Profession customs inspector. General information Basic operating conditions

Now many employees customs service monitor the latest news of the economy to see if they will still raise their salaries. The FCS is subordinate to the government. Customs officers are responsible for overseeing customs operations. foreign trade and ensuring revenues to the budget of significant Money. The legislation of the country defines work in the customs authorities as a special area public service. The duties that are assigned to customs officials are responsible. They require highly qualified personnel.

Of course, working conditions at customs are difficult, since serious interests intersect here, on the one hand, the state, on the other, business, and large sums of money are turned around every day. Everyone knows that the level of corruption is quite high in this department.

The amount of bribes in customs structures, according to knowledgeable experts, ranges from 1,000 to 700,000 rubles. There are many examples from the media that talk about high-profile detentions of customs officers when receiving bribes. Every year, more than a dozen civil servants employed in customs are convicted of corruption-related crimes.

Formation and salary of customs officers in 2018-2019
The remuneration of employees in the Federal Customs Service is called cash content. Compared to average salaries in the Russian economy, the average monthly income of customs officers looks pretty decent.

In 2012-2014, the average salary of a customs officer in Moscow is 45 thousand rubles. In Russia, the average salary of employees at customs (and the salary also depends on the region) is slightly lower - from 18 to 35 thousand rubles.

By the way, the head of the government, Dmitry Medvedev (and this department is directly subordinate to him), in 2015 increased the salary of customs officers. This order was due to the fact that, firstly, it is necessary to reduce the difference in wages in comparison with other civil servants, and secondly, in order to minimize the corruption component among the employees of the Federal Customs Service. As Medvedev noted, customs control there are large flows of money, goods, and as a result, great temptations.

What is the salary of a customs officer?
Not every customs officer receives the same amount of money. There is a dependence of wages on the basis of how the employee has recommended himself, on the position, the availability of awards.

The salary of customs officers (similar to the salary of police officers) consists of the following components:

  • position salary;
  • salary by rank;
  • allowances and payments.

Customs officers receive monthly salary increments for various achievements and merits (including work with state secrets, etc.). There are also various bonus factors to wages, for example, for serving in remote or hard-to-reach areas.

Every month, customs officers must receive food rations. In the case when the ration for some unknown reason is not issued in kind, then monetary compensation is charged instead of the ration.

Additional days off are provided if the customs officer works on weekends and holidays. The annual material assistance provided to customs officers is calculated in the amount of at least two monthly salaries.

It is necessary to note the numerous social preferences that employees of this department have:

  1. free health care(employees, as well as all family members);
  2. free treatment, rehabilitation in sanatoriums and rest homes;
  3. free travel to public transport;
  4. in the case of the acquisition or construction of their own housing (only for employees with at least 10 years of work experience);
  5. in case of retirement, several salaries are paid (the amount depends on the length of service);
  6. There are benefits for paying land tax and others.

It should not be forgotten that there are many reasons due to which a customs officer can be deprived of part of the money earned. Service is service.

Should customs officers expect salary growth in 2019?
According to some sources, in 2019 the government Russian Federation planned to increase the salary of customs officers.
Now the Russian economy is in a difficult situation. Provoking factors:

  • shortage of funds pension fund, which increases the burden on the budget of the Russian Federation;
  • sanctions from Western countries accusing the Russian government of fueling the conflict in Ukraine and supporting the separatists. This factor destabilizes to some extent financial processes, although economic potential Russia is strong enough.

Naturally, even taking into account the above difficulties in budgeting, there are other factors (for example, inflation, natural price increases) that affect the level of workers' well-being. It is necessary to raise salaries, and, obviously, they will do it. However, the question is when and how much this salary will be increased.

Any promotions budget spending are directly related to the budgetary content. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in the current 2016, the budget deficit amounted to 400 billion rubles. Financial forecasts say that in 2018 and 2019 the deficit will worsen, and it could reach a figure of 500 billion rubles. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that TC employees should not expect a salary increase.

So, although many customs officers in Russia hope for a pay increase in 2019, it is most likely not going to happen. True, a slight reduction is expected in this structure, so the monetary allowance of the remaining ones may increase slightly. But so far no decrees have been issued that would relate to such changes. Presumably salary of customs officers in 2019 the average will remain the same.

But we do not advise customs officers to despair. An increase in their salary in 2019 may occur in connection with the payment of bonuses and the so-called 13th salary. By the way, in the customs service, bonuses can be received at least for each work shift, if you are responsible for the performance of official duties.

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Thus, we can conclude: in 2019, the salary of customs officers will not directly depend on the decrees of the Government, but rather on the zeal and activity of the employee himself.

