Unlimited internet mts on pc. Internet tariffs mts for modem

Wired internet is not always convenient. It is difficult to connect and cannot be taken on a trip. In such cases, modems help - small devices that look like flash drives. They are easy to use and have good connection speeds. In this article we will talk about the modems that MTS produces and the tariffs for them.

Before talking about tariff plans, you need to familiarize yourself with all the devices offered by MTS for accessing the Internet:

  • 4G modem. Its price is 2600 rubles. The maximum network connection speed is 150 Mbps. The user is provided with 60 GB of traffic, which will disappear in two weeks.
  • Wi-Fi router - allows you to create a wireless connection. The price is 3300 rubles. The peak connection speed is 150 Mbps. The package includes 60 GB, which will be charged in two weeks.
  • Wi-Fi modem. Performs the same functions as a router. You will have to pay 2900 rubles for it. The network connection speed reaches 150 Mbps. Provided 60 GB for 2 weeks.
  • Universal kit. Price - 4900 rubles. The maximum internet speed is 150 Mbps. The user is provided with 30 GB for two weeks.
  • Wi-Fi router. The cost is 5900 rubles. The peak connection speed is 300 Mbps. 60 GB of traffic is available, which will disappear after 2 weeks.

MTS 3G modems are outdated and are gradually being phased out.

All kits include a SIM card. After its activation, the option "100 GB per day" becomes available, which is disabled after the end of the specified traffic or every other day.

MTS 4G modems will not work with SIM-Cards of other operators.

All devices have a starting balance, which is removed upon activation. The subscriber is provided with a package - 30 or 60 GB. After the traffic or its validity period ends (14 days), the user cannot use the connection. He will be offered three tariff plans to choose from. Let's talk about MTS tariffs in the next part of the article.

"Internet Mini"

This is the "smallest" and cheapest tariff for modems. Consider what he is:

  • The subscription fee is 500 rubles per month.
  • Valid throughout Russia.
  • Mobile Internet - 7 GB monthly.

If the main Internet package has been exhausted, then the user is provided with an additional 500 MB. Its cost is 75 rubles. The additional package is not provided more than 15 times, in which case the user will be offered to use the "Turbo Button" service. The user has the right to refuse these options - send a message to 1600 with the text "1".

The traffic is updated every month. If it has not been used up, then the leftovers are removed and not transferred.

The subscription fee consists of two parts:

  • Fixed - charged monthly, corresponds to the date of connection. If the user does not have enough money, then it is still removed, but access to the Internet is temporarily blocked.
  • Variable - it is calculated for each user on an individual basis in the event that the main traffic packet was exceeded.

If the subscriber uses the Internet outside the home area, then the price is 50 rubles per day (additionally). It cannot be removed if the phone is disconnected.

How to connect a tariff plan:

  • Using USSD. Dial * 111 * 160 * 1 #, then press the call button.
  • Use your personal account. To enter it, click on "get password" and enter your phone number.
  • Contact the MTS communication salon or the contact center - 8-800-250-0890. It will be necessary to provide the data of the passport of the owner of the SIM-card (series and number) in order to be safe from fraud.

If you decide to disable the tariff, USSD - * 111 * 160 * 2 #. You can also use the above methods to connect, changing the purpose of the actions.

When the tariff plan is deactivated, all traffic is removed. It is not compensated.

The tariff can be used by cell phones.


Average tariff in the MTS line. Provides an optimal amount of traffic and a reasonable price. Let's take a closer look:

  • The monthly fee is 800 rubles per month.
  • Internet for a modem - 15 GB. Valid only during the daytime - from 07.00 to 00.00.
  • Completely unlimited network access at night. No traffic is wasted.
  • Discount - 30% for using TV from MTS. Does not work for daily payment.
  • Works throughout the Russian Federation.

If the main traffic package is exceeded, the subscriber is additionally provided with 1 GB, the cost of which is 150 rubles. There can be no more than 15 such packages per month. Next, the user will be prompted to update the main traffic, in case of refusal, access to the Internet will be suspended until the next withdrawal of funds.

If the subscriber has not used up the entire Internet provided by MTS, then nothing is transferred to the next month. Free additional traffic is also not provided.

