Phone sales persuasion. Cold calling - is this technique of selling over the phone effective? Test your knowledge

For any company, the issue of finding new customers is always relevant, which is associated with work in the "cold" market. How are cold sales different from warm sales? How to make an unfamiliar skeptical person a "hot" client?

How are cold sales different from hot sales?

Negotiations with clients without intermediaries are referred to as "Hot" and "cold" sales are carried out in different markets. hot market is regular customers, store visitors, that is, the target audience.

For any company, the issue of finding new customers is always relevant, which is associated with work in the "cold" market. As a rule, "cold" sales are business trips, telephone conversations and a mandatory meeting with a product presentation.

"Cold" calls are telephone conversations, the result of which should be a positive attitude, an appointment or a deal.

The specifics of working in the "cold" market

Working in a cold market has its pros and cons.

Positive sides

Negative sides

Efficient work gives a significant increase and allows you to increase the competitiveness of the company, product, service.

Salespeople who aren't taught how to use cold sales and calling techniques get rejected a lot and lose their enthusiasm.

Cold sales are an unlimited number of potential customers.

The development of professionalism in this field takes time.

Minimum financial costs and lower advertising costs.

Any cold sales department needs technology to help them work effectively with customers.

10 Rules for Successful Cold Selling

  1. Let go of tension and relax before negotiating. A successful salesperson is an energetic and self-confident person.
  2. Self-motivation.
  3. Thoroughly know the product to be sold.
  4. Create a comfortable environment for the client, arouse sympathy. To "hook" the buyer, just to interest, but not to "shove" the goods.
  5. Feel the client. What language, with what intonation does he speak? You can use similar vocabulary, tone of voice, style of speech.
  6. Generate interest in yourself, in your product, service, company with the help of the media and participation in customer meetings, forums, fairs, exhibitions and other events. Creation of newsletters, leaflets with useful information for potential customers.
  7. Record effective cold calls with meeting arrangements.
  8. Constantly and daily replenish the database of new customers.
  9. Remember that every “no” brings you closer to closing the deal. In order to make a good deal, you have to be ready to hear a lot of rejections.
  10. Be sure to prepare before calls and meetings using cold sales scenarios.

Ability to respond to failure

Drawing up a form (table) for entering information received during negotiations.

Work in pairs. Conversation with the manager, head of department and director. The goal is to make an appointment.

How to bypass Cerberus?

Choose tactics and come up with a wording to get around the adamant secretary.


Memorize the answers to common objections and work in pairs.

  • "We have entered into an agreement with another company."
  • "We're not interested in that."
  • "We don't need that."
  • "We can't afford it."
  • "Call another employee."

As statistics show, almost 90% of the information received at trainings, seminars is forgotten in a month. Trainings are useful if the sales manager regularly trains, repeats and consolidates the knowledge gained during the training.


All the secrets of "cold" sales are permanent job above oneself. The one who is capable of self-motivation succeeds. Faith and love for your work help to resolve any difficult situations!

Sales Generator

Reading time: 17 minutes

We will send the material to you:

From this article you will learn:

  • What are cold calls
  • Which companies will benefit from them?
  • How to organize them
  • How to script a cold call
  • How to bypass the secretary and answer the objections of the decision maker
  • What are the most common mistakes managers make in cold calls?
  • How to evaluate the result, and then increase it

Cold calls are rightly considered the most difficult sales channel. Here, the manager is required to be able to interest the client, keep his attention and fend off objections, leading the interlocutor to the idea of ​​the need to make a purchase. We will figure out what mistakes are made when calling customers and how to conduct a dialogue so that your proposal finds a response.

What is cold calling in sales

The difficulty of cold calls is that the interlocutor does not expect your appeal and is not ready for it. It is possible that a product or service will be of interest to him, however, before you can talk about them, you need to get attention. potential buyer.

Such calls were called “cold” because the client needs to be “warmed up”, arouse his interest, arouse the desire to listen to you and, as a result, buy the offered product.

As a rule, such calls cause nothing but irritation, because you can be busy and answered only because you are waiting for important news from a partner or employees. Instead, you hear memorized phrases on the phone about the benefits of service in a particular beauty salon.

Most approaches to cold calling come from books by American marketers from the 1960s and 1980s:

  1. The conversation is conducted according to a pre-written script (script).
  2. At the beginning of the conversation, you need to introduce the company.
  3. The call is preceded by serious preparatory work.

The first interlocutors of managers who make cold calls are secretaries. Over time, they begin to calculate such sentences for the first phrase and instantly turn off the conversation. This is where the difficulty lies: with cold calls, the person on the other side of the phone does not want to listen to a description of the merits of your offer.

To solve the first task - to interest the client - it takes time, but most often (more than 90% of cases) the conversation between the person making cold calls and the secretary of the organization does not exceed a minute, most of which the manager does not speak himself, but listens to a refusal and receives a request to send commercial proposal.

Needless to say, as a result of several dozen such conversations a day, his motivation tends to zero? To once again pick up the phone and start a presentation, the employee requires a lot of courage.

