The order for the event is a sample. Soon, soon the New Year! How to write an order for organizing an outdoor event

“Personnel officer. HR administration", 2009, N 12

Corporate New Year's Eve is an event that is eagerly awaited all year round. After all, every time you want the New Year to be easy, festive and carefree. And without any problems, both for the company and its employees.

Correctly executed internal documents of the company, as well as knowledge of the rules of conduct on New Year's Eve and during the corporate New Year's celebration, will help to avoid a number of problems.

The very fact of organizing and holding a corporate New Year's holiday must be formalized (in addition to primary accounting documents) also by the internal documents of the company. This is a requirement of clauses 1 and 2 of Art. 9 Federal law from 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On accounting" and clause 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

These internal documents include:

- order of the head of the company on the preparation and celebration of the corporate New Year 2010;

- the program of the New Year's event;

- the approved budget for the New Year's event;

- a report on the execution of this budget.

The first thing to do in the preparation and conduct of the New Year's celebration is to issue the appropriate order from the head. It indicates where, when and for what reason a corporate event will be organized, as well as appoint persons responsible for holding the event and for all expenses. On the basis of the order, they draw up a program for the New Year's event and approve the budget for the preparation and conduct of the New Year's holiday.

Limited Liability Company "Soleil"

on the preparation and celebration of the New 2010

To prepare and celebrate New 2010

2. Appoint the person responsible for the organization and conduct of the New Year's corporate holiday, the director of the department for work with personnel V. K. Pestov.

3. Director of the HR Department V. K. Pestov to prepare a program for the corporate New Year's holiday by November 23, 2009.

4. To reward employees with a cash bonus for the New Year according to the attached list.

5. To the head of the administrative department, S. S. Nalobin, to order New Year's gifts and souvenirs for employees with the logo of the company.

6. Director of the Human Resources Department V.K. Pestov, Head of the Administrative and Economic Department S.S. Nalobin and Chief Accountant M.A. term until November 25, 2009

7. The Chief Accountant M. A. Smirnova shall, by December 30, 2009, submit a report on the execution of the budget for the preparation and conduct of the New Year 2010.

I reserve control over the execution of this Order.

General Director Petrov N.M. Petrov

Acquainted with the Order:

Director of the Department for work with Pestov V. K. Pestov

Chief Accountant Smirnova M. A. Smirnova

Head of administrative and economic Nalobin S. S. Nalobin

Legal Counsel Mikhailov S. G. Mikhailov

(and other visas for heads of structural

Manager Pikhtin 11.11.2009

Petrov N. M. Petrov

Corporate New Years program

Venue: Blue Lagoon restaurant.

The beginning of the New Year's celebration is at 17.00.

Entrance of employees and guests by special invitations

Into the program new year's eve includes the following activities:

17.00 — new year greetings from the management of Solei LLC.

17.30 - solemn awarding of employees of Solei LLC.

18.30 - solemn presentation of gifts and souvenirs with the company logo to the business partners of Solei LLC.

19.00 - New Year's greetings from Santa Claus and Snegurochka, presenting New Year's gifts to all participants of the celebration.

20.00 - New Year's banquet, congratulations, toasts.

21.00 - performances by pop artists.

23.00 - disco and fireworks.

Throughout the evening - photo and video filming, friendly cartoons.

Then it is necessary to form a budget for the preparation and conduct of the New Year's holiday, the cost items of which are made up of many different elements, depending on the financial capabilities of the company, idea, scenario, number, status and level of participants in this event. A budget is drawn up, which details the cost of each stage of organizing a corporate New Year's holiday. The company can prepare a draft budget on its own or with the involvement of specialists specialized in the organization corporate events firms.

General Director of LLC "Impulse"

Petrov N. M. Petrov

The budget for the preparation and holding of the New 2010

Number of guests - 100 people.

The budget for the New Year's holiday is 1,204,000 rubles.

Corporate expenses: about banquets, buffets and sleigh rides

Who doesn't love the holidays? Everyone loves them! To escape from everyday work and have a pleasant time in the company of colleagues, especially when the employer pays for everything, is to the liking of any employee. But the accountant even at a buffet table with a glass in his hand and to the sound of music swarms with thoughts - how to account for corporate expenses. Moreover, the tax authorities always carefully study them and strive to catch you on mistakes.

Let's prepare for the festive events in advance in order to meet them with a light heart, and not puzzle over how to take into account all the festive "outrages".

Documentary evidence of expenses

Corporate expenses for their reflection in accounting must be documented. You will need:

1. The order of the head on holding a festive event, which will reflect: the place and date of the event, the rationale (purpose), the list of invitees (employees and guests), the program, persons responsible for organizing and holding the event. The order form is arbitrary.

2. Cost estimate with preliminary calculations of the cost of renting premises, maintenance, services of presenters, invited artists, refreshments, room decoration, etc.

3. Supporting documents for the expenses incurred (acts, invoices, checks, SRF, invoices, receipts, contracts). Money can be issued on account of responsible employees or the services of third-party organizations are paid from the current account.

4. At the end of the event responsible person an act or protocol is drawn up.


The costs of a "corporate party" can be very different, it all depends on the funds allocated for the event and the imagination of the management. Celebration in a cafe, restaurant, bar, holiday homes, country sanatoriums, sleigh rides, horses, cheesecakes, ships, yachts, barges, playing paintball, football, tennis, inviting artists of domestic leaven and visiting foreigners, songs, dances with an accordion and under the DJ ... the fantasy of entertainment is limitless.