At the end of the daytime traffic, you can continue to use the nighttime traffic. All packages are updated at 00.00. The day corresponds to the calendar date of the connection.

The user cannot use services that exchange files at night - from 00.00 to 07.00.

A fixed fee is charged every month. If during the debiting the number is blocked, then the funds are withdrawn immediately after the end of the blocking. The variable payment is calculated for each on an individual basis. It depends on the services that the subscriber connects to.

If the user travels outside his area, then the price of the services provided is 50 rubles per day (additionally). They cannot be removed if the Internet is not used.

To connect a tariff plan, use the following methods:

  • USSD team. * 111 * 161 * 1 # - dial and press "Call". After that, you will receive an SMS with confirmation.
  • Use your personal account. To enter it, click "Get password" and enter your phone number.
  • Contact the communication salon or the technical support of the operator - 8-800-250-0890. You will need to provide passport details.

If you want to disable - dial * 111 * 161 * 2 #. You can also use the other methods above, slightly changing the steps.


We continue to consider the Internet MTS tariffs for the modem. "Internet-VIP" is suitable for any USB modem. It provides the most traffic and the corresponding price. Consider:

  • The subscription fee is 1200 rubles per month.
  • 30 GB, which is valid from 07.00 to 00.00.
  • Unlimited internet at night.
  • 50% discount on access to TV channels from MTS. Provided if you pay immediately for a month.
  • Valid throughout the entire Russian Federation.

If the main traffic quota ends, then the user is additionally provided with 3 GB, the cost of which is 350 rubles - no more than 15 times a month (this can be waived). If the limit is exceeded, the subscriber will be asked to pay extra for an additional basic traffic package or wait for a monthly update.

Unused Internet is not transferred to the next month - it completely burns out.

Unlimited does not apply to file sharing services.

Internet from MTS is updated monthly, depending on the date of connection.

A fixed fee is charged every month. If the user number is blocked, then it is removed after the end of the blocking. Variable payments are calculated individually. If the subscriber did not use any additional services, it is absent.

In case of insufficient funds on the account of the subscriber, the subscription fee is not charged. At the same time, access to the Internet is blocked and will resume after the account is replenished.

If the Internet modem turns out to be outside the home region, then an additional daily fee is 50 rubles. If you turn off your phone or do not use the Internet, you will not have to pay.

You can connect a tariff plan in the following ways:

  • Personal Area. Go to it, then click on "get password" and enter the phone number. We fill in the authorization fields, then select the desired tariff.
  • Using USSD. Dial * 111 * 166 * 1 # and press the "call" button.
  • Contact the nearest MTS office or call the communication salon - 8-800-250-0890. You will need to provide the series and passport number of the owner of the SIM card.

To disconnect - dial * 111 * 166 * 2 #. Or use the methods above, replacing the action goal.

The connection speed may decrease if you are using a 3G modem.


MTS Modem is convenient for those who are not used to sitting in one place. It is suitable for both laptop and computer. It is important to choose the tariff and model of this device that meet your requirements.

Subscribers who are often forced to access the World Wide Web sometimes lack a simple mobile Internet, and it is not always convenient to use a wired one. After all, a modern person spends a lot of time outside the house and sometimes there is simply no way to connect to a wired network. Especially for such cases, the provider introduced MTS tariffs for the modem.

Internet for modem from MTS

Before examining the topic of what MTS offers tariffs for the modem, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with all the possible options for accessing the Internet through the telesystem. So, the Internet from MTS offers the following devices:

  1. MTS 4G modem. The subscriber is provided with 60 GB of high-speed traffic for two weeks. Price - 2 600 rubles.
  2. Wi-Fi router. The user is also credited with 60 GB of high-speed traffic for a period of two weeks. The advantage of the connection is that you can distribute the Internet through a Wi-Fi router, that is, create an access point. Price - 3,300 rubles.
  3. Wi-Fi modem from MTS. The connection can also be used to distribute unlimited Internet from MTS. For 14 calendar days, 60 GB of high-speed Web-connection is allocated. Cost - 2 900 rubles.
  4. Universal package for the Internet. This package can be used for both computer and laptop or tablet. Here the mobile operator offers users 30 GB of traffic for 14 calendar days. The cost is 4,900 rubles.
  5. Wi-Fi router (maximum speed). Price - 5 900 rubles. After connecting, the subscriber will be able to use the Web-connection at the highest speed - 300 Mb / s. For 2 weeks, the client is provided with 60 GB of high-speed Web connection.

