Tk dismissal without working off. Term of work upon dismissal of your own free will

In the article, we will take a closer look at dismissal by on their own without working off: terms, a sample application for dismissal, stages of dismissal. If the employee wishes to terminate the employment relationship with the employer, a letter of resignation is written, while the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the time frame for which the employer should be notified about this event on a declarative basis. These terms are prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in part 3 of article 80.

These periods represent the working period, after which the company has the right to terminate the employment relationship with this employee, having carried out the dismissal procedure, taking into account the norms prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It does not matter whether the employee works during the working period, is sick or on vacation, the term does not change or extend.

Dismissal rules without working off

If certain conditions are met, these terms can be neglected by issuing the dismissal of a worker without working off. Moreover, not only the mutual consent of the participants is provided labor relations, but also cases of mandatory cancellation of working off.

The employee should understand that the working hours are provided not only for the companies of employers, but also for the worker himself. The employee has the right to reconsider his decision to stop working and at any time during this period withdraw his application, continuing to work on the same conditions. The employer, however, during this period searches for another employee to replace the quitting one, thereby minimizing the possible damage associated with the employee's departure.

When dismissal without work is necessary

You do not need to work out the prescribed period if:

  1. The employee finds himself in a situation that prevents the continuation of the work process and the performance of labor functions;
  2. Violations on the part of the company of the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, conditions employment contract or internal documentation, for example, a collective agreement (late payment of wages, refusal to provide guarantees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - vacation, sick leave).

In these paragraphs, the employee forms a statement stipulating the desired date of dismissal, which will carry out this procedure. The application must contain the appropriate basis for the absence of working off, documented.

The first paragraph, when the worker is unable to work further, may include different situations, specific closed list in the legislation is not enshrined, and therefore it is open. In each situation, the possibility of canceling the working off is decided on an individual basis.

The following situations can be distinguished that impede further work:

  • Admission to an educational institution - confirmed by a certificate from the dean's office;
  • Retired status - confirmed by a pension certificate;
  • An illness that interferes with the performance of duties at this work is confirmed by the conclusion of the attending physician;
  • Moving - confirmed by a departure and arrival sheet;
  • Disability, if it does not allow performing work functions, is confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • Caring for a sick relative or young child;
  • Other cases.

If the dismissal is related to violations by the employer of his obligations, then you must first inform about this first. labor inspection, then you can contact the prosecutor's office or court.

At least one of these bodies should hold the company accountable for the violations found, only then can you write a statement demanding dismissal without working out. Otherwise, the violation will be regarded as a personal, subjective opinion of the employee, not supported by anything, in which case it will not work to quit on such grounds.

Dismissal of their own free will without working off. Sample application

The document is addressed to the management of the company where the employee works, which is recorded in the upper right part of the form with an entry about the name of the company, full name of the director. Below are the details of the applicant.

The text includes:

  • Request for dismissal;
  • The reason for this (for example, own desire due to retirement);
  • The date on which the dismissal must pass;
  • A link to the clause of the legislative document giving the employee the right to demand dismissal by the specified date (3 h. 80 of Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The stated information is confirmed by the employee by means of a signature and its decryption. The document should be dated on the day of writing.

Application for dismissal of your own free will without working off - example

Download an example of an application for dismissal of an employee of his own free will

Mutual consent of the parties

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the relationship to be terminated before the end of the term of service, if both parties agree with this.

Mutual consent must be documented. The employee can propose to the management to dismiss him in connection with a personal desire on a certain day in a declarative manner - a written statement is drawn up on behalf of the employee and transmitted through personnel service the management of the company.

In response to the application, the following actions are possible:

  • If the employer is ready to satisfy the applicant's request, then an appropriate approval resolution is put on the form, which starts the dismissal procedure on the designated day;
  • If the employer does not mind dismissing before the end of the term, but on a day that does not coincide with that specified in the application, then the employee is required to rewrite the application again, indicating the date indicated by the employer. The date is stipulated in the agreement concluded between the parties to the employment relationship;
  • If the employer is against early dismissal, then he sends the employee a written refusal, inviting him to draw up a new application, taking into account the requirements of Article 80 on 2-week work.

Download an example of an employee dismissal refusal statement

Dismissal of a disabled person of his own free will without working off

The norms of part 3 of article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative documents do not give a clear wording in relation to persons with disabilities and the possibility of terminating labor relations with them without fulfilling the prescribed period.

