Binary Options Millionaires - who have made a fortune in binary trading. Binary Options Success Stories Binary Options Trader Success Stories

Over several decades of stock trading, many stories have accumulated about how speculators achieved great success and earned big money, which sometimes amounted not to millions, but billions of dollars. Such people have become real legends. These include Larry Williams, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffet and others.

Novice traders start looking up to them in many ways, read their biographies and try to follow the same trading tactics.

After the exchange, Forex began to gain popularity, where there are also many vivid examples of how people, even without proper education, can achieve tremendous heights. Binary trading is considered a relatively young financial instrument. But already on the Internet, you can find success stories in binary options.

Today we will talk about whether it is really possible to make money on this financial instrument? After all, all the outstanding billionaires have made their fortune mostly on investments and large investments in stocks. But not in BO.

In fact, there are many stories on the Internet of how BO traders became successful. But how real are they?

Trust but verify

With the development of the internet, it has become much easier to share your success. And many do it solely for the sake of advertising. Most likely, you have already seen many photos of a young student sitting in a fancy car and twirling bundles of 100-dollar bills. At the same time, in the comments, he will definitely indicate with which binary options broker he was able to make such a huge fortune.

Such photos are always accompanied by a detailed story of the life of a poor student, who was barely making ends meet until he registered with this company. In the same place, he is guaranteed to describe that he started trading according to a "secret" strategy, which was proposed to him by the company's managers. And now he drives his own luxury car. Moreover, he was able to make money on it within six months after registration.

Similar stories, when, roughly speaking, a beggar suddenly becomes sharply rich, the Internet is a dime a dozen! And all of them are written as a blueprint, but only with different attributes of a luxurious life and with different advertised brokerage companies.

You can also find many wonderful screenshots with huge amounts of money in your trading account. But it is better not to believe in them, since now every second student knows how to master Photoshop. Even in classic Paint, you can paint on any numbers, whatever.

The same is true for videos. You can often find these on YouTube, in which a student boy speaks in a trembling voice into a cheap non-professional camera and microphone how he made a million. He can't even pronounce the word Stochastic Oscillator, let alone his successes. Well, it's funny to look at that! But there are people who really believe such a deception.

Well, now we will tell you where the pictures with cool cars in the background come from. Of course, this can be done with Photoshop. But not everyone owns it enough that even an experienced pro would not be able to distinguish a fake. To do this, they simply find a similar supercar on the street and take pictures in the background. And if the kind owner allows, then he can even capture himself in the salon of a luxurious car.

After that, the happy "owner" posts his post on trading forums and boasts that he was able to achieve all this himself!

However, not everything in the world is cheating. Indeed, there are truthful reviews. But here you need to be realistic and understand that you certainly will not become a billionaire in binary trading. This is not the right playground. If you want to turn around in millions, like the same Warren Buffett, then go straight to the stock exchange. But only with a start-up capital of a couple of million dollars.

In BO, you can actually earn several thousand dollars. Well, the broker itself will not allow you to withdraw hundreds of thousands a month on a regular basis. You will simply bankrupt him. And he doesn't need it at all. He will start to hinder you in every possible way, putting sticks in the wheels and coming up with various pitfalls.

And think for yourself, if you are able to earn that kind of money already on BO, then you should grow higher and switch to Forex!

Why there are few successful trading stories on the Internet

If you type such a query in search engines, then you will see practically nothing. The most basic reason lies in the traders themselves.

Think for yourself, if you began to make huge money, would you brag about it to the right and left to strangers on the Internet? We certainly wouldn't do that. First, because of its own safety. After all, there are many intruders and hackers who can easily hack your account and steal money.

And secondly, sooner or later the broker himself may find out about your success. Believe me, he will not tolerate for a long time that someone ruins him for large sums. Expect slips and freezes soon trading platform, regular delays in withdrawing funds. And in the worst case, you may even be threatened with blocking your account until further clarification. After all, the security service itself may suspect you of fraudulent manipulations with third-party programs.

