The concept of radio electronics. Modern radio electronics in Russia Modern radio electronics

Priority attention to development electronic industry(REP) as a “growth point” of the economy due to the fact that it is the foundation technological order the beginning of the 21st century, characterized by the advanced development of computer technology, software, telecommunications and robotics.

The radio-electronic industry is the third sector of the world economy in terms of market turnover (after healthcare and banking) and the first in terms of its development dynamics: the REP growth rate over the past 30 years has been about 8% per year. Its share in the cost of products of other sectors of the national economy is significant: today, for example, in the automotive industry it reaches 20%, in scientific instrumentation - up to 40%, in aviation industry- up to 55%. The share of radio electronics in the cost of high-tech household, industrial and defense products and systems in highly developed countries is 50-80%. According to forecasts, the share of the electronic component base and radio-electronic products will soon reach 20% of the total world industrial production. In value terms, the volume of world production of REP products in 2012 amounted to 1.8 trillion US dollars, in 2015 this value can grow to 2.3 trillion, and by 2025 it is expected to reach 3.8-4 trillion dollars. The added value of radio electronics has already surpassed the automotive, aviation and other high-tech industries.

The state of REP today determines the level of technological independence, economic, food, information and military security of the state, health and safety of the population. The defense significance of the industry is evidenced by the fact that REP enterprises account for 40% in the consolidated register of organizations of the military-industrial complex. They account for about 16% of the volume industrial products and 30% of all scientific developments of the defense industry.

The radio-electronic industry of Russia today is represented by more than 1800 organizations involved in the development and production of . The number of REP employees in 2014 amounted to 273,600 people and increased by 3% compared to 2013, including the number of people employed in industry - 192,500, in science - 81,200 people.

Unfortunately, despite the increased attention to radio electronics, the most impressive indicator that characterizes it state of the art, is the share of imported components reaching up to 82% in certain industries. The task of import substitution should be solved by the state program Russian Federation"Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013-2025". To organize work on the formation of sectoral action plans for import substitution in the civil industries of the Russian Federation in order to implement the "Plan for the promotion of import substitution in industry", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2014 No. 1936-r, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia approved the "Action Plan for Import Substitution in radio-electronic industry of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the adopted programs and plans, the priority task is to replace the electronic component base in industries that are traditionally the leading ones in the Russian industry and largely determine its safety. And, if in the market of radiation-resistant components for the space and nuclear industry, stable and small in capacity, Russian technologies can make it possible to remove dependence on imports by 90% by 2020, then in other segments of the military-industrial complex and industrial sectors there are many problems in civil production.

At the same time, there are examples of a comprehensive solution to the problems of the development of Russian radio electronics.

In the space industry, in order to increase the efficiency of the work of Russian police officers, JSC Russian Space Systems (RSS) has integrated advanced digital technologies and the capabilities of GLONASS satellite navigation into the new development. The standard monitoring centers developed by the RCC will be able to receive, process and transmit information with increased positioning accuracy of patrol groups. A pilot project has already been implemented at automation facilities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Kaluga and Yaroslavl regions.

The second example is that the Russian army began to receive the latest . The manufacturer is NPO Kvant, a member of KRET JSC, Veliky Novgorod. The complex is think tank» for air defense systems and electronic warfare systems. It can simultaneously set tasks for nine Krasukha-type guided electronic warfare systems and air defense systems. The principles of operation of Moskva-1 are based on one of the breakthrough technologies - radio photonics, and 98% of its components are Russian production. The remaining 2% - microwave diodes, transistors, individual integrated circuits - are not critical for the functioning of the complex and are still purchased in Belarus - this is cheaper than organizing production in Russia. Of course, if necessary, the task for the near future will be to exclude these parts from the number of components.

A lot of work on the introduction of Russian radio-electronic technologies is being carried out by the Russian Helicopters holding as part of the creation of modern rotorcraft that meet the requirements of the most demanding customers from Europe, Asia, and South America. Separately, we can single out the integrated flight and navigation complex KBO-17 of the Mi-171A2 helicopter from the Mi-8 / Mi ~ 17 family. It is completely created according to the concept of "glass cockpit" and is an example of a new generation of "situational awareness" system. Possessing equal capabilities in comparison with foreign counterparts in the field of implementation of control, navigation, radio communications, information display, the Russian complex has a number of significant advantages over them due to the implementation of additional functions.

It should be noted that the task of creating an innovative complex was solved with the broad cooperation of more than ten leading enterprises and research organizations in the field of aviation instrumentation in Russia. Of course, in this project it was not possible to ensure 100% import substitution, but such a task was not set - it was important to ensure maximum integration in a single complex of the most advanced developments of Russian aviation and radio-electronic enterprises and to implement the Russian concept of the "glass cockpit" in practice.

Of the foreign innovations, the following are integrated into the KBO-17: LCR-100 heading vertical (Northrop Grumman); automatic radio compass NAV-4000 and radio range finder DME-4000 (Rokwell Collins); RN-7 map generator (Litef). And here I repeat once again - reasonable mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners, the exchange of new ideas and technologies should not be rejected in any case. Not self-isolation, but the expansion and intensification of cooperative ties underlies the solution of our strategic objectives, including in the field of creating competitive radio electronics.

