Oktava was visited by Sergey Khokhlov, director of the radio-electronic industry department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.






The expanded meeting was attended by 172 heads and leading specialists of the enterprises of the radio-electronic industry, as well as 16 invited representatives of ministries and departments. After hearing and discussing the reports of the Director of the Department of the Radio-Electronic Industry, Deputy Directors Suvorov, and on the issue "On the results of the activities of the radio-electronic industry in 2011 and the main tasks for 2012", the speeches of the invited participants of the extended meeting, heads of enterprises and organizations of the industry, the meeting notes:

In 2011 enterprises and organizations of the radio-electronic industry (REP) in the conditions of the economic crisis, in general, managed to maintain positive trends in financial and economic activities.

According to the expected results of 2011, the total volume of commercial products produced by enterprises and organizations of the radio-electronic industry increased by 7.8% compared to 2010, including: special purpose increased by 6.5%, and for civilian purposes - by 12.7%. The share of special-purpose products in the total volume of marketable products amounted to 78.0%.

The number of REP employees is 249.6 thousand people. On the whole, in 2011, the production of marketable products per employee increased by 20.6% in 2011 compared to 2010. The average monthly salary of REP employees in 2011 amounted to 24.2 thousand rubles. and increased by 15.8% compared to 2010. In industry, it amounted to 20.4 thousand rubles. (an increase of 14.8%), in the scientific field - 32.3 thousand rubles. (growth by 16.8%).

In 2011, the State Program "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry", the FTP "Development of the military-industrial complex Russian Federation for years” with the subprogram “Creation

electronic component base for systems, complexes and models of weapons, military and special equipment”, subprogram “ Modern means personal protection and life support systems for underground personnel coal mines» FTP "National technological base for years", interdepartmental program "Creation and development of Russian design centers for programming VLSI with a high degree integration." Work has begun on a new scientific and technical program of the Union State "Promising semiconductor heterostructures and devices based on them."

In 2011, about 200 enterprises and organizations of the REP participated in the fulfillment of the tasks of the state defense order in terms of research and development and the supply of weapons, military and special equipment for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense and others. power structures. Under contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense, work was carried out under more than 350 contracts, and more than 40 prototypes of military and military equipment were created. Within the framework of the State Defense Order-2011, from among the modern and promising models of military and military equipment, the Voronezh-DM (Kaliningrad) and Voronezh (Lekhtusi) radars, anti-aircraft guided missiles for various air defense systems and air defense systems, a modernized radar complex for radar patrol and guidance aircraft A -50U, radar stations of the type "Casta-2-2", 1L119, 96L6, complexes of automation equipment for various purposes, automated portable radio stations of HF-VHF bands, etc.

In 2011, compared to 2010, foreign trade turnover increased by 61%, amounting to more than 1.26 billion dollars, with more than 80% accounted for by non-CIS countries. Trade and economic cooperation with the CIS countries increased by more than 3 times year on year. Foreign trade turnover with non-CIS countries during the year increased by more than 70%.

The volume of export supplies for the year increased by 59%, exceeding the amount

1.0 billion dollars The products of the enterprises of the radio-electronic industry are exported to 66 countries of the world.

Every year, about 200 enterprises of the industry carry out foreign trade cooperation with more than 80 countries of the world. Syria, Venezuela, India, Azerbaijan, Egypt and Algeria became the main partners in the export of the enterprises of the radio-electronic industry in 2011. The main partners in the import of REP enterprises are the USA, China, Belarus, Germany, Taiwan, and Ukraine.

1.2. Development and approval of the State program "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry".

1.3. Development of the "Strategy for the development of the radio-electronic industry".

1.4. Ensuring the implementation on a competitive basis of tasks of federal target, departmental and interstate programs. When clarifying the measures of federal targeted programs, innovative programs for the development of regions to give them a greater practical focus on the development and production of products necessary for regional economies, the creation of specialized unique industries (regional design centers, centers for microsystems engineering, testing, metrology, etc.) based on the integration of funds from the federal and regional budgets and off-budget funds of enterprises.

1.5. Approval in the prescribed manner of the subprogram "Modern personal protective equipment and life support systems for underground personnel in coal mines" of the Federal Target Program "National technological base for years",

1.6. Development and coordination of new scientific and technical programs of the Union State on radio-electronic topics - "Autoelectronics" and "Union thermal imager".

