Catalog of maps of the main department of geodesy and cartography under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Catalog of maps of the main department of geodesy and cartography under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR A


We bring to your attention an article specially published in the "Collection of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Articles" for the 30th anniversary of the Decree "On the Establishment of the Higher Geodetic Administration". We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on rewarding employees of our industry. Surveyors were valued and respected very much at that time!

On awarding orders and medals to workers, managers and engineering and technical workers of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for long service and excellent work

1. To establish the awarding of orders and medals of the USSR for long service and excellent work of workers in the field geodetic and topographic works, as well as management and engineering and technical workers of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, who have personal titles:

a) workers, foremen, engineers and technicians who have worked in the field geodetic and topographic works:

5 years - medal "For labor distinction",

10 years - medal "For Labor Valor",

15 years - Order of the Red Banner of Labor,

20 years - the Order of Lenin;

b) other engineers and technicians, as well as senior officials who have worked in the system of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR:

10 years - medal "For labor distinction",

15 years - medal "For Labor Valor",

20 years - Order of the Red Banner of Labor,

25 years - the Order of Lenin.

2. The length of service of workers, managers and engineering and technical workers shall be calculated taking into account work in the system of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR prior to the issuance of this Decree.

3. In case negative characteristic on work and conduct, the award for long service may be delayed.

The submission for awarding for long service is made by the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR once a year by May 1.

Chairman of the Presidium

Moscow, Kremlin, Supreme Soviet of the USSR I. SHVERNIK

Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. GORKIN

A. N. Baranov
To the thirtieth anniversary of Lenin's Decree "On the establishment of the Higher Geodetic Administration"

March 15, 1949 marked thirty years since the signing by the great Lenin of the Decree "On the Establishment of the Higher Geodetic Administration." The Higher Geodetic Administration (VSU) was established "to study the territory of the RSFSR in topographic terms, in order to raise and develop the country's productive forces, save technical forces and Money and time."

Back in the years of the civil war, when the workers and peasants defended the gains of the Great October Socialist Revolution with weapons in their hands, V. I. Lenin, with a brilliant foresight, determined the need to create a state geodetic service in our country.

The ideas of V. I. Lenin, which formed the basis for the creation of the state geodetic service, have retained their relevance today and are guiding in all areas of cartographic and geodetic activities in our country.

Pre-revolutionary Russia was a backward and little-studied country in terms of cartography and geodesy. By the time the VSU was formed, topographic surveys covered mainly the border strip. The young Soviet republic, rebuilding the country's economy on new, socialist principles, created a new branch of the national economy - cartographic and geodetic production.

For the first fifteen years of its existence (1919-1934), the Cartographic and Geodetic Service of the USSR was part of the system of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR (VSIKh); its foundations were laid there; from 1925 to 1930 - the Main Geodetic Committee of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR; from 1930 to 1935 - Main Geodetic Directorate - Main Geological-Hydro-Geodesic Directorate.

This period was a period of gradual, painstaking gathering of forces, the accumulation of technical means, the formation and organizational design of the subdivisions of the cartographic and geodetic service. At this time, the basics of setting up topographic-geodesic and cartographic works were worked out, relationships with various organizations were formed. In 1928, the issue of the scheme and program for the triangulation of classes I and II was developed. According to the new scheme and program, the main geodetic network of the USSR was to become an astronomical geodetic network and, along with meeting the practical requirements of the national economy, in terms of its accuracy, it also had to satisfy scientific requirements regarding determining the figure of the Earth, its dimensions and other problems. A series of technical instructions.

Along with the development of fundamental issues, field and cameral cartographic and geodetic work improved and began to develop further.

The task of providing a map of the most economically important regions was solved by the appropriate placement of topographic works. Topographic works in the regions of the Urals, Kuzbass, the Moscow coal basin, the Trans-Volga region, and others acquired paramount importance. In the same years, large cartographic works were created that reflected the changes that had taken place in the country's economy and in its political and administrative structure.

The country of the Soviets, having healed the wounds inflicted by devastation and war, and having restored the national economy, began to implement the grandiose Stalinist five-year plans. Under the leadership of the party of Lenin-Stalin, under the leadership of the great Stalin, with a pathos unprecedented in history, the peoples of the Soviet Union set about fulfilling the historic tasks set by the 16th Party Congress. The 16th Congress of our Party went down in history as a congress of the full-scale offensive of socialism along the entire front, the liquidation of the kulaks as a class, and the implementation of complete collectivization. The Bolshevik Party resolutely pursued a policy of reconstruction of all branches of the national economy on the basis of a new modern technology. The role of technology rose exceptionally high: "Technology in the period of reconstruction decides everything," declared Comrade Stalin.

