Presentation for children how Christmas tree toys are made. Presentation - the history of Soviet New Year toys

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story of Christmas toys

How Christmas tree decorations appeared In the distant past, all Christmas tree decorations were edible - waffle and sugar figurines, nuts, fruits and vegetables, sweets.

How Christmas tree decorations came into being. Toys were also made from rags, straw and colored ribbons.

How Christmas tree decorations appeared In the 18th century, colorful paper flowers and angels appeared. Gilded nuts and cones, painted eggshell, weaved chains.

How Christmas tree decorations appeared At the beginning of the 20th century, Christmas trees were decorated with cotton toys and paper garlands. Cotton toys were made of twisted pressed cotton, which was wound on skeletal frames in the shape of animals and people. The painted blanks were covered with starch paste with mica, which made them hard and slightly shiny.

How Christmas tree decorations appeared By the middle of the 20th century, the assortment of Christmas tree decorations had become very rich, although they were made from less efficient materials than today. But a lot of imagination was put into them. Various birds and animals were stamped from silvered cardboard.

How Christmas tree decorations appeared In the second half of the 20th century, the first Christmas balls were made from transparent or colored glass in Russia. Silver and gold dust was used to paint Christmas tree decorations. Each toy is handcrafted.

How Christmas tree decorations came to be The fantasy of glass blowers knew no bounds: they made birds, Santa Clauses, grapes, as well as all sorts of things - whoever comes to mind: jugs, pipes, in which you could even play a pipe. Christmas tree decorations changed according to fashion.

How Christmas tree decorations came to be Produced toys depicting technology

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How Christmas tree decorations appeared in the form of space satellites and astronauts

How did the Christmas tree decorations appear in the form of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The story of the Christmas toy

This presentation is intended for students in grades 3-4. It shows in detail the process of making Christmas tree decorations, many photographs were used ...

New Year's toy "Ball" (stage-by-stage drawing)

Step by step drawing christmas toys"Ball". A resource for art lessons and extracurricular activities. This resource can be used for individual, group and teamwork ....

The history of the emergence of New Year's toys Completed by: Lydia Litovchenko, student of 6 "A" class MBOU in Irkutsk, secondary school №77 Supervisor: Konstantinova E.O.

Project goal: Learn the history of the appearance of New Year's toys in different historical periods

Objectives: Find out what the first toys were in Russia. Learn how Christmas toys were made. Determine when the tradition of decorating the New Year tree appeared.

The history of the emergence of the New Year's tradition In ancient times, the Celtic peoples had a custom of worshiping natural forces. It was believed that wildlife is inhabited by various supernatural beings, and in order to receive their help, it was necessary to make sacrifices, thus proving their respect. They believed that spirits live in the branches of trees, the location of which determines the harvest and fertility.

The first toys So, the first Christmas tree decorations were extremely edible. They were apples, potatoes, eggs, nuts, waffles, gingerbread cookies, figured sugar and candy canes. This is no coincidence. In all, edible ornaments meant something.

The history of the appearance of the New Year's ball According to the legend, there was once a lean year, and there were few apples. Then glass blowers from the town of Lauscha in Thuringia in 1848 proposed a temporary replacement for this fruit. It was there that the first glass balls were made from transparent and colored glass. They immediately won hearts, so that very soon their production became a massive and profitable business. A decree was issued on the use of silver balls from Lausha as Christmas decorations.

New Year in Russia In Russia, the custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 was introduced by Peter I, and he also ordered that the spruce be the symbol of the New Year.

Variety of Christmas toys

Museum of Christmas-tree decorations On September 18, 2008, the unique, the only Museum of Christmas-tree decorations in Russia - “Klinskoe Podvorie” was opened! "Klinskoe Podvorie" is a Christmas tree toy museum in the Moscow region town of Klin. This museum is young and so far the only one in Russia. The museum is located in a pretty modern building.

Have you ever seen such trees?

Conclusion Having studied the literature on this issue, I came to the conclusion that initially New Year's toys were not what they are now. In the course of my research, I studied the history of the emergence of the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree and the process of making Christmas tree decorations. All the tasks set by me have been completed.