1.10. Ensuring the implementation of investment projects of industry enterprises within the framework of FTIP.

1.11. Formation of the Council of Chief Technologists from specialists of integrated structures and leading enterprises to determine the prospects technological development industries.

1.12. "Vega", together with integrated structures and interested enterprises, within 3 months to prepare and submit to the Department of Radio-Electronic Industry proposals for the development and implementation of 3D electronic modules technologies in the development and production of REA.

1.13. Further provision of measures state support enterprises of the radio-electronic industry.

1.14. Creation and expansion of integrated structures.

1.15. Organization and holding of the XI branch scientific and practical conference.

1.16. Organization and participation in domestic and foreign exhibitions on the subject of the radio-electronic industry.

1.17. Ensuring the implementation of the Federal industry agreement on the radio-electronic industry between the Russian Trade Union of Radio-electronic Industry Workers, the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia" and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

1.18. Edition:

Industry scientific and technical journals;

Books from the series "The World of Radioelectronics";

Scientific work "History of domestic electronics";

Flip daily calendar for 2013 “Radioelectronics of Russia. Events, figures of science, industry, military leaders.

2. Establish the following industry benchmarks for 2012 in % of 2011:

Volume industrial products 114%

Special Products 118%

Civil products 106%

R&D volume 103%

Number of employees 101%

Industry 100%

Science and scientific service 102%

Output per worker 113%

Industry 117%

Science and scientific service 109%

Average monthly wage 117%

Industry 122%

Science and scientific service 111%

3. Heads of enterprises and organizations:

3.1. To ensure the fulfillment of tasks of the state defense order, programs and plans for military-technical cooperation and tasks of federal target and interstate programs.

3.2. Continue work to expand the participation of REP enterprises in the implementation of regional programs for innovative and socio-economic development. When implementing regional programs, use the development of products based on dual technologies carried out within the framework of federal target, departmental and interstate programs as a factor minimizing regional costs for their use for the needs of the region.

3.3. In 2012, to ensure systematic work to increase labor productivity, increase the volume of work performed, improve the quality of manufactured products, and upgrade the production, scientific and technical base.

3.4. Ensure completion of training design and estimate documentation to carry out new work in 2012 in the field capital construction within the framework of the current federal targeted programs and submitting it for approval in the prescribed manner.

3.5. Take measures for timely and high-quality preparation and submission required documents to perform R&D under contracts with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

3.6. Take personal control over the preparation and timely submission of reports on financial, economic and production activities enterprises, as well as monitoring the financial and economic status of established forms and within the stipulated time.

3.7. Increase activity and initiative in solving social and personnel problems, including to increase the level of wages, retain and attract highly qualified personnel and young professionals.

3.8. To ensure an increase in the level of professional knowledge of managers and specialists of the radio-electronic complex, regularly send them to advanced training and retraining in training centers in promising areas of the economy, new technologies, marketing and personnel management.

3.9. Activate subscription to industry news magazines.

Department Director

electronic industry

PJSC Oktava will receive support from the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade as part of a large-scale program of the Rostec State Corporation to restore the Tula plant. As a result of the working visit to the enterprise of the Director of the Department of the Radio-Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Sergey Khokhlov, it was decided to create a joint working group as part of the modernization of production.

During the visit, Sergey Khokhlov was presented with promising samples of the plant's products, as well as the main approaches to the enterprise's development strategy. The development and launch of new products is one of the main measures that must be implemented as part of the revival of the legendary domestic brand. On the this moment PJSC Oktava is developing new headsets, small speakers and intercoms. In the next few years, it is planned to launch modern acoustic equipment, including new-type headsets, wired and wireless headphones that were not previously presented in the production line of the plant, as well as new microphones, including those for conference calls, cinema and television.

In addition to updating existing products, the presented development strategy includes R&D, large-scale modernization of production equipment, and activation of marketing and sales functions. At this stage, a new brand is being developed and developed, which includes building sales network, as well as a full-fledged entry into the consumer market.