The cartographic and geodetic service faced exceptionally large and technically complex tasks, the solution of which required tension and the mobilization of all creative forces and the use of new technology. The second fifteen years were marked by great production achievements. A significant number of class I and II triangulation rows were laid, as well as accurate and high-precision levels, large areas were covered with a topographic map, and many gravimetric points were determined.

At present, the annual program of survey work performed by the Main Directorate significantly exceeds all surveys completed in the first fifteen years (from 1919 to 1934), but in those years these objects of work were already large, especially compared to the amount of work in imperial Russia.

During this period, aerial photography found wide application in our country in topographic work. The Council of Labor and Defense in February 1929 suggested that the people's commissariats of the Union republics pay the most serious attention to the deployment of aerial photography and the use of aerial photography materials for various needs of the national economy and for state mapping.

Over the years, hundreds of sheets of a 100,000th topographic map have been created and published; industry maps and industrial atlas; maps of the European part of the USSR on a scale of 1: 1,500,000; many educational and other cards. Cartography came close in terms of its production and scientific and technical level to the creation of the largest cartographic works.

An example of the special attention and concern of the party and government to the needs of the state geodetic service of the USSR was the formation of the Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (Resolution of the STO of November 24, 1928). The Scientific Research Institute played a major role in successfully solving the production and scientific and technical problems of the USSR Cartographic and Geodetic Service.

In the early years of Stalin's five-year plans, the cartographic and geodetic service was indebted to the national economy. In order to satisfy the increased demands and establish a clearer order in my cartographic and geodetic service, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on June 15, 1935 removed it from the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat for Heavy Industry and transferred it to the jurisdiction of the NKVD of the USSR, which included the creation of the Main Directorate of State Surveying and Cartography . By a decision of November 13, 1935, the Council of People's Commissars entrusted him with "management of survey and cartographic work throughout the entire territory of the USSR, the unification of these works and the direct production of basic geodetic, aerial survey and cartographic work of national importance." At the same time, the GUGSK NKVD of the USSR was granted the right to supervise and control the work; its instructions and provisions became universally binding.

Over the years, large capital investments have been made in cartographic and geodetic production. The service received a significant replenishment of young specialists, grew, got stronger, already acquired significant production experience and became capable of solving large scientific, technical and production tasks. As a result, for 1935-1938. The State Cartographic and Geodetic Service performed significant work on triangulation of classes I and II, leveling of classes I and II and topographic survey. Every year the work covered more and more regions of the USSR, topographic maps were published for large areas of the territory of the USSR, even completely unexplored, which satisfied the urgent needs of socialist construction.

Cartographic work proper also received a great scope. A large number of educational physical-geographical and historical maps were compiled and published, as well as a number of reference and political-administrative ones. The quality of these maps and atlases was already at a fairly high scientific, technical and production level. The Soviet government and the Bolshevik Party, guiding the country's economy along the path of completing the building of socialism in the USSR, followed the development of geodesy and cartography in our country with deep and constant attention.

On September 14, 1938, by decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the state geodetic service was transformed > into an independent branch of the national economy, directly subordinate to the Government. Under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography was formed. On August 23, 1939, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR approved the Regulations, which determined the following main tasks of the Main Directorate of the Civil Code:

a) creation of a state geodetic base and a state topographic map of the USSR;

b) meeting the needs of the national economy, science and cultural and educational needs of the USSR with modern general and special political, administrative, physical-geographical, economic and educational maps and atlases;

c) state geodetic supervision and control over the performance of departmental topographic, geodetic and cartographic works.

These basic tasks flowed entirely from the Leninist propositions set forth in the well-known Decree, the thirtieth anniversary of which we are celebrating. The team of workers of the cartographic and geodetic service persistently, in a Bolshevik way, fought for their implementation in the past decade.

This last period is characterized by a further tremendous development of all branches of cartography and geodesy in our country, an even closer convergence of cartographic and geodetic production with the needs and demands of other branches of the national economy, science, culture and defense of the USSR. A fruitful rapprochement was largely facilitated by close contact in the work of the Main Directorate with allied ministries and departments, the State Planning Commission, the Academy of Sciences and other economic and scientific organizations THE USSR.

