Download the presentation of the theory of the origin of man. Presentation on the topic: Theories of human origin

Theories about the origin of man

  • evolutionary theory ( scientific theory)
  • Creation theory (religious concept)
  • External interference theory (parascientific theory)

  • periods of successive existence of human anthropoid ancestors (Australopithecines, etc.);
  • the existence of the most ancient people: Pithecanthropus (the most ancient man, or proteranthrope or archanthrope);
  • the stage of the paleoanthrope, that is, the ancient man (Neanderthals, etc.).
  • The development of modern people (neoanthropes).

Theory of Creation ( creationism )

  • Views based on the fact that man was created by God or gods arose much earlier than the materialistic theories of spontaneous generation of life and the evolution of anthropoid ancestors into humans. In various philosophical, theological teachings of antiquity, the act of human creation was attributed to various deities.

  • Christian religious views on the creation of the world and man in it, associated with the divine creation of Jehovah (Yahweh) - the only God in the Universe, manifesting himself in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God - Holy Spirit.
  • Creationists generally reject evolution, while citing facts that testify in their favor.

  • According to this marginal parascientific theory, the appearance of people on Earth is somehow connected with the activities of other civilizations. In the simplest version, TVV considers people to be direct descendants of aliens who landed on Earth in prehistoric times.

  • interbreeding of aliens with the ancestors of people;
  • generation of Homo sapiens by genetic engineering methods;
  • the creation of the first humans in a homuncular way;
  • management of the evolutionary development of earthly life by the forces of extraterrestrial superintelligence;
  • evolutionary development of terrestrial life and mind according to the program originally laid down by the extraterrestrial supermind.

  • The followers of this theory interpret anthropogenesis as an element of the development of a stable spatial anomaly - humanoid triad "Matter - Energy - Aura", characteristic of many planets of the Terrestrial Universe and its analogues in parallel spaces. TPA assumes that in humanoid universes on most habitable planets the biosphere develops along the same path, programmed at the level of the Aura - informational substance.

  • In the presence of favorable conditions, this path leads to the emergence of a humanoid mind of the earth type.
  • In general, the interpretation of anthropogenesis in RTA does not differ significantly from evolutionary theory. However, TPA recognizes the existence of a certain program for the development of life and mind, which, along with random factors, governs evolution.

  • 1. The origin of man is the subject of study of several sciences (anthropology, theology, philosophy, history, paleontology, etc.). In accordance with this, there are many theories of the origin of man, in particular, as a social individual, a biological being, a product of the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations, etc.
  • 2. None of the existing theories of the origin of man is strictly proven. Ultimately, the selection criterion for each individual is belief in a particular theory.

  • 3. There are several options for choosing your own point of view on the origin of a person:
  • - lack of one's own opinion due to indifference to the issue under consideration - this option is inherent in the majority of the world's population;
  • - the orthodox choice of one of the theories, for example, evolutionary, as school textbooks persistently suggest, ignoring other opinions, that is, according to the principle of Abram Tertz (Sinyavsky): "The monkey stood up on its hind legs and went straight to communism";
  • - a dialectical approach to choice, which is inherent in most objective researchers and scientists and which consists in the fact that all theories are assumed to be true, but with varying degrees of probability.
  • 4. In my opinion, a person is a creation of the Mind, most likely an alien, although with a 30-40% probability, I may be wrong.

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Research work on the history of Vdovkina Tatyana, a student of the 8th grade MOBUSOSH No. 1 p. Inzer "Myths of ancient peoples about the origin of man" Supervisor: history teacher Bikanacheva E.M.

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I. Introduction. People have long tried to explain their origin. At present, interest in this issue has not lost its relevance. There are two main theories of the origin of man: 1) the theory of divine creation and 2) the theory of evolutionary origin - Darwinism. Darwinism assumes that man evolved from highly developed apes as a result of natural selection. Darwin's theory has a solid base of facts, anthropological data, comparative signs and is a well-built scientific system. No less popular is the version of the creation of man by the Supreme Mind (God), who created the first man from dust and breathed the breath of life. All this does not allow you to opt for a single theory of the origin of man, since they seem to be quite equivalent and complement each other well.

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Studying the origin and development of man in the lessons of history and social science, we basically talk only about Darwin's theory.

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I was also interested in another version, the theory of the divine creation of man (theological version). I set myself the goal of finding as much evidence as possible about the divine origin of man. In the process of working on this topic, I had to solve the following tasks: 1) search for sources (myths) that would give answers to my questions; 2) study and comparison of sources; 3) based on the knowledge gained, draw a conclusion on this problem.

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The most ancient sources of ideas about the world are MYTHS. This is the earliest form of the spiritual culture of mankind. The word "myth" is Greek. It means story, story. Myths are the oldest stories about the origin of the world and man, about the ancestors of man, about how the existing order of things arose, about gods and heroes, about the origin of life.

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Myths played a decisive role in the life of primitive man. Ancient man's knowledge of the world was extremely small. People had a need to somehow explain why there is a change of day and night, why the seasons change, why it rains or there is unbearable heat, why some animals attack people, while others are afraid of humans, etc. In an attempt to give an explanation for the phenomena of the surrounding world, a person developed myths that explained what was happening.

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God Amon-Ra 1. Ancient Egyptian mythology. In the beginning, the world was Chaos, the primordial abyss of water - Nun. From Chaos came the gods who created the Earth, Sky, people, animals, plants. The God of the Sun - Ra, the creator of the cosmos, cultural objects, nature and people.

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God Brahma. 2. Ancient Indian mythology. Birth from the primeval waters of a golden egg - a golden embryo, the emergence from it of Brahma, the god of the creator. From the two halves of the egg, Heaven and Earth are created, with air space between them. Brahma is divided into two parts - male and female. After that, plants and animals are created. People appear from different parts of Brahma.

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3. Sumerian-Akkadian mythology The Sumerians claim to have had contact with the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru! It was from this planet that, according to the Sumerian texts, the Anunaki came to Earth, "descending from heaven to Earth." The Anunaki, according to Sumerian and other sources (where they had the name "nifilim"), often mistaken for "gods", "married earthly women." Here theological theory intersects with cosmogonic.