Those who are just starting their career in cold sales are usually happy to hear the phrase "send a sales proposal." However, do not flatter yourself and try to send out as many emails as possible. Often this is just a polite refusal to continue communication, and the received offer will immediately be in the basket.

Also, newcomers often think that the main objective cold calls are sales, but in fact they help to filter and expand the base of potential customers.

An instant sale is not at all a task that can be solved with a cold call. You should try to use the little time that the interlocutor gives you to present your company, find out if your product may be of interest to him, and achieve a personal meeting to get to know your offer in more detail.

Cold calling is only the first attempt to establish contact with a potential client. That is why, before dialing a number, it is worth making inquiries about the business of your future interlocutor, understanding for yourself how your product will be beneficial for him, and showing awareness in a conversation that can do a good job.

A good example of a cold call by Vin Diesel

Cold calling technique: pros and cons

There are several advantages inherent in cold calls:

  • the first acquaintance takes place by phone, which means that time and money are saved on trips;
  • compared to correspondence, even by e-mail, communication is carried out more quickly;
  • the direct reaction of the interlocutor to the proposal voiced to him;
  • overcoming mutual misunderstanding by clarifying questions;
  • the use of prompts, scripts and other materials during the conversation on a computer monitor or on paper.

Cold calling involves overcoming some limitations:

  • for the interlocutor, your call is an annoying hindrance that interferes with work;
  • on the phone it is much easier to refuse or end the conversation, having come up with a convincing excuse;
  • one can judge the opponent's reaction only by intonation;
  • you can not use visual means of confirmation - drawings, photos, graphs;
  • the danger that your words will be misunderstood.

Submit your application

Which companies are suitable for cold calling?

Cold calls can be used by anyone whose average profit from each sale exceeds 250 rubles. But there are sellers for whom this method is recommended in the first place:

  • B2B sales with 2000 potential customers.

If there are much fewer of them, the call will be completed within two weeks. Cold calling for B2B is recognized as the most effective way.

  • B2C sales for a very wide range of customers.

Getting a database of individuals with the desired segmentation is almost impossible. This means that your product should be of interest to the majority of callers. For example, cold calls are successfully used by dentists, beauty salons, gas meter sellers, and plastic window maintenance firms.

In general, telephone conversations with individuals is easier and more efficient than with companies.

  • Increasing the cost of context and other ways to find customers.

In such cases, cold calls are a real lifesaver for the business. Otherwise, you can spend more on marketing and lead generation than you earn in the end.

Let's say you have no problem paying for expensive advertising. However, a lead that cost 500 rubles pleases more than a lead that cost 10,000 rubles.

No one but you can tell for sure if cold calling is right for your business. But, if you need to increase sales, and other methods are not suitable because of their high cost, if you are ready to learn new techniques and you are not afraid of the unknown, try it. Perhaps this method will be the most successful for your niche.

How to calculate how much a cold call will cost

Let's consider a simple example.

You pay 20 thousand rubles to each of the three managers. The remote form of work allows you to save on office rent and computer equipment, with the exception of payment telephone communication, say, 4,000 rubles per month for each employee (the amounts may vary depending on the region and the duration of the calls).

Therefore, your monthly expenses are 3 x 20 + 3 x 4 = 72 thousand rubles.

Cold calling records give you accurate information: each employee makes 150 calls daily, 150 x 22 (workdays) x 3 = 9,900. Your average conversion rate is 5%, which means you have 495 leads per month.

We calculate the cost of one call: 72,000 / 9,900 = 7.27 rubles.

One potential client costs you 72,000 / 495 = 145 rubles.

This is where the conversion statistics of cold calls to leads are important. A high conversion automatically reduces the cost of a lead, and vice versa.

Let's calculate the cost of the transaction. Let's say the conversion from the lead is 15%, that is, each client will cost 966 rubles (145 / 15% = 966). The average profit per trade must exceed this amount.

How to organize cold calls

So you've decided to start cold calling to increase your sales without serious investments into marketing. There are two options: create a department in your company and entrust him with the function of finding new customers or entrust this work to a specialized firm - a call center.

The choice depends on the tasks before you. If a one-time survey of customers is planned in order to update the database, it makes no sense to open a separate division for this, it is more logical to entrust calling customers to a call center. But we want to warn about the risks that accompany cooperation with such an organization.

Of course, if the company plans to regularly search for new customers, it is necessary to create a telemarketing department that, using cold calls, will offer your product to a wide range of potential buyers.

The costs of outsourcing and maintaining the activities of your own unit are about the same level. However, having your own department gives you some advantages:

  1. Employees structural unit companies are much more familiar with the specifics of the product they offer to customers. Education own employees easier to organize, moreover, it will require less cost. At the same time, they will act much more efficiently than the involved specialists.
  2. In-house telemarketers can offer all of the company's products. At the same time, the cost of staff training will be minimal, and besides, you will not need to pay for the lease of the database.
  3. If products or services are more complex, it will be much more difficult for outside workers understand the nuances of their application and Communicating the right information to potential customers in the right way.
  4. Own staff is much easier to control. You can make adjustments to the work as soon as necessary, but in cooperation with the agency, this will require much more effort.
  5. It also saves time and money when starting a new project., because you do not have to negotiate, pay for services, set up equipment and software under new script. Calling customers about a new product can start at least two weeks early.
  6. When working with a call center, you have to make sure that its operators and your sales managers do not attack the same subscribers at the same time. In addition, by transferring the database to unauthorized hands, you risk quite a lot.
  7. Your own division can act as a base platform for training sales managers. People who go through cold calls become specialists who can sell anything to anyone.

