Scenario of a corporate party "Let's compliment each other." How to hold a corporate holiday on Teacher's Day Scenario of a corporate party on Teacher's Day

A wonderful holiday Teacher's Day is not only a joy for teachers and educators, but also for parents whose children went to school and are making their first successes there. This holiday does not exist in vain, because the teacher needs to know and understand that his profession is valued and respected in the same way as others.

Where to hold a corporate party on Teacher's Day

In most cases, teachers celebrate their professional holiday dull and gray. In the morning at school, they listen to the congratulations of the children, and in the evening, in the company of teachers, they set a small table and celebrate culturally. But this is completely everyday and without emotion, and teachers are people too, and they also want a real holiday. And to get this holiday, you first need to choose the right place for the event. Where can you hold a corporate event on Teacher's Day:

In principle, it does not matter where your corporate event will take place, the main thing is to organize it correctly and competently. It is desirable that a presenter be present at the holiday, who will organize entertainment for teachers. You can, of course, take everything into your own hands, appointing one of your colleagues as the main one for the holiday, but then he will not be able to feel the whole atmosphere of the holiday. The role of the facilitator can be performed by someone from former graduates school, he can do it as a gift absolutely free.

Corporate program on the occasion of teachers' day

For a corporate teacher's day, you can choose any program for teachers, it can be dense, it can just dilute the conversation, but the most important thing is that the holiday takes place in a friendly and cozy atmosphere.

Teachers are smart, educated people for whom the program must be appropriate. It can be diluted with interesting historical facts, literary works, interesting scientific laws or any other cognitive information. It would be very nice to invite the schoolchildren themselves to the holiday, who after that will be able to communicate more openly with teachers during lessons. If your corporate event takes place in a cafe, then you need to think over the program so that it would be appropriate there. The program needs to be made fun, include dancing, laughter, relaxation, because the work of teachers is very difficult, and they just need to get away from all worries at least once a year.

The main rules for drawing up a program:

  • We need to provide the evening musical accompaniment, which will be a joy for the entire corporate party.
  • Delicious and festive food that will always be available during the holiday (sandwiches, fruits)
  • There must be contests and fun games with small prizes
  • Props are required for contests

It is better to choose a Saturday evening for a corporate party, so that after such a holiday the teachers have another whole day to rest.

What scenarios to choose for a corporate party on Teacher's Day

The most important thing to consider when preparing a script is the location of the celebration. What could be the scenario:

  • The holiday can be in the form of a skit, an evening with funny jokes, filled with skits and parodies. After all, every teacher has a large baggage of humor behind his back, which can be thrown off on this very day.
  • You can hold a themed holiday in the form of an exam, think over questions for the whole evening, you can have multiple answers. Throughout the holiday, teachers will take tickets with questions. But you can add humor here too: make the questions provocative, and the answers streamlined, so that they can approach any question. All evening, someone will take turns pulling questions, and someone will answer, the holiday will be fun.
  • Another scenario is a parody competition. Parodies can be on anyone: on famous personalities, on teachers, on students. The evening at this pace will be very fun and original.

It is better to choose neutral music so that everyone can be satisfied with it.

A variant of the script for a corporate party for teachers' day

Scenarios can either be invented by yourself, or borrowed from a nearby school, or you can simply find them on the Internet. The main thing is to choose the one that will be of interest to you. Let's give an example of one of the scenarios.


At the very beginning of the evening, the presenter addresses everyone present with a speech: “Autumn is a wonderful time that brings us joy and happiness, it is characterized by the beginning school year, a series of holidays. And the very first of these holidays, of course, is Teacher's Day, with which today we congratulate you on behalf of both parents and students and colleagues, and now take a break from work and plunge into the holiday! "

After the spoken words, you can immediately carry out a small game in the form of "question-answer". Questions are written on the cards, and the answers are on the others. Teachers draw first the first card - a question, then the second - an answer, and read it, it will be fun and interesting.

Some examples of questions:

  • Do you have to visit a psychologist?
  • Do you drink a soothing drink after school?
  • When the student did not answer the question, but was preparing, do you put a three?
  • Do you do relaxation for yourself in the lesson?
  • And other, no less interesting questions, you can think of them as many as you like.

Some sample answers:

  • Of course, but don't tell anyone.
  • And what is already noticeable?
  • I do not want to talk about this.
  • Constantly.
  • And others, but to make it funny.

The next part of the script can be done with small impromptu scenes. Teachers are invited to portray a famous person in their science, and the rest will guess her. It will be fun and interesting.

Then you can spend fun competition, which involves guessing the scientist's beard. In advance, you need to make a selection of different beards of famous scientists in Photoshop and present them to teachers. The competition is held until all the beards are guessed.

The next stage is a competition for resourcefulness. Teachers are shown flashcards with letters, and they must quickly name a sentence for this letter with a school theme. Example:

  • Z - hello, sit down
  • B - enter the class
  • And - Ivanov, two
  • Etc.

The script can include many contests depending on the length of the event.

And at the end of the whole celebration, you can offer teachers an option for a comic schedule for the next year.

What competitions can be held for a corporate party for teacher's day

If the celebration of a corporate party on Teacher's Day is supposed to be grand and long, then two or three contests will not be enough, so we will give an example of several more.