The program for the development of the plant involves a set of measures, among which the most important are the modernization of equipment and repair industrial premises

Vasily Brovko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oktava

“The large-scale program for the development of the plant involves a whole range of measures, among which the most important are the modernization of equipment and the repair of production facilities that have reached the most critical state, as well as solving the problem of low staff utilization. Now we are developing a system of motivation and bonuses, as well as working on other significant issues personnel policy. The fulfillment of these primary tasks will allow us to proceed to the next stages of the development of the plant and the revival of the world-famous brand, ”said Vasily Brovko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Oktava, who is responsible for the development of the Oktava Tula plant and the creation of a creative industrial cluster.

As a result of the working visit of Sergey Khokhlov, it was decided to create a joint working group of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and PJSC Oktava in order to modernize the Tula acoustic equipment plant.

Recall that in the spring of this year, Rostec decided to revive the famous enterprise in connection with the implementation of a large-scale socio-cultural project to create a creative industrial cluster, which will be opened on the basis of the property complex of the Oktava plant. The project is being implemented with the active support of the Governor of the Tula Region Alexei Dyumin and is one of the key projects in the development of the city and the region.

Founded in 1927, the Tula plant is the only developer and manufacturer of electro-acoustic equipment in the country for both civilian purposes and the military-industrial complex. In June 2017, the Tula plant was transferred to the direct management of the Rostec State Corporation. Special control is due to the critical state of the enterprise. After the resulting loss in 2016 (19 million rubles) financial indicators the first half of 2017 confirmed the negative trend: the plant's revenue amounted to 99 million rubles, and the loss - 13 million.

Last week, the State Duma held its first meeting Expert Council for the Development of the Electronic and Radio-Electronic Industry under the Committee for Economic Policy, Industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship. A hot topic was discussed - the legislative consolidation of the functions of the state customer for the development, production, application, standardization and quality assurance of the electronic component base (ECB) for weapons, military and special equipment (VVST) for the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Pavel Kutsko, Deputy Director of the Department of Radio-Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, made a presentation. And although most of his report was held behind closed doors, some of it can still be revealed.

The idea of ​​assigning the functions of a state customer to a civilian department is by no means new. Moreover, the issue was already resolved by the Russian government in 2009. Then they drew up a plan for the transfer of this function from the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the government instructed the departments to begin the transfer. In the future, another order of the government ordered the two departments to ensure interaction. It would seem that the goal has been achieved and the process should be completed. But Russian officials themselves, probably without suspecting it, are secret followers of the leader of the Second International, Eduard Bernstein. Or secret Trotskyists. “Of course, in our country and, as a matter of fact, in any country, there are always, always have been and always will be forces for which it is not the prospect of development that is important, but the constant Brownian movement. Remember the famous Trotskyist slogan: “The movement is everything, the ultimate goal is nothing,” Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the federal coordinating headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front on December 27, 2011. In fact, Comrade Trotsky (on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, it would be a sin not to remember him) in his work “Before the historical frontier. Political silhouettes" called this slogan "nonsense and vulgarity", but very revealing: "the reformist daily struggle has taken on a self-sufficient character." The modern Russian bureaucracy clearly demonstrates this by the example of the transfer of functions from one department to another.

The stumbling block was the provisions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the list of electronic components permitted for use in the development, modernization and operation in the military and military equipment, and on the procedure for using foreign-made electronic components. They were approved by the VPK Collegium as the only intersectoral documents. However, no one canceled the order of the Minister of Defense, which provided for a permitting procedure for the use of foreign-made ECB in the AMSE. Seven years later, it turns out that the Ministry of Defense still duplicates the functions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The Main Directorate of Armaments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, along with the list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, has its own list of authorized EKB nomenclature. As a representative of the civil department put it, "this leads to a split personality among consumer enterprises that do not understand which document to use when forming the nomenclature for completing samples of military and military equipment." The main flaw in the military list is the products of enterprises that no longer exist, or products that have not been produced for three years. Or, on the contrary, for six years they have been produced by enterprises at their own expense, because they are ordered by the military department. In addition, the military is not too lazy to take on the hard work of coordinating the ECB nomenclature, which is not to the liking of the civilian department.

The question logically arises: what kind of motive does the military have? After all, the people who work in the Main Directorate of Armaments are probably well aware of the state of the industry. The answer, it would seem, lies on the surface: the list of permitted products should contain only what is required for the defense of the country, and not for paper reports.

