All about the production of polypropylene bags. Equipment for the production of polypropylene bags Equipment for the production of polypropylene bags

There are eternal things that are present in the life of an average citizen of the post-Soviet space. One of them is a full trash can.

And if you figure it out, it's not so bad - you must admit, since there is something to throw away, it means that there is something to buy for something that you will throw away anyway. We will talk about this household need in the article. To be more precise, let's consider a business idea for the production of polypropylene garbage bags, and more.

This product is used in many areas, as an example, the construction or agro-food industries. Depending on the material used, cereals, sugar, flour, animal feed, sand, cement, building mixtures, etc. are stored and transported in polypropylene bags. From which we can conclude that there will be a good demand for this product.

Raw materials used

Polypropylene is used as the main raw material. It is supplied to production in the form of granules. In addition, secondary raw materials can also be used, for example, scrap or waste generated during work. As a rule, non-standard is added to the mixture in a percentage ratio determined by the technology. In addition to polypropylene, additional components are introduced into the raw mix during the production process, which give the finished product the necessary color and strength.

Manufacturing technology

The technology for the production of polypropylene bags is not particularly complex. The following main stages can be distinguished: mixing and drying of raw materials, winding the thread, making the fabric, cutting, applying the logo, tailoring, packaging and warehousing.

If you can purchase high-quality automated equipment for the production of polypropylene bags, then in technological process the minimum amount of manual labor will be involved, which will ultimately affect the payback of this business.

Production and processing of polypropylene yarn

As mentioned above, raw materials are supplied in granules. After that, it is loaded into equipment for the production of polypropylene bags and mixed with various additives and dyes in a special bunker. One of the main auxiliary components is calcium carbonate, it is designed to give the finished product the necessary rigidity and milky white color.

Any additives are designed to set the properties of the future material. Some manufacturers add 15-20 percent of chalk to the mixture to reduce the cost of production, but this negatively affects the strength of the bags.

After the hopper, the raw material enters the extruder, where it is heated to 260 degrees Celsius and squeezed out through the technological channels of the press head, resulting in a thin film. After cooling, it is cut into thread-strips, which are hardened, stretched and wound on bobbins.

Obtaining a polypropylene sleeve

Next, the coils are sent to a weaving machine for the production of polypropylene bags. This equipment produces a sleeve for future bags. At this stage, the loom is adjusted to the necessary parameters, namely, its width and the presence of anti-slip threads are set.

This is done so that during operation the bags stacked on top of each other do not move apart during transportation and storage. The resulting polypropylene woven material is wound onto large spools.

Getting a polypropylene bag

Next, the material must be cut, stitch the bottom and process the neck. This is carried out by a special line for the production of polypropylene bags, which, by hot cutting, quickly turns the prepared sleeve into blanks for future products. The cut line can be made both flat and zigzag.

Further, the equipment for the production of polypropylene bags tucks the bottom the required number of times and stitches it with a strong thread. The manufacturing algorithm may include the processing of the neck (edging, stitching, etc.), or may leave it unprocessed. Sometimes polyethylene liners are added to such bags and sewn on. Finished products are automatically stacked in packs of 500 or 1000 pieces and packed, pressed and tied with twine.

Technical equipment of the workshop

If you decide to organize the production of polypropylene woven bags, you should take into account the costs of purchasing the necessary industrial plants. The modern technological market in Russia is represented by a large selection of devices and machines, both domestic and foreign.

Among this abundance, every businessman will be able to choose a unit that is suitable in terms of power and price. Standard equipment for the production of polypropylene bags includes a mixing and drying machine, a feeding machine, a thread extruder, a winding complex, a weaving machine, a sleeve cutting unit, a sewing machine for stitching, a flexo printing device for applying a logo.

In order to be able to process scrap and waste during the manufacturing process, the following installations should be additionally purchased: a crusher designed to grind material (substandard, threads); a granulator that turns the crushed raw materials back into polypropylene granules, which can be reused for production.

To save start-up investments, experts recommend purchasing equipment from China. Today, Asian installations are of good quality and low price. In addition, you can consider the option of acquiring machine tools in leasing, which is a kind of rental. Over time, you will have the opportunity to redeem this equipment.