In this regard, it should be noted that the most important in this area is the cooperation of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union - Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (EAEU). This direction should be considered as a sector of the economy that can provide an increase in the competitiveness of other industries, and radio-electronic components are used today in almost all.

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), as the supranational regulatory body of the Union, has developed important document of a strategic nature - "The main directions of industrial cooperation within the framework of the EAEU". This is the first document on industrial policy of this level in the post-Soviet space, the first in the association of participating countries.

In the field of radio electronics within the EAEU, promising areas for cooperation are the joint development and production of communication and telecommunications equipment, integrated circuits for telecommunications equipment, heavy-duty LEDs, image sensors, lighting engineering, as well as transport automation, etc.

Among the projects planned for joint implementation:

  • innovative supercomputer with fundamentally new system cooling;
  • crystallographic accelerators;
  • equipment for hardening surfaces using laser-plasma non-vacuum modifying processing and obtaining superhard coatings;
  • compact emitter for onboard system laser space communications;
  • superconducting materials for electric power industry, electrical engineering, transport and medicine.

Work continues on the preparation of projects for new scientific and technical programs of the EAEU: Autoelectronics, Ballistics, Monolith, Electronmash-65, Luch, Photonics, LEDs.

The projects are ambitious in scope. They are aimed at providing high-tech products to the member countries of the Union and their successful participation in competition in international markets.

I would like to note that the industrial and scientific-technical cooperation between organizations of the microelectronic industry of the Republic of Belarus and Russia is already being activated. It should involve all the possibilities of such structures as the Belarusian production associations Integral and Monolith, Horizont holding, Planar concern, Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute (MNIPI), Minsk Research Institute of Radiomaterials (MNIIRM), and from the Russian side - enterprises of the state corporation Rostec and others involved in the development and production of radio electronics.

Of course, in the development of this industry in EAEU countries there are certain problems. The first of these is the high share of imports of the element base of radio electronics and, accordingly, the need for import substitution. The absence of Russian analogues for imported parts leads to almost complete import dependence in the assembly of telecommunications equipment, including in the space industry.

The development of cooperation is also hampered by the lack of financial resources and difficulties in obtaining commercial loans to finance joint projects. Barriers to the development of cooperation in industry in general and in radio electronics in particular are the difficulties in obtaining the information necessary to establish partnerships, the remaining differences in technical standards and legislation. Influences and incorporated in our countries back in Soviet time different level of the state of radio-electronic science and industry.

When looking for new strategic partners for cooperation, special attention should be paid to the fact that the largest volume of investments in the radio-electronic industry in last years celebrated in China, India and Brazil. The total volume of production of radio electronics in these countries exceeds 30% of the world volume, and in terms of its growth rates they are several times ahead of the highly developed industry of the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. Therefore, cooperation within the BRICS group in this direction has very good prospects.

There are many ways to circumvent sanctions by buying small and medium innovative enterprises in the West, creating joint ventures, attracting to Russia scientists and highly qualified specialists, including compatriots, from abroad. But still, the main thing, in my opinion, remains the implementation of our own scientific, technical, production and human resources together with the expansion and deepening of cooperation and the implementation of joint projects for the production of competitive high-tech products in the radio-electronic field. There is no doubt that effective action in these areas will give a powerful impetus to the development of all sectors of Russian industry.

Vladimir Gutenev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, First Vice President of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, President of the League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises

T. V. Bochkarev, L. G. Ivashov, A. E. Rassadin, N. A. Sham

But the situation in this most important area can and must be changed.

I believe that in Russia education can be completely
a special view, that it is possible to give it a national basis, is fundamentally
which is based on the one on which it is based in the rest of Europe, for Russia is divided
developed differently in all respects, and it fell to the lot of a special purpose
in this world. It seems to me that we need to isolate ourselves in our
view of science no less than in our political views, and the Russian
people, great and powerful, should, it seems to me, not at all obey the
action of other peoples.

P. Ya. Chaadaev
But you are right, Comrade Berg!

I. V. Stalin


In the journal Aerospace Defense (No. 1, 2008) a problematic article by Yu. Kh. Vermishev and S. K. Kolganov "The Scientific Elite as the Basis for Success" appeared. In this work, the main problems of the domestic military-industrial complex, associated with a sharp decrease in the number of extra-class specialists at its enterprises, are correctly indicated. However, the prescription-operational side of the way out of this situation, in our opinion, has not been developed by these authors specifically enough.
Moreover, the situation in the personnel sphere continues to deteriorate rapidly, which forces our group of experts to join in the search for a solution to this problem. So, according to the President of the National Association for Innovation and Development information technologies O. Uskova, over the past 3.5 years, about 20,000 specialists have left our country, unable to find the opportunity to implement their ideas in their homeland. Moreover, these were mainly representatives of the scientific elite, so necessary for the military-industrial complex, capable of putting forward new revolutionary ideas that move science forward, and not just perform routine engineering work. Everything goes to the fact that in a few years Russia will be forced, as under Peter I, to import German scientists in order to somehow fill the gaping personnel gaps. But the words of Academician V. I. Vernadsky that "... a country that does not work independently in the field of scientific thought, which only assimilates education - someone else's work, is a country of the dead ..." are now beginning to acquire an ominous meaning. Namely, according to the opinion of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Colonel-General A. Zelin, announced by him at the next conference of the Academy of Military Sciences of Russia on January 19, 2008:
“We assess the current state of the elements of aerospace defense as critical. Threats to the Russian Federation from airspace are currently the most significant for the country ... An analysis of the development of means of aerospace attack by foreign states shows that already in the period up to 2020 there will be fundamental changes related to the development of aerospace as a single sphere of armed struggle . … Under these conditions, a potential adversary will be able to launch high-precision strikes coordinated in time and space against almost all targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.”
In our analysis, we will proceed from the fact that the basis of the American Joint Vision-2010 rearmament program is modern radio electronics. Therefore, we will focus on the personnel problems of the domestic radio-electronic industry. As elsewhere, the central problem of Russian radio electronics at the present time is the reduction in the influx of fresh passionate intellectual forces from among university graduates and their graduate schools. The reasons for this state of affairs are well known: the “natural” departure of the older generation of specialists and the “interception” of capable scientific youth by branches of transnational corporations already in the 3rd or 4th year of the university. The loss of interest in science by the bulk of young people, the problem of “washing out” young specialists from the academic, industrial and university sectors of science created a real threat of loss of continuity between generations of domestic scientists with a gloomy prospect of the final irreversible collapse of the personnel potential of Russian science.