However, the specified paragraph labor code allows you to quit before the end of the warning period in situations in which it is not possible to continue working. This wording can be applied to a disabled person if his disability does not make it possible to perform the duties prescribed for the position held, and interferes with the continuation of the work process. At the same time, a disabled person should be provided with documentary evidence that, due to his disability, he cannot continue to work, and therefore he should be dismissed on the day specified in the application. Such a document may be a certificate received from the attending physician.

When determining the opportunity to quit ahead of time the end of working out, the nature of the work performed should be taken into account. After all, the reason for the established disability may interfere with the performance of functions at one job, and not create any restrictions at another. For example, the absence of a leg will not allow working as a loader, but it does not interfere with working in sedentary jobs, for example, in the position of an accountant.

Another way for a disabled person to avoid compulsory work is to go on unpaid leave and, while on it, write a letter of resignation because of his own desire. This option is possible due to the fact that the specified type of leave for disabled people is allowed by law, its duration is up to 60 days a year.

Stages of dismissal of their own accord without working off

Dismissal of one's own free will without working off consists of the following stages:

  1. Execution of an application by an employee with justification of the reasons for dismissal before the end of the term of employment.
  2. Placing the approval resolution of the director on the application form.
  3. Formation of a dismissal order using the standard T-8 form (or our own developed order form) - this action is performed on the day indicated in the application.
  4. Entering a record of dismissal in the 11th section of a personal card (the basis is entered - clause 3 of article 77 of their own free will, as well as the date of dismissal and information about the order).
  5. Reflection of the entry in the work book (the same basis is prescribed that is indicated in the T-8 () form and the T-2 card).
  6. Carrying out the calculation of salaries and compensations with filling out a note-calculation according to the standard form T-61.
  7. Issuance due payments to the employee on the last working day.
  8. Issuance work book to its owner on the last working day.

, contrary to popular belief, is not always 2 weeks. Sometimes an employee is not obliged to work out anything at all. Read more about this in our material.

An employee's obligation to submit an application 2 weeks before dismissal

Employee wanting to finish labor activity from the employer, must warn the latter in advance, and be sure to do this in writing (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1). The term of the notice of dismissal is at least 14 days (2 calendar weeks), however, as follows from the above norm, other terms may be fixed in other norms of legislation. Here are examples indicating the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Working time upon dismissal: is it necessary to work after writing an application

Contrary to popular belief working 14 days upon dismissal(actual presence in the workplace) is optional. Labor legislation does not contain the concept of "working off". It is only about the minimum period for notification of the upcoming dismissal. Therefore, it does not matter whether the employee actually works during this period, whether he is on vacation or on sick leave. In the latter two cases, the notification period is not extended. This is also indicated by Rostrud in one of his letters - "On the procedure for dismissal ..." dated 05.09.2006 No. 1551-6.

With the consent of the management, it is possible to quit before the end of the period under consideration (part 2 of article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the basis for the termination of labor relations will not be a bilateral agreement, but still the employee's desire.

How to count 14 days upon dismissal

Download the order form
termination of an employment contract

The period for notification of the termination of employment is calculated in accordance with general principles calculation of the terms, enshrined in Art. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, - from the day following the day the employee submits the application. The calculation is based on calendar days, not working days. So, if an employee submitted an application on Friday, 12/30/2016, then the deadline will start running from 12/31/2016 (despite the fact that this day is a day off). The end of the term will fall on the corresponding day of the week after 14 days, in the given example - on Friday, 01/13/2016.

Starting from the day the application is submitted to the employer and until the last day of work, the employee has the right to withdraw his application. This right was granted to him by Part 4 of Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It seems that the cancellation of the application should be carried out in writing (similar to the application). Upon receipt of the relevant document, the employer is forced to stop all activities related to dismissal.

IMPORTANT! The law establishes one exception: the employee is still subject to dismissal if the employer has already invited another person in his place, who cannot be refused to conclude an employment contract. The invitation must be documented (in writing), otherwise the employee will successfully appeal the dismissal in court.

When two weeks' work is optional

The law provides for a number of situations when an employee does not need to wait until a certain period of time expires (part 3 of article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). So, the employer is obliged to formalize the dismissal on the day chosen by the employee and indicated by him in the application for dismissal, in cases where the termination of work is due to the following circumstances:

The above list is open source. In practice, the circumstances that give an employee the opportunity to quit without work are often recognized: illness of an employee, moving to the place of residence of a spouse, transfer of a spouse to work in another region, and some others.