What a cold call manager should be able to do

cold call manager- this is an employee who is tasked with finding leads, getting new customers for the company's product.

In the course of work, he makes cold calls, gets access to the decision maker (decision maker) through the secretary, makes sure that the client is in need of the proposed product or service, possibly sends a commercial offer and “hands” the prepared buyer to the sales manager.

In another way, these specialists are called call center managers. Large companies, as a rule, have a fairly large lead generation sector, allocated to a separate call center, whose functions include both making cold outgoing calls and receiving incoming calls. When contact is established, "warm" clients are transferred to the next stage.

A lot of requirements are imposed on the call center manager: the ability to quickly switch between different scripts, to be well versed in professional programs promptly respond to the interlocutor's remarks.

All this requires constant tension from employees, so the turnover in these positions is traditionally high, but it is not difficult to find a new employee to replace the departed employee, because special skills are not required here, and training takes place quite quickly.

The third name for such specialists is telemarketing manager. It has taken root in large companies - banks, Internet providers, etc. The work takes place in specially allocated premises, where workplaces with specialized software are located, while the regime is strictly regulated.

A huge database is used for calling, the number of cold calls is measured in hundreds per day, and one cannot deviate from the developed script. It is quite difficult, and the salary, as a rule, is small (about 15 thousand rubles). However, this is a colossal school and those who do not break down and do not burn out while working in this position become real professionals.

The disadvantages include the fact that the telemarketing manager communicates with end customers, so the acquired skills may not be enough for B2B.

Experience shows that a certain type of person copes best with work in such positions: active, assertive, well trained, not stewed in a conflict situation and able to continue a conversation even when the interlocutor does not show interest in him. Of course, an indispensable condition is well-developed speech and excellent diction.

Considering all these requirements, good specialist cold calls are a godsend. If you have such employees, you are guaranteed a stable influx of low-cost leads.

What do you need to do to get these professionals in your telemarketing department? Nothing special - we just give an announcement about the recruitment of employees. Gone are the days when it took six months to train them. In fact, it is enough for a person who comes from the street to provide:

  • a clear logical conversation script (script) on two or three sheets;
  • customer base;
  • a list of specific tasks: do this and get so much.

This is enough to new employee began to bring you leads on the first day after listening to the introductory briefing.

Why you need a cold call script

A script is a carefully thought-out sequence of actions that an employee takes in the course of making cold calls.

This is a kind of algorithm, thanks to which the manager clearly knows what he should say to a potential client, in what sequence, how to respond to objections coming from the interlocutor. At the first contact, a cold call script is an indispensable thing, because we have a minimum of information about the client, just like he does about our company.

The effectiveness of the next communication attempts will depend on the fruitfulness of the first conversation, since it is at this stage that the manager finds out whether the interlocutor has a need for the company's goods and services, or the product is not interesting to him. In this case, it makes no sense to waste time on it, it is better to switch to the search for those to whom we can benefit.

For the second contact with a potential client, the script is no less valuable. Based on a well-thought-out conversation script, the employee moves directly towards the goal, and he has a much greater chance that the result will be positive compared to an employee who is not armed with a script.

An example of a scripted cold call:

How to write and implement a cold call script

Stage 1. Preparation of information

Cold calls are preceded by the collection and analysis of information in five areas:

  1. We set a goal: registration, invitation or instant sale.
  2. Product. We select arguments to confirm the value through the HPV algorithm: characteristics - advantages - benefits.
  3. The target audience. We formulate the needs of potential customers.
  4. Competitors. We try to get the scripts of the leading players in our niche and study what they focus on in cold calls. You can get scripts in different ways: using the mystery shopper technique, getting a job with a competitor or making a direct request - it is quite possible that you will be met halfway.
  5. internal sources. We carefully analyze cold calls that ended in a purchase; we find and highlight the key points that can be used when creating a script.

Stage 2. Creating a test case

Having finished collecting preliminary information, we try to write a test script. This work should be based on three basic points on which cold calls are built:

  1. Structure. The sales classic is something you should constantly think about when building the structure of the script. Without applying the algorithm of five stages of sales (opening - identifying needs - presentation - working with objections - closing), cold calls simply do not exist.
  2. Length. It depends on the goal of the seller, and can vary from five minutes, when the manager implements lead generation (registers and invites), to 10-12 minutes, if the goal is to close the deal directly during telephone conversations.

The difference is due to the fact that in the second case, the movement follows a cyclical scenario during the processing of objections. During the specified period of time, the specialist must close up to five objections. If the resistance of the buyer could not be broken, the conversation ends, since there is no longer any point in continuing it.

  1. Flexibility. The script can be written in such detail that the employee making cold call, you only need to speak the programmed text. Work with objections is also subject to automation. It is important to pronounce phrases in the right tone and with the right mood.

