that competitors will make prices lower and poach the base;
  • they are afraid that high prices will frighten customers at the entrance;
  • they themselves do not know the exact cost, since it depends on the supplier, course, season;
  • do not want to show discounts, so as not to do them if possible;
  • do not advertise discounts so that customers do not ask for them.

But prices are one of the main factors that influence the purchase decision, and one of the significant points of assessors' checks. If prices change quickly, post prices, because they can be updated fairly quickly. If you have a really very complex cost calculation, make a calculator, show a price range or prices in the “from…” format.

The problem of regionality will never cease to excite the hearts of businessmen (because many want to conquer the world) and SEO specialists (because they know that it is increasingly difficult to deceive search engines in determining the region). Of course, in the luggage of an experienced SEO specialist there is a case and a way to promote the site, but this one way or another will require effort, including on the part of the resource owner. After all, it’s not enough to want to sell throughout Russia, you need to provide for possible delivery options, open, if possible, distribution centers, offer low prices to make it profitable for users from regions to order regardless of delivery. If you want to promote a site in several regions at the same time, you must strictly follow the instructions of SEO specialists, since regional affiliation is one of the key aspects of promotion.

The last 2–3 years in digital have been marked by a widespread transition to adaptive layout and the creation of mobile versions and applications. Yes, mobile platforms have rapidly burst into our lives and are unlikely to give up their positions. Every year more and more users go online and make purchases with mobile devices. And if you are against adaptation, then you are definitely losing a huge audience of potential customers. If earlier in some areas where the main core is an audience aged 40+, everyone referred to the fact that representatives of this category do not even know how to use a computer, let alone Yandex, today people aged 40-60 are quite successful interact with the Internet and, in particular, with search engines and mobile devices.

There are two problems here: moving to https and changing urls, but both lead to approximately the same consequences. Moving to a secure protocol is good, but it is necessary to make this move so as not to lose everything that is acquired by overwork. This event must be carried out under the supervision of an SEO specialist. But changing the URL on the site should always be accompanied by setting up redirects from old URLs to new ones, so that a) 100,500 broken links and pages with a 404 error that fall out of the index do not appear in one day and b) the indexing of new URLs is faster, without losses in positions and traffic.

As a result, you can see the following picture: “You can get to this page by scrolling the main one to the very bottom, click on the star next to the logo, on the page that appears there will be a “Next” link, then you need to erase the last three characters from the address bar…”. Such a complex scheme for finding the right path to a certain page leads to the fact that the user will definitely not find it, and the robot will only if it tries very hard. Linking is one of important elements navigation. That is why it should be simple and logical. For example, the so-called content link within the text should be meaningful so that the user gets a little more information on the topic by clicking on it. It is necessary to adhere to generally accepted norms and principles for placing links in certain blocks.


Who is warned is armed. We hope that our little revelation will help someone avoid mistakes and make website promotion more successful.

If you are tired of wasting your time and energy on finding working keywords, then Nikolay Shmichkov, the author of the Seoquick blog, has prepared for you detailed guide SEO and keyword research.

Studying the structure of existing sites

It doesn't matter if you have the site structure on a real site or in your head, here's what you need to do:

  • Analyze competitors. In 99% of cases, you are not the first in the market. Therefore, you will find a couple of competitors in the TOP in a few clicks.
  • Brainstorm. You can collect all the ideas of the main keys first at a meeting with colleagues - with the sales or marketing department
  • Build a hierarchy of potential pages logically. Here, usually all sites have the following structure:
Page Description
Main page

Contains the main key according to your semantics. Denotes most often the profile of the company.

Services Page

Contains subpages for each major service being sold.

Product Category Pages

May be divided into subcategories. They can be broken down according to different logic - by application (for which group), by brand, by type of product.

About us page

Often this is a branded page with a description of the company. It usually contains additional links to individual brand pages, partner products, and documentation.

Partner pages

Most often, information for dealers, suppliers and vacancies are posted here.

Pages for clients

Often it is listed here. useful information for clients (FAQ), links to promotional offers, terms of delivery and payment, privacy information, reviews, portfolio.

News or blog section

This section contains articles divided into categories. News categories are selected according to popularity and logic.

Personal Area

If your site involves registration and it has a registration / login / internal "admin" page for the client, then usually the internal section is closed from indexing, except for the login / registration pages.


Often this is a separate page with all forms of communication.

Putting together a matrix of keywords

Take the query associated with this article "keywords".

Initially, the tactics will be as follows:

  • Choosing synonyms.
  • We analyze competitive pages by high-frequency (HF) synonyms.
  • We collect low-frequency tails for our words.