Therefore, all successful traders are silent about their successes. They keep quiet and earn money quietly. And rightly so!

Another reason is that this financial instrument is the youngest. Therefore, there are no dollar billionaires yet who have been able to make their fortune on the BO. They simply did not have time yet. Indeed, it is definitely unrealistic to do this in a year, especially with a minimum deposit of 350 rubles.

Forex has been around for several decades and the collection of success stories is not that great. Especially if you compare with the same large investors and stock traders from Wall Street.

Of course, we are attracted by such luxurious stories, where a trader was able to earn a couple of million from one deal.

But this certainly does not apply to BO, and even to Forex. Here, everyone is usually content with a few thousand dollars.

The concept of "binary options" itself appeared only in 2008. That is, just 10 years ago. And this is an extremely short time. Perhaps in the same number of years we will witness the real enrichment of traders. In the meantime, there are not enough such stories.

Well, those that are now found on the Internet are just an invention of stupid schoolchildren and students who receive small rewards from brokers for advertising. And then they only have enough for pocket money.

Finally, think about why there are so few large investors here? Why aren't all those Wall Street wolves going to invest their billions in binary options brokers? After all, a yield of 80% is a very large and tempting income, which can not be achieved even after several years of investing in the shares of a particular company.

The fact is that many brokers are typical cheaters and "kitchens". They are initially focused not on large investors, but on such green beginners as you and me, who can invest only 350 rubles and turn around with rates of 30 rubles.

You don't need any stories of a successful ascent in binary trading to get motivation and inspiration. You don't need to focus on other people. First of all, think only about yourself, your goals and what you expect from trading. There is no need to target the yacht or luxury car that the person in the photograph received. In this case, you will never achieve this.

Traits of a successful trader

Of all successful people combine certain traits of character and behavior. And if you want to become one of them, then you need to tune in to the same mode of work and cultivate all the skills listed below.

  1. Perseverance and tenacity.

These are the most important qualities of a successful stock speculator. Why, according to statistics, only 10% achieve stable earnings? The fact is that the rest give up when faced with difficulties. And believe me, the job of a trader is far from the easiest one. This is a risky and hectic business, which is also subject to all kinds of heightened risks.

Be persistent and believe in yourself and your strength! And never give up, even when everything seems hopeless.

  1. Understanding and accepting risks.

Beginners plunge headlong into BO, not even suspecting how risky it is. They place bets for the entire deposit. And naturally, they drain it in the very first days of work. Learn to properly distribute risks and manage capital. Otherwise, even a profitable trading strategy will not help you.

  1. Patience.

You will never earn huge sums of hundreds or thousands of dollars in the first days. It will definitely be, but only after a while. But how long it will take in time - it all depends on you and your patience. You will be guaranteed to drain your first deposits. But it is important to learn to regard this as an invaluable experience, and not a bitter loss.

  1. Correct psychological attitude.

Despite active propaganda that BO is a kind of gambling, this is a deep misconception. But nevertheless, it will be extremely difficult for gambling people here, as there will be an irresistible desire to win back, or to get more more money by betting the entire amount of the deposit, hit the jackpot, and so on. Learn to be disciplined and cool.


If you take into account all of the above recommendations, then perhaps the success stories in binary options on the forums will be replenished with your own. Well, for this we recommend not to be lazy, but to study all aspects of market analysis that are in our valuable and capacious collection in the section “

Is binary options trading a purely masculine occupation? Here I can greatly disappoint you. And the phrase “it's not a woman’s mind” is not suitable here either. Probably, a few men who are engaged in binary options trading can boast of greater success in trading than me.

My name is Maria Kirova, I am 23 years old, I am a binary options trader at Binomo and today I have $ 47 342.07 on my account.

How did I start trading binary options and when did my first success come?

I started my unexpected career as a trader by accident and with only $ 75 in my pocket, or rather on a deposit. It all started out pretty trite. My boyfriend became interested in this type of earnings and about a year ago I saw how it all happens.

