The New Year's script for high school students is modern. Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students “Once upon a New Year ...

While schoolchildren have holidays, they have a rest. But some students are preparing for the new year, because it is very soon. How do you prepare to celebrate the new year at your school? Games and contests? This is great, but still not enough. We need something interesting and unusual, for example, new scenes for the new year 2018 for high school students. Funny scenes will help you make guests laugh and cheer yourself up. See, choose and play.

Scene - an argument with teachers.

Two students enter the stage and begin a conversation.

Student 1:
Hello, why are you so sad?

Student 2:
And how to rejoice ?! We have New Year's holidays, and our teachers have given us so many tasks! So I am sad, I will not have a new year, but no one will have it. All students will teach and learn what we have been asked. And then read, and decide, and ....

Apprentice 1 (interrupts him):
Stop, stop, stop! You have to think about it. Look, the holidays are both for us and for the teachers? So? So! But we will study on our own during the holidays, and the teachers will rest. So? So!

Student 2:
I’ll even say more: they will not only rest, they will also drink ...

Student 1 (interrupting him again):
Stop, don't go on. It will be empty on their conscience. Listen further. And so, everyone has a vacation, but the students study at home, but there is no teacher. This means that everything is fair, I propose to play a game with the teachers, and if they win, then we will learn everything. And if they lose, then (rubs his hands), eh, let's play.

Pupils invite teachers to the stage. 2-3 teachers are enough. When they enter the stage, the game begins.

Student 1:
And so, we will play by these rules.

Student 2:
The rules are simple - we ask a question, you discuss for 15 seconds and give an answer. If the answer is correct, then you have one point. If you are wrong, then we have one point.

Student 1:
Since 2017 is coming - the year of the rooster, then our questions are related to the theme of the new year and with roosters and chickens. Ready? Let's get started.

Questions to play with teachers.

1. One rooster decided to cross the border with China. And at the border, he laid an egg. The border guards will not let him in and demand to leave the egg on ... on whose territory do the border guards demand to leave the egg?
(answer: no one, since roosters do not lay eggs)

2. In 15 seconds, name two proverbs on the topic of chickens and roosters.
(Answer: chickens are counted in the fall and the hen does not teach eggs - this is an example, teachers can name others).

3. The rooster was born on January 1, 2014. What will happen to him on January 1, 2017?
(answer: he will be 3 years old)

4. In which month in 2017 will women gossip the least?
(answer: in February, since it has the least number of days - 28)

5. How many snowballs with a diameter of 10 centimeters can fit into a container with a volume of 100 cubic centimeters?
(answer: none, they can't walk snowballs)

6. You have a comb, but you cannot comb your hair. Why?
(answer: this is a cockscomb)

7. You have come to your friends for the new year. There are salads on the table. You were served red plates with salads. Which hand is the most convenient for placing salads in red plates?
(answer: the one with the spoon)

After the game, calculate the number of points for teachers and students. And further according to the situation. For example, if the students won, then you can say:
- of course, it was a joke game. We will still learn lessons, but we will not forget to celebrate the new year and have fun.
And if the teachers win, then we can say this:
- well, you proved that you need to learn. And we will study, but only in the new year!

Scene - magic boots of Santa Claus.

Two students step onto the stage again. In the hands of one felt boot.

Student 1:
Hello. What are those funny shoes you have?

Student 2:
These are not funny shoes, these are the boots of Santa Claus.

Student 1:
Whom, whom? Santa Claus? Okay, we're not in kindergarten... Here all adults and everyone knows that there is no Santa Claus. Or not everyone knows yet ?!

Student 2:
How not? And whose boots are these then?

Student 1:
Probably your grandfather or one of the teachers. Who comes there from far away?

Student 2:
No, I'm telling you - these are the boots of Santa Claus, and they are magical!

Student 1:
Then show their magic.

Student 2:
Show? I will show.
(Addressing the audience)
Who wants to try magic boots?

Hands are raised in the hall, and the student calls one student. He goes out and puts on his boots.

Student 1:
And where is the magic? I don’t see him.

The music turns on and the student in felt boots begins to dance a dance. After some time, two more students appear on the stage, and the three of them are already dancing. Then they come out again and again and a real flash mob is formed on the stage!

After the dance (flash mob)

Student 1:
Yes, and felt boots are really magical.

Student 2:
Yes, magical, magical. But let's go quickly. Now my grandfather will wake up, but there are no boots. Now you will see real magic, how one hundred and forty words can be said in a minute!

The students leave the stage.

In order for this scene to work, as you understand, you need to prepare for it in advance. That is, to learn dance with the students, and these students should sit in the hall in different places, so that it seems as if they did not go out deliberately and did not come to an agreement.
Learn a beautiful dance to show the flash mob and surprise the whole school!

New Year's holiday for high school students.

New Year at school.

New Year's Eve script for high school students.

Scenario for the New Year for senior schoolchildren "In search of icy freshness"


Snow Maiden

Father Frost



Dance collective or group

The foyer is festively decorated, in the center there is a Christmas tree, in the right corner of the hall there is a podium. The podium is like a snowball or an ice floe. There is a small table. The Snow Maiden is sitting at the table, bored.

Snow Maiden: Every year the same thing ... Oranges - tangerines, Christmas trees, garlands, a Christmas tree was born in the forest ... nothing new. After all, everyone already knows these round dances by heart ... the Christmas tree, light up, and the plug into the socket ... there is nothing to be surprised ...

Santa Claus (a young, possibly also a high school student or student) has been standing for some time and listening to her whining. Finally the Snow Maiden notices him.

