How to start a charcoal business? Charcoal production: technology, equipment Equipment for the production of charcoal.

    Compressed into briquettes, it releases 1.5 times more heat and burns longer. Do you want fragrant and juicy meat to go to everyone? No problem.

    Long-term preservation of high temperature and uniform burning allow you to reduce the time of cooking your favorite dishes on the grill and fry food well.

How to make charcoal with your own hands at home? After all, such safe grilling fuel is not as cheap as we would like. To minimize costs, some lovers of juicy meat on an open fire decide to set up the manufacturing process on their own. But this requires skill and knowledge of the nuances of production.

So, not everyone knows that the quality of coal depends on the raw materials used. Grade "A" is made from hardwood (beech, birch, oak), "B" - from a mixture of hard and soft woods, "C" - with the addition of conifers(pines, spruces, larches, fir).

What is coal from wood and how to use it for the benefit of themselves, even cavemen knew. And the Bronze Age turned this environmentally friendly fuel into the most important industrial object. Now up to 9,000,000 tons of valuable raw materials are produced all over the world per year.

If you neglect the rules of production, the result is unlikely to please you - there will be little coal, it will turn out smaller than you expected, weak and with many cracks. So if you want to make your own fuel, stick with useful tips from our article. In the end, if the first pancake is lumpy, you can buy and cook the best meat on the grill, enjoying the process.

How to get charcoal at home: digging a hole

A fairly simple way that came to us from distant ancestors. Let's break it down step by step to make it easier for you to repeat each step and make good raw materials:

    First, we dig a hole of a cylindrical shape. We follow its walls - they must be strictly vertical. How much coal you get depends on the diameter and depth. If the first indicator is up to 80 cm, and the second is up to 50, you can count on about 2 bags of fuel.

    We tamp the bottom - with a special skating rink or legs, if it is not there. The main thing is that the soil does not mix with coal.

    We are building a fire in a pit. To do this, we take small branches, be sure to dry birch bark. We do not use chemical-based fire extinguishers.

    While burning, gradually add firewood and branches. Our task is to evenly cover the entire bottom with them.

    Did the fire ignite? Then it's time to proceed to the main stage - to get the prepared raw materials for coal mining at home.

    What should be the wood? The first advice is that they must be cleaned of bark. It gives a lot of smoke, the product is of lower quality. The second tip is that it is more convenient to use ready-made raw materials if you pre-cut the wood into pieces no larger than 30 cm in size.

    Next, we move on to the production of charcoal at home (below is a video with the manufacturing process). During burning, we put new firewood on top of the old ones - as soon as they burn out. Gradually the hole will fill up.

How long will you have to wait? How long it takes to turn wood into fuel depends on the density of the feedstock - hard rocks burn longer, but give a product best quality. Get ready for the fact that you will perform subsequent manipulations only after a few hours - two or three.

Let the charcoal cool down before filling the bags. To do this, green grass is thrown over the pit, the resulting mound is covered with an earthen layer, leveled and rammed. The next step is to wait for two days. During this time, the raw material cools down. After that we are engaged in sifting and packing. That's all. The fuel is ready - it can be used at least for the next day.

Remember: the larger the pieces into which you divided the firewood, the longer the burning will last.

How to make charcoal in a barrel yourself?

To implement another method, we need a barrel with thick metal walls. The larger its size, the larger your reserves will be. It is impossible to adapt a container used for storing petroleum products for the manufacture of raw materials. If there is no other option, first burn it out and only then fill it.

There are two options for burning in a barrel:


There are practically no differences from a similar process in the pit. But there is one clarification - if you use a large container (up to 200 liters), you must leave six heat-resistant bricks at the bottom. Prepared firewood should be laid on them, loading them until the bricks disappear behind the coals. Then we place a grate on the burnt logs and only send the following batches to it. We put the wood tightly, avoiding gaps between the masonry elements and rows. We cover the filled barrel with a sheet of iron as soon as a flame appears on the surface.

To speed up the burning, you can make a hole in the bottom. Air will pass through it. However, this is not required condition. Keep track of the color of the smoke coming out. If it has turned gray, it's time to seal the barrel tightly and let it cool. After that, it remains to get the coals and use them.


In this case, the container filled with firewood must be covered with a lid made of non-combustible material. We leave holes for the release of gases. Their size is minimal, since the temperature inside should reach 350 degrees.

