Educational project example. How to create an educational project


for creating educational projects and presentations

Project method is a system of education, a flexible model of the organization of the educational process, focused on the self-realization of the student's personality, the development of his intellectual qualities and creative abilities.

    the purpose of the forthcoming actions is formulated;

    the main stages are outlined;

    the results of each stage are defined in the form of tasks;

    set deadlines for the project;

    executors are defined, functions of each are distributed;

    the sources of funds to achieve the goal are outlined;

    the form of reporting on the results of the project was determined;

Project activity is an educational, cognitive, creative or play activity that has common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving the overall result of the activity.

Types of Learning Projects

1.Research. A research project is understood as the activity of the author, aimed at solving a creative, research problem (task) with a previously unknown solution and assuming the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research.

2.Creative. This type of project involves a clear planning of the final results and the form of their presentation. The structure of the project is only outlined and developed further in the course of work, obeying the genre of the final result and the interests of the participants, but already at the very beginning it is stipulated what the project will be. It can be a joint newspaper, an essay, a video film, and so on.

3. Introductory and indicative (informational). This type of projects is aimed at working with information about some object, phenomenon. It is supposed to familiarize the project participants with specific information, its analysis and generalization for a wide audience. Such projects, like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure and the possibility of its correction in the course of work.

4. Practice-oriented (applied). These projects are distinguished by the future result of the activity of its participants, clearly indicated from the very beginning. For example, a document created on the basis of the results of a study; program of action, recommendations.

The project should contain the following parts:

    title page

    brief annotation

  • main part

    conclusion (summary)


Stage 1

Choice of topic wording- This is the initial and very serious stage of any research. The topic should be relevant, i.e. practically useful and of scientific interest. When choosing a research topic, the author should be guided by several rules:

    the topic should be interesting, should captivate, correspond to the inclinations of the author,

    the topic must be feasible, its solution must be of real benefit,

    The topic must be original

    the topic must be feasible, achievable and comprehensible literary sources.

1. initial stage any project is the rationale for the relevance of the chosen topic. Explanation of relevance should be laconic. The main thing is to show the essence of the problem situation, to explain why the study is being conducted.

2. Goal Statement, i.e. posing a question that needs to be answered. At the same time, the proposed goal should be specific and accessible. The work must be needed. Its results should be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to some other circle of people.

3. After highlighting the target, you need to point to specific tasks to be solved (study, describe, establish, find out, derive a formula, etc.).

4. Necessary condition design work is to define it object and subject. In the object, the part that serves as the subject of research is singled out.

Object of study- a process or phenomenon that generates a problem situation and is chosen for study.

Subject of study- everything that is within the boundaries of the object of study in a certain aspect of consideration.

5. Hypothesis is a necessary attribute of any research.

Hypothesis is a scientific hypothesis put forward to explain some phenomena. A hypothesis arises as a possible solution to a problem.

2 - stage

Carrying out project work:

Collection of experimental data, comparing them with literature data and theoretical predictions.

After the topic is chosen, the questions that need to be answered are formulated - you need to try to collect as much information as possible about the subject of study.

Work planning implies the need to choose a research methodology, calculate what the required volume of observations or the number of experiments should be, estimate what part of the work, how long it will take you.

Choice of working method depends on the purpose and subject of the study: observation, comparison, experiment, analysis, synthesis, etc.


Registration of the results of the work

After a detailed study of all scientific literature on the topic of research and the final discussion of the results of their own research, the stage of literary design of the work begins - its writing.

Work structure:

Title page,


Main part,




Title page- the first page of the work (not numbered). The table of contents lists the work items with page indications. Introduction is a brief justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, goals and objectives. The purpose, tasks and research methods are indicated. A review of the literature on this topic is carried out. The main part presents and analyzes the results obtained. The reference number in the text of the work must correspond to the serial number in the bibliography. The appendix contains diagrams, graphs, tables, figures.

Project work plan:

    Introduction (substantiation of relevance, definition of the goal, task, object, subject, research hypothesis).

    The main part (literature review, research methodology, description of the study).

    Conclusion (conclusions and results).


