Breeding sturgeon in Uzv. Breeding sturgeon at home

Sturgeon breeding is a very profitable business. Everyone can do it, regardless of the region in which they live. This is possible due to the use of closed water supply units (RAS). When creating them, it is only necessary to provide optimal conditions, as well as the required area. In this case, the fish farm is formed from hangar-type buildings, in which pools and a water purification system are located.

Introductory information

Sturgeon rearing in RAS is a multi-basin approach. They are supplied with filters and devices that facilitate the constant renewal of water. This approach allows fish farming even in harsh climatic conditions. The presence of a closed and customizable system makes it easy to achieve the optimal parameters necessary for successful fish farming ( temperature regime, the amount of oxygen, and so on). Breeding sturgeon in RAS allows achieving required weight for sale after a year of life. In addition, caviar is also subject to sale, which is very valuable and is not cheap due to its valuable nutritional qualities and relatively small offer.

How beneficial is it?

Breeding sturgeon in RAS as a business has proven itself well - if you work tirelessly and in accordance with the opinion of reason. So, the cost of one kilogram of products is about 600 rubles, which allows you to make a profit of up to 400 rubles. So, a farm that produces about five tons of fish per year has a turnover of about five million rubles. Up to two of them are net profit... It is quite possible to have an enterprise at the level of profitability of 30-60%. It takes only two to three years to reach a net profit and full payback of the project. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that you can get not only the fish itself, but also caviar. In other words, sturgeon breeding in RAS as a business is quite feasible. But how can this be done?

What is needed for this?

Imagine that we are faced with the task of organizing a fish farm that allows us to receive about five tons per year. How can this be achieved? What kind of RAS equipment is needed for sturgeon breeding? In short, this result allows you to get:

  1. Premises with an area of ​​about 125 square meters, provided with water supply, sewerage, heating and electricity.
  2. The feed ratio is 1.4. That is, 7 tons of food is needed per year.
  3. The volume of water is 2100 cubic meters for twelve months.
  4. Electricity consumption is about 5.5 kW. You need 48 thousand kW per year.
  5. At least two employees for a salary of 60 thousand rubles a month.
  6. Necessary equipment, which will cost about three million rubles.

How is sturgeon breeding carried out in the RAS? The complete circuit below can be used as both family business, and to create a full-fledged enterprise.


First of all, you need to take care of the equipment with which the fish is kept. Of course, swimming pools are in the first place here. Depending on their cost, capacity and manufacturer, this item will pull at least two million rubles. The following containers are suitable for use:

  1. Frame structures.
  2. Polypropylene.
  3. From ceramic tiles.
  4. Enamelled metal containers.
  5. With solid concrete walls.

To grow fish up to 300 grams, you need to take care of a rectangular or round pool. It is enough for it to be 1.6 m in diameter and up to 90 centimeters deep. For those fish whose size ranges from 0.3 kg to 2 kg, a pool with parameters 2.2 m and 1.3 m should be provided. It should be borne in mind that 1 square meter allows you to grow up to 60 kilograms of sturgeon. Care must be taken to ensure that the sturgeon lives in favorable conditions. For it, you need to maintain the temperature at 18-20 degrees Celsius. Therefore, heating is required in winter and cooling in summer. For this, the system provides for the possibility of using a heat exchanger.

Water purification technology

Since the business plan for sturgeon breeding in the RAS does not provide for their free walking, and it is problematic to live in the same water, it is necessary to provide for a solution to the problem of the quality of their living environment. How should water purification be carried out?

At the first stage, it undergoes mechanical filtration. For this, micro-mesh drums are used that rotate in the body. Periodically, they need to be cleaned of various solid particles, such as uneaten food, fish faeces, and so on. Mechanical filtration removes harmful substances such as nitrates and sulfates from the pool.

Then you can proceed to the second stage. It carries out biological water purification. The equipment for this is made in the form of a concrete tank buried in the floor. It is filled with special elements - bio-loads. Their cost is about 20 thousand rubles per piece. The concrete tank is filled with water, after which aeration begins. This process removes carbon dioxide from the pool. After all, it must be remembered that fish can breathe too, and they need it.

The third stage includes denitrification. It is carried out using a closed-type filter. This stage is necessary in order to reduce the amount of nitrates, which will inevitably occur after bioremediation. Methanol is used to decompose these compounds. This filter has a low throughput... This fact should be taken into account.