The barrel should not be on the ground - we put it on the platform. You can build it from several bricks, for which a metal sheet serves as a stand. Between the bricks it is necessary to kindle a fire. It will heat up the container. After a while, the firewood inside it will begin to oxidize, gas will flow. After it stops coming out, it is necessary to leave the barrel on fire for 2-3 hours, and then remove it. All holes in the lid must be sealed.

Here's how to make charcoal at home with minimal effort. The described methods are far from all of the available and used ones. Their main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to track the process (with a closed barrel it is almost impossible). Only when you get the hang of it and gain experience in burning, it will be possible to determine to the minute when the product will be ready. The problems encountered at first are typical for beginners - this is either unburned raw material, or its burnout.

How to adapt a do-it-yourself charcoal stove

If you have a wood-burning stove in your country house, consider yourself lucky. It does not require any additional devices. You do not have to dig a hole or look for a container for fuel preparation. You can choose what has already burned out and immediately lower it into a cooling container (ceramic tub, bucket). The process is simple and very easy to follow.

Here are some tips for those who decide to make charcoal at home using a wood-burning stove:

    Where to put dropouts? If it's a pity to throw away the crumbs, recycle them into briquettes and use them to light the grill.

    How to do more coal at home? There is one way - risky, but effective. When the firewood is well flared, it is necessary to tightly close all the doors and dampers. After that, you need to wait 15 minutes - during this time the wood should burn out. Then it remains only to scoop out the finished raw material and place it in a hermetically sealed bucket or tub to cool.

It is the stove that is most suitable for making charcoal with your own hands at home - with it you will see the result and control the burnout. And if you don’t feel like messing around, you can always buy ready-made ones.

Charcoal is still used in many areas of our lives, often being an indispensable product. First of all, you need to draw up a business plan that will help you start an excellent, profitable production.

Today, you can quickly establish the production of various types of charcoal:

  • black from softwoods (alder, linden, poplar, aspen);
  • white from hardwoods (hornbeam, birch, oak, elm);
  • red, obtained by soft charcoal.

Manufacturing technology

The charcoal business is the use of a special technology that allows the production of coal from raw wood, which is used today in many industries. In this case, the pyrolysis process is used, that is, the raw material is burned in a furnace without oxygen access. For such production, special charcoal kilns are used, consisting of a chamber for making coal and drying.

The process is as follows: the raw material is fed into the loading chamber, after which its burning begins.

After the sensors show that the coal has burned out and is completely dry, they begin to unload it to cool.

For the manufacture of charcoal, various raw materials can be used: knots, hemp, most of the waste from logging, furniture factories, and other woodworking enterprises. The plan may also take into account the fact that ordinary firewood can also be used for production, although such raw materials are more expensive, and the quality of coal is higher. Approximate consumption of raw materials for the manufacture of one ton of products: birch firewood - 7-8 cubic meters, softwood firewood - 11-12 cubic meters.

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Approximate expenses for the organization of production

When drawing up a coal production plan, we take into account the following financial costs:

Purchase of equipment for the production of charcoal:

  • a special charcoal kiln, the cost of which ranges from 17 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • hydraulic equipment for chopping firewood and raw materials, an ordinary cleaver. Cost - from 55 rubles. a piece;
  • electronic scales costing from 5 thousand rubles;
  • chainsaws cost about 5 thousand rubles;
  • electric generator cost about 12 thousand rubles;

Purchase of raw materials (plan - 30 tons of products per month):

  • chopped firewood. The cost is from 1200 rubles. up to 1700 per cu. m. You can save money by using the waste of a logging company, the cost here is much less, but the quality of the coal is lower;
  • bags for packaging production. The cost is from 7-10 rubles per piece.
  1. Salary for production workers: based on five people - 75-100 thousand rubles. per month.
  2. Documents required to register a business. The cost is from about 10 thousand rubles.
  3. The plan should then include the following costs:
  • rent of a workshop room for production and a warehouse - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising, transport and other expenses.

In total, the minimum plan for the production of charcoal and its implementation requires an initial investment of 500 thousand rubles. The cost of a kilogram of coal is 17-20 rubles. The average income per month that such a business can provide for entry level, is approximately 70 thousand rubles.