1. The introduction should include the formulation of the problem, reflect the relevance of the topic, determine the goals and objectives set for the performer of the work, characterize the object, subject, research hypothesis, characterize the personal contribution of the author of the work to solving the chosen problem.

Introduction is a very important part of the job. The introduction should clearly answer the following questions:

What is interesting about this problem from the point of view of science or its practical application? What is the place of the results of this work in common decision tasks? Why was the work done, what was its purpose and to what extent was it achieved?

2. Main part should contain short review used literature and sources with the conclusions of the author, the degree of knowledge of this issue, a description of the main facts under consideration, a description of the methods for solving the problem, a comparison of the old and proposed solution methods known to the author, justification of the chosen solution option (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, visibility, practical significance, etc.). d.). The main part is divided into chapters (paragraphs). At the end of each chapter (paragraph) there should be conclusions. The conclusions essentially repeat what was already said in the previous chapter, but is formulated concisely, already without detailed proofs.

3. Conclusion should contain in a concise form the conclusions and results obtained by the author (indicating, if possible, the direction of further research and proposals for the possible practical use of the research results).

4. Bibliography contains in alphabetical order a list of publications, editions and sources used by the author, indicating the publisher, city, total number of pages.

Generally accepted design standards design work

Font: Times New Roman, 14, not bold (except for emphasizing the titles of sections, subsections, etc.).

Line spacing: one and a half.

Fields: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm.

Pagination- from the second (page with a plan or content).

paragraphs- indent from the left border of the main text by 1.5 cm.

Text alignment in width.

The page is at least 40% full.

Each section starts on a new page (but not a subsection). Do not put a dot after the section name.

Applications are not included in the scope of work.

Basic principles for developing training presentations

1. Optimal volume. The most effective visual range is no more than 8 - 20 slides. A presentation of a larger number of slides causes fatigue, distracts from the essence of the phenomena being studied.

2. Availability.It is obligatory to take into account the age characteristics and the level of training of students. It is necessary to provide an understanding of the meaning of each word, sentence, concept, to reveal them, based on the knowledge and experience of students, to use figurative comparisons.

3. Variety of forms. Implementation individual approach to the student, taking into account his ability to perceive the proposed educational material complexity, volume, content.

4. Accounting for the peculiarities of perception of information from the screen. Concepts and abstract positions reach the consciousness of students more easily when they are supported by concrete facts, examples and images; so you need to use different kinds visibility.

It is necessary to alternate static images, animation and video clips.

5. Amusement. The inclusion (without prejudice to the scientific content) in the presentation of funny stories, cartoon characters enlivens the lesson, creates a positive attitude, which contributes to the assimilation of the material and stronger memorization.

6. Beauty and aesthetics. An important role is played by color combinations and consistency of style in the design of slides, musical accompaniment. Visual education is based not on abstract concepts and words, but on specific images that are directly perceived by the audience.

7. Dynamism. It is necessary to choose the optimal pace for the transition of slides, animation effects for perception.

Creating a presentation consists of three steps:

I. Presentation planning is a multi-step procedure that includes setting goals, studying the audience, forming the structure and logic of presenting the material.

II. Presentation development - methodological features of preparing presentation slides, including vertical and horizontal logic, content and correlation of text and graphic information.

III. Presentation rehearsal- This is a check and debugging of the created presentation.

Presentation requirements

Slides design

Keep a consistent style.

Avoid styles that will detract from the presentation itself.

Auxiliary information (control buttons) should not prevail over the main information (text, illustrations).

Cold tones are preferred for the background.

Use of color

Animation effects

Use the power of computer animation to present information on a slide. You should not abuse various animation effects, they should not distract attention from the content of the information on the slide.

Use short words and sentences.

Headlines should grab the audience's attention.

Location of information on the page

Preferably a horizontal arrangement of information.

The most important information should be in the center of the screen.

If there is a picture on the slide, the caption should be placed under it.

Avoid solid text. Better to use bulleted and numbered lists.


For headings - at least 24. For information - at least 18.

Can't be mixed different types fonts in one presentation.

Use bold, italic or underline to highlight information.

You can not abuse capital letters (they are read worse than lowercase).

Ways to highlight information

Frames should be used; borders, fill, hatching, arrows; drawings, diagrams, diagrams to illustrate the most important facts.