Growing sturgeon requires constant water circulation. For this, a pump is used, which will cost 20 thousand rubles. With its help, fresh water is taken, after which it is mixed with the main liquid. Its quantity must be equal to the drain in order to ensure uninterrupted circulation of water in the system. The technology of sturgeon breeding in RAS pays special attention to this point, one should not ignore it and believe that it is enough only to purify the used liquid.

Additional points

Also, the following equipment is used for fish farming:

  1. Ultraviolet lamps. They are necessary for water disinfection.
  2. Oxygen generator. Allows you to saturate the water with the required amount of oxygen.
  3. Ozonizer. It is necessary to provide the living environment with ozone.
  4. Incubators. Required when fish are bred for caviar.
  5. Feeders. Allow to provide dosed power supply at the required time.

Purchase of fish

First you need to acquire some animals. Fry is used for breeding. Their acquisition is the first stage of activity. First of all, you should have at least ten thousand fry. Why so much? The fact is that even in the presence of experienced specialists, their mortality reaches about 60% of the total... It is possible to reduce this value, but this is a complex and costly business. Fortunately, their cost is about 20 rubles per piece, and their weight is several grams. Therefore, there should be no problems with their purchase and transportation.

By the way, it is better not to save on the first fish. Of course, even if you buy dried fry and provide them with good conditions, they will recover over time. But then time will be lost, more funds will be required for their maintenance, and one should not forget about the death. Therefore, it is better not to skimp on quality.

How do you grow fish?

Many years of experience and experimentation allowed us to select several optimal methods. Two of them are described below:

  1. Kiselev's technique. It involves stocking the pools twice a year. It also involves harvesting once every six months. The disadvantage of this technique is that it is difficult to gain a lot of weight over such a significant period.
  2. Krasnoborodko's technique. Provides for such an approach to fish farming, when the crop is harvested at short intervals, but in small quantities. This system allows you to ensure uninterrupted operation thanks to numerous filters for water purification, devices for its disinfection, pumps and periodic fluid renewal. This technique assumes exclusively one-time stocking of the pools. It allows you to minimize the area required for breeding in terms of equipment placement, as well as the number of pools.

Getting caviar

Breeding of sturgeons in the RAS is used not only for obtaining fish meat. Sturgeons also allow you to get such a delicacy as caviar. In this case, it is necessary to make two independent closed water supply installations. The first is used for broodstock, while the second is used for broodstock. The peculiarity of the latter is that they must stay in cold water.

In the first year, the harvest is not particularly impressive in size - females give up to eight percent of their own weight. Not too many. But in the second year this figure can reach 20%! This is what the breeding of sturgeon fish in RAS is all about. Technologies and drawings will allow you to create an idea of ​​how everything should be. And the implementation will allow you to create devices for absolutely every taste.

Some of the entrepreneurs have mastered some types of business related to the breeding of various animals for the sake of making a profit. Unfortunately, in terms of profitability, these types of activities are inferior to sturgeon breeding.

The consequences of the economic crisis have affected almost all areas entrepreneurial activity person. Many entrepreneurs have decided to give up different types activities, including in the field of animal husbandry. V Lately there is a trend towards maintaining healthy way life, which is inextricably linked with proper nutrition. Increasingly, a person prefers to eat fish, but not meat, especially pork. Therefore, having decided to start breeding sturgeon, you should not worry about the sale of your products.

You can breed sturgeon at home, if you create a certain temperature regime, bring water and sewage.

Organization of a reservoir for sturgeon breeding

For the convenience of growing sturgeon, it is enough to have a plastic pool with a depth of 1.0-1.2 meters and a diameter of up to 3 meters. This is the most convenient pool model, since it can be maintained without much difficulty.

The right choice of feed

The main challenge is to obtain the maximum gain in fish mass in a short period of time. Therefore, the feed should be high in calories and appropriate for the age and weight of the fish.

  1. The sturgeon leads a near-bottom lifestyle, so the food must quickly sink to the bottom.
  2. The food must have a suitable odor. In nature, these fish species search for food by smell. This suggests that he has a well-developed sense of smell. The food should not only smell good, but also be attractive to this type of fish.
  3. Dissolving time of feed in water should not be less than 30 minutes.
  4. For each fish size, feed pellet sizes are selected.