This is quite realistic if the product is simple, and the audience does not go beyond the boundaries of the outlined framework.

Stage 3. Testing the script

Having created the text of the cold calling script, we carry out its trial run. We control managers according to the following checklist:

  • the employee does not deviate from the text;
  • the interlocutor fails to seize the initiative in the conversation;
  • the script provides for all types of customer objections;
  • what phrases provoked the refusal of the purchase.

Stage 4. We introduce the script into the work of managers

The tested and finalized cold call script is subjected to automation. Existing services make it possible:

  • writing, correcting and updating the text in one place;
  • comparing the effectiveness of various scripts and managers;
  • displaying the required parts of the script during the dialogue;
  • search for stages at which a failure is fixed;
  • integration of all data with CRM.

The right cold call with quick access to the decision maker

For a cold call specialist, the first task that needs to be solved is considered to be reaching the decision maker (decision maker). This person in the company is responsible for whether the product you offer will be purchased. Therefore, a conversation about the merits of a product should be carried out only with him, all other options are simply meaningless.

Most often, the decision maker is the general or Executive Director, Chief Engineer- It depends on the specifics of the business. Almost each of them has a secretary who screens out unwanted interlocutors, among which cold-call managers are secretly included.

Is it possible to overcome this obstacle? Let's consider several options:



Dialogue Example

1. Minimum information, maximum perseverance

Do not give your name or company. Do not fawn and do not fawn. Clearly and confidently ask to switch to the person you need. Don't give detailed answers. We are trying to break the pattern: most often, the secretary is introduced, explaining the reason for the appeal. If you do not give him this information, it is easier for him to connect you with the required person.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Connect with commercial director. - On what question? - Tell me it's Sergei. - Do you want to suggest something? - Not. - I can't connect unless you introduce yourself. - Tell him, this is Vasiliev. - Which Vasiliev exactly? Where? - From TDN. - Have you already talked to the director? - Yes.

2. Asking for help

We focus on the natural desire of a person to help. The secretary is pleased to show that he is aware of the competencies of persons from the company's management.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Tell me, please, Tatyana, you probably know who it is better to talk to in your company about the supply of metal for making swords.

3. We have already talked

We pretend that negotiations are already in progress. It works especially if you know the name of the decision maker. In extreme cases, we say that we did not have time to write down his full name.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Connect, please, with the general. - On what question? - The day before yesterday we spoke with him about the supply of metal.

4. Non-existent contact person

We pretend that we are negotiating with the right contact person, but we are mistaken in giving his name.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Connect with Vladimir Semyonovich. - We do not have that. - Strange ... Apparently, I made a mistake when I wrote it down. The fact is that a person from your company called us about the supply of metal. Tell me: who is in charge of this issue?

5. Non-existent mobile

We pretend that we know the number mobile phone the person we need, but we can’t connect with him in any way.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Good afternoon ... I can not get through to your director on the mobile. Is he there?

6. Two secretaries

Ask for help from a colleague, preferably a woman. One gets the impression that the same secretary is calling at the direction of his boss. Usually, the fact that the same performer makes a request is disarming.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Good day. My name is Svetlana, Metalloprodukt company. I'm calling at the request of our director Sergeev Ivan Petrovich. Please connect with your manager.

7. Application on the site

We make sure that an application has been left on your site, but the data is not completely filled out.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Good day. Advanced Technology Company. My name is Victor. On our website, on behalf of your company, an application for participation in the seminar "Advanced technologies for reforging swords into plowshares" has been left. But they left only the phone number and the name of the company. Who should I register as a workshop participant?

8. Interview

We introduce ourselves as a journalist of the specialized media and arrange a meeting.

- “Swords and plowshares”, Tatyana. How can I help? - Good day. The editors of the online magazine " General manager". Connect with the supervisor for an interview for our publication.

9. Two calls

Call for the first time asking for an address Email to send information to decision makers. Important: ask to whom exactly to address the letter.

Call a second time after a while and say that you need a person whose name you learned on the first call.

10. Call to the sales department

We tell the secretary that we want to talk to the sales department. There are never any problems with this. We assure the manager who picks up the phone that the secretary connected you by mistake, in fact you need (call the position of the decision maker), and we ask you to switch to it. According to the same scheme, you can contact the accounting department or another available unit.

11. Extension number

If the company provides automatic switching to the right employee, dial any three digits. Most likely, you will be able to get into any department, and then it’s a matter of technology - ask to connect with the one you need.

12. Call to non-working time

Try to call half an hour before the start of the working day or 30 minutes after it ends. Secretaries in most cases come and go at set hours, so there is a chance to get right on the leader.

13. Foreigner

We ask you to connect with the decision maker at foreign language, and it’s better not in English, so it’s less likely that you will be understood. If you do not speak languages ​​- prepare yourself with the help of Yandex or Google services. Unfamiliar speech and the fear of scaring off a foreign partner will push the secretary to connect you with the director.

I need the Director Ivan Petrov (in English).

J "ai besoin d" un directeur de Ivan Petrov (in French).

Necesito un director Ivan Petrov (in Spanish).