Amount of information

You should not fill one slide with too much information: people can remember no more than three facts, conclusions, definitions at a time. An underfilled slide is better than an overflowing one.

The greatest efficiency is achieved when the key points are displayed one at a time on each individual slide.

Make your slide easier. The audience has only about a minute to perceive it.

To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

Slides captions:

"Project method in the activities of the preschool educational institution" .,

On the present stage In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS), the Federal State Requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, it became necessary to update and improve the quality of preschool education, the introduction of software and methodological support for preschool education of a new generation, aimed at identifying and developing creative and cognitive abilities of children, as well as equalization of the starting opportunities for graduates of preschool educational institutions during the transition to a new age stage systematic teaching at school.

Problem. Modern pedagogy has significantly changed the attitude of adults towards children. The level of development of the child becomes a measure of the quality of the work of the teacher and the entire educational system as a whole. Teachers of preschool educational institutions are guided not only by preparation for school, but also by the preservation of a full-fledged childhood in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of a developing personality. Adults should not only pay attention to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of a preschooler and his adaptation to social life but also to teach through a joint search for solutions, to provide the child with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge. Is it a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way to implement a student-centered approach to education - a design method?

The origin of this method occurred in the second half of the 19th century. This new didactic method was developed by the American educator John Dewey. According to the American teacher, this method not only prepares the child for life in the future, but also helps to organize it in the present. In Russia, the project method has gained wide popularity since the late nineties of the last century and gradually became one of the leading activities in an educational institution. Currently, project activities are organically included in the new standards of education. From the history

In relation to a kindergarten, a project is a set of actions specially organized by the educator and independently performed by the pupils, aimed at resolving the problem situation and culminating in the creation of a creative product.

feature project activities in the preschool education system is that the child still cannot independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate the problem and determine the goal (intention), therefore, projects in kindergarten are usually educational. Preschoolers, in their psychophysiological development, are not yet able to independently create own project therefore, teaching the necessary skills and abilities is the main task of educators.

Currently, projects are classified according to the following criteria: a) according to the composition of participants; b) by target setting; c) by topic; d) in terms of implementation.

In the practice of modern preschool educational institutions, the following types of projects are used: research and creative: children experiment, and then the results are drawn up in the form of some kind of creative product (newspapers, dramatization, file cabinets of experiments, children's design, etc.).

role-playing - a project with elements of creative games. The method of entering the image of the character of a fairy tale, story is used. empathy method. Children solve problems in their own way. For example: game day; game week; scripts are used role playing, game trainings; story game algorithms; game scenarios - travel, etc.; information-practice-oriented: children collect information about some object, phenomenon from different sources, and then implement it. The results of the project can be: children's drawings - an exhibition; photo album; collage; story; algorithm; excursion, etc. The final product of the activity depends on the subject of the project;

creative: as a rule, they do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of participants. The project is based on the joint creative activity of the project participants. Activities are planned and further developed, subject to the final result and the interests of the project participants. The results are presented in the form children's holiday, exhibitions, design and headings of the newspaper, album, almanac, etc..

Currently, projects can be classified according to the following criteria: a) according to the composition of participants; b) by target setting; c) by topic; d) in terms of implementation. By duration, they are: short-term (one or more classes - 1-2 weeks); medium duration (2-3 months); long-term (six months to a year).

The first stage is imitative-performing, the implementation of which is possible with children 3-5 years old. At this stage, children participate in the project “on the sidelines”, perform actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him, which does not contradict the nature of a small child; at this age there is still a need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards an adult and imitate him.

The second stage is developing, it is typical for children aged 5-6 who already have experience in various joint activities, can coordinate actions, help each other. The child is less likely to turn to an adult with requests, more actively organizes joint activities with peers.

The third stage is creative, it is typical for children 6-7 years old. It is very important for an adult at this stage to develop and support the creative activity of children, to create conditions for children to independently determine the purpose and content of the upcoming activity, to choose ways to work on a project and to organize it.