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Business payback

Any business development plan must necessarily take into account the payback. In the production of charcoal, in order to have a great initial start, you can start with a capacity of about 30-40 tons per month. To do this, you can purchase a variety of furnaces, it depends on what kind of initial capital you have. Some charcoal kilns are more expensive, there are models that are low in price, but the main thing is to correctly calculate their power and consumption of raw materials. It is recommended that you first plan for more economical production, gradually increasing capacity and identifying new markets.

The total cost of organizing such a business as a charcoal business, including the purchase of equipment, the preparation of the necessary documentation, the rental of premises or land, and the hiring of workers, can range from about 700 thousand rubles. up to one million, depending on the equipment and performance. Such a plan must necessarily include the costs that will be needed to install the equipment, the warehouse is already finished products, transportation of coal. Usually requires a plot of 150 to 200 square meters. meters.

Maintenance personnel for one shift can be from two people, usually special training for working with furnaces and separators is not required. It is possible to place production even within the city, since continuous process the production of charcoal practically does not harm the environment, that is, the emission of harmful substances is minimal.

The profit received per month depends on how well the planned business is organized. If you preliminarily organize not only the production of charcoal, but also its packaging and sorting, this will make it possible to sell products more profitably and expand the customer base.

With properly established production and the output of finished products in the form of charcoal from forty tons per month, the payback period for investments will be only up to 9 months, that is, the business will begin to make a profit within a year.

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Raw materials for processing

When drawing up a business plan for the production of coal, you need to take care of the procurement of raw materials. Depending on which technology will be chosen for this, the raw materials may be waste from the logging industry, birch wood and other raw materials pressed into large briquettes. Any wood can be purchased for charcoal kilns, but it must be remembered that it is more expensive than other types of raw materials, and the charcoal that is obtained from this is not of very high quality.

When organizing such a business, one must remember that the waste from the logging industry is more profitable as a raw material for charcoal. The length of briquettes made of such material is ideal for ovens, that is, they do not need to be further processed, usually the parameters are 0.4-0.55 meters. It is also well suited that the percentage of end area rot here is only up to 15, while the split line is up to 18 cm. For production, it is ideal to use raw materials from windbreak, growing forest, burnt wood, deadwood.

The business plan must also contain data on the volume of raw materials purchased, its quality. The indicators depend not only on the required production volumes, but also on what type of equipment will be used, what plan for the sale of products was drawn up.

Business in the production of charcoal. Technology and equipment for the production of charcoal.

Charcoal production is a fast-payback business using wood waste. To organize a small production, significant capital investments are not needed. The coal business is profitable primarily with the availability of raw materials - wood waste. The wholesale cost of one ton of charcoal is $500 - $900.


Charcoal is an environmentally friendly fuel; when burned, it does not emit harmful substances, has a high heat transfer and practically does not smoke.

There are several types of charcoal that can be obtained from certain woods:

  • Black - softwood poplar, linden, alder, aspen, willow.
  • Red - from coniferous species pine, spruce.
  • White - from hardwood birch, oak, hornbeam, elm.

The highest quality and most expensive coal can be obtained from hardwoods.

To organize the production of charcoal, you will need the following equipment.

Pyrolysis smokeless oven.

More recently, open-type kilns were used for the production of charcoal, which had a low percentage of charcoal output and, moreover, were harmful, environment releasing gases into the atmosphere. At the moment, closed-type furnaces (pyrolysis) are used in production, which make it possible to obtain almost twice as much coal as in open-type furnaces and do not pollute the environment.

When choosing a furnace, you must first focus on performance, maintainability and price.

Also, for sawing wood, you will need chainsaws and a cleaver ax to chop large logs.

Separator for separating coal into fractions.

Scales and bag sewing machine for packing.

Technology for the production of charcoal.

For the production of charcoal, pyrolysis technology is used - burning wood in a container without oxygen at a temperature of up to 500 ° C. During pyrolysis, the gases that are released during combustion remain in the chamber and thereby support the combustion process, the vapor gases are removed through the nozzle in the condenser, the liquid is separated from the gas.

The process takes place in a retort (closed vessel) in which the wood decomposes without air access under the influence of heat.

The wood is loaded into the retort, the furnace is melted and the retort is heated, the temperature is controlled using a pyrometer.

First, the retort is heated to a temperature of 150 °C, moisture is released from the wood, and the wood is dried.

