How to write a proactive proposal. Sales letter: sample writing Initiative letter sample


Such a letter contains a message about the receipt of any shipment (letter, telegram, transfer, parcel, goods, valuables, etc.), that the previously drawn up document remained in force (agreement, instruction, etc.). A letter is a confirmation of some fact, action, telephone conversation. Such a letter begins with words formed from the verb "confirm".

For instance:

Confirming the receipt of your proposals, stated in the letter dated 25.06.2005, we are sending copies of the necessary documents to your address.

Sending such letters is a mandatory part business relations. Their timely sending allows the addressee to remove from control and exclude sending reminder letters to them.


The letter contains an indication of the approaching or expiration of the deadline for fulfilling any obligation or holding an event. Such a letter can be especially concise, contain one final part, and, as a rule, begins with the word “Reminder”.

For instance:

We remind you that in accordance with the contract No. 12/68 dated 12.05.2005, you must complete the repair and construction work no later than the deadline specified in the contract, namely 20.08.2005.


Such a letter is a document that ensures the fulfillment of the obligations set forth in it.

In it, the addressee is usually guaranteed payment or the provision of something (place, work, research, etc.). These letters have an increased legal function Therefore, the presentation of the text should be extremely clear and clear.

For instance:

Please allocate a room for the seminar on 14.07.2005 from 14.30 to 18.00.

We guarantee payment for the rent of the premises from an account ... in ... a bank.


This is a letter that needs a response. Most of the categories of these letters express a request (proposal, request) to the addressee in resolving any issue.

This is the most common type of letters, the subject matter of which is unlimited. However, their nature suggests the possibility of a positive or negative solution to the problem.

For instance:

We invite you to take part in the work of the expert group.

Please inform us about your decision in a letter not later than 20.12.2005.


Such a letter in its content has a character that depends on the initiative letters, since the topic of their texts has already been set and it remains to suggest the nature of the solution of the questions posed in the initiative letters: acceptance or rejection of the proposal, fulfillment of the request.

The answer should always be set out in a specific and clear form: whether all requests can be satisfied, to what extent, in what time frame.

If the letter contains a refusal, it must be briefly reasoned.

From the outside, the state financing system looks like a dense forest in which it is easy to get lost, and even easier - to break something for yourself. However, from time to time people loaded with state money come out of this “forest”. So, this is quite a feasible task. And scientists, that is, by definition smart people are quite capable of solving it. You just need to know what to do and when.

For starters, don't wait until the Ministry of Education and Science starts announcing contests. Most likely, they will go on topics that are beyond your interests. Or the tasks themselves, laid down in these competitions, will turn out to be impossible for you. Therefore, such an expectation is meaningless. Mainly because main job upon receipt public money for scientific development goes at an earlier stage, at which proposals are submitted on the formation of topics and the amount of funding.

Scientists have said many times that officials do not know what is more important for the country, what science has a higher priority, what kind of research is worth developing and what is not. The most interesting thing is that officials do not argue with this. And they say that initiative proposals for the formation of topics just solve this issue. After all, scientists themselves submit them, and other scientists evaluate their importance and relevance. The ministry agrees with the opinion of experts and allocates money.

How to fill out an application

The most important thing in filling out an initiative proposal is to remember that this is also work. Moreover, the work that no one specifically teaches scientists. Why is a topic for another discussion. The main thing is that in this situation you can’t fix it in a minute. Therefore, it makes sense to either hire a person who knows how to fill out pieces of paper, or sit down and really figure it out yourself. Detailed Instructions, although not written in the most accessible language, is on the website of the directorate of scientific and technical programs. Moreover, many organizations that monitor the correct execution of contracts (they are called monitoring organizations) issue their own manuals for filling out the relevant documents. Some of them are collected in our system. And we will continue to collect them in one place. In addition, in parallel, we will try to state the same thing in an accessible language. Truth, in simple words only the general picture can be explained. Starting at some point, you will still have to refer to directional instructions. Because if some field needs to be filled in this way and not otherwise, then you can’t say otherwise.

When filling out an initiative proposal (and subsequently submitting reports), it is worth remembering a few important points.

In all documents, the same part of the work or detail, for example, should be called the same. Officials do not understand synonyms. And if you call your molecule a pi-complex in one part, and a cluster in the other, be sure that the proposal will not pass. The same goes for the portal, which is called the system.

If the rules for making an offer say that something should be there and there, be sure that nothing else can be there. But everything that is listed must be there. And exactly where it says. After all, you don't pour water into acid, right? Therefore, do not force other people to pore over the form of your application, give them the opportunity to think about its content.

But the main thing is to think over all the upcoming work from beginning to end. If your offer passes, and then you get money for your work, then everything that did not fall into the terms of the contract, you will have to do "for your own". The feasibility study, the terms of reference, and calendar plan. And, most importantly, an explanatory note in which you must explain in a popular language what you are going to do and why.

The initiative proposal is not just a thought thrown down from above from the series “We need to grow blue bananas in the Arctic”, but a very clear business plan. It consists, recall, of the following elements:

  • Explanatory note
  • Technical task
  • Feasibility Study
  • Calendar plan

Together, they create a complete impression of the project, which, when new system funding (without the notorious FZ-94) actually gives a huge advantage in the subsequent competition to the author of the proposal.

What does an initiative proposal for the formation of topics consist of?

One of the main monitoring organizations, which has been cooperating for a long time with the Ministry of Education and Science and with the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Proceedings, explained what each of the documents should contain.