    Full name of the project

- with whom,

- for whom / what,

- where,

- how,

- whereby

Eg. “Development of communication skills of students in optional classes in German through speech exercises


- education,

- experience,

    Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic

a)Pcontradictions, difficulties, problems encountered in mass educational practiceat different levels: in the world, in the country, in the district, in the UO;

b) formulation of leading ideas and approaches, normative sources, Decrees, Decrees, research papers on this topic

4. Objective of the project

- based on the problem: creation ..., mastery ..., systematization ...;

Eg."Development of abilities, qualities, formation of knowledge, skills, abilities of students by certain pedagogical means in a specific educational situation"

    Project objectives

- O reflection of the sequence of actions to achieve the goal:

- organize…,

- spend…,

- explore...

- prepare...

    Project Implementation Methods

- questioning,

- diagnostics,

- study,

- observation,

- explanation,

- display,

- conversation,

- game techniques, etc.

7. Hypothesis

- If you use in the classroom ..., then the level will increase ...


    Difficulty analysis.

    Formulation of the problem.

    The study of literature, existing experience on the topic

1st year of work on the topic


    Determination of the purpose and objectives of work on the topic.

    Development of a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

    Prediction of results.


    Implementation of a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

    Formation of a methodical complex.

    Tracking the process, current, intermediate results.

    Work correction.

2nd year of work on the topic



    Presentation of the results of work on the topic of self-education.

    Submission of materials.

3rd year of work on the topic


    Use of experience by the teacher himself in the process of further work.


In the course of further pedagogical activity

- Use in the classroom…will increase the level…

8. Estimated result

- will be created...

- will be prepared ...,

- will be developed..)

9. Description of the content, timing and stages of the project

10. Estimated composition of the project participants

11. List of used literature

An approximate work plan for a self-education teacher


The volume of the educational project is 10-20 pages (without an appendix). The number of pages in the application is at least 5. Materials are provided in paper form and on electronic media. Requirements for the design of the text: font - Times New Roman, size 14 pt, line spacing - 1.5; page parameters: left margin - 3, right margin - 1, top and bottom margins - 2; the text is printed without abbreviations, except for generally accepted abbreviations; Literature references are placed in square brackets at the end of the sentence. For instance: .

Registration of literature - according to the Instructions for the preparation of a dissertation, abstract and publications on the topic of the dissertation, approved by the decision of the Presidium of the State Higher Attestation Committee of the Republic of Belarus dated December 24, 1997 No. 178 (as amended by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus dated August 15, 2007 No. 4 .by /.

Pages are numbered at the bottom right, the first sheet is not numbered. The first page is the title page. The main text starts on the second page. Sections can be highlighted in the text.


State educational institution

"Secondary school No. 20 of Borisov"



Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,

teacher of Russian language


1. Problems of professional competence of educational personnel: the content and technologies of certification: Study method. allowance: Experimental. variant / Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus. Institute of advanced training and retraining. executives and education specialists /Author-comp.: A.I. Zhuk, N.N. Koshel, L.S. Chernyak; Ed. A.I. Zhuk.-Mn.: IPKiPRRiSO, 1996.-241s.: diagrams, tables.

2. Bogacheva, I. V. Master class as a form of professional development of teachers: method.recommendations / I. V. Bogacheva, I. V. Fedorov; State Educational Institution "Acad. postgraduate education". - Minsk: APO, 2012. - 98 p.

3. Bogacheva, I. V. Generalization and presentation of the experience of pedagogical activity: metod.rek. / I. V. Bogacheva, I. V. Fedorov, O. V. Su-rikova; State Educational Institution "Acad. postgraduate education". - Minsk: APO, 2012. - 92 p.

4. Zaprudsky, N. I. Modeling and designing of author's didactic systems: a teacher's guide / N. I. Zaprudsky. - Minsk, 2008. - 336 p. - (Teacher's workshop).

Knowledge of the typology of projects used in networks or in conventional educational process, can provide significant assistance to teachers in the development of these projects, their structure, in coordinating the activities of students in groups
First of all, let's define typological features.
The method or type of activity that dominates the project: research, creative, adventure, role-playing, practice-oriented, informational, etc.

The nature of project coordination: direct (rigid, flexible), hidden (implicit, simulating a project participant).

Nature of contacts: internal (local), regional, international, etc.

Number of participants: personal, pair, group.

Duration of holding: short-term, long-term, episodic.