Premises for the future workshop

When organizing production, you should take into account the fact that you will work with polymer raw materials, which means that the workshop must be located away from residential areas. Few start-up entrepreneurs can afford to purchase industrial premises for personal ownership. The best option there will be a shop rental somewhere outside the city. In order to open an enterprise for the production of polypropylene bags, the premises must meet the following requirements:

1. Supply of all communications (sewerage, water, heat and electricity).

2. The presence of air cleaning filters.

3. Good ventilation system.

Area production premises will depend on the configuration of the industrial line you have chosen. Often the equipment is located on a plot of 50 square meters. Of course, rooms for staff, a garage for vehicles, warehouses for raw materials and finished products should also be added.

Sale of polypropylene bags

If you are organizing production from scratch, then at the stage of developing a business plan, you should consider ways to sell products. The main buyers may be construction companies, private entrepreneurs, warehouse complexes, agricultural producers (small and large farms), and, of course, household supermarkets.

When organizing production for the manufacture of polypropylene bags, attention should be paid to the features of the technological process. You need to know that the release of such products should take place under conditions of increased requirements for the cleanliness of the premises, since the presence of even a small amount of impurities can lead to a change mechanical properties products.

The production of bags is a highly polluted process environment, therefore, additional requirements apply to the enterprise:

  • production premises must be located in a non-residential area;
  • the room must be equipped with an aspiration system for harmful substances and air filters for fine air purification;
  • it is necessary to have water supply and sewerage in the building;
  • it is mandatory to have an alarm for the excess of harmful substances in the air and a fire alarm;
  • electrical input to the building must be three-phase;
  • a separate protective ground loop is required.

In addition, all standard requirements of regulatory authorities apply to the production of polypropylene bags. The average area of ​​the production workshop is small - about 60 m2. This allows you to place power even in small buildings.

Materials used in production

It is used as the main raw material in the manufacture of products. Other synthetic materials are not widely used due to poor performance or high cost. Polypropylene is characterized by abrasion resistance and high temperature resistance, which, together with chemical resistance to aggressive substances and determined its wide distribution as a material for the manufacture of universal packaging for bulk food products, fertilizers, salts and various chemicals.

Depending on the purpose of the final product, a variety of raw materials are used for the manufacture of canvas:

  • For the production of polypropylene bags intended for storage and transportation of bulk products (flour, sugar, salt, food products), primary polypropylene is used. It is also used for the production of big-backs (a flexible container for the transport of bulk materials) due to the high strength of the material. These bags are white.
  • For the production of polypropylene bags intended for transportation and storage of non-food bulk substances (agricultural feed, fertilizers, chemical substances), use mixed polypropylene. It is made from a mixture of virgin polypropylene and recycled materials. Bags made of this material are gray in color.
  • For the collection and disposal of construction waste, polypropylene bags are made, completely made from recycled materials. Such bags have less strength and low cost.

Manufacturing technology

Processing of secondary raw materials

A grinder is used to prepare raw materials from recycled materials. The main element in the installation is a drum that grinds the material to the required size. The installation is operated by one person, whose duties include monitoring the operation of the device, loading material for processing and monitoring the filling of the bunker with raw materials.

Drying of raw materials

In this production cycle, pre-drying is performed to prevent the formation of vapors in the heating hopper of the extruder. The procedure is carried out in an industrial oven at a temperature of about 80 C until the moisture in the original raw material is completely removed. At this temperature, substances harmful to human health begin to be released, so it is necessary to use an exhaust ventilation system for the equipment. The operation does not require constant human supervision, therefore, as a rule, this work performed by a worker serving the grinder.

Mixing of raw materials and production of fabric material

Raw materials are poured into the extruder and mixed in the receiving hopper, where, if necessary, a dye is added. Then the mixed raw material is fed into the heating tank, where a constant temperature is maintained, which is optimal for melting. At the end of the melting process, the heated mixture is fed through a slotted nozzle. In the process, a continuous layer of polypropylene film is obtained, which cools under the pressure of air.

The film is wound on a drum up to a certain diameter, after which it is replaced with a new one. To operate the machine, one worker is required, who monitors the film production process, the level of raw materials in the receiving hopper, and also removes the finished drums with polypropylene film.