References Andreeva E.L. Christmas decorations. [ Electronic resource] Museum of Christmas tree toys "Klinskoe Podvorie". Date of visit: 01/10/2013 Time: 14:41 Access mode: Zhdanova L.I. Christmas tree decorations. Do it yourself. - M .: Hatber-press, 2007 - 265 p. Elizarova E.M. [Electronic resource] Cognitive magazine School of Life. RU. Date of visit: 12.02.2013. Time: 10.35. Access mode: Salnikova A.A. The history of the Christmas tree toy. - M .: New literary review, 2011 - 384 p. The story of a New Year's toy. [Electronic resource] KostromaMa. RU. Date of visit: 14.01.2013. Time: 12.11. Access mode:

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The first decorated Christmas trees appeared a long time ago - about 400 years ago in Germany. At first, Christmas tree decorations were only edible, but starting from the 17th century, more durable decorations began to be made: fir cones were gilded, empty eggshells were covered with the thinnest layer of chased brass. There were paper flowers and skillful crafts made of cotton wool, Christmas-tree fairies, graceful stars, butterflies and funny figures of animals appeared from silver foil, and tinsel was made from twisted tin wires. Lighted candles, which were attached to the branches with the help of thin wire, were also considered fashionable decorations for the forest beauty at that time - alas, wax Christmas tree decorations, so beloved in those days, quickly melted from their warmth.

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When did they begin to decorate the tree Christmas balls? According to legend, once there was a poor harvest of apples, which were one of the main decorations on the Christmas tree. Then the believers came to the glassblowers with a request to make glass apples for the holiday. Since then, balls have been considered classics of Christmas tree decorations. It is reliably known that the first Christmas balls were made in 1848 in the town of Lauscha in Thuringia (Germany). They were made of transparent or colored glass, covered with a layer of lead on the inside, and decorated with sparkles on the outside.

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Gradually, the sale of Christmas decorations became a profitable business, and in 1867 a gas factory was opened here, the artisans of which, using easily adjusted gas burners with a flame, were very high temperature, already blown out large thin-walled balls. Soon they began to make glass figurines - birds, bunches of grapes in ceramic forms, jugs, even pipes that could even be played with! Women and children painted the products of the craftsmen with gold and silver dust. But after a while glass was replaced by figures made of cardboard, toys with gold and silver embossing and hand-painted ones were especially popular. Even later, wooden decorations found their place on the tree.

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In Russia, as you know, the custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 was introduced by Tsar Peter the First, and he also commanded that the spruce should become the main New Year's tree. But it was only in 1817 that the custom of dressing it up came, when for the royal holiday of the Nativity of Christ, a real green forest beauty was brought to the hall of the royal palace, on which gifts for the entire royal family and children could easily fit at one time. Gradually, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree for the winter holidays took root in the homes of rich people and those who are poorer. Over time, they began to organize public Christmas trees. The first public Christmas tree was arranged in 1852 in St. Petersburg. Almost all toys were imported to Russia from Germany. But there were also many handmade toys.

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The most expensive toys were made of glass. In addition to glass, toys were made of cardboard. The “Dresden cardboard” was very popular - toys glued from two halves of convex painted cardboard. Beautiful dolls with paper faces glued to the "body" of fabric, lace, beads, and paper were also hung on the Christmas trees. By the 20th century, faces began to be made convex, made of cardboard, later - porcelain. There were toys made of cotton wool wound on a wire frame: this is how the figures of children, angels, clowns, sailors were decorated. On the trees they hung fake fruits made of papier-mâché and velvet.

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Christmas decorations made of pressed cardboard.

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Then Russian handicraftsmen in small artels began to produce toys from cotton wool, fabric, papier-mâché, glass ...

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At the beginning of the 20th century, toys on various topics appeared. Soldiers, astronauts, heroes of cartoons and fairy tales, vegetables and fruits and much more were produced.

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The craftsmen used glass tubes to collect beads, stars on Christmas tree tops and other toys.

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For a long time, Christmas decorations continued to be made from cotton wool, paper and fabric.

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The toys were hung by a string, on a clothespin ...

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Sold in sets and retail.

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Father Frost and Snow Maiden were put under the tree

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    Everywhere and always, for every nation and nationality, the New Year's garland is associated with the anticipation of the holiday. ... New Year's garland makes the holiday bright! Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, these Christmas tree decorations create a unique romantic atmosphere on a dark New Year's Eve or, on the contrary, become part of a noisy festive feast, giving joy to both children and adults.

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    One of the main Christmas tree novelties was electric garlands (by the way, the first garlands appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century and were so expensive that they were more often rented than bought. the glass became hot and the needles flashed. Over time, they began to be made from durable glass using persistent dyes).

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    electric garlands, previously representing a simple chain of light bulbs, today look much more aesthetically pleasing and more diverse. The original shape of the light bulb, "dressed" in snowflakes, flowers, berries, make electric garlands one of the most popular attributes of the New Year's holiday, creating a festive mood in an instant.