We will find a way out of the impasse by turning to the historical roots of radiophysics on Russian soil. In Russia, electrical phenomena began to be studied by M. V. Lomonosov. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a whole galaxy of engineers and researchers engaged in electrodynamics and its technical applications appeared in the Russian Empire: A. N. Lodygin, A. G. Stoletov, N. A. Umov, A. S. Popov, P N. Lebedev and many others. But most of the advanced undertakings of progressive Russian scientists got stuck in the inertia of the tsarist bureaucracy and were stifled by its greed. The situation changed dramatically after the Great October Socialist Revolution.
In 1918, at the height of the Civil War, the RORI was established - Russian society radio engineers. On July 19, 1918, V. I. Lenin signed the first decree on radio "On the centralization of radio engineering in the Soviet Republic", which laid the foundation for the domestic radio-electronic industry. In the same year, the Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory was created, which became the world's first technopark. In 1924, the founding meeting of the Radio Amateur Society of the RSFSR was held in Moscow - an association of organizations and individuals using radio technology for the purpose of cultural and educational work. Later renamed the Society of Friends of Radio, by 1926 the association already had more than 200 thousand members.


Radio physics and radio engineering in the USSR acquired the next powerful impulse in 1943 after the legendary conversation between Admiral (and then just a professor) A. I. Berg and I. V. Stalin. The conversation resulted in a GKO resolution "On the establishment of the Council for Radar at State Committee Defense”, signed on July 4, 1943, i.e., just before the start of the Battle of Kursk. G. M. Malenkov, secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, was appointed chairman of the Council, and A. I. Berg was appointed his deputy.
We emphasize that all this happened long before the famous letter of P. L. Kapitsa to I. V. Stalin dated January 2, 1946, which, in particular, said: “...1. A large number of major engineering initiatives originated here. 2. We ourselves almost did not know how to develop them ... 3. Often the reason for not using innovation is that we usually underestimated our own and overestimated what was foreign ... now we need to strengthen our own technology in an intense way ... We can only do this successfully ... when we finally understand that the creative potential of our people is not less, and even more than others, and you can safely rely on him.
The initiative of P. L. Kapitsa gave rise to the rapid scientific and technological development of the USSR in the post-war period, because on February 9, 1946, I. V. Stalin stated: “... Particular attention will be paid ... to the extensive construction of all kinds of research institutes, capable of enabling science to develop its forces. I have no doubt that if we provide proper assistance to our scientists, they will be able not only to catch up, but also to surpass the achievements of science outside our country in the near future. However, the heirs of A. S. Popov were the first.
To support the activities of the Council on Radar in December 1945, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR approved the creation of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications (VNTORiE) named after. A. S. Popova. Outstanding scientists of our country stood at the origins of the creation of the society: Deputy People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR A. D. Fortushenko, Academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V. A. Kotelnikov, B. A. Vvedensky and many others. The first elected Chairman of the Society was Academician A.I. Berg. The task of VNTORiE them. A. S. Popova was in the dissemination of scientific and technical information, highlighting the most important achievements in the theory and practice of design newest species radio equipment. The closest attention was paid to the training of well-educated cadres of engineers, designers, and scientists.
In this work, the asset VNTORiE them. A. S. Popova was guided by the following statement by Admiral A. I. Berg: “Two capable engineers pay off the costs of training a hundred average ones.”
Activities VNTORiE them. A. S. Popova led to the fact that in those difficult conditions of the country destroyed by the war, the period of creating a new most complex radar technology was only three to four years. So, the P-8 ground-based early warning radar for meter-range aircraft for air defense, the Air Force and the Navy was created in 1947-50. The P-12 fighter guidance radar of the meter range was developed in 1954-56. The first ground-based three-coordinate radar for detecting and guiding a centimeter range of all-round visibility P-20 was introduced into the air defense and air force forces in 1946-1950. It remains only to compare the then terms for the commissioning of the latest radio-electronic systems with modern ones. These were the results of the VNTORiE policy. A. S. Popova to move forward the best specialists and efforts to maintain a high average engineering level of employees of enterprises of the USSR radio-electronic complex.