Snow Maiden: Oh, who are you? And, I see - another dressed up. Newbie, or what?

Father Frost: And even if he is dressed up, and even if he is new, but I do not breed dampness and despondency here ...

Snow Maiden: And who breeds? You know, if you're all so positive, go ahead and drive all this boring stuff (puts him in his place). Here's a tree for you, here's a microphone for you, here's some gifts for you, and here's your contingent ... Come on ... Why did you calm down?

Father Frost: Wait, don't make a noise, you interfere with concentration ... The solution to the question of an interesting vacation must be approached conceptually, including, so to speak, creative thinking ...

Snow Maiden(stunned): What did you say now? Are you scoffing, yeah? Are you clever, huh? Is this what I need? All sorts of things go around here, you know, they throw offensive words ... I don't understand a damn thing ...

The Director appears. She is in a New Year's suit.

Director: So what's the noise, but there is no fight?

Snow Maiden: It's a lot of honor to fight everyone. Here he is - cool, let him work hard, let the youth soar, and I, thank God, have already passed this age.

Director: Calm down, we'll figure it out now. Why isn't the tree working? I mean, it doesn't shine with bright lights? Come on, kids, joined hands together - let's say a Christmas tree: light up!

Snow Maiden: Mary Vasilna, well, what kind of kids they are, look at them.

Director(turns to the audience): What, we will not light the tree already, and we will not lead a round dance too?

Snow Maiden: Yes, plug it in - and all business!

Comes to Santa Claus, looks up.

Director: Wow, what Santa Claus has been sent to us today, he's just too young ... Let's ask Santa Claus to turn on the Christmas tree for us! (Shouts, calling the audience) Santa Claus, Santa Claus ...

Father Frost(shrugs): Okay, I'll turn it on, it's not difficult for me. (Goes and turns on the Christmas tree)

Director: And now the round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"! We take the handles, we take ...

Accordingly, no one is in a hurry to this very round dance.

Director(to Santa Claus, in a whisper): You, a young man, would help or something ... (Shifts the arrows to him) And what are you, in fact, trying to do, spoil the event for us?

Father Frost: How can you spoil it if it seems to be spoiled from the very beginning ...

Snow Maiden: Oh you...

Father Frost: Well, you yourself said that boring things, that nothing new ...

Director: Well, well, interesting. Who said that?

Snow Maiden: You never know what I said, and in general - come on, you otsedova, who even called you here?

Father Frost: Like who? Everyone calls me now, I'm Santa Claus!

The Snow Maiden is indignant and has no answer.

Director: All, enough bickering. I have a constructive suggestion ...

Snow Maiden: Mary Vasilna, and you, too, express yourself in all sorts of words here, is it infectious, or what?

Director: Sit down! Write!

The Snow Maiden sits down at the table and prepares to write.

Director: Here he is now, as a representative of the young, so to speak, generation, and will explain what they, the young, need on this holiday. How to make it for real interesting and memorable.

Father Frost(inspired): Write! To stir up good party, you have to become a real scumbag for a while!

Director: What?!!

Snow Maiden: Generally a blockage ...

Father Frost: Yes, you do not understand. Not in the sense that it is bad, but in the sense that it is good. FROST - that is, FROM FROST representatives, from young FROST, Ferstein?

Director- Nope, not fershteen!

Father Frost: Well, don't you watch TV? There, in one advertisement, young people call themselves scumbags, well, in the sense that they are not cold anywhere, so they are looking for sharp, in the sense of, cold sensations. So they say: scumbags in search of icy freshness.

Snow Maiden: Something familiar...

Director: Stimorol, and ... this is such a gum. So what's next?

Snow Maiden: Rather, in search of last year's snow. Snow is problematic nowadays.

Director: Good idea. About last year's snow. (To Santa Claus) Well, come on, or something, collect your scumbags.

Father Frost... So so. Thugs, they generally differ in intelligence and ingenuity.

Snow Maiden: Can I start, so to speak, by seniority, I have questions here - "Winter associations" are called.

Quiz "Winter Associations" ... Based on the results of the quiz, a company is recruited, divided into 2 teams, and the game "Take the Prize" is held. (Chair, felt boots 2 pairs, prizes and fun music)

Snow Maiden(asks the participants): Well - ice? No, not ice.

Father Frost: Well, if not ice, then let's continue!

Director: Eh, young people, how addicted you are all! Do you know, for example, that the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia has filed a lawsuit against the Pepsi company and is facing a fine of 400 to 5000 minimum wages and the removal of the video from the air ... For what? According to officials, the content of the video contradicts the law on disturbing the peace of citizens at night. Maybe someone will figure out what kind of video we are talking about?

Roma the Beast "Districts, quarters ..." and "Pepsi". The one who answered is invited to the stage.

Father Frost: Interestingly, are there many fans of Roma the Beast in the audience? And who will tell his real name - Roma? (Bilyk). (Who also answered the stage.)

Contest "Sound advertising" ... 2 participants get 2 people for themselves in teams. They show a video on the screen, and in 30 seconds. the team must voice it. The audience votes for this or that team. And you need to vote like this: ice is not ice.