Now coal needs to be separated from resins and non-condensable gases, for this the temperature in the installation is raised to 500 ° C, the process is called calcination.

The process is stopped and the oven is cooled down.

When the coal cools down, it is taken out of the furnace, sifted on a separator and packed.

Business in the production of charcoal.

Production should be located in suburban areas, the best option would be a site on the outskirts of the village. It should be remembered that the sanitary zone of production with pyrolysis furnaces must be at least 100 meters, this is the minimum distance to residential buildings.

Furnaces do not require a room, they are placed on open area, but the storage of coal will require a covered dry room.

As for profit, it directly depends on the cost of purchasing wood and its type. By themselves, wood waste is quite cheap, but transportation, loading, delivery can significantly increase the cost of raw materials. Therefore, it is more profitable to organize the production of charcoal directly near sawmills.

If you use soft wood, then the output of 1 ton of coal is obtained from 11 m³ of wood. When using hard rocks 7 m³ per 1 ton of coal. The wholesale price of charcoal, depending on the type of wood used in the production, can be $500 - $900 per ton.

This business does not require serious investments, education or any special knowledge. His feature is a fast payback period.

As a raw material for the manufacture of coal, waste from enterprises engaged in wood processing and logging is usually used. It can be coniferous or hardwood trees (birch, oak, elm). Depending on the type of wood, the finished product is assigned category A, B or C.

Scope of charcoal

In everyday life, this product is used as an environmentally friendly fuel for barbecues, fireplaces and barbecues. In the municipal sector, it is used to filter drinking water. Small fractions, which are screened out from raw coal, serve as a food additive that enriches the diet of animals.

In industry, charcoal is used in the production of galvanized wire, non-ferrous metals, steel products, and glass. Thus, the consumers of packaged charcoal are:

  • Metallurgical and chemical industry
  • Housing and communal industry
  • Peasant farms
  • Private individuals

Required equipment

To organize a business for the production of charcoal, you will need the following equipment:

Charcoal burning oven PTORS-7G (pyrolysis plant)
Weight dispenser (packaging of finished products);
Portable bag sewing machine NewLong NP-7A
Hydraulic wood splitter "Gorynych 6T"
Chainsaw and hand tools (axes, cleavers, hacksaws).

The main equipment for the production of charcoal is pyrolysis plant. Currently on the market are various options charcoal kilns, differing in productivity, degree of automation of the process, cost. The change in the price of equipment, based on the level of performance, can be estimated in the following table.

One of largest suppliers equipment for the production of charcoal is a production and commercial company BMP, which manufactures stoves under the brand name "Fire Dragon", this company offers more than 10 modifications of pyrolysis plants, costing from 59,000 rubles and ending with a price of 2.1 million rubles.

Table 1. Comparative analysis cost of charcoal kilns based on productivity

To select the optimal equipment in terms of price and performance ratio, we will analyze the furnaces manufactured by BMP (furnace Fantastika 2/3) and SpetsTopResurs (furnace PTORS7D).

Table 2. Analysis of furnace equipment

As can be seen from the presented table, the pyrolysis furnace "Fantastic 2/3" is optimal in terms of price / performance ratio. In this regard, this stove is very often bought by entrepreneurs starting a charcoal production business.

Feasibility study of the project

To organize a small business for the production of charcoal, with a capacity of 12 tons per month, you will need the following investments:

  • Charcoal kiln - 199,000 rubles.
  • Weight dispenser - 137,000 rubles
  • Manual bag sewing machine - 16,500 rubles.
  • Wood splitter - 98,000 rubles.
  • Chainsaw - 38,000 rubles.
  • Hand tool(axes, cleavers, hacksaws) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Initial purchase of raw materials - 50,000 rubles.
  • Registration in the INFS, ordering a print, other expenses - 10,000 rubles.
  • Total 508 thousand rubles.

Profitability of activities

  • Subject to 100% load of equipment and work 25 days a month,
  • charcoal production will be 10 tons.,
  • Medium Wholesale price for 1 kg. finished products is 20 rubles, so the monthly revenue will be 200,000 rubles.
  • Serving staff 3 people (excluding the entrepreneur).
  • Net profit activities is 25%.
  • Return on investment 10-12 months.

