Sed workflow training program. Corporate training in the implementation of SED

Duration: 2 days

"1C: Document Flow 2.1" is a universal system for automating document flow, process accounting and collaboration. The program provides 13 large functional blocks and more than 1000 interfaces. The efficiency of your daily work and your enterprise as a whole depends on how skillfully you use this wealth. For more details, see http: //

On this course we are with you:

    we will study all the application possibilities of the program; we will learn how to use them effectively in everyday work; we will master the techniques of fast work.

A number of course topics will be presented by the developers of the program, and you will be able to communicate directly with them.

Duration: 2 days

The project for the implementation of electronic document management includes technical part(the actual implementation of the program) and preparatory, the main task of which is to organize the company's document flow, prepare the processes of working with documents for automation. For a successful passage preparatory phase confident knowledge of the subject area of ​​document management is required. Specialists in the implementation of electronic document management do not always have this knowledge. Therefore, the training course contains the basics of document management to the extent that will provide a level of knowledge sufficient to participate in implementation projects. Organization and management of document flow is considered taking into account the use of a series of ready-made methodological products developed by 1C. The course is NOT designed to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the 1C: Document Management program.

Purpose of the course: prepare specialist consultants on document circulation for projects of implementation of the "1C: Document Management" program.

Objectives of the course:

To train students in the methodology for carrying out preparatory work for the successful implementation of the "1C: Document Management" program. Upon completion of training, the student will be able to

    evaluate the effectiveness of existing office processes and outline plans for their optimization;

    put things in order in paper documents;

    automate contractual, administrative activities, automate work with other internal documents;

    organize the activities of the office work

    to apply in practice the ready-made document management procedures developed by 1C.

The listener will gain practical skills:

Organization of office work

Organization of office work - this is the industry for the development and execution of official documents, the organization of their movement, accounting and storage. Office work is directly related to the creation of documents, considers the issues of movement and accounting of documents. Maintaining and organization of office work carried out officials, who are responsible for its organization, accounting and preservation of documents. Organization of office work consists of the following stages: 1) primary processing of received documents; 2) preliminary examination of documents; 3) registration; 4) consideration of documents by the management; 5) direction for execution; 6) execution control; 7) the formation of cases; 8) registration of cases; 9) transfer of cases to the archive.

Management documentation

In accordance with GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archival business. Terms and definitions" documentation support management (DOW) is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. The terms paperwork and documentation support controls in accordance with GOST R 51141-98 are used as synonyms, however, there are still some differences between them. The first of them, office work, is mainly used to describe the organizational side and traditional methods of working with documents. Second - documentation support management emphasizes the information technology component in modern organization office work and it is better to use it when it comes to computer technologies for working with documents.

Refresher courses for secretaries-assistants, executive assistants ("secretary courses", "courses for secretaries and executive assistants")
The purpose of the professional development courses for secretaries-assistants (" secretary courses », « secretarial courses and assistants to the head ") - providing up-to-date and accurate information on office work, scientific organization labor and communication skills. Complete " secretary courses », « secretarial courses and assistant managers ”(72 academic hours) is an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. The secretary profession is in demand in every enterprise, as a rule, the secretary is responsible for processing business papers and document flow in the executive's secretariat. The proposed " secretary courses », « secretarial courses, assistant managers "will allow you to meet absolutely all modern requirements that can only be presented by modern employers.

Advanced training courses for specialists in the field of preschool educational institutions ("clerical courses" and "document management courses")
« Office courses " and " document management courses "Include the organization of office work, taking into account the linguistic characteristics of an official document, the basics of personnel records management and archiving, etiquette and psychology business communication including employee image preschool services. « Office courses" and " document management courses»Allow you to get the necessary skills in the preparation and execution of documents for enterprises of all types of ownership. Listeners " clerical courses" and " document management courses»Specialists receive a state-recognized certificate.

Seminars, round tables, master classes on the problems of office work ("Seminars of office work")
Proposed programs of seminars, round tables, master classes on office work problems (" office work seminars ") Are integrated information and consulting educational events for specialists in the field of preschool educational institutions, combining branches of knowledge separately on problems in the field of office work, scientific organization of labor, business etiquette and methods of mastering professional skills. " Office Seminars"Are designed for managers and specialists of secretariats, offices, record keeping and archival services of commercial and state structures. « Office Seminars"Are of a practical nature, the topics of the programs are selected taking into account the relevance and needs of enterprises and institutions different forms property, number of employees, field of activity.

1C: Document management. Automated document management

Do you need to automate office work in your organization? Do you want to learn how to work with documents correctly and effectively? Explore the possibilities integrated organization automated system electronic document management based on "1C: Document flow 8"... We present an updated version of the popular course, which discusses the possibilities new edition programs - 2.1.

The course is intended for clerical professionals - secretaries, archivists, as well as managers who want to acquire skills modern governance flow of documents in the organization.

Today, for efficient and fast work, organizations simply need an electronic document flow. Document management of an enterprise requires a properly organized workflow system. With its help, you can maintain an electronic archive, control the movement of documents, the execution of orders and much more. Electronic document management v "1C: Document flow 8" simplifies joint work employees with documents and files, increases the efficiency of the team and the organization as a whole!