State inspectors work in controlling institutions. They check the work of various services and departments. Committed to achieving 100% compliance with laws and job descriptions.

Profit in Russia

Medium wage state inspectors in rubles:

  • Novosibirsk region – 22500 ($357);
  • Khabarovsk Territory - 19,000 ($301);
  • Chelyabinsk region – 18,000 ($286);
  • Kirovskaya - 15,000 ($238);
  • Primorsky Krai - 14,000 ($222);
  • Leningrad and Moscow regions – 12000 ($190).

Depending on the position held, the inspector receives a salary (in rubles):

  • Jr - 22000 ($349);
  • senior - 18333 ($291);
  • main - 15000 ($238).

In this case, the higher the position, the lower the salary. This is offset by higher fees and prizes.

The salary of a customs officer depends on the position held and region where he lives and works.

Serious bonuses are received by employees who:

  • work in difficult conditions that are hazardous to health;
  • have a high rank;
  • achieved high professionalism;
  • received a degree;
  • responsible for maintaining confidential information.

The chief inspector of the customs service receives a salary 25000 rub. ($397). Senior - 18000 ($286), and private - 15000 ($238). The average salary in the country with all payments and bonuses - 52000 rub. ($825).

The management strictly monitors the compliance of employees with the internal disciplines and direct responsibilities. For the slightest violations and received reprimands, they are deprived of the right to receive bonuses and incentive payments.

Employee rate FTS is (in rubles):

  • inspector - 15,000 ($238);
  • senior - / - - 24000 ($381);
  • main - / - - 25,000 ($397).

The government of the Russian Federation has planned 2019 raising the salaries of tax inspectors to 45000 ($714). Young professionals do not want to work in tax office due to very low salaries.

Employees federal service receive income 70 thousand rubles. ($1111). Employees regional divisions earn 30000 ($476) monthly average. In 2018 year will pass salary indexation for 5% .

They promise to increase them by 10% .

To ensure this, it was decided to reduce part of the management team. Thus, there will be funds to increase the salaries of the remaining employees.

Now the tax inspector earns from 20 to 50 thousand. ($317 – 794). Average earnings around the country - 34 thousand. ($540). The remuneration of regional employees does not exceed 20000 rub. ($317).

Revenue of specialists

Traffic police inspector in the Krasnodar Territory receives a monthly profit 45000 ($714), in the Moscow region - 42330 ($672), and in Chelyabinsk - 38167 ($606).

In other services, professionals receive (in rubles):

  • Sheremetyevo Customs - 31211 ($495);
  • Pskov - / - - 7780 ($123);
  • Buryat - / - - 38004 ($603);
  • EMERCOM of Russia - 20442 ($324);
  • Rostekhnadzor - 30040 ($486);
  • CMTU Rosstandart - 13180 ($209);
  • State Inspectorate labor in Moscow - 15226 ($242);
  • Rosselkhoznadzor - 17810 ($282);
  • Kirov Center forestry – 13810 ($219);
  • Fisheries Agency - 27375 ($434);
  • Legal Department - 22043 ($349);
  • Canine Department - 21053 ($334);
  • State. traffic safety supervision - 16297 ($259);
  • Land Supervision Department - 14566 ($231);
  • Department of accounting and financial monitoring - 22268 ($353);
  • Fire Inspector - 18,000 ($286);
  • - / - for labor - 30,000 ($ 476);
  • - / - for personnel - 17 - 40 thousand ($ 270 - 635);
  • - / - employment center - 16 - 30 thousand ($ 253 - 476);
  • - / - for minors - from 20 to 72 thousand ($ 317 - 1143).

According to statistics, employees of Rostekhnadzor earn a total of 101 thousand rubles. ($1613) per month, EMERCOM inspectors are paid 138000 ($2187), and the Ministry of Labor - 90,000 ($1425).

Job responsibilities of professionals

In whatever service the inspector works, he must have strong character traits:

  • integrity;
  • perseverance;
  • disinterestedness.

In addition, he must be an expert in his field, well versed in all the intricacies of the law and strictly comply with it.

Specialists tax service check the financial documents of business entities.

They bring out the facts concealment income and force owners to pay taxes in full.