3G modems from MTS are already considered outdated and are gradually disappearing from everyday life, giving way to a better 4G modem connection.

A SIM card is included in the load for any of the offered packages. After turning on the SIM card, the user will have access to the service "100 GB per day." The service switches off automatically after the basic limit has been completely exhausted.

MTS 4G tariffs do not work in conjunction with SIM cards of other mobile operators. Each of the above USB devices contains a certain amount of money, which is debited immediately after activation. After the limit is exhausted, the device can no longer be used without connecting any of the MTS Modem TP.

What tariffs for the modem does the operator offer?

There are three types of MTS Internet tariffs for modems. Each of them will be described in detail below.

"Internet Mini"

This is the most inexpensive and low-volume tariff plan from the line of the Internet for modems from MTS. The characteristic of TP is as follows:

  1. Monthly subscription fee - 500 rubles.
  2. The package works throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Volume - 7 GB / month.

After the allotted limit has been completely exhausted, the client is credited with another 500 MB. The cost of an additional Web connection is 75 rubles. An additional quota can be charged no more than 15 rubles. per month. If this volume was not enough for the client, he will be recommended to use the "Turbo-button" option. To deactivate additional functions, send a free SMS with the number "1" to 1600.

Traffic accrual occurs at the beginning of each month. If the entire volume has not been spent, then it is canceled automatically.

On this TP, the subscription fee consists of 2 parts: fixed (monthly) and variable (debited for an additional quota).

If the user uses a Web connection outside the home region, then 50 rubles are deducted from his balance. for every day. But at the same time, the subscription fee is not charged if the subscriber's mobile device is turned off.

There are several ways to connect Internet-Mini:

  1. By means of the USSD command. To do this, discard the request * 111 * 160 * 1 # and press the call key.
  2. Through your Personal Account. To do this, you need to log in to the site, and then go to the "Tariff plans" section. After that, you will see a list of available connections. Choose the service you need and click "Connect".
  3. You can also turn on the TP at the nearest office of the company or through the contact center by calling 88002500890. Whichever of these connection options you choose, be prepared to provide a company employee with your personal data.

To deactivate the tariff, discard the system request * 111 * 160 * 2 # and press the call key.

This TP allows you to use a more optimal traffic volume. The connection characteristics are as follows:

  • monthly subscription fee - 800 rubles;
  • volume - 15 GB plus unlimited at night (from 00:00 to 07:00 Moscow time);
  • works throughout the Russian Federation.

The package has a nice bonus - a 30% discount on TV from MTS. If the subscriber has used up the allocated limit ahead of time, he will be provided with an additional 1 GB for 150 rubles. You can use no more than 15 additional packages per month.

Unused traffic is automatically burned out. The new accrual of GB will take place after the main account is replenished. After the end of the day limit at night, you can continue to use the Internet until the start of a new billing period. Nevertheless, at night, the subscriber cannot use file hosting services to download or distribute information.

There is also a fixed (monthly) and variable (for additional services) subscription fees. Also, if a client travels outside the home network, 50 rubles will be deducted from the account for every day of using the option. Funds will not be charged if the customer is not using web connections while traveling.

To enable the tariff, you can use the following methods:

  • USSD request * 111 * 161 * 1 # and the "Call" key;
  • Personal Area. To do this, go to your page and enable the required TP;
  • and you can also connect the TP through the coll-center operator by calling 88002500890 or directly at the company's office.

To deactivate the package, use the USSD request * 111 * 161 * 2 # and press the call key.

The package provides the largest traffic volume. The MTS tariff for the "Internet-VIP" modem can be connected to any USB modem. That is, it can work freely both on a computer and on a smartphone or tablet.