Cutting film to obtain thread

The machine cuts the film into threads of a given thickness and winds it onto finished spools that are used in a loom. In the process of cutting, you should monitor the same thickness of the thread, if necessary, adjust the knives of the machine. To work on the machine, a qualified worker is needed who can quickly adjust the machine. His duties also include changing film drums and changing wound spools of polypropylene thread.

fabric making

For this, a circular loom is used, which produces a sleeve of the required size from a thread wound on spools. It is necessary to monitor the operating parameters of the machine:

  • weaving density;
  • bag width;
  • the absence of marriage in the canvas;
  • uniform thread consumption.

The finished sleeve is wound into a roll and transported for printing or further production of bags. This machine is notable for the complexity of setting up; for its maintenance, a specialist is needed who monitors the correctness of the technological process.

Image printing

A flexographic press is used for printing. The device uses special elastic dyes, which are supplied by means of a dosing device to drums with a printing plate for each ink color. The roll is fed through a system of rollers rotating printing forms with paint. In this case, the required pattern is formed. Finished products are wound onto a drum for further cutting and manufacturing of polypropylene bags.

The machine requires a person to monitor the print quality and load the print media. Attention should be paid to the synchronism of the print rollers in order to avoid marriage during printing.

Cutting, bag sewing and packaging

A woven sleeve is fed into the bag making machine from a drum, which detects the location of the logo with the help of a photocell and cuts the sleeve to the required length. For cutting, a thermo-knife is used, which fuses the individual threads to prevent the fabric from unraveling. Then the fabric is turned up at the bottom of the bag and the bottom is sewn. The upper part can be stitched depending on the machine settings. If necessary, it is fed into the bag, which is sewn to the bottom of the bag.

Packaging of finished products is carried out in packages of 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 pieces, after which the products are transported to the finished product warehouse.

On the modern market, where demand creates supply, inexpensive, durable and sealed packaging containers - polypropylene bags - have become very popular. The business for the manufacture of these products is profitable, so the costs of opening it, including the arrangement of the premises and the purchase of equipment for the production of polypropylene bags, can quickly pay off. This is due to the popularity of this type of packaging in various economic and industrial sectors.

Reasons for the increased demand for polypropylene packaging

Polypropylene bags are a convenient and practical container for any bulk materials. Construction mixtures, animal feed, fertilizers, food products, cereals - far from complete list goods, for the transportation and storage of which these products will become indispensable. Their main advantages are:

  • wear resistance - the possibility of reusable use;
  • impermeability to moisture - availability of use in warehouses and basements;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • compactness - when empty, they are very light, practically do not take up space;
  • resistance to climatic changes - with fluctuations in ambient temperature, they do not lose their qualities.

But the main advantage of PP bags is affordability. Their price compares favorably with the cost of other types of packaging, and the versatility in use finally pulls the scales to its side.

Raw materials for production

The basis of the material is granular polypropylene, which can be of primary or secondary origin, which affects the quality of the product. Recycled material refers to polypropylene that was previously used in other products and has already been recycled. During the production of polypropylene bags, the granules are mixed with other components that give the material strength and elasticity.

Depending on the feedstock, the following types of products can be produced:

  • from primary material - white bags, characterized by high performance and durability;
  • from recycled polypropylene with the addition of primary - gray products with less strength;
  • only from recycled materials - green PP bags, inferior in quality to the top positions, used for transporting waste.

Prices for products vary depending on the raw materials used in the manufacture.

Technological processes in the production of polypropylene bags

The release of finished products is preceded by several stages, which individually are not particularly difficult, but together they make up manufacturing process, where each procedure affects the final result:

Table of polypropylene bags

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • flat thread drawing;
  • production of a woven sleeve;
  • cutting blanks;
  • podverka and firmware;
  • product packaging.

A separate stage in the manufacture of polypropylene bags is the application of a pattern with a logo and name on a flexographic machine.

Raw material preparation

In the drying machine, polypropylene granules are mixed with other fillers, among which the chemical compound of calcium and carbonic acid salts (CaCO 3 - calcium carbonate) occupies an important place. This component acts as a dye and at the same time gives the material the necessary rigidity.

After that, the mixture is sent to the bunker, and then to a special machine for plasticizing (softening) - an extruder.

Extruder EPK 45×30

Getting a flat thread

In the extruder, the mass is heated, and under the action of the press it is pushed out through the extrusion head, which is a profiling tool. It gives the material a flat section. The resulting film is cooled, unraveled into strips, which are hardened and drawn into flat threads of the required width.