In accounting, corporate expenses in accordance with clause 11 of PBU 10/99 refer to other expenses of the company and are recorded on account 91-2 “Other expenses”.

LLC "Snegovik" holds a New Year's corporate party for its employees. The event is held on the territory of the organization, treats are purchased by the accountable person S.S. Snegov. (according to the estimate it is planned for 23 600 rubles). In addition, an agreement has been concluded to conduct concert program with individual entrepreneur Morozov in the amount of 10,000 rubles. (excluding VAT, since the individual entrepreneur works on the simplified tax system). The following entries will be made in accounting:

Debit 71 - Credit 50 - in the amount of 23 600 rubles. - money was issued from the cash desk to the employee responsible for the purchase of products;

Debit 10 - Credit 71 - in the amount of 20,000 rubles. - the products purchased by the employee are posted to the warehouse

Debit 19 - Credit 71 - in the amount of 3 600 rubles. - reflected input VAT on products

Debit 91-2 - Credit 10 - in the amount of 20,000 rubles. according to the act drawn up after the event, the expenses for the products were written off

Debit 91-2 - Credit 19 - in the amount of 3 600 rubles. - VAT, not deductible, is written off to other expenses

Debit 60 - Credit 51 - in the amount of 10,000 rubles. - paid to SP Morozov from the current account

Debit 91-2 - Credit 60 - in the amount of 10,000 rubles. - an act of services rendered for the concert program was signed.

Debit 99 - Credit 68 - 6 720 rubles. - ((23,600 + 10,000) * 20%) - a permanent tax liability has been accrued

Payment for performances of artists at a corporate event (under a civil law contract) depends on whether the artists are individual entrepreneurs or individuals who are not registered as entrepreneurs. If the artist is an individual entrepreneur, then the tax on the income received and insurance premiums he will pay for himself. And if the artist is not an entrepreneur, then the organization acts as a tax agent, withholds personal income tax and charges contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia and FFOMS.

Tax accounting

Corporate expenses for the purpose of calculating income tax are not taken into account, since the conditions of article 252 of the Tax Code are not met. They are not economically justified and are not aimed at generating income. This is the position of the financial department, tax authorities and it is not possible to challenge it in court.

In addition, clause 29 of Article 270 of the Tax Code states that when calculating income tax, the costs of paying for visits to cultural and entertainment events, goods for personal consumption of employees, excursions, etc. are not taken into account.

The most popular, but risky way to take into account the expenses for a holiday in tax accounting is to register them as representative by inviting business partners to the event. In the program of the event, reflect as a goal the maintenance business cooperation, presentation of company development plans, presentation of new services, summing up the period, etc.

In this case, the costs of the holiday can be written off as representative (Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated November 16, 2009 No. 03-03-06 / 1 /, definition of the YAC dated November 30, 2009 No. VAS-15476/09). However, remember that hospitality costs are standardized (4% of labor costs), and they do not include the organization of recreation and entertainment. Therefore, it will not work to fit the entertainment fees for the services of invited artists and horse riding.

We take into account VAT

If the costs of holding a festive event are not taken into account for the purpose of taxation of profits, then it will not be possible to deduct VAT on them (clause 2 of article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not fulfilled). If expenses are held as entertainment, then VAT on expenses accounted for by income tax can be deducted, but over the limit - not (clause 7 of article 171 of the Tax Code).

According to the Ministry of Finance, when organizing a festive event for employees, when participants are not personified, there is no object of VAT taxation (i.e. there is no sale, the ownership of goods is not transferred). But there is also no right to deduction for input VAT (letter dated 13.12.2012 No. 03-07-07 / 133).

Personal income tax and insurance premiums

According to clause 1 of article 210 of the Tax Code, the tax base for personal income tax takes into account the income of the taxpayer in kind. Therefore, food on corporate event The Ministry of Finance recommends including in the taxable income of employees and withholding personal income tax.

However, if it is impossible to determine how much each employee ate and drank at a corporate event, i.e. there is no possibility of personalizing income, then taxable personal income tax does not arise (letters of the Ministry of Finance dated 06.03.2013 No. 03-04-06 / 6715, dated 30.01.2013 No. 03-04-06 / 6-29.

Please note: if a menu for each employee appears at a festive dinner, then personal income tax must be calculated, withheld when paying other income and transferred to the budget.

If the employees of the organization are paid fare(travel from another city) and accommodation in the place of the corporate event, then such expenses are recognized as payment for labor in kind. Personal income tax is withheld from such income of employees and insurance premiums are charged (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated September 20, 2013 No. 03-04-06 / 39113).

In December, Listopad LLC ordered a festive dinner for its employees in a restaurant for 10 persons. The cost of the dinner was 35,400 rubles. (including VAT 5,400 rubles), expenses per person - 3,540 rubles. The following entries were made in accounting:

Debit 91-2 - Credit 60 - in the amount of 30,000 rubles. - reflects the costs of the banquet

Debit 19 - Credit 60 - in the amount of 5 400 rubles. - VAT allocated

Debit 60 - Credit 51 - in the amount of 35 400 rubles. - paid to the restaurant by invoice

Debit 91-2 - Credit 19 - in the amount of 5,400 rubles. - VAT, not deductible, is written off to other expenses

Debit 99 - Credit 68 - in the amount of 7,080 rubles. (RUB 35 400 * 20%) - a permanent tax liability has been accrued

Debit 70 - Credit 68 - in the amount of 4,602 rubles. (3 540 rubles * 10 people * 13%) - personal income tax was charged.

If the cost per person had not been allocated, then the last posting would not have been. Therefore, whenever possible, in documents (contracts, invoices, acts) it is necessary to indicate all expenses in one amount.