Asking him to let me try to make a deal, and hearing in response, a phrase similar to: "monkey with a grenade", very offended. A few hours later, I already registered a trading account with the Binomo broker and uploaded everything that was on the card - the same $ 75.

A week passed and my friend, being in sorrow about the deposit successfully drained once again, invited me to his place.

And here it was my turn to make fun of him. From his computer, I went to my trading account and showed how to trade, and there was already 380 dollars!

Of course, there was no limit to his surprise and resentment. Well, what can you do. And since I really liked this occupation, I decided not to stop and continue trading. Moreover, I have not seen such a simple and exciting occupation.

What have I accomplished or my success story at Binomo

A little more than a year has passed and now there is really something to brag about - I have $ 47 thousand on my account and, in addition, I have withdrawn $ 20,000 thousand for personal needs. And as proof of this joyful fact, I am giving you a screenshot of the withdrawal of funds from my trading account.

How do I trade today and how much do I earn?

My trading is very simple. At the very beginning, I just traded using martingale. Doubled the size of the contract after registering the unprofitable one. Using such a simple method of trading, I increased my deposit to $ 5,000 and decided to move on to more serious trading, so I found a trading strategy that suits me, although it is not as effective, but since the rates are high, I no longer want to take risks.

Today my daily income is $ 300 and, accordingly, 1,500 USD per week.

Why Binary Options from Binomo?

I would like to highlight a separate topic of conversation about my binary options broker - Binomo. I can say for sure that 80% of my success belongs to this company. And there are many reasons for this.

Here are some of them:

Firstly, there is an opportunity to start trading, having only 10 dollars at your disposal, the second reason follows from this - the presence of micro lots of 1 dollar, which you can safely trade and follow the rules of money management, even with such a small deposit.

Well, and of course the most pleasant reason - this is a quick withdrawal of your profit(the longest wait for funds on the account lasted three hours). Well, I generally keep quiet about such trifles as the correctness of quotes, profitability under contracts and a large amount of analytical and financial information, as well as gorgeous customer support. I did not find such a service from anyone else, but, believe me, I was looking for a lot.

I don't know what my ex-boyfriend has achieved in this field for a long time (he could not forgive me for his shame), but I think there is nothing to brag about. And now let him think which one of us is a "monkey with a grenade", but somewhere, nevertheless, I am a little grateful to him. And therefore: Hello to you, Sanya!

Based on materials from Maria Kirova

There are many well-known traders in the field of the foreign exchange and stock markets who have amassed themselves millions, and some even billions of dollars. After that, they became idols for many. These include such famous personalities as Paul Tudor Jones, Larry Williams, Peter Lynch and many others.

Despite the fact that binary options have appeared relatively recently and are part of the OTC market, there are already people who have made a fortune for themselves here. This article will introduce you to successful binary options traders and talk about what helped them reach such heights.

Successful Binary Options Traders

So far, only two people can be named who are truly successful binary options traders.

This person is the most successful trader among the pioneers of the binary options market.

The guy is only 25 years old, but already at this age he is not only a successful trader, but also the director of the analytical department of the famous broker OptionRally.

Note! This year, traders show the best results according to statistics from the broker Binomo.
Binomo has the following advantages:
- Minimum account from $ 10;
- Guaranteed withdrawal of funds within 48 hours;
- 24/7 support;
- Completely free training;
- An endless demo account where you can hone all your trading skills;
- Ability to trade even on a smartphone

Starting as a regular intern, Alex has achieved significant heights. He started his way in trading with the forex market. It was this site that allowed him to earn decent money. In addition, Forex taught Alex to understand the essence of trading, develop his own strategies and do many other things that will be useful in the future when working with binary options.

When binary options were still not widely known, Alexander was not afraid to personally test the possibilities of this way of earning and, as it turned out, not in vain. However, before becoming a director at OptionRally, the trader managed to work with another well-known broker, 24Option. But he left his previous job, as he did not have the opportunity to grow. Alex Gold is a great example for beginners. After all, looking at him, one can understand that everything is possible. The main thing is to go towards the goal.