Charcoal is a microporous high-carbon product formed during the pyrolysis of wood without air access. Its volume of consumption is only increasing every year. This type of fuel is used in various fields, whether it be the metallurgical industry, pharmacology, in the production of activated carbon and similar medicines, and in other industries, because coal is 100% carbon. However, most often it is used in domestic needs. It is worth noting that in, charcoal is an essential attribute of any barbecue or cooking on the grill. Similar trends are becoming traditional in our country to a greater and greater extent.

Coal properties and types

Its properties set it apart from other high-carbon fuels. Charcoal burns at a very high temperature - more than 1100 ° C, emits little steam and unburned carbon, therefore it is used in everyday life and industry.

The raw material for charcoal is wood, so setting up your own production line is important if there are forest growth sites nearby, or the cost of transporting cut trees will be insignificant. The source material is subjected to heat treatment without air access. “Pyrolysis combustion” occurs, resulting in the formation of charcoal. Characteristics final product GOST 7657-84 “Charcoal. Specifications».

Charcoal is a solid combustible substance. It is able to spontaneously ignite at a temperature of 340°C.

After the production of coal, it is necessary to stabilize it, otherwise spontaneous combustion is not ruled out.

The result of production can be 3 grades of coal: A, B, C. The difference between them is in the tree species from which the coal is obtained. Features of the selection of the source material are reflected in GOST 24260-80 "Raw materials for pyrolysis and charcoalization". The following types of trees are suitable for production:

  • The first group - birch, oak, beech, ash, maple, hornbeam, elm. Grade A coal is obtained from it. It is divided into 2 grades: the highest and the 1st, which differ in parameters: density, mass fraction ash and non-volatile carbon, water and other quality indicators. Oak wood can be used for pyrolysis and charcoal burning only on condition that it is not fit for the manufacture of tannins.
  • The second group - poplar, linden, alder, aspen, willow. Its mixture with the first group gives grade B coal. When charcoal, conifers can be used: pine or spruce, cedar, fir and larch. Coal of this brand has 2 grades - 1st and 2nd.
  • The third group repeats the second - poplar, linden, alder, aspen, willow, while GOST indicates that these rocks can be used for charcoal burning, and in combination with groups 1 and 2 they give grade B coal. It is not divided into grades, but has quality limits.

The classification, reflecting the most suitable varieties of wood for pyrolysis, is conditional. According to statistics, the world leader in the production of charcoal is Brazil (85% of the world market), where fast-growing eucalyptus harvested from plantations is used as a raw material. However, manufacturers operating in the post-Soviet space should adhere to the established GOSTs.

The lowest ash content is grade A “highest grade”, and grade B “1st grade”. The indicator is 2.5%. In brand B, it is much higher - up to 4%. The limiting index of non-volatile carbon in the highest quality coal is not less than 90%, and in grade B - not less than 67%.

When planning to satisfy the demand of industrial enterprises and individuals, it is necessary to organize the production of different grades of coal.

Charcoal production technology

To obtain coal, raw materials are placed in pyrolysis boilers. In the aggregates, the wood is subjected to "dry distillation", it is affected by heat(450-500°С) without air access. As a result, the wood decomposes with the release of gas, wood resin. A woody residue is also formed - coal.

Note! In the literature, one can come across the concepts of "pyrolysis", "charcoal", "carbonization", "thermolysis", "dry distillation", "thermal decomposition", and the question involuntarily arises: what is the difference? There is no difference in the essence of the process, but on industrial enterprises It is customary to use the concept of "pyrolysis", assuming the production of not only coal, but also no less valuable resins. Artisanal production - charcoal burning, the purpose of which is the production of coal and leveling the value of by-products.

The production process consists of several successive stages:

Separate types works require the involvement of qualified personnel and the purchase of equipment.

Checking the quality of the source material

The choice of wood species used for pyrolysis depends on the consumer's requests for a particular brand of coal and the availability of natural resources.

The most dense coal is obtained from dense wood: beech (700 kg/m3), oak (710 kg/m3), larch (690 kg/m3), birch (620 kg/m3). However, porous coal from linden, aspen, and pine is also in demand.

Reception of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the rules established by GOST. Each batch of wood must have documentary support. The documents state:

  • purpose of raw materials;
  • information about the supplier enterprise: its name, department;
  • wood species, length of bars;
  • batch weight, humidity, standard designation according to GOST.

