How does a CEO analyze financial and management statements? Abbreviations in branches. Maintain distance in communication

How to get started in a company in crisis

What questions can you find answers to in this article

    How to assess the state of the enterprise that you were offered to head

    What needs to be done before taking office

    What actions should be taken at the beginning of work

A company facing economic problems desperately needs a leader who can effectively restructure the business. Therefore, troubled enterprises often offer very high pay to managers who are ready to work in a crisis situation. Considering the current state of affairs in the financial market, it is possible that in the near future a similar advantageous offer may come to your address. But do not rush to accept it until you are sure that the situation can really be corrected. I have worked as a crisis manager for several businesses, the most recent of which is a telecommunications services company. In this article, I will share tips on how to assess the prospects for managing a troubled company and how to build work at the very beginning.

How to assess the state of the enterprise

I was repeatedly offered to head the plundered enterprises that have completely ceased to operate. I refused, because it was not possible to return them to their normal state in a fairly short time with the help of the available forces and means. In such a situation, no matter what money they promise you for taking the company out of the crisis, I recommend rejecting the offer. Companies that have passed the point of no return to normal business mode do not need a fresh strategy, but technologies aimed at liquidating the enterprise and preserving the most valuable assets. The decision as to whether to "take" the company or not, I have always made on the basis of a balanced analysis, consistently evaluating:

    the economic condition of the enterprise;

    its position in the industry;

    the performance of the team;

    the availability of resources for rescue.

The first stage of the analysis. The economic state of the enterprise

It is necessary to determine how quickly, with the available resources, it is possible to achieve fundamental changes in the economy of the enterprise. The troubled business tended to lag behind the industry's level of business for many years. Accordingly, in order to revive it, you must move at an extremely fast pace, that is, overcome three to four years of lag in one year. The first source of information about the state of the company that should fall on your table is the annual reports. They will allow you to assess the property and financial position of the enterprise in dynamics. In addition, I recommend checking accounting statements for the current period (not included in the last annual report). This is important, since the state of affairs could have deteriorated significantly in recent times. I begin the study of documents with an express analysis. It assumes careful examination of reports on formal grounds, identification of problem articles. For example, I draw attention to the uncovered losses of previous years, loans and loans not repaid on time. In addition to the actual figures, it is necessary to study the analytical sections of the report and familiarize yourself with the auditors' conclusions. After the express analysis, it is necessary to make a deeper analysis, which involves the independent construction of analytical financial reports. To do this, you need to give the reporting a form that is convenient for in-depth analysis. As part of such a study, in particular, a vertical and horizontal analysis of the balance sheet is carried out, an assessment of liquidity, solvency, financial stability and profitability of the company. I would like to draw special attention to the importance of the analysis of financial ratios and indicators in dynamics (English financial ratio analysis). This analysis allows you to better assess both the economic position of the company and its place in the industry. Financial ratios should be considered by comparing them not only with each other, but also with the resources allocated to save the enterprise. A single coefficient or several scattered coefficients do not give an objective picture. You also need to be wary of the category of industry averages. Each company is unique, a lot depends on its size and the specifics of doing business, and, accordingly, even within the same industry, there is a significant variation in ratios. Let me give you an example. At the telecommunications company where I worked, liquidity and solvency indicators were catastrophically low. But at the same time, there was an opportunity to significantly increase the business activity of our clients. The fact is that, although our clients did not receive modern-level services from us (high-speed Internet, IP-telephony, office consolidation), they had not yet switched to other suppliers, that is, they remained a guaranteed client pool for us. I decided that this situation was an opportunity for a breakthrough, and, as it turned out later, my calculation was correct: the rapid modernization of equipment (due to loans provided with the help of shareholders) made it possible to dramatically increase sales. The increase in data transfer speed alone immediately resulted in a 40% increase in sales in this segment of services. Within eight months, all loans were fully repaid, and the liquidity and solvency ratios became excellent.

Second stage of analysis. The position of the enterprise in the industry

The goal of this phase is to understand what needs to be changed in the strategy in order to create significant competitive advantage. It is useful to comprehensively assess the state of the industry and the prospects for its development, study the strategy of the main competitors, and predict their marketing and other actions. In addition, you should compare the cost structure of your company and that of competitors, conduct a SWOT analysis. As a result, you will be able to get an idea of ​​the company's competitive position in the industry. If you yourself have not worked in the industry for at least the past few years, you will need the help of advisors. In the event that we are talking about a fast-growing, high-tech industry, it is extremely important to have fellow advisors from among the top managers of successful enterprises. Let me give you one more example. When I was considering the opportunity to head the company "VPK-Telecom", my colleagues helped me not to reinvent the wheel - they suggested promising directions for business development. The company provided access to services through PIN codes (by plastic cards). This direction was extremely promising for the industry, but the company, developing it, clearly suffered losses. There were several reasons: the lack of an IP-telephony segment, the underdevelopment of business processes, and low labor productivity. Logic told me: this ultra-promising direction should not be closed - it is necessary to throw the necessary forces on its development. But after a brainstorming session with the participation of my colleagues working in the telecommunications industry, the only correct decision was made, as it turned out later: to immediately close this area and return to it after normalization economic situation enterprises. In my practice, I have repeatedly encountered seemingly paradoxical situations when it is better to start a business again from scratch than to try to revive an existing one, but it was illiterately created.

The third stage of the analysis. The efficiency of the team

In my experience, to keep moving forward, the old staff needs to be replaced by 98% within two years. At the same time, the change of 100% of key personnel should occur within the first year of restructuring. There is no time to retrain existing employees and it is not very promising, therefore, it is precisely the recruitment of new qualified employees that I consider one of the most important factors in the success of a director in a new position. Usually, the staff already working at the enterprise is not able to make a significant contribution to the restructuring: the rule is “what the company is, so is the team”. If business processes are not properly organized in a company, a corresponding negative climate develops. I know of cases when good specialists, getting into backward companies, became lazy during the year and lost their qualifications. Renewal of the state will require additional significant costs from you, which must be taken into account in financial planning. Today, there is a shortage of personnel in many industries. For example, in the telecommunications industry we do not have enough engineers to recruit good specialist it takes more than a year. You can speed up the process by enticing employees, but in this case you have to offer a higher salary. In addition, keep in mind that the dismissal of former employees will also require spending in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: in fact, you will have to pay each laid-off employee up to five average monthly salaries.

The fourth stage of the analysis. Availability of resources to save the enterprise

Based on the results of the first three stages of the analysis of the state of the enterprise, you will be able to draw up a preliminary business plan. At the final, fourth, stage, it is necessary to assess whether the resources that your future employer promises are sufficient to carry out the necessary changes. Assistance can be provided in the form of lucrative loans and borrowings, concessional leases, part of the work (for example, accounting functions can be taken over by a division of the holding structure), consultations, etc. Haggle. But if the help is not enough, I do not recommend that you become responsible for the further development of the enterprise. In my opinion, the most important thing in restructuring is to get borrowed funds at a rate that does not exceed the market average. As a rule, such funds can be provided by companies that are part of the holding, or by third parties under the guarantees of the holding.