The situation is similar with insurance premiums. Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of 26.11.2012. No. BAS-16165/12 in case No. A14-13077 / 2011 says that expenses for a corporate holiday do not apply to payments on which insurance premiums are charged.

Read about entertainment expenses accounting here. How to account for other New Year's expenses, see here.

Does your organization organize festive events for employees? What are the costs of conducting them? Do you like celebrating the holidays with your colleagues? Please share in the comments!

Banquet order

We hold a New Year's corporate party: how to optimize taxation

Is coming New Year... Many organizations will hold corporate events. At the same time, it is important to know how to correctly draw up the documents related to their implementation, so that later you will not have problems with taxation and not pay "extra" taxes. That is why it will be relevant to discuss the topic of optimization in terms of the payment of personal income tax and mandatory insurance contributions to the Fund. social protection population (hereinafter - the Fund) in this article.

From a letter to the editor:

"LLC" Progressive Technologies "by order of the organization established to hold a solemn event (banquet) on the occasion of summing up the results of work for 2013 in the premises of the restaurant" Old tavern ". The organization made an advance payment to the restaurant on an invoice including the cost of renting a hall, a music program, food and drinks, in the amount of 20,000,000 rubles.

The program provides for a speech by the director based on the results of the organization's work in 2013 and the deputy director on the development strategy for 2014. It was preliminary decided to give gifts to individual employees of the organization ( Appliances) for a total amount of 12,000,000 rubles. and 30 confectionery sets for employees' children. for a total amount of 7,500,000 rubles.

How to properly document the costs of holding a banquet in order to minimize the cost of paying personal income tax and social security contributions?

Valentina Vasilievna, accountant "

If you combine business with pleasure, income tax in individual cases no need to pay

You have asked a far from idle question. After all, it is important not only to pay taxes and deductions correctly, but also to know what needs to be done in order not to pay too much.

Let's turn to the provisions of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - TC). The object of taxation with income tax does not recognize income received by payers in the amount of payments by organizations for the costs of holding presentations, anniversaries, banquets, meetings, other cultural, entertainment events related to their activities (subparagraph 2.2, clause 2 of article 153 of the Tax Code) ...

The program of such an event may, for example, include: summing up the results of the work for the financial (calendar) year; cultural and entertainment program with contests and presentation of souvenirs or prizes to winners; banquet. Congratulations to the labor collective with the New Year can be timed to this event.

Consequently, all expenses incurred by an organization for carrying out such events are not recognized as an object for calculating income tax for all its participants.

In other cases (when the festive events are not related to the activities carried out), the expenses of the organization are recognized as an object for calculating income tax from natural person- a participant in the event. As a consequence, they are subject to taxation. At the same time, such income should be recorded for each individual.

Along the way, I note that these incomes can be considered as incomes exempted from taxation on the grounds of sub. 1.19, clause 1 of Art. 163 NC.

For reference: exempt from income tax are income that is not remuneration for the performance of labor or other duties (with the exception of income specified in subparagraph 1.19 1, paragraph 1 of article 163 of the Tax Code), incl. in the form of material assistance, gifts and prizes received from organizations that are the place of main work (service, study), incl. pensioners who previously worked in these organizations - in an amount not exceeding 10 million rubles from each source during the tax period.

Thus, if a solemn event is related to the activities carried out by the organization (summing up, familiarization with development plans, etc.), then the costs associated with the holding of this event will not be recognized as subject to income tax. In other words, if you combine business with pleasure, you don't have to pay income tax!

Benefit from the benefits in calculating contributions to the Fund

Let me remind you that the object for calculating compulsory insurance contributions to the Fund for employers and working citizens are payments of all types in monetary and (or) in-kind terms, accrued in favor of working citizens on all grounds, regardless of funding sources, including remuneration for civil contracts, except for the types of payments provided for in the list, for which compulsory insurance contributions to the Fund are not charged, approved by the Council of Ministers.

Moreover, the taxation of such payments is limited to 4 times the average wages employees in the republic for the month preceding the month for which compulsory insurance contributions are paid (Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 02.29.1996 No. 138-XIII "On compulsory insurance contributions to the Social Security Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus").

For reference: The list of payments for which contributions for state social insurance are not charged, including for professional pension insurance, to the Social Security Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and on compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases to the Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Enterprise "Belgosstrakh", approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 25.01.1999 No. 115 (hereinafter - the List).

The object for calculating insurance premiums for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases are payments of all types accrued in favor of persons subject to this insurance, on all grounds, regardless of funding sources, except for those provided for by List No. 115 (clause 2 of the Regulations on the procedure payment of insurance premiums to the insurer for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 10.10.2003 No. 1297).

Now let's get back to the List. It says that contributions to the Fund are not charged on the amounts spent by the employer in connection with the participation of workers in cultural events (paragraph 25 of the List).

These amounts, in particular, include the employer's expenses related to the organization and conduct of corporate recreation evenings (including discos, theater performances by personnel, professional artists, etc.), visits by employees to theater and entertainment organizations.

In addition, the amount of incentive payments and (or) the cost of gifts to employees provided for in the estimate of expenses for sports and cultural events(Clause 2 of the letter of the Federal Social Security Service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated 10.12.2010 No. 11-08 / 7862).

I would like to note that payments to persons who are not employees (under labor and civil law contracts) are not subject to compulsory social insurance contributions and compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

Competently fill out the documents for the corporate party

The fact of the commission business transaction confirmed by a primary accounting document, which has legal force, which is drawn up by the responsible executor together with other participants in the operation.

Primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up according to standard forms approved by the Ministry of Finance (for the National Bank, banks - by the National Bank), according to forms approved by republican bodies government controlled subordinate to the Council of Ministers, carrying out methodological management of accounting and reporting of organizations in the relevant sectors of the economy (Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18.10.1994 No. 3321-XII "On accounting and reporting"; hereinafter - Law No. 3321-XII).

Important! In the absence of approved standard forms (forms) or lack of information contained in them, the organization takes into account independently developed and approved primary accounting documents. Currently, there are no legislative forms for documenting holding festive and special events.

The forms of such documents can be developed by the organization independently, subject to mandatory compliance with the requirements of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 15.03.2011 No. 114 "On some issues of the application of primary accounting documents." Self-developed forms of primary accounting documents must be secured by local regulations organizations.

Let us give approximate forms such documents.

LLC "Progressive Technologies"

About holding a solemn event (banquet)

1. To hold a solemn event (banquet) on the occasion of summing up the results of work for 2013 on December 27, 2013 in the restaurant "Old tavern".

2. Prepare and submit for approval the program of the solemn event (banquet).

3. Prepare and submit for approval a list of participating staff and invited guests.

4. Prepare and submit for approval a cost estimate for a solemn event (banquet).

5. Give gifts to employees and give out pastry kits to employees' children.

6. Submit a report on the funds actually used for the solemn event (banquet).

7. Responsibility for the execution of this order rests with the HR manager OP Mozharova.

Director (signature) N.I. Corners

on the use of funds for a solemn event (banquet) dedicated to summing up the results of work for 2013

The event took place on December 27, 2013 at the Old Tavern restaurant. It was attended by 20 employees of Progressive Technologies LLC.

For holding a festive event (banquet), according to the attached documents, the following was spent:

1. Confectionery sets for employees' children, 30 (thirty) pcs. in the amount of 7,500,000 rubles. (according to the statement).

2. Lease of space under an agreement with OOO Restaurant Staryi Taqtir in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles. (invoice dated 06.11.2013 No. 06/11).

3. The cost of food and drinks in the amount of 19,762,000 rubles. (TN of December 27, 2013 No. 5301263).

4. Gifts to employees of the organization: 5 (five) pieces for the amount of 11,600,000 rubles.

5. Show program in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. (act dated December 27, 2013 No. 30).

Total: 42,862,000 (Forty two million eight hundred sixty two thousand) rubles.

Appendix: documents on 5 sheets.

Responsible person: HR manager (signature) O.P. Mozharova

Summarize. As you can see, the role of formalities is important in tax (and not only) legislation, and it depends on their observance whether or not to pay taxes (where possible). Let me remind you that you can familiarize yourself with certain aspects of the calculation of income tax related to the celebration of the New Year in our magazine (No. 23, 2013, pp. 27–32).

The full text of the article is available for subscribers of the journal

We invite all site visitors to get demo access for three days to all materials electronic journal « Chief Accountant... Salary "in full!

Banquet order

Askerova R.V.,
practicing lawyer

New Year expenses

On the eve of the New Year holidays, many companies have questions about how to encourage employees, how to please their children with sweets, tickets for New Year's trees, and what gifts to present to customers and partners. And most importantly, how to include all this in expenses.

Practice shows that in almost all cases the cost of gifts for the New Year is not included in the costs of the simplified tax system. As for personal income tax, it must be withheld only if the value of the gift to the employee has exceeded 4,000 rubles. But even these tax nuances will not affect the holiday mood! And now about everything in order.

New Years corporate party

According to marketers, corporate events and the success of them always affect the performance of your staff and the maintenance of team spirit. Simply put, for a successful business, you need to periodically please your employees with joint festive events.

First of all, it should be noted that the basis for reflecting corporate expenses in the accounting of an enterprise are primary documents. If an organization decides to hold a corporate party, then the first thing it must issue an order for the organization, in which it is necessary to indicate the name of the event, justification, date and place, the person responsible for its holding. The list of employees participating in the corporate party, the program of the event and the cost estimate are approved.


The decision on the payment of expenses for corporate and entertainment events for employees is made by the head of the organization, if he has the appropriate authority. The decision to allocate money is reflected in the order of the head.

Limited Liability Company "FORTUNA"

Order number 75
about holding a corporate holiday banquet
in honor of the New Year 2015 celebration.

1. To organize a festive banquet for the employees of the society in honor of the New Year 2015 celebration.

2. Dates and venue of the festive banquet: December 27, 2014, the restaurant "Old Castle", located at the address: st. Angarskaya, 13.

3. Appoint the secretary I. G. Borisova responsible for the preparation of the banquet.

4. I. G. Borisova to develop and submit for approval by December 01, 2014 the scenario of the holiday, the list of banquet participants.

5. Chief accountant IV Sergeeva to plan the amount of maximum costs for the event, prepare a cost estimate.

6. Appoint IV Karpov responsible for drawing up a financial report on the costs incurred for the banquet.

7. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

General manager S I D O R E N K O/A. V. Sidorenko /

Tax accounting under the simplified tax system. The costs of holding the holiday will not be economically justified (clause 1 of article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), since they are not related to production activities enterprises. The costs of organizing holidays for employees in paragraph 1 of Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not contained. Therefore, for the purposes tax accounting the costs of holding a New Year's banquet cannot be taken into account.