Connection characteristic:

  • fixed monthly fee - 1,200 rubles;
  • volume - 30 GB plus night unlimited (from 00:00 to 07:00);
  • operates throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

The user who connects this TP receives a 50% discount on the use of TV from MTS. After the monthly quota is completely exhausted, the subscriber is provided with 3 GB for 350 rubles. As in the previous cases, the option can be used no more than 15 times. And also on any of the considered connections, you can enable the "Turbo-button" option, which makes it possible to order from 500 MB to 20 GB of additional traffic.

After exhausting the daytime quota at night, the subscriber can continue to use the World Wide Web. However, there is also a restriction on downloading files.

At the end of each month, the subscription fee is recalculated, and the cost of the options that the subscriber ordered additionally is added to the fixed amount. If there are none, no recalculation is carried out.

There are several ways to connect TP:

  1. Through your Personal Account.
  2. Using the system request * 111 * 166 * 1 # and the "Call" key.
  3. By calling 88002500890 or at the nearest office of the company.

To deactivate the package, send a USSD request * 111 * 166 * 2 # and press the call key. And also any of the packages can be turned off in the LC.

MTS tariffs for a modem are presented in a small number of options. Today the company offers only two solutions. It is worth examining the key parameters to help clients decide on the program.

At the moment, there are two options:

  • Connect-4.
  • Plan For laptop.

Operator programs are in demand. They have a number of advantages:

  • There is unlimited internet, but a speed limit is imposed.
  • You can choose a suitable package for Connect-4.
  • Optimal prices are offered.
  • It is possible to comfortably use communication services.
  • The operator has the largest network in the country.
  • Confident reception is ensured.
  • It is possible to achieve high speed of the Internet.
  • The 3G modem can be used in the office, at home, on the street, at school.
  • There are several options for the equipment offered by the company.

Considering these factors, the operator's services are in high demand. But it is important to study the current conditions for the programs.

Review of tariffs for unlimited Internet from MTS for a modem

The survey will not work, since there is only one standard plan for the modem - Connect-4. Let's list the main conditions for it:

  • The subscription fee is 0 rubles.
  • An additional package is connected.
  • You get internet access via the option.

The operator offers a range of services. The Mini option provides 7 GB of traffic. The subscription fee will be 500 rubles per month.

There is a Maxi option. It provides 15 GB of traffic. There is an unlimited night time, when you can use the Internet without restrictions. Price - 800 rubles.

There is a VIP option. It provides 30 GB of Internet, which should be enough for most users. There is no limit at night. Service cost - 1200 rubles.

After activating Connect-4, you need to determine the appropriate option. You should take into account the need for traffic, how many GBs are consumed per month. Choose a service that fully meets your needs.

What are the advantages of Connect-4?

  1. Simple conditions for the program.
  2. The plan is customized for the user using the options.
  3. You can choose the right conditions.
  4. Manages to optimize costs.
  5. This is one of the best plans that combines everything you need.

MTS tariffs for a modem for unlimited Internet for a laptop

MTS Internet tariff for modem is provided for use in a laptop. Conditions according to the plan:

  • Unlimited on all resources is provided. You can use the Internet without traffic restrictions.
  • Speed ​​- up to 4 Mbps. A barrier is installed to eliminate the load on the network.
  • The cost is 180 rubles per week.

The advantage of the program is full unlimited. The subscriber no longer needs to read the rest of the package and worry about its possible end. Therefore, the plan is in demand among customers.

The downside is the speed limit. The user will have enough 4 Mbps for various tasks. But it becomes impossible to download large files and watch videos in high definition. Therefore, the plan has flaws.

The cost is relatively low. Considering that unlimited access to the network is offered, the price can be called optimal. Compared to packages, many subscribers will save money.

Please note that laptop rates are not available in all regions. You can check its presence in your subject on the operator's website.

The cost of MTS tariffs for a 3G modem

Prices may vary. It depends on the following factors:

  • Region. For each subject, the conditions are adjusted.
  • Income level.
  • Other offers on the local market.

How do you know the parameters for the programs in your subject? You can go to the official portal, the system will automatically determine the user's location and transfer to the regional version. Study the data in the section with tariffs and Internet services.