Things to do before taking office

If you have made a conscious decision to lead a company to be restructured, there are several steps to be taken before taking office. Namely: agree on the terms of work with the owners, fixing the agreements in the contract, enlist the support of outside specialists (in case of possible sabotage of the enterprise personnel), develop an operational plan. In addition, you need to decide how to build a relationship with your predecessor. I will try to give some useful tips.

Remuneration of the crisis manager

Salary should be composed of a fixed and bonus parts. The fixed portion must be a substantial amount. If the company has signs of bankruptcy, the fixed portion should not be less than 10 thousand US dollars per month. Immediately dismiss the employer's chatter about starting with a small amount, and then increasing it at his discretion.

1. Fixed part of the salary.

I recommend using the following method. The base amount is established. Then the so-called management goals are determined - for six months and for subsequent periods. Under management objectives I understand the results that you have to achieve over a certain period of time: for example, bring a company to profitability, implement an ERP system, a billing system, create functional branches. Achievement of each goal should be rewarded with a corresponding increase in the fixed portion of the salary. So, for example, the timely implementation of ERP can imply an increase in the base by 20%.

2. Prizes. There are many premium schemes available. I would like to recommend one of them. It is convenient to set an annual premium in the amount of 10% of net profit, if the company was unprofitable, and 10% of the amount by which the net profit increased, if the company was profitable. This calculation is in line with business practice. Shareholders should understand that the CEO is de facto their partner and his welfare should be largely linked to the amount within which the dividend is calculated.

Terms of your contract

As a rule, the employer is in a hurry and puts off all sorts of "little things" for later. However, do not hesitate - the contract must be detailed, especially in terms of wages and bonuses. It is equally important to stipulate the situation when the General Director is fired at the initiative of the employer (the amount of the so-called golden parachute). Ultimately, it is beneficial for both the employer and the future CEO to come to an agreement “on the shore”. I know of cases when the job is done, the General Director has invested intelligence, resources in the enterprise, spent time, and the employer, who at the start promised (in words) a large bonus, reports that he paid the General Director a high salary and believes that this is enough. According to the stories of my colleagues, the leaders of the defense industry are especially guilty of this. One of the favorite tricks is to pay a bonus for the first year so that the CEO will stay on for another year. And for the second year, when the enterprise already looks like candy, the premium is not paid. I have not found myself in such a situation, but I think that it should be treated philosophically: the employer is the client, and they do not quarrel with the client and do not sue, they simply leave a bad client. The employer punishes himself: rumors among managers spread instantly, and the reputation will certainly suffer. As a result, the negative effect of non-payment will cost shareholders more than the payment itself.

Fifth column

With a change in management, there is an objective risk of failure of key equipment and business process management systems (this is especially true for high-tech enterprises). Failures are most often caused by the actions of a ousted leader, if he leaves office not of his own free will. I recommend assembling your own team of professionals (outside the enterprise) who can restore the vital functions of the company in the event of sabotage or sabotage by the previous leader. It is better to enlist the support of external specialists even if the shareholders part with the previous CEO in an amicable way: the price of risk is too high. Imagine, for example, the consequences of a breakdown of equipment or a billing system in a telecommunications company: thousands of customers are disconnected or the business is unable to bill customers. I've always insured myself with support key specialists working in the industry as well as a CFO and accountant. Forming such a team is not easy (as a rule, the people who make up it work hard in their places), but it is absolutely necessary. Before taking office, the team members should be consulted, simulating possible problems and methods of solving them.

Operational Restructuring Program

The crisis manager is required to carry out the economic recovery of the enterprise in a short time, that is, to improve the results economic activity... In other words, we are talking about operational rather than strategic restructuring (the aim of the latter is to ensure high competitiveness in the long term). The economic crisis on different enterprises arises for similar reasons, therefore, solving the problems of enterprises requires well-known actions from the General Director.

    Establish a management system. When you study in detail all the business processes of the enterprise, you will find that they are far from optimal. The actions of the company, departments and individual employees resemble Brownian motion; there are unnecessary, duplicating subdivisions. The recipe in this case sounds as simple as it is difficult to implement: a new management system must be introduced in combination with a new organizational and staff structure.

    Don't try to improve the company's performance within the old management system - it's impossible.

    Only the introduction of a new system will allow you to achieve dramatic improvements. I have witnessed (but not participated in) at least several failures in this area, costing many millions, and these observations lead to a number of conclusions. The ERM system being implemented should be industry standard as much as possible - this way it is much cheaper and more reliable. In other words, avoid designing a system specifically for your “great” company. In my opinion, it is more correct to slightly adjust the structure and business processes of the enterprise to the ERM (and not vice versa). For certain blocks of business processes, it is possible that special ERM adjustments are required. In this case, first your employees (but not the specialists of the provider company) will have to describe the algorithms of the business processes of the enterprise. Then these algorithms will be processed by the employees of the ERM provider, after which your employees will need to re-participate - making the necessary adjustments. The multi-step procedure will take a lot of time and effort, but otherwise distortions can be introduced into business processes.

    Review relationships with partners. I suppose this point does not require lengthy comments. The relationship with service providers needs to be restructured so that they cost the company as cheaply as possible. Unreasonable transactions and transactions at prices above market should be completely excluded. It is worth trying to find alternative service providers. All these actions are aimed at a significant reduction in the cost of services. For example, in a telecommunications company, we managed to reduce the cost of Internet traffic by several times in the shortest possible time. This was done due to reorientation to new suppliers, as well as due to a cost reduction scheme with an increase in volume and an unlimited dynamic traffic acquisition scheme (assumes a decrease in the limit with a decrease in volume).

    Upgrade equipment. This point is especially relevant for high-tech companies. I will give just one example from my practice. New telecommunication equipment has provided higher data transfer rates. As a result of the modernization, the volume of traffic consumed by customers has grown by 40%. The benefits are obvious for both clients and the company: clients got the opportunity to work much faster, and the company - additional income.

Interaction with the former CEO

Under no circumstances leave the former General Director to work at the enterprise! Not as a deputy, not even as a state advisor. Do not fall for any persuasion. Whatever this person is, he will try to prove that you are worse than him. The best option is to agree with the former CEO that he will advise you for a decent fee, without being a full-time employee. In my practice, the consultation period took from two weeks to a month. During this time, it is quite possible to master a new job.

Objectives of operational restructuring

The general strategy during operational restructuring can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to ensure the generation of own funds and attraction of borrowed funds in an amount sufficient to create competitive advantages, which in turn will subsequently ensure high competitiveness in long term... During the period of operational restructuring, increasing gross revenues is not the main task. Moreover, the pursuit of the increase in gross revenues, which is so anticipated by the inexperienced shareholders in the economy, can lead to failure. The fact is that the enterprise at this stage does not have the main factor for increasing gross revenue - competitive advantages. Let me explain using the example of a telecommunications company. Managers, instead of doing business, can chase sellers as much as they want, but they will not sell more if the company is not able to provide uninterruptedly and with the required level of quality services - even traditional (not to mention modern).