Personal income tax. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Art. 211 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it is determined that income received by a taxpayer in kind, in particular, includes payment (in whole or in part) for him by organizations or individual entrepreneurs goods (works, services) or property rights, including utilities, food, recreation, training in the interests of the taxpayer. Thus, attending a New Year's banquet is an employee's income received in kind. But personal income tax is a personified tax, and for its calculation it is necessary to determine the amount of income of a particular employee. Therefore, if the holiday expenses in the primary documents are distributed for each of the employees and it is possible to determine the amount of income received by each of them, the employer is obliged to withhold personal income tax. If there is no personification, then the employees do not have income taxed with personal income tax. And the definition of the base for personal income tax by calculation is not provided for by tax legislation.

Insurance premiums. Payment of the cost of the corporate party in st. 9 of Law No. 212-FZ is not named. However, during corporate festive events between individuals and the organization, there is no relationship listed in Part 1 of Art. 7 of Law No. 212-FZ, since the obligation to carry them out is usually not fixed by either labor or collective agreements... In addition, as in the case of personal income tax, it is impossible to personalize the payment. Therefore, the cost of festive events should not be included in the insurance premium base.

Accounting. According to clause 11 of PBU 10/99 in accounting, the costs of holding a New Year's corporate party are related to other expenses. Accordingly, the following postings will be made:

Corporate party order: sample


Document text:

Organization name ORDER ________________ N _______________ __________________________________ Place of publication About _____________________ (indicate the event) For the purpose of ______________________________________________________________ I ORDER: 1. To carry out "__" ________ ___ (option: in the period from ____________ to ____________) __________________________________________________________ (indicate the event) ______________________________________________________. 2. To approve the Program of the ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate the event) 3. To approve the estimate of entertainment expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix N 2). event) 4. To the chief accountant ____________________________ allocate funds in the amount established by the estimate of the entertainment expenses (Appendix N 2 ), and in time ____________________________ submit a report on entertainment expenses for the event held with confirmation of their respective primary documents... 5. To approve the list of employees of the organization to participate in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. The head of the _____________ department _______________________ provide __________________________________________________________________ during the event. 7. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to __________________________________________________________________________. (indicate position and full name) Position name of the head of the organization Signature Signature decryption Visa I have read the order: Signature Signature decryption Date of the Appendix: - N 1 - Program ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs of ____________________________. (indicate event)

Attachments to the document:

  • (Adobe Reader)

What other documents are there:

What else to download on the topic "Order":

  • It's no secret that a legally competent approach to drafting an agreement or contract is a guarantee of the success of the transaction, its transparency and security for counterparties. The employment relationship is no exception.

  • In progress economic activity many firms most often use a delivery contract. It would seem that this essentially simple document should be absolutely clear and unambiguous.
  • ( option: in the period from ____________ to ____________) official reception and negotiations with representatives of ________ ______________________________________________________. 2. To approve the Program of the ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate the event) 3. To approve the estimate of entertainment expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix No. 2). event) 4. To the chief accountant ____________________________ allocate cash in the amount established by the estimate of entertainment expenses (Appendix No. 2), and within the time ____________________________ submit a report on entertainment expenses for the entertainment events held with confirmation of their respective primary documents. 5. To approve the list of employees of the organization to participate in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________.

    (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. The head of the transport department _______________________ provide transport service representatives of _________________________ during the event. 7. I reserve control over the execution of this order (option: assign to ______________________________). (indicate the position and full name) Appendices: - N 1 - Program ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs of ____________________________. (indicate the event) Leader _________________ _________________ ________________ (signature) (full name) Acquainted with the order: "__" ________ ___ ____________ ____________ (signature) (full name)

    Source - CJSC "Yurinform V"

    One head is good, and several heads are a herd.

    To write off the costs of a New Year's corporate event, the accounting department may require the management to issue a corresponding order.

    What should be written in it?

    The order for holding a corporate party, like any other order of the director, is drawn up on the appropriate form.

    • Name of the organization;
    • number and date of the order;
    • the subject of the order;
    • the purpose of issuing the order;
    • the essence of the order point by point;
    • position and name of the person in charge.

    If performers are indicated in the order, then each of them should be familiarized with him under the signature.

    Sample order for a New Year's corporate party

    LLC "KodoTur"

    About holding
    corporate celebration
    New Year

    In connection with the celebration of the New Year, as well as for development corporate culture and strengthening relationships with partners

    I ORDER:

    1. Conduct a corporate New Year celebration on December 27, 20__.
    2. Senior manager A. S. Ivanchenko to submit the action plan for approval by November 10, 20__.
    3. The head of the personnel department E.G. Sapronov to submit for approval a list of employees for encouragement by November 15, 20__.
    4. Commercial Director N. G. Golikov to submit the list of invited partners for approval by November 15, 20__.
    5. Senior accountant V.

    6. To appoint senior manager A. S. Ivanchenko to be responsible for the preparation and holding of the event.
    7. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    General manager ……………………………………. A. S. Fedchenko

    The dates in the example order are conditional. In fact, it is better to start preparing for the New Year holidays in advance.

    Order on holding a New Year's corporate party

    New Years corporate party

    Read also:

    Order of the event

    Organization name ORDER ________________ N _______________ __________________________________ Place of publication On holding _____________________ (indicate event) For the purpose of ______________________________________________________________ I ORDER: 1.

    Carry out "__" ________ ___ (option: in the period from ____________ to ____________) __________________________________________________________ (indicate the event) ______________________________________________________. 2. To approve the Program of the ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate the event) 3. To approve the estimate of entertainment expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix No. 2).

    event) 4. To the chief accountant ____________________________ allocate funds in the amount established by the estimate of entertainment expenses (Appendix N 2), and within the time ____________________________ submit a report on entertainment expenses for the event held, confirming them with the corresponding primary documents. 5. To approve the list of employees of the organization to participate in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate position and full name.

    employee) - ____________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. The head of the _____________ department _______________________ provide __________________________________________________________________ during the event.