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God Marduk 4. Babylonian-Assyrian mythology. The creation of the world by Marduk, the direct heir of the Sumerian gods. God Marduk creates the Earth and Sky, organizes the world order, creates people and animals.

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A. Fantalov. The birth of the world from Chaos. 5. Ancient Greek mythology. In the beginning, there was only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos. In it was the source of the life of the world. Everything arose from the boundless Chaos - the whole world and the immortal gods. From Chaos came the goddess Earth - Gaia. It spread wide, mighty, giving life to everything that lives and grows on it...

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P. Rubens. people of the golden age. The immortal gods living on the bright Olympus created the first human race happy; it was a golden age. God Kron ruled then in the sky. Like blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing neither care, nor labor, nor sorrow. Nor did they know feeble old age; their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless happy life was an eternal feast.

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According to the ancient myths of China, when the Earth had already separated from the sky, majestic mountains rose high, rivers full of fish flowed to the seas, forests and steppes were overflowing with wild animals, the world still remained incomplete without the human race. And then the history of the creation of mankind begins. As in other religious versions, the religions of the ancient civilization of China believed that people were created from clay. The creator of people was Nuwa - the great female spirit. She took a handful of clay and began to sculpt figures, they came to life and became people. 6. Ancient Chinese mythology.

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Nuwa understood that she did not have enough strength or time to blind all the people who could populate the earth. And then Nuwa stretched a rope through the liquid clay. When the goddess shook the rope, pieces of clay flew in all directions. Falling to the ground, they turned into people. But either because they were not molded by hand, or because the swamp clay was still different in composition from the one from which the first people were molded, but the ancient myths of China claim that people of a faster manufacturing method were significantly different from those created by hand. That is why the rich and noble are people made by the gods with their own hands from yellow earth, while the poor and insignificant people are made with a rope.

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The creators are the god Enki and the mother goddess Ninmah. They mold humans from clay collected from the primordial ocean. According to another myth, people come out of a hole in the ground, which was pierced by the god Enlil with a hoe. 7. Australian mythology.

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8. Scandinavian mythology God Surt At the beginning of everything was the All-Father; he lived at all times and had absolute power over his kingdom. He created the heavenly world, the earth, the firmament and the human race.

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In the beginning there was the World Abyss - Ginungagap. Within it, to the north, lay a cold, foggy, desert country called Niflheim ("dark world"). In the middle of Niflheim was the great source of all rivers Hvergelmir ("boiling cauldron"). Where the smoky heat of Muspellheim met the poisonous cold of Niflheim, the hoarfrost melted, and a giant appeared, similar in appearance to a man. His name was Ymir or Aurgelmir. Ymir began to sweat, and a man and a woman grew under his left arm: this is how a tribe of frost giants appeared.

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9. Old Testament (Bible) about the creation of the world and man. And God said, Let us make man in our image [and] in our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, [and over the beasts] and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the ground. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, [and over the beasts] and over the birds of the air, [and over every livestock, and over all the earth, ] and over every living thing that creeps on the earth… And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning: the sixth day. Jan Brueghel the Younger, "God Creates the Sun, Moon and Stars"

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The Quran is the holy book of Muslims. 10. The Qur'an on the origin of man. How dare people talk about their origins if they have not witnessed their creation? "I did not make them witnesses of the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creation of themselves." Since people did not witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor the creation of themselves, there is little truth in their ideas on this subject and much error. Allah told us that He created man as a complete, independent being. He informed the angels of His intention to create man even before him “Indeed, Allah created Adam from a handful collected from all the earth, and therefore the descendants of Adam differ from each other, as the earth differs. Among them are red, white, black and other colors that are in between. Among them there are carefree and gloomy, bad and good. Water was used to create man: "Allah created all living beings from water." Therefore, man is created from earth and water. "He is the One who created you from clay." This clay dried up and became ringing, like potter's clay: "He created man from dry (or ringing) clay, like potter's clay." Adam was the first man. He is the father of the entire human race. From him his wife Havva was created.

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III. Conclusion. At runtime research work, I read and compared the myths of different peoples who lived in different parts of the world. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1) in almost all the above-mentioned myths, the world and life on Earth originated from Chaos; 2) all myths tell about the divine origin of man. 3) some of the ancient myths are quite compatible with the modern scientific myth about how molecules appeared from the chaos of chemical elements after the explosion. 4) in ancient myths and scriptures of the Sumerians, indigenous Australians, Chinese, Arabs - a person is molded from clay.

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With my research, I tried to find the answer to the eternal question about the origin of man. There is no single answer. Of all the theories about the origin of man, in my opinion, it is most likely that man was created by the Supreme Mind (God), because of all the creatures living on Earth, he is the most perfect. It doesn't matter who launched this program, God or the World Mind, or it's natural selection, but it worked.

Where am I from? Each person during his life is looking for answers to eternal questions: Each person during his life is looking for answers to eternal questions: Who am I? Who am I? Where? Where? Why am I? Why am I? And where will I go? Therefore, considering that the answer to the question is the result of a certain instinctive instinct, inner confidence, rather than a scientific or some other approach, we will simply try to find out. And where will I go? Therefore, considering that the answer to the question is the result of a certain instinctive instinct, inner confidence, rather than a scientific or some other approach, we will simply try to find out.

The main "origin belief" groups: "Darwinian" "Divine" "Alien" Origin theories

Theory of Charles Darwin Now our world is dominated by the point of view expressed in the last century by the British scientist Charles Darwin - man descended from apes. Now our world is dominated by the point of view expressed in the last century by the British scientist Charles Darwin - man descended from apes.

The main evidence for Darwin's theory 1. Humans and monkeys have very similar external and internal structures. They may have had a common ancestor in the distant past. 1. Humans and monkeys have a very similar external and internal structure. They may have had a common ancestor in the distant past.