Features of projects in accordance with the first sign

Research projects

Such projects require a well-thought-out project structure, defined goals, relevance of the project to all participants, social significance, well-thought-out methods, including experimental and experimental work, methods for processing results.

Creative projects

Such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure, it is only outlined and further developed, obeying the logic and interests of the project participants. V best case you can agree on the desired, planned results (a joint newspaper, an essay, a video film, a sports game, an expedition, etc.). The design of the results of the project can be in the form of a collection, a script, a holiday program, a video film, etc.

Adventure, game projects

In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants assume certain roles, determined by the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters imitating social or business relationship complicated by the situations invented by the participants. The results of the work may be outlined at the beginning of the project, and may emerge only towards its end. noted high degree creativity.

Information projects

This type of project is initially aimed at collecting information about some object, familiarizing project participants with this information, analyzing it and summarizing facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure, the possibility of systematic correction in the course of work on the project.

The structure of such a project can be indicated as follows:

* the goal of the project is the result (article, abstract, report, video materials, etc.);
* subject of information retrieval - phased search with indication of intermediate results - analytical work on the collected facts - conclusions - correction of the initial direction (if required) - further search for information in specified areas - analysis of new facts - generalization - conclusions, etc. until data is obtained , satisfying all project participants - conclusion, presentation of results (discussion, editing, presentation, external evaluation).

Practice-oriented projects

These projects are distinguished by a clearly defined result of the project participants' activities from the very beginning. Moreover, this result is necessarily clearly focused on social interests, the interests of the participants in the work themselves (newspaper, document, video film, sound recording, performance, action program, draft law, reference material, etc.).

Such a project requires a well-thought-out structure, even a scenario for all the activities of its participants with a definition of the functions of each of them, clear outputs and participation of each in the design final product. A good organization of coordination work is especially important here in terms of stage-by-stage discussions, adjustment of joint and individual efforts, organization of the presentation of the results obtained and possible ways to put them into practice, organization of a systematic external evaluation of the project.

Types of projects on the second basis

Literary and creative

These are the most common types of joint projects. Children of different age groups different countries world, different social strata, different cultural development, and finally, different religious orientations are united in the desire to create. Sometimes, as was the case in one of the projects coordinated by Professor B. Robinson of the University of Cambridge, covert coordination is carried out by a professional children's writer, whose task is to teach the children to express their thoughts competently, logically and creatively in the course of the plot being played out.

natural science

Most often they are research, having a clearly defined research task (for example, the state of forests in a given area and measures for their protection).

Environmental projects also, as a rule, require the involvement of research, scientific methods, integrated knowledge from different fields. More often they are practice-oriented at the same time (acid rain; flora and fauna of our forests; monuments of history and architecture in industrial cities; homeless pets in the city, etc.).

Linguistic (linguistic)

They are extremely popular because they relate to the problem of learning foreign languages, which is especially important in international projects and therefore arouses the keenest interest of project participants. In accordance with these features, the following typology of projects in foreign languages ​​can be proposed:

* educational projects aimed at mastering the language material, the formation of certain speech skills and abilities.
* linguistic, aimed at studying linguistic features, linguistic realities (idioms, neologisms, sayings, etc.), folklore.
* philological, aimed at studying the etymology of words, literary research, the study of historical and folklore problems, etc.

Cultural projects

They are connected with the history and traditions of different countries. Without culturological knowledge, it is very difficult to work in joint international projects, since it is necessary to have a good understanding of the peculiarities of the national and cultural traditions of partners, their folklore. Cultural (regional studies) projects involve the development of language and speech skills at a more or less advanced level of language proficiency through the organization of intercultural communication in order to get acquainted with culture, history, ethnography, geography, economics, politics, the state structure of partner countries, art, literature, architecture, traditions and way of life of peoples, etc. It is advisable to carry out projects of this type with native speakers, which follows from the goals described above. A foreign language (FL) acts as a means of communication; the natural language environment contributes to the formation of the need to use the FL as the only possible means of communication.