The funniest phrase

Teachers can be divided into 2 teams and given the task to remember the funniest phrase from the history of their work. This phrase could have been pronounced by anyone: both the teacher himself and the student, perhaps it will be an excerpt from a school essay. Each team offers several options, and the phrase that will be laughed at longer and louder will be the winning one.

Generational views

It is possible to host a talk show, 2 presenters are selected. For this role, teachers who are more popular in school are suitable, but most importantly, they should be of different age groups (1 group under 25, the second after 45). They are offered a topic that can in no way be unambiguous for them, for example, is it possible for schoolgirls to use cosmetics. After the announcement of the topic, the debate begins, the teachers take turns expressing their arguments. After their dialogue, you can collect all the pros and cons from the audience.

Song anatomy

This competition involves dividing the team into 2 teams. Each of the teams is given the task of coming up with songs where body parts or organs meet, for example, "silk heart", "these eyes are opposite", etc. The teams take turns singing songs; those who cannot remember the song for two minutes will lose.


For the participants it is necessary to prepare lists of literary works in advance. Each of the teams is given lists, their task is to retell the works in writing, but so that it would be difficult for the other team to guess. The time is allotted for this no more than five minutes. The winner is the one who guesses all the pieces.

Who is more agile

Conduct this competition better with young teachers who are full of strength and vigor. The participants need to be divided into 2 teams, but so that they are opposite, for example, physics and lyrics. The game resembles a baton, but the tasks here will be thematic, for example, you can offer to run to the wall, while holding a flask of liquid and a globe in your hands, or write a dictated verse, while holding a stack of notebooks and an escaping student.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday that allows the teacher to reveal himself as a person, show himself, express his emotions and just have fun. The main thing is to correctly approach the organization of such a holiday so that no one has to be bored and feel out of place.

We offer interesting scenario for a corporate party of teachers, which can be held in the teacher's room or in any school premises. The script is suitable for the end of the school year and for the last call. After all, the teachers worked all the way without interruption, taught the children and earned themselves a small holiday.

You need to choose two leaders or invite someone to lead the holiday so that all teachers can relax. Relaxing music sounds and presenters come out to this music.

Lead 1:
Put all your notebooks, pens and pencils aside!
After all, today, together with you, we will tear ourselves away from the soul!

Lead 2:
Let's sing and dance
And slowly forget about school!
And when we play,
You will forget everything in the world!

Lead 1:
But first, dear teachers,
I propose to make a toast!
For your friendly team,
In which to work is just a class!

If there are male teachers at the corporate party, they open champagne and pour it to their colleagues. If there are no men, then only female forces will have to be dispensed with.

Lead 2:
Do you want to play?
In order not to fade right away.
Remember something about your colleagues,
And laugh at the same time!

Competition for the best memory.
It is necessary to prepare questions, so to speak from real life, and to which there are truthful answers. For example, what was the headmaster of the school on September 1 of that year? Or a question to the oldest teacher: what is the exact amount of money you received in your first salary? Question to the physical education teacher: in your first lesson in the gym, which sports object did you pick up first? Etc.

Lead 1:
I raise a toast to your profession,
And I congratulate you on the holiday!
Your profession is very much needed!
Very important, but so difficult!

Lead 1:
There are countless questions in the world!
And not all the answers are there!
It happened historically,
That these questions are rhetorical.
Let's go against the foundations,
And we will find the answers to these questions!

Game of questions and answers. Facilitators ask a question or read a sentence, and teachers should continue or provide an answer.

Question 1:
Everyone knows that the husband is the head and the wife is the neck. The question is: who is to blame for the head looking to the left?
(answer: the neck is to blame, because where the neck turns, the head turns there)

Question 2:
What is the name of the day when you wash, clean, cook and iron?
(answer: day off)

Question 3:
What if a beautiful, smart and interesting girl doesn't have a boyfriend?
(Answer: stop thinking that she is a beautiful, smart and interesting girl)

Question 4:
Why do people eat at the computer?
(Answer: food tastes better at the computer)

Question 5:
What is it called - lying on the floor all day.
(Answer: active sex life)

Question 6:
What is not written in any melodrama, in any film about love, or in any novel?
(answer: it does not say that the film is based on real events)

Question 7:
How can you throw yourself at people?
(answer: you can throw words at people)

Question 8:
What is a word that one means three different things?
(Answer: a pen - for writing, for a door and for a person)

Lead 2:
And now we will conduct experiments,
And together we will go to the hospital later!
No friends, of course I'm kidding
But I will carry out the experiments anyway!

Experience 1:
If I give you five apples,
And then take one,
Give another to grandfather,
And a couple more to lose.
Add two, hide three.
In the end, tell me how much will be!
(answer: zero apples)

Experience 2:
In the morning
My head ached.
And then I grabbed my stomach,
I held on as much as I could.
After the leg was so tight,
What immediately twitched my eye.
And still trouble came
The left arm ached.
I ran and screamed
And I was looking for pills.
And when I found the pills.
I asked a question.
Why did it hurt me
In the morning?
(answer: head)

scripts corporate script CorporateCorporate on Teacher's Day scenario Corporate Light dance music sounds.