Evidence of Ch. Darwin's theory. 2. From time to time, people are born on Earth with such features that are found only in animals - for example, a tail in place of the coccyx; several nipples on the chest in a row, like a pig; a face completely covered with hair; fangs like predators. 2. From time to time, people are born on Earth with such features that are found only in animals - for example, a tail in place of the coccyx; several nipples on the chest in a row, like a pig; a face completely covered with hair; fangs like predators. Perhaps our distant ancestors had tails, fangs, many nipples, abundant hair. And now, after millennia, this is manifested in a strange way in some representatives of the human tribe. Perhaps our distant ancestors had tails, fangs, many nipples, abundant hair. And now, after millennia, this is manifested in a strange way in some representatives of the human tribe.

Evidence of Ch. Darwin's theory. 3. Anthropologists managed to find several remains of ancient people, called Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons, Pithecanthropes. 3. Anthropologists managed to find several remains of ancient people, called Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons, Pithecanthropes. Judging by these remains, primitive people had a more primitive body structure than modern ones - a smaller volume of the skull, short stature ... Judging by these remains, primitive people had a more primitive body structure than modern ones - a smaller volume of the skull, short stature. ..

Ancient people. Pithecanthropus. Pithecanthropus -. The remains were first discovered on about. Java in 1891 by E. Dubois, and then in a number of other places. Pithecanthropus -. The remains were first discovered on about. Java in 1891 by E. Dubois, and then in a number of other places. Pithecanthropes walked on two legs, their brain volume increased, they used primitive tools in the form of clubs and lightly hewn stones. A low forehead, powerful brow ridges, a half-bent body with abundant hair - all this indicated their recent (monkey) past. Pithecanthropes walked on two legs, their brain volume increased, they used primitive tools in the form of clubs and lightly hewn stones. A low forehead, powerful brow ridges, a half-bent body with abundant hair - all this indicated their recent (monkey) past. The oldest people lived 2 million thousand years ago. The oldest people lived 2 million thousand years ago.

Neanderthal. The remains of Neanderthals have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa. They got their name from the place of the first discovery in the valley of the river. Neander (Germany). The remains of Neanderthals have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa. They got their name from the place of the first discovery in the valley of the river. Neander (Germany). Neanderthals lived in the ice age thousands of years ago in caves, where they constantly kept fire, dressed in skins. Neanderthal labor tools are much more perfect and have some specialization: knives, scrapers, percussion tools. Neanderthals lived in the ice age thousands of years ago in caves, where they constantly kept fire, dressed in skins. Neanderthal labor tools are much more perfect and have some specialization: knives, scrapers, percussion tools.

Modern people. Cro-Magnons. The emergence of people of the modern physical type occurred relatively recently, about 50 thousand years ago. Their remains have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. In the grotto of Cro-Magnon (France), several skeletons of fossil people of the modern type were discovered at once, who were called Cro-Magnons. The emergence of people of the modern physical type occurred relatively recently, about 50 thousand years ago. Their remains have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. In the grotto of Cro-Magnon (France), several skeletons of fossil people of the modern type were discovered at once, who were called Cro-Magnons.

divine theory. (Religious). All religions of the world contain, although sometimes vague, legends about the first days of the Earth, which are very close to what is written in the Bible. Thus, describing the creation of the earth, the Bible says: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep; and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.” All religions of the world contain, although sometimes vague, legends about the first days of the Earth, which are very close to what is written in the Bible. Thus, describing the creation of the earth, the Bible says: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep; and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.”

Theologism and creationism This is the doctrine according to which evolution is the method chosen by God for the creation of the world and man. This is the doctrine according to which evolution is the method chosen by God for the creation of the world and man. This teaching has different self-names: Orthodox, creative, theistic evolutionism, theologism. This teaching has different self-names: Orthodox, creative, theistic evolutionism, theologism, concordism, etc. concordism, etc. This is a primordially Orthodox teaching about the origin of the living and inanimate world through a supernatural act of creation. This is a primordially Orthodox teaching about the origin of the living and inanimate world through a supernatural act of creation. In the 19th century creationism constituted quite a serious scientific opposition to the theories of evolution. The most prominent of the creationist biologists was Georges Cuvier. creationism constituted quite a serious scientific opposition to the theories of evolution. Georges Cuvier was one of the most prominent creation biologists.

Theologism. In Orthodox Tradition, the idea of ​​evolution is not rejected, but, on the contrary, receives a new sound. Before God breathed a soul into Adam, he was like an animal. There was an animal in the form of a man, with the soul of an animal. Then God breathed His spirit into him, and a man became a man. In Orthodox Tradition, the idea of ​​evolution is not rejected, but, on the contrary, receives a new sound. Before God breathed a soul into Adam, he was like an animal. animal. Then God breathed His spirit into him, and man became a man from an animal.

Creationism. Man was created in his present form from the very beginning. There was no evolution, no gradual change in appearance. Man was created in his present form from the very beginning. There was no evolution, no gradual change in appearance. Adam and Eve looked almost exactly like us modern humans. Adam and Eve looked almost exactly like us modern humans. Neanderthals, Pithecanthropes and Cro-Magnons are not intermediate links on the way from ape to modern man, but ordinary, underdeveloped people, deviations from the norm. Neanderthals, Pithecanthropes and Cro-Magnons are not intermediate links on the way from ape to modern man, but ordinary, underdeveloped people, deviations from the norm.

"Alien" theory. Approximately three million years ago, somewhere near the equator, a space landing force descended, delivering the first messengers to Earth. Approximately three million years ago, somewhere near the equator, a space landing force descended, delivering the first messengers to Earth.

Messengers from outer space. Thanks to the work of archaeologists, we know that these settlers had a small - about one and a half meters - growth and a peculiar structure of the skull. Large eye sockets, like in many animals that lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and jaws adapted for chewing both plant and meat foods, a wide nasal opening, indicating a well-developed peripheral section of the olfactory center - these are the main anthropological features of the skeletal remains of Australopithecus - ours. true ancestors. Thanks to the work of archaeologists, we know that these settlers had a small - about one and a half meters - growth and a peculiar structure of the skull. Large eye sockets, like in many animals that lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and jaws adapted for chewing both plant and meat foods, a wide nasal opening, indicating a well-developed peripheral section of the olfactory center - these are the main anthropological features of the skeletal remains of Australopithecus - ours. true ancestors.

