It will be difficult for corporate clients to keep their number after changing their mobile operator. Eve online corporations and pirates How to leave a corporation

It will be possible to change the operator with the preservation of the mobile number once every six months, paying no more than 100 rubles for this. This is stated in the draft amendments to the Rules for the provision of mobile services, developed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and published yesterday on the website of the department. Saving the number does not require significant efforts from the subscriber. He will need to fill out an application for number portability, conclude an agreement with a new operator and receive his sim card. While the operators will process the number porting, the sim card will have a temporary number, and then the subscriber will receive the old one.

When developing the additions to the rules, it was assumed that the new operator (“recipient”) would become the only window for the subscriber to which he would contact with any questions, Konstantin Prokshin, a representative of Tele2 Russia, knows. All questions with the previous operator (“donor”) will have to be clarified by the “recipient” operator. In particular, he will need to secure from the "donor" operator confirmation that the number to be transferred is "registered" in the same constituent entity of the Federation in which it will be used, that the subscriber has paid off all debts and the contract with him is terminated, the draft amendments say into the rules. After making sure of this, the new operator will send an SMS to the subscriber with a request to confirm consent to transfer the number to his network within 48 hours. Having received such confirmation, the operator must start servicing this number within five working days, and the interruption in service should not exceed a day. There is no need to change the SIM card again: the temporary number will be automatically replaced with the transferred one, sources in two mobile operators explain.

But the numbers assigned to legal entities by fixed-term contract, it will be possible to transfer for service to another operator only after the expiration of the contract, the project says. This applies exclusively to those contracts that the operators won in tenders, explains a source in MTS. Regular corporate contracts tend to be open-ended, he says. The majority of corporate agreements have a validity period, an employee of another operator of the “big three” objects, most often they are concluded for a year with automatic renewal, but there are also longer ones. It will not be easy to transfer a number with a corporate service rate to another operator, he believes: an employee will have to get the employer's consent in order to first remove the number from the corporate agreement, register it for himself, and only then transfer the number to another network. But in practice, corporate clients will not face restrictions, MTS representative Valeria Kuzmenko expects.

Eve online corporations and pirates

In this article we will talk with you about corporations and pirates Eve online. I will try to answer newbie questions about joining Eve online corporations and their management, about piracy and espionage in the Eve universe.

What is Eve Online Corporation and who runs it?

A corporation is a group of people who pursue the same goals. If you are familiar with the MMORPG genre, then corporations are identical to guilds and clans in other games. In Eve online, any corporation is headed by a Chief Executive Officer. To create a corporation in Eve online, you need to pay a small fee and learn the skill of managing a corporation. Some corporations offer assistance in taking over systems, the so-called mercenaries, whose services can be used on the services that provide services in Eve online.

How do you run a corporation?

A clear and simple management system has been created to manage the corporation. For convenience, you can grant all sorts of positions to members of your corporation.

Positions in corporations Eve online.

Director: A position somewhat similar to that of a Chief Executive Officer. The director can recruit new fighters and assign positions. Large corporations need multiple directors to be able to manage 24 hours a day.

Personnal Manager: Deals with and accepting applications to the corporation.

Station Manager: Responsible for managing corporate facilities. For example: setting docking fees, issuing permits for access to factories, repair shops, processing stations. Also, the station manager has the ability to install a station protection system.

Factory Manager: Responsible for what happens in laboratories and factories. Manufacturing managers have the ability to retrieve the blueprints they want from corporate labs and factories. They have the ability to make things for members of the corporation, use drawings and materials from the corporate hangar.

Accountant: An employee in charge of the financial affairs of a corporation. Paying corporate bills.

Pilot: A member of a corporation who has the ability to control ships from a corporation hangar.

Are there Russian corporations in Eve online?

Of course they do exist. I can also say that in Eve online they are afraid of Russian corporations. Throughout the game's existence, Russians Eve corporation online created fear in all corners of the universe. In Eve online, once upon a time, Russian corporations in the DRF (Drone Russian Federation) alliance overthrew the famous NC (Northern Coalition) alliance.

Can I Become a Corporate Spy?

In Eve online, intelligence of the state of hostile corporations, their movements and plans for the future plays an important role. Large corporations and alliances died thanks to spies. For data on enemy corporations, spies get the opportunity to earn ISK or other nice little things.

How to leave a corporation?

You can leave the corporation at any time if you are not in the position of Chief Executive Officer. Members of the corporation with the necessary powers can fire a player or bring the issue of dismissal to a vote.

Each pilot of New Eden begins his career in one way - he works in an NPC corporation that is selected during generation. However, few people stay at this place of work - the transition to the corporation of players is a natural and logical step for every player who is seriously interested in the gameplay. This allows you to both receive more income from completing missions and killing pirates (in NPC corporations, the tax is often much higher than in those controlled by players), and to cooperate with other pilots using a certain set of tools. EVE Online Corporate Governance both simple and complex. A corporation can provide customizable shared access to wallets or hangars, provide its members with dedicated communication channels, and enable them to use a formalized system of diplomacy and relations with other corporations and pilots. In addition, corporation management in EVE Online allows users to create a command hierarchy (head - officers - pilots) and gain access to many elements of the game that are not available to members of NPC corporations: build POS, seize territories, participate in alliances, and declare war on other corporations.

If you don't have an account yet - register for EVE Online on the official website... It's free! Be sure to come up with a complex password that you have not used anywhere else.

EVE Online Corporate Governance - Your Own World

If you decide to embark on the path of the head of a corporation, then you should clearly understand its purpose and compare it with your desires and capabilities. To fully manage a corporation in EVE Online, you need to be able to interest players, find them, unite them with one common idea and, as a result, spend a lot of time in the game - if you want to achieve truly global goals. Corporate governance in the world of EVE Online is a choice for those who are ready to create obstacles for themselves, educate other people and carry full responsibility... This is an opportunity to feel like a real leader, followed by tens and hundreds of other pilots.

What to learn to manage a corporation?

The skills associated with corporate governance can increase maximum amount its members (up to thousands), as well as to use certain gaming tools at a better level. Much more important to a corporate leader is his real skills in leadership, communication and team management.

  • Posted June 29, 2014
  • Updated: 16 September 2014