Where to get sturgeon fry

Fry should be purchased only from large fish-breeding enterprises that have been breeding it for years. The better the product, the more likely it is to make a profit. In this case, you should not save on fry. Only healthy fry will be able to quickly adapt to new conditions and grow to the size of a marketable sturgeon.

Tanks for growing fish

On the initial stage development of this type of business, it is enough to acquire a small mini-pool. It can be installed in a residential area or in a cellular polycarbonate greenhouse. The mini-pool covers an area of ​​no more than 2.2 square meters, so it can be installed even in an apartment.

Growing equipment

To grow fish on your own, you will have to purchase the following equipment:

  1. Plastic pool.
  2. Pump for pumping water.
  3. Compressor.
  4. Automatic feeder.
  5. Generator.

Capacity. For fish farming, you can purchase and install several mini-pools with a diameter of 2.5 meters.

Pump. With its help, water is supplied to containers from a well or a well, if sturgeon are raised in the private sector. If there is a central water supply, mini-pools can be connected to the water supply, but this method can be much more costly given today's water prices.

Compressor. It is necessary for the constant saturation of water with oxygen, otherwise it makes no sense to talk about raising fish at all. Moreover, you need to install a pair of compressors, just in case, so that if one of them fails, the next one is included in the work.

Automatic feeder. It is necessary for large production volumes. If this is the beginning of a business and there is an opportunity to feed the fish by hand, then you don't have to buy it. Malek feeds up to 6 times a day and with small volumes, you can do without it.

Gasoline or diesel generator. Same important element just like the compressor. In the absence of power supply or its interruption, the generator will help out and will not allow the fish to suffocate. The generator must have a reserve of power so as not to run to the limit. Then he will serve for a long time and will be able to guarantee the cultivation of sturgeon.

Here, the list includes only the main components of a mini-farm, without which sturgeon breeding is impossible. In addition to these elements, you will need all kinds of pipes, taps, corners, tees, etc. If you count everything, then serious investments will be required. Despite this, with a serious approach, sturgeon breeding will pay off in the first year.

Water temperature

In order to live and develop, constantly gaining weight, a certain temperature regime should be maintained. It is considered that the temperature from + 18 ° С to + 24 ° С is optimal.

As for the winter period, you will have to maintain the temperature at the proper level. If this is not done, then the water will simply be covered with ice, and this cannot be allowed. In this case, a large energy consumption will be required, although it is possible to work on the heating circuit and get by with minimal costs. It is not necessary to resort to heating with electricity or gas, as this will cost a lot of money. It is better to use a conventional solid fuel boiler, and use wood waste as fuel.

If the fish is raised in improper conditions, then it will start to hurt, especially if it is fry.

Premises for growing sturgeon

Even in an apartment with running water and sewerage, you can breed fish. The most suitable option is the private sector, where you can easily build a suitable room and organize heating, both water and air.

Depending on the number of containers, the useful area of ​​the mini-farm is also calculated. At the same time, one container with a volume of 2 cubic meters is capable of occupying an area from 10 to 12 square meters.

What sturgeons are fed with

For this, there are special compound feeds intended for the cultivation of sturgeon fish species. The daily dose depends on the age and weight of the fish. The sturgeon feeds 4-5 times a day. If an automatic feeder is used, the fish may be fed more frequently, depending on the setting.

Payback of such a business

It is a profitable business that, with the right approach, will pay off in the first year. The growing cycle, starting from the purchase of fry and ending with commercial products, takes about 9 months. During this period, fry, weighing about 5 grams, gains weight about 500 grams, which is quite enough for the sale of goods. One fry can cost 20 rubles, or even more. Ready sturgeon is sold at a price of 600-800 rubles. for 1 kg. If you count everything, then one fry is able to bring a profit in the amount of 300 rubles, or even more. Unfortunately, this is not a net profit. The cost of the feed will take up a significant amount of the cost.

Growing one thousand fry will require the purchase of feed for the amount of 30 thousand rubles. Electricity costs can also be significant and can amount to up to 20 thousand rubles per year, depending on the size of the mini-farm.

If you do not take into account the equipment, then in order to grow 1000 fry, you will have to spend:

  • expenses for the purchase of fry - 20 thousand rubles;
  • feed costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  • electricity costs - 20 thousand rubles.

Moreover, these are calculations without taking into account the cost of water. It is believed that water is taken from a well or borehole.

So, total costs are 70 thousand rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the profit from the sale of 1000 pieces of fish weighing 500 grams and costing 600 rubles per kilogram: it will amount to 300 thousand rubles.