Working at customs, specialists are required to identify illegal border crossings and prohibited goods. Rostechnadzor responsible for quality technical means, a Rosselkhoznadzor checks import and export food products, carries out veterinary control.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 2 federal law"O social guarantees some federal bodies executive power and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" The Government of the Russian Federation decides: 1. Establish:
monthly salaries in accordance with the position to be occupied for typical positions of employees customs authorities the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 1;
the amount of monthly salaries in accordance with the assigned special rank of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 2.
2. Financial support expenditure obligations related to the implementation of this resolution, to be carried out at the expense and within the budgetary allocations allocated to the Federal Customs Service in federal budget to ensure the activities of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.
3. This resolution applies to legal relations that have arisen since January 1, 2013.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

dated January 25, 2013 No. 41

Amounts of monthly salaries in accordance with the position to be substituted for typical positions of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

I. Typical positions of senior, senior and middle commanding staff
1. Central Office of the FCS of Russia
Head of the FCS of Russia 44 000
First Deputy Head of the FCS of Russia 39 000
Deputy Head of the FCS of Russia 37 000
Head of the main department 35 000
Head of Department 33 000
Deputy head of the main department 32 500
32 000
Head of department in the main department (office) 30 000
Deputy Head of Department in the Main Directorate (Directorate) 29 000
Department Director 28 000
27 000
26 000
25 000
24 000
2. Regional customs offices
Head of Department 34 000
First Deputy Head of Department 32 000
Deputy Head of Department 30 000
Department head 22 000
21 000
Department Director 20 500
Chief Inspector; seniors: detective for special important matters Commissioner for Particularly Important Cases, Investigator for Particularly Important Cases 20 000
Lead Inspector; operative agent for especially important cases; commissioner for especially important cases; Special Investigator 19 000
Seniors: inspector, detective, authorized, interrogating officer 17 500
Inspector; detective; authorized; interrogator 16 500
Name of a typical position Salary for a typical position (rubles)
3. Customs, customs posts
Head of Customs 32 000
First Deputy Head of Customs 27 000
Deputy Head of Customs; Chief customs post 25 000
Department head 20 500
Deputy Head of Department 19 000
Department Director 17 500
Chief Inspector; seniors: detective for especially important cases, authorized for especially important cases, investigator for especially important cases 17 000
Lead Inspector; operative agent for especially important cases; commissioner for especially important cases; Special Investigator 16 500
Seniors: inspector, detective, authorized, interrogating officer 16 000
Inspector; detective; authorized; interrogator 15 500
II. Typical positions of junior staff
1. Typical positions of junior staff in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, capitals (centers) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation
junior inspector 14 000
2. Typical positions of junior staff in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, capitals (centers) of subjects of the Russian Federation)
junior inspector 12 000

to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 25, 2013 No. 41

SIZES of monthly salaries in accordance with the assigned special rank of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Special rank (rubles) Salary
Acting State Advisor to the Customs Service of the Russian Federation 25 000
Colonel General of the Customs Service 25 000
Lieutenant General of the Customs Service 22 000
Major General of the Customs Service 20 000
Colonel of the Customs Service 13 000
Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service 12 000
Major of the Customs Service 11 500
Customs Captain 11 000
Senior Lieutenant of the Customs Service 10 500
Lieutenant of the customs service 10 000
Junior Lieutenant of the Customs Service 9 500
Senior Ensign of the Customs Service 8 500
Ensign of the customs service 8 000

Text search


(as amended on September 29, 2016)

Document's name:
Document Number: 459
Type of document: Order of the FCS of Russia
Host body: FCS of Russia
Status: current
Acceptance date: March 13, 2013
Effective start date: June 24, 2013
Revision date: September 29, 2016

On the establishment of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation



On the establishment of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Document as amended by:
(Russian newspaper, N 257, 11/12/2014);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 09/16/2015, N 0001201509160003);
Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 29, 2016 N 1881 (Official Internet portal of legal information, 10/18/2016, N 0001201610180022).

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 283-FZ "On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive bodies and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53 (h .I), art. 7608), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2013 N 41 "On the establishment of monthly salaries for employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 5, art. 385)

I order:

1. Install from January 1, 2013:

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior, senior and middle commanding staff in the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (Appendix N 1);

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of regional customs departments (Appendix No. 2);

the size of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of customs and customs posts (Appendix No. 3);

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior commanding staff of state government institutions "Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" and "Central Polyclinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" (Appendix No. 4);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on September 27, 2015 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of the maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 5);

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of aviation divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 6);

monthly salaries for non-typical positions of junior employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 7);

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior employees of the maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 8);

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior commanding staff, middle commanding staff of the state treasury educational institution higher vocational education"Russian Customs Academy", its branches and representative offices (Appendix N 9).
(The paragraph is additionally included from September 27, 2015 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated August 20, 2015 N 1709)

2. The Main Financial and Economic Department (A.V. Avdonin) to ensure the allocation of the necessary funds for the implementation of this order within the limits of the appropriations provided for the monetary allowance of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the First Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia V.M. Malinin.

valid state
customs advisor
Russian Federation

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
May 23, 2013
registration N 28487

Appendix N 1. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior, senior and middle commanding staff in the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Appendix No. 1

Salary (rubles)

The line was excluded from October 29, 2016 - order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 29, 2016 N 1881 ..