What to do after taking office

The first thing to do is to record the state of affairs at the time of your arrival. When transferring cases, I recommend, in addition to the standard set of acts of acceptance of documents, it is imperative to sign a register of accounts payable and receivable. It should include the following data: the name of the company, the amount of the contract, the number of the contract, the subject of the contract (briefly) and a laconic commentary on the state of performance of the contract on the day of transfer. Thus, you will record the state of debts at the time of your inauguration. This measure helps to avoid “skeletons in the closet”. It happens that after a new General Director takes office, creditors appear with "duly executed" contracts and offer to pay them. Such situations arise if the previous management continues to sign documents after the dismissal. After taking office, immediately start a full inventory of assets - literally throw all your strength into it and complete it in no time. Include representatives of the shareholders or the holding in the inventory commission. The purpose of the inventory is to record the existing property at the time of your arrival and begin the appropriate procedures in relation to the missing property. Starting to work, you will receive more and more reliable information about the company. As information becomes available, it will be necessary to clarify the previously drawn up program of operational restructuring. Usually, at troubled enterprises, many important issues for the company are not resolved or are very poorly resolved. For example, a business plan is often superficially spelled out (it should include marketing, operational and financial plans), a mission is not formulated, and a corporate identity is not developed. Often a fundamental overhaul is required for employee bonus systems, public relations, and customer relationship management. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that managing an enterprise in a crisis is a very complicated process. Therefore, one more recommendation - do not try to lead a company in a crisis if you do not have at least three years of experience in managing an enterprise in a normal business environment.

Vladimir Benda | Crisis manager, Moscow

How to understand that something is wrong with the business?

One of the readers of my book How to Ruin Your Own Business: Bad Advice Russian entrepreneurs" wrote me:
“I have owned a self-organized workplace for 3.5 years. Very tired. I have about 10 people on the staff and about 5 remotely. "

After reading this, I understand that this owner is not in a very good business situation. In general, when thousands of different businesses pass before your eyes, you begin to determine by simple signs in which of these businesses things are going in the wrong place. And, if nothing is changed, the prospects for them will be very unfortunate.

I think it will be interesting for you if I tell you about some of these signs. According to them, you can easily understand whether the business you are considering is problematic. Or that this business has already become a big headache for its owner.

How old is the Company and how many employees are there?

It makes sense to create a business only in order to achieve market dominance. Or at least become one of the leading players in the market. Of course, not every business has the prospect of growing into a Company that will be a world leader in its field. Therefore, you need to intelligently define the market segment in which you will strive for a leading position. Perhaps this will be a rather narrow niche. It is possible that it will be limited geographically. But in this niche you must take a leading position. And at least - to make every effort for this.

You ask - should every business strive to become a leader in its market segment? What is wrong with running a sustainable, stable business that generates monthly income while occupying a small market share? The main reason is that it is not secure. In the event of a tougher competition, the entry of strong players at the federal and transnational level to the market, Companies that have captured a significant market share are more likely to survive. "While the fat one dries, the thin one dies." It is easier for companies with a more serious scale of activity to maintain a highly competitive environment for working with Clients. It can provide its Clients with a more decent level of service. At the expense of greater scope it is easier to provide an acceptable margin. Accordingly, such a business has a greater margin of safety. Even in a difficult situation, when the entire market is in a state of steep dive, such a Company has a good chance of surviving. You may have to sharply cut costs, lay off some of the employees. But the business will survive. And later it will be able to rise again.

And small Companies often have no margin of safety at all. There is not even a financial safety cushion that would allow them to survive for several months in the event of a sharp deterioration in the market situation. At the same time, they often have not very competitive conditions for servicing Clients. It is clear that they are trying to compensate for this through an individual approach to Clients, building personal relationships with Clients. And every kind of demonstration of love for Clients. However, with a sharp deterioration in the market situation as a whole, all this turns out to be completely insufficient. Therefore, every time a frost hits the market, small Companies die like flies.

Conclusion: for your Company to be able to live happily ever after and, if necessary, successfully survive the next market downturn or tougher competition, it must be a medium or large business. Very few businesses can, with a small team, be sustainable, viable and successful.

Consequently, it makes sense for the owner to strive to develop his business quickly and actively. At least, until this business has grown to a sufficient degree of turnover, customer base and team of employees to take a stable position in its market niche.

In general, if by the end of the first year of operation of your new Company the number of its full-time employees is 20 people or more, this indicates a good pace of business development at initial stage... The same can be said about the Company if, after 2 years from the date of the start of work, the number of its employees is 40 people or more. On the contrary, if the Company is already 3 or 4 years old, and the number of its employees is still less than 20 people, this is a very bad sign. If by this moment there are only 15 or even 10 employees, the situation is the highest degree unfortunate. Most likely, the problem is that the owner does not know how or does not want to develop his business.

In addition, there is one more factor to consider. Most Russian business owners do not actually own a business, but a self-organized workplace. In such Companies, the owner is by no means a free person. He is the top performer absolutely essential to the day-to-day running of his Company. Responsible for everything, a slave to his own business. Often he cannot even go on vacation without causing damage. own business... Many of these owners do not even go on vacation - for 5, 10, or even 15 years.

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To line up full-fledged business- business system, the number of employees of the Company must be from 30 people and more. If the number of the Company is 100 people and more, many elements of the business system have already been built in it. Otherwise, it simply would not have grown to that size. While your Company has only 10-15 employees, you are practically doomed to be the owner of an independently organized workplace. And this is another reason why it makes sense for the owner to quickly develop the Company at least to the size of a medium-sized business.

How many managers and employees are there in the Company?

The inherent flaw of many Russian Companies is that the owners and founders of these Companies do not understand the essence of the work of the head. For some reason, it seems to them that all the work is done by ordinary employees. And a leader is a person who receives a large salary and does nothing particularly useful. As a consequence of this approach, their Companies have a serious leadership deficit. And since the need for the work that the missing managers should have done has not disappeared anywhere, the owners themselves are overwhelmed with managerial turnover. At the same time, the efficiency and intensity of the work of ordinary employees is extremely low, since they constantly lack managerial influence. The classic picture is that ordinary employees sit back half a day. And they constantly queue up in the director's office for instructions on what they should do. At the same time, the director works 10-12 hours a day, practically seven days a week.

How to check if the Company has a serious shortage of management personnel? Very simple. To do this, you need to know how many employees the Company employs, and how many managers of all ranks. With the classical hierarchical management structure, each employee of the Company must be subordinate to someone. This also applies to the leaders of the Company. Except for one at the very top of the pyramid. Therefore, one must be subtracted from the total headcount of the Company. This refers to the CEO and owner. Dividing this number by the number of managers in the Company, we get the ratio: how many employees are there for one manager.

And now is the time to remember that when performing more or less complex and atypical work, the controllability limit is 5-7 ordinary employees per manager. If we get a ratio close to this, it is very likely that everything is in order. If the number of ordinary employees per manager is 10 or more, the state of such a business can be described in two words: a complete mess.

How many hours per week does a business owner work?

No paid job is worth doing more than 40 working hours a week. More precisely, during this time you need to be able to consistently provide decent results. If you do overwork, then, I hope, for the sake of outstanding results. For just good results, 40 hours a week should be more than enough.