Let us now return to the discussion of the main provisions of the article by Yu. Kh. Vermishev and S. K. Kolganov. The authors believe that the way out of the situation with the scientific elite “…should be sought in the field of realizing the intellect of specialists, especially young ones. It is necessary to give young people an interest in discovering and realizing their own talent as an engineer, technologist, developer. To captivate and develop the intellect of young specialists, to educate them in the spirit of scientific and technical creativity.
But after all, these are the main statutory provisions of RNTORES them. A. S. Popova! Further, Yu. Kh. Vermishev and S. K. Kolganov say that "a well-thought-out system of professional growth of young people, education of a new generation of the scientific elite" is required. But RNTORES has had such a system for a long time as a forge of scientific personnel! What, respected honored workers of science and technology did not know about this?
Then they say: "The active perception of experience is greatly facilitated by scientific and industrial seminars and conferences, which can be held both by an enterprise or a group of enterprises, and in the form of sections in wider forums."
This position is indisputable. However, RNTORES them. A. S. Popova annually holds several major landmark conferences throughout Russia: in Moscow - "Scientific session dedicated to the Day of Radio" and "Digital signal processing and its application", in Voronezh - "Radar, navigation, communications", in Samara - "Physics and technical applications of wave processes", in Vladimir - "Physics and radio electronics in medicine and ecology", in Ulyanovsk - " Contemporary Issues creation and operation of radio systems", in St. Petersburg - "International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology" and. etc., not to mention dozens of smaller forums organized by regional offices RNTORES them. A. S. Popov in 46 Russian regions. Interaction of RNTORES with leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex, such as OAO NPO ALMAZ, Federal State Unitary Enterprise NII Radio, STC MODUL, OAO Radio Engineering Institute. acad. A. L. Mints”, OJSC “Concern “Sozvezdie”, CJSC “Moscow Scientific Research Television Institute”, OJSC “Central Research Institute “Electronics”, OJSC “FNPTs NNIIRT” and. etc. also debugged.
The following thesis of Yu. Kh. Vermishev and S. K. Kolganov: “scientific and technical articles and monographs are an active way of consolidating knowledge and experience and in the best way contribute to the formation (creation) of scientific potential and its carrier - the scientific elite.” RNTORES includes Publishing House"Radio Engineering", where books and monographs are published on all sections of modern radio electronics and related issues. The same Radiotekhnika Publishing House publishes about 15 RNTORES journals included in the VAK list, such as Radiotekhnika, Antennas, Nonlinear World, Successes in Modern Radioelectronics, Electromagnetic Waves and electronic systems”, “Neurocomputers” and. etc.
“In the formation of the scientific activity of defense enterprises and the re-creation of their scientific elite, one should hardly expect special assistance from academic research institutes and the Higher School. The problems of the military-industrial complex are too specific and varied, from which they are very far away. However, it is necessary to continue to maintain and develop relations with the organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences and branch academies, with the Higher School.” But RNTORES never lost ties with such structures as the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. V. A. Kotelnikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences V. A. Trapeznikova RAS, Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Institute of Physics of Microstructures RAS and. etc. There are fairly close contacts with the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, led by General of the Army M. A. Gareev.
“The starting point of this work should be the existing basic departments of universities that have been training engineers of the required profile for specific defense enterprises for many years.” This provision is reminiscent of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 53 of January 24, 2001 “On measures to improve the efficiency of using the scientific and educational potential high school in the interests of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation”. But, nevertheless, the interaction of RNTORES has long been established not only with the main universities that train personnel for the military-industrial complex, namely, with the Moscow State technical university them. N.E. Bauman, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, but also with a number of leading civilian universities in the country: the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation; Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics; Moscow energy institute, Moscow Aviation Institute, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University. V. I. Lenin (LETI), Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R. E. Alekseev, Volga Region State Academy of Telecommunications and Informatics, Vladimir State University, Yaroslavsky State University. P. G. Demidov, Nizhny Novgorod State University. N. I. Lobachevsky and. etc.
Military universities also take an active part in the events of the RNTORES them. A. S. Popova. Examples here are the Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces, the Stavropol Military Institute of Communications of the Missile Forces, the Military Academy of the Military Air Defense of the RF Armed Forces, the Tula Artillery Engineering Institute, the Golitsyn Border Institute, the Academy of the FSO of Russia, etc. etc.
Availability at RNTORES them. A. S. Popov of network interactions with universities, institutes and enterprises distributed over 46 regions of the Russian Federation, allows you to choose as the base organizational form his activity is the model of "network war", described in detail by RAND-corporation analysts John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt. This method of organizing work will help overcome the narrowly corporate interests of the structures covered by RNTORES by creating a competitive environment, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of spending public funds allocated for the implementation of Federal targeted programs (nanotechnology is an example of an industry where such measures are urgently needed) . In this case, it is advisable to build the management of RNTORES on the basis of the theory of I. V. Boshchenko of neural networks of the 4th generation.
In order for the work of RNTORES to be intensified in the manner described above, of course, it is necessary governmental support, for example, in the form of the Federal target program that finances the training of RNTORES highly qualified personnel for the domestic radio-electronic industry. Moreover, it is necessary to link it with a number of other FTPs in the field of information technology, namely, the programs "Global Navigation System", "Development of the electronic component base and radio electronics" for 2008-2015, "Development of the infrastructure of the nanoindustry in the Russian Federation "for 2008-2010, "National technological base" for 2007-2011, "Improvement federal system reconnaissance and control of the airspace of the Russian Federation (2007-2010)”, “Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012” and some others.