See how the individual ways look in real life:

Cold calling + objection handling

Very expensive

  • It's great that the budget of the company is so important to you. Tell me, is it only a matter of price or do you have other wishes to change our product / service?
  • Therefore, all our regular customers are people who appreciate quality and do not like to pay twice.
  • Yes, each of us would like to get excellent service and excellent quality, paying as little as possible. But you know perfectly well that most often these concepts are incompatible. Is it important to you that the product is reliable?

I will think

The answer "I'll think about it" is the equivalent of a polite refusal. Specify what exactly confuses the client in your product:

  • Of course, as you wish. Let me tell you about the additional benefits of our product so that it is easier for you to make a decision.
  • I think in general you liked our offer. Or are there things you don't understand?

Submit a commercial offer

  • Yes, definitely. But I ask you to clarify a couple of questions in order to compose it specifically for you, taking into account your needs.
  • Of course, I will send you an offer as soon as we meet and talk about special conditions that we can offer to your company. Your office is on the fifteenth floor, am I right?
  • I think you get a lot of offers. In order not to take up your time, let's clarify what is most relevant for you, and I will prepare an offer based on your wishes.

  • Perhaps now our product is not of interest to you. But over time, you may need it and you will know exactly where to go so as not to waste time searching.
  • Tell me, what conditions of cooperation would suit you?

If you give me a 30% discount, I will buy

  • We would gladly give you this discount if we overcharged. But we initially form the price so that you do not overpay, so this is already an excellent offer compared to competitors.
  • We practice providing such discounts if _____ or ______. Let's discuss the details, and if you fall under these conditions, I will seek a reduction in cost for you.

Others are cheaper

  • Yes, of course, someone's price is always lower. But are you ready to check on your own experience, due to what they offer such conditions? Are you ready to receive a low quality product or limited service?
  • Yes, but the price is not the only criterion when choosing, right? Let me explain what is the difference between our products and then you can decide if it is worth paying less. In any case, the choice is yours.

We work with others

  • It's great that you appreciate your partners. But I am not saying that you should cut off your cooperation. Let me tell you what else we can offer you.
  • Yes, it is a good supplier. But listen to our offer: it will probably help you negotiate a lower price with him. Or start working with us.

How Sales Managers Fail Cold Calling

A cold call is likely to fail if you:

  • Don't prepare for dialogue.

A cold call involves a conversation on a specific topic within a given time limit. Each replica should be confident, thoughtful and with a clear goal.

  • You will lead a boring monologue on one note.

Not a single person will listen to your memorized speech, especially if it is spoken without emotion and the slightest interest in the result. An attempt to speak without allowing replicas from the interlocutor is the second mistake. Not only do you have to convey information about the product, your task is to determine the needs of the client and collect as much information about him as possible.

  • Don't use words that show politeness.

Be courteous in conversation: Saying "thank you", "please" and "all the best" indicates your respect for the other person.

  • You will be selling goods on the go.

The biggest chance of failing a cold call is to start with a sale. A person who is not ready to buy will immediately refuse, even if your offer is attractive from any point of view. Generate interest first, get the client to talk, and secure an appointment.

What does a good cold call look like?

  1. A telephone conversation should not last more than five minutes.

The best option is three minutes. This is not as small as it seems. If you do not scatter on unnecessary details, it is quite possible to calmly and confidently convey the necessary information and get a positive answer.

  1. The interlocutor does not see you, but this is not a reason to sit with a sour face.

Exude kindness, good mood perfectly conveyed by your intonation.

  1. Focus on the buying company.

"You", "your company", "you will get", "you are right" and so on.

  1. Maximum specificity in the proposal.

Instead of “Maybe we will meet? ..” we say “When is it more convenient for you to meet - on Thursday or Friday?”. The first question allows the interlocutor to refuse, the second not only excludes such a possibility, but also forces you to flip through the diary in search of free time.

Why Record a Cold Call Dialogue

The calling process must be controlled. A cold call script is an algorithm by which an employee acts. However, professionals recommend checking how the manager "walks" through the script. The easiest way to do this is to listen to recorded conversations between your subordinates and potential buyers.

There are several benefits of recording cold calls:

  1. You are gradually collecting an invaluable archive, where you can find both a dialogue that can become a model for other employees, and an example of a failed conversation that demonstrates how not to work with a client.

Working on mistakes will help managers hone the technique of cold calls, and transcripts of recordings will form the basis of training for staff. The best dialogues that ended in a sale are used to correct scripts, while the bad ones serve as material for typing errors that lead to a deal failure.

  1. Knowing that their work is being recorded and reviewed keeps managers on track follow the established rules and achieve the best results.

Naturally, you can't listen to absolutely every conversation, but employees are zealous because they don't know whose call is being monitored at the moment. As a rule, ambitious people go to sales, and no one wants to be the worst.

  1. Bank of records- good way insure against conflict. Unpleasant situations happen to both employees and customers. Having the evidence base in hand, you have a serious advantage in their analysis.