    7. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to __________________________________________________________________________. (indicate position and full name) Position name of the head of the organization Signature Signature decryption Visa I have read the order: Signature Signature decryption Date of the Appendix: - N 1 - Program ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs of ____________________________. (indicate event)

    Document page source:

    Organization name ORDER ________________ N _______________ __________________________________ Place of publication About _____________________ (indicate the event) For the purpose of ______________________________________________________________ I ORDER: 1. To carry out "__" ________ ___ (option: in the period from ____________ to ____________) __________________________________________________________ (indicate the event) ______________________________________________________. 2. To approve the Program of the ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate the event) 3. To approve the estimate of entertainment expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix No. 2). event) 4.

    Order of the event

    To the chief accountant ____________________________ to allocate funds in the amount established by the estimate of entertainment expenses (Appendix No. 2), and within the time ____________________________ submit a report on entertainment expenses for the event held, confirming them with the corresponding primary documents. 5. To approve the list of employees of the organization to participate in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. The head of the _____________ department _______________________ provide __________________________________________________________________ during the event. 7. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to __________________________________________________________________________. (indicate position and full name) Position name of the head of the organization Signature Signature decryption Visa I have read the order: Signature Signature decryption Date of the Appendix: - N 1 - Program ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs of ____________________________. (indicate event)

    Document page source:

    Order of the head of the organization on holding an entertainment event and approving the cost estimate for its holding

    _____________________________________________________ (name of organization) ORDER N _______ ______________________ "__" ________ ___ On holding ___________________________ (indicate the event) In order to establish and (or) maintain mutual cooperation with ___________________________________ I ORDER: 1.

    Corporate party order: sample

    Conduct "__" ________ ___ (option: in the period from ____________ to ____________) official reception and negotiations with representatives of ________ ______________________________________________________. 2. To approve the Program of the ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate the event) 3. To approve the estimate of entertainment expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix N 2). event) 4. To the chief accountant ____________________________ allocate funds in the amount established by the estimate of the entertainment expenses (Appendix N 2 ), and in time ____________________________ submit a report on entertainment expenses for the entertainment events held with confirmation of their respective primary documents. 5. To approve the list of employees of the organization to participate in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. The head of the transport department _______________________ provide transport services for representatives of _________________________ during the event. 7. I reserve control over the execution of this order (option: assign to ______________________________). (indicate the position and full name) Appendices: - N 1 - Program ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs of ____________________________. (indicate the event) Leader _________________ _________________ ________________ (signature) (full name) Familiarized with the order: "__" ________ ___ ____________ ____________ (signature) (full name)


    Sample order for a control measure

    Section of the document: Sample documents, Order

    Download "Sample order for a control event"

    Source of documents for the Order section:



    Territorial authority order form

    On the implementation of a control measure in relation to ___________________________________________________________ (name legal entity or surname, initials of an individual entrepreneur)

    In accordance with the Regulations on Federal Service on supervision in the field of communications, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 318, the Procedure for exercising state supervision of activities in the field of communications, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/02/2005 N 110, in order to verify compliance with (name of a legal entity or surname, initials of an individual entrepreneur) licensed conditions for carrying out activities under license N (NN) _________

    I ORDER:

    1. To carry out within the period from _____ to _____ (planned or unscheduled) an event to control compliance (name of a legal entity or surname, initials of an individual entrepreneur) with the licensing conditions for carrying out activities under license N (NN) ______ (hereinafter - the control event). 2. In order to carry out the control measure, create a commission consisting of: Surname First name Patronymic Position, chairman Last name First name Patronymic Position ... ... 3.

    Event order sample

    Commission (surname of the chairman) shall, by _____, develop and submit for approval ________________ the Program of the control activity. 4. Control over the implementation of this Order to assign to ______________ (Surname).

    Manager (initials, surname)

    Soon, soon the New Year!

    “Personnel officer. HR administration ", 2009, N 12

    Corporate New Year's Eve is an event that is eagerly awaited all year round. After all, every time you want the New Year to be easy, festive and carefree. And without any problems, both for the company and its employees.

    Correctly executed internal documents of the company, as well as knowledge of the rules of conduct on New Year's Eve and during the corporate New Year's celebration, will help to avoid a number of problems.

    The very fact of organizing and holding a corporate New Year's holiday must be formalized (in addition to primary accounting documents) also by the internal documents of the company. This is a requirement of clauses 1 and 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting" and clause 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    These internal documents include:

    - order of the head of the company on the preparation and celebration of the corporate New Year 2010;

    - the program of the New Year's event;

    - the approved budget for the New Year's event;

    - a report on the execution of this budget.

    The first thing to do in the preparation and conduct of the New Year's celebration is to issue the appropriate order from the head. It indicates where, when and for what reason a corporate event will be organized, as well as appoint persons responsible for holding the event and for all expenses. On the basis of the order, they draw up a program for the New Year's event and approve the budget for the preparation and conduct of the New Year's holiday.

    Sample sample

    Limited Liability Company "Soleil"
    (LLC "Soleil")

    We draw up an order for entertainment expenses - sample

    Order N 47
    on the preparation and celebration of the New 2010

    To prepare and celebrate New 2010

    I order:

    2. Appoint the person responsible for the organization and conduct of the New Year's corporate holiday, the Director of the HR Department V.K. Pestova.