New Year's Adventures of Santa Claus

New Year's Party Scenario for High School Students


  1. Santa Claus (DM)
  2. Snow Maiden (CH
  3. Polar bear (BM)
  4. Leading (B1)
  5. Leading (B2)
  6. Director (Dir)
  7. Assistant (AC)
  8. Matroskin
  9. Ball
  10. Pechkin
  11. Dad

12) Mom

13) Uncle Fedor

14) Oksana Fedorova

15) Matryona

16) Flower

17) Larisa Guzeeva

18) Vasilisa

19) Roza Sabitova

20) Peter I

21) Antoine

22) Alexander Vasiliev (AB)

23) Nadezhda Babkina (NB)

24) Evelina Khromchenko (EH)

25) Weather Forecast

(Potpourri) Lights go out

Scene 1 (table and chair)

There is such a place on Earth - the North Pole. Flowers do not grow there, and people do not walk their pets in the yards. But on the other hand, at the North Pole lives the one whom everyone loves and waits for, Santa Claus! For twelve months in a row, he sits in his hut and makes intricate toys, which he then gives to children. True, over time, children grow up and stop believing in Santa Claus, but they have children of their own, and they, just like their mothers and fathers once ran to Christmas tree to see what, this time, Santa Claus brought them as a gift. And until recently, there was still no case that Santa Claus did not appear on time or did not appear at all. But then one day…. In other matters, first things first. It was in December ...

(polka) (Light in the hall)

(DM in athletic form does exercises to the music)

B.M ... Hear, Grandfather. Apchhi! What are you doing?

D.M ... Exercise, getting ready for the delivery of the TRP! On a silver badge, and maybe on a gold one will work.

B.M ... And who is this TRP? And why are you giving him gold and silver for free? Can't you sell it? I would sell. And I also have an extra fish. And how much ice and snow! Wow! ..And you give it away for free. Although, of course, where did you get your silver and gold. You are completely out of your mind, old one.

D.M ... Oh, and you are dark, bear, even though you are white. TRP is a sports complex. Everyone should go in for sports, strengthen health!

B.M. In your years! Not 15, not even 150!

D.M ... And for each age its own norms!

B.M. Well, okay, athlete! I came then that. Here's a letter for you. You, I'm sorry, Grandfather. I opened it. I was very curious, what was there? It smelled so different from ours, I thought that I would find delicious. All year round fish, yes fish! Fed up already! In short, part of the letter cannot be read. At all.

D.M ... (reads) Dear Santa Claus! We invite you to the shooting of the New Year's Blue Light at the address: Moscow, st. Academician Korolev 12, studio ...

It is a pity, of course, that the address is incomplete. Anyway. I'll go to Moscow and see my granddaughter. She will help me find everyone

BM Let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow. All the same, the path is not short!

DM Come on!

(music) spotlight

Weather forecast

Good evening, dear viewers! Hear the weather forecast for tomorrow, January 1st. The air temperature will be in the range from -30 to +20 degrees Celsius. Snow, probably, should be, because winter is outside! The chances of rain are small, but, just in case, bring an umbrella. Learn to stand on the ice, this can be useful for you during icy conditions. The ice layer is expected to be about one meter tomorrow. There will be no strong wind. Although, who knows, maybe it will blow. And if it blows, then wear heavier clothes, otherwise it can take you away. The water temperature in the reservoirs is -10 degrees, so it's too early to pay off. Visibility on roads at thirty times magnification - 10 centimeters. Bring your glasses, you may need them.

She seems to have said everything. Well, what you missed, you will find out for yourself tomorrow. In Skorodnoye the sun should rise, so the day is expected to be sunny! On the summer days of the new year, forecasters promise us good weather, but a storm warning is expected on the eve and during the exams, and the Hydrometeorological Center strongly recommends postponing the exam, as well as the probes preceding them for a certain time until improvement weather conditions... Better yet, cancel it altogether. Issue certificates without any tests. It’s for nothing that the graduates studied at school for 11 years! The sponsor of our program, the Met Office "Santa Claus", wishes you a Happy New Year and wishes you only clear and sunny days in the coming New Year!


(Light in the hall)

BM Well, the weather! Would you call someone ..

JM Yes! Yes! I will call you, definitely. Now, it's time to go!

Song of DM. (DM gets dressed, takes the bag and leaves. BM accompanies him) The light goes out

Scene 2


Studio Ostankino.


Director Are you all ready? So, guys, get ready, let's go! Let's start!

Leading ... Happy new year dear friends!

Leading. Happy New Year!

IN 1 ... We are glad to welcome all of you to our traditional New Year's Blue Light!

IN 2 ... On this festive night, gifts and an amazing mood await you.

IN 1 ... Good news and great company, funny surprises and unexpected meetings!

IN 2 ... We will delight you, and you will rejoice; we - to have fun, and you have fun! We surprise and you surprise!

IN 1 ... Wish you all new happiness in the coming year and, of course, wonderful mood! Happy New Year!

(Somewhere in this world)


Scene 3

(Bells) (table and two chairs)

DM Which door to choose? The music here seems to be nice, I'll go ..

Santa Claus is trying to find "Ogonyok". ( the light goes out)

"Good night, kids!" Screensaver light in the hall

Oksana Hello dear girls and boys! Today we have an unusual program, but New Year's! My assistants, Piggy and Stepashka, are already asleep. And Santa Claus has come to visit you!

DM Hello guys! Happy New Year! I have read all your letters and have prepared gifts for you. You listened to your parents all year and deserve an award!

Oksana And now, let's watch a wonderful cartoon!