How to be? How is the question of the origin of man solved? modern science? Even now, according to polls, the majority of American students, for example, continue to believe that man was created by God, as the Bible says. There is a joke among biologists about this; “Ten thousand years from now, the creatures that inhabit the Earth will indignantly deny their origin from man.” How is the question of the origin of man solved by modern science? Even now, according to polls, the majority of American students, for example, continue to believe that man was created by God, as the Bible says. There is a joke among biologists about this; “Ten thousand years from now, the creatures that inhabit the Earth will indignantly deny their origin from man.”

Lesson 1. “The origin of man. Ancient human ancestors "Geography teacher NRMOU "Singapai secondary school" Zakharova L.A.

External interference theory (parascientific theory) Theories of the origin of man Evolutionary theory (scientific theory) Creation theory (religious concept)

Views based on the fact that man was created by God or the gods. For example: “The first man (of course, a man!) was created by God in his own image and likeness. Seeing that the man was uncomfortable alone, the same god took a rib from him and created the first woman from this rib. According to Mesopotamian myths, the gods, led by Marduk, killed their former rulers Abzu and his wife Tiamat, Abzu's blood was mixed with clay, and the first man arose from this clay. According to Hindu beliefs, the world was dominated by a triumvirate - Shiva, Krishna and Vishnu, who laid the foundation for humanity. Creation theory (religious concept)

According to this theory, the appearance of people on Earth is somehow connected with the activities of other civilizations. In the simplest version, TVV considers people to be direct descendants of aliens who landed on Earth in prehistoric times. External interference theory (parascientific theory)

It is the most common in the modern scientific community. The evolutionary theory assumes that man descended from higher primates - humanoid creatures through gradual modification under the influence of external factors and natural selection. Evolutionary theory (scientific theory)

The remains of dryopithecus (lower jaws, teeth, limb bones) have been found in Western Europe, East Africa and South Asia (India). Size ranges from chimpanzees to gorillas. Dryopithecus had a relatively large brain. His molars were more primitive and covered with a very thin layer of enamel. Apparently, dryopithecus ate only soft plant foods (for example, juicy fruits). Long and movable hands were adapted for hanging and swinging on the branches. Probably, dryopithecus moved on the ground on all fours, like monkey-like monkeys. They spent most of their lives in trees, moving through them in family groups. Driopithecus DRIOPITEKI (Dryopithecinae, "tree monkeys"), a subfamily of extinct great apes.

Australopithecus Australopithecus (southern monkeys) are a group of fossil higher primates that lived about 4 million years ago and became extinct 2.5 million years ago. . The bones were first discovered in the Kalahari Desert (South Africa) in 1924 and later in East and Central Africa. Australopithecus is considered to be all bipedal monkeys.

The way of life of Australopithecus, apparently, was unlike that known among modern primates. They lived in tropical forests and savannahs, feeding mainly on plants. However, later Australopithecus hunted antelopes or took prey from large predators - lions and hyenas. Australopithecus Australopithecus lived in groups of several individuals and, apparently, constantly roamed the expanses of Africa in search of food. Australopithecus tools were unlikely to be able to manufacture, although they were used for sure. Their hands were very similar to human ones, but the fingers were more curved and narrower.

A skilled man (lat. Homo habilis) is a highly developed australopithecine or the first representative of the genus Homo, which appeared on Earth about 2 million years ago. Discovered by archaeologists Leakey (Mary and Jonathan) in 1960 and described in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. In Olduvai Gorge, they, along with the bones of the extinct saber-toothed tiger Smilodon, found the foot, calcaneus, collarbone and skull fragments of a new hominid. Perhaps he fell victim to a formidable predator. The skull, as established later, belonged to a child of 11-12 years old. Judging by the structure of the foot, the new hominid was upright. skillful man

A skilled man is, apparently, the first being who consciously made tools for labor and hunting: the first still roughly processed stone pebbles were repeatedly found along with the remains of this creature. The tools that the Handy Man made were almost all quartz, and quartz was not found in the parking lots of these people. They were bringing it the closest for 3 km. And some - for 15 km! This proved that the Handy Man really was a man. He preselected the stone for his tools. None of the animals not only does not pick up raw materials for their tools, but does not even think of splitting a stone in order to make it sharp, to turn it into a tool. However, unlike the later types of homo, they were careless with the tools they made themselves, and after use they simply threw them away. Scientists conducted a series of studies and came to the conclusion that the Handyman's hand was capable of work. skillful man

Lesson 2. “Ancient people. Life of our ancestors

25 thousand years after the appearance of a skilled man on Earth, the new kind- Homo erectus, or Pithecanthropus, a fossil species of people, which is considered as the immediate predecessor of modern people. They had an average height (1.5-1.8 m), a straight gait and an archaic structure of the skull (thick walls, low frontal bone, protruding supraorbital ridges, sloping chin). Due to the fact that at that distant time Africa was connected with Europe and Asia, pithecanthropes settled almost all over the globe. Homo erectus

Neanderthal, Neanderthal man (lat. Homo neanderthalensis or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) is a fossil species of a person who lived 30-24 thousand years ago. The name comes from a skull found in 1856 in the Neandertal Gorge in Germany. Neanderthal

Neanderthals Neanderthals had an average height (about 165 cm), a massive physique and a large head. unusual shape. They were distinguished by powerful superciliary arches, a protruding wide nose and a very small chin. The neck is short and, as if under the weight of the head, is tilted forward. There are suggestions that they could be red and pale-faced. The structure of the vocal apparatus and the brain of Neanderthals allows us to conclude that they could speak.