    3. Director of the Human Resources Department V.K. Pestov to prepare a corporate New Year's holiday program by November 23, 2009.

    4. To reward employees with a cash bonus for the New Year according to the attached list.

    5. To the head of the administrative and economic department S.S. Nalobin to order New Year's gifts and souvenirs for employees with the logo of the company.

    6. Director of the Human Resources Department V.K. Pestov, head of the administrative department S.S. Nalobin and chief accountant M.A. Smirnova, according to the program of the New Year's holiday approved by me, to prepare a budget for this event and submit it to me for approval by November 25, 2009.

    7. Chief accountant M.A. Smirnova, by December 30, 2009, submit a report on the execution of the budget for the preparation and conduct of the New 2010 year.

    I reserve control over the execution of this Order.

    General Director Petrov N.M. Petrov

    Acquainted with the Order:

    Director of the Department for Work with Pestov V.K. Pestov
    Head of administrative and economic Nalobin S.S. Nalobin
    Legal Counsel S.G. Mikhailov Mikhailov
    (and other visas for heads of structural
    divisions of the company)

    In case N 01-01
    Manager Pikhtin 11.11.2009

    Sample sample

    I approve:

    Petrov N.M. Petrov

    Corporate New Years program

    Venue: Blue Lagoon restaurant.

    The beginning of the New Year's celebration is at 17.00.

    Entrance of employees and guests by special invitations

    The New Year's Eve program includes the following activities:

    17.00 - New Year's greetings from the management of Soleil LLC.

    17.30 - solemn awarding of employees of LLC “Soleil”.

    18.30 - solemn presentation of gifts and souvenirs with the company logo to the business partners of Soleil LLC.

    19.00 - New Year's greetings from Santa Claus and Snegurochka, presenting New Year's gifts to all participants of the celebration.

    20.00 - New Year's banquet, congratulations, toasts.

    21.00 - performances by pop artists.

    23.00 - disco and fireworks.

    Throughout the evening - photo and video filming, friendly cartoons.

    Then it is necessary to form a budget for the preparation and conduct of the New Year's holiday, the cost items of which are made up of many different elements, depending on the financial capabilities of the company, idea, scenario, number, status and level of participants in this event. A budget is drawn up, which details the cost of each stage of organizing a corporate New Year's holiday. A company can prepare a draft budget on its own or with the involvement of firms specializing in organizing corporate events.

    Sample sample

    I approve:

    General Director of LLC "Impulse"
    Petrov N.M. Petrov

    The budget for the preparation and holding of the New 2010

    Number of guests - 100 people.

    The budget for the New Year's holiday is 1,204,000 rubles.

    Expenditure items Amount (rub.)
    The costs of artificial Christmas trees and new Year decoration office
    premises 25,000
    Expenses for New Year's decorative elements, floristic
    arrangements, compositions and figures from air
    balls, banners, decorative lighting, serpentine,

    confetti, sparklers for restaurant banquet hall
    "Blue Lagoon" 105,000
    New Year cards and invitations 6,000
    (60 x 100)
    Rent of the banquet hall of the Blue Lagoon restaurant 50 000
    New Year's banquet (meals, drinks, service, dishes) 300 000
    (3000 x 100)
    Order 15 cakes with company logo 20,000
    Gifts and souvenirs with company logo 150,000
    (1500 x 100)
    Fee for the host of the New Year's Eve 30,000
    Hire of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes 8 000
    Caricature artist's fee 20,000
    Entertainment(holiday script, concert
    pop artists, disco) 400 000
    Photo and video filming 40,000
    Fireworks 15,000
    Fee of the company - organizer of the New Year's holiday 35,000
    Total expenses 1,204,000

    Chief Accountant Smirnova M.A. Smirnova

    Sample sample

    I approve:

    General Director of LLC "Impulse"
    Petrov N.M. Petrov

    Report on the execution of the budget for the preparation and conduct
    New 2010

    Expenditure items Amount (rub.)
    plan fact documents
    Artificial costs
    trees and new year
    office decoration
    premises 25,000 20,000 Account dated 01.12.2009 N 421,

    invoice dated 02.12.2009
    N 421, advance report from
    03.12.2009 N 76
    Expenses for New Years
    decorative elements,

    arrangements, compositions and
    figures from balloons,

    banners, decorative
    lighting, streamer,

    confetti, sparklers
    for banquet hall
    restaurant "Blue Lagoon" 105,000 102,000 Invoice dated 07.12.2009 N 1289,

    invoice dated 07.12.2009
    N 1289, advance report from
    08.12.2009 N 85, act
    delivery-acceptance of completed
    works dated 25.12.2009 N 245,

    invoice dated 25.12.2009
    N 245
    New Year cards and
    invitations 6,000 6,000 Advance statement from
    08.12.2009 N 86
    Banquet hall rental
    restaurant "Blue Lagoon" 50,000 50,000 Contract dated 01.12.2009
    N 236, account dated 21.12.2009
    N 376, acceptance certificate
    services rendered from
    28.12.2009 N 284, account-
    invoice from 28.12.2009
    N 284
    New Year's banquet (dishes,

    drinks, service,

    dishes) 300,000 300,000 Contract dated 01.12.2009
    N 236, account dated 21.12.2009
    N 376, acceptance certificate
    services rendered from
    28.12.2009 N 284, account-
    invoice from 28.12.2009
    N 284
    Order 15 cakes with
    company logo 20,000 20,000 Invoice dated 18.12.2009 N 449,

    record of acceptance
    services rendered from
    12.24.2009 N 350, account-
    invoice dated 12.24.2009
    N 350
    Gifts and souvenirs with
    company logo 150,000 150,000 Contract dated 07.12.2009
    N 672, account from 08.12.2009
    N 817, acceptance certificate
    completed works from
    12/14/2009 N 869, account-
    invoice dated 12/14/2009
    N 869
    Host's fee
    New Year's Eve 30,000 30,000 Contract dated 21.12.2009
    N 28, act of completed
    works dated 25.12.2009 N 28,