Don't know your rights?

Separately highlighted is such a circumstance as the violation by the employer of the norms of labor legislation. Examples include non-payment or delay of wages, refusal to provide legal rest time, etc. However, such a violation must be recorded in writing by the competent authorities, which may include:

  • labor dispute commission;
  • Labour Inspectorate.

This was emphasized by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the ruling of March 17, 2004 No. 2 (subparagraph "b", clause 22). However, in practice, the positions of the courts are contradictory. So, in one case, the employer's refusal to dismiss the employee on the date he chose was recognized as legitimate, since the fact of violation of labor law was not recorded (determination of the Moscow City Court of August 26, 2011 in case No. 33-26923). And in another case, the court indicated: if violations of the law are confirmed by the materials of the case, the refusal to early dismissal unlawful, despite the lack of fixing violations by the relevant authorities (appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court of 08.08.2013 in case No. 11-23649).

How to calculate the last day of work if the date of dismissal is not indicated in the application

It is not always that employees who have expressed a desire to quit indicate a specific date for the end of the employment relationship in the application. And the employer may have a question: what day to dismiss in order not to violate the law?

It is recommended in such a situation to dismiss the employee on the last day of the notice period for the termination of the employment contract (in general, on the 14th day after the application is submitted). Dismissal both earlier and later this day can be recognized as illegal.

Thus, the dismissal before the 2-week period by the court can be regarded as a violation of the employee's right to withdraw his application before the last day of work. Indeed, by virtue of Part 6 of Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor relations are considered continued if, after 14 days, the employee does not insist on dismissal and continues to perform his labor functions.

At the same time, dismissal at a later date may be considered a violation of the employee's right to take up duties at a new place of work.

Thus, dismissal earlier or later than the legal term of the notice of dismissal may threaten the employer:

  • the imposition by the court of the obligation to pay the employee the average salary for the time of the forced absence from work, to restore the employee due to the illegality of the dismissal;
  • the imposition of administrative fines under Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

In view of the foregoing, the employer needs to calculate the last day of work based on the fact that it will be the 14th day after the employee submits an application.

The last day of work is a day off: from what day the employee is considered dismissed

Often, the last day of working off upon dismissal coincides with the weekend (according to the work schedule). What is the date to fire an employee? The answer is unequivocal: on the same 14th (3rd, if we are talking about seasonal workers, etc.) day.

Part 3 of Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains general rule: The employment relationship ends on the employee's last day. The only exceptions are situations when the employee actually did not work, but the average salary was saved for him.

Thus, the day off according to the schedule is for the worker during the day, when in fact he did not work, but was in an employment relationship. On such a day, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not prohibit dismissal. In addition, the employer has no reason to arbitrarily change the date of termination of employment against the will of the employee, expressed in the application.

Dismissal of an employee on another day may entail the consequences indicated above.

Let's summarize. Calculating the date of dismissal when dismissing an employee at his request does not present any particular difficulties. However, the employer should not arbitrarily change the term of dismissal, unless the employee asks for it (in writing).

Currently employment relationship well developed. In order to regulate them, a special branch of civil law was created - this is labor law... According to his code, every citizen is obliged to notify his employer in advance about the desire to quit.

Application must be made two weeks before the termination date work activities... But not everyone knows that there are exceptions to this point. If necessary, you can quit without working out. Keep in mind that labor law primarily protects workers, not employers. However, writing a statement quickly will not be enough.

Quit without work on the day of application

Few people know that every employee has the opportunity to quit right on the day of application. This can be done under certain conditions. It's important to know, how to quit without working out correctly so that later there will be no problems with the work.

Peace agreement of the parties

The easiest way is to carry out dismissal from work without working off with a peaceful agreement of the parties. Article 77 of the Russian Labor Code it is noted that it is possible to dismiss an employee on the day of filing an application if neither of the parties has any claims against each other on this issue. Before looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to quit without working off and how to do it, you just need to talk to your employer and try to negotiate peacefully. In addition, a retiring employee may recommend someone for their job. Such a replacement can significantly speed up the process of his dismissal.