You can use the existing modems, if they are not restricted to work with SIM-cards of a certain operator. Therefore, it is better to purchase equipment in regular stores, without additional locks.

If there is no equipment yet, then it can be bought from MTS. Several types of devices are presented:

  1. USB modem. It plugs into a port on a laptop or computer.
  2. Wi-Fi modem. It is similar in design to a flash card, but creates a wireless network.
  3. Wi-Fi router. Suitable for use at home or in offices if you need a permanent access point.

It is important that the company does not manufacture equipment on its own. She selects good models from other manufacturers and orders a batch of devices. The MTS logo is applied to the case and a lock is installed to prevent the use of other SIM-cards.

The operator sells the equipment with a small premium. I manage to buy equipment at an attractive price. In the future, the company will receive income from the used communication services.

If desired, the lock can be released. But this is not an easy process, it is necessary to flash the device. After this operation, you can use cards from different operators.

How to connect?

You can connect to the tariffs at the office. Would need:

  • Find the nearest salon on the map.
  • Clarify the work schedule.
  • Come to the office in person.
  • Provide a passport.
  • Define a program.
  • Equipment can be purchased immediately.
  • Install a SIM card and start using.

If you are a client of the company, then you can switch to a tariff. There are a number of ways:

  1. Upon request. You can find the code to activate the plan on its page.
  2. In your personal account. A convenient option for performing various operations. On the tab with tariffication programs, you can make the transition.
  3. In the application. You need to download "My MTS" to your smartphone. Open the application and select the appropriate plan for connection in it.
  4. I manage to call the operator, the specialist will provide support.

If you want to disable the program, then you need to replace it. Find another option with suitable conditions. Activate it, the old plan will cease to work.

MTS is one of the first and largest company to provide mobile services from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. The provider has a wide range of proposals in stock that are aimed at solving specific goals and objectives. Among them there are contracts on a per-minute basis or with a fixed monthly fee, but also the division occurs depending on the user's equipment. MTS tariffs for the modem require special attention. Today we will take a closer look at them.

Connect 4

This is the name of the most popular tariff plan for modem and router. It is perfect for active consumers of network resources, for people who spend most of their time on the world wide web. This contract has a twofold structure. Billing can be done in two different ways:

  1. Without connecting additional services and Internet packages, it is a classic contract for calls. The settlement is done on a per-minute basis without monthly payments. Each megabyte also has its own price - 9.90 rubles.
  2. If a subscriber activates a set of gigabytes, then he will maximize the possibilities of the tariff, but in this case there is a need for a constant subscription fee, which will consist of all the installed add-on and renewal options.

Thus, this proposal is a kind of basis for connecting Internet applications. Without them, it will not differ in its capabilities from any other name of the provider.

A subscriber can use a SIM card with such a tariff plan in a smartphone or tablet. The cost of voice communication and correspondence will be calculated as follows:

  1. A single price for outgoing calls within one registration region to all telephone numbers is 3 rubles per minute of communication.
  2. Negotiations throughout the country have a standard price tag. Calls within the network - 3 rubles, and conversations with subscribers of other operators - 12 rubles.
  3. Correspondence via text messages SMS within the area of ​​the conclusion of the contract - 1.05 per shipment. Throughout Russia - 1.95 rubles.
  4. An MMS message costs 9.90 rubles. in any direction.

All incoming calls and messages are free.

The consumer can purchase a contract complete with the provider's official equipment for a computer. It can be a 4G modem, router, WI-FI modem. The cost of such a set depends on the device.

To activate the name you can use any standard method:

  1. Log in to your personal account and select a tariff for the MTS Connect 4 modem in the list of offers. If you do not have an account, create one.
  2. Download and install the operator's mobile application. Launch it and you will find the required tariff plan in the list.
  3. Call customer service on 0890. Wait for a specialist to answer and ask him to perform remote activation of the contract.
  4. Contact the MTS customer service center and ask the manager to connect a tariff plan for you.
  5. Enter a simple USSD code combination - * 111 * 307 #. The cost for reconnection is 75 rubles, if the consumer performed a similar operation within one month.

To organize the work of the tariff plan in the right direction and maximize its efficiency, it is enough to set some options for the Internet. Below we have listed the most popular ones at the current time.