Of particular note is the work of the GUSCH for the defense of the country. In response to the perfidious attack of Nazi Germany on Soviet Union The peoples of the USSR stood up to defend the freedom, honor and independence of their Motherland. The patriotic upsurge covered all layers Soviet society. Every honest Soviet person tried in some way to help our valiant defender - the Soviet Army - in defeating the hated enemy. Geodesy and cartography workers were not the last here either. Close connection with the People's Commissariat of Defense through the Military Topographical Administration during the Great Patriotic War ensured the successful fulfillment of tasks that directly followed from the needs of the defense of our homeland. This is clearly evidenced by the successes of topographic and cartographic work achieved during the Great Patriotic War, worthily appreciated by the government of the USSR and marked with a high award by a group of employees of the Main Directorate (1942).

Particularly grown for last years topographic surveys, which made it possible to expand the publication of topographic maps. These years were also beneficial in the field of cartography. The correct scientific approach to resolving practical production issues related to the development of the content of maps made it possible to successfully complete a number of remarkable cartographic works. These include hypsometric maps of the USSR on a scale of 1:1,500,000, 1:5,000,000, 1:1,000,000, etc. Many such cartographic works have been published, such as educational and pocket atlases, special maps of soils, forests, etc. All this once again instills confidence that Soviet cartography is on the right Leninist path and is capable of profoundly scientifically solving any task of the party and government.

The restoration of the leveling network destroyed by the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War is being successfully carried out and basically completed. The work on updating topographic maps is being successfully carried out.

The work done in a decade is truly grandiose. Enormous spaces are covered with rows of triangulation of classes I and II, as well as leveling of classes I and II. Huge areas of Soviet territory are covered by topographic and aerial photographs. At many thousands of points, gravimetric determinations were made, a huge number of topographic, educational, wall and various reference maps, educational and other atlases were published. This indicates, first of all, the great growth of the cartographic and geodetic service and, in particular, the growth of topographic and aerial photography work. The Military Topographical Service also made a great contribution to the mapping of the territory of the USSR.

Only such a team could do such a huge job in 30 years, which, along with selfless work in production, stubbornly trained specialists in this production. Along with the growth of cartographic and geodetic production, the network of educational institutions. Along with two higher educational institutions and a faculty at the Lvov Polytechnic Institute, which train personnel for cartographic work in the country, we also have ten secondary technical educational institutions that train performers for all branches of geodesy and cartography. Topographic technical schools graduate qualified technicians: geodesists, cartographers, photogrammetrists, photo laboratory assistants, and aerial photographers.

Such a scientifically and technically serious undertaking as geodesy and cartography, and even carried out in such huge volumes, requires a serious scientific substantiation of the entire methodology of work. The successful completion of a grandiose amount of work was largely facilitated by the widespread use in production of the scientific achievements of geodesy, aerial photography, gravimetry and cartography and the development of new production methods based on these achievements, both in the field of execution technique and technology.

For the most time-consuming type of our work - topographic survey - new modern technical means were used and new technology in the process of creating a topographic map. This task was solved by the Main Directorate by the widespread use of aerial photography for mapping the country, which made it possible to significantly reduce the work on geodetic substantiation of topographic surveys, to transfer most of the field work to office conditions, and thereby facilitate and speed up the mapping of the USSR. Aerial topographic survey methods were introduced into production thanks to a number of major inventions and scientific developments, as well as the construction of instruments based on these inventions at our domestic factories.

The number of instruments manufactured by the Aerogeopribor plant and the optical laboratory of the North-Western AGP and put into production includes topographic stereometers, drawing instruments, topographic aerial cameras, a multiplex, etc. In the field of scientific and technical achievements of the cartographic and geodetic service, first of all, it should be noted the completion work on establishing the dimensions of the ellipsoid most suitable for the USSR, and on the derivation of the initial geodetic dates. In this great scientific work, carried out under the guidance of the oldest scientist-surveyor of our country, now deceased, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, Professor F. N. Krasovsky, young Soviet scientists also played an active role: geodesist A. A. Izotov, gravimetrician - laureate of the Stalin prizes M. S. Molodensky and others f. N. Krasovsky developed methods for adjusting the astronomical-geodesic network of the USSR. At present, work on its adjustment has already been completed and catalogs of coordinates have been compiled.