The presenters meet the teachers at the entrance, congratulate them on the holiday and give everyone flowers.

The guests, the teachers, are seated at the tables.

Host 1: Good evening, dear teachers!

Host 2: Happy Holidays, dear friends!

Host 1: Today, on this wonderful evening, we are greeted by a cheerful musical tavern "Thirteen Chairs".

Host 2: You have the right to ask, dear guests, why 13?

Lead 1: Teachers - love the progressive, always bring the light of knowledge to the masses and oppose obscurantism. And today we will try to prove that 13 is a lucky number! I wish you happiness, good luck today and always!

Lead 2: Start Our festive evening I propose to all together a friendly song (lyrics on the tables).

Host 1: So, the pub opens and the party begins!

The soundtrack (backing track) of the song "Time to go, road" from the movie "Heavenly slug" sounds

All: "This is a festive evening, evening

All teachers, frankly, have nothing to do!

We all gathered at the table

Talk about this, about this

And we will sing this song together.

It's time to celebrate the holiday

Everyone have fun, relax

And forget the word "lesson"

And the ugly schoolboy

May you have plenty of rest from our notations!

During the performance of the song by the teachers, the presenters and their assistants put 13 school chairs in a row on the staged playground. Each of them is covered with tips (except for the last one - the thirteenth)

Host 1: The 13 Chairs Zucchini is open! And here they are - the symbols of our festive evening - school chairs. There are exactly 13 of them!

Lead 2: Our esteemed headmaster is invited to the first chair of honor.

The director walks over to the chair and reads the hint from the first chair.

Let volleys of colorful fireworks

Our long-awaited holiday will be opened!

What a pity the school can't afford fireworks ...

We have salute no worse from Champagne !!!

Host 1: Dear male teachers! Let's open up Champagne together.

Attention! Prepare for the "cork fireworks" in honor of the Teacher's Day! Three, two, one ... A volley !!!

Glasses are being filled. The director of the school congratulates his colleagues on their professional holiday!

Lead 2: To continue the holiday

We need to take a hint.

Which chair?

Of course, the second!

Lead 1: Amazing teacher people!

After a glass of Champagne

They even remember the ordinal score!

Lead 2: Carefully, teachers! I put "five" for the answers! (reads a hint)

Do you love your school?

Everyone, of course, you know:

Which way do the doors open in the lobby?

How many chairs have I seen in the secretary's office?

What color is the director's eyes when a thunderstorm thunders outside the windows?

What did (I.O.) wear to the last New Year's ball?

Host 1: Let's raise a glass for attention, creativity and vocation!

Lead 2: Here is the third chair,

And here is the question:

"What's the main thing?"

Cloth? Growth?

Ability to communicate?

Children to smile?

(perform a song of their choice)

Host 2: How good the singer is!

And our soul sings!

Here is the fourth chair - surprise!

Let's play an unexpected prize

For friendly singing

And beautiful execution!

Competition "The song goes in a circle" (teachers at one table begin to sing the song, and the other table must continue it. So in a circle, one after another)

Table - the winner says a toast!

Host 1: Let there be laughter and a joke and a dance minute in the hall!

(takes a clue with a treble clef from the fifth chair). We continue,

Lead 2: We have fun,

We invite everyone to dance!

Host 1: (when everyone is back at the tables)

The next chair has a surprise!

A wonderful prize for the best dancers!

(a symbolic prize is awarded to the most active dancer)

Lead 2: Attention, gentlemen!

Here is the game for you! (6 chair)

"It's time for blondes to play"

Host 1: You come out blondes and amaze us with your mind!

(any competition, you can guess riddles, etc.)

Host 2: Blondes are smart!

The world rests on them!

And we will give each of them a souvenir!

(symbolic souvenirs from the 7th chair)

Toast from the participants.

Host 1: The Sound of Music Again

They invite you to dance!

(treble clef with 8 chairs)

During the dances, the presenters invite those who wish to prepare for the next number. Participants dress up in Russian folk costumes and take words with ditties. It is possible that men wear women's outfits, and women wear men's)

Host 2: Open the door soon!

Guests are freezing at the door!

(Participants of the number go out and take the balalaika from the 9th chair)

Artists: We have come to visit you

And they brought ditties!

(singing ditties about school)

Host 1: Teachers are all artists!

We are ready to tell everyone.

With your help today

We can show a fairy tale!

The presenters choose the participants of the "Fairy Tale" number from the teachers and give them cards on which the role is defined. You can choose any fairy tale, for example, "The Stolen Sun" by K.I. Chukovsky.

Roles on cards: sun, crocodile, cloud, two rams, etc.

The presenter reads a fairy tale (excerpt), and the participants depict as they can.

The role of the sun is best left to the school principal.

In conclusion, Host 2: We have one sun! (points to the director)

Let it shine on us!

Let the salary increase!

Teachers do not offend!

The presenter asks the director to take a tip from chair 10.

Director: The prize is not fun for you!

I wish you all creativity and success!

(if there is a prize for Teacher's Day, it's time to present it)

Lead 1: (takes the treble clef from the 11th chair)

To become slimmer for all of us

Everyone needs to dance!