Let's outline the measures that will help set up the process of wiretapping calls and make it regular:

  1. The first step is the integration of CRM with IP-telephony. This the only way technically ensure the recording of cold calls for their subsequent study.
  2. Periodically ask the head of sales for information about the most problematic stages of transactions. To answer this question, he will have to regularly listen and analyze cold calls.
  3. Constantly ask the head of sales for links to the best and worst dialogue recordings. This will not allow him to abandon work on the mistakes of managers, and the data bank will be regularly updated with fresh cases.
  4. Instruct to develop manager development checklists - checklists with the skills needed by the seller. On their basis, it is possible to carry out a technological analysis of the qualitative parameters of telephone conversations, and not just give them a subjective assessment.

3 ways to evaluate the effectiveness of cold calls

  • Evaluation of the performance of each manager.

Count the number of calls made by one employee per day. Often the manager plays for time, preferring to work with the base, and not with live clients. This approach is explained by the high stress load: telemarketers are constantly faced with a negative reaction from the interlocutor.

Experience shows that every employee should make 100-120 daily cold calls. If this figure is below 80, it is worth taking action.

  • Evaluation of the performance of each manager.

You can calculate sales performance by dividing the number of successful cold calls per manager by their productivity and multiplying the result by 100%. The average figure, depending on the business area, varies from 5 to 15%. It is necessary to keep statistics for each employee and use the data obtained to motivate him.

  • Evaluation of the profitability of "cold" telemarketing.

Profitability is calculated by the formula: ((income - expenses) / expenses) * 100%.

  1. Enter a system of motivation for account managers. The effectiveness of motivation in cold sales is quite high, so it makes sense to identify the best manager every month and encourage him financially.
  2. Edit and change the sales script. If, as a result of the analysis, it turns out that most of the dialogues end at the same step, it is worth making adjustments to this part of the conversation script.
  3. Implement a CRM system that can be linked to telephony. As a result, you will be able to track how much time an employee spends on cold calls, as well as immediately see who and when the deal was closed.

    The introduction of an auto-dial system, which independently selects a client and makes a call, will minimize the likelihood of a manager delaying the conversation.

  4. Train your managers. Don't challenge telemarketers to mechanically reproduce script text. It should serve as the basis for their confident speech that can interest the client, while the ability to improvise is only encouraged.

These skills need to be worked out at internal trainings or by inviting reputable sales specialists.

  • Igor Alyasiev, Elena Alexandrova “Direct sales: features of national “cold calls”.

The feeling of indecision is familiar to anyone who had to make the first cold call in their life. What to say at the very beginning? How to continue so that the interlocutor wants to listen to you? What might be of interest to him? How to respond to objections? How to get an appointment? How to get a positive result in the end, how to achieve the goal set by the management?

The answers to all these questions are in the book, so anyone who wants to overcome their shyness and fear, learn how to find contact with any client, convince and sell by phone, it will be very useful. The authors supplemented the second edition with examples of real dialogues.

  • Stephen Schiffman "Cold Calling Techniques"

The sales manager faces difficult tasks: to get an agreement to a meeting, to present a product or service, to achieve a deal. How to do it easily and successfully, how to achieve your goals and raise your own bar higher and higher? The book offers proven ways to solve these problems.

  • Anastasia Kozachenko Cold calls and what they are eaten with.

The technique of cold calling does not lose its relevance, and the author of this book has done everything to convey to readers the maximum useful information. Just look at the content, and it becomes clear that there is everything that a person who aspires to become an ace in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bsales may need.

Each firm or company has a priority in attracting a large flow of new customers quickly and efficiently. Therefore, cold sales are a very important tool.

Cold selling involves contact with a client who is not focused on purchasing products and is not waiting for an offer for them.

The technology of cold sales appeared on the market relatively recently, but during this time it managed to acquire notoriety. This technique began to be called spam and telephone hooliganism. This is natural, because potential customers do not have sympathy for a stranger who is trying to convey information about an unknown product or service. This fact complicates the process of attracting customers to the business in this way. But by increasing the flow of customers is a priority - and the cold market is no exception.

The main goal of cold sales is to turn a person who is not interested in the product into a client, as a result of which . It turns out that the main audience that cold market managers work with are people who have not purchased the product from the company. It often seems from the side of the client that the seller is trying to impose a product, so the decisive factor here is the professionalism of the manager, who must change the point of view of a potential client and arouse his interest in the product.

A few years ago, the main tools of the cold market were the legs of sales managers: they were engaged in the technique of the cold market - street sales. Inhabitants apartment buildings in cities, they have probably come across this method of supply more than once. Now, with the development of the Internet and telephony, the cold market has migrated to offices - its tool has become a telephone, through which the initial and important work with a client base.

Features of cold sales

If you take a deeper look at the issue with the method of cold sales - phone calls, then it becomes clear that the primary difficulty here is to involve a potential buyer in communication about the product, showing his interest.

Write your question in the form below

In purposeful communication with the client, the company uses the most democratic and profitable way - by calling him by phone. During the conversation, you can evaluate the response to the offer, track all changes in active sales.