Many newbies try to find help from experienced market participants and stumble upon various sites that promise to make a fortune in a few days. is one of the few whose lessons are really helpful. But at the same time, it is impossible to hear from him promises of wealth and other heresy.

In addition to paid lessons, Andrey offers useful information in free access, and also constantly conducts various webinars. In addition, Oliveira is a successful trader and risk manager for a large investment company.

These people are an example for all novice traders. We are sure that the public will soon learn many more new names. Especially considering the active development of this market. But for now, let's try to answer the question, how did they become so successful?

Traits and skills of a successful trader

The desire to be successful is very important. However, only those who do not stop at desires and dreams, but move on to action, can really achieve success (this applies not only to binary options).

Only in this case will success knock on the trader's door. In addition, it is necessary to develop a whole set of certain qualities in oneself:

  1. Perseverance. It is this quality that is one of the main ones for a trader. Persistence and desire to achieve more will undoubtedly push a person in the right direction and make him move forward.
  2. Ability to understand and take risks. Binary options are always a risk. To a greater or lesser extent, but it is present at the conclusion of every transaction. In the future, a correct risk assessment will help not only maintain, but also increase equity.
  3. Patience. It is impossible to start earning thousands of dollars at once on binary options. Those who want to get a fortune after a couple of trades usually just drain their capital and then run away from options without looking back. To achieve anything, you have to be patient. With almost one hundred percent probability, it can be argued that the first deposits will be irretrievably lost. But with the loss of money, a bitter experience will come, which in the future will allow you to avoid mistakes and start earning.
  4. Psychology. Although it is the final point of the above list, it is almost the main one. It is very important to understand that binary options are not a casino. To make a profit, you need to make a lot of effort, as well as learn to control yourself psychologically. Only this will give you the opportunity to really earn.

If you are not lazy and start to develop everything in yourself necessary qualities perhaps your name will also appear on this list.

Note! Many brokers provide clients with more favorable conditions if registration takes place from our website, since we are large information resource... We present to your attention the current rating of brokerage companies today, which is compiled by experts taking into account many criteria, as well as feedback from the companies' clients. Choose a company you like and register on favorable terms-. If you do not want to figure it out for a long time, then today the best broker is Binomo, it is head and shoulders above the others in terms of the quality of services provided and in popularity.

Newbies often lose their savings in options trading. In most cases, they write negative comments about this type of earnings, considering it a divorce for suckers. However, some stock speculators managed to break out into the leaders, and they regularly receive income. This article will describe the stories of real successful binary options traders, their trading strategies.

Success stories of traders

Many beginners are wondering how to become a successful binary options trader. But there are those who doubt that they even exist. In fact, in any field there are leaders and outsiders, and financial market is no exception. However, unlike poker and casinos, traders who succeed in options trading try not to advertise their earnings. Below we will consider several stock speculators who have succeeded.

Maxim Akelov

Today, Maxim earns about $ 1 million a year on options. He lives in Odessa, and had never thought about such numbers before. Maxim started with trading on the Forex market; about 5 years were spent on this area. Subsequently, he drew attention to binary contracts and decided to try his hand at this area.

In an interview, Maxim admitted that his first acquaintance with options led to disappointment. He simply leaked several large sums in a short period. This made him think about abandoning binary contracts and getting to grips with Forex.

However, Maxim decided not to quit this direction and study it. A broker was chosen as a partner, with whom he continues to cooperate today. To make a profit, Akelov made great efforts. At the beginning of his career, he thought that options were no different from casinos, so contracts were opened at random. As a result, deposits quickly dwindled, and money had to be deposited again.

Fortunately, Maxim quickly realized that it would be impossible to make money with such an approach and began to study financial sphere... He watched thematic videos, read books on trading, attended webinars and trainings. After 2 years, the trader was earning $ 500 per day. According to Akelov, he achieved success thanks to perseverance, self-discipline, attentiveness and constant training.