The net profit will amount to: 300 thousand rubles - 70 thousand rubles, the total will be 230 thousand rubles.

To grow 1000 fish fry, you will need to purchase equipment for 250 thousand rubles. In the first year of fish farming, the costs will be fully paid off. Starting from the second year, each thousand fry will be able to give up to 200 thousand rubles of net profit.

Experience of successful farms

Unfortunately, this type of business is not as widespread as a business related to animal husbandry. Events recent years indicate that large producers meat of sturgeon fish species receive a constant income already in the 2nd or 3rd year of their activity. At the same time, you can get not only sturgeon meat, but also sturgeon caviar using accelerated technology. This can happen in the 5th or 6th year of the females' life. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that sturgeon caviar can be sold at $ 1000 per kilogram.

Business plan

Calculation formulas are applied exactly the same, but to organize the breeding of sturgeon in large quantities (up to 20 ... 30 tons per year), one should take into account the fact that you will have to spend money on construction capital building... Alternatively, such a building can be rented. Moreover, you will have to spend a lot of money on payment wages hired worker. Still, it is unlikely that he or his family will be able to cope with such a volume of work. With an increase in production volumes, other expenses, such as deductions to the budget, also increase. The larger the production, the more problem and the more difficult it is to raise sturgeon fry to marketable appearance, the greater the risks associated with unforeseen expenses.

Who to sell sturgeon fish to

You can sell your products according to various schemes: sell on the market, where you can organize your point of sale, sell in a store, by agreement with the owner, or deliver to restaurants, by concluding an appropriate contract. Restaurants can sell up to 70 kg of sturgeon per month. It is not difficult to calculate how much fish needs to be grown per year: up to 1 ton of fish or up to 2000 units, weighing 0.5 kg each. Such small sturgeons are the most demanded in restaurant business... The most refined and delicious dishes are prepared from them.

As practice shows, you can seriously earn money on a home mini-farm. Somewhere in 3-5 years, if you approach it smartly, you can organize a business with a turnover of several million rubles and this on your own backyard or summer cottage... But not everything can be obtained immediately and instantly. In any case, you should start with a small amount of sturgeon growing. And when experience and confidence appear, production volumes can be increased, and not immediately, but also gradually: first, grow 1000 fry, then, if possible, 2000 pieces, and then, as they say, the appetite comes with eating.


Naturally, business is not such a cloudless business. In the process of organizing, serious organizational problems can arise associated with legitimizing your business. Indeed, without these skills, it is unlikely that it will be possible to negotiate with a store or restaurant. Therefore, the business plan does not include organizational measures related to obtaining the relevant documents. In addition, it is not known what it will cost the entrepreneur and whether it can be organized at his dacha or at his personal plot. In addition, without the appropriate documents, it is unlikely that it will be possible to purchase fish fry.

Every business project requires integrated approach at various counts. Each business plan should include various losses associated, for example, with the death of a part of the fry. In other words, risks should be considered, and this is not always possible. Therefore, engaging in a non-traditional field of activity, you can always ignore something and this “something” can ruin the whole business.

Due to the fact that today domestic market The sturgeon family is in dire need of high-quality fish due to restrictions on the import of foreign products. For enterprising fellow citizens, artificial breeding of sterlet at home has become a profitable source of income. Beginners are attracted by the fact that large financial investments are not needed here: the process can be organized in any utility room.

In order for sterlet breeding as a business to bring stable revenue, you need to go through several stages:

  • site preparation, arrangement of communications;
  • selection and purchase of containers;
  • undergoing approval procedures in the sanitary and epidemiological station, obtaining permits from veterinarians;
  • acquisition and launch of fry;
  • growing fish to the desired weight;
  • sale of goods, partial or complete processing on the territory of the enterprise is possible.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - 3,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

Where can you breed sterlet?

For those who do not plan to create an extensive fish farm, the territory of a private house is quite suitable. It is quite possible to breed sterlet in the country, the conditions of which allow living in it all year round. In addition to a sufficient area (at least 30 m²), it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted power supply (you will need spare generators) and water supply (you may need to install filters), full ventilation, heating, and sewerage.

The sterlet gets sick from stress, and therefore it is advisable to choose a quiet area for such a business. Therefore, growing sterlet at home is possible only if there are no busy transport interchanges, large enterprises, crowded places, public institutions and livestock farms near the home.