The essence of direct sales is to establish contact with the buyer through remote communication by selling him a product or service. In this situation, the main task is assigned to a specialist who is able to convince a potential client using various techniques. Analysts have identified a classic scenario that includes several main points:

  • Establishing contact with the buyer;
  • Introduction of leading questions and subsequent analysis of the client's needs;
  • Advertising a product or service, justifying the usefulness of the product, describing its main properties;
  • Conclusion of a sales agreement.

Cold calling is a controversial but highly effective direct sales strategy. It is a manager's call with several interchanges pre-compiled by the firm. This is a great way to take into account all possible risks and increase the profitability of the business. Unfortunately, not all bosses consider cold sales tactics to be effective, although studies show that they work in 80% of cases.

Let's consider one example. Company N, which sells refrigerators, used only “cold” calls in sales, without changing the schemes and without experimenting with variations of ongoing events. Experts assess this approach as wrong, because the most important criteria in developing strategies are:

  • Thinking through all events "in advance";
  • Using several different approaches to the client;
  • Careful analysis of successful calls and the use of modern technologies.

The last point is very important for increasing sales. Persuasion in sales by phone allows you to get the maximum result and profitably sell the product to the client. So, how to use the NLP technique correctly and convince buyers of the need for your product?

Cold calls and scripts: what you need to know? telephone sales technique

A pre-designed cold call script is a successful solution to most problems, working in more than 50% of cases. The main purpose of scripts is a concession used by the manager when receiving a negative response from the client. Consider one of the examples:

- Good afternoon, Nikolai Alekseevich.

- Greetings.

- I'm Alexey, I am a representative of the company "Crowl".

Yes, what did you want?

- Our company is engaged in personal trainings for management personnel. We help to properly reallocate resources, increase sales efficiency and promptly train employees.

Sorry, but I don't have time for this.

- Can I clarify: you would like to ensure maximum efficiency of work so that the lack of free time does not scare you?

- Thank you, we are satisfied. The company's employees are fully loaded and even beyond that.

“Then we have come to the right place. The main goal of the trainings is to optimize sales and redistribute the load.

We really don't have time for this.

Everything is fine with you, but there is no time for development. So, do you think that you have achieved success and there is nowhere to go further?

- To some extent.

- When mentioning your field of activity, the name of another company comes first. Why? Are they your competitors?

- Okay, you convinced me. What is the cost of your training?

The dialogue above uses a technique of persuading people over the phone, which, in principle, works. But in order to be able to quickly get out of the situation, the manager needs preliminary outlines of the call. This will help the classic and universal crypt, which is suitable for absolutely all areas of activity.

So, let's identify the main scheme of manager's behavior in a situation of "cold call":

  1. persuasive speech. Believe me: almost 90% of interlocutors hear uncertainty in their voice, which can interfere with the implementation of your plans. Be relaxed and friendly, let the client know that you are fully savvy in the provision of services.
  2. Identification of needs. First of all, be sure that you are talking to the right person. Feel free to clarify this in the correct form. Ask leading, clarifying, counter questions to extract the maximum benefit from the conversation.
  3. Product presentation. Probably the most important item of all. Here, the “green light” is lit for you: demonstrate your service or product to the buyer, revealing its advantages as accurately as possible and masking the disadvantages, if any.
  4. Fight objections. The categorical “No, thank you!” that can be heard after offering a service should be covered with logical reasoning and reasoning. Show the customer how important this purchase can be to them.
  5. Make a deal. At this stage, you must resolve all the main issues (discuss delivery, promotions, nice bonuses, etc.). Do not forget to say goodbye to the client and thank him for his responsiveness.

Important! Do not use subjunctive phrases in your speech. “I would like to ask you…” - ask. "Could you tell me" - no, you couldn't! Avoid such constructions, be persistent in your manifestations.

Real attitude to NLP in telephone sales. Is it worth it?

Is it necessary in NLP sales And how can it be used in the most efficient way? The answer to this question interests many managers and employees of firms. It is believed that everyone is individual, but using NLP in sales is definitely a good idea.

Programming methods should be based on the ability to ask and analyze clarifying questions in order to subsequently use them in a conversation with a client. The manager must also speak professionally. Asking the right question forces the buyer to rethink their answer. The popular phrase "I should discuss this with my manager/wife/employer" can easily be twisted in your favor.

Techniques for persuading interlocutors are very popular today and are taught at trainings. Not every specialist can master the techniques of NLP, but the one who does this will become a truly qualified personnel for the company.


Now you know how to convince people over the phone to get the most out of it. According to statistics, the openness, goodwill and correctness of the manager is half the success. Forget about uncertainty, fear and caution - show the client that both parties should be interested in cooperation. The phrases "I'm sure it's the right decision”, “I will call you back in half an hour and we will continue the discussion”, “You will be happy by purchasing ...” - a kind of lifesaver that will help you increase business efficiency. Good luck!