In terms of content, cultural projects are:

* historical and geographical, dedicated to the history of the country, city, area, geography of the country, city, area;
* ethnographic, aimed at studying the traditions and way of life of peoples, folk art, the ethnic composition of the people living in a given territory, the national characteristics of the culture of different peoples, etc.;
* political, the purpose of which is to get acquainted with the state structure of countries, with political parties and public organizations, with means mass media and their impact on public policy, with the laws of the country, etc.;
* devoted to the problems of art, literature, architecture, culture of the country of the language being studied.
* economic, devoted to the problems of the financial and monetary system, taxation, etc.

Role-playing games are also very popular and are often combined with some other direction of the project, for example, adventure, or literary and creative, or cultural studies. Role-playing and game projects, as well as culturological ones, involve the development of language and speech skills and language skills through the organization of intercultural communication at the last two levels of assimilation of language material (the level of application by analogy, the level of creative application).

* imaginary journeys that can pursue a variety of goals: teaching speech structures, clichés, specific terms, dialogue statements, descriptions, reasoning, skills and abilities from other areas of knowledge;
* simulation-business, simulating professional, communicative situations that bring the game situation as close as possible to the real one;
* dramatized, aimed at the study of literary works in game situations, where students act as characters or authors of these works;
* simulation-social, where students perform various social roles(political leaders, journalists, teachers, etc.).

Sports projects bring together guys who are fond of any kind of sport. Often, during such projects, they discuss the upcoming competitions of their favorite teams (or their own); training methods; share their impressions of some new sports games; discuss the results of major international competitions, etc.).

Geographical projects can be research, adventure, etc.

Historical projects allow their participants to explore a wide variety of historical issues; predict the development of political, social events, analyze historical events, facts.

Music projects bring together partners who are interested in music. These can be analytical projects, creative ones, when the guys can even compose some kind of musical work together, arrange it.

According to the third sign - the nature of coordination - projects can be:

* with open, explicit coordination. In such projects, the coordinator acts in the project in his own function, unobtrusively directing the robot of the participants, organizing, if necessary, individual stages of the project, the activities of its individual participants (for example, if you need to arrange a meeting in some official institution, conduct a survey, interview with specialists, collect representative data, etc.);
* with hidden coordination. In such projects, the coordinator does not find himself in the activities of groups of participants in his function. He acts as a full member of the project (one of...). An example of such projects is well-known projects organized and carried out in the UK (Cambridge, B. Robinson), in which in one case a professional children's writer acted as a participant in the project, trying to "teach" his "colleagues" to competently and literary express their thoughts on various topics. reasons. At the end of this project, an interesting collection of children's stories was published in the style of Arabic fairy tales. In another case, a British businessman acted as such a hidden coordinator of an economic project for high school students, who also, under the guise of one of his business partners, tried to suggest the most effective solutions for specific financial, trade, and other transactions; in the third case, to study some historical facts, the project was a professional archaeologist was introduced, who, acting as an unskilled specialist, directed "expeditions".

As for such characteristics as the nature of contacts, the duration of the project and the number of project participants, they do not have independent value and completely depend on the types of projects.

When working on projects, the research method is obligatory, and therefore it seems important to us to dwell briefly on its characteristics.

The research method, or the method of research projects, is based on the development of the ability to master the world based on scientific methodology, which is one of the most important tasks general education.

An educational research project is structured on the basis of a general scientific methodological approach: defining goals and formulating a hypothesis about possible ways solving the problem posed and the results of the upcoming study, clarifying the identified problems and determining the procedure for collecting and processing the necessary data, collecting information, processing it and analyzing the results, preparing an appropriate report and discussing the possible application of the results.

On the basis of the above general didactic typology of telecommunications projects, it becomes possible to develop projects on specific academic subjects or, more precisely, subject-oriented projects, since, as already mentioned, it is rather difficult to develop purely “mathematical” or “biological” projects, all of them are to one degree or another integrated, interdisciplinary. Therefore, we can talk about the specifics of the typology in connection with the target orientation of the projects.

As an example, we can cite a typology focused on the study of foreign languages, the most adequate to the learning objectives, which were the typological features: practical language acquisition; linguistic and philological development of schoolchildren; familiarization with cultural, regional knowledge; situational, communicative nature of communication.