How to choose working containers?

Before starting the selection of equipment, you should decide where to buy sterlet fry for breeding will be more expedient - this is an important item of expenditure that cannot be cut back. It is also possible to start a business from an ordinary plastic pool with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of at least 1 m. In such a container, up to a ton of fish can be grown in a year. As production develops, it will be necessary to invest in the purchase of additional tanks.

To determine which equipment for growing sterlet will be justified at the first stage, you need to take into account existing categories adult fish, usually demanded by the end consumer:

  • up to 300 g - round pools described above are suitable;
  • up to 2 kg - round containers, the depth of which is at least 120 cm with a diameter of 220 cm;
  • sorting tanks intended for keeping larvae and distributing the grown-up generation - they are rectangular trays with dimensions of 220x50 cm, their depth does not exceed 50 cm.

One of technological stages is the cultivation of sterlet in cages - as a rule, in such conditions, young animals are kept that have not yet begun to gain weight.

In the long term, the maintenance of sterlet will pay off only if the businessman carefully monitors the surrounding conditions. Part of the water needs to be replaced twice a week (full draining and subsequent filling is not required here, we are talking about draining and replacing only a quarter of the volume), containers should also be cleaned and a stable microclimate should be maintained. To facilitate compliance with the feeding regimen, you can put feeders (if food enters the pool at a time other than the usual time for the fish, it will not accept it).

The possibilities of breeding sterlet in a natural or artificial pond

Breeding sterlet in a pond can be an economical business option. The object must be prepared in advance: drain the water, clean it completely, cover the bottom with lime and rinse it off after a while.

If the reservoir is artificial, when filling it, you need to populate it with natural biomaterial - a variety of freshwater plants and algae, worms and molluscs. These manipulations are carried out approximately 2 months before the planned fry disembarkation (which usually occurs in late spring).

The sterlet is not able to withstand the domestic winter, and if the business is not limited to selling marketable fish, it is better to transfer it to the pools for the winter.

Benefits of working with RAS

Recirculating water supply devices create an optimal environment for fish development and weight gain. Moreover, it is important that the technology of growing sterlet in RAS is different high degree automation.

Key design components:

  • several combined round or rectangular pools. It is preferable to choose portable variations - they are much cheaper than stationary ones;
  • oxygen generator;
  • pumps;
  • Pressure Sensors;
  • UV lamps for disinfection;
  • pipe systems;
  • filters, flotation devices and ozonizers;
  • air compressor;
  • devices for temperature control.

Continuous breeding of sterlet in RAS is based on a flow-through water supply system, it enters the pool in trickles, and not in a stream, which significantly increases the level of its oxygen saturation.

Conditions for the acquisition of fry

When deciding where to buy sterlet fry, first of all, you need to focus on the reputation of the supplier company: sometimes you have to deliver material for growing from afar, so it is important that the manufacturer has established logistics and is able to deliver the goods to the customer intact. The sale of fry, as a rule, is carried out by large farms, which have a full cycle of growing sterlet and sturgeon in general - they operate on the basis of highly productive equipment that optimizes all stages of working with caviar.

On average, the price of sterlet fry is kept at the level of 15-30 rubles for each (their weight by that time is only 5-6 g). The required amount must be calculated based on the area of ​​the pools and the size start-up capital... Since the fish is bottom fish, you need to take into account the stocking density: for each square meter of the bottom, up to 300 fry can be released, provided that the diameter of the pool is at least 2.5 m.

The temperature of the water in the bags and containers in which the fry were transported must first be brought up to the indicators in the pools - so the landing will be carried out in the most comfortable conditions for the sterlet.

The specifics of the fish feeding process

The intensity of the increase in live weight directly depends on the quality of its nutrition. An economical option is to purchase domestic sterlet feed that meets industry standards and sufficiently saturates its diet with useful elements. You can buy foreign counterparts, but they will significantly affect the final cost of production. Moreover, for fry and adult fish, you need to select different compositions.

At the stage of fry, sterlet is fed 6 times a day at regular intervals, adult fish - 4 times. The sterlet collects food from the bottom, so the food should be well submerged and retain its shape and flavor for at least 30 minutes.

