Here you can buy or sell game characters from MMORPG EVE-Online. Start trading in eve Eve online how to put items up for sale

For many players EVE Online the usual thing is to sell or buy their accounts. For some, this is quite a promising income for both gaming and real currency. An experienced EVE player understands that buying a pumped account can, over time, easily pay for itself, morally and financial terms. Selling EVE Online accounts is not as popular as other MMO games. But it is safe to say that this activity in the economy of the game will live for a very long time, because each account in EVE is unique, and sometimes the accounts of people who have greatly influenced the game universe are put up for sale, such lots have a corresponding price.

Briefly about the EVE universe

EVE Online is a unique game of its kind, 12 years ago the developers created the world and gave this world under the control of the players. Each player can influence events in the universe, impose their own policies, capture entire space systems and even become the president of the entire EVEOnline universe. After creating a character, the player is given control of a space capsule and a small guide to the game, then the player chooses his own path. To travel around the universe, you will need a spaceship, and it is better if a larger cannon is installed on it to fight off pirates or other players who want to destroy you and take the contents of your ship. To arm the ship you need “skills”, this is an alternative to levels from other online games. It can take a month to upgrade 1 skill, which is why accounts in EVE Online are so valuable and if a character has an underestimated skill rating, selling an account becomes a real problem.


Before you buy an EVE Online account, you must make sure that it has not been hacked, otherwise, after the purchase, such an account will be blocked and returned to its real owner, and you will lose a round sum of money. There are also scams in the sale of cards with game time (PLEX), the sale of game currency obtained illegally (for example, by bot farming). If you feel that the price is too low, do not rush to buy. Also, to protect yourself from hacking, use official utilities such as EVE Online Account Manager. To avoid fraud when buying accounts, use the services of our store, it would be better if you order the services of a guarantor, for the most secure transaction. Also, when buying game currency or gold, you should be aware that there is a possibility of blocking, but do not worry, we care about our customers, if the transaction is carried out correctly, this probability tends to zero.

The iconic EVE Online is significantly different from other game projects presented in our store. If in other games you have to explore the expanses of fantasy lands, here you become an explorer of the whole cosmos. Starships, a complex economy, and the pursuit of leadership are all based on the turnover of the game's currency, which is called "isks" here. But since you opened this article, then most likely you are an experienced player who has reached certain heights in this "space odyssey". If this is true, and you want to sell either, then our service invites you to become a supplier of this valuable game currency.

Every player who managed to get out of the cycle fixed costs and lack of play money, having built his own empire, having a cool ship and almost limitless opportunities like space, can turn his fame and success into a real source of income. By joining the team of site providers, you will get double the pleasure of the game, because now it will give you the opportunity to earn real money. Initially, you should read this article, find out about the requirements and conditions for the store to cooperate with players who want to sell EVE ISK, and only then, knowing all the intricacies of the work, send the appropriate request to our employees.

What conditions do we offer when buying your claim

  • To begin with, it is worth saying that the dynamics of the game and the high difficulty of earning claims in it create a huge need for this game currency among many beginners, intermediates and old-timers. The shop site is contacted daily by customers wishing to purchase EVE ISK. In the event that you have an abundance of this currency, then by accepting orders in a timely manner, you can earn significantly large amounts of money every day. And this is the first incentive for cooperation with our service. The following are the conditions and details of the work.
  • The Coins-Store store has established itself as a reliable and punctual trading service over the long period of its work. We make payments strictly in accordance with the agreement with suppliers, always on time and in full;
  • by joining our team, you will receive sales orders for ISK EVE Online on an ongoing basis, responding in time to instant automatic notifications immediately after receiving an application from a client;
  • we guarantee reliability and high deductions for each order completed by the supplier. Trust in the service of the site for many years has been accompanied by thousands of positive customer reviews and satisfied players supplying different types game currencies;
  • we don't prepay and don't buy EVE suits ourselves. You, as a supplier, fulfill the accepted orders and, as a result, receive a reward corresponding to the amount of game money sold within a certain period of time;
  • however, you agree to work responsibly, using only honestly earned claims in trading. Any attempts to sell illegally mined game currency are closely monitored and severely punished;
  • you are required to instantly execute all accepted orders, as well as create screenshots from each important moment of the transaction. The latter is required for a visual report on the closing of the transaction;
  • when you accept an order, all responsibility for its correct execution falls on your shoulders. Carefully study the details of each order, so as not to mistakenly send Eve's lawsuits to another player.
  • You see, in fact, if you approach making money in the game EVE Online carefully and responsibly, then no problems or difficulties will arise. On the contrary, you will have a strong incentive to develop more actively in the game, upgrade your spaceships, improve and increase the ways of earning claims, because every success in the vast expanses of the universe will directly affect the level of your earnings in this game.