Making a woven sleeve

Polypropylene fabric in the form of a sleeve is obtained by interlacing threads on the machine. Its parameters (thread tension, warp feed, width) are set depending on the desired result. The product is produced as a continuous sheet, which is wound on bobbins. They are obtained with a large diameter and for their movement to the place of further processing, it is necessary to use special equipment. To simplify the task, it is possible to wind the sleeve in close proximity to the next production line.

Cutting blanks, turning and stitching

The next procedure in the manufacture of polypropylene bags is to give the product a shape corresponding to its purpose. For this, the PP sleeve is rolled out on a special line, where it is cut into pieces of equal length (blanks) by means of a thermal knife. The cut can be straight or curly, resembling a zigzag. In the future, the bottom of the bag is formed on the blanks by turning and stitching. For stitching use a strong nylon thread.

The stacking of products is carried out automatically in several hundred pieces. Each bundle is tied with twine and sent to the warehouse.

Equipment used in production

In addition to the above machines for drying raw materials and winding coils, the technological process will require a lot of special equipment for the production of bags:

  • a feeding unit that automates the supply of raw mix from the bunker;
  • an extruder, which plays a major role in obtaining a flat thread;
  • a loom that turns a polypropylene thread into a sleeve from a fabric with the desired weaving density;
  • line with a device for hot cutting of blanks and sewing machines;
  • flexographic printing machine.

Units for the production of polypropylene bags

Among additional equipment start-up electrical devices, lighting devices, automation, control and protection equipment will be needed. In the process of production development, there will be a need to purchase other units, but at the initial stage the listed machines will be enough.

Features of the choice of premises for production

The activity of the enterprise provides for the presence of industrial noise from operating equipment, as well as active traffic (delivery of raw materials, export of finished products, waste disposal). Therefore, one of the requirements for the premises for the workshop is a sufficient distance from the residential area.

The remaining requirements are explained by the specifics of the production of polypropylene bags.

The working area should provide a free location industrial equipment while maintaining space for the safe movement of people.

Machines and mechanisms are powered by electricity, so the room must provide for the supply of electricity in the required volumes (cable section, power distribution substation).

For service personnel, it is mandatory to have utilities (heating, water supply, sewerage) and a ventilation system.

Vehicles need parking and maintenance: a garage must be available for this purpose.

The development of an enterprise largely depends on high-quality planning, accounting and analysis of costs and profits, work with customers and partners, and other administrative activities. Therefore, when choosing a building, you need to pay attention to the availability of office space.

IN Lately polypropylene bags are widely used. Most often they are used in the agro-food industry, as well as in.

Packed in polypropylene bags:

  • Bulk food;
  • Stern;
  • Cement;
  • Construction mixtures;
  • Sand.

The manufacture of such packaging products is quite a promising direction, since it is in great demand. The production of polypropylene bags is profitable business, which provides a stable high income.


To open your own business, you must complete all the documents and permits. Starting businessmen usually register an individual entrepreneur.

If you are planning to open a large enterprise, it is better to register a limited liability company. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from all necessary authorities.

Raw material

Before purchasing equipment for the production of polypropylene bags, you should first decide on the production technology and type of raw materials.

Bags can be made from virgin or recycled polypropylene. Secondary is called recycled material obtained from various polypropylene products.

The raw material is supplied in the form of granules. To provide it with certain properties, various substances are added to the granules during processing. Finding a supplier of raw materials is not difficult, since there are many similar offers on the market.


For the production of bags, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 800-1000 square meters. meters.

It should be divided into separate zones:

  • Workshop for the manufacture of threads from polypropylene;
  • Weaving shop;
  • cutting shop;
  • Warehouse for finished products;
  • Warehouse for raw materials;
  • Administrative premises.

Production areas should be located at a distance of 50 meters from residential premises. It is advisable to finish the walls and floors in the workshops with ceramic tiles.

Be sure to bring into the room:

  • Heating;
  • ventilation;
  • Sewerage;
  • Water pipes.

The development of a project for a production facility can be ordered by specialists.


The standard PP bag production line includes:

  • Mixing machine;
  • feeding device;
  • Extruder and winder;
  • Loom;
  • Thermal knife;
  • Sewing machine;
  • The printing device for drawing a logo.

You can also purchase a machine for laminating finished products. There are special devices that simultaneously laminate and apply color printing.

In addition, you will need a crusher to dispose of defective products, as well as a granulator, with which the crushed rejects are processed into granules. They are used for recycling.