Neanderthals knew how to build houses. As a building material, stones and bones of animals killed during hunting were used, on top of which skins were laid. Inside the dwellings or next to them, a fire burned, which Neanderthals not only knew how to maintain, but also to produce. Neanderthals

Neanderthals hunted reindeer, mammoths, woolly rhinos and cave bears living in Europe at that time. It was very difficult to overcome such large animals alone, so they went hunting in large groups. Possessing a developed speech, Neanderthals skillfully coordinated their actions. Neanderthals

The earliest known musical instrument, the 4-hole bone flute, belongs to the Neanderthals. Neanderthals knew how to use homemade tools and weapons, but, apparently, they did not have any throwing weapons - they killed their prey with a blow of short spears, as evidenced by traces of developed muscles on the bones of the right hand. In France, a shallow burial was discovered with a skeleton in a fetal position, covered with a red cape. Tools, flowers, eggs, and meat were left near the body, indicating a belief in an afterlife. Neanderthals

Cro-Magnons (fr. Homme de Cro Magnon - Cro-Magnon man) early representatives modern man in Europe and partly beyond its borders, who lived 40-12 thousand years ago. The name comes from the grotto of Cro Magnon in France, where several human skeletons were discovered in 1868 along with Late Paleolithic tools. Cro-Magnons

He was about 180 cm tall. He had a developed articulate speech. They began to domesticate animals and engage in agriculture. The Cro-Magnons had funeral rites. Household items, food, jewelry were placed in the grave. The dead were sprinkled with blood-red ocher, a net was put on their hair, bracelets were put on their hands, flat stones were placed on their faces and buried in a bent position (knees touching the chin). In Dolni Vestonice in Moravia, the world's oldest pottery kiln was found, which was used by a Cro-Magnon. Cro-Magnons

They lived in communities of 15-30 people and created settlements for the first time in history. Cro-Magnons often settled in caves. But more often they built dwellings on their own, using the bones and skins of animals killed in the hunt. Cro-Magnons

The Cro-Magnon man was able not only to engrave and draw on a plane, but also learned to transmit three-dimensional images. The Cro-Magnons were skilled artists. The walls of their caves were covered with amazingly accurate drawings of various animals and hunting scenes for them. Cro-Magnons Numerous finds testify to the presence of a hunting cult. The figurines of animals were pierced with arrows, thus killing the beast.

Cro-Magnon tool

Homo sapiens (lat. Homo sapiens) is the only one currently living. Neoanthropes (ancient Greek νέος - new and ἄνθρωπος - man) - a generalized name for people modern look(Homo sapiens), fossil and now living. Homo sapiens Human races are historically established groupings of people within a species. Races differ from each other in minor physical features - skin color, body proportions, eye shape, hair structure, etc.

Characteristic features: -narrow face -soft hair -skin color in the north is light in the south - swarthy -strongly protruding nose of the Race. Caucasoid.

Races. Caucasoid.

Characteristic features: -dark skin color -curly hair -dark eyes -wide and flat nose of the race. Negroid

Races. Negroid

Characteristic features: - flat, wide face - straight hair - narrow eyes - swarthy skin color Rasa. Mongoloid.

Races. Mongoloid

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G. Volzhsky 2009. Completed by: Student of grade 11 A, secondary school No. 36 Novikova Olga Plotnikov Andrey Pochtarev Valera Head: Topchieva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, teacher of Biology, secondary school No. 36. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 36 named after Hero Soviet Union V.G. Milovatsky city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region.

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Table of contents: Introduction: 1. The purpose and objectives of the activity. 2. Project questions. Coverage of the problem from a scientific and religious point of view: 1. About the creator of the evolutionary theory - about Charles Darwin; 2. God as the creator of the world. 3. The origin of man through a long evolution; 4. Divine origin of man; 5. Similarities between humans and animals (scientific point of view); 6. Differences between man and animals (religious point of view). 7. Is evolution completed at present? Conclusions and recommendations for the use of this work. Sources of information.

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Introduction. The choice of our topic is not accidental. More and more scientists are recognizing that evolution is not a fact, and that it will most likely never be proven. Of course, it is also most likely impossible to prove the creation of the world by God, but we have come close to the fact that everyone is beginning to understand that both theories are based on faith. The study of the chapter "Human Evolution" in the 11th grade of the course "General Biology" should be based on different aspects, and not only on the natural sciences, which are based on the works of Charles Darwin "The Origin of Species" and "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection". Therefore, the relevance of this work is due to the fact that by demonstrating slides one can achieve good results in understanding and explaining this issue.

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The purpose of our project: To learn how to select facts that prove different versions of the origin of man. Express your opinion regarding the appearance of man on Earth. Create a presentation on the topic "Human Evolution". To acquaint interested persons with this work. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: Consider theoretical material on the topic "Human Evolution". Find and analyze information Select the necessary, draw a conclusion and use the information and skills obtained. Use software (Microsoft office powerpoint). We posed the following questions, the answers to which we wanted to receive in the process of work: What can we learn about Charles Darwin and the Creator? Who are we and where did we come from? What is a person? Is evolution finished now?

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II. Coverage of the problem from a scientific and religious point of view. 1. About the creator of the evolutionary theory - about Charles Darwin. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) - English naturalist and traveler who laid the foundations of modern evolutionary theory and the direction of evolutionary thought that bears his name (Darwinism). In his theory, the first detailed exposition of which was published in 1859 in the book "The Origin of Species" (full title: "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Survival of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life"), Darwin attached paramount importance in evolution to natural selection and indefinite variability. C. Darwin came from a nonconformist environment. Although some members of his family were freethinkers who openly rejected traditional religious beliefs, he himself did not at first question the literal truth of the Bible. He went to an Anglican school, then studied Anglican theology at Cambridge to become a pastor, and was fully convinced by William Paley's teleological argument that the intelligent design seen in nature proves the existence of God. However, his faith began to waver while traveling on the Beagle. He questioned everything he saw, wondering, for example, at the beautiful deep-sea creatures created in such depths in which no one could enjoy their view, shuddering at the sight of a wasp paralyzing caterpillars that should serve as living food for its larvae. In the last example, he saw a clear contradiction to Paley's ideas about the all-good world order. While traveling on the Beagle, Darwin was still religious and could well invoke the moral authority of the Bible, but gradually began to view the creation story, as presented in the Old Testament, as false.