First Deputy Head of the Main Department. Chief Advisor to the Head of the FCS of Russia

First Deputy Head of the Department, Deputy Head of the Main Department - Chief Accountant FCS of Russia

by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Advisor to the Head of the FCS of Russia

Head of Service, Deputy Chief Accountant
Head of independent department

(Line as amended, put into effect on November 23, 2014 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 22, 2014 N 1824.

Deputy Head of Service

Deputy head of independent department

(Line as amended, put into effect on November 23, 2014 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 22, 2014 N 1824.

Head of Flight Safety Inspectorate


Advisor to the head of the main department

Advisor to the Head of Department

Assistant to the Head of the FCS of Russia

Deputy Head of Department - Chief Metrologist of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Assistant to the First Deputy (Deputy) Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Chief Inspector - Secretary of the First Deputy Head of the FCS of Russia.

Chief Inspector - Consultant to the First Deputy (Deputy) Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Chief Pilot - Inspector, Chief Navigator, Chief Specialist for Regulation of Flight Activities, Certification and Classification of Aviation Specialists, Chief Engineer, Chief engineer for aircraft (helicopter) and engines

Chief engineer for the operation of aircraft radio-electronic equipment
Chief engineer for the operation of aviation equipment of an aircraft

Leading inspector - secretary of the deputy head
FTS of Russia. Lead flight engineer. Lead engineer for organization of operation and repair

Annex N 2. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of regional customs departments

Appendix No. 2

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Head of Service

The line was excluded from November 23, 2014 - order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 22, 2014 N 1824 ..

Deputy Head of Service

Head of SOBR*

Deputy Head of SOBR*, Assistant Head of Department


Annex N 3. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of customs and customs posts

Appendix No. 3

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Deputy Head of the Customs Post, Deputy Head of the Customs Post - Chief Accountant, Head of the Customs Service

Deputy Head of the Customs Service

Head of SOBR*

Deputy Head of SOBR*

* SOBR - a special detachment of rapid response.

Appendix N 4. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior commanding staff of state government institutions "Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" and "Central Polyclinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia"

Appendix No. 4
(As edited by
put into effect
since September 27, 2015
by order of the FCS of Russia
dated August 20, 2015 N 1709. -
See previous edition)

Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior commanding staff of state-owned state institutions "Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" and "Central Polyclinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia"

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Head of hospital - medical specialist

Head of the polyclinic

Deputy head of the hospital

Deputy head of the polyclinic

Appendix N 5. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 5

since November 23, 2014
by order of the FCS of Russia
dated September 22, 2014 N 1824. -
See previous edition)

Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Commander of a large customs vessel

Commander of a Medium Customs Vessel

Assistant Commander of a Large Customs Vessel

Assistant Commander of a Medium Customs Vessel

Commander of a small customs vessel

Head of the Large Customs Vessel Service

Assistant to the head of the service of a large customs vessel

Head of Service of a Medium Customs Vessel

Appendix N 6. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle commanding staff of aviation divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 6

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

regional customs offices

Aviation Commander

Senior helicopter commander - instructor, Pilot - flight navigator, Chief inspector - flight safety pilot, Leading navigator,
Lead Operations Engineer aircraft, Leading onboard engineer - inspector

Commander - Aircraft Instructor, Aircraft Navigator

Helicopter Commander - Instructor, Pilot - Navigator, Aircraft Operations Engineer, Assistant Aircraft Commander

Senior Aviation Engineer

Engineer for the operation of aircraft equipment of objective control, On-board mechanic

onboard technician

Aircraft avionics specialist, Aircraft avionics technician

Aircraft (helicopter) and engine specialist

Aircraft maintenance technician

Appendix N 7. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 7

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

customs authorities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, capitals (centers) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

customs authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, centers of constituent entities of the Russian Federation)

Junior inspector - specialist, Junior operative officer (ROPU and operational customs), Junior inspector - duty pass office, Junior inspector - assistant shift supervisor, Junior inspector - cynologist,
Junior inspector - aviation mechanic, Junior inspector - operational driver, Junior inspector - senior driver, Junior inspector - senior SOBR shooter *, Junior inspector - driver, Junior inspector - duty officer, operator of technical security equipment, Junior inspector - duty officer of the security post, Junior inspector - controller, junior inspector - assistant, operational duty officer, junior inspector - SOBR shooter *

* SOBR - a special detachment of rapid response.