Internet Mini

This MTS option provides the subscriber with a free traffic package for a monthly period of use. The service has a fixed subscription fee of 350 rubles per month. In the future, it will be debited every thirty days from the consumer's balance, but if there is no sufficient amount on the personal account, a payment of 15 rubles will be debited from the client's number every day.

The user receives 8 gigabytes for the billing period. This size is good for chatting, texting and listening to music online. If you have not completely used up the bag, then the leftovers will automatically burn out and will not be carried over to the next period. As soon as the subscriber goes beyond the limited traffic, by default, additional 500 megabytes are provided for 75 rubles, which can be ordered up to 15 times a month. After all possible extensions have been consumed, access to network resources is suspended.

To activate the option, enter the USSD code command * 160 #.

Internet Maxi

The next offer differs from the previous one only in the price and size of the traffic provided. For 450 rubles a month, the consumer receives 15 gigabytes. They will be enough for watching videos and downloading weighty files. It is an ideal solution for USB modems and routers. In the absence of a sufficient amount for payment on the client's balance, a payment of 20 rubles will be debited every day. The balances are also not carried over to subsequent dates.

Subscribers of the company receive unique bonuses for connecting this service:

  1. Unlimited access to Internet resources at night from 00.00 am to 07.00 am. Traffic is not charged and is not included in the final price tag.
  2. A 30 percent discount on the use of the official application of the MTS TV provider.

As soon as the traffic comes to an end, the user can get an automatic 1 gigabyte renewal for 150 rubles (one-time payment). This procedure is allowed no more than 15 times per month. To launch the option, enter the code * 161 #.

Internet VIP

The largest possible volume of names. For 600 rubles, the consumer receives as much as 30 gigabytes per month. This advantageous option, like all those listed earlier, is valid throughout Russia. If the client cannot pay the specified amount at once, then 26 rubles will be debited from the account every day. Balances are not carried over to the next period. When going beyond the established traffic limits, the subscriber receives an additional 3 gigabytes for 350 rubles, then he can reconnect them up to 15 times.

After activation, the client receives completely unlimited Internet from MTS on a modem that allows the use of the resources of the world wide web in the time interval from midnight to seven in the morning. The traffic that was spent during this time interval is not counted. And also a 50% discount is provided for watching TV in the MTS TV application. To install the service dial * 166 #.

Tariff "For laptop"

This offer provides unlimited access to network resources. The traffic spent by the consumer on the Internet is free of charge. But there is one limitation - the speed limit has a limit of 4 megabits per second. In principle, it should be enough to watch high quality video, download large files and documents, for correspondence and video calls. A subscription fee of 600 rubles per month is assigned for the tariff plan. If you leave the registration area, then every day a commission of 50 rubles will be deducted from the balance.

It will also be able to make calls at a single cost in any region of the country - one minute costs 5 rubles for all directions. Outgoing letters are priced at 2.5 rubles. The contract can be activated only in the official service salon; it cannot be connected independently and remotely. When downloading torrent files, the download speed is limited and does not exceed 500 kilobits per second.

Turbo button

If a consumer has spent a set rate within the traffic packets that we reviewed earlier, in order to maintain the speed, it is necessary to install favorable renewal services for the Internet via modem. Currently, there are 6 types of Turbo buttons, which differ in volume and cost:

  • 100 megabytes for a daily period for 30 rubles. To start, enter the encoding * 111 * 05 * 1 #;
  • 500 megabytes for 95 rubles for a month. Installation - * 167 #.

  • 1 gigabyte for 30 days for 175 rubles per month. To activate, enter - * 467 #;
  • 2 GB for 250 rubles. Start - * 168 #.

  • 5 gigabytes, 350 rubles. Inclusion - * 169 #;
  • 20 GB: 500 rubles for 30 days. * 469 #.

The user can activate unlimited on his tariff plan for a certain period of time within the same option.

Today, the use of the Internet everywhere is not just a whim, but a real necessity. Access to the network allows you to solve business issues, get acquainted with training materials, exchange information and just spend your leisure time. MTS tariffs offer the use of a usb modem for a computer or tablet in order to always stay in touch with the outside world and use the possibilities of the Internet. Let's consider which tariff is the most profitable and how to connect it?