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Darwin's theory explained the origin of species, and man is one of the species of the animal kingdom. He outlined his thoughts in the remarkable work "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection" (essentially, these are two independent works), which was a continuation of the book "The Origin of Species", in which he only touched on the question of human genealogy, considering it premature for practical reasons to publish his views to the origin of man. Darwin wrote to Wells: "You ask if I will discuss 'man', I think to get around this whole question, which is associated with so much prejudice, although it is quite possible that this is the highest and most fascinating problem for naturalists." Darwin began systematically collecting materials on the origin of man in 1837. He took this most difficult problem, which affects the feelings of many people, very seriously and believed that strong justifications were needed to publish the conclusions. "It would be absolutely useless for the success of the book (The Origin of Species - R.V.), even positively harmful, to flaunt one's views on the origin of man without supporting them with any evidence," Darwin wrote, although in "The Origin of Species" he was not going to hide the fact that his book could "shed light on the origin of man," as Darwin originally suggested. Only after many years of thinking about the problem, in 1869, he began to present it. Darwin considered the question of the origin of man in line with the development of life, that is, from natural science positions, and substantiated the position according to which man appeared as a result of the evolution of the animal kingdom, and mammals were his not so distant ancestors. “To hold a different view is to accept,” Darwin argued, “that our own and the structure of all the animals around us are a trap invented to obscure our reason!”

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Upon his return, he set about collecting evidence for the variability of species. He knew that his religious naturalist friends considered such views to be delusional, undermining wonderful explanations of the social order, and he knew that such revolutionary ideas would be met with particular inhospitality at a time when the position of the Anglican Church was under fire from radical dissenters and atheists. In secret, developing his theory of natural selection, Darwin even wrote about religion as a tribal survival strategy, but still believed in God as the supreme being who determines the laws of this world. His faith gradually weakened over time and, with the death of his daughter Annie in 1851, Darwin finally lost all faith in the Christian god. He continued to support the local church and helped the parishioners in common affairs, but on Sundays, when the whole family went to church, he went for a walk. Later, when asked about his religious views, Darwin wrote that he was never an atheist, in the sense that he did not deny the existence of God and that, in general, "it would be more correct to describe my state of mind as agnostic." The theory of evolution captured the minds of many scientists, who began to apply it to all branches of science, up to history (Marx) and psychology (Freud). Almost a century and a half has passed since the appearance of the theory of evolution, and during this time the discussion has evolved, adapted, changed, but still did not stop. The first "anti-Darwin" trial, which went down in history as the "monkey trial" took place in 1925 in the United States. The Governor of Tennessee then signed a new law prohibiting "the teaching of any theory that denies the history of the divine creation of man as described in the Bible, and teaching instead that man is descended from a lower class of animals." From then until the present day, this happens with enviable regularity in different parts of the world.

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In 2004, a real national crisis erupted in Italy after Education Minister Letizia Moratti announced that, in her opinion, the study of Darwin's theory in high school should be abolished. The reaction was immediate; the minister had to abandon his intentions and create a commission headed by the 1996 Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi-Montalcini to work on a new draft of the school curriculum. In September 2004, Minister Liljana Colic in Serbia ordered that Charles Darwin's theory of the origin of species be removed from the curriculum of the eighth grade of Serbian secondary schools. The decision of Lilyana Colic, a professor at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade, caused a wave of protest in the scientific, teaching and teaching circles of Serbia. Several leading parties also protested, saying that "replacing Darwin's scientifically based theory with church dogma" throws the country back centuries. The minister resigned, and Darwinism was not removed from the textbooks. L.Colich subsequently explained that she had been misunderstood, and that it was only about the need to clarify in which class and to what extent Darwin's theory should be taught at school. In 2005, five teachers elementary school the cities of Mersin in southern Turkey were fined for teaching Darwinism and "trampling on the religious feelings of students." A complaint against the teachers was sent to the Ministry of Education by the imam of the local mosque.

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2. God as the creator of the world. Orthodox dogmatic theology teaches that God is the First Cause, or the Cause of the existence of the world. This means that the world, as the totality of all finite being, existing in space and time, has a reason for its being in God, and did not arise in any way by itself, without cause or by accident. When it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible says that there are people who have seen enough evidence and still reject the truth about God. On the other hand, for those who want to know if there is a God, He says, “Search for me and find me if you seek me with all your heart. And I will be found by you." The following are arguments for the existence of God: Throughout human history, in all cultures of the world, people have been convinced of the existence of God. Can anyone say with certainty that all these people were wrong? Billions of people representing various sociological, intellectual, emotional, educational circles. They all came to the conclusion that there is a Creator, a God worthy of worship. The complexity of our planet's organization points to the existence of a Creator who not only created our universe, but sustains it today. The earth is the perfect size. The size of the earth and the corresponding force of gravity hold a thin layer of predominantly nitrogen and oxygen that extends only 50 miles above the surface of the earth. Earth is the only planet known to us that has an atmosphere containing the necessary composition of gases to support plant, animal and human life.

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The complexity of the human brain proves the existence of an even more intelligent Creator behind it. The human brain is capable of simultaneously processing an astonishing amount of information. Your brain perceives all the colors and objects you see, the temperature of the environment, your brain registers emotional reactions, thoughts and memories. At the same time, the brain controls the processes taking place in your body, such as breathing, eyelid movement, hunger, arm muscle movement. Mere chance is not an adequate explanation. The famous astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle showed how mathematically absurd the random combination of amino acids in a human cell is. Sir Hoyle illustrated the improbability of such an accident by giving the following analogy. What is the probability that a tornado will sweep over the junk market, which will contain all the parts of a Boeing 747, randomly form a plane from these parts and leave it there, ready to take off. The probability of this is so low that it can be ignored even if a tornado swept over a lot of garbage dumps, which would be enough to fill the universe! God has revealed Himself not only in what we can observe in nature and in human life. Archaeological excavations continue to confirm rather than refute the accuracy of the Bible. For example, archaeological finds in northern Israel in August 1993 confirmed the existence of King David, the author of many of the Psalms of the Bible. The Dead Sea Scrolls and other archaeological discoveries prove the historical accuracy of the Bible.