And men do not sit

Invite the ladies to dance!

Lead 2: To show agility

We must play together!

We will put chairs in a circle,

We'll make you dance around!

The game "One extra" is played with twelve chairs.

Host 2: Here is the last thirteenth chair.

If anyone has forgotten about the fate of the twelve chairs, you can ask Ostap Bendar. And today we will walk his path. Today is a festive evening and we can be a little adventurous! Bring in the magic bag! (there are chips in the bag, one of them has the number 13)

Lead 1: Each of you can take only one chip. The lucky one who got the chip with the lucky number 13, please come to the cherished chair!

The presenter, under the solemn music, puts on the lucky man a ribbon with the inscription "Teacher - Millionaire" and sits him on the 13th chair and gives him a hint to read.

Millionaire: Where is my prize - a million? Is he lost or what?

Lead 2: Only our generous teacher

Dumped a million in a bag

And I bought gifts!

The presenters bring gifts to all teachers.

Lead 1: It's time to end the holiday.

All teachers "Hurray!"

Lead 2: Let the students and their parents

You are respected!

Let colleagues appreciate and adore!

Lead 1: May the noble work of the teacher

Higher ascends from year to year!

Dance music sounds. *********

A large collection of scripts and scenes !!!
lists of all scenarios
categories of all scenarios: New Year Christmas St. Valentine February 23 March 8 Easter Maslenitsa April 1 May 9 evening of high school students Last bell Prom September 1 School Teacher's Day Birthday Children's holiday Anniversary KVN Students Wedding Orthodox Halloween Adult Various

Teacher's Day scenario- this is the definition of the plot scheme of the holiday. Only he establishes how the action will unfold on the stage, how many participants must be involved in the concert program and in what order the artists will appear in front of the audience. Imagine what could have happened if the script for Teacher's Day at school suddenly disappeared just before the holiday. Sheer confusion and chaos, confusion and complete failure of the event. Of course, it would be possible for all the artists to line up and take turns to go on stage, but this will not be a festive concert, but something like a rehearsal. When the presenter has a script for the Teacher's Day in his hands, he has a starting point and guides the whole process, which the audience sees in a beautiful frame.

Do I need to write the script for the Teacher's Day 2018-2019 on my own? There is no single answer: whoever likes it, does so. Knowing that the organizer teacher or the head teacher for educational work, who is preparing this celebration, is constantly busy, we suggest a more acceptable option - download the script for Teacher's Day and make your own adjustments to it. It is advisable to download not one development at once, but several events in order to read them at your leisure and decide on what your own holiday scenario will be: cool, funny, humorous, funny or comic.

When choosing the development of an event for Teacher's Day, one should also take into account the age of the participants who will prepare concert program... What's good in primary school, will be inappropriate for high school students or teachers' corporate parties. Do you need a funny or unusual script for Teacher's Day, strict or new, solemn or original? Go to our piggy bank and choose for yourself the development of an event that will ensure a flawless celebration of Teacher's Day.

Teacher's Day 2018-2019 - the scenario of congratulating teachers at school

This development is for a festive concert at which teachers will be honored. The main character is one presenter. The script is filled with verses for the readers, there are ditties, funny questions for the knowledge tournament, contests and games. Insert into this script the numbers of amateur performances that the guys will prepare for the holiday and congratulate the teachers.

Primary School Teacher's Day Concert Script

Do you want to spend an unusual holiday for your favorite teachers in elementary school? We propose to formalize it in the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwork of the Uchitelsky TV channel, which is just starting its broadcast and will present a number of wonderful TV programs:

  • Weather forecast for school teachers
  • Program "Play, accordion!"
  • Program "According to your letters"
  • Game show

The script did not forget to congratulate not only teaching staff who work in school today, but veterans.

Scenario of the evening "Thank you, teachers"

You can thank the teachers endlessly: for the first five and help in the lesson, for an interesting Classroom hour and a great excursion with the whole class to the museum, for the trip to the forest, and for the hope he had instilled in the timid student. That is why the script for the evening "Thank you, teachers" has such a poetic name. This development provides for everything: from words of congratulations to teachers to a vivid presentation of each number of the concert.

Cool, funny script of the holiday Teacher's Day

Do you want to laugh heartily with the teachers? We propose to move away from the strict framework of the holiday and plunge into the world of humor and fun. Cool, comic, funny script holiday for beloved teachers will dispel the notes of sadness on an autumn day with her songs, some of them are remake songs, scenes. In the proposed humorous scenario, there is a performance by new Russian attendants, numbers from their parents.

Scenario of a corporate party on Teacher's Day

It is nice for the teaching staff to gather in a circle of colleagues on a professional holiday and sit, relaxing at a beautifully set table. So that the event does not seem boring, we offer a scenario for a teachers' corporate party for Teacher's Day. The event is held in the form of the "Zucchini 13 chairs" program. Why exactly this unusual name got a corporate party? Yes, everything is simple: a chair in a teacher's life is a special, ritual thing. The script is full of toasts, contests, scenes. The teachers had fun, such a corporate event only happens in October.

Teacher's Day 2011

Together: Hello !!!

Klim: Today is an unusual day!

Marina: Today is an amazing day! Today...