Can I become a supplier

If you love EVE, have reached certain heights in it, and still doubt whether you will be able to earn money by playing it, then it is for you that we hold an empty place of the ISK supplier for our store. Throw away any indecision, imagine the prospects and new opportunities that will open up before you in the very near future and do not hesitate to become a professional player. This has already been done by many who have climbed to the top and managed to collect enough EVE ISK to start selling them to other players. Cooperating with Coins-Store, you do not have to worry about customers, we will provide you with numerous orders on an ongoing basis.

Demand for space game currency is growing

Watching how advanced space travelers plow the expanses of galaxies, other players dream of speeding up time in order to pump their own ships and start living a full gaming life. And they had such an opportunity exactly at the moment when you decided to sell the claims to EVE Online. But how do you find each other? The answer to this question is simple - it's time to become an employee of the largest gaming currency trading center. Sooner or later, everyone who wants to get rich virtually will look into the appropriate counter and order ISK EVE, and we will immediately notify you about it.

To start trading activities the following conditions must be met:
1. Start-up capital;
2. Read books from the Trade section and some other sections (for example, Spaceship Command, Engineering, etc.);
3. Cargo ship;

So, in order:
1. Starting capital. The bigger it is, the better. You can borrow from friends for a week, you can save up or earn on agents by completing their tasks.
2. Skills from the Trade section should be pumped through all available and as high a level as possible. But for starters, a Trade book of at least the 3rd level is enough. Not bad, and Marketing is also a 3rd level (allows you to carry out remote sales).
3. The cargo ship is the Industrial ships section. As a hereditary Caldari, I started with a simple Badger Mark I. To equip the ship, you need to Expanded Cargohold I or their equivalent, which will require reading a special book (however, everything here requires reading special books). Autoburner and shield booster are required. But you can start without everything. Only a ship. The maximum for a merchant is a ship from the Transport Ships section - real armored cars with good performance characteristics (tactical and technical characteristics) and carrying capacity. But they take a long time to study and the price is from 50 million.

If these points are met, then the actual trade is that you need to buy cheaper and sell more expensive. And it is desirable to fly close.
See market. Trade Goods section. Study it carefully. Well, for example, select the Industrial Goods -> Synthetic Oil section. Let's see the details. In the Sellers section, click on the Price heading so that prices line up in ascending order from top to bottom. And in the Buyers section, we set the opposite - prices are in descending order. And we see that in the Sellers section, the first line is the lowest price for the product, but there are 11 jumps before it and only 10 pieces are sold (while it will fit into the hold with a volume of 5000 m3 (look at the attributes of the product, if the volume is 0.5 m3) 10000 pieces. So it doesn’t fit. We look further. Etc. Then we also look at the Buyers section. The first line should be the most expensive price. You need to look at how many goods you agree to buy somewhere and how far to cut there. Also, be sure to look at the CC system. Although they say that it’s better not to go below 0.5, I flew on my baguette at 0.2 (until the human pirates shot down), then how lucky.
It is usually recommended to start with antibiotics (volume 0.2) and coffee (0.1).