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3. The origin of man through a long evolution. Reconstruction of the skull of a parapithecus. Dryopithecus. Propliopitecus skull. Front view.

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The sixth day of creation "And God said: let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind. And it was so. And God created the beasts of the earth after their kind, and cattle after their kind, and all creeping things of the earth after their kind. And God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it. ... And it was so. And God saw everything that He had created, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning: the sixth day. "In the above passage we find a description of creation: animals were created on the same day with man and received the same habitat, with the following groups of animals listed: livestock (domestic mammals melting, not only herd, but also draft, pack and riding animals), reptiles (large and small crawling terrestrial animals) and other "earthly animals" (not tamed and sometimes - even before the fall - animals dangerous to humans, the rest of the animal world ). Of course, we have here not a biological classification, but rather a division of the animal world according to its significance for man. Further, in the second half of the day, the first man, the pinnacle of divine creation, the ruler of all nature created for him by God, is born. What was new in man was that, along with the body and soul, he possessed a spirit. He was in the image and likeness of God, God himself breathed into him the breath of life. 4. The divine origin of man.

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Genesis contains two accounts of God's creation of man. The first speaks only 1) of God's decision to create man in God's own image and likeness 2) of God's work to implement this decision. Nothing is said about the materials and methods used. In the first story, the purpose or justification of the creation of man is more emphasized, namely: man should be fruitful, multiply and rule over the earth. The second story is completely different: "And the Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul." Here, the way God created man comes to the fore. With regard to the status of the first pair of people, many have been put forward and defended whether Adam and Eve should be considered real historical persons or purely symbolic of a wide variety of theories. A sharp divergence of views exists on the question of whether the figures. The traditional view is that they were real people and that the events of the biblical narrative actually took place in space and time. It is, however, disputed by a number of theologians.

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5. Similarities between man and animals. In the beginning there was a great ocean smoking on a hot bed. And in this hot bosom, an insoluble knot of life was tied up: flesh pierced by breathing and beating. (Maximilian Voloshin)

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First of all, man belongs to the class of mammals and has all the features of this class: Four-chambered heart; Constant body temperature; Intrauterine development and live birth; Feeding babies with milk; Has a hairline; The auricle, in the middle ear there are three auditory ossicles; The teeth are divided into incisors, canines and molars; There are 7 cervical vertebrae in the skeleton; The presence of a diaphragm is a muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavities.

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The kinship of man with animals, according to Darwin, is confirmed by the existence of rudiments and atavisms. A person has a large group of non-functioning organs: Third eyelid (4) Auditory tubercle (4) Small crescent fold in the corner of the eye (third eyelid); The tubercle on the inner edge of the curl (the remnant of the sharp top of the ear) is the Darwinian tubercle; Coccyx - the remains of the tail; Sparse hair on the body - the remnants of wool; The subcutaneous muscle that sets the auricle in motion in animals Muscles that raise the hair All these organs are useless for humans and remain in an underdeveloped form. Their existence can be explained only by the fact that they were inherited by man from his animal ancestors. In which they were well developed and functioned normally.

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Darwin also showed that it is very rare for people to develop features that are not found in humans, but are present in animals. These are atavisms - a return to distant ancestors. outer tail; Abundant hairline on the whole body, including the face; Additional nipples; Claws on separate fingers; Strongly developed fangs. Wisdom teeth". The existence of vestiges of atavisms is one of the strongest confirmations of the animal origin of man. Therefore, not one of Darwin's opponents could object to rudiments and atavisms.

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The most important difference between man and animals is the ability to reflect, to know oneself. Only a person is able to "look at himself from the outside." (Teilhard de Chardin "The Phenomenon of Man".) 6. Differences between man and animals.

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Based on the first two chapters of the book of Genesis, we can conclude that man is a special creation of God. The words of the Bible leave no room for the assumption that man descended from the animal kingdom. Man is a product of the third, last act of God, he is not an ennobled animal, but a representative of a completely different category of living beings. It was the non-recognition of this uniqueness of man that led non-Christian philosophers to the idea of ​​the origin of man from animals. But the special world in which, being a thinking being, a person lives, is inaccessible to plants and animals. So, what distinguishes man from animals? A person has the ability to think analytically, he can reason and prove; Man creates his own history, he can progress technically and intellectually; Man is capable of communication through language and signs; Man is a social being, he is capable of conscious communication with others, mutual understanding and living together. Man is an economic being, he is able to consciously manage the means entrusted to him; Man is an aesthetic being, he is endowed with the ability to appreciate beauty; A person has legal consciousness, therefore such concepts as crime and punishment are available to him; Man has moral consciousness. He can distinguish between good and evil; The person knows what faith is.

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7. Is evolution completed at present? Believers condemn any attempt to raise the question of the continuation of human evolution. According to their worldview, they were created as the crown of creation and, as such, do not need further improvement. Evolutionists are divided. On the one hand, yes, a necessary and sufficient condition for evolution is a gradual change in conditions in the area of ​​existence of a biological species. Firstly, it is significant enough so that the species cannot exist in an unchanged form, and secondly, it is gradual enough so that it has time to adapt to changing conditions. This condition cannot be fulfilled in the modern world, because humans artificially change ecosystems both locally and globally – no species can evolve at such a rate. On the other hand, the selection of flora and fauna can be considered as directed artificial evolution - a lot of new breeds of animals with valuable properties have been bred. Indeed, human activity very strongly and at lightning speed changes environment. The anthropogenic factor is gaining more and more power. The Bible tells about the catastrophes that God sent to earth in order to teach people a lesson. THE FLOOD In the residence of the Armenian Catholicos in Etchmiadzin, a small piece of wood is kept, which is one of the main relics of the monastery. According to legend, this is a piece of Noah's Ark lining, which was once given to the monastery by a monk who climbed the slopes of Ararat back in the time of Gregory the Illuminator. The enduring myth of the Flood is the myth of all mankind. It is common among the peoples of Europe, Asia, North and South America. Today there is no doubt that the consciousness of the peoples of the entire planet in time immemorial was shaken by a single global catastrophe. Scientists have expressed many different hypotheses and assumptions, but they all agree on one thing: in an amazing coincidence of legends about the Flood, which were born thousands of kilometers apart, on different continents, among different peoples. At the heart of all of them is a story about how a certain person, wanting to save living creatures on the planet, built a huge ship on which he gathered people and animals - "each creature - a pair."