Butter milk light

Musical screen saver from the movie "Prostokvashino". (DM and Oksana leave, in their place are M and Sh)

Matroskin: We have a wrong New Year.
Ball: Why so?
Matroskin : There is no Christmas tree. So Sharik take my felt boots and go for the tree. New Years is soon
Ball: And I feel sorry for chopping trees, if everyone starts chopping trees by the New Year, then only stumps will remain in the forest. It is good for old women when there are only stumps in the forest.
Matroskin: Why so.
Ball: Think about it (knocks on the head) Because you can sit on them. I'm not going anywhere.
Matroskin: Well, sit without a tree and we won't have any New Year. We survived, we can say we found him in the garbage, washed, cleaned, and he ugh, it would be better if we had a turtle in a box. And in general, no New Year will work for you and me.
Ball: You go again. This is why we will not succeed in the New Year?
Matroskin: And therefore! New Year, when is it? When Santa Claus is there and the Snow Maiden. Where do we get them?
Ball: Come on, you will be Santa Claus! You already have a mustache, we will glue you a beard.
Matroskin (indignantly): I don’t need to glue anything! Look, what did you think of, you unfortunate spaniel!
Ball: Fine, fine. Then let's make Pechkin Santa Claus.
Matroskin: Yeah, and my cow Murka is the Snow Maiden. No, Sharik, you will have to live without Santa Claus, and without the Snow Maiden, and without the New Year.
Pechkin enters.
Pechkin: I apologize, citizens, a telegram for you, but I won't give it to you ...
Matroskin and Sharik(in chorus): We know, we know, because we have no documents! Okay, read it yourself.
Pechkin: “We decided to celebrate the New Year in Prostokvashino. Please welcome! Uncle Fedor".
Matroskin and Sharik(in chorus): Hurray-ah-ah!
Ball : So we will have a real New Year! That's great!
Pechkin : Well, the New Year is coming soon. The clock is already striking.
Matroskin : But it seems to me that it’s not the clock that strikes, but someone knocking on the door.
Ball: These are probably their own.
Matroskin: In such weather, they sit at home, watch TV, only strangers roam around, we will not open the door.
Voice from outside the door“Open - this is us. Dad, mom, Uncle Fyodor enter.
Dad: (In the mask of Santa Claus) Hello, Matroskin, hello, Sharik.
Ball: Wow, you, and really - Santa Claus! (Dad takes off his mask)
Matroskin: Hooray! Uncle Fyodor has arrived!
Dad: Yes, it took us a long time to get to you ... We were tired.
Matroskin : Maybe some tea with jam?
Mum : What do you have and jam.
Matroskin: Just think, I can still embroider with a cross.
Mum : I did not think that cats are so smart, I thought that they only sit in the trees and scream.
Pechkin: Well, you're doing well. Have a nice New Year.
Uncle Fedor : And you, won't you celebrate the New Year with us?
Matroskin: There is nothing to roam about in other people's houses on New Year's. You have to sit at home and watch your TV.
Pechkin : Well, you are harmful, Matroskin, you have to be taken to the clinic for experiments. Nowadays, the main decoration of the table is what?
Ball: Bone.
Matroskin: Milk.
Pechkin: TV set. And it’s broken, it’s showing one cobweb.
Matroskin : There is no need to watch TV, we need to save electricity. And what is the use of it? One harm for children!
Uncle Fedor : Yes, and we do not need him. We will arrange a concert ourselves.

Song "If there was no winter"

Oksana Well, that's all for today, friends. Now, go brush your teeth and go to bed! Good night everyone!

DM Good night girls and boys!

(screensaver "Good night, kids!")

(Bells) light


The director asks the assistant

RJ Well, what, Santa Claus did not appear? And then soon it will come out!

AS More no. But he is never late, he will be soon!

RJ Call the Snow Maiden. Maybe she knows where he is. And we continue. We are working!

AS Scene 4, take 3.

RJ Let's start!

Music, Blue Fire screensaver

The presenters come out

IN 1 ... Another year has flown by, it rustled. And we see him off, some with sadness, and some with relief; it was different for you and me.

IN 2 But there was a belief in the old days: with what mood you will meet the New Year, so it will be! So let it be the most fun for you!

В1 Meet Russian grandmas!


Matryona I don’t know how my friend is, whether she is alive or well. I don't know where she is, whether she is alive or well ...

(Flower comes out with a "flying" gait, on it there is a ribbon with the inscription "Miss 2015",

Matryona: I'm alive, I see. Are you healthy? What is this we have here? "Don't be born beautiful" 2015 series?
Flower : What are you teasing?
Matryona: Darling, if I teased, I would say: here comes His Majesty "The Miracle in the Feathers." Oh, look, look! Feathers are falling ..?
Flower : You old woman understand a lot. I just decided to take part in the competition.
Matryona : In which competition? Miss "Old Nag" or something
Flower: Why are you? "Miss Universe"
Matryona : Well, I see, but 2015 is the age of the participants.
Flower: You can tease me as much as you want, but at least once I decided to feel like a beauty.
Matryona : And the figure? They have what kind of figures. Do you have it 90-60-90?
Flower : Of course there is, 90-60-90 - my blood pressure in the morning.
Matryona: And look, what age they have there, not older than 19 years!
Flower: So I turned yesterday!
Matryona : How old are you?
Flower: 19 ...
Matryona: How much - how much?
Flower : Well, ... with a ponytail.
Matryona :… (Looks around) Pick up the tail, anaconda. Someone else will come.
Flower: You do not understand anything. It hurts you're smart!
Matryona: Here, she reminded me well that I am smart. There will be different intellectual questions to be asked, so that you shine with your mind. Let me ask you a couple of questions right now. Please tell me what is - one eye, one ear and half a pig?
Flower: I don't know.
Matryona: The pig looks out from around the corner. Okay, tell me, what are two piglets?
Flower : These are four pigs peeking around the corner.
Matryona : Two heels, that's ten kopecks.
Flower: Your questions are stupid!
Matryona: Well, excuse me, what a beauty, such questions
Flower: You just understand, at least once in my life I decided to feel like a beauty. After all, every woman dreams of being the most beautiful! Even if she's as scary as you ...
Matryona: What?
Flower: ... or, of course, as I am!
Matryona: Oh look! People are carrying Christmas trees. Preparing for the holiday!