All types of projects, if these are international projects, are conducted in a foreign language and therefore represent, in addition to the possibility of implementing didactic or methodological tasks, additional interest, since they create conditions for a real language environment, on the basis of which the need to communicate in a foreign language is formed, the need to study foreign language. In this regard, of particular interest are linguistic (linguistic), cultural (regional) and role-playing projects, the typology of which is given above.

Almost all types of projects involve the use of research methods to solve the problem inherent in them. The research method is based on the development of students' ability to master the world around them on the basis of scientific methodology, which is one of the most important tasks of general education. An educational project (especially a research project) is structured on the basis of a general scientific methodological approach: identifying a problem or a number of problems, defining goals and formulating a hypothesis about possible ways to solve the problem, clarifying the identified problems during the discussion of methods for solving it, determining the procedure for collecting and processing the necessary data, collection of information, its processing and analysis of the results obtained, preparation of an appropriate report and discussion of the possible application of the findings.

The implementation of the project method and the research method in practice leads to a change in the position of the teacher. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the cognitive activity of his students. The psychological climate in the classroom is also changing, as the teacher has to reorient his educational work and the work of students to various types of independent activity students, on the priority of activities of a research, search, creative nature.

Telecommunication projects

Special place in educational activities schools are occupied by telecommunications regional and international projects.

Having appeared in the early eighties, telecommunication networks were initially used in the field of science and education only as a convenient and efficient form of communication, since all network work then consisted in the exchange of letters between students. However, as international practice and numerous experiments have shown, in contrast to simple correspondence, specially organized purposeful teamwork learners online can give a higher pedagogical result. The most effective was the organization of joint projects based on the cooperation of students from different schools, cities and countries. The main form of organization learning activities students in the network has become an educational telecommunications project.

Under the educational telecommunications project, we mean a joint educational, cognitive, research, creative or gaming activity of partner students, organized on the basis of computer telecommunications, having a common problem, goal, agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving a joint result of activity.

Solving the problem inherent in any project always requires the involvement of integrated knowledge. But in a telecommunications project, especially an international one, as a rule, a deeper integration of knowledge is required, which implies not only knowledge of the subject of the problem under study, but also knowledge of the characteristics of the partner's national culture, the characteristics of his worldview. It is always a dialogue of cultures.

It is advisable to include international projects that are conducted in English, if the program allows, in the structure of the content of training for a given class and correlate it with a particular topic. oral speech and reading. Thus, the chosen topic for a telecommunications project will organically fit into the education system, including all program language material. If an international project is envisaged in other subjects of the school curriculum, which must also be carried out in English, but which does not correspond to the program material for English language, then such a project is carried out during extracurricular activities, as a rule, not by the whole group, but by individual students.

The problems and content of telecommunications projects should be such that their implementation quite naturally requires the use of the properties of computer telecommunications. In other words, far from any projects, no matter how interesting and practically significant they may seem, can correspond to the nature of telecommunications projects. How to determine which projects can be most effectively implemented with the involvement of telecommunications?

Telecommunication projects are pedagogically justified in those cases when, in the course of their implementation:

* provides for multiple, systematic, one-time or long-term observations of one or another natural, physical, social, etc. phenomena that require data collection in different regions to solve the problem;
* provides for a comparative study, study of certain phenomena, facts, events that have occurred or are occurring in different areas to identify a certain trend or make a decision, develop proposals, etc .;
* provides for a comparative study of the effectiveness of using the same or different (alternative) methods of solving one problem, one task to identify the most effective solution acceptable for any situation, i.e. to obtain data on the effectiveness of the proposed method for solving the problem;
* joint creative development of some idea is proposed: purely practical (for example, breeding a new plant variety in different climatic zones, observing weather phenomena, etc.), or creative (creating a magazine, newspaper, play, book, musical work, proposals for improvement of the training course, sports, cultural joint events, folk holidays, etc., etc.);
* it is supposed to hold exciting adventure joint computer games, competitions.

Parameters of the external evaluation of the project:

* the significance and relevance of the problems put forward, the adequacy of their study topics; the correctness of the research methods used and the processing of the results obtained; activity of each project participant in accordance with his individual capabilities; the collective nature of the decisions made (with a group project);
* the nature of communication and mutual assistance, complementarity of project participants;
* Necessary and sufficient depth of penetration into the problem;
* attraction of knowledge from other areas;
* Evidence of decisions made, the ability to argue their conclusions, conclusions;
* aesthetics of the design of the results of the project;
* the ability to answer opponents' questions, the conciseness and reasoning of the answers of each member of the group.