Good reasons

Do not forget about Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It allows you to quit without working out if the employee has it good reason... These include:

A complete list of reasons can be found in the special rules of each individual company. Having decided on the reason, you will need to check if it is on the list. It can be quite extensive. For example, if a woman quit her job because her husband was transferred to a service in another city, this is also a good reason.

With regard to the violation of the labor code or the law by the employer, then in this case the employee will need file a complaint with a court or labor authority... It must be drawn up in accordance with all the established rules. It does not matter whether it is drawn up by an employee independently or with the help of a lawyer. If the court establishes the fact of violation of the labor code or the law, then the employee can ask for dismissal from the company without two weeks of work.

If the employee becomes aware that the employer has violated the employment contract or the law, then you should not immediately refuse to go to work after submitting the application. The court must first confirm this. Otherwise, absence from work within the prescribed 2 weeks of working off may well be regarded as absenteeism and have appropriate Negative consequences for the employee. For example, an employee who refused to perform his duties at the enterprise without good reason, can be fired already under the article, for absenteeism. Such dismissal can negatively affect the search for a new job.

Quit without working off within three days

Provided in the labor code and such conditions under which to quit work can be within three days without a two-week workout. Their list includes:

  1. An employment contract concluded for a period of less than two months. As well as staff reduction or complete liquidation of the organization. To terminate the employment contract, in this case, the initiator will only need to write a letter of resignation three days before its date.
  2. Dismissal on the initiative of one of the parties during the probationary period. Regardless of its duration. In this case, the initiator of the dismissal will also need to notify the other party three days in advance.
  3. Dismissal of employees who took seasonal work. But in this case, the right to dismiss within three days applies only to the employee himself. The initiator must notify the boss of his decision in three calendar days in writing. If the employer made the decision, then he will need to notify the employee of his decision in advance. The minimum term is a week.

There are also some other reasons to avoid two weeks of working before you leave. For example, during this period, the employee can use the remaining days of absence at his disposal. Upon written request, the employee will be able to go to rest the due date With subsequent dismissal... But it is important to note that this is only the goodwill of the employer, and not his direct responsibility. Therefore, he may not provide such an opportunity for an employee.

A similar option is also permissible if, at the time of working out with an employee there will be a period of incapacity for work... In this case, the dismissal will be confirmed in absentia on the day on which the application was submitted. In addition, the employer will have to pay for the entire period of incapacity for work.

RF contains grounds for. In paragraph 3 of the first part of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one of such grounds provides for the dismissal of an employee.

The procedure is spelled out in Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In order for an employee to resign, he must notify the employer about it two weeks before the proposed dismissal. These two weeks are popularly called "working off". The Labor Code does not provide for dismissal without working off, as such, but there is always a way out!

Dismissal from work without working off

There are several ways to quit an organization without a job.

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  1. If the employee simply does not want to appear at work or there is a conflict with the employer, then you can write vacation application followed by dismissal, it is spelled out in paragraph 2 of Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the last working day will be the last day of the vacation, it is on this day (or the next by agreement) that they will have to issue and make a calculation. But the vacation should be at least 14 days, so that there is no "working off", also do not forget that the employer may not sign the application for this vacation if there is a conflict.
  2. This dismissal by agreement of the parties(Article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By agreement of the parties, the employee leaves on the specified day (at the same time the calculation and issuance of the work book takes place). In this case, the consent of both the employee and the employer is required (clause 20 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 2 dated March 17, 2004 "On the application of Russian Federation Labor Code of the Russian Federation ").

At the same time, it turns out that this is possible both during (Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and during the period of temporary disability of the employee, and in other cases when the employer cannot dismiss the employee.

Application for dismissal without working off:

Let's consider how to correctly write a statement using the above methods without working out.

1. The statement reads as follows: I ask you to provide a vacation from "start date" to "end date" with subsequent dismissal (and here it is best to also put down the end date of the vacation, so that there will be no misunderstanding with the employer in the future);

2. The second option is more difficult. Some write:

"Please fire me from the date!"

This is not the correct option! For it turns out that the employee wants to be fired at his will, and this is a dismissal of his own free will (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It is best to use one of the following two ways to write without working out:

  • Write this in the statement:

I ask you to terminate the contract with me under paragraph 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (by agreement of the parties);

  • Or write not "Application", but "Proposal for termination of the employment contract", in which it is worth writing:

In accordance with paragraph 1. of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I propose to terminate (number and date of the contract) from such and such a date. Please report the results of consideration of the proposal in writing before such and such a date.