Flower: New Year is just around the corner, and you and I are quarreling! Come on, my beauty better sing a song together!

Christmas trees

Change picture (bells)

(Santa Claus runs across the stage, addresses passers-by. No one hears him).
DM Dear! Can you tell me….?

Dear! Where is the Blue Light here? Listen, help me find! People! Help me please! Well, at least somebody, stop! Oh-hoho ... There is nothing to do, I will look for myself!

Let's get married!

(Screensaver) 3 chairs

Guzeeva I am Larisa Guzeeva. This is the program "Let's get married!" Good evening, everyone who prepares dinner, dines or clears the table after dinner. The TV in the kitchen is the key to the success of the Let's Get Married! Program, the only program that solves the demographic problems of Russia. Yes Yes! Let's introduce our experts: a professional matchmaker - Rosa Sabitova and our astrologer - Vasilisa Volodina! By the way, Vasilisa, what do the stars say about next year?


(Astrological forecast)

(Santa Claus is noticed)

ROSE Well, wow!

Santa Claus and he decided to marry! How popular our program is when such suitors come to us!

DM ( trying to argue)

the Rose Don't worry, grandpa! We have all kinds of brides and we will find for you! And if you refer to our website ..., then the bride will be found much faster!

DM Girls, darlings, wait a minute! I have not come to marry. I just got lost

I'm tired of looking for this "Ogonyok". Can you tell me?

the Rose This is not our channel and we will not help our competitors! Go, grandfather, you will find the way yourself! And we have no time, we need to marry the people!

DM Where should I go?

Vasilisa The stars will show you the right path!

Guzeeva Today the groom has not found his bride. And I wish you that in the New Year someone will definitely tell you: Come on, we will get married!

Change picture


Lead 1 We continue our concert. The people say: “ Best Song the one that has not yet been sung, the best year that has not yet been lived.

Veda 2 ... So may the New Year bring us 366 sunny days, an abundance of kind meetings and smiles! May your dreams come true!

Together Happy New Year! With new happiness! Alsou sings for you!

(Winter dream )


Change picture

(Ostankino screensaver)

DM So, I've been here, here too. I'll try this door!

Shooting of the film "The Tale of how Tsar Peter ordered to celebrate the New Year"

RZ Motor!

AS Scene 5, take 14

RJ Camera! Attention, we started!


Voice behind the scene Eighteenth century. A great time in the history of Russia! Then the arapov was married not by the presenter of the reality show, but personally by Tsar Peter! Although it has already been shown on TV. That is why Peter was the Great, that he had time to govern the country and think about the leisure of the Russian people. And in a European way! And he was helped by this PR specialist, specially brought from abroad, Antoine.

Peter and Antoine appear.

Peter I : I, Antoine, cut a window to Europe. But I want not only to look into it, but also to show something in it. We need a big holiday for the people, so that the Russian peasant would take his soul away from working days, and the whole world "gasped". What do you offer, the brightest mind.

Antoine: Well, there was already Eurovision, the Olympics too. We need to come up with something local. What's your next holiday there?

Antoine : Fine. Only the date confuses me. Children go to school, the people only from Crimea and Sochi are moving to cities. It's too early. It would be necessary to move it a few months later.

Peter I : So there will be winter then? You know how fierce winters are!

Antoine : This is so far. And you, Peter, think long-term - global warming and everything. New Year and slush!

Peter I : Okay, come on in winter. Anywhere between mid-December and mid-January?

Antoine: Knowing you Russians, it is unlikely that it will work “in between”. Just from December to January. So, what do you usually eat?

Peter I : Well, there are vegetables, carrots, cucumbers, meat ...

Antoine: Come on, in short, everything is the same. Only chop finely and mix. And let's call, say, “Olivier salad "... Don't ask why. I just have my dad's birthday soon, I want original gift do.

Peter I : By the way, about gifts. Can we give each other gifts too?

Antoine: Just not in your hands, but as in our homeland, let them put it in a sock.

Peter I: (with disgust) Ugh! And they also say Europe. It's not good for a Russian peasant to climb on socks, especially since they still have to be found. Let's put it in the agreed place.

Antoine: (laughs) Under the tree ...

Peter I: Great idea! It is very symbolic - they say, the Russian forest is our wealth, it gives us gifts. And in the evening, let the sky light up with the bright lights of the festive fireworks, and the promenade will take place along the square to the joy of the nation.Along the large driveways, and for noble people and at the houses of deliberate (eminent) spiritual and secular rank, in front of the gate, make some decoration from trees and branches of pine spruce and juniper.

See Santa Claus

Peter I Hey boyar! Why didn't you chop off your beard? You are not fulfilling the Tsar's Decree? We are Europe! Who do you look like? It's scary to look, Grandfather ... some!

Antoine And he is - Santa Claus! How well everything turned out! Winter. New Year. Father Frost!

Dir Stop, stop! What is this amateur performance? Why are there outsiders in the pavilion? (Chases Santa Claus)


Change picture

"Blue Light"

Veda 1 Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful.

Veda 2 And these simple words"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce with special feeling, because they can be said only once a year.

And our concert continues….

(Program number)


Change picture


Cn Hello grandfather! Forgive me for being late! We have traffic jams everywhere in Moscow, it's impossible to drive through. Everyone is preparing for the holiday!

DM Traffic jams, you say! And because of you I’m late for the program, I let people down!