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SODOM AND GOMORRAH PUNISHED BY GOD. The Old Testament speaks of two cities - Sodom and Gomorrah, whose inhabitants were mired in debauchery and were incinerated for their sins by fire sent from heaven. Both of these cities were located "in the valley of Siddim, where the Salt Sea is now," just in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future flood, where archaeologists later discovered traces of silt layers. More precisely, they were in a fertile valley at the mouth of the Jordan River. The shepherds grazed fat herds of sheep and goats, twice a year the inhabitants gathered beautiful fruits from the vineyards, from which wine was made. In general, wine among the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah was the most favorite drink, and everyone drank it - both old and young. Many people got drunk to insensibility, fell right on the streets, while others, after drinking wine, indulged in vice and sin. The Bible says that "the inhabitants of Sodom were wicked and very sinful before the Lord." The “sin of Sodom” was also subject to the inhabitants of Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, “like them who committed fornication and went after other flesh.” The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah was very great and their sin was heavy, and God sent angels there to see if the inhabitants of these two cities were really acting so wickedly. Lot, Abraham's nephew, received the angels in his house, but the Sodomites besieged his house, demanding to extradite the aliens in order to "know" them. “And the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord from heaven, and overthrew these cities, and all this region, and all the inhabitants of these cities, and the growth of the earth” (Genesis, 19:24-25). Now these two cities are not on any geographical map, but the names of the cities are quite specific. There are records of some pilgrims who claim that at one time under the waters of the Dead Sea they saw the ruins of houses and streets. The Dead Sea itself is quite large, its length reaches 76 kilometers, its width is seventeen, and its depth is 356 meters. It is drainless, that is, water does not flow out of it anywhere, and actively evaporates. And it is replenished by the waters of the Jordan River. Since the sea is located in the lowest part of the Ghor tectonic basin, it is natural that geologists speculated that its formation could have been caused by earth movements that caused the subsidence of the soil - the very one on which Sodom and Gomorrah could be located.

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Here are a few examples that prove the scale of human activity: DISAPPEARING ARAL. Uncontrolled water intake, lack of water meters, overestimated irrigation rates (which have not been scientifically corrected for years) have led to unreasonably large water overruns. As a result, water does not ennoble the earth, but destroys it. For example, in the Fergana Valley, hundreds of thousands of hectares of fields stood with a layer of water several meters deep. For twenty years, the Aral Sea has lost 640 cubic kilometers of water. The sea lost two-thirds of its volume and two-thirds of its area, and yet it was just gigantic - blue without end and edge. Vessels sailed from Mainak to Aralsk. Now the sea level has dropped thirteen meters. The bare bottom of the Aral (and this is 2.6 million hectares) has turned into a man-made desert, which has already received the name - Aralkum. Billions of tons of toxic salts have been accumulated here. From the desert bottom of the sea, millions of tons of salty-poisonous dust rise into the air, which the wind carries over long distances. As the sea dried up, dust storms became more frequent. Dust clouds are brought to the glaciers of the Pamirs, Altai, Tien Shan, and this, in turn, changes the regime of the rivers that originate there. Perhaps the evolution of man as a species is complete. However, it continues in a different direction: the development of the mental and spiritual world of man. In the fields of Central Asia, the chemical DDT was used against wilt (cotton disease) for many years. Its combination is very dangerous for humans, and in nature it practically does not decompose. DDT and other pesticides have been washed off the fields and accumulated in the sea for many years. Now poisonous clouds are floating here.

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SOLDIERS OF "CHELYABINSK CHERNOBYL". At the end of September 1957, an explosion occurred at one of the top-secret facilities located in the city "without a name". The secret was hidden for more than thirty years, and for many years only those who were in the disaster area knew about this explosion. Now both the name of the "secret" city - Chelyabinsk, and the enterprise on whose territory the explosion occurred - the Mayak plant, which was also known as Chelyabinsk-40, are known. Then the first-born of the nuclear industry began to be called Chelyabinsk-65, now it is known as the city of Ozersk. At that time, in September 1957, very little was known about the possible consequences of exposure. Scientists were lost in conjectures about the causes of "invisible" death. And soldiers and officers of the units of the internal troops, guarding an unusual enterprise, were already dying from it. The explosion occurred due to radiation overheating of one of the tanks for storing liquid high-level waste. Over the course of seven years, nuclear waste was disposed of very in a simple way- they were simply dumped into the rivers Techa and Iset. And then two more times (seven years each) the waste was dumped into Lake Karachay.

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Conclusions and recommendations for the use of this work. In this work, we presented the main milestones in human evolution from a scientific point of view and opposed them with another version: the act of creating a person by a creator. The work notes the similarities of man with animal organisms and presents man as a special product of God's creation. The discussion about the origin of man allows us to determine his place in nature and, accordingly, his attitude towards it, on which our future largely depends. We have learned to search for and analyze information, learned a lot about the hypotheses of the origin of man. And we realized that this issue is very important and multifaceted. Each of us has formulated for himself a vision of this problem. The novelty of our work lies in the fact that we have applied Information Technology to study this issue, which made it possible to enhance visibility and answer a large number of questions in the basic curriculum. For students, this manual will: Provide an opportunity to imagine the appearance of a person on Earth using the virtual world; Will help at the stage of the final repetition in preparation for the test; It will help to formulate their position on this issue; The teacher can use our work as an electronic teaching material in the classroom to demonstrate video materials. This will allow him to: Improve the learning process; Reduce the time-consuming process of explaining printed material.

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Sources of information. S.G.Mamontov, V.B.Zakharov, T.A. Kozlova Fundamentals of biology / S.G. Mamontov, V.B. C. Willy. – M.: Mir.-1968.