The reader of this article has a reasonable question: is there an example of a practical case carried out by RNTORES related to today? Yes, there is such an example. As part of the work of the scientific and technical section of the Central Council of RNTORES them. A. S. Popova "Informatization of production systems and quality management" (scientific leader of the section - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu. N. Kofanov, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, academician of the International Academy Informatization and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) a set of CAD programs ASONIKA has been created. This system is used within the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to control the correct use of electronic products in special-purpose equipment. It is recommended by the set of standards "MOROZ-6" for use in the design process and replacement of tests at the early stages of design. On July 1, 2000, the relevant guidance document was put into effect, developed jointly by the 22nd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, KGTA and MGIEM, which regulates the use of the ASONIKA system in design: “RDV 319.01. 05-94, rev.2-2000. Guidance document. Comprehensive quality control system. Apparatura, devices, devices and equipment for military purposes. Principles of application of mathematical modeling in design”. Currently, the ASO-NIKA system is used at such enterprises of the domestic military-industrial complex as RKK ENERGIA im. S. P. Korolev, Ramenskoye Design Bureau, State Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, Design Bureau for Informatics, Hydroacoustics and Communications VOLNA, Design Bureau of the Izhevsk Radio Plant, Design Bureau of MPEI, JSC "VNII Radio Engineering", Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and many others. Due to the application of the ASONIKA program, a significant reduction in the design time for REA and budgetary savings is achieved.


Let us now consider what happens to the personnel of the military-industrial complex not inside it, but “at the entrance”.
The quality of training of graduates of an average level of an average technical university or university continues to deteriorate (and the best students, as noted above, due to brain drain, simply do not reach military-industrial complex enterprises). In order to help advance the advanced scientific and technical youth, RNTORES them. A. S. Popova annually holds All-Russian competition scientific works students in the field of radio electronics and communications with the publication of the works of the winners in the VAK magazines Radio Engineering and Electrosvyaz (this is in addition to the cash prize). However, in order to solve the problems of domestic radio electronics, it is necessary not only to grow young specialists, but also to attract a new wave of ready-made professionals aged 30 to 50 years old who have both Soviet higher education, and a high level of patriotism.
Fresh people should come to RNTORES. Without a doubt, the main component personnel reserve RNTORES are reserve officers of the Russian army - graduates of military schools with radio electronics as one of their majors. Passionarity in the work of RNTORES can be significantly increased by graduates of the physics departments of universities commercial structures. The need to involve them in work in RNTORES is due to the increase in interdisciplinary connections in research in such areas of modern radio engineering as radar with antenna aperture synthesis, optical and quantum computers, nanotechnologies, etc. etc.
It is extremely important to involve programmers involved in supercomputer calculations in RNTORES. A prerequisite for this is the Supercomputer Program SKIF of the Union of Belarus and Russia, during the implementation of which domestic supercomputers appear one after another in our universities (MSU, VlGU, Tomsk State University). Robotics is another potential RNTORES forward detachment associated with the domestic radio engineering cognitariat through a common topic, such as: systems automatic control, digital signal and image processing, semiconductor element base, technical vision systems, artificial intelligence, etc. etc.
Attracting new people to the RNTORES (whose number is now about 10,000 people) will lead to an intersectoral overflow of capital in the domestic economy, and will help to eliminate pettiness and scientific provincialism even in such scientific centers as Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. A new impetus in the development of RNTORES will lead to the return of the old asset to its regional organizations (we recall that by the beginning of the 90s of the last century 800,000 people were in the ranks of RNTORES).

First of all, RNTORES can and should solve the problem of the element base of domestic radio electronics, which has become a headache for Russian high-tech over the past decades.
Despite repeated targeted attempts by the industry leadership to improve the situation in this area, the situation remains far from a satisfactory state - see, for example, the article by Yu. I. Borisov “Today, domestic radio electronics is growing. However, at the current pace of development of the industry, Russia’s lagging behind the West is inevitable” in the military-industrial complex No. 14 for 2007. And the point here, in our opinion, is not a severe shortage of modern technological equipment and a lack of funding, but personnel problem, consisting in the absence of active people in the industry. It is thanks to the branched network structure of RNTORES that the problem of recreating the element base of domestic radio electronics can first be discussed by the radio physical community at round tables at numerous forums of the Society, and then brought to a practical solution, taking into account the specific features of the economy of the radio electronic complex in "microelectronic" regions of Russia: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk.
In order for the updated RNTORES to quickly reorient itself to solving burning problems such as "great challenges", advanced methods of pre-training and retraining of specialists are needed. Modern technologies high-hume allow you to spend only a few months on the retraining process (. However, it is quite possible to start these procedures using the funds already available.
The development of technical sciences in the 21st century will be characterized by the expansion of the penetration of methods of theoretical physics and pure mathematics into the applied sphere, which will be reflected in the convergence of polytechnic and university types of education. The physical and mathematical culture of engineering and technical workers will increase dramatically. Appropriate integral courses for students of technical universities will appear. In preparing these courses, systems must be applied computer mathematics MATLAB and Mathematica. This will make it possible to transfer all routine computational work (including symbolic calculations) to a computer, improve the assimilation of the material using the excellent capabilities of 2D and 3D visualization of these packages, and in the future return to the developments of the school of Academician V. M. Glushko in the field of computer algebra (language "Analyst", etc.), destroyed by the late Soviet scientific and technical bureaucracy from computer science.