Choosing synonyms

At first, this may seem like the easiest thing to do. Here are some synonyms that fit our category:

  • promotion keys
  • keywords
  • key phrases
  • keyword
  • keywords
  • semantic core

Synonyms (or markers)- these are keywords that can be present on the page of your site, coexisting with each other. For example, it could be an electric razor and an electric razor, or a keyword and a keyword.

You can easily pick up synonyms by examining the results of Google search results. Just enter the desired word into the search engine and scroll through the results, studying the snippets. Or read articles in your field and master the jargon.

We analyze competitors

To do this, you can use or Ahrefs.Com position analysis services.

We use our request and find competitors.

Then we select individual competitors and use the search on the Internet using search queries

site:Competitor Name “Keyword”

For example, on the first site we see the following result:

As a result, only pages of a competitor that has already written content for these phrases are visible in the SERP.

After checking the keywords in the SERP, we will see high-frequency phrases.

The most high-frequency phrases need to be written out and saved.

Expanding the semantic core

But what if you have a very high frequency request? Ours is just like that. In this case, you should go to the step clustering- probable breakdown of groups of keys for different pages. So you need to parse all the keys for us together.

Initially, we will use the Wordstat service.

Let's find additional clues for the query "keywords".

In addition to these resources, you can use others:

  • Keyword Planner. You will need an active AdWords account to work.
  • is a powerful low frequency tail collection service.
  • is a similar service for collecting key tails.
  • is one of the few services that can collect semantics from Bing, Amazon and YouTube.
  • Ahrefs is a powerful key collection service. Of the minuses - targeting only the country. You can't target the city. Removes many useful SEO metrics.

Looking for more clues

Use Ahrefs to rate keyword difficulty. Simply add your list of keywords to the service in the "Keyword Analysis" section.

In the finished result, study:

    KD (Keyword Difficulty) - the lower the better for you.

    Similar topic. Expand the stock of keywords in this group.

Please note that the collection of metrics is paid. Keep track of the number of consumed metrics in the service.

Choosing a heading key

The final step in compiling the semantic core is writing the correct page title.


  • Study competitors and analyze their structure. You can use any of the 25 free keyword research tools.
  • Build a keyword matrix. Use our calculator to find ideas.
  • Cluster semantics. Use the above solutions for clustering semantics.

The semantic core is only First stage in SEO promotion. Full version course can be read.

The success of website promotion largely depends on the right strategy. And the strategy, in turn, depends on the right keywords. If at the very beginning of the promotion it is wrong to determine the keywords, then you can waste a lot of time, effort and money.

Therefore, today I will talk about how to choose the right keywords for website promotion. There are many services and programs for selecting keywords, but this is a topic for a separate article. I will show you the simplest way, which is available to anyone, absolutely free and effective at the same time. In addition, manual selection of keywords will allow you to understand the essence of this process and further this knowledge will be useful in promoting your site.

So let's get started. I will talk about the example of choosing words for this blog -. Let's start by identifying the most common search queries. For this blog it will be: website promotion, SEO, web design, creative.

Now we go to the Yandex word selection service Wordstat. In the "Keywords and phrases" field, enter the key query we need and click the "Select" button. I'll enter "website promotion". As a result, we see two columns.

Let me turn your attention to the right column first. It displays search queries that users enter in search engines along with your query. That is, Yandex tells you which queries can also be used in addition to yours.

In my case, to my query "site promotion" from the right column, you can take "optimization", "promotion", "promotion", "promote the site", etc. Just click on these queries and you will see a list of additional keywords to promote your site. By the way, I advise you to click on the links with the mouse wheel - then they will automatically open in a new browser tab. This technique works in all browsers, saves a lot of time and I actively use it when surfing the Internet, very convenient 🙂.

Let's go back to the left column. At the top of this column, we see the inscription "What we searched for with the words "website promotion" - 809179 impressions per month."

The numbers next to each query in the match results give you a preview of the number of impressions per month you'll get if you select that query as a keyword. So, the number next to the query "website promotion" indicates the number of impressions for all requests with the phrase "website promotion", for example:

🔥 By the way! I plan to release a paid course on promoting English-language sites. If you are interested, you can apply for an early list through this form to be the first to know when the course is released and receive a special discount.

The following services will be useful for selecting keywords for projects in English:

I will devote one of the following articles to further work with keywords.

Postovoy: EcoTechnology - professional carpet cleaning, furniture dry cleaning in Moscow

Dessert for today - a video about chainsaw virtuosos. I like to cut with a chainsaw in the country in the summer 🙂 . On the video, of course, the masters of their craft: