Team games for the development of thinking. Game "Talking in the Dark"

The ability to work with information and solve intellectual problems are not the only skills that a person needs in life. Various surveys show that modern employers value in employees the ability to act in a team and sociability no less than professional competence. Perhaps this is too rational an argument to diversify school activities with team games. But the argument is more emotional and urgent for the moment "here and now": team games are fun.


The well-known game in which teams are given the task of building something from completely non-standard materials - from spaghetti, pins, adhesive tape, napkins, and so on - acquires new meaning, if the object of construction and the conditions of the competition are connected with the topic under study. For example, you can build a Gothic cathedral when you consider this style in the history of art. In this case, the condition is to use only vertical elements.

save the egg

And again you need to build something, this time - to "save" a raw egg falling from a certain height. The team must come up with a way to keep it from crashing. What it will be - a "soft landing" or an intricate descent - the children decide for themselves. You can limit time and material resources. Such a game will fit well into physics classes: nothing will give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bkinetic energy better than a gambling competition.

zoom zoom

This game seems to never get old. You need to make cards for the number of people playing with the image of various objects, places, animals, people - everything that fantasy or necessity tells you. You and each child get one card. You begin to tell a story that involves the item on your card. The story is picked up by children, “including” their objects in it. No one can ever predict how the next collective fairy tale will end.

Worst scenario

Think of a scenario in which all the actors are in a difficult situation. Invite the guys to come up with a solution to the problem together, so that none of the heroes of your story gets hurt as a result. Students can try on the proposed roles and talk about the characters in a third person. In a collective discussion, you need to provide several options for solving the problem, and then choose the best one by voting.

Shrinking ship

Playing this game, children literally become closer to each other. You need space to fit the entire group. This space is constantly shrinking until the children are “packed” creatively (in fact, like sardines in a jar). You may allow the use of chairs or other items. The main thing is that the guys start thinking strategically about this task. How to start linking up so as not to give up as long as possible?

Find an item

This game is well suited to focus and tune in a calm way. Hide any object so that it is not conspicuous, but still visible with due attention. Divide the children into teams. Their task is to calmly move around the room in a chaotic manner, look for an object with a glance and silently let other team members know where it is, without giving out information to rivals (the aerobatics of a collective strategy is also to confuse the other team). The winner is the team in which the greater number of participants find the object in a certain time. It is really difficult - not to succumb to the joy of the find and not to betray the location of the thing with emotions.

Solve it for real

It's time to transfer teamwork skills to real-world problem solving. Challenge the teams to find the real problems in the school life around them and find a way to solve them. Is it difficult to find the right books in the library? Do younger students run around during breaks without looking around? Maybe come up with “traffic rules” for them with funny “road signs”? Solving real problems almost always requires teamwork: it's hard to change the world alone. It will be great if the guys, as if playing, try the mechanisms of joint achievement of the goal.

While new technologies make the learning process more and more individualized, the teacher must think about how his students can connect with each other and learn to communicate.

"Summer team games" - a simple and understandable team building game program, fun team competitions for any number of participants and any time of the year.

The program includes relay races and group games, active team tasks and unusual competitions - from mega-volleyball with a giant ball to a water shooting range and tug of war.

The main objectives of the game team building program are to maintain team spirit - team spirit, emotional relaxation, create a positive attitude and improve communications during joint outdoor activities.

There is excitement and rivalry here, losers and winners, but in any case, all participants are united by team spirit, a sense of elbow and the obligatory observance of the principles of fair play.

Description of the team building program "SUMMER Team Games"

Meeting of participants

On the site of the event, the participants are met by the host, animators and, of course, music, which immediately sets a positive mood. If necessary, participants register, receive badges, symbols for further division into teams. During the general gathering, welcome coffee and drinks may be provided.

Warm-up in the general circle

The host and animators invite the participants to form a large common circle in which everyone sees each other. The facilitator greets the participants and talks about the event in a playful way. This is followed by warm-up exercises that create an atmosphere of informal communication, helping participants to get acquainted with the program and with each other.

Team building

At the end of the "general circle", the leader, with the support of instructors-animators, initiates the formation of teams, according to the principle agreed in advance with the Customer. Each team will be accompanied by an instructor-animator throughout the program.

Express-teambuiling-warm-up and acquaintance in teams

During the team warm-up, the members of each team get to know each other, choose captains, come up with the name and motto of the team.
There is also the adoption of the rules of fair play - the participants obviously promise fair and healthy competition at the stages.

Competition program & team spirit

At the command of the leader, the teams begin the competition. The stages of the competitions are selected individually each time, depending on the wishes of the Customer, the characteristics of the venue of the event.


The results of the competitions are calculated instantly, which allows you to sum up the results immediately upon completion. Team awards, prize fund, individually agreed with the Customer.
Regardless of whether the teams take prizes or receive incentive prizes, all participants will be able to throw out aggression during the competition, and not at the workplace, and of course, they will receive a charge of positive emotions!



  • Team participation, team size 12-18 people
  • The modular principle of the program allows it to be carried out for an unlimited number of participants
  • Time 1.5 - 4 hours
  • Does not require special physical training
  • Each team is accompanied by an instructor-animator, he is also a judge at the stages
  • The basis of the program is short, dynamic and spectacular game stages
  • Rivalry between teams, emphasis on communication and collaboration within the team
  • The roles of fans and referees are provided

Three options for conducting:

  • Direct team competition
  • Competitions with a set of prize points
  • Competitions on the standings

Team Instructor Role

"Summer Team Games" is a sports and entertainment team building program, but not a full-fledged team building training. In this regard, the instructor's accompanying teams act more as coordinators, animators, and judges. Their task is to help in establishing communications, compliance with rules, time frames, safety precautions

TOP-15 popular team building tasks for the Team Games program:

Our company has more than a hundred different team building tasks at its disposal. We also offer many options for thematic adaptation of tasks to various game scenarios.

1. "Cleaning up".

Brooms lie in a limited area and balls are evenly scattered. The task of the teams is to sweep the balls into the territory of the opponents.

2. "Mega-volleyball".

Playing volleyball with a huge ball with the help of an awning held by the whole team.

3. "Carpet plane".

The team needs to cross a certain route using two "flying carpets".

4. "Ring toss".

Teams must throw all the rings on the target as quickly as possible.

5. "Gordian knot".

The team ties all kinds of knots on a thick rope. Then the teams change ropes and the knots of the rivals are untied at speed.

6. "Giant Stilts".

The team on huge "stilts" passes a given route.

7. "Giant skis".

The team on huge "skis" passes a given route.

8. "Giant Skipping Rope".

The team jumps over a 10-meter rope.

9. "Tails".

Rope tails are attached to each team member. During the game, it is necessary to leave the opponents “without a tail”.

10. "Catching bags".

The team needs to catch the balls thrown by their own team in bags and prevent the opponent from throwing balls.

11. "Tug of War".

Classic tug of war - the team that pulls the center of the rope out of the designated area wins.

12. "Caterpillar".

Moving teams at speed inside the "caterpillars".

13. "Hammer a nail".

The task of the team is to score maximum amount nails for the minimum number of blows with a hammer.

14. "Bouncing balls".

Relay race on jumping balls.

Team building exercises allow children to learn in a playful way the skills of teamwork, leadership, communication, decision making and solving various problems. To achieve success in team-building games, children have to learn to interact with each other, listen carefully to others, express themselves clearly and understandably, think creatively and outside the box.

Most of these games do not require any fixtures on, they can be carried out in an ordinary yard, and even indoors. After each of the exercises, it is necessary to discuss with the children the actions that they took to complete the task, find out which of them worked and which did not, what they could learn. During the discussion, let the children figure out the essence of the tasks on their own, do not turn the discussion into a lecture.

Exercise "Forward!"

Choose one volunteer from the group, let him stand apart from the rest for now. Other children should be placed in a circle at a distance of about two steps from each other. The child we left aside will be the first leader; he will have to choose his place between the other two players. Tell the players that nothing but the word "Forward!" can be said.

Whistle or clap your hands to start the game. The facilitator must establish eye contact with someone from the circle and wait for the command "Forward!" from him. As soon as he receives it, he begins to slowly move to the place of the child who said it. The one who said the command exchanges glances with someone from the circle and also waits for the command "Forward!"

Having heard the command, the player goes towards the one who said it, in order to take his place. The meaning of the game is that each participant who says the command "Forward!" must receive it in response from another player quickly enough to make room for the player approaching him. As soon as you see that the group is coping with this task, try to complicate it by limiting the time: let the change of positions be completed, for example, in the time you kick the ball.

Exercise "Old Bank"

For this exercise, you will need a large jar and something to put or pour into it. Tell the group to stand in a circle. For each of the players, or in general for the entire group, set certain restrictions. So, for example, one or more of them can be "blinded" by asking them to close their eyes for the duration of the game, while the rest are allowed to use only their legs in the game.

Show the jar by telling a story about how ancient, powerful or very valuable an artifact it is, which in no case should be dropped on the floor. Challenge the group to pass the can from one player to another without dropping it or spilling its contents.

If the jar or its contents fall on the floor, the task starts again. After explaining the rules, ask the participants to set themselves a time frame for completing the task.

At the end of the activity, discuss with the children their tactics, methods of communication and actions during the game. Ask how they felt doing all the activities within the limits you set for them and how they dealt with them. Invite them to draw parallels from these “play” restrictions to obstacles they may have encountered in their daily lives.

Exercise "Hoop"

For this task you will need a hoop. Ask the children to stand in a very tight circle, with one arm left inside the circle, raising it to about head level. If you have the opportunity to practice on a slightly sloping court, use it: it will make the game more exciting.

Tell the participants to extend one finger of the raised hand and place the hula hoop on top of those extended fingers. At first, the hoop may immediately begin to rise: hold it while you give the group instructions.

Tell participants that they must touch the hula hoop throughout the activity, but cannot hook or pull it with their finger. The hoop should just lie on outstretched fingers.

Once the children understand the rules, ask them to simply lower the hula hoop to the floor. Step aside and let them figure out how to do it on their own. At the end of the game, ask the participants to discuss their tactics, conflicts and difficulties that arose during the task, and methods of communication.

Bond and bring your employees together.

Team building games are a great way to bond and bring your employees together. But, some games can come off as boring, ineffective or plain childish. At Toggl, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite team-building activities that are both exciting and insightful.

1. Magic Cane (Helium Stick)

The magic cane or helium stick game is a simple activity to see how teams communicate with each other and solve problems. The premise is that groups of 6 or 8 must lower a helium stick until it is lowered to the ground. Try to keep teams in even numbers. A helium stick is a thin, light-weight rod. You can easily find them on Amazon.

It sounds like a simple task, but it is deceptively challenging. The group must create two lines on each side of the stick and face each other. With the stick lying horizontally in the middle, have each person put their index finger underneath it.

Groups must start with the stick at chest level of the tallest person. Everyone must be standing on their feet when you start. (Some may try to find a loophole in the rules by starting on their knees.) At first, people will likely lift the stick or set it off balance.

Remind the groups that every person's index finger must be in contact with the cane at all times. If it slips, they have to start from the beginning. They also can't curl their finger around the pole. It must sit there.

Every person is needed to complete the task, so members must work together and communicate. This reinforces the idea that everyone is equally important, valuable and necessary for the team to succeed.

2 Barter Puzzle

If you want to strengthen your sales team or get team members to practice negotiating and strategizing skills, try the barter puzzle. Groups are given different jigsaw puzzles. Each puzzle has had pieces of the other puzzles mixed in at random. Members have to strategize, assign roles and barter with other teams to get pieces they need to complete their puzzle first.

Divide groups into 4 or 5. Make sure that each group has the same number of members. Give each group a puzzle with mixed pieces. Explain that other teams may have the pieces they need.

First, individuals should write down the items that they would grab from 1-10 in the order of most important. Then as a team, they have to decide and agree on which 10 are the top priorities and fill in the worksheet.

Groups should have about 30 minutes to complete the entire activity and come to a consensus. There is also a scoring sheet that they should use to rate their decisions. All Adrift helps you see that you can often make smarter decisions as a team with combined knowledge than on your own.

4. Bridge Build

To tap into your team's creativity and communication skills, try bridge build.

Divide into two different teams. Each must build half of a bridge with the materials provided. The goal is for the two bridges to have similar or identical design and be able to fit together when finished. The challenge is that the teams must be separated so that they can't see the other team or what they are building. But, they are allowed to communicate verbally (eg. through Slack).

You can give them anything as building materials including: dry noodles & marshmallows, straws, Legos, popsicle sticks or Jenga blocks. Depending on what you use, you may want to also supply them with tape, paper and pens.

5.Electric Fence

In this activity, you create a hypothetical electric fence. Teams must cross over without touching it. The fence can be created by tying a rope or shoe string to two chairs or other objects, as long as it is elevated to about waist-height.

Members can't go under the fence and must be touching another member of the group with at least one hand at all times. This motivates people to brainstorm ideas, problem solve and put their proposed plans into action.

6. Blind Drawing

Similar to Charades but with a twist, Blind Drawing is a team-building activity that can be done in groups of two. All you need is pen and paper or marker, a mini whiteboard and an eraser. The two participants sit back to back. Only one person should have the drawing materials. The other is handed a picture, and must make sure that the other cannot see it.

They are given 60 seconds to describe what is in the picture, by shapes and indirect descriptions. They can't say, "Draw a bee on a rose." But, they can say adjectives like, “Buzz, yellow and black, spring, blooming, etc.” When the time ends, groups should compare their drawings. It can be comical to see how bad they usually turn out. The game can get people laughing and highlights how difficult it is to give instructions can be and how important it is to communicate clearly.

7. What's my name?

If you have ever played the game “Heads Up”, you’ll be familiar with What’s My Name.

Create a set of names, which can be celebrities and icons like Beyonce or Mickey Mouse or types of professions like actor, hockey player or doctor. You can use Post-It notes or tape and small slips of paper.

Place the name on each person's forehead. Make sure that they can't see who it is. Set a timer and instruct everyone to move around the room asking different people yes or no questions until they guess correctly or time runs out. This gets people to move around the room and interact with people they may not have before. It also makes them more aware of stereotypes and categorizing others based on certain characteristics.

8 Hole Tarp

It may remind you of an activity you did in gym class, but it can be a lot of fun, even for adults. You can do Hole Tarp with a circular tarp or plastic sheet and a few tennis balls. Your team stands around holding a piece of the tarp, which should have a hole cut in the middle. Then they begin to shake the tarp so that it moves around like a wave. Once it is moving, throw in a ball.

Much like a business, everyone on your team has to keep moving to keep the ball rolling. If someone stops, the ball will drop.

9. Game of Possibilities

A great way to bring out your team's creativity and quick thinking is Game of Possibilities. To do the activity all you need is to gather a group of random objects.

You can use anything from a basketball or plastic bag to a hula hoop or scarf. In groups, each person is given an object and must demonstrate an alternative use for it.

Other group members must guess what function they are acting out. It is a fun way to boost team creativity and innovation.

10 Lava Flow

“The floor is lava!” If that brings back happy memories of your childhood, you'll like this team-building game.

Lava Flow, also called River Crossing, is a game in which a group must cross the river of lava by jumping and maneuvering on different objects. Limit the number of objects to two or three, so that they have to be moved and shared each time someone crosses. If you touch the floor at any point, then you will get burnt and must start over. The first team to cross the river with all members intact are the winners.

11. Group Juggle

For new groups, check out an icebreaker and memory game called Group Juggle. Participants form a large circle facing each other. If you have a large group, break the circles so there are no more than 20 people in each.

Throw in a soft ball to one person. They will throw it to someone else, but must say that person's name first. The ball goes around the group like that until a pattern starts. Once the group seems comfortable, throw in more balls to increase the difficulty.

12.Company Concentration

Similar to “Concentration”, in which you flip over cards two at a time to try to find matching pairs, this activity focuses on learning and memory. You can create cards with photos and names of team members or with company information like products, logos, and values.

Break into teams and time which groups find all the matches the fastest. Company concentration teaches employees more about your business while playing a fun game.

13. All the News

With this team-building exercise, you can boost creativity and get an inside look at how your employees see the future of your business. To do All the News , you just need a few newspapers, whiteboards, markers, pens and paper. Each team is given a newspaper and asked to come up with different headlines that cover what the company will be doing in the future. They can create as many as they want and as far in the future as they want.

Groups share their headline ideas with the rest of the team and get feedback. All the News is useful for entrepreneurs and business owners that want to get an idea of ​​the company’s future direction and start setting some new goals.

14 Grab Bag Skits

Acting and improv exercises can be a humorous and energizing way to bring your team together. Grab Bag Skits is a short activity in which teams of 3 to 8 select a paper bag. They don't know what is inside, but it is stuffed with unrelated and random objects.

Each team is given 10 minutes to put together a 2 to 3 minutes skit that uses each of the items. Every person in the group must take on a speaking role. Encourage groups to be as creative as possible. For example, they can use an apple as a meteor or a paintbrush as a witch's broom.

Although some individuals may be more introverted, Grab Bag Skits can encourage them to get out of their comfort zone and connect with colleagues.

15. Tied Up

In this activity, divide groups up into teams of 2 to 4. Form members into circles facing each other and use rope or shoe strings to tie their hands together. Then, give them a task that they must complete together with their hands tied. A few examples of tasks that you can use are:

  • Make a sandwich.
  • Tie a ribbon.
  • Navigate through an obstacle course.
  • Complete a jigsaw puzzle.

Because everyone's hands are tied, it will require the effort of each person to complete the task. The constraints can increase their creativity and push them to think outside-of-the-box.

16. Sneak a Peek

In this game, divide into multiple groups. One person from each group is selected to view a hidden object or sculpture. They only have 10 seconds at a time to peek at the sculpture and must relay the information that they see to the rest of their group. The group must try to recreate the sculpture based on the peek person's description.

Players must trust the team member to describe it accurately and listen to their instructions. It can help break down management barriers if you select a lower-level person as the person to view the sculpture. In a different position than they are accustomed to, it pushes them to adjust, direct a team and communicate clearly.

17. Murder Mystery Dinner

A Murder Mystery Dinner is an interactive activity that will require everyone to get involved. There are several companies that will design murder mystery dinners specifically for business groups. Actors will provide an entertaining story and set clues in place for your team to decipher.

But, you can also host your own murder mystery dinner party which may be more cost-effective and intimate. Learn more about . Either way, your group will rally around the main goal─solving the mystery and finding the culprit. It's ideal for problem-solving and critical thinking.

18. Conducted Story

Stories are powerful. In many ways, it is your story and how you tell it that makes people connect with your business. Your team members are storytellers.

To do a Conducted Story, groups stand in a line. One person may act as the conductor, who is responsible for moving the story along. The first person starts the story with a sentence like, “Mike went to the supermarket because...” The next person continues the story, “He needed eggs to bake a cake for..” The story continues on like this until it reaches the last person in line.

The conducted story is a listening exercise that requires every team member to pay attention to what the others have said. It also stresses the importance of telling a seamless story and that unity and strong communication are needed to do that.

19.Swedish Story

This is another activity that combines storytelling and teamwork but with a twist. People work in pairs or small teams of no more than four. One person is the storyteller while the others are the word givers. The word givers start off by giving a title that the storyteller must start talking about.

Then, as they are speaking, word givers yell random words that storytellers must incorporate. The key is that the words should be unrelated to the topic to make it more challenging and interesting. For instance, in a story about, “Visiting the City,” word givers should avoid relevant words like, “taxi”, “skyscrapers”, and “subway”. Instead, they shout out unrelated words like, “coconuts”, “T-Rex”, “Big Foot”, or “lumberjacks”. You can see a combination of Swedish Story and Conducted Story here:

Storytellers will be put on the spot and have to think fast. It drives them to actively listen to the words the other members say and insert them into the storyline.

20.Group Order

Ask the group to line themselves in order based on certain criteria. Some examples are by:

  • Birthday
  • Height
  • Shoe size
  • hair color
  • Eyecolor

Make it more challenging by setting a rule that members can't speak to each other. You can do this as a get-to-know-you-better activity. As members move around the room to organize themselves in order, you’ll notice how they communicate to complete the task and who takes on the role of organizers or leaders.

21. PowerPoint Karaoke

If you want to test your team's presentation skills and see how they react in fast-paced or high-pressure situations, play PowerPoint Karaoke . In it, groups are given a set of slides that they haven't seen before and must give a presentation based on those slides.

This is a more intense version, but you can adjust it so that groups are given a few minutes to view the slides and prepare before giving the presentation. It requires groups to think quickly and work together to pull off a difficult task with a short time to plan.

22 Slideshow

Another spin on this is that one person presents a story that details an adventure or a process. This can be anything from traveling through the jungle or navigating around a city to building a house or planning a large dinner party.

The other team members must act as the slide show or visuals for the presentation. With each section that the presenter says they must demonstrate the scene. Add in random props to make it more exciting. The Slideshow activity sparks creativity and pushes members to think on their feet. It also shows how they support each other throughout the process.

23. Culture or Common Book

Some businesses may do team-building activities once for new employee orientation or once or twice a year for a company retreat. Although team-building activities help to bring your group together, you don't have to limit them to only one time a year. Doing team-building games more often prevents your team from drifting apart over time.

Some companies like Zappos have incorporated a culture book. It is a long-running team-building activity that can be done every day. In a common area like a break room, leave a book with markers or pens. On each page, you can leave a prompt or ask a question for each day. Encourage employees to leave quotes from movies they are watching or books they have recently read.

24 Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are one of the oldest ways to get people to interact and collaborate. But, there are still one of the most effective and fun. Smartphones and apps have made it possible to do scavenger hunts anywhere. You can even add in photo or video challenges and share an album within the organization.

You can do a simple scavenger hunt and keep it in the office or take it outdoors, which can be much more exciting. Create a list of items that groups must collect or tasks that they have to complete. They can be goofy, as long as it's possible to complete. Some examples are: “Take a selfie with someone wearing a cat shirt” or “Grab a take-out menu and a fortune cookie from a Chinese restaurant.” Set a checkpoint for people to meet when they finish.

25. Spider Web

Do you remember all those spy movies with the intricate laser security systems people had to maneuver through?

Spider Web is kind of like that. Create a maze of lines and shapes using string. Teams must cross the spider webs to reach the other side without touching the string or going in the same shapes as anyone before them.

The challenge gets harder as more people cross to the other side and requires everyone to remember and communicate with each other.

26. Balloon In Water

The balloon in water activity is a great way to see how your team solves problems together, particularly when faced with limited resources. Each group must immerse an inflated balloon in a bucket of water for a minimum of 5 seconds. They can only use the provided materials to complete the activity.

Each group gets:

  • Bucket of water
  • balloon
  • Brick
  • 5 disposable straws
  • 5 paper clips
  • 3 binder clips
  • 1 plastic bag
  • String(20cm)
  • Tape (20cm)
  • Scissors
  • 3 binder clips

The brick goes to the bottom of the bucket of water. Teams have a minute to strategize and flesh out their plan and only 5 minutes to do the activity.

Only the provided materials can be used during the challenge. The 3 binder clips and inflated balloon given to the team cannot be altered in any way. Before starting the activity, the team has one minute to plan and they have to plan without touching the materials.After planning, the team is given 5 minutes to execute their plan. The balloon must be fully immersed in the water before the 5 minutes is over. The balloon must remain immersed for at least 5 seconds, and the team must notify the trainer(s) when they are ready to be timed.

27. Minefield

It can be difficult for some to trust their team members or to rely on someone else to help them reach a goal. Some may think they have to do it on their own. Minefield is an activity designed to foster trust in teams. It can help members that are resistant to collaboration become more open.

You can do this inside or outside, but make sure to clear the area to avoid any accidents. Place “mines” or objects in an obstacle area. These can be anything from styrofoam cups to cones, as long as they are soft with no rough edges. The member that is going through the field, or obstacle area must be blindfolded. The other members of the team direct them through the minefield by giving them verbal instructions.

If they hit an object, they must start over. The first team with all members across the minefield wins.

28. Leaky Pipe

This game can get a little messy, so it's recommended for outside only. Leaky Pipe is a highly interactive activity that drives groups to work faster and more efficiently together. You'll need water, buckets, several cups, 2 pipes with holes drilled in them, and 2 ping pong balls.

To win, teams must retrieve a ping pong ball from the pipe by filling it up with water and floating the ball to the top. Participants will need to work together using the cups to carry the water from the bucket to the pipe, relay race style with cups of water to fill it.

The pipe has holes drilled in it, so they will have to plug the holes as the water gets higher. To complete the challenge, each team will receive a bucket of water (which is placed 10 meters away from the pipe) and several cups. Remember to set a countdown, so they are racing against the clock.

29 Heads Up!

You may have seen “Heads Up!” being played on the Ellen Show. It is a mobile app available for download on Android and iOS devices, in which one player puts the phone on their forehead, the rest of the players can see the word, accent, celebrity, or other category on the card, but it is hidden from the person holding it. He or she has to guess the item on the card based on clues from their team.

Although it is a fun app usually associated with parties, it can be perfect for office team-building. The best part about the game is that you can use the preloaded decks or you can create your own decks. Make a deck that relates to your company or industry and test their knowledge while having some fun.

30.Dance party

One of the most effective and quickest ways to bring someone out of their comfort zone is to get them to dance. You can download the Dance Party app from the App Store and set it up in your office. Players mimic the dance moves that the avatar performs on the screen. Encourage members to form teams and compete.