Another attempt to remove the military from the formation of a list of permitted nomenclature of the ECB is by no means connected with strengthening the country's defense, but with the desire of officials to fulfill the President's orders at all costs. strategic objective– use the potential of the military-industrial complex in the production of high-tech civilian products that are in demand on the domestic and foreign markets.

Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov last year promised the President to maintain a steady increase in civilian segment output at a level of at least 5% per year, which should allow reaching a 50:50 ratio by 2020.

However, in order for the share of civilian products to be about 50%, its volume must be increased six times. This is difficult to do, but it is even more difficult to find consumers of such volumes in the face of tight budget constraints. There are no customers, no demand, no service network and support for high-tech products. In addition, it is difficult for defense industry enterprises to get into the framework of competitive procedures when selling civilian products.

Meanwhile, diversification defense production not an end in itself, but a means of saving the electronics industry from collapse after 2020. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council, Doctor of Technical Sciences Arseny Brykin, the radio-electronic industry permeates all parts of the state defense order. According to another participant of the meeting, Vladimir Melnikov, candidate of technical sciences, this is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the Russian economy today. But the scientist notes that this growth rate is primarily due to the high share of state defense orders - from 70 to 100%. When the weapons program is completed, significant technological, scientific and production capacities will remain idle.

The government, obviously, is still considering how not to weaken the defense capability and preserve the radio-electronic industry. True, in case of failure, the culprit has already been identified, this is the Ministry of Defense, which for many years has resisted the innovations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Director of the Department of Radio-Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Sergey Khokhlov / Photo: Rostec

PJSC Oktava will receive support from the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade as part of a large-scale program of the Rostec State Corporation to restore the Tula plant. As a result of the working visit to the enterprise of the director of the department of the radio-electronic industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Sergey Khokhlov, it was decided to create a joint working group as part of the modernization of production.

During the visit, S. Khokhlov was presented with promising samples of the plant's products, as well as the main approaches to the enterprise's development strategy. The development and launch of new products is one of the main measures that must be implemented as part of the revival of the legendary domestic brand. At the moment, Oktava PJSC is developing new headsets, small speakers and intercoms. In the next few years, it is planned to launch modern acoustic equipment, including new-type headsets, wired and wireless headphones that were not previously presented in the production line of the plant, as well as new microphones, including those for conference calls, cinema and television.

It was decided to create a joint working group as part of the modernization of production / Photo: Rostec

In addition to updating existing products, the presented development strategy includes R&D, large-scale modernization of production equipment, and activation of marketing and sales functions. At this stage, a new brand is being developed and developed, which includes building a sales network, as well as a full-fledged entry into the consumer market.

“The program for the development of the plant involves a set of measures, among which the most important are the modernization of equipment and the repair of production facilities”

“The large-scale program for the development of the plant involves a whole range of measures, among which the most important are the modernization of equipment and the repair of production facilities that have reached the most critical state, as well as solving the problem of low staff utilization. Now we are developing a system of motivations and bonuses, as well as working on other significant issues of personnel policy. The fulfillment of these primary tasks will allow us to proceed to the next stages of the development of the plant and the revival of the world-famous brand,” said Vasily Brovko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Oktava, who is responsible for the development of the Oktava Tula plant and the creation of a creative industrial cluster.

As a result of the working visit of Sergey Khokhlov, it was decided to create a joint working group of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia with the aim of modernizing the Tula acoustic equipment plant.

Recall that in the spring of this year, Rostec decided to revive the famous enterprise in connection with the implementation of a large-scale socio-cultural project to create a creative industrial cluster, which will be opened on the basis of the property complex of the Oktava plant. The project is being implemented with the active support of the Governor of the Tula Region Alexei Dyumin and is one of the key projects in the development of the city and the region.

Founded in 1927, the Tula plant is the only developer and manufacturer of electro-acoustic equipment in the country for both civilian purposes and the military-industrial complex. In June 2017, the Tula plant was transferred to the direct management of the Rostec State Corporation. Special control is due to the critical state of the enterprise. After the resulting loss in 2016 (19 million rubles), the financial performance of the first half of 2017 confirmed the negative trend: the plant's revenue amounted to 99 million rubles, and the loss was 13 million rubles.

MOSCOW, Rostec