Potential profitability of the enterprise

To grow 1 ton of fish in a pool with a diameter of 2.5 m, you will need from 1800 fry, which is about 40,000 rubles. For them, food will be purchased for the amount of about 80,000 rubles, the cost of water and electricity will result in 38,000 rubles. It turns out that in order to grow a ton of fish, you will need to spend 158 thousand rubles (this is without taking into account initial investment in equipment, premises and registration). Under these conditions, 1 kg. fish will cost the entrepreneur 158 rubles. One such cycle will take 9-10 months.

The selling value of the sterlet is about 700 rubles per kilogram, that is, the net profit per ton will be 542,000 rubles. This means that the profitability of the business is such that it will pay for itself in literally a year and a half. If the income received is invested in the development of the production site, part of the fry can be raised for further obtaining caviar (its cost can reach 70,000 rubles per kg.) And further independent growing of fry - then the enterprise will fully meet internal needs.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the demand for sterlet is kept at a high level, largely due to the Russian sanctions on European products. Therefore, if you start a business now, growing sterlet for caviar and directly in marketable will be high profitable business for several decades.

Sturgeon farming as a business. Breeding conditions for sturgeon. Video of a homemade RAS.


Sturgeon fish farms, a very popular business in European countries. Countries such as France, Uruguay, Italy, as well as China and the United States are leading in the breeding of sturgeon in recirculating water supply systems for the production of black caviar, in our country this business is only gaining popularity and this niche is practically empty.

Minimal competition allows start-up entrepreneurs to engage in sturgeon breeding. Contrary to popular belief, relatively small financial investments will be required if the RAS is assembled on its own. The profit from the sale of black caviar is more than $ 1000 per 1 kg, the cost of 1 kg of sturgeon is more than $ 20.

Sturgeon breeding.

The sturgeon is listed in the Red Book, catching it in natural reservoirs is prohibited, the fine for a caught individual is more than 10,000 rubles. The shortage of sturgeon, and first of all black caviar, pushed entrepreneurs to grow these types of fish in artificial reservoirs using closed water supply technologies, which make it possible not only to breed and grow sturgeon, but also to obtain black caviar from fish.

In our country, the most common types of sturgeon are beluga, Siberian, Russian, stellate sturgeon, thorn, sterlet. It is possible to get caviar from sturgeon in a farm not earlier than 7 years, and this process cannot be accelerated. On fish farms, they are usually engaged in breeding, the Siberian freshwater sturgeon and its hybrids are less whimsical, their puberty begins at 7 - 9 years old, but the Beluga is more demanding of maintenance, the first eggs can be obtained from females at the age of 18. Therefore, it is practically not grown for caviar, although the cost of 1 kg of Beluga caviar exceeds $ 10,000.

To grow sturgeon, you need special conditions therefore they cannot live in most common bodies of water. The sturgeon requires constantly running clean water with a high oxygen content, while the water temperature should not exceed 24 ° C, the optimal water temperature for the sturgeon is 18 - 20 ° C. It is very difficult to create such conditions in most natural reservoirs, therefore, a closed water supply installation was developed by ichthyologists for breeding sturgeon.

Breeding of sturgeons in the RAS.

A closed water supply installation, or RAS for short, is a system consisting of:

  • Pools.
  • Oxygen generator.
  • Water purification filters - drum mechanical filter, carbon, biofilter.
  • Circulation pumps.
  • Ozonizer and flotator.
  • Oxygen sensors, pressure, p N.
  • Air compressor.
  • Ultraviolet lamp for water disinfection.
  • Heat exchangers for heating and cooling water.
  • Pipelines.

Pools are used in a round or rectangular shape, they can be polypropylene, metal with an enamel coating, capital from concrete and ceramic tiles or collapsible frame. Typically, for recirculation, polypropylene round pools are used with a depth of 1 - 1.5 m, a width of 2.5 m and more.

Purified water enriched with oxygen is constantly supplied to the pools, and part of the water is gradually pumped back, which is passed through purification filters, enriched with oxygen, then pumped back into the fish pools.

The water in the system is in constant circular circulation, while part of the water from the purification filters is still drained into the sewer, and part of the water is pumped from the water supply system.

Water enters the pools not as a stream, but in the form of a shower; this method is used to additionally saturate the water with air.

Regardless of the season, the water temperature in the system is maintained at 18 - 20 ° C. Water heaters are used in winter, coolers with heat exchangers in summer.