On the eve of drying, it is necessary to “cut” the wood into small bars of “tulka”. To do this, you can use a hand saw, but the performance will be low. The best solution is to buy a sawmill. It can be autonomous - on gasoline, or on electricity. Installation cost:

  • Taiga T-1B - up to 200 thousand rubles. (works on gasoline);
  • Altai 900 Proff - from 170 thousand rubles. (works from the mains).

Wood moisture content is of key importance for pyrolysis. Values ​​of 15-25% are considered optimal. High humidity affects the increase in the duration of the production cycle, increases fuel consumption, and reduces the strength of the final product.

If it is planned to dry the wood in natural conditions, an annual supply should be made. When using special equipment, stocks can be reduced by 4 times.

Drying complexes are chambers equipped with a heat generator. Air heated to a certain temperature is fed into the chamber by a centrifugal fan. The wood is blown and dried. Fuel for the generator - sawdust, bark, firewood, peat and other woodworking waste. The dryers are equipped with timber moisture sensors and a temperature sensor. Systems can operate in automatic, semi-automatic and manual modes, require minimal human intervention in the drying process.

Unit cost:

  • SKD-50 - up to 2.2 million rubles; capacity - up to 69 m3;
  • SKD-30 - up to 1.9 million rubles, capacity - up to 35 m3.

Pyrolysis + Video of the whole process

The key process - pyrolysis - takes place in a special furnace - a retort. In modern plants for the production of charcoal, the retort furnace is part of the plant, which assumes a continuous production cycle.

The pyrolysis unit has 2 chambers: loading and combustion. Dried sprats are loaded into the first one, and as the temperature rises, the wood begins to decompose, resins and gas are released from it; the latter burns in the 2nd chamber.

The process of heating the wood should be gradual, then part of the resin is coked on the surface of the coal, and the moisture comes out slowly, making the final product better. The desire to speed up the process is not beneficial: the amount of gases increases, and the yield of coal and liquid inclusions becomes smaller.

Compliance is key temperature regime pyrolysis. At 260°C the wood turns brown, with an increase of another 140°C, liquid products are finally eliminated from the raw material, and a further increase leads to the slow removal of residues of heavy resins and gases that are not amenable to condensation. Subject to technological process the output will be high-quality charcoal with a carbon content of 90-95%.

Cost of charcoal stoves:

  • Champion - the price is about 215 thousand rubles. This is a furnace that performs one cycle of work - pyrolysis. Its feature is environmental friendliness due to the complete burning of gases. Productivity is low: up to 6 tons per month. Chamber volume - 3 m3.
  • Enchantress - differs in price and capacity. The Charodeyka-10 costs almost 2 times more than the Champion - 412 thousand rubles, and the monthly output of coal is 18 tons.
  • Fiction 12.5/3 - the price is about 1.8 million rubles. This is not just a furnace, but a whole range of equipment that allows you not to interrupt the production cycle. The furnace consists of 3 chambers with a volume of 12.5 m3: in the first, the raw material is dried, in the 2nd - pyrolysis, in the 3rd - cooling and unloading. The costs are justified, since the manufacturer does not have to buy additional equipment for drying. Unit productivity - up to 25 tons of end product per month. Fantastica models differ in price, functionality and performance. For example, the economical Fantastica 1/3 complex costs about 300 thousand rubles, and its productivity is up to 4 tons per month.

Often, entrepreneurs save on equipment and purchase furnaces worth up to 100 thousand rubles, for example, UVR-5. Drying, the beginning of decay, decomposition of wood and calcination of coal take place in the kiln. An experienced master technologist should control the process, since if oxygen enters during the pyrolysis process, the furnace can overheat and collapse.

When evaluating the operation of the furnace, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Unit size. Knowing the parameters of industrial installations is necessary to determine the size of the leased premises.
  • duration of pyrolysis. The average cycle time is 2 days.
  • Furnace power. It should be taken into account how much coal can be obtained during one production cycle, and compare the volume with the possibility of purchasing raw materials.

When choosing a furnace, you should rely on the planned production volume. If the sales market is predetermined, and among buyers - manufacturing enterprises, the purchase of an expensive furnace will be justified.

The final process is the cooling of the finished product, after which it can be packaged for delivery to the final consumer.


Coal requires packaging for delivery to the consumer. For this use:

  • paper bags;
  • polyethylene bags.