Grandfather! Don't worry, I know where to go! Only you look, frankly, unpresentable! Now you will dress up a little, and let's go to wish the viewers a Happy New Year!

Fashionable verdict

(Fashion Verdict Screensaver) 5 chairs

AB It's funny to follow fashion

Eh And not to follow is stupid!

NB Hello, this is the "Fashionable Sentence" program on Channel 1.

AB I declare the session of the Fashion Court open, let's get down to it!


AB And so, we are listening to the case of how the grandfather is dressed in the same thing! The granddaughter of the Snow Maiden accuses her grandfather of being hopelessly behind fashion.

The accusation is represented by fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko, a person who knows everything about fashion and even more! The defense is represented by the sparkling People's Artist of Russia Nadezhda Babkina. Today she will help Santa Claus defend his rights. And I will chair the court session - fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev! Also in the hall there is a support group - spectators - friends of our heroes. Let's welcome them!

(After the applause)

AB Let's hear the prosecution witness. Snow Maiden, please!

CH I blame my grandfather Moroz Ivanovich for being hopelessly behind the times. One hundred and fifty years walking in one dress. His outfit doesn't even eat moths, he's afraid!

AB Moroz Ivanovich! Do you agree with your granddaughter's accusations?

DM Strongly disagree!

AV Word of protection!

NB Hello! I look at this man and I understand that he is beautiful! He is quite satisfied with his appearance! He free man! Lives in unity with nature, which is what I wish for all of us! Open your chakras, clear your aura ..

JM Disclose what?

AB Thank you, Nadezhda! And now the word - to the accusation!

Eh Hello, I don’t understand how you can look decent in such a shabby fur coat. Nobody wears such a length for a long time! Excuse me, but this is not relevant. This outfit only emphasizes your bad taste! How do people around you react to you?

DM They react very well, many are happy ...

AB Well, OK. And now it's time to send our Santa Claus to the magic room of stylists. Go, change, please us! We will find out very soon what stylists will come up with for our hero, but for now listen to the fashionable forecast for 2016 from Evelina Khromchenko!

NB Evelina, as an expert, tell us what will be fashionable in the new season?

Eh It's amazing how quickly one trendy trend is replaced by another. Before you know it, your recently fashionable wardrobe has already become quite outdated and you are completely out of trend. What is fashion 2016 ? What will be on the lips of cutting-edge haute couture design houses?Well, of course, glasses, short hair, preferably white, will be fashionable in the new season. Bright accents on the arms, shoes with thin stilettos and, of course, with a pointed toe. And, of course, shuttlecocks. Well, women can wear whatever they want! Oh, and more about the colors! The following colors are in fashion: acid pink; citric; ripe cherry ...

AB Thank you, Evelina! (Stops Eh)

And so, Santa Claus did not see himself in the mirror and is very worried. Let's give it a round of applause!

(Music of the Fashionable Sentence)

DM enters the stage, looks in the mirror.

DM This is horror, what is it! Give me back my clothes! I am an old Russian Santa Claus, not some Santa Claus! And you, granddaughter, shouldn't dress like that! You are Sne-g-roch-ka! Have you ever seen snow that is black? Everything! Lead me to the Blue Light! I'm leaving!

DM waves his hand and leaves, the Snow Maiden follows him.



Final picture

RJ What are you, my dear, late? It is good that the concert will not be broadcast live. Otherwise, by your grace, we would have to celebrate the New Year 3 hours later.

DM Excuse me, but I had a very good reason.

RJ OK. What does not happen on New Year's Eve is such a holiday. Now everything is assembled, let's continue!

AC Motor! Let's start!

Veda 2 Very soon, everyone will be knocking at the door of the new year. New Year is the expectation of something new, magical and good. We hope that only pleasant and joyful moments of life await you in the new year.

IN 1 Dear friends! Santa Claus and Snegurochka came to us!

DM Hello, good people!

CH Hello, nice people!

DM According to the old tradition at this festive hour

Happy New Year! With new happiness! WITH new joy you!

CH You live in the world without knowing grief

Let everyone be jealous, looking at you

DM Be cheerful, be happy

DM and CH A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

IN 1 May the year be glorious, kind!

Let him bring everything in moderation,

IN 2 Let the measure of joy, the measure of sadness ...

Frost and heat, even if in moderation!

3 And let only happiness be

Always immutable and immeasurable!

4 Embroidered with a star scattering,

Powdered with snow,

5 Is in a hurry to us at full speed

Year of good news!

6 You need to meet the guest so that the sea of ​​smiles Vadim

So that some weirdo

Didn't see us in grief!

7 So that there is a round dance everywhere! To keep the house small!

8 To celebrate the New Year

Whirlwind of the best songs!

All together: Happy New Year!


Last hour of December

New Year's Eve script for high school students

Until the beginning of the evening, the soundtrack of modern New Year's songs is played.

At the appointed time - sound signal - ringing of bells .

Lead 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2: We wish you good festive mood, smiles and fun! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Veda 1: Outside the window, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

Veda 2: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, our desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible.

Leading 1: Let it be the evening of our meeting

Warmed by warm friendship.

We give you a hearty

New Year's holiday greetings!

Lead 2: Happy New Year! New Year!

The holiday is joyful for everyone.

Let them ring under this arch

Songs, music and laughter!

Lead 1: Dear friends, today the program of our evening includes games, contests, quizzes, an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Lead 2: Yes Yes! Meetings with these New Year characters are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by quite adult, respectable people.

Leading 1: Santa Claus has existed for about 150 years. And not a single New Year holiday is complete without his participation.

