Internet resources in the specialty engineering technology. Engineering technology

Internet resources by profession 190629.01

General professional disciplines


Mechanical systems of the electrical industry [Electronic resource] Access mode:

Drawing. Mechanical engineering [Electronic resource] http// - Access mode:, free.


Locksmith works [Electronic resource] / Access mode:, free.

Drawing. Mechanical engineering [Electronic resource] / - Access mode:, free.

Fundamentals of technical drawing

Portal of regulatory and technical documentation [Electronic resource] / - Access mode:, free.

Drawing [Electronic resource] / - Access mode:, free


  • Educational materials on electrical subjects [Electronic resource] / - Access mode:, free.

  • School for an electrician: electrical engineering from A to Z [Electronic resource] / Educational portal for electrical engineering. - Access mode:, free


  • Fundamentals of technical mechanics [Electronic resource] / - Access mode:, free.


EMERCOM of Russia website [Electronic resource] / Access mode:, free.

Carrying out maintenance and repair of road and construction machines (by type)

  •, free.

  •, free.

Ensuring the production of road construction works (by type)

  • KSDMS LLC "Kemerovostroydormashservis" [Electronic resource] / - Access mode:, free.

  • Construction and road machines. Scientific, technical and industrial journal [Electronic resource] / - Access mode:, free.



  • JSC "Promtractor" (Russia) Production and sale of tractor equipment of the Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors, incl. tractors, bulldozers, loaders and pipelayers.

  • Stroydormash is a detailed, unparalleled catalog of road construction equipment, the latest news of the road construction industry, a unique database of suppliers and manufacturers, reviews, tenders

  • LLC "Energosbyt" Sale, repair and maintenance of warehouse equipment and lifting equipment: Chinese HC loaders, Swedish Atlet warehouse equipment.

  • MAXI Excavator Ru All about mining excavators, front loaders, bulldozers and dump trucks MINI Excavator MINI Excavator ru: market of mini loaders, mini excavators, mini and micro special equipment

Code and name of specialty: 15.02.08 Engineering technology

Normative development period educational program: 3 years 10 months on the basis of the main general education(9 classes)

Qualifications awarded :

  • technician;
  • operator of machine tools with program control, 3rd category;
  • locksmith of mechanical assembly works, 2nd category.

The specialty of the SPO "Mechanical Engineering Technology" is associated with the study of the laws of creating machines based on the use of computer systems computer-aided design. Specialists with such knowledge are needed in design bureaus and on industrial enterprises engaged in the development and manufacture of complex mechanisms: household appliances, cars, planes, space vehicles.

Having mastered the specialty, the graduate will be able to :

  • Develop technological processes for the manufacture of machine parts.
  • Organize the production activities of the structural unit.
  • Implement technological processes for the manufacture of machine parts and carry out technical control.
  • Perform work in one or more professions (repairman, turner, miller, grinder).

Study of the discipline and professional modules

General education (1 course):

Russian language


Foreign language

Social studies (including economics and law)


Physical education


Informatics and ICT

Specialty disciplines:

Fundamentals of Philosophy

Foreign language

Physical education



Engineering graphics

Computer graphics

Technical mechanics

Materials Science

Metrology, standardization and certification

Shaping processes and tools

Technological equipment

Engineering technology

Technological equipment

Programming for automated equipment

Information technology in professional activities

Fundamentals of the economics of the organization and legal support professional activity

Occupational Safety and Health

Life safety

Professional modules:

Development technological processes parts manufacturing

Technological processes for the manufacture of machine parts

Computer-aided design and programming systems in mechanical engineering

Participation in the organization production activities structural unit

Planning and organizing the work of a structural unit

Participation in the implementation of technological processes

Implementation of technological processes for manufacturing parts

Control of compliance of the quality of parts with the requirements of technical documentation

Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees

Technology of work on automated equipment with program control

Mechanical assembly technology


General and professional competencies

General competencies: OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance his future profession show a sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

OK 9. Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

OK 10. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for boys).

Professional competencies:

PC 1.1. Use design documentation in the development of technological processes for the manufacture of parts.

PC 1.2. Choose a method for obtaining blanks and schemes for their basing.

PC 1.3. Draw up routes for the manufacture of parts and design technological operations.

PC 1.4. Develop and implement control programs for processing parts.

PC 1.5. Use computer-aided design of technological processes for processing parts. PC 2.1. Participate in the planning and organization of the work of the structural unit.

PC 2.2. Participate in the management of the work of the structural unit.

PC 2.3. Participate in the analysis of the process and results of the unit.

PC 3.1. Participate in the implementation of the technological process for the manufacture of parts.

PC 3.2. To control the compliance of the quality of parts with the requirements of technical documentation.

PC 4.1. Perform work by profession "Operator of machine tools with program control"

PC 4.2. Perform work by profession "Mechanical Assembly Worker"


Standard, general plan, annotations to programs, references

Federal state educational standard SPO, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 850 dated April 18, 2014 (

Everything from food processors to robots, race cars to spaceships, and even a fantastic time machine, is made up of simple and complex parts. The manufacture of these parts today requires knowledge of both traditional and high technologies. You can get such knowledge by studying in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology".

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of the national economy, which determines the possibility of developing other branches and forms the basis of the power and defense capability of any state. Modern development mechanical engineering requires specialists in mechanical engineering technology with deep knowledge in the design of technological processes and technological equipment, new forms of organization and production management, integrated automation production processes, modern machine tools with numerical control (CNC) and robotic systems, advanced methods of processing materials, the use of computer technology for research, design and control of technological processes.

In Russia, there is already an acute shortage of technologists. To ensure the competitiveness of their products, enterprises today need specialists who are engaged in the development of new technologies, and large funds are allocated today to attract such specialists and a decent amount of payment for their intellectual work is offered.

The profession of a specialist in mechanical engineering technologies is considered promising. This is due to the constant introduction of new techniques and the emergence of modern inventions. These specialists have a lot of opportunities for successful career building and development, which will open up new prospects for them in building a career.

At the end of the training, the graduate will be able to perform work related to the manufacture of various parts of assemblies and machines, equipment for metallurgical production; metalworking (work on machine tools); with the assembly of mechanical engineering products, with the design of products of medium complexity of the main and auxiliary production, drawing up technical specifications for the manufacture of products and equipment components, with work on machine tools with numerical control.

Practical training takes place in a turning workshop, in a classroom for programming on CNC machines based on Sinumerik and Fanuk postprocessors, in a classroom for metal cutting on CNC machines with software NC CAD and Adem system.

Specialty code: 15.02.08

Information about the specialty
Basic education Basic general (9 grades)
Form of study full-time
Language of instruction Russian
Qualification Technician
Training period 3 years 10 months
The level of education Basic training

The profession of workers in the framework of the main educational program.