Editor's CV

I will use the powers of the editor and supplement the author’s article with points of my own rich experience in sales and cold calls:

  • the average customer in 90% of cases buys after the 7th touch, and 80% of sales managers make no more than 2 calls;
  • the task of a cold call is not to sell, but to take the next step in the relationship with the client, on the basis of which I would not use the above script;
  • NLP in sales is almost always manipulation, customers are people, and they feel manipulation on a subconscious level, and even if they buy once, then they will not let you in with your NLP and a cannon shot;
  • current trends in marketing, sales and customer behavior are such that the pre-touch system runs without calls, and telephone conversation only "wraps" and polishes the buyer's consent to the transaction; for example, before any purchase today people read reviews;
  • it is important to have a portrait of a typical client, with his pains and real problems, before making calls;
  • if there is no confidence in the product, no energy and enthusiasm, you will not sell anything, because people read it at a deep level.

The higher the transaction price, the more important and expedient it is to use and telephone sales. Test, practice, and everything will work out!

Do you like it when strangers call you and offer something? I don't think any of us like it. “You call me without knowing anything about me and offer something that I will never need. Why are you wasting my time?” - this is the reaction that causes an uninvited call.

The main reason why cold calls cause irritation is thoughtlessness and unpreparedness. Many salespeople turn cold calls into banal calls, forgetting that their goal is not to call a directory, but to set up a meeting with a client. If your goal is not to torture, but to sell, then the following rules and techniques of cold calling will allow you to achieve it.

Rule 1. Find a reason

A cold call is a call that your potential client does not expect and without prior preparation, the chances of establishing contact with him are very low. Gather as much information about the company as possible before contacting the company. Talk to someone in the service department and find out what they offer to their customers.

A good reason for a cold call can be a discussion of materials published on the company's website or in online media. And viewing publications or interviews will give you an excellent opportunity to contact a company representative directly, for example:

“Good afternoon, Sergey Stepanovich! My name is Igor Makarov, StarNet company. I read your interview in Vedomosti yesterday and I am calling to express my respect for you as a far-sighted leader.

I agree with what you said about big company there must be a resource that unites all departments and creates integral structure organizations. We are just dealing with intranet systems, I would like to drive up to you to tell about our solutions and get to know you personally.”

Rule 2: Don't Sell Over the Phone

In telephone conversations, all you have is your voice and your smile, which is always heard over the phone. Product knowledge and belief in what you offer desired item will give your voice confidence.

Start the conversation by introducing yourself and the company. Remember that you are not selling by phone, but call to understand the interest. The phrase “We want to offer you” is perceived by the client as “We want to sell you”. It's better to start like this:

“Good afternoon, Sergey Stepanovich! This is Viktor Mikhailov from the PromElectro company. We are engaged in the supply of welding and electrical equipment. Could this be of interest to you?”

The undoubted advantage of communication by phone is that you can be anyone and in any position. It's all about how you control yourself and how you control your voice. When used correctly, this cold calling technique is very effective.

Rule 3: Respect the customer's choice

The company you call most likely already has established relationships with suppliers of products similar to yours. Always respect the choice of the client and do not question it. Cold call pressure doesn't work and beeps on the other end of the line.

I also want to warn you against aggression and farce. Do not say: “I will make you an offer that you cannot refuse” Communicate with people in a human way simply and with their permission: “Let me tell you about the opportunity ...”

When you get the answer: “We are already working with another supplier, everything suits us”, you can clarify: “Understood. Are you completely satisfied or is there still a need to improve something?”

Focus on discussing what your client likes about working with his supplier and what is most important to him. By establishing good contact without showing obvious interest, you will be able to understand whether everything is perfect in reality.

Rule 4. Distinguish a waiver from an objection

Be prepared for the fact that no one is waiting for your cold call and a potential client can:

a) do not want to talk to you;
b) not be able to talk to you.

When talking on the phone, immediately include the client in the dialogue - it will be more interesting for him, and it will be easier for you. Forget about your presentation, save it for a face-to-face meeting.

When you hear the answer: “I don’t have time for this,” this is an objection, not a refusal. Make an appointment in person: “I understand. Let me come to you to tell you everything. Will Tuesday at three o’clock suit you?”

Learn to feel the line between importunity and perseverance. When you are told a categorical “no” - this is a refusal. Don't call fire on yourself, just end the conversation.

If you know that there is potential interest in your product, then keep calling from time to time. The situation in the company may change and, perhaps, after a series of refusals, they will say to you: "Okay, let's see what you have there." The advantage of this technique is that over time, a cold call ceases to be cold.

Rule 5. Make an appointment

Use every opportunity to make an appointment. Remember that sales cannot be made over the phone and it is easier to refuse over the phone. Sometimes you can say directly to the client: “We are engaged in .... and we want to become your supplier. Let's meet and I'll tell you about our products."

The optimal duration of a cold call is 2 minutes, the maximum is 5 minutes. If the call lasts longer, the likelihood of an appointment decreases sharply.

Separately, I want to dwell on the answer as: "Send your proposal by fax." You can continue the conversation like this:

“I will gladly prepare all the information for you. In order for me to offer exactly what you need, let me clarify ... ”or like this:

“Of course I can send you our price list. But it is on 10 sheets and I feel sorry for your paper. Tell me, in order to shorten the information and save your time, which section of our product list would be of most interest to you - this one or this one?”

After clarifying your questions, prepare an offer for letterhead and take him personally, explaining that you want to get acquainted. Be sure to bring a positive attitude and recommendations from your clients to the meeting.