In order to avoid problems with the maintenance of equipment, it is advisable to buy it from local suppliers. Since the cost of equipment for the production of polypropylene bags is quite high, its purchase should be taken seriously and responsibly.


The production line can be operated by three people. Typically, such an enterprise operates in two shifts. The salary of one worker is 18-20 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need a sales manager, movers, an accountant and a driver.

Since the machine for the production of polypropylene bags is fully automated, it does not require many personnel to operate it. All workers must be trained. Training courses can be organized by the equipment supplier.


The technological process of manufacturing polypropylene bags includes the following steps:

  • Drying and mixing of raw materials. Polypropylene granules are mixed with all necessary additives and dyes. Calcium carbonate gives the bags the necessary rigidity and snow-white color. The finished mixture is fed into the extruder;
  • Hot polypropylene is passed through a special nozzle. After cooling, a thin film is obtained, which is cut into threads of the desired thickness. After hardening, they are drawn out to be wound on a spool;
  • Fabric production. On the loom, the width and density of the weave of the threads are set. The polypropylene sleeve is wound on reels;
  • With the help of a thermal knife, the fabric is cut into blanks. The cutting line can be wavy or even;
  • Polypropylene fabric is tucked several times using a special apparatus and stitched with synthetic thread. The neck can be stitched or raw. Polyethylene liners are sewn into bags intended for certain products;
  • On the finished products a black-and-white or multi-color logo is applied using a flexographic machine;
  • Products are packed in packs of 500 pieces and tied with twine.


To engage in the production of polypropylene bags, you will need a large start-up capital:

  • Premises rent - 1 million rubles;
  • Equipment - 0.6 million rubles;
  • Salary - 0.6 million rubles;
  • Other expenses - 400 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials - 500 thousand rubles.

To ensure the operation of the enterprise for one year, it is necessary to invest approximately 2 million rubles. If you manage to find regular customers and establish sales, in 10-15 months your business will begin to make a profit. The enterprise will fully pay off in 2.5 years.

Profitability of production

One kilogram of polypropylene costs 33-45 rubles. From one kilogram of raw materials, 14 bags are obtained. The cost of one unit of production is 2.9–3 rubles. It is sold in bulk for 8 rubles.

Accordingly, plants for the production of polypropylene bags receive monthly net profit 250 thousand rubles. Therefore, this business can be described as very profitable and profitable.

Summing up

Since the production of polypropylene bags in Russia is very popular, this business will be able to provide you with a stable high income. Products can be sold to manufacturers of building mixtures, as well as agricultural enterprises. In addition, bags can be supplied to hardware and construction stores.

To open your own plant for the production of polypropylene bags, you need to raise about 3 million rubles. You will spend part of it on the purchase of equipment and raw materials, and the rest of the money will be needed to develop the project and equip the production facility, which must meet all established requirements.

To save money at the start, you can purchase Chinese equipment. In spite of low cost, it is of good quality. You can also purchase machines on lease in order to redeem the equipment over time. The production of polypropylene bags as a business requires a careful and responsible attitude to the execution of all necessary documents.

A mini-enterprise for the manufacture of polypropylene bags is considered a fairly profitable investment. The widespread use of such products causes a high demand, so there will be no problems with the sale of bags. Finished products can be stored anywhere. In addition, it has no expiration date restrictions.

As processes are optimized industrial production goods are changing and approaches to their technical organization. The use of compact machines allows the use of small premises, which also affects the savings in production costs. The trend towards rationalization in the provision of the manufacturing process is especially noticeable in areas serving domestic needs. Thus, the production of polypropylene bags is focused on a wide audience of consumers, among which, however, are not only ordinary buyers, but also large enterprises. This causes interest in the segment from small entrepreneurs who decide to open their own production lines.

What is a polypropylene bag?

This is a kind of packaging bags, the purpose of which can be considered as universal. And yet, the main scope of such products is reduced to domestic use - as a rule, they contain dry mixes, feed fillers, etc. Use a polypropylene bag for storage non-food items. Even the construction industry widely uses such packaging for the storage and transportation of cement, coal, various mixtures and garbage.