This principle applies no less to business owners. Moreover, many of the exclusive functions of a business owner are extremely difficult to perform in the office, in the midst of management turnover. First of all, we are talking about thinking through the development strategy of the organization. And also about the development of various documents, technologies and standards necessary for the improvement and development of business. Including plans for the development of this very business.

Therefore, if the owner is consistently at the office of his Company for more than 40 hours a week, or even more than 60 hours a week, then he is incompetent as an owner. Of course, there are situations when the owner just wants to work hard for the development of his Company. For example, when a business is growing so successfully that it would be a sin not to make additional efforts to break out into the absolute leaders of the market. Okay, let's be honest with each other. Is your company already a market leader? Maybe you have the prospect of becoming leaders in the next year or two? Not? Then why the hell are you working hard like dad Carlo, mom Carlo and the whole Carlo family?

If an owner spends an average of 30-40 hours a week at his company's office, he is not a real business owner. And just a manager of a self-organized workplace.

If the owner is at the office of his Company for less than 20 hours a week, and at the same time the business makes good money and is developing successfully, the situation looks much more attractive. If everything is fine with the business, and at the same time the owner comes to the office once a week, or even once a month, it is very likely that we are facing the real owner of the business.

What documents does the owner of the business sign?

The real owner of the business signs only the constituent documents and powers of attorney for the right to sign. For everything else, there is executive directors... If you have to sign regular documents every day, you are just a manager of a self-organized workplace.

Who manages the business finance and checking account?

Likewise, if every day you have to make decisions about who and how much to pay, you are just a manager of a self-organized workplace. For a real business owner, financiers are engaged in this work. And if you yourself also send payment orders through the "Client-Bank" system, this is generally a laughing matter to the chickens!

How much money does a business bring to its owner?

If you are a business owner, and as you read my article, your mood deteriorates more and more, it is possible that now I will completely ruin it for you. You see, a business that does not bring its owner tangible income cannot be considered a business. For example, if an owner gets about the same income from his business that he could get from working for another Employment Company, why the hell is he doing this business at all? After all, the owner bears the financial responsibility for the business. It happens that in an unfavorable combination of circumstances, the owners have to sell apartments, cars and cottages in order to pay off their debts. And the hired employee receives a salary every month, plus interest and bonuses. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, it can hardly go to the "minus". Finally, in Russia, every business owner is a criminal offender. From the moment of the first posting to the first legal entity registered by him. This is how our legislation works. It doesn't matter that you are running a clean, honest, absolutely transparent business. There are always articles on which you can be hooked and imprisoned. And people who want to do it.

This means that it is completely pointless to fall under the grave risks inherent in the owner of the business. And as a result, receive the same income as many employees who work for hire.

Therefore, it is believed that a business in an average Russian city with a population of one million has the right to exist if it provides its owner with a dividend income of at least $ 10,000 per month. That is, 300 thousand rubles a month or more. We are talking about net dividend income: the amount that is taken out of the business every month and transferred to the owner. And then it is spent on its own behalf. All types of payments that the owner receives from his business are summed up: salary, payments for labor contract, dividends, etc. The funds earned by the Company in the form of profit and directed to investments in the development of the same business are not taken into account here. If the business has several owners, the business must provide this dividend income to each of them. Of course, I'm talking about the main owners, and not about minority shareholders with small blocks of shares.

For Moscow business owners, the criterion is different. In this case, the owner's net monthly income must be at least $ 30-50 thousand or more.

Conduct an express audit of the sales department on your own according to 23 criteria and determine the points of sales growth!

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What if your Company cannot provide such income to its owner? And moreover - do you see the prospect of reaching such a level of income for a business owner in the next few years? In this case, it is possible that the most reasonable thing is to immediately close this business.

Is the business owner overgrown with property?

Let's say a business brings its owner a fairly good monthly income. But does this income go for future use? Is the owner overgrowing with high-value personal property with significant selling value?

For example, before us is a business owner who has owned his own Company for 7 or 10 years. The question is: what has he earned for himself and his family during this time? Did he buy an apartment or several? Cottage, cottage? Which of these is owned, which was acquired on a mortgage? What is the balance of the mortgage debt? Or was the mortgage paid off ahead of schedule? Does the business owner have a financial “safety cushion”? Just for yourself, or also for business? Does a business owner engage in investments on their own behalf? Does he have investments, including real estate, that bring him passive income?

If someone has been the owner of a business for many years, and for all these years has not even acquired an apartment for himself, it is highly likely that a financial collapse and collapse of this business can be predicted. Before us is a person who, perhaps, knows how to make money, but does not know how to save it. Such an owner in itself is a necessary and sufficient condition to finish off this business.

Who attracts corporate clients?

Corporate Clients - organizations and enterprises - in financial plan much more attractive than private individuals. Therefore, corporate clients need to pay the utmost attention. Their attraction is the most important condition for the successful development of a business and the growth of its income.

It is surprising that, at the same time, many companies attract corporate clients no one is engaged at all. Moreover, these companies both can and want to serve corporate customers. At the same time, they passively sit in the office and wait for corporate Clients to turn to them for a product or service. Of course, they just dream of doing it! Especially Sberbank, Lukoil and Gazprom.

In other cases, actions to actively attract corporate customers are undertaken by a single employee of the Company. Namely - its director. In free time from other duties. Which the further - the less. Imagine that there are hundreds of potential corporate customers who could work with this Company. Or thousands. Or tens of thousands. And how many such Clients will be able to attract a director who does this alone, and not all the time? In the best case, a few dozen.

It is possible that even working with these Clients, the Company will be able to earn some money every month. But the very first serious aggravation of competition in the market or recession will leave horns and legs from this business. Or just finish him off on the spot.

How many off-site meetings do sales managers have per week?

The situation changes for the better if the Company's management decides to form an active corporate sales department. The employees of which will actively attract new corporate Clients - organizations and enterprises. This is definitely a step in the right direction. But here, too, not everything is so simple.

The most common problem in sales teams is low employee engagement. A small number of calls and meetings with Clients that they have every day and every week. Sometimes it comes to a complete reluctance to go to negotiations with Clients. Employees of the sales department can at any cost excuse themselves from meetings on the road to the Clients, even if the Clients are in the same city. And even more so they try to avoid going to the Clients if these Clients are located in other cities, regions and countries.

But the main thing that allows you to achieve success in corporate sales is personal contact, personal relationships and personal connections. And the main tool for creating and developing all this is personal meetings. And do you really think that when negotiating a contract for a large amount with a Client from another city, the factor of personal relationships and personal meetings is less important than when negotiating with Clients from your city? On the contrary, in this case it is even more important.

Thus, the main thing that sales managers should do is to conduct a large number of negotiations in personal meetings with Clients. Take sales rep teams for example. In a well-established business, the sales rep meets every day along a pre-planned daily route. Moreover, each such daily route includes from 12 to 25 points. This is the number of meetings the sales representative makes every day onsite.