Further, the capabilities of the modern information society in terms of videoconferencing will make it possible to attract well-known scientists from different cities of Russia to read these special courses. Videoconferencing is a technology that allows you to communicate with people who are at considerable distances as naturally as if they were attending a regular meeting in the same room. Videoconferencing saves time and money on flights and travel, and is therefore a powerful way to increase the efficiency of an organization.
Of course, even videoconferencing will never replace personal contacts, but they allow you to achieve a fundamentally new level of communication between specialists, sometimes separated by many thousands of kilometers. Indeed, according to well-known studies, only a tenth of the transmitted information can be transmitted during a telephone conversation. And in the case when it is possible to follow the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor, the efficiency of information transmission reaches 60%. The network of video conference rooms in the regional offices of RNTORES will allow not only to hold seminars, but also to show presentations in real time, connect to major international and national conferences, organize distance defense of dissertations, hold meetings within the university complex, and develop the concept of an open university and distance education.


Such a program may well start now, in the light of the decision of the meeting of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation chaired by S. B. Ivanov dated March 28, 2007, on the advisability of holding organizational events in 2009 related to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Popova. It is quite logical to equip RNTORES offices in Russian cities connected with the life and work of the radio inventor with such video-conference rooms: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.
In conditions when the problem of creating the aerospace defense of the Russian Federation is buried in an interdepartmental quagmire, the whole complex of the above measures will make it possible to eliminate the boiling of our military-industrial complex specialists in their own juice, which will lead to the accelerated formation of the scientific and technical elite of the national defense industry of the 21st century. We are sure that the updated RNTORES named after. A. S. Popova will eclipse the achievements of the American Science Applications International Corporation and give Russia new Korolevs, Kurchatovs, Keldyshs and Kotelnikovs.

Bochkarev Taras Vladimirovich
Graduated from the Moscow State Institute in 2008 international relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Member of NRO NTORES them. A. S. Popova.

Ivashov Leonid Grigorievich
Retired Colonel General, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
He graduated from the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command School in 1964, the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze in 1974. Service in the army - from the company commander to the deputy commander of a motorized rifle regiment. Since 1976 - Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal Soviet Union D.F. Ustinova, since 1987 - Head of the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, in 1992-1996 - Secretary of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS member states, in 1996-2001 - Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Has state awards of the USSR, Russia, Yugoslavia, Syria and other countries.

Rassadin Alexander Eduardovich
Coordinator of the joint scientific and educational programs of the NRO NTORES them. A. S. Popova, Associate Professor of the UIA.
In 1994 he graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod State University them. N. I. Lobachevsky with a degree in theoretical physics. Author over 40 scientific articles. Winner of nominal scholarships to them. V. I. Lenin and Yu. B. Khariton. He was awarded the medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For merits in the field of invention" named after. A. S. Popova.

Sham Nikolai Alekseevich
Retired Major General.
In 1963 he graduated from the Tula Technical Institute with a degree in cold working of metals by pressure. In 1968 he was called to the service of the state security agencies. He graduated from the Higher Courses of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in Minsk and began to serve as a detective in the Orsk City Directorate of the KGB in the Orenburg region. Since 1974 in the Central Office of the KGB of the USSR. From 1985 to 1991, deputy, then first deputy head of the 6th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In 1991 he became the last deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR. In 1992, he retired for health reasons.
He was awarded the Order of the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor of the League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises, and other state and departmental awards. He is an honorary member of the state security agencies. Member of NRO NTORES them. A. S. Popova.

Approaching the last decade of the calendar millennium and entering the last decade of the century of its existence, radio engineering does not slow down, but continues to increase the pace of development. The upcoming new stage retains the main ideas and principles that have matured over 90 years, but they are transformed on the basis of new technology. New trends have been identified and are being implemented, partly outlined twenty and ten years ago, but determined in recent years. New stage even more marked by the achievements of electronics, inextricably linked with radio engineering - radio electronics.

The formation of radio electronics as, to a certain extent, an independent and extremely important field of electronics became especially evident in the 40s. under the influence of rapidly developing radio technology. Until that time, electronic devices of radio engineering devices did not differ significantly from those used in long-distance wire communication technology, wire broadcasting, industrial electronics and measuring technology. In the 40-50s. new electronic devices appeared, designed primarily or exclusively for radio systems and based on the direct spatial interaction of electron flows and electromagnetic waves: magnetrons, klystrons, traveling wave tubes (TWTs), and later quantum devices. In the same years, the development of electronic devices for radio and television systems continued: cathode ray tubes, kinescopes, synchronization devices, standard converters, etc. This period can be characterized by its dominant trend as "cathode beam".