A written response will be required in case of dispute resolution.

And do not forget that in these options it is worth protecting yourself with the phrase: I reserve the right to withdraw the offer before giving an answer! Thus, you reserve the opportunity to stay in this organization.

Good luck and I will be glad to discuss this article on the forum!

The scariest phrase for every resigning employee is "". It so happens in life that when a person, for some reason, decided to radically change his life, he does not want to wait any longer, but wants to be fired immediately.

In this situation, a conflict of the parties arises:

  1. The employer does not want to let go of the resigning person quickly, while working off for 2 weeks is not always justified. Sometimes it is just the principled position of the leader.
  2. The employee wants to leave faster, especially if they are waiting for him at new position or there are other reasons that require immediate attention.

And here a person is faced with a number of questions that need to be addressed as quickly as possible. It is important that you should be clearly aware of your rights and obligations so that you do not later have to reap the benefits of wrong decisions. Often, employees do not have comprehensive information, and only know some legislative norms, which may lead to misinterpretation.

Upon dismissal, you should clarify the following questions:

  1. Working off upon dismissal of one's own free will, which is the basis of this concept.
  2. How to quit your job without working off.
  3. When justified.
  4. When it is necessary to count the term of service upon dismissal of your own free will.
  5. What to do if, it is necessary to work out for two weeks, but it does not work.
  6. How to quit according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  7. How to write a letter of resignation without working off.

Each of these questions has many nuances that you need to know before starting to defend your rights. To make a final decision, you should know the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and have an idea of ​​the existing practice in considering these cases.

The Labor Code provides for all possible situations that may arise between the parties in the employment process, working together, layoffs.

At the same time, this legislative collection cannot take sides, it only outlines a set of laws and rules that must be applied in emerging cases.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation describes that in the event of a break in labor relations, a time reserve must be provided for both parties, which makes it possible to prepare for this act. If the employer wants to terminate the contract with the employee, then his duties include the need to notify him 30 days in advance so that the person can find a new job for himself. Provided that the employee applies for dismissal on his own need, then he must go through dismissal with work in two calendar weeks.

This time is given to the employer to fill the vacant position. During the released period, the manager must find another employee, and if he does not find, then in any case he is obliged by law to dismiss the employee. Two weeks of working off upon dismissal are counted in a strictly established manner. Namely, not taking into account the day of filing. Working off 2 weeks includes weekdays, weekends, holidays, vacation days and the time off, that is, the countdown goes according to the calendar, and not according to work shifts.

A typical case was examined by the Yaroslavl Regional Court. The statement of claim was filed by an employee who considered herself dismissed and therefore did not appear at the due time for work, and meanwhile, according to the law, she was obliged to continue her work for another 14 days. As a result, the woman was. Wanting to challenge the record, she went to court, which did not satisfy her claim.

The presented court case shows how serious the consequences of trampling on legal work and inattention to paperwork can be.

In what cases, working off is not necessary

When an employee thinks about how to quit without working two weeks, he, first of all, is obliged to familiarize himself with the existing legislative acts. They stipulate who can quit right away and not work out the allotted 2 weeks.

Guided by the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you can quit without working off for the following reasons:

  1. Employee's minority. Those under the age of 18 can write an application for dismissal of their own free will without working off.
  2. While in the test period. During this period, the obligations between the parties are not considered stable, and they can interrupt them as soon as possible.
  3. With contractual obligations, if the document itself was drawn up for a period of less than 60 days. All short-term contracts are considered temporary, and therefore can be interrupted at any time.
  4. When the contract was worn. According to the law, a seasonal worker can quit without work if such a fact has been written in the employment contract.

It is clear from these legislative norms that it is not necessary to work out 2 weeks upon dismissal. In these cases, you will not have to work out two weeks, three days are given to prepare all papers.

The presented reasons for dismissal without working off are not exhaustive. It is also possible to quit your job without working for other reasons that are considered personal, but allow you to terminate contractual obligations earlier than the fourteen day period.

Personal reasons

An employee has the right to be dismissed for family reasons without work in such cases:

  1. There is a paper that attests to the fact that an employee has entered full-time study at a university.
  2. The resigning person has reached retirement age. You do not need to work if the employee stops working for this reason.
  3. ... These can be various points, both a ban on a specific type of activity, and the need to change the climatic zone.
  4. Resettlement. Do not forget that when you move, in order not to quit, you can arrange a transfer.
  5. Sending a spouse to another area, city, country, and as a result, the move of the whole family.
  6. Fulfillment of parental obligations to care for a minor under 14 years of age or belonging to a different age category, but who is a disabled person.
  7. Caring for other family members in connection with a detected disease and / or rehabilitation after an illness.