And most importantly. The most profitable trade is trade between regions. When you look at the market, they write there, for example, Aridia Regional Market, that is, the market of the Aridia region. So, there, for example, Synthetic Oil is only sold and at a very low prices and in huge quantities, and in other regions (you need to look for some more!) This product is only bought and also in huge quantities. Therefore, we take a shuttle, carefully study the map and fly to see the market in different regions. It was once so. I bought goods in one region, one jump and I was already in another region - I sold it there. Until I jumped, I did not know that it would be possible to sell it there.

We go further. To ensure safety, as well as to speed up cargo transportation, it is advisable to use beeches. You can buy them as a set for a region (via escrow) or make them yourself by flying a trade route on a shuttle. So, having decided where I would buy goods and where to sell, I laid out a route with beeches and the road of 22 jumps there and 22 back began to take only about 20 minutes instead of one hour on autopilot. It also became impossible to get ambushed at the gate when passing through systems with SS below 0.4. The only disadvantage of walking on beeches is manual labor. Each beech is activated manually. Therefore, when I need to fly, but there is no time to sit in the wheelhouse, I put it on autopilot. But it is better to control the passage of dangerous zones yourself and not trust the autopilot (especially with a multimillion-dollar cargo).
And yet, the beeches will not save your truck if you jumped, and in another system they are already waiting for you (according to the instructions of the gunner sitting in the system from which you made the jump). Since the trucks warp for a long time. An armored car from the Transport Ship class has some chances to go into the warp, but even then if it is not slowed down by an inter or something.

Therefore, you need to be more careful and look through everyone in the locale before jumping into a dangerous system. And also by calling the galactic map, in the Display Settings -> Stars tab, set the display Ships destroyed in the last 1 hour and see if there are destroyed ships in the neighboring system and in general along the route.

All of the above applies to trading, so to speak, PvE. That is, with a computer. With NPCs… The most interesting trade is trading with people, PvP. Throughout the galaxy, there are several dozen systems that are a kind of international trade centers. Many people know such as Yulai or Jita. But in principle, each region has its own such center, operating on a regional scale, where you can sell the accumulated ore or buy any equipment ....

Another nuance about trading with a computer

History in detail. I bought the goods, determined where to carry, at what price I want to sell. While flying, someone has already arrived and knocked down the purchase price. So you have to sit and wait for the price to rise again to the level I need or look for another place to sell.
So. If there is no time to sit, then it is enough to place a sell order at this station, indicating the price and quantity you need. When the price of the purchase of goods at the station grows to this level (if it grows), your order will be automatically executed. You can be anywhere at this moment.

And then one friend knocked me prices in the region and put his orders at the points of sale. I immediately put my own but 1 claim less. In a few days, the price rose to our orders, and since mine was cheaper, the computer bought my goods. Now we have a trade war there. Type of absentee auction. I put 1 claim less than him, the competitor then modifies the orders, putting the price of the goods in them less than mine. I’m also downgrading… It will end somehow… Here I want to call the BS and catch trucks for several days in the corridor leading to the region. So that means to exclude competition ... But ... No matter how they catch me ...
This is how we trade.



In the world of eve, there are many ways for a novice player - you can become a miner and gnaw ore / ice in asteroid fields in 10 windows periodically trying to understand why you are doing this, you can become a pvp player so severe that when you fly into the system, enemies will convulsively reap self-destruct- and you can look at the composition of the ships and tell how the battle will go - because the variability of battles in Eve is lower than in World War II, you can become a scientist or a production worker and after some time understand that you are not playing Eve, but working, you can become an agent runner navi is equal to which alone breaks pirate armadas - and for the thousandth time to save the kidnapped girl - “another 100 thousand buckets and our golden key”, you can be a researcher - and for hours on end banging your head against the monitor shifting traffic jams this way and that trying to scan the devil's plex, you can become a little Napoleon in a small corporation or the ruler of a super duper alliance - and psychologists will grin vilely and start rotten conversations about sublimation and the effect of compensation, or you can become a merchant ... why? Because trading is one of the few things worth playing Eve for - everything else in other games is better / more interesting - but not in any major MMO project - so deep, well-developed and rich in features trading system- almost everything is possible here - thousands of methods and mechanisms - almost real life - only derivatives and operating credit for intraday trading are missing - there is a place in eve for beautiful financial schemes and puzzling scams - for trade wars and market seizures - there is room to turn around - and the best thing is that you don’t need a long tedious exhausting swing - from the moment you pay for the trial, your level of access to financial mechanisms is equivalent to the level of a seasoned huckster who has been playing for 4 years - it doesn’t matter how many millions of cp your character has in trading - everything is up to you.