Lead 2: Well, while our New Year characters are on their way, let's run a few contests.

Leading 1: Great idea! So, to warm up, let's hold a New Year's quiz.

Veda 2: We ask the audience to listen carefully to the questions and raise their hand when answering. For each correct answer, you receive a token. Whoever collects the most tokens for our evening will receive a New Year's prize (lottery tickets)

New Years quiz

1. A natural phenomenon, without sand sprinkling causing New Year's death of people. (Ice.)

2. What kind of beauty dresses up once a year? (Christmas tree.)

3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade.)

4. Low-growing blizzard. (Snow cover.)

5. Carnival cash. (Mask.)

6. Ice casting. (Ice rink.)

7. Life time of the Snow Maiden. (Winter.)

8. Winter drummer. (Freezing.)

9. New Year's collection. (Table.)

10. Supporting quarter of the New Year's table. (Leg.)

11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne.)

12. Fish “dressed” in natural leather and an artificial fur coat is a New Year's dish. (Herring.)

13. The peasant's anti-alimentary weapon. (Axe.)

14. Seasonal "sculpture" made of truly natural materials. (Snowman.)

15. The result of festive incendiary. (Fireworks.)

16. Elochkin's homeland. (Forest.)

17. Herringbone snow insulation. (Freezing.)

18. The process ends with the fall of the Christmas tree. (The cabin.)

19. An ancient, but timeless dance by the tree. (Round dance)

20. A Christmas tree decoration that does a significant damage to the home budget, not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

(tokens are given for correct answers, a prize is awarded to the winner)

Veda 1: Wonderful! And now we propose to greet each other.

Vedas 2: We invite you to the stage ………………………………………………………………… ... And we ask you to support you with loud applause.

The number is thin. amateur performances

Veda 1: We got to know each other better,

In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence

So, we continue our evening,

As the saying goes: "Good luck!"

(Cell phone callsigns)

Veda 2: (speaks on his cell): Yes, we are waiting, we are waiting! No, we are not bored. Our guests have already collected a bunch of tokens. How for what? Well, what is the New Year without you? Hurry up! (disconnects the phone): D. Moroz and the Snow Maiden are very close.

Veda 1: Well, you told them that we are really looking forward to them?

(the phonogram "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds and a loud knock is heard).

D. Moroz: Good evening, good people!

I welcome everyone, friends!

I see that they are very glad to me here,

And I see smiles.

I love someone who is cheerful

I'm Santa Claus!

If someone hangs their nose,

Let him raise his nose higher!

I wish you success

Happiness, joy and laughter!

Happy New Year to you, friends! And where is Snegurochka? It's time to start the holiday, get presents, but she's not there yet. Let's all call her together.

(They call in chorus: "Snow Maiden!")

What organisms you have are weak! Is it really a cry? Let's try again.

(Everyone shouts even louder: "Snow Maiden!")

Oh, why are you yelling like that? I hear someone approaching, probably the Snow Maiden is coming.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga.

How many people are in the hall,

A glorious holiday will be here.

They sent me a telegram,

That they are waiting for me here

Well, here I come! And you meet more affable Babusya - Yagusya and clap loudly!

I am called Baba Yaga for a reason,

I always joke and laugh at everyone.

I know a secret, how fun it is to live:

Sing, dance, do not grieve about anything!

Father Frost... And you, Yagusya, how did you get here, do you want us to spoil the whole holiday ?! Who called you ?!

Baba Yaga... Darkness! Is he completely behind the times, old, or do you have sclerosis? Your Snow Maiden and I are old friends. She could not come, she has personal affairs there, heart (winks at Santa Claus ), so she asked me to replace her. Or are you against it?! Do you need helpers or can you handle it yourself?

Father Frost... To replace the Snow Maiden with Baba Yaga? It's really ... Doesn't fit into any sleigh. Okay, stay, you will help me, but on the condition that you will not be dirty. Deal?

Baba Yaga. Deal! (They shake hands.)

Father Frost.

I'll show you a trick

I'll put everything in order.

I went to the store,

I bought presents for everyone.

Here. (Takes a dumbbell from the bag.)

Baba Yaga... So this is a dumbbell! Are there such gifts?

Father Frost... There are all sorts of things.

Baba Yaga. Oh, you have some gifts ...

Father Frost... Most normal. Look how many people are willing to join it. (Shouts.) New Year's dumbbell! The more you lift ...

Baba Yaga... The faster you fall!

Father Frost... You will become an athlete. You, Yagusya, do not understand anything, but who understands that this is the best new year competition, he will come up and start pressing it. Hey, fly in, don't be shy, lift the dumbbell and get a gift!

(A competition for the strongest is held. To the sound of fanfare, rewards the winner.)

Baba Yaga... And now - the prize for the studio!

Father Frost: You, granny, fell from the moon. Have you read the script? There it is written in white on black: "Santa Claus enters, congratulates, conducts a competition", but nothing is said about the fact that he gives gifts. Understood?

Baba Yaga... This cannot be! Take a closer look at your script. By the way, where is the script? Let's watch.

(Santa Claus takes a script out of the bag.)

Father Frost (is reading). So, after congratulating Santa Claus, the children lead a round dance around the tree.

Baba Yaga... It's the same in children's scripts children lead a round dance, but in our ...

Father Frost... Where is ours?

Baba Yaga. You should have had.

Father Frost... I dropped it somewhere. ( Looking for scripts). What to do now, what to do?

Baba Yaga... Oh, you lost the document! We'll have to improvise. Our guys are not so small, so they are not supposed to lead round dances! Do you know the songs? Sing along!