Depending on which manufacturing technology is used by the enterprise, the product is endowed with certain characteristics. For example, the production of polypropylene bags in Russia has recently been actively developing the technology of conductive fabrics. Thanks to the innovation, the assortment is replenished with electrically conductive and antistatic bags. As for the primary characteristic in the form of the ability to cope with loads, the standard polypropylene is oriented towards a mass of 5-10 kg. Specialized big bags are capable of holding 50 kg or more, but such products are usually produced by individual orders.

Technological stages of production

The process begins with the preparation of raw materials, from which the basis for the formation of bags is subsequently produced. First of all, the plastic filler from the granules is mixed and dried. In order to save money, the production of polypropylene bags from recycled materials is also allowed, which can be mixed with a clean base, after which the mixture is dyed and diluted with modifying additives.

The next step is to feed the prepared mass into the extruder, where it is heated up to 260 °C. The result of this stage is the process of forming flat threads. Cutting and cooling methods allow technologists to form optimally sized flat fibers for weaving future bags.

The creation of a fabric base is carried out on circular looms, which produce a sleeve by winding woven fibers onto special bobbins. The final stage is the cutting of the ready-made fabric base according to the given dimensions and the stitching of the material into the finished product. This is how the classic production of polypropylene bags looks like. Technology and equipment may also provide for some features of the process, due to the requirements of the customer. For example, flexography can be introduced as an additional step.

Flat Filament Extrusion Line

The direct manufacture of the material from which the polypropylene bag will be made begins with the extrusion process. To begin with, an appropriate mixture must be prepared, which is also developed taking into account the required performance of the final product. The basis of the line is an extruder that produces a plastic film. Most models work with a wide range of polymer bases, but in any case, the main operations include heating, extrusion and drawing. If it is planned to produce large-sized polypropylene bags, then the extruder is initially set up to feed wide dense fibers. However, the subsequent steps allow you to adjust the film to the desired format.

Circular looms

To form the fabric base, circular weaving units are used. With their help, continuous sleeves are made of polypropylene. There are several modifications of such equipment, which differ in the number of shuttles. So, among the basic versions, a 4-shuttle machine can be noted. The advantages of this unit include the minimum number of parts subject to wear, due to which it outperforms analogues in durability. It also increases the overall reliability of the line on which the production of polypropylene bags is carried out.

The equipment is equipped with a transmission system with roller wheels that do not need constant lubrication. These nuances, in turn, determine the ease of maintenance.

Bag cutting and stitching machines

Cutting can be done mechanically or manually. On an industrial scale, manufacturing is more often used the first option. In this case, units are used that automatically cut bags from prepared sleeves at an average speed of 40-50 pieces. At the same time, the maximum width of rolls available for processing reaches 800 mm in standard formats. In some cases, it justifies itself and manual production polypropylene bags.

This type of cutting technology involves the use of special tables on which operators serve, among other things, sleeves of non-standard sizes. After that, the equipment for stitching the cut bases for bags comes into play. Typically, such aggregates form a hem along the upper and lower layers of plastic fabric.

Flexography machines

Printing is performed by special machines provided with photosensitive matrices. The most common flexible machine provides the ability to print on plastic fabric made of polyethylene and polypropylene. Some lines also use offset units, which are distinguished by the ability to apply two- and three-color printing. These are modern high-precision devices, which are controlled through electronic panels. In particular, the production of polypropylene bags (photo below) involves the use of this type of flexographic equipment.

Requirements for production conditions

Regardless of the composition of the working line, the owner of the production must ensure the proper operating conditions for the equipment. First of all, like all workshops, the functioning of which is associated with the processing of polymers, such lines should be removed from residential buildings. In the premises themselves, it is necessary to provide an effective ventilation system, carry out communications in the form of sewer and water circuits, and also take care of installing cleaning filters.

As for the size of the premises, the production of polypropylene bags is usually carried out on production lines with an area of ​​at least 50 m2. Accordingly, for optimal maintenance of such a complex, the size of the working area should be at least 80 m2.


The process of manufacturing polypropylene bags requires considerable investment in the organization. Renting premises and purchasing equipment are only basic items of expenditure, but in the future it may be necessary to create additional technological stages of the enterprise's work.

For example, the competitive production of polypropylene bags in modern conditions possible only with careful quality control of products. Consequently, it will also be necessary to equip a point for conducting examinations of manufactured products. You will also need to organize the storage conditions of the goods. Although polypropylene bags do not take up much space and do not require special conditions storage, their appearance may be corrupted mechanical influences in the process of transportation - this is also not worth forgetting.