Recently, Maxim got a personal blog, where he shares his experience with newbies. A stock speculator gives advice on trading, answers questions from readers of his articles. Anyone can ask him for advice and believe that options can bring income and give financial stability.

Andrew Oliveira

Those who attended the training course by Andrei Oliveira were pleased. They note the ease of presentation of the material, interesting observations and motivational component. The last point is also important, since it inspires a person, pushes him to new achievements. Thanks to this, he does not treat trading with skepticism, he believes in himself and begins to earn money.

Alex Gold

Alexander is an example of the fact that any person, regardless of education, can become a successful trader. He received the profession of a psychologist, but completed an internship at a bank. After that, he realized that finance meant more to him than psychology.

However, after several years of work in financial institution as an analyst, Alexander realized that something more was needed. As a result, he changed his job, switching to 24 option broker. Subsequently, he was invited to the OptionRally company, where he began his career as a trader.

Alexander notes that it was not easy to achieve success in options trading even with his experience. However, self-control, lack of excitement and composure helped him in this. Today the name Gold is known to many. The trader manages the analytical department of OptionRally and is the best in his field.

According to Alexander, anyone can be successful in options trading. You need perseverance, cold calculation and a good partner. You should not rely on easy money, to earn it you need a good understanding of the market. Without this, the deposits will merge one by one.

Nikolay Kokar

Nikolay does not work as an analyst in any brokerage company; he started his career as a trader from scratch. The first step on the path to success was PAMM-accounts, then Forex, and then options. It took about 5 years to develop the financial market. Today the surname Kokar is known to many and is synonymous with success.

Nikolay admits that he quickly realized that PAMM accounts are not the most reliable way to generate income. After all, the money is managed by a third person, in whose skills there are always doubts. As a result, he decided to start controlling his own capital on his own and began to study Forex. Subsequently, the choice fell on options, since they turned out to be more in a simple way making a profit.

Nikolay chose a broker as a partner. The company did not disappoint, which is why he still works with it today. To get income faster, an amount equal to $ 1,000 was entered on the platform. The trader invested at least $ 100 in the option. To reduce losses, the Martingale strategy was used.

Nikolay admits that he loves aggressive trading, which is fraught with great risks. Acting in this way, you manage to get a good profit. Today, the income of a successful trader is $ 10,000 per month. However, Kokar does not stop there and tries to improve strategies in order to increase profits.

Nikolai has no financial education, he achieved everything on his own. The speculator has his own blog, where he shares the secrets of trading, new tactics, and uploads useful videos. Thanks to these materials, everyone can build a successful career and receive a regular income with the proper perseverance.

Alexander Arshansky

Alexander decided to try his hand at options trading, because he wanted to gain financial independence. However, the newcomer did not have a large sum, so at first it was decided to simply try his hand at a new path. As a result, the choice fell on, since the broker offered a demo account where you could practice.

When Andrey began to receive a stable profit in the training mode, it was decided to replenish the deposit with the broker for minimum amount, that is, 350 rubles. However, it was not possible to achieve success in real trading and the balance dropped to 100 rubles. To remedy the situation, the novice trader underwent training and received a bonus.

At the same time, Andrey looked for a good strategy for himself, which is called "Binary Gambit". With the help of tactics, it was possible to increase the deposit and start earning. Today Andrey can boast that he regularly withdraws large sums and has become independent from employers.

Secret of success

Each of the above-described successful traders began to master the financial market without having a large sum. However, they managed to learn the principles of trading and now they regularly receive income. Stock traders have achieved heights in options trading in different ways, but there are several factors that helped them in this:

  • persistence;
  • cold calculation;
  • continuous training;
  • Believe in yourself;
  • analysis of activity and errors;
  • application of strategies.