Personal reasons make it possible to avoid the working period in the listed cases.

Violation of labor laws

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation will help to understand whether it is possible to quit without working off if there are no personal reasons. Yes, such a possibility exists, and it is enshrined in Article 80.

The third paragraph of the rosary stipulates the possibility of leaving workplace without the need to stay on it for another two weeks if the employer violated the following points:

  1. On the part of the management, there were cases of violation of the norms of the labor code or other legislative acts directly related to the organization of labor and relationships within the team.
  2. The rules written in collective agreement, labor regulations or other internal documents.

Such violations on the part of the management, in the person of any of the representatives, entail dismissal on any day convenient for him. With such violations, the worker should not think about whether it is necessary to work out. He can simply indicate the day of his departure in the application, the only limitation is the indication of the past period. It is impossible to quit with the past number, since in this way the rights of the resigning person are automatically violated regarding the issuance of documents and settlement payments to him.

After dismissal, a person has the right to apply to the courts if the reason for dismissal requires it. It is also possible to recover compensation for violation of labor laws.

Dismissal statement without work

Do I need to work out for 2 weeks or is it possible not to do it.

In any case, in order to leave work, you will have to first draw up an application. A document for dismissal with or without work must be drawn up in writing. This can be done in handwriting or printed on any electronic device.

Many businesses develop their own forms that simplify the task of the resigning person and have the main chapters already completed. The format for the application is considered correct A4, but this does not mean that the document written on a different sheet will not be accepted.

If the main thing in the text of the statement is how to avoid working off, then it is necessary to first prepare the arguments and references to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which will subsequently be inserted in the right place.

When it comes to reached agreement with the head, about whether it is necessary to work upon dismissal, or reduction of terms, this fact is not reflected in the paper.

Sample application

Having decided whether it is necessary to work out two weeks upon dismissal, the leaving person writes an application, which sets out a request for leaving for special conditions... To do this, it is necessary to clearly establish how much to work off upon dismissal of your own free will. It is advisable to first settle this issue with the management, and only then submit an application.

At will, without working out, it is written in this way:

  1. Above is the name of the organization, the position of the head and the full name of the director or his deputy.
  2. Then the name of the paper is written.
  3. The text is presented in a dry and businesslike manner, it is necessary to express a desire to dismiss without working off.
  4. Specify the last date of birth.
  5. Refer to a reason that explains how to quit without working 2 weeks.
  6. At the end, the paper is dated and signed personally by the applicant.

If dismissal with working off is due, then the reason is not put, but the date of the last working day is simply indicated.

How to apply for an employer

There is a scheme verified at each enterprise for submitting an application to an employer. Such documents are never submitted directly to the director himself, because a whole chain has been developed through which the paper must pass before falling on personal signature... At the same time, only the manager can approve or reject the application.

There are two ways to apply:

By myself

In this case, it is necessary to focus on the existing hierarchy in the company, as well as the number of employees working there.

By mail

Usually dispatch is made by registered mail with or without notice.

Both methods are legal. Sometimes even the opportunity to personally submit a document forces the employee to resort to postal items... After all, the correspondence received in this way will certainly be processed and registered. Throwing it on the table or in the trash bin will no longer work.

It is important to remember that the paper is considered accepted from the moment it was registered as an incoming document or in the book of registration of documents on dismissal. Until that moment, the application can lie on the manager's table as much as necessary, but it is not considered accepted into circulation.

Dismissal registration

The paperwork for termination of the contract begins after the director approves the paper submitted by the employee. On the basis of the signed signature, an order is immediately issued on the need:

  • prepare all documents for calculation by the appointed date;
  • calculate and pay everything owed by law.

The order indicates the reason why the employee leaves, if such was described by him in the application. It also describes how much to work, indicating the end date.

On the basis of the issued order, u. The entry must fully comply with the reason stated in the order. When making an entry, it is important to follow the rules that prescribe what and in what order must be entered when filling out the lines.

The resigning person must be given to him on the day of leaving. This day is also considered the last day for the payment of the allowance.

Samples of documents

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