Appendix N 8. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior employees of the maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 8
to the order of the FCS of Russia
dated March 13, 2013 N 459
(As amended by
since November 23, 2014
by order of the FCS of Russia
dated September 22, 2014 N 1824. -
See previous edition)

Sizes of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of the junior staff of the maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Name of atypical

Salary (rubles)


customs authorities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, capitals (centers) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

customs authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of Moscow,
Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, centers of subjects of the Russian Federation)

Chief boatswain

Senior Technician

cook instructor

Appendix N 9. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior commanding staff, middle commanding staff of a state treasury educational institution of higher professional education ...

Appendix No. 9
to the order of the FCS of Russia
dated March 13, 2013 N 459
(Extra included
since September 27, 2015
by order of the FCS of Russia
dated August 20, 2015 N 1709)

Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior commanding staff, middle commanding staff of the state treasury educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Customs Academy", its branches and representative offices

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Head of the Academy

Deputy Head of the Academy

Deputy Head of the Academy - Branch Director

Director of the Institute

Head of the center

Deputy Branch Director

Deputy Director of the Institute

Deputy head of the center

Dean of the Faculty

Department head


Representative Director

Department head

Deputy Dean of the Faculty

Deputy Head of Department

Deputy Head of Department

Deputy director of representative office

Department Director

Senior Lecturer

Chief Inspector


Lead Inspector

Chief Inspector


On the establishment of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (with changes as of September 29, 2016)
Document Number: 459
Type of document: Order of the FCS of Russia
Host body: FCS of Russia
Status: current
Published: Russian newspaper, N 125, 06/13/2013
Acceptance date: March 13, 2013
Effective start date: June 24, 2013
Revision date: September 29, 2016

Customs services guard the interests of their country around the clock. It is impossible to imagine how many faces, cars, containers pass before their eyes during days, weeks, months of work. And, nevertheless, there are many who want to become a customs officer.

How to enter the profession?

You can acquire a specialty both after the 9th grade of secondary school, and by enrolling in higher education. educational institution Russia. Preparation should begin at school and focus on such subjects as the Russian language, mathematics and social science. The presence of the humanities and exact sciences is associated with the interdisciplinarity of the specialty.

The competition in universities for the specialty "customs" is quite high: on average, 5 applicants apply for one budget place. You can also study at the correspondence department, after knowing how much it costs (≈ 60,000 rubles a year). After graduation, you can continue your education in graduate school. The shortest way is to enter the Customs Academy of Russia, opened in 1993 in Moscow (there are branches in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and Rostov-on-Don).

Requirements for specialists

There are a number of specific requirements for people wishing to work at customs. When applying for a job, all candidates must receive a conclusion from the military medical commission and pass an interview with a psychologist. In addition, future customs officers must have knowledge of customs law, the basics of commodity science, economics, criminalistics, ethics, know the customs code and the requirements of sanitary and veterinary control.

The greatest chances to become an employee of the Federal Customs Service (FTS) are candidates with financial, economic and legal education. If there is no such diploma, you will have to undergo training at the customs office within 3 months. training center. Today, the post of an employee of the FCS can be located at the airport, at the sea or river port, at the border point or at the railway station.

Salary of customs specialists

The remuneration of a customs officer includes salary according to position, salary according to rank, allowances and payments.

How much FCS employees receive in the form of allowances depends on the region of service, however, these people are additionally paid extra for the following merits and achievements:

  • special conditions of civil service;
  • work with information constituting a secret;
  • service quality;
  • class rank;
  • academic titles;
  • special achievements;
  • service in remote and hard-to-reach places in Russia.

In addition, regardless of the place of work (at the border, at the airport, etc.), customs officers receive food rations or monetary compensation. Per overtime work customs officers earn extra days recreation. Annual financial assistance is at least 2 monthly salaries. Additional tangible earnings can be bonuses for length of service (as in the army). How much this is specific depends on the number of years worked (for 20 years or more - plus 40% of the salary).

At present, FCS specialists in Moscow earn about 45,000 rubles. In the regions, the salary is slightly lower - up to 35 thousand rubles. In 2015, the government of the Russian Federation plans to increase wages by 25% for people working at customs, which will amount to 52,000 rubles or more.

It is an honor and responsibility to become a customs officer. There are some differences in how much they earn at the railway station, at the airport or at the border, related to working conditions, work schedule, region, responsibility. However, the amount of their monetary allowance is quite sufficient for the desire to become an employee of the FCS to turn from a dream into a reality.