It should also be noted that radio and television technology, its ideas and implementation had a profound impact on other areas of development of radio electronics, in particular on the formation of radar technology. TV-specific electronic scanning systems, special-shaped pulse shaping devices and synchronization systems have been used and further development in various types radio engineering systems. Moreover, the creation of a regular mosaic microstructure in a color TV kinescope can be reasonably considered one of the first and milestones origin and development of modern microelectronics.

A new era in radio engineering was opened by the creation and introduction of semiconductor devices, which today have almost completely replaced vacuum tubes. The process of replacement began around 1950, but it was prepared by much earlier research, discoveries and inventions. The "transistor revolution" naturally raised the question of the transition to semiconductor devices in equipment of all frequency ranges, including centimeter and millimeter waves. The role of radio equipment for these bands has grown continuously; new radio relay communication systems were created, designed to transmit several television programs and thousands of telephone channels, radar systems for various purposes, space radio systems, etc. continued to develop. An urgent task was the creation of direct inter-satellite communication, for which millimeter and decimillimeter waves are preferred.

The qualitative indicators of new radio equipment are largely due to the positive properties of semiconductor devices: their small size and weight, high reliability and mechanical strength, inertia when turned on, low-voltage power, etc. Transistors are being improved and introduced into radio frequency units of centimeter range equipment; created, in particular, field-effect microwave transistors different types: unipolar with a controlled electron-hole transition at the gate, with the MIS structure and with a Schottky barrier. They are successfully used in radio receiving equipment with not very high requirements for sensitivity (noise temperature). Work in this direction continues.

A new branch in radio electronics arose with the widespread introduction of negatrons - semiconductor microwave diodes with negative resistance. The fate of negatrons can serve as an illustration of the development in a spiral: diodes with negative resistance, capable of amplifying and generating electrical oscillations, have been known in radio engineering for about three quarters of a century.

In 1958, a tunnel diode was created, researched and introduced into microwave radio receivers. Due to the tunneling mechanism for the passage of electrons through the electron-hole junction, the diode has a negative dynamic resistance, which has good stability. Due to the relatively low noise temperature, regenerative amplifiers and frequency converters based on tunnel diodes received in the late 60s and early 70s. significant distribution in microwave radio equipment, but over the past decade, interest in them has weakened, since as a result of improving materials and technology, comparable and better results have been achieved with microwave transistors.

At the same time, a strong position in radio engineering was occupied by the avalanche-transit diode (ATD) created in 1959 - a negatron based on the phenomena of avalanche multiplication of charge carriers in an electron-hole junction (“avalanche breakdown”) and drift (“flight”) of carriers charge in a semiconductor. The generation of microwave oscillations during avalanche multiplication was discovered by A. S. Tager and his collaborators; this effect is included in the register of discoveries of the USSR. In contrast to the tunnel diode, which is a low-power device, the LPD allows generating relatively powerful oscillations in the centimeter-wave range - several watts in continuous mode and tens of watts in pulsed mode.

In 1963, the phenomenon of generation or amplification of oscillations in the range of centimeter and millimeter waves in a semiconductor was discovered when a constant voltage is applied to it. At the heart of the operation of devices that use this phenomenon and allow, like LPD, to obtain powerful oscillations, is the effect of excitation in a semiconductor of a traveling wave - movement from the cathode to the anode of an area of ​​increased electric field strength, called the "domain". In this case, the generation mechanism bears some resemblance to the process in a klystron generator.

Along with the listed devices, important functions in radio engineering are performed by radio-electronic devices, also solid-state, but based on different principles - quantum (molecular) generators and amplifiers, often called masers.

Significantly simpler in design and economical are parametric amplifiers - low-noise devices, theoretical basis whose work was developed in the 30s. L. I. Mandelstam and N. D. Papaleksi. It was possible to implement them only after the creation and implementation of capacitive semiconductor diodes - varactors.

In the totality of the considered interconnected radio-electronic devices and devices: negatron generators, quantum generators and amplifiers, varactor parametric amplifiers, the first play an auxiliary role of generators - energy sources for the second and third. However, the simplicity and efficiency of negatron generators makes it possible to use them in other radio engineering devices, in particular, in radio transmitters.

For the direct use of negatron microwave generators in high-power cascades of radio transmitters, it was necessary to solve two important problems: to ensure frequency stability, since the inherent stability of the oscillation frequency generated by negatrons is much lower than is necessary in modern radio engineering systems, and to find modulation methods. Over the past decade, intensive studies have been carried out on the synchronization of autogenerators on negatrons. This is explained by the fact that the oscillations of a relatively powerful generator can be captured by the oscillations of a highly stable source of low power associated with it; in this case, the frequency stability of powerful oscillations practically corresponds to the stability of the reference oscillator.

To obtain reference oscillations, such complex radio-electronic devices as a quantum generator are not necessary, since great success has been achieved in the field of quartz frequency stabilization and the production of quartz resonators over the past decade. Modern transistor oscillators, stabilized by quartz and thermostated, with a fairly simple design, provide a stability of the order of 10~8-10-9 at frequencies of tens of megahertz, which is sufficient in most cases. If it is necessary to multiply the frequency of such generators, negatrons are successfully used in multiplier circuits.


Modern radio engineering is a powerful means of technical progress. Radio engineering has penetrated into all areas of the national economy, into science, technology, culture and everyday life.

There are three scientific and technical problems for radio engineering:

    Generation of an electromagnetic field by means of devices called generators, or transmitters.