What if we are negotiating with Clients about more complex and expensive projects, goods and services? Let's say we have to conduct multi-stage negotiations with Clients. To conclude a deal, you will have to hold many meetings, and the duration of each meeting can be from an hour to two hours. And to hold these meetings, you will have to go to the Clients in different parts of the city. In this case, for effective management commercial work every sales manager should have two or three such meetings with Customers every day. Every week - from 8 to 15 such meetings.

In case of interregional sales according to the “traveling brigade” scheme, the travel schedule is planned in such a way that businessmen spend half or more than half of their working days on the road. At the same time, for every day, when merchants are on a business trip in another city, they pre-schedule from 4 to 6 meetings with Clients. To hold at least 2-4 such meetings.

And how many off-site meetings are held by your sales team per week?
3 to zero? Or do you simply do not know how much? And you are still wondering, where did you get the feeling that your business is making significantly less money than it could?

How often and what trainings are held in the sales department?

Most of the sales managers you can hire from the job market are neither able nor capable of selling. They can't even make a basic cold call. They may have been doing this job for several years in various Companies. But no one ever taught them anything. And they themselves did not learn much either. Such "cannon fodder" is unlikely to provide you with record sales results.

Therefore, in the professional sales department, after each recruitment of personnel, an adaptation program is carried out. It includes basic trainings and is held for at least one full day. And even 3-5 full working days.

After that, internal corporate sales trainings are regularly held for the entire sales team. Every week, at least once a month. All this is done on its own. Usually - by the forces of sales managers, starting with the commercial director.

Plus, every two to three months, at least every six months, professional two-day sales trainings are held for the entire team. To do this, they can use their own business trainers or involve external trainers-practitioners.

It is also necessary to train merchants in the specifics of goods, services or turnkey projects that the Company offers to its Clients. For the technically complex specifics of a business, the volume of such training is no less than the volume of sales training.

How often is employee training in your sales department carried out? Once a year? Never? Should you learn from books yourself? If they didn’t know how before they came to you, and they don’t learn anything from you, what sales do you expect?

How many bosses are there in the sales department? Are they in the business of selling?

Many CEOs of Companies believe that the main thing is to recruit into the sales department suitable employees who know how to sell. Get them interested in motivation. Offer attractive percentages and bonuses on sales. And they will sell. What a delusion!

The overwhelming majority of sales managers, on their own, make calls and meetings three to five times less than they could. Accordingly, they sell several times less than they could. At the same time, receiving the same salaries. And that's just the beginning of a long list of problems ...

Sales managers on their own are practically incapable of doing anything. In order to get a decent return from them, it is imperative that they be led by professional leaders sales. At the same time, one sales manager is also completely insufficient to effectively manage the sales department. This requires a minimum of 2 sales managers working in the hierarchy. Together, they will be able to cope with the managerial burden, the volume of which in the professional sales department is truly colossal.

For example, in order to effectively manage a professional sales department, it is necessary to carry out 13 management activities. 3 daily, 2 weekly and 8 monthly. And you can be sure: if the sales department does not have a morning operative every day, there is no need to talk about any effective management of this department.

You can read more about the functions of sales leaders and the necessary management activities in my book "Building a Sales Department: The Ultimate Edition".

And the real sales leaders are field commanders. They do not run the sales force on the “do as I say” principle, but on the “do as I do” principle. A sales executive who is not actively involved in negotiations with Clients and does not make deals is a pathetic incompetent bastard.

Perhaps, after reading this article, you have a suspicion or even confidence that not everything is in order with your business. It is also possible that you would like to analyze in more detail what is the state of affairs in your sales department. Plus, it would be helpful for you to find out what your management style is. This will allow you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses and draw appropriate conclusions.

Market indicators do not always reflect the reality. For example, before selling an enterprise, managers may try to show increased sales (with a decrease in quality), retouch financial indicators, etc.
From a strategic perspective, those who have acquired a business may find that the mental reflection of the product in the minds of customers looks like poor quality, and, therefore, the product is not bought. Obviously, identification is needed real situation affairs at the enterprise. In this case, real is understood as the perception of the situation by the collective from the inside (the most objective perception from the point of view of the subject considering the problem from the outside).
The only thing left to do is to choose a technology that will make it possible to understand the “real state of the enterprise”, that is, to look at the enterprise through the eyes of employees.

The transactional approach

In our practice, for this we use certain techniques of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), which allow us to minimize transaction costs, i.e. losses arising from poor-quality interaction.
Let us introduce the following definitions:

  • Production costs - financial expenses companies needed to maintain its production cycle.
  • Transaction costs are financial losses incurred by a company as a result of poor-quality communication.
  • Internal transaction costs are financial losses incurred by a company as a result of poor-quality interaction of its founders, managers, and employees among themselves.
  • External transaction costs of the company - financial losses due to poor-quality interaction with the outside world: with suppliers, partners and other counterparties.
The main provisions of NLP in solving this problem can be formulated as follows: 1
  • “Map” is a mental model (peculiarities of human perception of information) that describes “territory”, that is, objective reality.
  • When making decisions, people and companies are guided not by objective reality, but by their own ideas about it, i.e. "Cards".
  • The "map" is always different from the "territory" that it describes.
"Map"! = "Territory"
  • Each person (company) has his own "card", which differs from the "card" of another person (company).
"Map 1"! = "Map 2"
  • The crisis is the result of a poor-quality “map” that was unable to adapt to the rapidly changing “territory”.
  • Mismatching "cards" and poor quality "cards" are the cause of transaction costs.
  • The successful development of the company is the result of an effective “map” of the company.
  • Improving the "map" is the most important condition for the successful development of the company.
1 Grinfeld M.S. NLP as an economic category. “Marketing and marketing research in Russia ”, August, 1998.

Effective communication model
To minimize transaction costs for various interactions both inside and outside the company, the SCORE model is used. The elements of the model are:

Rice. 1. Model SCORE

Let's describe the main structural elements of the model.

  • Symptoms are visible signs of a current problem condition.
  • Causes are factors that determine the onset of symptoms.
The causes and symptoms together form the "Problem State".
  • Results are goals that describe the desired state that should replace the problem state.
  • Effects are long-term consequences of achieving results.
The effects together with the results make up the "Desired State".
  • Resources are the elements responsible for eliminating symptoms and causes and achieving results and effects.
Thus, the subject is moved from the problem (current) state to the desired one.

Technique of the SCORE model
Formation of employee responses using this model can be as follows:

  • issuing questionnaires to key employees based on the model. As a rule, with a certain skill of a manager or an invited specialist, this data is quite enough to understand the situation at the enterprise. Usually, in our activities, before starting any project, we try to obtain information in the SCORE format;
  • clarification of the particular provisions of individual questionnaires during a personal interview. This is due to the need to understand whether you interpreted the employee's opinion correctly, to avoid translating “inverted” symptoms into results, and often clarify what the person meant. For example, it is very difficult to guess what exactly the specialist had in mind, calling the reason "Insufficient qualifications of personnel and difficulties in the selection of qualified personnel";
  • formation of the so-called "corporate" SCORE.
The latter is due to the fact that different categories employees see both problems and solutions differently. For example, a CFO and HR manager who are equally passionate about performance may have very different ideas about the situation. At the same time, they will sincerely not understand each other:
A) Financial Director (result): "Automate 80% of all management accounting."
B) HR manager (result): "Improving the professional education and intelligence of employees."
The creation of a "corporate" SCORE is based on the structuring of individual SCORE elements:
  • By stages of the management cycle - management functions.
  • By business function.
  • By environmental factors.
Other grounds for classification can be used.