The publication of the book by F. N. Krasovsky "Guide to Higher Geodesy", Part II, 1947, which was awarded the Stalin Prize of the first degree, deserves special mention. This work of the oldest and outstanding geodetic scientist contains all the advanced achievements of modern geodetic science and, undoubtedly, has no equal in the world geodetic literature. He raises Soviet geodesy to an even higher level and promotes it to one of the first places in world geodetic science.

Of great scientific and practical importance was the introduction, on the territory of the USSR, according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 7, j 946. unified system geodetic coordinates and heights. As is known, several systems of geodetic coordinates operated on the territory of the USSR for many years, which, in Lately, due to the development of topographic surveys, came into contact. This circumstance caused certain inconveniences. The introduction of a unified system eliminated these inconveniences and created the possibility of an even wider development of topographic and cartographic work.

The persistent development of TSYIIGAiK the most important issues of geodesy, aerial photography and cartography and the design of instruments and tools for working in various physical and geographical conditions of the USSR made it possible for production to successfully solve practical problems in completing the mapping of the vast expanses of our homeland.

Along with the tremendous increase in the production of works, their quality is constantly increasing due to the hard work of surveyors, topographers and cartographers of our system. One of essential conditions to obtain high-quality products of cartographic production is the great work of the Main Directorate on the creation of technical instructions and manuals for the production of work, with which all branches of the work of the Main Directorate are already provided at present. This work is systematic in nature and consists both in the continuous improvement of existing instructions and in the preparation of new ones that arise in the course of development and setting up work on a new technical basis and new methods.

One of the most important tasks of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was to bring the results of topographic and geodetic work to the consumer. The State Geodetic Service copes with this task successfully.

It should be especially noted that the continuity and regularity of the ongoing geodetic and topographic work make it possible to provide the national economy with a topographic map.

Workers in geodesy and cartography have done tremendous work in 30 years, but even more majestic tasks have been set before us by the Party and the government for the near future. An important task of geodetic production is to provide the industrial regions of the country with a continuous network of triangulation of classes 1 and 2. These works are essentially just being developed, but they will be as successfully developed and completed as all the work carried out over the past thirty years. Cartography has been tasked with producing major cartographic works in the coming years. Now the work on the creation of the Geographical Atlas of the World is being completed. There is reason to believe that they, too, will be successfully completed.

To fulfill all these tasks, it is necessary to mobilize all the creative forces and capabilities of the cartographic and geodetic service of our country, all the technical means and abilities of our workers, and mobilize our entire team to overcome the difficulties that inevitably come along the way. The experience of thirty years of activity of the cartographic and geodetic service and the patriotism of the team of surveyors, topographers, aerial surveyors, cartographers and other specialists and workers of our production gives confidence that the cartographic and geodetic service of our country, following the path outlined by the great Lenin, under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, will continue to successfully carry out all the tasks of the party and government.


to the order of the Office

Federal Service state

registration, cadastre and cartography
in the Perm region
dated August 28, 2013 No. 000

about the department of geodesy and cartography

Office of the Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography in the Perm region

I. General provisions

1.1. The Department of Geodesy and Cartography (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural subdivision of the Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Perm Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

1.2. The department in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of the Ministry economic development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, the Regulations on the Administration, orders and instructions of the Administration, as well as this Regulation on the department.

1.3. The regulation on the department is approved by the order of the Department.

1.4. The activities of the department are coordinated and supervised by the Deputy Head of the Department.

1.5. The department carries out its activities in cooperation with structural divisions Management.

1.6. The activities of the department are carried out on the basis of the work plans of the Department, orders, orders and instructions of the head of the Department, the work plan of the department.

II.Tasks and functions of the department

2.1. The main tasks of the department are:

2.1.1. Organization, coordination and control over the implementation of topographic, geodetic and cartographic work in the Perm region.

2.1.2. Implementation of state geodetic supervision over geodetic and cartographic activities, transfer of geodetic and cartographic materials and data to cartographic and geodetic funds, as well as the storage and use of these materials and data.

2.2. In accordance with the assigned tasks, the department performs the following functions:

2.2.1. Issuance, in accordance with the established procedure, of permits for the use of materials and data of the federal cartographic and geodetic fund.

2.2.2. Registration of topographic-geodesic and cartographic works.

2.2.3. Licensing in accordance with the established procedure of federal geodetic and cartographic works, the results of which are of national, intersectoral significance.