After completing the course, you will explore the possibilities of a comprehensive organization of an automated electronic document management system based on the "1C: Document Management (version 2.1)" program. You will navigate the settings, configure the program, classify documents. You will be able to register incoming and outgoing documents, internal files, control their movement within the organization, archive and create reports. Not a single document will be lost, and you will become an irreplaceable employee in the company!

The course is part of the certification exam preparation program

By purchasing the E1 Euphrates system, you optimize all business processes within the company. But in order for the system to allow you to get the maximum benefit from its use, it made it easier to carry out all the work, and not just some of them (which sometimes happens, mainly due to ignorance functionality EDMS), Cognitive Technologies has developed special user seminars that allow you to learn absolutely everything about the system!

Main courses of user seminars:

  • User "E1 Euphrates"
  • Technologist "E1 Euphrates"
  • Administrator "E1 Euphrates"
  • Administrator of office work "E1 Euphrates"

Within the framework of the lecture course, the main functional capabilities of the system, the user's workstation are studied, the basic actions of the user in the system are considered. During practical exercises, students work out cases in accordance with teaching materials directly in the E1 Euphrates system. The course allows you to acquire basic skills in working with the user functionality of the system. Recommended for all users of the system.

The course provides for the study of tools and tools for setting up E1 Euphrates objects (designers of forms, routes and reports), as well as system configuration. The practical part of the course involves practicing the skills of working with this toolkit directly in the E1 Euphrates system in accordance with the cases included in the teaching materials. The knowledge gained as a result of listening to this course allows you to work with all the modules for setting up the system objects. Recommended for employees responsible for the implementation of the system, the development of registration and control cards of organizational documents, reports, routes, scripts (scripts) in the RCC and business processes.

Within the framework of the course, it is envisaged to study the means and tools for setting up E1 Euphrates objects (designers of forms, routes and reports), as well as system configuration. The practical part of the course involves practicing the skills of working with this toolkit directly in the E1 Euphrates system in accordance with the cases included in the teaching materials. The knowledge gained as a result of listening to this course allows you to work with all the modules for setting up the system objects. Recommended for employees responsible for the implementation of the system, the development of registration and control cards of organizational documents, reports, routes, scripts (scripts) in the RCC and business processes.

The course provides for a deep study of the functionality of the system and examines the basic actions of the user, both in the user's workstation and in the administrator's workstation. In the course of practical training, students work out cases in accordance with teaching materials directly in the "E1 Euphrates" system. Also, students receive basic general administration skills (with the exception of issues of installing the system on a server and user workstations). The course allows you to acquire basic skills in working with user and administrative functionality of the system. Recommended for all users of the E1 Euphrates system who also perform basic administration of the system after its installation.

Lecture + practice Webinar Off-site seminar
User 6 000 rubles per listener 10 000 rubles 20 000 rubles (up to 10 listeners)
Technologist 18 000 rubles per listener 18 000 rubles not provided
Administrator 15 000 rubles per listener 15 000 rubles not provided
15 000 rubles per listener 15 000 rubles not provided

Typical training is conducted in the Moscow office of Cognitive Technologies and allows you to master the basic configuration of the E1 Euphrates.

When more than 5 employees are trained at the chosen course of the organization, a 10% discount on the cost of training is provided.

When giving a lecture in a Cognitive Technologies classroom, the maximum group size is 12 people, when conducting a practical lesson - 6 people.

When studying at the customer's site (in addition to the cost of the course, travel expenses) the size of the lecture group is not limited, the size of the group in the case of a practical lesson should not exceed 10 people.

You will gain practical skills in setting up and using electronic document management (EDM) using the example of the "1C: Accounting 8" program and the "1C-EDO" service.
The main attention is paid to the use of legally significant electronic document flow between contractors. Other types of electronic document management, its legislative and technological foundations, and the practice of application in economic life are also considered.

The course will be useful:

  • managers and accountants who have already started using EDM and want to become confident users of this service, built directly into 1C programs;
  • users who are just planning to switch to the exchange electronic documents with counterparties;
  • consultants involved in the implementation of EDF: they will be able to explain to a novice user the advantages of electronic document management over paper, they will cure the client from "EDF fear" and will be able to teach him to use the exchange of electronic documents on an ongoing basis.

Course program

Topic 1. Theoretical basis EDO

Topic 2. Application of EDI in the business life of companies

  • Benefits of EDF
  • Accounting policy and EDF
  • EDF agreements
  • Acceptance of ED for accounting (Confirmation of expenses and deductions by electronic documents)

Topic 3. Demonstration of the exchange of electronic documents

  • Configuring the exchange of electronic documents
  • Application (exchange of electronic documents between contractors)
  • Typical mistakes when working with 1C-EDO (Taxcom)
  • Providing ED to the Federal Tax Service and other authorities, incl. courts (according to the FTS and other ED formats)
  • Storage of ED with ED
  • Expanding EDF capabilities

Topic 4. Implementation of EDF in the company (brief overview)

  • Goals of EDF implementation
  • Working group
  • Involvement of counterparties

Review webinar on EDF

Price: 2 100 rubles.
For employees of franchisee companies945 rubles.