Buyers who purchase coal at retail prefer packages of 3-10 kg. Paper bags are preferred due to ease of disposal and environmental friendliness.

If coal will be supplied to enterprises, bars or restaurants, then packing in 50-kilogram packages will be required. Usually these are polypropylene bags.

The cost of paper bags - up to 11 rubles. for 1 piece with a capacity of 10 kg.

Polypropylene bags sold in packs of 50-100 pcs. at a price of 7-8 rubles. per piece

Additional equipment for coal production

Capital investments require the main production facilities: sawing machine, dryer, oven. The costs in this case will be from 500 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles depending on the scale of production and the type of equipment selected. Additionally you will need:

  • Axes and cleavers - up to 10 thousand rubles.
  • Weight dispenser for packing coal. Dosers are different: for bulk fine materials, or for coal, crushed stone, briquettes. A device of the second type is what you need when packing charcoal. One of these is SWEDA DVS-301-50-5. The cost of the unit is 130-150 thousand rubles.
  • Industrial sewing machine for sewing up bags - from 15 thousand rubles.

Additional equipment costs will amount to about 170 thousand rubles.

The nuances of organizing a business

You can organize an enterprise for the production of charcoal by registering an LLC or IP. For this you need to contact tax office. In any case, the manufacturer must indicate the type of activity - OKVED, which reflects the specifics of the work. For the production of charcoal and wholesale trade suitable codes:

  • 20.14 - "Production of other basic organic chemical substances»;
  • 46.71 - "Wholesale trade in solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and similar products."

Both are listed in the respective application. Simultaneously with the submission of documents, applications for the choice of taxation system are submitted. A novice manufacturer can choose a simplified system, provided that the company does not have branches. Subsequently, when expanding production, you can apply for a transition to a different taxation system.

In general, the cost of registering an enterprise will take up to 2 thousand rubles. when registering an individual entrepreneur and up to 15 thousand rubles. when forming an LLC.

Premises for rent

The room must match the size of the equipment. Furnaces can be up to 250 m2 in size and weigh up to 70 tons. The choice of premises is determined by the scale of production. In addition to the production workshop, it is necessary to prepare the premises:

  • a warehouse for storing wood stocks;
  • finished goods warehouse;
  • an office for the work of an accountant, supply and sales managers, a manager;
  • utility room for staff.

Overall rental costs production areas occupy from 60 thousand rubles. per month.


The quality of products, the durability of the equipment depends on the professionalism and responsibility of the technical staff, so it is necessary to invite a master technologist who has experience and is able to organize and control the production process. In addition, you need to hire:

  • production line operator;
  • loaders;
  • a person involved in the organization of supplies and sales (later the position can be divided between 2 people);
  • security guard
  • accountant.

In general, the cost of staff remuneration will take about 160 thousand rubles.

Market search

A manufacturer is a wholesaler from whom small retail outlets and large enterprises purchase goods in large volumes. organization of their own retail network unprofitable: you have to spend money on logistics.

Among the main consumers of charcoal are:

  • shops: small retail outlets in the markets, supermarkets, gas stations;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • enterprises for the production of electrodes;
  • glass factories;
  • agricultural enterprises: coal is an additive to feed and fertilizer;
  • production, in which grinding and polishing of parts is used;
  • printing industry;
  • enterprises for the production of plastics;
  • factories producing activated carbon.

In addition to coal, a by-product is released during production - resin, which is used to make solvents, a softener for rubber compounds, turpentine, and rosin.


By purchasing a furnace with a capacity of about 20 tons of finished product per month, you can calculate the approximate income from production. The cost of taxes, utility bills, transportation, rent is about 270 thousand rubles. per month. For the production of 1 ton of product, it is necessary to purchase 7-8 m3 of birch, up to 12 m2 of softwoods. The cost of 1 m3 of split birch is from 1000 rubles/m3, which means that for the production of 20 tons of coal it is necessary to purchase raw materials for 140 thousand rubles. Sales proceeds at a price of 35 rubles. for 1 kg will be 700 thousand rubles. per month. Profit - 430 thousand rubles. The average payback period of investments is from six months.

Charcoal production - profitable, current business whose success depends on professionalism employees, striving for the use of new technologies, careful control over the progress of the process of converting wood into coal.