The formation of a corporate model is an interpretation of the elements of individual SCORE:

As a result, according to the concentrated problem areas, it is possible to determine the pain points of the enterprise, and according to the desired conditions, attractors (attractive sides) for the personnel.
Corporate Culture: Dimension and Impact
Another part of the pre-project survey is the construction of the existing profile of the corporate culture. 2 .

2 Cameron K.S., Quinn R.I. Diagnostics and modification organizational culture... - SPb .: Peter, 2001.

The corporate culture profile gives an understanding of the uniqueness of the nature of the organization, shows the attitude of the staff to the key values ​​of the organization. It is especially important to build a profile in various components of holding structures: the fundamental difference in profiles suggests that management teams are moving in different directions and it will be more than difficult to get an emergent effect.
In one of the holdings with a vertically integrated structure, we faced the following situation, which is described using enterprise profiles:

Corporate culture profile of Plant 2

An analysis of the profiles of all four enterprises makes it obvious why the Plant 1 team could not work well enough with the rest of the managers. At the same time, the corporate culture is the basis for the implementation of the strategy and, as a rule, is the “foundation” of the balanced scorecard. If we want to realize competitive values, we will have to change the management team of Plant 1.

Situations and examples of using diagnostics to understand problems and find solutions
Let's consider examples of the role that the diagnostic procedure played in various enterprises.

1. Convergence of mental models of business leaders to find general solution when merging.
The successful trading company has been growing for a number of years, and the moment came when the next step of growth was to merge with a partner, which was a plant producing one of the types of goods - industrial equipment. It would seem that what is simpler: one partner produces, the second sells - take it and unite. And then it turned out that, despite the fact that the managers and staff of both firms have known each other for a long time and are constantly in contact in the process of work, the ideas of both of them about joint activities within the framework of a single company turned out to be so different that it caused surprise.

The main problem is how managers can agree. Domestic managers are good at negotiating supplies, payments and other things, but they are not yet negotiating values. For many, the subject of such an agreement is incomprehensible and its significance is not obvious - where is some kind of ideology, and where is money. This is on the one hand, and on the other, the technique of such negotiations must be learned, and this is time and money. Until the manager comes to the conclusion that this is value, he will not go to acquire knowledge in such a profile. For these reasons, there are very few successful amalgamations of independent firms in Russia, and many times more are made through acquisitions: one owner - one system of values. Compare the cost of training, which then allows the parties to pool the resources of the parties on the basis of an agreement, and the cost of buying one enterprise by another — this is the difference in price that Russian managers often have to pay for access to resources.

Management trading company and the management of the plant realized that in the present the merger could be ineffective, and decided to start by changing themselves. To do this, they used the following technique suggested by the consultants. Since there is no unifying principle in the present, it can only be formed in the future. What can serve as such in the future? General idea about the ways of development of the united company, the desired results, the fulfillment of dreams. To create such a view, the entire leadership retired outside the city for 3 days in order to completely free their minds from the routine of everyday life and the distracting operational routine.
In this case, to create a united company - and this was the only way its participants saw it - a resource was required: a business ideology. And the team began to form it right at the training. The mission of a new, united firm was developed. We have determined the principles on the basis of which it will be built. Among other things, the values ​​that the company will profess were determined - this is the satisfaction of the needs of those groups that participate in the work of the company or have a serious impact on its activities. These are: customers, owners, staff, management, suppliers, partners. We have prescribed the principles of relations between these groups and the company. It became clear what kind of personnel is required to work in the new conditions, what and how to train them. The contours of the future motivation system have appeared, etc. So the understanding of the participants came, and, in general, a platform was developed on the basis of which the two companies were merged.

2. Presenting the company's management and key employees of the real picture at the enterprise for "shaking up" and finding a way out of the routine that drags the enterprise into the quagmire of non-competitiveness.

The management of the hypermarket began to worry that, despite the expansion of activities, any decisions had to be made only by him. The staff, in his opinion, did not show initiative and, despite the high salary, was inert:
"A great burden falls on the leader to make a variety of heterogeneous decisions ... and for everyone."
"The heads of departments each strive for their own financial or other result, the boundaries of which do not know and argue with each other ..."
Desires were quite modest:
“Creativity is in full swing, and we do not know what to do with it. Become great strategists or just sell everything to the foreign rich. "
“The managers are confident in the future, they order everything in installments, the future is clear and predictable. The resource is divided into shelves and articles ... "
“Everything is high, except the pressure. Namely Profit, Cost, Controllability. "
It should be noted that the formation of the corporate SCORE is necessarily open. Each of the participants must explain to everyone what he meant. Only then is the material structured and resources discussed.
And the next most problematic point is revealed (which the management, of course, guessed about, but did not attach so much importance):
"No operational planning."
“Using trial and error, not“ achieving results with minimal cost ”.
"The primitiveness of the current analysis and, as a consequence, the lack of general long-term planning."
“The work is organized in a“ crunch ”mode.
"Planning in the enterprise is sometimes formal in nature, managers are focused on the overall figure for the department ..."
"The indistinct role of each manager in achieving the global goal"
As a result, system development was identified as a priority resource. strategic management and setting up budget management.
But this project clearly showed a synergistic effect. For the first time, employees were involved in change management, and something very remarkable happened: there was no trace of inertia.

3. Identification of the prospects for the development of the enterprise.
On one of manufacturing enterprises the owners set the task of bringing branded products to the federal level. At the same time, a management team was created, the main task of which was to manage a partner network, which included product manufacturers and distributors. But, which is very remarkable, the owners of the enterprise owned, including both the manufacturing plant and trading network... Due to the difference in the views of top management, these enterprises were not considered as participants in the partner network.

The project was carried out at the end of 2004, used software INTALEV: Corporate navigator.

Initially, the possibilities of the holding were not considered as a resource, the emphasis was placed on internal training and technologies.

The team was asked to look at the situation through the eyes of the owner. Then the results, in particular, appeared:
"Opening a new direction (vector) of the holding's development."
In effects:
"Loading the plant's capacities".
“Increasing the competitiveness and market power of the holding”.
“Growth in the value of the holding”.
"Image of the holding as a national manufacturer."
Balanced investment portfolio.
What led to the formation of the resource:
"Possibility of using the holding's production facilities."
When defending the business plan, the owners were shown precisely the synergistic effect of creating a new direction.
4. Involvement of the team in change management.
When conducting a survey in a construction holding, it turned out that one of the main problems is the lack of understanding by the team of those innovations that were carried out by the owner-manager. Involvement of employees in diagnostics led to the formation of the so-called resource table (a fragment is given).