    RKO dated 25.12.2009 N 394
    Grandfather costume rental
    Frost and Snow Maiden 8,000 8,000 Contract dated 07.12.2009
    N 557, act of completed
    works dated 25.12.2009 N 557,

    invoice dated 25.12.2009
    N 557, payment order
    dated 08.12.2009 N 861
    Caricature artist's fee 20,000 20,000 Contract dated 21.12.2009
    N 29, act of completed
    works dated 25.12.2009 N 29,

    RKO dated 25.12.2009 N 395
    (holiday script,

    concert of pop artists,

    disco) 400,000 400,000 Contract dated 07.12.2009
    N 557, act of completed
    works dated 25.12.2009 N 557,

    invoice dated 25.12.2009
    N 557, payment order
    dated 08.12.2009 N 861
    Photo and video filming 40,000 40,000 Contract dated 21.12.2009
    N 30, act of completed
    works dated 25.12.2009 N 30,

    RKO dated 25.12.2009 N 396
    Fireworks 15,000 15,000 Advance statement from
    12.21.2009 N 92
    Firm's fee -
    organizer of the New Year
    holiday 35,000 35,000 Contract dated 07.12.2009
    N 557, act of completed
    works dated 25.12.2009 N 557,

    An order to hold an event is an official order of the head of an organization addressed to subordinates and requiring the performance of certain actions. The document is drawn up in writing in compliance with basic regulatory standards.


    The document consists of two blocks: informational and administrative.

    Document information block

    The information block of the document should contain:

    • purpose of the event;
    • date of the event;
    • the place where the event will be held.

    Document disposition block

    The control block must contain:

    • the actions that will be taken to create the event;
    • Name of persons responsible for the design, organization of the event, as well as reporting after it has ended.

    Information that must be in the document

    The order must contain the following information:

    • document header;
    • what is the name of the organization;
    • registration number;
    • place of publication;
    • date of compilation;
    • the name of the event itself;
    • why it was decided to hold the event;
    • the period of the event;
    • approved action plan;
    • the amount of money to be provided to the organization;
    • the date on which the post-event hospitality report will be provided;
    • Name of employees who will participate in the event;
    • Full name of the head of the transport department, who will provide transport services;
    • Full name and official position of the person who will monitor the execution of the order;
    • annexes that are attached to the order (name of the program, cost estimate, etc.);
    • manager's signature;
    • the date of familiarization with the document and the signatures of the participants.

    Who signs

    The order to hold the event is signed by the head of the organization or the person who temporarily acts as the head on the basis of a power of attorney.

    Why do you need an order to hold an event

    An order for holding an event is necessary for the head of the organization in order to:

    • unite and motivate employees;
    • promote corporate values: follow the example of leaders, strive for growth, do more with less, etc .;
    • introduce new leadership;
    • to attract the attention of the media;
    • to strengthen the image of the organization;
    • create a set of rules and regulations that describe the rules of conduct, uniform standards of relations and joint activities existing in the organization;
    • mobilize the labor potential of employees for a new project;
    • create a single team.

    Requirements for filling

    According to GOST R 6.30-2003, the following requirements must be met when an order is drawn up:

    • Observe the distance between the edges of the page and the text.
    • The document should be on a white and high quality sheet of paper 210 × 297.
    • The date of the document is written in the order Arabic numerals, for example: 10/16/2010. or 2010.10.16. State standard allows a verbal and digital way of formatting the date - October 16, 2010
    • All requisites must be filled in.
    • All amounts should be written in words and numbers.
    • The presence of all signatures.
    • There must be a decryption of all signatures.
    • Seal.

    If the order is issued on two or more pages, then such documents are subject to numbering.

    Typical mistakes when filling out the document

    Most often, the following mistakes are made in the order for holding events:

    • the date of preparation of the document is not specified;
    • there is no stamp of approval;
    • details are not filled;
    • there is no list of persons responsible for the execution of the document;
    • notes made in pencil;
    • appending text;
    • illegible entry was made;
    • there are fixes;
    • spelling / arithmetic errors;
    • different ink colors;
    • the name of the organization is incorrect;
    • conspicuous mechanical impact on a document (artificial aging, erasing part of the text);
    • amended;
    • entries are erased with an eraser.

    Important! If the act is signed by a person not related to the verification, then such a document has no legal force.

    Error correction

    If an error was noticed in the order, then the following must be done:

    1. Rewrite / reprint the document. You can use this method if:
      • the error was noticed even before the signing by the head;
      • the error was discovered at the time of signing.
    2. To annul the document if it contains typos, blots, words that distort the meaning of the order. To do this, it is enough to issue a new order. But before that, it is necessary to issue a document annulling the order for holding events, in which there are errors. It should state the following:
      • registration number;
      • date;
      • title;
      • the text should begin with the words: "To invalidate" / "To consider invalid";
      • reason for cancellation;
      • who is responsible for corrections;
      • terms of execution of the replacement order.

    After the document (canceling the order) has been drawn up, the next step is to prepare a new one, which is assigned new number and where there are no misprints, blots, or misspellings. After which the order is signed by the head.

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