As is known in natural conditions v winter period With a decrease in water temperature, sturgeon growth slows down significantly, the optimal temperature is constantly maintained in the RAS, and the fish does not stop growing. If in nature the sturgeon reaches sexual maturity at about the 15th year, then in RAS at 6-7 years old. Starting from the age of 7, in the conditions of a sturgeon farm, you can already get caviar for obtaining fry and selling.

The installation is located in a heated room, which can be a hangar, a greenhouse, or any covered room.

Breeding conditions for sturgeon.

To start breeding sturgeon, you will need to purchase fry. You can buy 5 gram fry in almost every sturgeon farm, the cost is about 15 rubles. a piece. A particular difficulty arises during transportation, because the fry is not enough just a container with water, it will be necessary to adapt an aquarium air compressor to the container.

Before releasing the fry into the pools, the temperature of the water in the pools and in the container with the fry should be equalized.

In nature, sturgeons lead a benthic life and feed on a variety of plankton, small fish, insects, worms, and molluscs. When kept in RAS, natural feed is replaced with balanced compound feed with a high protein content. Each fish age has its own food, the older the fish, the larger the feed pellet size is used.

Experts recommend that beginners start with imported feed, over time you can learn how to make feed yourself. Boiled eggs can be added to adult fish as additional protein supplements. waterfowl- geese, ducks, as well as minced fish.

At the age of one year, the fish is called a year-old, then it becomes a year-old. Yearlings already weigh about 500 grams, such a weight in restaurants is called portioned, from live fish weighing 500 grams, a cooked portion of 350 - 370 grams is obtained. Therefore, to sell sturgeon to restaurants, it is enough to grow fish up to a weight of 500 grams.

If you want to get caviar, the fish needs to be raised for about 7 years.

At the onset of puberty, additional hormones are injected in order for the fish to spawn.

During the spawning period in females, the number of eggs for the first time is 15% of the total weight of the female, in the next more than 25%.

In nature, about 3% of fry survive and grow from caviar; in a fish farm, this figure is more than 70%. During the spawning period, eggs are removed from the female, and milk from the male by milking, while the fish does not die, it is released back into the pools, on next year caviar is also obtained from fish.

Eggs in trays with water are fertilized and placed in incubators with running water, in natural conditions only in running water larvae develop from eggs, therefore the design of the incubator is built in such a way as to recreate conditions for the development of larvae from eggs.

The incubator is a structure of several upper rows of trays, into which water is constantly drawn from pipes, and the lower ones with caviar.

When the upper tray is full of water, it hits the lower tray and pours the water into the caviar tray. At the same time, the eggs in the tray are shaken and float, thus, the eggs are constantly saturated with oxygen and washed with water.

A week later, sturgeon larvae emerge from the eggs and are transferred to the pool. The larvae grow very quickly and after a month they turn into fry.

Sturgeon breeding as a business.

Sturgeon breeding is undoubtedly a promising business, but the complexity of recirculation technology makes many entrepreneurs abandon such an undertaking.

If you are interested in sturgeon breeding, study the literature, visit the nearest sturgeon farm and consult a specialist.

You can find the owners of sturgeon farms on the forums on the Internet. RAS installation it is not necessary to buy it as a whole, you can assemble it yourself, it will be much cheaper, all the components are on sale.

There will be no problems with the sale of fish and black caviar, since there are practically no competitors in this business and the price of these products is consistently high.

Sturgeon breeding in a homemade RAS video (video by Aleksej Rublev).

Popular business ideas

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To start a business like sturgeon farming, a mini farm is best suited. Sturgeon caviar and meat are in stable demand, and the competition is still low. The sturgeon is unpretentious; to grow it, you do not need a large amount of special knowledge.

Sturgeon varieties

What are the subtleties of sturgeon breeding? A mini-farm can become a profitable enterprise, since the sturgeon is listed in the Red Book and it is not caught in natural reservoirs. This shortage, against the backdrop of the popularity of meat and caviar, creates good business conditions.

Fast maturing sturgeon breeds are used for breeding:

  • Siberian;
  • Amur;
  • White;
  • sterlet;
  • bester.

In fish farms, beluga, thorn, stellate sturgeon can be bred, but they grow and mature slowly.

Products for sale

What products does sturgeon breeding give? The mini farm will not produce eggs for the first 6-8 years. To pay off the costs of keeping fish, farms sell sturgeon meat. This could be:

  • live fish;
  • smoked fish;
  • canned sturgeon;
  • soup sets;
  • liver;
  • vizig.