All successful speculators at the beginning of their journey suffered failures and dumped deposits. They wanted to give up everything, but they did not, and continued their study. Realizing their mistakes, traders changed their approach, tried new tactics and now they say that everyone can succeed. It is worth taking advantage of the experience and also gaining financial independence.


Binary options can generate stable income. However, without training, mindfulness and cold calculation, it will be impossible to succeed on this path. Do not give up at the first blunders and failures. Better to analyze them and move on. Persistence will gradually increase start-up capital and regularly withdraw profit from the platform.

Hundreds of thousands of specialists work in our country who are in one way or another related to binary options. However, the number of successful traders is hardly more than 10% of the mentioned number. And some even doubt their existence. So are there actually any successful binary options traders? What qualities are required to reach the top in this field of activity? What strategies to use to get profit from trading?

Who are the best traders and where to get information about them

The administration of each broker can name several traders who trade on its platform, receiving large payments. Usually they receive additional privileges from the company, and in some cases they become its employees. Information about such analysts was previously published directly on the websites of firms, but now it is closed due to restrictions on the dissemination of personal information.

In addition, the very concept of "successful trader" is vague. After all, he is not so much a person who, in one trading session, was able to earn 5-10 thousand dollars, which he successfully “leaked” the next day. In addition, for some it is not at all a success to earn 5 thousand dollars, but for someone this amount is the ultimate dream.

Successful traders can safely be attributed to those specialists who can earn consistently regardless of the market situation, external factors, mood and other parameters. How do financiers achieve this? Everything is very simple. It is enough to master a few skills, which are described in detail in the next section.

Note! This year, traders show the best results according to statistics from the broker Binomo.
Binomo has the following advantages:
- Minimum account from $ 10;
- Guaranteed withdrawal of funds within 48 hours;
- 24/7 support;
- Completely free training;
- An endless demo account where you can hone all your trading skills;
- Ability to trade even on a smartphone

Factors affecting a trader's success

Research in the psychology of stock trading shows that the determining factors for success in this type of activity are the following:

  1. Ability to determine the further direction of the price... Forecasting the behavior of the underlying asset's chart is based on technical indicators, fundamental analysis data, and so on. The success or failure of options trading depends on how effectively you use the entire set of possible trader's tools.
  2. Ability to properly manage capital... Anyone financial analyst errors occur, as a result of which the deal is closed with a loss. But if you possess the skills of money management, it will not lead to fatal consequences. According to general rule, you should not invest more than 5-10% of your funds in one deal. In this case, even with a chain of unprofitable lots, you will have money left to continue the trading session, cover losses and get a profit.
  3. Management of risks... The options trading process is a rather risky activity. And the difference between a successful trader is that he can correctly assess possible risks and make the right decisions on this basis.
  4. Managing emotions... This is one of the most important criteria that affects trading results. A lot of traders are afraid to open deals at the right time because of the risk of losing money. Or, conversely, they get excited and ignore the warnings of certain technical indicators. The result is the same - they will not succeed.

The stories of real traders and the strategies they use

The greatest interest among beginners is caused by the specific personalities of traders who have already managed to achieve success, as well as the methods and trading strategies they use. Therefore, further we will talk about this.

Alexander Arshansky

It was an urgent need to deal with options for this man. Due to the crisis that broke out in our country, Alexander was unable to repay the loan taken from one of the banking institutions on time. Its not too big wage almost entirely went to the construction of a home for the parents, so it was not possible to allocate funds for repayment.

After the delay was quite long and calls from collection agencies began to arrive with enviable regularity, Arshansky began to look for ways out of this situation. Even then, he had heard about binary options, but the idea to do this type of activity did not occur. Nevertheless, the drowning man grabs at any straw and Alexander registered his first account with the broker OlympTrade.


Olymp Trade stopped working in Russia in December 2018. We recommend that you pay attention to the new market leader - FINMAX, or choose a broker in our rating.