2.2.4. Identification and prevention of illegal (without licenses) activities in the field of geodesy and cartography.

2.2.5. Preparation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of expert opinions on the degree of secrecy of geodetic and cartographic materials and data.

2.2.6. Providing the subjects of geodetic and cartographic activities with relevant information about the geodetic and cartographic knowledge of the terrain in the areas of planned work.

2.2.7. Coordination in the prescribed manner of provisions on local coordinate systems, storage of transition parameters (keys) from the local coordinate system to state system coordinates and catalogs (lists) of coordinates of geodetic points in the local system.

2.2.8. Accounting for geodetic points.

2.2.9. Maintenance of an on-duty reference map showing changes in the boundaries between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, boundaries between municipalities, as well as changes in the area and names of geographical objects.

2.2.10. Maintaining and ensuring the safety of the state cartographic and geodetic fund.

2.2.11. Participation in the conclusion of government contracts, agreements, agreements on the subject of the department's activities, including the development of technical specifications, draft tender or auction documentation, coordination of government orders, quality control of work performed.

2.2.12. Compilation in order established by law Russian Federation, protocols on administrative offenses committed in the field of cartographic and geodetic activities, consideration of cases on administrative offenses, the imposition of administrative fines .

2.2.13. Representing the interests of the Department in courts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the head of the Department.

2.2.14. Participation as an expert in the consideration of cases of administrative offenses in the field of geodesy and cartography.

2.2.15. Participation in the implementation of activities of federal and regional targeted programs in the direction of the department.

2.2.16. Formation of established reporting on the subject of the department's activities.

2.2.17. Preparation of reviews, analytical information, proposals and recommendations on issues within the competence of the department.

2.2.18. Consideration of appeals, statements and complaints of individuals and legal entities, organs state power, local self-government bodies on issues within the competence of the department.

2.2.19. Implementation information exchange with executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, local governments, territorial bodies federal bodies executive power, including on the basis of concluded agreements, within the competence of the department.

2.2.20. Development of draft orders, orders within the competence of the department.

2.2.21. Ensuring non-disclosure of confidential information constituting an official secret.

2.2.22. Implementation of a systematic accounting and storage of regulatory and technical documents, special literature, periodicals received by the department.

2.2.23. Exercise of other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3. In order to carry out the assigned functions, the department has the right to:

2.3.1. Request and receive, in accordance with the established procedure, from departments of the Office information and materials necessary to perform the tasks assigned to the department.

2.3.2. To improve the qualifications and carry out retraining of specialists of the department at the expense of the Department.

2.3.3. Collaborate with departments of the Office on issues that are within the competence of the department.

2.3.4. Receive specialized literature, periodicals necessary for the work of the department, receive information via the Internet.

2.3.5. Submit proposals to the head of the Department to improve the activities of the Department.

2.3.6. Exercise other rights, based on the authority of the department.

III.Organization of department activities

3.1. The department is headed by the head of the department, who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Department.

3.2. The structure of the department provides for the position of deputy head of the department, who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Department

3.3. Department head:

3.3.1. Provides general management of the department and monitors the implementation of the tasks facing the department.

3.3.2. Makes proposals in the prescribed manner:

on the appointment, transfer, removal and dismissal of employees of the department;

about encouragement and bringing to disciplinary responsibility of employees of the department;

on the presentation of employees of the department for the assignment of class ranks, the awarding of state and departmental awards;

about the certification of the employees of the department, to improve their qualifications, provides conditions for the professional growth of the specialists of the department.

3.3.3. Organizes planning, preparation of reports and analytical materials based on the results of the department's activities.

3.3.4. Organizes office work in the department in accordance with the requirements established by the current regulations.

3.3.5. Organizes planning, preparation of reports, and analytical materials based on the results of the department's activities.

3.3.6. Distributes duties and workload among the specialists of the department, and also ensures that they comply with the executive discipline and office routine of the Office.

3.3.7. Develops draft job regulations for department employees.

3.3.8. Conducts operational meetings with department employees.

3.3.9. Ensures the implementation of other tasks on the basis of orders and orders of the Office.

3.3.10. Takes personal responsibility for:

Proper and timely fulfillment of tasks assigned to the department;

Compliance with the established procedure for storing documents and material assets;

Observance by specialists of the department of official regulations, rules and norms of labor protection and safety, fire safety;

Compliance with the requirements for the protection of personal data by the specialists of the department.

3.4. Job regulations, rights and responsibilities of department employees are established by job regulations, which are approved by the head of the Department.

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