For the production of smoked fish and canned food, additional production will be required. But processed products will also cost more. The ultimate goal of the farm is to obtain caviar.


How promising is sturgeon breeding? A mini-farm can pay off in 2-3 years after starting work. The purchase of equipment will have to spend about three thousand dollars. For feed and public Utilities- 500 dollars, about 1000 for the purchase of quality fry. In general, the initial costs will cost about 5 thousand dollars.

How expensive is sturgeon farming (mini-farm)? The price of the equipment can be reduced if you make a part yourself or order a small company.

The average income from the sale of one sturgeon is $ 6. Accordingly, a small farm can bring in 3.5 thousand dollars a year, and this is at the initial stage, excluding the production of caviar.

The natural loss of fry can be up to 30%, this is the norm for keeping in captivity. In their natural habitat, only about three percent of fry survive and grow to sexual maturity.

By the age of six months, the sturgeon can gain a mass of half a kilogram. At this age, fish can already be taken to restaurants, as it is ideal for making portioned dishes. Fry peers grow unevenly. Dominant fish get more food and gain weight faster.

The first production cycle ends when even the weakest fry have reached the desired weight. This happens after about 8-9 months. After that, you can get the first income and purchase a new batch of fry.

The mini-farm will be controlled by the SES. Water samples are taken twice a year, and the sturgeon will also be checked. You will need to provide documentation for fry and feed. Initially, the business will require serious investments, the payback period will be quite long. The entrepreneur will begin to receive serious profits after the fish reach maturity.


How to organize sturgeon breeding (mini-farm)? A business plan starts with costs. What will it take to start a business?

  1. Equipment.
  2. Premises.
  3. Reservoirs.
  4. Malek.
  5. Feed.

The farm can be organized on your own courtyard, but then you will have to build the main and auxiliary premises. Breeding sturgeon (mini-farm) at home in small areas is impossible, as equipment and pools take up a lot of space.

The sturgeon loves running clean water. Organize suitable conditions in a natural reservoir it is difficult, therefore recirculation will be more convenient.

RAS is a closed water supply installation, fish farming modules for fish farming. Consists of RAS from:

  • reservoirs;
  • filters for water purification and compressor;
  • oxygen generator;
  • UV lamps for water disinfection;
  • heaters;
  • pipelines;
  • sensors.

Water in RAS system is in constant motion. It is filtered and enriched with oxygen and then returned back to the tanks. Part of the polluted water is discharged into the sewage system, part of it evaporates, so it is necessary to constantly replenish its volumes.


Very important point in fish farming - food. The food must be chosen carefully, because the health and growth rate of the fish largely depends on it. The food should not become limp and dissolve in water, since sturgeon live and feed in the lower layers of the water. Quality feed pellets do not lose their shape for more than half an hour. Pay attention to the composition of the feed: it must contain all the substances necessary for fish.

Fry and adult fish need different pellets. Every 10 days, the sturgeon is sorted by size and fed in different containers. At first, you need to buy special feed, but over time you can learn how to make it yourself.

Buying fry

It is from the fry that sturgeon breeding begins (mini-farm). The cost of one fry is 2 euros. After the equipment is installed and the feed is prepared, it is time to buy the fry. It is quite difficult to breed sturgeon on your own, so in the first pairs you will have to buy them from large farms.

The weight of fry for sale is 5 grams. The further growth of fish depends on the quality of the fry, so you need to be careful about purchasing. You need to feed babies 6 times a day, half-year-old fish - 4 times a day.

Adult fish and fry do not tolerate transportation well. Observance of the temperature regime and additional enrichment with oxygen will be required.

Obtaining offspring

Usually the fry is bought from large fish farms, but sturgeon breeding on a mini-farm is also possible. In nature, the sturgeon begins to reproduce at the age of ten (in captivity, this period is reduced), but the reproductive age also lasts a long time - up to 18 years.

You can buy already adult females, then it will not take so long to wait for eggs, but such individuals will also be expensive. In captivity, due to favorable conditions, offspring can be obtained after six years. In order to stimulate the desire of fish to reproduce, you will need a spacious reservoir.

Raising fry requires special knowledge and an incubator. The caviar is fertilized artificially and placed in special containers, where it is washed with water and saturated with oxygen. After a week, larvae emerge from the eggs. After a month, they will turn into fry. If we organize the cultivation of fry, then it will be possible not only to save on the purchase, but also to sell them to other small farms.