    The transmission of an electromagnetic field from a generator to a consumer through a medium separating them, which can be called a transmission line.

    The use of an electromagnetic field sent by a transmitting device in a geographically remote point for various practical purposes with the help of a special receiving device.

One of the most important tasks of radio engineering is to communicate over long distances using the radiation of electromagnetic waves. With the development of various areas of radio engineering, radio broadcasting and service radio communications have become widespread, television serves all large areas, and stable communications are maintained with ships, aircraft and space stations.

Radio engineering facilities make it possible to carry out interplanetary communications, as well as to provide remote control from the Earth of complex apparatus intended for the study of other planets. Such areas of application of radio engineering as radar, radio navigation, radio telemetry, radio control, etc., which until recently seemed to be the latest, have become quite common.

However, this far from exhausts all the possibilities of modern radio engineering. With the penetration of radio engineering methods into long-existing sciences, the nature of the latter has changed qualitatively. Such sciences as radiophysics, radio astronomy, etc., arose.

Invaluable assistance is provided by the use of radio engineering instruments and methods in experimental physics, including nuclear, in the technique of measuring any fast processes of various non-electric quantities (pressure, vibrations, small displacements, etc.), in the study of the physics of the ionosphere.

From the time of the invention of radio by A. S. Popov (1895) to the present, all areas of application of radio engineering have one essential feature, which is that in all applications of radio engineering, information is transmitted using electromagnetic waves. This fundamentally distinguishes radio engineering from electrical engineering. The latter also uses transmission over a distance (for example, over high-voltage lines), however, unlike radio engineering, the object of transportation is not information, but energy.

There is every reason to expect that the branches of radio engineering will continue to expand and develop on the basis of progress in many related fields of science and technology.

The objective of this course work is to calculate the output signal of a linear device by the spectral method.

To complete this task, you need:

1) give the classification and properties of radio signals and circuits;

2) to consider methods of analysis of linear circuits. Justify the need to use the spectral method;


      Mathematical models and properties of signals

In order for signals to be objects of theoretical study and analysis, it is necessary to have their mathematical models. The mathematical model of a signal is its formalized representation in the form of a certain mathematical object. The physical quantity that determines the nature of the radio signal is usually a voltage or current that changes over time according to a certain law. Therefore, most often, a functional dependence is used as a signal model, the argument of which is time, i.e. time function. In radio engineering, the mathematical model of a signal is a function of time, denoted s(t), u(t), i(t) .

The expediency of using a complex form of signal representation is due to the convenience of performing some mathematical transformations. As a mathematical model of the signal, a functional dependence is also used, the argument of which is the cyclic f or angular frequency ω, i.e. the signal is considered as a function of frequency. This functional dependence, which is essentially a spectral representation of the signal, is called the signal spectrum. Such a representation of the signal is often considered not as the signal itself, but as a characteristic of the signal in the frequency domain. Signals can also be presented in graphical and tabular form.

A signal is a physical process that is a function of some parameters and is used as an information carrier. In radio engineering, two groups of electrical signals are studied: deterministic and random.

The information contained in the signal is displayed by the law of its change in time s(t). If this law is known, predetermined in advance, then the signal is called deterministic.

An example of such a signal is a cosine wave described by the function

where U m is the signal amplitude; ω = 2πf is the circular frequency of the signal; φ is the initial phase of the signal.

For deterministic signals, the value of s(t) is known in advance at any time t for given values ​​of amplitude, circular frequency, and initial phase.

If the law of change of the signal s(t) is not predetermined, then it is not known in advance what value it will have at one time or another. The values ​​of such signals at different times are random. That is why they are called random.

Deterministic signals are divided into periodic and non-periodic (impulse). An impulse signal is a signal of finite energy, significantly different from zero for a limited time interval, commensurate with the time of completion of the transient process in the system for which this signal is intended to act. Periodic signals are harmonic, that is, containing only one harmonic, and polyharmonic, the spectrum of which consists of many harmonic components. Harmonic signals include signals described by a sine or cosine function. All other signals are called polyharmonic.

Random signals are signals whose instantaneous values ​​at any time are unknown and cannot be predicted with a probability equal to one. Paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, but a signal carrying useful information can only be a random signal. The information in it is embedded in a set of amplitude, frequency (phase) or code changes of the transmitted signal. In practice, any radio signal that contains useful information, should be treated as random.

Most of the radio signals used in practice belong to the class of random for two reasons. First, any signal that is a carrier of information should be considered as random. Secondly, in devices that "work" with signals, there is almost always noise or interference that is superimposed on the useful signal. Therefore, in any communication channel, the useful signal is distorted during transmission and the message on the receiving side is reproduced with some error.

There is no insurmountable boundary between deterministic and random signals. Under conditions of a large useful signal-to-noise ratio, i.e. in the case when the noise level is much less than the useful signal level, the deterministic signal model is adequate to the real situation. In this case, methods for analyzing non-random signals can be applied.

In the process of transmitting information, signals can be subjected to one or another transformation. This is usually reflected in their name: modulated, demodulated (detected), encoded (decoded), amplified, delayed, sampled, quantized, etc.

According to the purpose that the signals have in the modulation process, they can be divided into modulating (primary signal that modulates the carrier wave), modulated (carrier wave) and modulated.