SCORE Resource Formulation
Resources in terms of events
Well-coordinated teamCorporate training "Team building with mission development"
Courses for training top managers in teamwork skills, change management skills. Bringing the team together and teaching them to work together and understanding that your actions reflect on others
Business ideology development
Operational-tactical planning system
Delineation of functions, powers and responsibilities
Organizational structure development
Create an economic service of the enterprise
Organizational Change Optimization Department
Organizational Design Project
Financial planningThe project "Statement of budgetary management"
Inventory planning
Development and definition of internal standards for management accounting, budget management

The team perceived the further implementation of projects and changes as a whole consciously and enthusiastically, so they were successfully carried out.
The manufacturing plant approached the diagnostic project as a very minor part of preparing the control system for automation. We were worried about such problems as:
"Lack of a systematic table on the movement of containers and the goods in them."
"Untimely registration of the incoming package."
Diagnostics revealed that these issues are far from the most important. As it turned out, one of the main problems was the problem of different interpretations by employees of the processes at the enterprise, the lack of their formalization. This was a complete revelation to the leadership. But after discussion, it was recognized that formalizing the processes is indeed the most important task.
Automation of the diagnostic process
Thus, the SCORE model diagnostics is a powerful tool for conducting and summarizing opinions. key employees, and most importantly, find resources to plan the transition from a problem state to a desired one. This methodology is currently already based on the special software "INTALEV: Corporate Navigator".

Rice. 2. Program interface in the "Model SCORE" block
In addition to the convenience of structuring SCORE elements, you can link between diagnostic results and various management technologies, such as strategy based on a balanced scorecard, business process engineering, budgeting, project management, restructuring, and others. This keeps the change management mechanism up to date at all times.

The economics of decision-making under changes in the company
The SCORE model once again shows that with always limited time and other resources, it is necessary to make the greatest costs at the first stages of work on the control system. 3 . 3 A.I. Polovinkin The theory of designing new technology: the laws of technology and their application. - M: Informelectro. 1991.

When making decisions about any changes at the enterprise, the INTALEV group of companies recommends using the methodology for diagnosing the state of the enterprise.

All firms are created so that by combining the efforts of a group of people it is possible to perform complex and time-consuming activities that are beyond the strength of individuals.
Hence, with various kinds of interactions within the framework of such activities, it becomes obvious that it is precisely coherence and coordination that become the most important factors ensuring the effectiveness of all participants as a whole. Otherwise, transaction costs between participants in the work rise. And that is why technology is so important to make communications of high quality.

For example, in a business merger, legal basis such a deal. The economic basis is no less important, because it is for the sake of this that the enterprises unite their efforts. But, as we have seen from the examples in this article, if the participants in the transaction will have different corporate cultures that give rise to differences in the way of thinking, misunderstandings can arise, which will upset the deal or then make its goals unattainable. And you will have to part. There were many examples of this in Russian business practice. Those. often the mental basis of the participants in the transaction is of much greater importance, and the ability to work with this very basis is becoming the most important competence of enterprise management in modern conditions.
But if during a merger both parties involved in the process think about it, then during a takeover there is no one to think about it at all - the issue is decided by one side - the strongest. But coherence and coordination cannot be bought - and therefore it would be good to calculate the situation in advance. And this requires information. And SCORE is a model that can be used to build and manage communications of various groups of people in business quite effectively.

In order to independently assess the current state of affairs in the company and its prospects, having analyzed the balance sheet data, it is not necessary to be an economist. It is enough to master a set of techniques related to such a field of economic theory as financial analysis.

Is it necessary or not?

The world of an accountant is replete with primary documents, balances, declarations, standards. Some of them, performing their routine work, dream of becoming a qualified and professional accountant, while others have already risen to this level. But there is one "but": although most of the masters of their craft, as a rule, have an economic education, only for them the concept of "economics" remains something unknown. At the same time, a professional accountant must be “friendly” with management accounting, economic and financial analysis.

Can be said with complete confidence that the majority of accountants had to use such terms as "profitability", "liquidity", "solvency", without understanding what meaning they carry. And one can only regret this, because the knowledge of theory and terminology speaks a lot about the professional training of a specialist - and it not only serves as a help in work, but also directly affects the size of the salary.


Profitability(from the German rentabel - profitable) - an indicator of the efficiency of an enterprise, characterizing the level of return on costs and the degree of use of funds. It comprehensively reflects the use of material, labor and monetary resources and natural resources.

Liquidity(from the Latin liquidus - liquid, fluid) - the ability to transform the assets of a company, values ​​into a means of payment, into money, i.e. asset mobility.

Solvency (from the English solvency, paying capacity) - the ability of an organization to fully fulfill its payment obligations, based on the availability of funds necessary and sufficient to fulfill these obligations.

Financial Accounting- accounting for the availability and movement of funds, financial resources, the main part of which is accounting.

Financial stability- such a state of the company, which guarantees its constant solvency.

Financial condition- the ability of the enterprise to finance its activities.

Vertical analysis- determination of the structure of the final financial indicators with the identification of the influence of each reporting item on the result as a whole.

Horizontal analysis- comparison of each reporting item with the previous period.

Analyzing balance sheet liquidity

Liquidity analysis is necessary to assess the solvency of the organization, i.e. ability to timely and fully pay for all their obligations. Balance sheet liquidity is defined as the degree of coverage of the firm's liabilities by its assets, the time of conversion of which into money corresponds to the maturity of the liabilities.

The methodology for analyzing the liquidity of the balance sheet is to compare funds for an asset with liabilities for a liability. The former are grouped according to the degree of their liquidity and are arranged in decreasing order of liquidity, the latter - according to their maturity, and their arrangement is subject to the order of increasing maturity.

Depending on the degree of liquidity, the assets of the enterprise are divided into the following groups.

A1. The most liquid assets - these include all items of cash and short-term financial investments (securities) that can be used immediately. This group is calculated as follows:
A1 = page 250 + page 260

A2. Quickly realizable assets are receivables that are expected to be paid within 12 months after the reporting date, i.e. assets that take a certain amount of time to circulate.
A2 = p. 240 + p. 270

A3. Slowly traded assets - inventory less prepaid expenses, value added tax, accounts receivable and other current assets.
A3 = p. 210 - p. 216 + p. 220 + p. 230

A4. Hard-to-sell assets - items of section I of the balance sheet asset - non-current assets.
A4 = p. 190

The A4 group of assets is intended for their use in the company's activities for a long period. The first three groups relate to the current assets of the organization and are subject to constant change.

The main purpose of the analysis financial sustainability- timely identify and eliminate shortcomings in financial performance and find ways to improve financial condition enterprises.

As for the balance sheet liabilities, they are grouped according to the urgency of their payment.

P1. The most urgent liabilities - these include accounts payable.
P1 = line 620 + line 630 + line 660

P2. Short-term liabilities are short-term loans, borrowings and loans
P2 = p. 610

P3. Long-term liabilities - long-term loans and borrowings, item 4 of the balance sheet section
P3 = p. 590

P4. Permanent liabilities are items 4 of the section of the balance sheet "Capital and reserves" less deferred expenses
A4 = line 490 + line 640 + line 650 - line 216

To determine the liquidity of the balance sheet, it is necessary to compare the results of the given groups by asset and liability.