Why this broker? Oddly enough, the future successful trader won over the simplicity of the procedure. To access the trading platform on initial stage you do not need to fill out dozens of fields and provide a copy of your personal document. Moreover, after registration, all users are provided with a demo account for training, which was important for a person who could not spend extra money on training.

Imagine the surprise of Arshansky, if at the initial stage he was able to earn more than a million on "virtual" money. The only frustrating thing was the impossibility of getting this money in reality.

This was the incentive to replenish the account with real funds. Again, the plus of Olim Trade was that to start real trading, it was enough to invest only 350 rubles. But, as happens with many, the very first transactions reduced the deposit to 250 rubles. And Alexander began to be tormented by doubts.

To avoid further losses, the novice trader decided to listen to the advice of experienced analysts and take up training. Directly on the company's website there are links to the Trading Academy from Olim Trade, where links to hundreds and thousands of training materials are available free of charge.

After reviewing the proposed materials, Alexander decided to opt for the Binary Gambit strategy. In addition, for completing the training, he received additional bonuses from the broker, which could be used for work. After that, the work went much more efficiently and now Arshansky has successfully settled with the bank and continues to build a house for his parents.

Yuri Antonov

Yuri is one of the traders who achieved success in options trading by switching to this type after trading Forex. There he did not achieve great success, since for long-term maintenance of open trading positions he lacked patience. Therefore, he was mainly engaged in scalping, catching profit on rate fluctuations within 4-5 ticks.

Over the course of long-term work, Antonov has already learned how to analyze charts effectively enough and correctly determine the direction of further price movement. However, he did not succeed in making large profits on Forex, since the size of the profit there depends on the position that the price was able to reach.

At first, Yuri was skeptical about binary options trading. However, I quickly realized that it is easier to open and close deals here and they give a fixed profit regardless of the price value. Only the direction is important.

At the first stages of his work, Antonov tried to copy his actions with Forex. That is, I installed many different indicators on the chart, which in the end were not useful due to too much information to be analyzed.

Ultimately, Yuri gave up using indicators and switched to scalping based on charting tools. The essence of his strategy was as follows. He drew lines of support and resistance, focusing on local lows and highs of the price. After that, I opened positions for an increase when the chart bounced off the support line and positions for a fall when a rebound from the resistance line.

To improve performance, according to this successful trader, you need to choose assets with little volatility or trade during periods when the chart experiences the least fluctuations.

There are a huge number of gurus on the web who teach options trading. Of course, there are those among them who really can teach something. But most offer to buy their own lessons, in which, instead of specifics, "water" and general information, which can be found in the free access without any problems.

Andrei Oliveira is a successful binary options trader whose strategy is to teach beginners. Today Andrei Oliveira is one of the best coaches for traders, as well as a professional BO and Forex speculator.

In 2013, he created the TraderKlass company, the main task of which is to prepare a beginner and provide him with useful skills and knowledge that will help make a trader out of everyone who really wants it.

At the same time, Andrei himself did not withdraw from training and continues to give valuable lessons to everyone, both in paid and free access.

Yes, we often said that paid lessons, programs, etc. newbies don't have to buy. It's the same with lessons from Oliveira and TraderClass. You can search for books on your own, study them for months or even years. In the end, you will have a real chance of earning money through trading.

But the lessons from Andrei Oliveira will really help you figure things out faster. You will learn the strategies of successful binary options traders and other useful skills. In addition, you will receive a "magic kick" that will make you learn and develop in trading.


As you can see, real successful binary options traders do exist. And they turned this type of activity into a source of permanent and stable income. Do you want to become like them? All that is needed for this is to register an account with one broker and start training. Success will not be long in coming.

Note! Many brokers provide clients with more favorable conditions if registration takes place from our website, since we are a large information resource. We present to your attention the current rating of brokerage companies today, which is compiled by experts taking into account many criteria, as well as feedback from the companies' clients. Choose a company you like and register on favorable terms -. If you do not want to figure it out for a long time, then today the best broker is Binomo, it is head and shoulders above the others in terms of the quality of services provided and in popularity.