Together: Holiday !!!

Klim: Joyful!
Marina: Long-awaited!

Together: Teacher's Day !!!

Klim : Lovely teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day.


Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month
Today there is suddenly a breath of spring
Flowers bloom in every heart today:
Teacher - today is your holiday.


The teacher's path is not a mistake
After all, this is not work, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!


A lot of words have been invented about teachers,
But we want to repeat again:
A teacher for children - the beginning of fate!
The moment has come to give you a song.

Musical number:

These eyes are opposite

They are looking at us seriously.

These eyes are opposite

You will not make you laugh to tears.

These eyes are opposite

Give marks to us.

These eyes are opposite

It’s unlikely to drive you crazy.

The look of these eyes sometimes

Strict, but still dear.

Time opposite

These eyes are opposite


But fate brought me together

But fate brought me together

But fate brought us together!

Just not to let you down

Just not to let you down

Just not to look away!

These eyes are opposite

Our teachers.

These eyes are opposite

They glow more and more.

These eyes are opposite

We love you very much.

These eyes are opposite

We thank you.

The look of these eyes sometimes

Strict, but still dear.

Time opposite

These eyes are opposite


But fate brought me together

But fate brought me together

But fate brought us together!

Just not to let you down

Just not to let you down

Just not to look away!

Klim: The floor is given to the director of our schoolNadezhda Fyodorovna.(Director speaks).


Nadezhda Fyodorovna has a lot of worries. We need to put the school in order
And make repairs,
Pedagogical advice to conduct

And bring food.
But the main concern is

Find workers such
To eat for two

And they worked for seven,
So that the children are warmly loved

And so that they were unmarried,
To have all the techniques,
Whitewash ceilings

They knew how to paint desks,
To take care of children more than their eyes

And they could always entertain.


To initiate young specialists into teachers, we invite our esteemed Nadezhda Fedorovna.

Klim Andreevich and Marina Otarovna are asking you to leave.

Response word from young teachers.


(prepare badges with the proud name "Teacher", cut black bread and put it in a whole loaf, a tray with a napkin, a comic sheet for getting the first bread earned)

2 teachers - mentors:

1st We cheer today
Young friends -
Those who are full of strength and knowledge
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
All of you have chosen the best
Among many roads
If soon you are at school
She brought the threshold.
2nd My first lessons
You have successfully completed -
And taught something
And they were able to captivate the children.
You are now worthy of the honor
To be called "teacher".
Here is the first tangible
All efforts are the result.
Earned in a month
Your first bread, labor!
1st Receive, sign!
His first "pay"
You taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!
Here we have a replenishment.
It's not easy in our business
We wish you patience
Endless besides.
Become children's best friend
And manage to do everything:
Teach, inspire, compel
And, moreover, do not get bored.
2nd Yes, even if you have a salary,
That is enough for food.
And the surplus is for travel:
To the sea, to the palm trees, to the cockatoo ...
So that fortune smiles
So that at least miraculously, but lucky,
To protect from troubles
School walls are cozy, warm.


According to the tradition of our school, every newly dedicated teacher must take a solemn oath. Swear.

We swear:

1. Arm yourself with plans and synopses, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.

2. We swear to teach only based on the state program - a step to the right, a step to the left is considered an attempt to escape.

3. We vow to abide by the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger". This means: do not run faster than the wind during breaks, do not jump higher than the administration, do not be stronger than the Atlantean, and do not carry bags with notebooks over 10 kilograms.

4. We swear not to shout louder than children and to forgive their pranks.

5. We swear to love all children and keep them faithful to the school.


We wish you happiness, we wish you success
And we sincerely congratulate you on this day.
Master a profession, get down to business,
So that tomorrow you would look boldly.
So that you have many good friends,
From friendship with whom it would be brighter.
So be healthy, live richly,
And let the salary increase.

For all the wonderful, talented and exemplary teachers of our school playsKlim Andreevich. (musical composition.)

(thunder and lightning on the screen, scary music sounds, the devil runs onto the stage)


Let me introduce,

I, the headmaster in hell,

I teach all people bad things!

I read your thoughts

I teach girls and boys to do nasty things!

How long have I dreamed of getting to your holiday!

Well, who came up with this day - to congratulate the teachers!

Initiating youth to be teachers? Do you give gifts? Yes, none of this is what they need

Here are the cute, newly-made teachers for you and me (he takes out a slingshot from the bag), so they will definitely come in handy!


Thank you, of course, for the gifts, but we will not use them!

Know that our entire friendly team is kind people with a sensitive and sympathetic heart!

The student reads: (heart beats on the screen, galaxy with anniversary photos)

Teacher Heart ...
Well, what can you compare it with?
With the cosmic galaxy,
Which has no boundaries?
Or maybe with a bright sun that
Gives people light?
With the deep sea that
Dozing for hundreds of years?
No, we will not compare! A
We say: “Knock!
Teacher Heart -

Hope! Believe it! Love!


We want to tell you our guest,

Being a teacher is happiness
Destiny and destiny!
All the secrets of the world are in our power
And the strength of the spirit is strong in us!


Ha, ha, ha! Strength of mind! I'll check it out now! We will bring everyone to clean water! Let's find out what each of you thinks about, here is my inter - telepathic device!

(he approaches and brings the device over his head - a selected funny song and video editing sounds).


Well, damn it! Well, he made me laugh! These are all your damn jokes! Our teachers are certainly not gods, but they are all worthy and respected people!


And the profession of a teacher is eternal, just as the truths of goodness, wisdom and mercy that teachers bring to all people are eternal!


Yes, I got it, got it! You are the only competitors in the world! I will entice you! I offer you 3 times more salary! Will you work for me? Let us knock the guys out of the true path together! And if I promise you villas, cars, diamonds, then will you agree? Oh, and it’s boring you live!

From longing and boredom

Break your jaws on the granite of science.

Don't the children need this? Nobody needs it.

Who needs it? Nobody needs it.

And don't you need to teach? Nobody needs it.


Dear, we do not agree with you!

You need to study!
Always go forward! Science is so important!
There is no more joyful thing in the world,
Than the education of the human soul!


You have no power over science! I am the master, only I can do anything! Ha, ha, ha!


Mr. Director of "muck and evil". Now you will see the power of science, our master of chemistry

Lyudmila Anatolyevna will return you to where you came from.

(Lyudmila Anatolyevna comes out with a chemical reagent - the smoke goes on and the devil disappears)

The student reads:

Praise! Praise the teacher!

To the thinker teacher,

Thank you very much

And knowledge to the discoverer!

Praise! Praise the teacher!

To the teacher - the creator,

Ideally for the educator

And us to the educator!

And wisdom to the omniscient!

And pranks to the forgiver!

And noisy to the tamer!

Vivat! Praise the teacher!


Our holiday continues! _________________________________________ sings for you


Dear teachers! May joy and good luck always accompany you! Let the warmth, care and attention of your family and friends warm you! May all your wishes come true!


Please accept our wishes
Health, happiness and goodness,
And let the bad mood
You will never have!


Let a kind, gentle smile
Every day begins for you,
Let the worries, worries of life
On your way we rarely meet.


May the sun shine brighter for you on this day,
Flowers fall underfoot like a carpet.
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good!


Let it be so that in your life, bright, kind
Children have always surrounded you, like flowers,
So that the school is a reliable pier for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!


Happy Holidays!


Comic songs for the men of our school.

I love, I love, I love, I love to fish,

You, you, you, I want a fish,

In a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry, to hook,

Your golden barrel.

Let, let me have no luck yet

You are not hooked

I still want you

With this dream, I will cast the net,

Catch, catch, I want you!

You saw us all from the smoking school

Suddenly a nervous shiver took us all,

You tell me, you tell me - what are the nodos, what do you need,

We ran with you, we tried, oh we tried

You gave us your gas mask

Tell us directly - what do we need, what do we need,

Maybe we can do what you want.

Our Vitaly is a superman, a real superman,

And our nervous trembling passed
And then it dawned on us what we need, what we need

And we did everything that you want!

An engineer is a friend to all of us,

Everyone around you knows it

It is clear to everyone as twice two - without neg we have no place.

He will come to our aid,

Antivirus will bring

The computer will wink at him

And the kiss will send away.

There is a dream to become a mayor

Long in my brain

And on a dark starry night

I am a bison management.

I know the position of the mayor

It will suit me like this

And I will not forget you,

I’ll take everyone to the state.

Ah, Ravil, our Ravil, smile,

After all, we need your smile so much

Ah, Ravil, ah Ravil, squeeze out,

Our athlete, you have won our hearts.

That's who came down from the hill

Probably our Vladik is walking

He is wearing a protective shirt,

And he drives us all crazy

He has golden shoulder straps

And a bright order on the chest

Why, why did I meet

Him on the path of life?


Lead 1

Our lovely men

Let me congratulate you!

Your kindness and strength

We want to praise today!

Lead 2

On this wonderful holiday, I would like to present all the warm and tender words in the world to you, our dear men! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on this wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Lead 1

Meet the special forces of the women's battalion of our school:

battalion marching step. Stop once or twice. Alignment with the audience.

(song three tankers)

The floor is given to the commander-in-chief of our school, Nadezhda Fedorovna Belavina.

Lead 2

In the high rank of "Man"

Dignity and honor merged

He has strength, nobility,

And in him is the root cause of love!

Lead 1

We wish you happiness and good

A worthy position and rank

To all those we call

By the beautiful name "Man"

Lead 2

And on this festive day we invite you to the opening day of "Women's Fantasies".

And all women's fantasies about whom, of course, about you, our dear men.

Lead 1

Today we present to you a collection of exclusive personalized paintings:

And the painting "Where are you, goldfish?" Opens our collection.

(picture on screen)

Weekends and vacations are not a pity,
Held in silence with a fishing rod
After all, for Mikhalych fishing -
This is a state of mind!
We congratulate him today,
We wish you happiness, and also -
We want to catch him at least once
A goldfish on a hook!

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you Yevgeny Mikhailovich on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. (giving gifts)

Singing vocal group

Lead 1

We present to you a collectible painting called "Our Superman".

HE was born superman:
Blue latex suit,
Biceps, triceps. Awesome!
Red cloak, cool perfume.

He does anything
Runs fast, flies.
The hum of the serena, tames,
In general - he saves the school.

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you Vitaly Vladimirovich on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. (giving gifts) and give you a song:

Lead 1

We present to your attention the following exclusive canvas: "Yandex-men"

Our school boy Bill Geyts,

Can't sit still
It is always found on sites
Head hammered like a Winchester
Thoughts - in bytes, kilo-, terabytes.
He will save your computer from the virus,
Replace the motherboard,
If you want, it will change Windows,

Alexey will always overcome everything!

Lead 2

The art studio and the women's battalion of our school congratulates you Aleksey Vyacheslavovich on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

Song (giving gifts)

Lead 1

The next painting in our collection called "The Dreamer"

Our Klim dreams of living beautifully,

To smoke a cigar in a drag,

Drive up to the gates of the city hall,

And to be friends with the deputies.

He will certainly become the mayor,

Then sambrero and honor,

Well, today at our school,

While the story is leading.

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you Klim Andreevich on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

(giving gifts)


Lead 1

We present to your attention the following exclusive painting: "Secret Desires"

You are a real warrior, we know that!
You were able to win our hearts
Without a cannon, saber and horse!

We congratulate you, our Valentine,
Pleased lady, you break our hearts.

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you, Valentin Nikolaevich, on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. (giving gifts)

Lead 1

Here is a painting called: "Irresistible"

Oh, our courageous Ravil!
Today you are a warrior and a hero
For girls - an athlete.
Irresistible, courageous, important
Probably something unearthly.
But know this, Ravil:
Without the women of our school, you would hardly have become like that.

Lead 2

The women's special battalion of our school congratulates you Ravil Akhatovich on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. (giving gifts)

Lead 2

And the final canvas of our collection is a painting called "Friend of the Heart"

With Vlad in a car it is safer than in a tank.

This run is a pleasure.

Because the soldier in civilian life

Remains a soldier forever.

He will find any way

And it will deliver to the address in a moment.

We cannot find this out of a thousand.

Awesome Vlad you are a man!

Lead 1

The women's special battalion of our school congratulates you Vladislav on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (presenting gifts) song

Lead 2

We want to wish you all.

Always good health

We also wish you good luck

Success, happiness and love!

Lead 1

We wish to live always "on takeoff"

Both in personal life and in work!

Attention, attention urgent message A special unit of the women's battalion has just neutralized a group of foreign intelligence officers and intercepted compromising materials from them on the men of our school.

(let's see what they do in their free time)


Choir of Turkish "You are the best"

(fireworks on the screen).


Scenario of a teacher's skit for Teacher's Day

The music "Buranovskie grandmothers" is playing

Matryona enters the stage:

I'll go on stage

I will walk a little,

In the evening at the dance, I will understand

I will hear the music

How will I go to dance

Maybe someone will lay eyes on the old woman.

We are pensioners passionate people,

Guys, hold on. The flowers are coming!

From behind the curtain, Tsvyatochek appears


- Yokarny bogeyman, look how shkandybaet!

Was show off! Lady Gaga is retired.


What have you got here?



I did something! Rehearsals all day, I suppose? Do they see you at home?

But what about me ... But the teachers have problems ...

The choir of teachers and the head teacher enters the stage.

Head teacher:

My husband will wake me up at dawn,

And he will come out of work at night,

He rarely sees me at home

And he will soon forget how I look.

ALL: on the motive "First of all - planes"

All because, all because

That you are a teacher

And the school is yours, the school is yours

Dear home,

First thing,

First of all, teach

Well, my husband, family and .....

Head teacher: All later, then, then.

All: How to relax, eat hunting ...

Head teacher: Work, girls, work.

All: Give us just a job

Head teacher: And the bread?

All: Don't! And what do we have for breakfast there?

Head teacher: Olympics!

All: And a conference at lunchtime!

Head teacher: This is not a joke!

All: Well, what about dinner?

Head teacher: Dinner is bad for the stomach!

Flower and Matryona are on the stage.

Vchora validol got drunk.

What's happened?

Yes, the granddaughter wants to become a teacher ... (whimpers)

Is it really bad to be a teacher?

Yes, what good, you know what children are, they would do everything, just walk, don't want to study - what nerves you need to have.

Young teachers sing to the tune "One Moscow Kent ...".

We finished ped,

We will work here

Then, to raise the culture among the masses!

There's a fire in my eyes

Blood plays in my veins

And do not take our enthusiasm. (2 times)

In the morning like at war,

You need to build everyone

And do the lessons perfectly

The director will go to a friend,

It pushes on the neck

And then it will hit us all decently.

Our day is over

A deer lies at my feet

Deer from 9 B grade.

And to help yourself,

I'm running out of class

I call the head teacher man for help,

Vitaly help,

Take the deer away

Because I want to work in this school

I will get the salary, I will repay you,

Don't let us die in our dear school!

Oh, poor, I feel sorry for them ...

But what slender! But it's not sweet, of course.

And try to find a man.

A bunch of notebooks, a hungry husband and children, work at school, home preparation for lessons.

Oh, poor, I feel sorry for them ...

The duet "Pidmanuda-pidvela" sings.

We walked with you down the aisle.