The balance is considered absolutely liquid when:
A1 ≥ P1,
A2 ≥ P2,
A3 ≤ P3,
A4 ≤ P4.

If at least one inequality has the opposite sign, then the balance cannot be recognized as absolutely liquid.

Also, the liquidity of the enterprise can be determined using a number of financial ratios.

The absolute liquidity ratio is calculated as the ratio of the most liquid assets to the sum of the most urgent liabilities and short-term liabilities (the sum of accounts payable and short-term loans):
K AL = (p. 250 + p. 260) / (p. 610 + p. 620 + p. 630 + p. 660)

The normal limitation is 0.2–0.5. This ratio shows how much of the current debt can be repaid in the near future (by the time of the balance sheet).

Quick ratio. It is calculated as the ratio of cash and liquid valuable papers, assets to the amount of short-term liabilities.
K BL = (section II bal. - p. 210 - p. 220 - p. 230) / (p. 610 + p. 620 + p. 630 + p. 660)

The normal limitation for this ratio is between 0.7 and 0.8. It reflects the projected payment capacity of the organization, subject to timely settlements with debtors.

The current liquidity ratio is defined as the ratio of all current assets (current assets) net of VAT on purchased valuables and receivables, payments for which are expected more than 12 months after the reporting date to current liabilities.
K TL = (section II bal. - p. 220 - p. 230) / (p. 610 + p. 620 + p. 630 + p. 660)

Normal value for this indicator 2. The fulfillment of this standard by the organization means that for every ruble of short-term liabilities there are at least two rubles of liquid funds. An excess of the coverage ratio means that the firm has a sufficient amount of free resources formed by own sources... Failure to comply with the established standard creates a threat to the financial instability of the company due to the varying degrees of liquidity of assets and the impossibility of their quick sale if several creditors apply at the same time.

General liquidity ratio. For a comprehensive assessment of the liquidity of the balance sheet as a whole, the general liquidity indicator should be used, calculated by the formula:
C OL = p. 250 + p. 260 + 0.5 × (p. 240 + p. 270) + 0.3 × (p. 210 - p. 216 + p. 220 + p. 230) / (p. 620 + + p. 630 + p. 660) + 0.5 × (p. 610) + 0.3 × (p. 590).

The normal limitation of this ratio should be more than 1. This generalizing liquidity indicator indicates how much of the current liabilities on loans and settlements can be repaid by mobilizing all working capital.

Various liquidity indicators not only allow to characterize the stability of the financial condition of the organization. With varying degrees of accounting for liquidity of funds, they meet the interests of various external users of analytical information.

Specialist comment

Even an experienced accountant with solid experience does not often have to analyze the financial activities of a company. In addition, balance sheet analysis is by no means an exhaustive financial analysis tool, since it only allows you to assess the state of affairs on this moment and compare it with the results from previous periods.

Even if you did not manage to cope with the necessary calculations at first, you should not be upset. Any accountant was once a student or a course listener, and for sure a textbook on the analysis of financial and economic activities is waiting for him somewhere on the shelf - it will serve as an excellent assistant.

Olga Sizova, expert of the magazine "Consultant"

Calculating your ROI is easy!

The economic efficiency of the organization is characterized by a system of indicators of profitability or profitability of the company. The profitability is calculated simply - it is the ratio of profit to costs or production costs. The main source of analysis is Form No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement"

General formula for calculating profitability:
R = P ÷ V,
where P is the profit of the organization;
V is the indicator against which the profitability is calculated.

Below are the profitability indicators that characterize the efficiency of the company in sufficient detail:

  1. The return on total equity (Rа) for accounting profit is calculated as the ratio of profit before tax to the average annual value of assets.
  2. The total return on equity for accounting profit (Rtotal) is defined as the ratio of profit before tax to the average annual cost of equity.
  3. The return on equity in terms of net profit ( is the ratio of net profit to the average annual cost of equity capital.
  4. Return on sales by net profit ( - the ratio of net profit to proceeds from product sales.
  5. Profitability of sales by profit from sales (Rpr.) - the ratio of profit from sales to proceeds from sales of products.

The considered indicators can be calculated both at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period. To do this, it is enough to substitute balance indicators in the denominator of the fraction at the beginning or at the end of the period, respectively.

Stable or not?

There is a method that allows you to answer some very important questions related to the state of affairs in the organization. For example, how financially independent the firm is, and whether its financial position is stable. This is a financial soundness analysis. It shows how solvent the company is in relation to suppliers, as well as the state budget. The concept of "financial stability" implies such a state of financial resources and their use, which ensures the development of the company while maintaining its solvency and creditworthiness.

The financial stability of the company is based on the optimal ratio between certain types of assets (circulating, non-circulating) and the sources of their financing - own or borrowed.

As absolute indicators financial stability parameters are used that characterize the degree of supply of stocks and costs by the sources of their financing. This is the data of the group of articles "Inventories", Section II of the balance sheet asset. To characterize the sources of formation of reserves, the following indicators are used:

  1. Own working capital (SOS). This indicator is defined as the difference between capital and reserves (section III of the balance sheet liabilities) and non-current assets (section I of the balance sheet asset).
    СОС = IIIрП - IрА, where
    IIIрП - the third section of the balance sheet liability;
    IPA - the first section of the balance sheet asset.
  2. This indicator characterizes the net working capital. Its increase speaks of further development activities of the company.

  3. Availability of own and long-term borrowed sources of formation of stocks and costs (CD). It is calculated by increasing its own working capital by the amount of long-term liabilities.
    SD = SOS - IVrP, where
    IVрП - the fourth section of the balance sheet liability.
  4. The total value of the main sources of formation of stocks and costs (IFZ), which is calculated by increasing the previous indicator by the amount of short-term borrowed funds (KZS) - meaning page 610 of section V of the balance sheet liability.
    IFZ = SD + KZS.

The type of financial stability is determined based on the ratio of the amount of stocks and costs and the sources of their formation.

  1. Surplus (+) or shortage (-) of own working capital:
    SOS - ЗЗ = ±, where
    ЗЗ - stocks and costs.
  2. Surplus (lack) of own and long-term borrowed sources of formation of reserves and costs:
    SD - ЗЗ = ±
  3. 3. Surplus (shortage) of the total value of the main sources of formation of stocks and costs:
    IFZ - ЗЗ = ±

Determination of the type of financial stability of the organization is carried out on the basis of a three-component indicator, which is formed using the three above. If there is a surplus of funds according to the corresponding indicator, then in the three-component indicator in its place 1 is put down, if there is a shortage, then 0. There are four types of financial stability, which are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

If your organization has absolute stability S <1; 1; 1>, then we can say that everything is "excellent", since a firm with 100% stability is extremely rare.

Normal financial stability S ‹0; 1; 1› indicates the company's solvency.

If the analysis showed that the firm is in an unstable financial position S <0; 0; 1>, then the accountant can be reassured only by acceptable stability. At the same time, the minimum conditions for financial stability can be expressed as follows:
section I of the asset section II of the asset> section V of the liability.