(The song "Happy New Year" by the group "Avaria" sounds. Everyone is dancing.)

Father Frost.

Oh-ho-ho, how tired I am

Danced well.

Now I will rest

I'll sit here by the tree.

And I'll wait for the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga... You, Santa Claus, sit down, and the guys and I will hold some fun contests!

Competition "Merry Nonsense" (sets of strips of paper with text)

The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter walks around the tables, playing alternately "blindly" pulling out a question, (read aloud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.

Sample questions:

Do you read other people's letters?

Do you sleep well?

Are you listening to other people's conversations?

Do you hit the dishes out of anger?

Can you put a pig on a buddy?

Are you writing anonymously?

Do you spread gossip?

Are you in the habit of promising more of your capabilities?

Would you like to marry for convenience?

Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:

This is my favorite pastime;

Occasionally, for fun;

Only on summer nights;

When the wallet is empty;

Only without witnesses;

Only if it is not associated with material costs;

Especially in someone else's house;

This is my old dream;

No, I'm a very shy person;

I never give up such an opportunity

The Snow Maiden appears unnoticed by everyone

Snow Maiden: How many faces are familiar,

How many friends of mine are here!

It's good for me here, at home,

Among the gray-haired Christmas trees!

All my friends are gathered.

In the New Year's winter hour.

We haven't met for a whole year

I miss you.

I brought you snowballs

And now I want with you

Have fun with snowballs.

Snowflake Fight Competition

The competition requires snowflakes cut from napkins (one for each player). The diameter of the snowflakes is 15-20 cm. Participants can cut them out on their own and hold a competition for the most beautiful or most original snowflake before the game. Or compete in the speed of cutting them.

All participants stand on one line and, at the command of the presenter, begin to blow from below onto the snowflake so that it flies. The task is not to let the "snowflake" fall.

The winner is the participant who kept the snowflake in the air for the longest time.

"Snowball" snow balls 50-100 pieces (just roll them out of cotton wool),

All those present take part in this competition. The presenter turns on funny music and everyone starts throwing snowballs made of cotton wool at each other. But as the host turns off the music, everyone starts collecting snowballs. Whose team collects the most, that will receive prizes

Vedas 2: And now we offer you

Competition "THEATER"

Candidates who wish are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. It is necessary to walk like:

Woman with heavy bags

Gorilla in a cage, a sparrow on the roof

Stork in the swamp

Chicken in the yard

Girl in a tight skirt with high heels

Sentinel guarding the food warehouse

Infant who has just learned to walk

A guy in front of a stranger girl

Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Win-win lottery

The presenter pulls out tickets with numbers, and the Snow Maiden hands

prizes. The presenter reads out the wishes for the ticket numbers.

No. 1. By chance, you got Georgian tea on your ticket. (Tea)

No. 2. So that your face and your hands are clean.

You got a piece of fragrant soap on your ticket. (Soap).

No. 3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes liquids. (Ball)

№ 4. So that your teeth do not hurt,

Clean them at least once a week. (Toothbrush)

No. 5. We wanted to win a flashlight,

And just got a ball. (Ball)

No. 6. You should be happy in excess of the lottery now:

A wonderful postcard for you,

Got a souvenir from us. (Postcard)

No. 7. Get a balloon,

Fly into space to the stars. (Ball)

No. 8. A rather rare surprise for you -

Two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins)

№ 9. Get it - hurry up.

A notebook for you: write poetry. (Notebook)

No. 10. Do not get sick, be strong,

We hand you the pills. (Vitamin tablets)

No. 11. You look great:

Both clothes and hair.

And the reward is not in vain

The prize fell to you - a comb. (Hairbrush)

No. 12. To distinguish the days well,

You need to know the calendar well. (Calendar)

№ 13. About all the news in the world

Read it in the newspaper. (Newspaper with a crossword puzzle)

No. 14. You take advice:

Fruit is the best diet. (Fruit)

No. 15. You got the candy,

Come visit us. (Candy)

№ 16. To find out the income,

A notepad will come in handy. (Notebook)

№ 17. "Hurray!" - shout to the whole world,

You have a souvenir machine. (Typewriter)

No. 18. So that your hairstyle is beautiful -

Receive a comb as a gift. (Hairbrush)

No. 19. There is no typewriter -

We offer this item. (Pen)

No. 20. In life, one must hope for the best

Take the glue if something doesn't stick. (Glue)

No. 21. To write beautifully to you,

Hurry up to get your pen. (Pen)

No. 22. This piece will correct the mistake,

This eraser is called an eraser. (Eraser)

No. 23. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the ruler everyone needs. (Ruler)

No. 24. A pencil is always sharpened

And get the sharpener. (Sharpener)

No. 25. I got on the car, drove off,

You came to cola quickly. (Typewriter)

No. 26. Japanese camera. (Mirror)

No. 27. Preparation for the development of jaws. (Gum)

No. 28. Measuring device of the highest accuracy. (Ruler)

No. 29. Music Center. (Whistle)

No. 30. This item will be useful to you

To study on "five". (Pen)

Veda 1: Time flew by quickly

And it's time for us to part.

Veda 2: With all my heart, friends, we wish

Great, great success to you!

Snow Maiden: It's time, friends,

You need to say goodbye.

Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts!

May the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!

Father Frost: Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived." So let the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of kind meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden- May the New Year overshadow you,
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
Leading: Let your faithful friend be by your side.
And on a holiday, and in bad weather.
And let into your house,
Like a snowball
Happiness always comes!

Father Frost And now we say to everyone: "Goodbye" -
It's time to part.
And in this late winter hour -
The disco will begin for you!