Basic requirements for educational project:

· The presence of a socially significant task - research, information, practical.

· Planning actions for resolution: determining the type of product and the form of presentation.

· Operational development of the project: a list of specific actions indicating outputs, deadlines and responsible persons.

· Research students: search for information that will be processed, comprehended and presented to the project team members.

project output: product.

· Representation product

· Project- this is "five P" : Problem - Design (planning) - Search for information - Product - Presentation.

The sixth “P” of the project is its Portfolio

An important rule : each stage of work project

3. Designate the problem that your solution should be. Use research data, not the opinions of incompetent people about the nature and extent of the problem. Write how the implementation educational project improve the conditions of education, as it solves its main tasks.

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"Methodology for the development of an educational project"

Methodology for developing an educational project

Compiled by N.P. Vetrova

April, 2016 based on materials electronic resource

An educational project is created when the author has a great idea to improve the education system and there is a possibility of obtaining funding. It is important to know the principles of writing such a project.


1. Familiarize yourself with the content of the requirements for educational projects.

Basic requirements for educational project:

    The presence of a socially significant task - research, information, practical.

    Planning actions to resolve the problem: determining the type of product and form of presentation.

    Operational development of the project: a list of specific actions indicating outputs, deadlines and responsible persons.

    Research work of students: the search for information that will be processed, comprehended and presented to the project team members.

    Project output: product.

    Representation product customer and/or members of the public.

    Project- this is "five P" : Problem - Design (planning) - Search for information - Product - Presentation.

    The sixth "P" of the project is its Portfolio, i.e. a folder that contains all the working materials of the project, including drafts, daily plans and reports, etc.

    Important rule : each stage of work project must have your specific product!

2.Make a list of tasks that need to be completed before submitting the project for review. Mark the deadline for the review on your calendar. During this time, clearly outline the days when you will collect data, write, edit and review the work.

3. Define the problem that you want to solve educational project . Use research data, not the opinions of incompetent people about the nature and extent of the problem. Write how the implementation of the educational project will improve the conditions of education, how it will solve its main tasks.

4. Prepare a detailed report on the activities of your educational organization.

It should indicate:

    successes of past similar projects

    the number of students currently enrolled in the institution.

5. Create an implementation plan for your project.

It should include:

  • indicators of how the education system will change for the better

Each item in the plan should have a separate goal that will tie together the entire project and all identified problems. Discuss the result with the administration educational institution and make corrections. Determine the budget for the implementation of the new educational plan. Use only verified information about wages, allowances, expenses, etc.

6. Fill out special documents for obtaining financing. Do it according to all requirements. Non-Profit Organizations they will be supportive if you use active verbs, present real facts and answer key questions. It is important for them to know why you should be given funds for the project, and what benefits the organization will receive. If you show many benefits, you will be allocated funds for the implementation of an educational project. Then you can already implement it according to the prepared plan.

Project types:

    research project the structure resembles a scientific study.

It includes: substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic

    designation of research objectives

    making a hypothesis and then testing it

    discussion of the results

It uses methods modern science: laboratory experiment, simulation, sociological survey other.

    Information project is aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon for the purpose of its analysis, generalization and presentation to a wide audience.

Product such a project is often a publication in the media, including the Internet.

The nature of contacts between project participants:






    Interregional and international projects usually, they are telecommunication, and as they require to coordinate the activities of the participants in the interaction on the Internet and, therefore, are focused on the use of modern computer technologies.

Classification projects by duration:

A) Mini – projects may fit into one lesson or less.

B) Short term projects implemented within 4 - 6 lessons.

Lessons are used to coordinate the activities of participants project teams, while the main work of collecting information, making a product and preparing a presentation is carried out in extracurricular activities and at home.

V) Weekly projects performed in groups during the project week.

Their implementation takes approximately 30-40 hours and takes place entirely with the participation of the leader.

G) Annual projects (long-term) can be done in groups or individually. The entire year-long project, from the definition of the problem and the topic to the presentation, is carried out outside of school hours.