So, you've made up your mind - maybe you already have a character or maybe not yet - if you have a question - which race / bloodline is better for a merchant - then it's strictly all the same.
And here we go to important point number of times.
The path of the merchant is the path of alts, you will have a lot of them and you need them more than many - the beauty is that you do not need a lot of alts online at the same time, you can fully switch within 1 account.

So, you have created a character and got off the trial - yes, you need to pay for the trial because you won’t be able to trade on a trial account with all your desire - now you need to put the skill to learn and this will be Caldari industrial - industrials or Indians are such space trucks absolutely defenseless but very roomy - what you need for the first stage, and the first stage is


What is the essence of NPC trading - there are goods that NPCs sell and buy - that is, in some systems there are orders to sell and in some to buy - we climb into the market, put a range filter - region and open the Trade Goods tab - there we are interested in two subgroups Consumer Produks and Industrial Goods - the scheme is very simple - we select a product, we look at the orders for it in the region (they are on top), we look at the buy - it is necessary that the buy orders exceed the sell orders - the more they exceed, the better - we buy further where it is cheaper, we sell where more expensive - the scheme is simple as a stool - we earn on volume - the more we transported, the more we earn - working capital is earned quite quickly - already on the first Indian trade brings much more than farm in a week or two - income growth will stop - you will hit the first threshold - it lies in the fact that an active trader chooses a container in about 1 hour npc of the market in the region by the main position (after selling by a buying NPC order - 1-2 volumes, the purchase price will fall and the sale price will increase) - methods of struggle - well, firstly, trade several positions - but there are not so many really profitable positions in the region 2 -4 - and when you transfer to a really roomy Indian - like Iteron 5 - then they will get out quickly - well make - decisions two:

A) Interregional trade

B) Trading with lowsecs

So, what is interregional trade - everything is the same, but to carry it further - to another region, the fact is that the prices for some types of goods differ greatly from region to region and, accordingly, the difference is greater - incomes are higher - but how to find out where and how much? Well, firstly, you can create violas, seat them in different regions and watch the local market through them, or you can go to the site and stupidly search all regions for the product you are interested in - beauty, right? It’s immediately clear what to take where - in general, remember this site, it will come in handy more than once in your trading career

Trading with lowsecs - in principle, everything is the same - just buying orders in lowsecs are usually steeply higher than in highsecs, and selling orders are steeply lower - in general, it is profitable to trade NPC goods in lowsecs - but there is one thing, but there are evil guys whom you don’t feed with bread - let them kill the noob- the thought of evil guys for a long time did not let me into lowsecs because of which I did not get as much profit as I could - as it turned out, the thought was stupid - because there are two wonderful modules in the game Warp stub and Instab the first one complicates keeping us with a disruptor - the second increases warp speed - again, there are special t2 Indians who have bonuses for warp strength (built-in warp stub) and very high agility (built-in in stub) - a combination of these two modules and a little caution reduces the risk of being caught by an evil uncle to almost zero - but both of these modules are installed in low slots - therefore, there will be no our favorite cargo hold extenders, which means we will take less cargo - calculate whether the operation is profitable taking into account the decrease in cargo