An Internet modem is a device for mobile purposes that is connected via a USB port. Externally, the device is similar to a conventional USB flash drive. Typically, the MTS modem is designed for a laptop and tablet. These devices are divided into two types.

The first one provides Internet access to the device being used. The second one makes it possible to distribute Wi-fi to other computers, tablets and phones. Accordingly, in this case, it is necessary to choose the Internet for mts for a modem on an unlimited basis or with a large number of GB available.

Features of connecting and configuring the device:

  • The 4g modem is very easy to install. To get started, you need to insert the device into the corresponding port of the computer;
  • an installation window will appear on the desktop, you must select the "run" button;
  • you need to connect the Internet to MTS by clicking on the 3g modem shortcut, which is installed on the desktop.

This is important: if after clicking on the shortcut, the MTS Internet connection is not established, then you need to contact the specialists. The problem is with the modem itself when it doesn't work on all devices. Therefore, it must be checked on a third-party technique. If the device does not function on only one laptop, then the problem is in the technology itself.

Modem - favorable tariffs for MTS

Tariff plans for 4g are quite diverse, so that the user can choose the format that suits him best. One of the most popular plans is "mini" - the most budgetary and limited traffic plan. The provider provides 7 GB to users, which are credited once a month after the subscription fee has been charged.

The cost of tariffs for the MTS modem may vary depending on the region. For example, in Moscow and the region, the price will be 500 rubles. To activate the selected tariff, you need to visit your personal account on the website or dial the combination * 160 #.

MTS tariffs also offer packages of more volume in terms of traffic - "maxi". A 4g modem is charged with 15 GB, which is quite enough for full use of the Internet for a month. The advantage of the tariff is that users can access the network without traffic restrictions at night. For operations requiring a large write-off of GB, it is better to use night time rather than daytime.

Then you can safely watch videos and films without fear that the Internet from MTS will end. Of course, the cost of the tariff for unlimited Internet for the modem will be slightly higher and amount to 800 rubles per month for the Moscow region. You can connect to the package using your personal account or the command * 161 #.

Internet VIP

The most profitable and full-scale tariff for the mts modem. Users have at their disposal 30 GB for daytime use of the network. At night, the tariff for unlimited Internet comes into force. This plan is the most voluminous in terms of traffic, and therefore the cost of the tariff also increases - 1200 rubles for the Moscow region.

Unlimited connection is made using a personal account or a short command - * 166 #.

Important: please note that only one Internet tariff can work on your device. When a new plan is connected, the old tariff will be automatically deactivated. Therefore, select the most suitable offer from the range in advance.

Other options

The provider's subscribers can connect to the modem and other options:

  • Bit is a tariff plan that provides the user with 75 Mb of traffic every day. There is no speed limit. The cost of the service will be 200 rubles, the connection is made by the command * 111 * 252 #. If the user has used up all the traffic for the specified period, then the speed is reduced, and access to the network is temporarily suspended. You must wait until the next day to resume using the Internet. In case of an urgent need to visit the network, you can use the Internet tariffs "Turbo Button";
  • "Super Bit" - mts 4g offers high-quality internet anywhere in the country, the tariff is chosen by people who need more available MB. In "Super Bit" traffic is 3 GB. The cost of the service is 350 rubles per month. Connection is carried out using the command * 111 * 628 #. Also, users have access to the "Turbo button" within this option;
  • "TOP" - an elite line of tariffs offering 50 GB for use, the cost of the service will be 1600 rubles. The order is carried out by the command * 111 * 387 #;
  • "Premium" - an elite line of tariffs offering 100 GB for use, the cost of the service will be 2,400 rubles. The order is carried out by the command * 111 * 372 #.

Advice: if you are interested in how to find out the tariff for MTS or how to change the tariff, then you should contact the employees of the provider's salon or call the operator at 0890. You will receive knowledgeable information regarding mobile plans, their connection, cost and transition possibilities.

The video below will acquaint you in more detail with the intricacies of choosing a tariff plan for a modem