You said: well done!

Bang! I went to the teacher.

Pidmanula, pidvela.


You pidmanula me,

Well you pidvel me.

She shoved the kitchen and the children.

I left for lessons.

How do you come from school

So you scratch everything with your hand.

You write, you write until the morning,

She didn't give it to me today.


You pidmanula me.

Well you pidvel me.

She shoved the kitchen and the children,

I departed for the meeting.

My years are gone

My whole century disappears.

Who is friends with the teacher

That lost man.


You pidmanula me,

Well you pidvel me.

She shoved the kitchen and the children.

I love you anyway!

The screen moves. Flower and Matryona are on the stage.

Oh, poor….

Still, you will hear enough of this in the lessons - your ears fade ...


But when I was in school, I was also so naughty.

- (sings) Three hundred years ago ...

Look at yourself ... (hands her a mirror, Matryona screams in fright). You see what a change!

Speaking of changes. I went to school somehow, and there ... ..


How smart kids are today! I recently asked my grandson:

Tell me, granddaughters, scientifically, why do I first see lightning and then hear thunder?

And he answers me:

Granny, it's because you have ears behind your eyes!

(choir of "disciples")

I recognize the teacher from the magazine,

And in the words:

Well, I went to the board,

Blue fingal student

Chips and gum on my head.

I recognize a chemist by a beaker,

Historian by dates and kings,

Zoologist on a hamster skin

Steward on stolen doors

I recognize an additional pedagogue by paints,

Botany for dried flowers,

Basics instructing teachers

And I know the head teacher by glasses.

I know a physicist according to Ohm's law

I recognize the Russichka by the cases

Mathematician by her fractions

And the geographer at 32 degrees 3 minutes

North latitude and 42 degrees 32 minutes

East longitude

I recognize my native school by deuces,

Screaming Director:

I'll kill you in a hurry!

I recognize my mom by validol,

The priest recognizes the father by the belt

And na-na-na, la-la-la


After such students, I would like to wish

Great patience, good luck and health to you!


Let's go, let's go for a little bit for the teacher!

Happy holiday everyone!

On February 23
We want a fun muse
Sing the praises of a smile for.
You are so smart and noble
You are charming to look at
You can do anything.
And everyone is famous for something.

Allow me to open the 2011 Men's Academy Awards ceremony.

For a whole year, members of the ladies' academy of our school discussed the merits of the nominees, washed the bones with them, put them on the shelves, saw through and endowed them with all sorts of epithets. And today we present the result of this painstaking work to your attention.

The solemn ceremony of awarding will be opened by the director of our school - Nadezhda Fedorovna Belavina.


Unhurried and solid
Blossoming, our Vitaly!
Will not turn off the straight path -
He is aware, in progress, in business.
Straight broad shoulders
And a bold, assertive look -
To meet the winds and worries

Flies like an army shell.

In this nomination "Mister" Tempered glass "" for hardness and multi-layered character. After a long debate and an elegant squabble, Vitaly Vladimirovich Purygin won!


You, Ravil, are a wonderful man.
Frank, honest, wise.
Kind and sociable,
Brave and determined.

Competent in his business,
Condescending, correct.

In the nomination "Fighter of the invisible front", Khabirov Ravil Akhatovich is awarded for modesty and purity of thoughts.


You Eugene illuminate the moment
Monotonous female life;
Your songs are inspiration for the ladies!
We listen to them with affection!

(musical number: Sveta sings)


Valentine is our heartthrob, he gives a compliment to the ladies!
For the day he caresses everyone!
He flutters near women!

In the nomination "Mister Pheromone of Love", Valentin Nikolaevich Grebenyuk is awarded for an inexhaustible attraction to the female sex.


Ladies, passing by,

Looking at Andrey,

They whisper quietly on the fly:

Ah, my head is so dizzy

Out of an excess of courage.

His name is -

That you can't help but be a hero!

In the category "Modest macho", for the most courageous and attractive image,

Awarded to Andrey Alexandrovich Vorobtsov.


Artemchik, you are still attached to your toys -
Computer, fishing and war games.
You threaten the sparrows with a gun.
But despite the young age
You are a reliable comrade in battle.
And we will not find this out of a thousand.
You're just awesome buddy!

Artem Alfredovich Arslanov wins in the nomination "Charming simulator" for hiding from the views of persistent ladies and disappearing from sight!


Alexei goes into the fire without looking,
For a fair purpose.
With its energy it turns on everything and everyone,
And instantly remember the problems.
We can quickly uninstall the program without a license.

Alexey Vyacheslavovich Skurydin wins in the Doctor Linux nomination for his unrestrained craving for computers!


1st woman:

Song (it's time, it's time, let's rejoice)

It's time to rejoice

In my lifetime

To the fact that there are men

Free day!

We whisper to fate more than once:

Mercy sideways!


We wish you, real men, great strength ...
So that with this power you defend peace and quiet!
We will be happy and twice as calm
When guys are like that next to us ...
So be and you are twice as happy,
Our knights are dear.

It's time to rejoice

In my lifetime

To the fact that there are men

Free day!

Bye, bye, as long as we have such defenders,

We whisper to fate more than once:

Mercy sideways!