And a couple of moments on which I myself pricked

  1. there is a temptation to pump the most capacious Indian - because the more they raised, the more they earned at a time - I did this, I spent almost a month, I pumped out Itheron 5, I put rigs on it - well, yes, I have the most capacious T1 Hindu - the sad truth is that the volumes of purchase buy orders executed in one run are lower than the full load of iteron 5 - as a result, it almost always goes only 3/4 loaded - and one more thing, you will not need an Indian for anything other than NPC trading, at least an Indian pumped by 5 - yes it won't hurt, but there is no need for it - so, for example, I now regret this million skill points that could have been spent on more useful skills
  2. always check the sale price, the volume of sales and purchases and the destination station - farming NPC goods you wander a cloud of times back and forth buying and selling actions reach automaticity and you can sell the goods at the station where you buy (at a ridiculous price - I got 50kk and me it was very embarrassing because then it was money for me and the result of 2.5 hours of farming) or buy more than necessary (as a result, you will hang in a heading with associated capital) - carefully monitor which system has a profitable purchase order - there is nothing it’s more stupid to fly into lowsec on a rigged Iteron 5 with cargo extenders in low
  3. Watch the prices in the region, if the purchase orders began to fall sharply before our eyes - and the sell orders - to grow - then you have a competitor - another lover of NPC trading - and you need to either get ahead of him or change the region?)
    What to sell and where to sell? - well, not much in trade ready recipes everyone finds their own - I once Traded in the Forge region - Mechanical parts (my favorite product is a difference of up to 60 per unit) Silicate glass, Fabrics and Caviar (long limb roes - it is important not to put it in containers, keep this in mind) but maybe you will find more convenient and interesting goods and routes for you
    And so you mastered NPC trading and honestly farm your 10-15kk ISK per hour if you are brazen and not afraid of lowsecs, then everything is 25-30kk per hour - it becomes boring - you want something more - more money in the end we move on to the next important step

Idea? The idea is also the cheapest to buy at a higher price to sell - but we will buy and sell not trading goodies that we are already sick of, but goods for players - in particular, modules for ships, let's start with a simple one - open the above-named website Eve Central and start looking for interesting trading pairs - the world of goods for dynamic players, prices jump all the time and the situation changes, there are practically no stable routes within the empire, and if they exist, they will not last long - therefore, you will have to look for profitable goods yourself - I can only advise you to pay attention to t2 modules - and named rar - why? Because they are more expensive, respectively, the same 10-30% margin will bring more profit in the end?
Where to start? Well, first you need to learn a few ideas - the global rule in places where people are concentrated is cheap goods are cheaper, rare ones are more expensive - the opposite is true
In general, this rule is followed, but the main money is made on exceptions?))
Namely Jita - Jita Chief shopping center games - yes, there are lags and there are a lot of people there, and the andok from station 4-4 is a torment - get used to it - this system will be your home - and so in this system probably 80% of speculators are concentrated - therefore, prices jump like crazy
A simple and real example - I’m sitting and clicking on the ev central - here I’m looking at the orders for the sale of Gyrostab t2 4kk in life and in Sinkyu Lyson 2kk each - sales volume per day is about 200 pieces
Those 400kk climb into their own hands - although, in theory, it should be the other way around because Sinkyu is a much less populated system than Zhita - and the competition is lower there - I hit the road in Sink and bought all the gyroscopes that were there then, flying through the lonetrek, I saw that there was a batch of 1kk gyrostabs
In general, I can potentially earn 3kkk due to noob mistakes, I only earned 1.8kkk
In the chapter on speculation, we will dwell on this in more detail.
And so you found a profitable pair; sell order for goods and get money later (upon purchase) but much more - of course, our choice as true hucksters is almost always (we will consider exceptions in the chapter on speculation) these are our own sell orders - so we need a lot of orders and for this we need skills - and so we came to the creation of a trading viola
This alt with upgraded trading skills and raised charisma will be used by us to place orders - the scheme is as follows - they were brought by an achurka - they were handed over to the trading alt - he placed orders - on the basic generation, you can create a character who will be able to almost all trading skills right off the bat and at a very decent level - such a guy’s shirt can be made for any race, but my personal choice is a galent-galent-activist-enterpreneur, in other respects it doesn’t matter if the necessary skills are
Inside, imperial trade is not as stable as trade in NPC goods, but it brings a lot more money in terms of time / claim ratio - you will quickly reach the level of 50-100kk profit per day - but there is one but - competitive?)) their mother
All or almost all sell and buy orders are generated by people - they are interested in selling more expensive and buying cheaper, they are also interested in selling faster
The order execution mechanism is based on the order book principle, which is familiar to everyone who has ever traded in Forex or Forts.
What is the idea all orders are pooled from above the sale from the bottom of the purchase - the cheapest (lower) sale and the most expensive (purchase) are realized if you have an order to buy titanium for 100 ISK and Vasya Pupkin has to buy titanium for 101 ISK and then some um, with a drink, he drags the titanium to the station and decides to sell it - then it will be sold for 101 claims - and your order will remain unfulfilled
If you are a Hm who got drunk and bet with another Hm who will sell 5 titans faster, then if you place an order to sell titanium for 100 claims and your competitor for 99.99 claims - and some five Vasechkin presses - buy - then sell titanium for 99.99
What does this mechanism lead to - well, let's say a certain product is sold in life for 3kk
You found where you can get it for 1.7kk - sales volumes per day are significant - you dragged 2 daily volumes of this product into your life - looked at the market and treacherously set a price 0.1 lawsuit less than the lowest order - and sit in anticipation of profit - but it wasn’t there - the evil badger does not sleep - after some time you will find out that your order is hanging and hanging and not being executed, or a couple of pieces were sold and everything is hanging - what happened? Yes, it’s just that your competitors interrupted your application by lowering their orders - changing orders is done like this - open Wallet (purse) there, bookmark orders - select the desired right-click and modify - drive in new price(ATTENTION ALWAYS FOLLOW THE PRICE INPUT) there is an operational delay of 2 minutes for changing orders, I think that by changing the order once you can make the next change after a certain time - therefore, strategically split the batch into two orders and while one is in a delay, interrupt the orders of competitors with the other.
The general conclusion is that attention + some understanding is already required here internal process and features of the eva market - so don't stress if it doesn't work out at first - it's normal a lot will come with experience
General conclusions - inside imperial trade is potentially the most profitable - decent cheating - huge turnovers - hypothetical profit is not limited in any way - there are no ceilings - but there is a problem - vigilant vigilance and the fight against insidious competitors are required (we will consider methods and tactics of struggle later) - I want something more calm? What is the true source of income? Then we move on to the next step

And so yes, zeros - terrible terrible zeros - in which wild unsatisfied creatures called pvpshniks live who are trying to bully and pawn everyone - what does this threaten us specifically - so that our peaceful truck can be knocked down, which will lead to financial losses in the amount of cargo
Important information about nulls

  • They are empty - yes, there is practically no one anywhere.
  • There, the rule is enforced about the rise in price of common goods inversely proportional to the number of people - or, more simply, everything is twice as expensive there as you live (do your eyes light up? Good)
  • Since they are empty, it means there are very low revolutions, so dim the light in your eyes?
  • But this does not prevent us from earning about 100kk a week from one station with virtually no competition and hemorrhoids
    The sad news is that the good old warp stubs and instabs will not help us - due to the fact that there are bubbles in zeros - a bubble is such a blue sphere with a diameter of up to 52 km inside which warp is not possible no matter how many stubs you have - this sphere may be the result of installing a mobile warp disruptor or a cork thrown by the announcer - however, it doesn’t matter to us that we can be shot down
    How to deal with this? There are two solutions that can and should be used in combination
    1. Get positive stands - that is, such small blue pluses that will make you invisible to the vast majority of evil pvps living in this region- what you need to do for this - for this, it's tedious to find out which alliance or coalition of alliances the bulk of the evil pvps in this sector belongs to - and join one of the corps of this alliance or a corp that has positive stands with this alliance
    But this is not a panacea yet, as there is always a risk of running into non-local stray pvps, which will be very disappointing, there is a solution for this
    2. There is a peaceful truck in the Ass - they are not just not needed and partly harmful - the fact is that the sales volume in zeros is so low that we will sell the Indian load for half a year if not more - hence the moral why we need it - we take an ops corvette called Cheetah 2 cargo expanders and 1 warp stub (for every fireman) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in honey cloque in high - all almost 400 cubic meters of our cargo is about a monthly sales volume at one station (if you sell only small and expensive ones and do not exchange for cartridges) and all chances of losing the ship with the goods is sharply reduced, and if you also have a scout, then they are reduced to the lowest possible minimum
    And so, by joining Alts in Corps, we get access to stations and outposts - and to facilitate the passage to zero once a week, we arrive / log in Alto to check the status of orders and maybe drop goods + NPC stations to which access is free (but there a more active is possible competition)
    If you have a stable online and a lot of alts (alts cost a penny), then nothing prevents you from keeping, for example, all active stations of the northern + southern coalition - and earning a modest 1kkk from this per week
    What to carry? Well, think for yourself - my advice is simple - t2 and the necessary t1 that does not loot in this region - for example, t 1 shreds
    What t2? Yes, you can easily climb onto the kill board of the station holder - and see the most drained spike and then what they fit with - and you are lucky again + 3\4 implants for Persian and int are in demand almost everywhere
    Otherwise, only experience and experiments - go for it.

    Almost everything that is in the world of EVE Online, you can buy in the in-game market by pressing Alt + R . Also, you can find any thing you need if you enter its name in the search bar. You can find out about the things that are available for purchase at the station, in solar system or even the entire region on the tab of the market window called "View".

    When you find what you need to buy, all you have to do is place your order to buy the item. You can take advantage of offers already placed by other players or create your own buy order to try to get items at a lower price.

    Register in EVE Online and conquer space distances together with the whole world. A completely redesigned beginner training system will help you with this!

    Please note that all items in the EVE Online market are sold at space stations and after purchase are moved to the player's personal hangar at this station.

    Trading on the EVE Online Market doesn't stop for a second. You might be surprised how quickly you can sell and buy goods. However, do not forget that information about the availability and cost of goods is monitored by the in-game market within a radius of no further than the current region. And there are a lot of regions in EVE Online. Thus, to find out prices in a market in another region, you will need to move there.

    How can I find out what and when to buy?

    Make purchases in the market when you need it. It's worth getting started with the market in EVE Online with those textbooks that you were not given during the training tasks, but which you need to continue playing.

    If you want to use a certain spaceship, use a certain type of weaponry, improve your armor or shields, learn how to use drones, process ores more efficiently, then you need certain skills for all this and much more. In the same way, you may later want to buy another ship and better equipment.

    Are market prices fixed?

    Prices on the market in EVE Online are not fixed, but the prices of certain public items change very little. The economy and market in EVE Online is almost entirely player-driven (with a few rare exceptions) and prices for the same item can vary wildly across regions.

    Considering that many things in EVE Online are created only by players, their value is regulated according to the economic laws of the market and only with their help. In very rare cases, special unique blueprints for the production of certain spaceships were in the hands of individual corporations owned by the players, and this, in turn, led to an absolute monopoly of such a corporation in the market for ships of this type.

    Also, it is common that the price of equipment depends on the distance of the region from the central areas with a high level of security - the farther from secure systems, the more expensive the equipment. This is due to the fact that in this case the cost of production, transportation increases and the corresponding risks are imposed.

    All these facts show the complexity and depth of the EVE Online economy, where the player can become incredibly rich both through hard work, and through speculation in the market and careful selection of trade routes.

    What does a market completely controlled by players mean?

    In EVE Online, almost always the price of a product on the market, the quantity in a certain region, or even just its availability is determined by only the behavior of the players. Some rare items can be bought by a single pilot and saved in order to sell it later for a higher price.

    The control of some positions, speculation in goods, and even supply and demand are almost always determined only by the players, who are the main driving force behind the entire EVE Online game economy.