Explanatory note (PZ) should contain basic information about the initiating organization, as well as a detailed justification of the proposed research topic. Provided in explanatory note sections should have a detailed justification and description:

1) Why is it necessary to order the execution of this project:

The relevance of the project;

Description of the problems to be solved, the task set and proposed approaches to its solution;

Brief description of the work;

Characteristics of the expected national economic result

2) What scientific and technical result should be obtained as a result of the project work:

Description of planned results;

Description potential consumers scientific result;

3) Which organizations can participate in the competition for the implementation of this project

4) Implementation of indicators and indicators of the program event of the Program within the framework of this project

5) Evaluation of the timing of the implementation of this project in full

6) Estimation of the project cost and the amount of financing:

Amount of funds federal budget;

The amount of funds from extrabudgetary sources.

Terms of Reference (TOR) - source document for research work (R&D). TK contains the main technical requirements presented to the result of the work, and the initial data for development; the TOR indicates the purpose of the result, its scope, the stages of development of documentation, its composition, deadlines, etc., as well as special requirements due to the specifics of the result itself or the conditions of its operation.

Feasibility Study (FS)- analyses, calculations, assessments of the economic feasibility of the proposed project for the creation of a new technical facility, modernization and reconstruction of existing facilities. Based on a comparative assessment of costs and benefits, establishing the effectiveness of use.

The feasibility study must contain:

1. Justification of the scope and timing of work

2. Estimation of the cost of work and justification of the amount of funding, including:

  • Justification of the cost of performing work at the expense of the federal budget
  • Substantiation of volumes and the possibility of attracting extrabudgetary funds

Project calendar plan work on the proposed R&D, indicating the stages, content, timing and cost of the planned work, should become the resulting document developed and submitted by the initiator based on the justifications given in the previous parts of the proposal. The draft calendar plan should subsequently become the basis for the formation of tender documentation and integral part state contract.

Drafting various kinds of business letters is a necessary part of the work of business representatives. Through messages like these, they gain the ability to decide commercial matters in the most affordable, fast and optimal way.


What are business letters

Conventionally, business letters can be divided into several main categories:

  • congratulatory letter;
  • information mail;
  • etc.

A separate item can be marked as answers to all these letters, which are also part of official business correspondence and are also written according to certain canons.

Who should act as the author of the letter

Business letters must always contain a signature. At the same time, any employee of the company whose competence includes given function or authorized to do so by order of the director. Usually this is a specialist or manager of that structural unit, which deals with the topic of the message. However, regardless of who is writing the letter, in any case, the letter must be submitted for approval to the manager, bearing in mind that it is written on behalf of the company.

General rules for writing business letters

All business messages should relate only to the activities of the company or the circumstances associated with it. At the same time, regardless of the content, they must comply with certain requirements.

First of all, it is a certain structure. The message should always include:

  • writing date,
  • details of the sender and recipient,
  • polite address address (in the form of the wording “Dear Ivan Petrovich”, “Dear Elena Grigoryevna”),

It should be noted that letters can be addressed to both individual employees and entire teams (in this case, it is enough to confine ourselves to the greeting “Good afternoon!”).

  • information component containing the reasons and goals that served as the basis for writing the letter,
  • requests and explanations
  • conclusion.
  • Various additional documents, photo and video evidence may be attached to the letter - if any, this must be reflected in the main text.

    The letter can be drawn up both on the usual standard sheet of A4 format, and on letterhead organizations. The second option is preferable, because with it you do not need to manually enter the details of the company, in addition, such a letter looks more solid and once again indicates that the message belongs to official correspondence. It can be written in handwritten form (letters written in calligraphic handwriting are especially successful), or printed on a computer (it is convenient when you need to create several copies of a letter).

    The letter must be certified with a signature, but it is not necessary to stamp it, because. Since 2016, legal entities have been exempted from the need to use seals in their activities.

    Before sending, the message, if necessary, is registered in the journal of outgoing documentation, in which it is assigned a number and the date of departure is set.

    What to look for when writing a letter

    When composing a letter, you need to carefully monitor spelling, adhere to the rules and norms of the Russian language in terms of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, etc. Recipients always pay attention to how well the thoughts are expressed and framed in the message.

    Do not forget that the studies conducted clearly show that people are not ready to spend more than one minute reading this kind of letters.

    The letter must be written in the correct form, without “spreading the thought along the tree”, rather short and succinctly, to the point. Each new topic should be formatted as a separate paragraph, which, if necessary, should be divided into paragraphs. In addition, a concise and clear letter will make it clear to the recipient that the author values ​​his time. Here the saying “brevity is the sister of talent” is in place.

    What Not to Do in a Business Letter

    V business letters A cheeky or frivolous tone is completely unacceptable, just like too dry text and banal “stamps”. You should also avoid complex formulations, an abundance of participial and participle turnovers, special terminology that is understandable narrow circle specialists.

    The letter should not include unverified, unreliable, and even more so, deliberately false information.

    It should be borne in mind that this type of message is not only part of routine business correspondence, but, in many cases, refers to official documents that can later acquire the status of legally significant.

    How to send a letter

    Any official message can be sent in several basic ways.

    1. The first, the most modern and fastest, through electronic means connections. It is convenient and fast, besides, it allows you to send information of almost unlimited volume.

      There is only one minus here - with a large amount of mail from the addressee, the letter can easily get lost or fall into the Spam folder, therefore, when sending letters in this way, it is advisable to additionally make sure that the letter has been received (through a simple phone call).

    2. The second way: conservative, which allows you to send a message by Russian Post. In this case, it is recommended to use the send function by registered mail with notification of delivery - this form guarantees that the letter reaches the addressee, about which the recipient will receive a special notification.

      Typically, sending via standard mail is used in cases where original documents are sent, letters certified by living signatures and seals.

    3. Also, a letter can be sent via fax or various instant messengers, but only on condition that the relations between the partners are close enough and fully allow such a way of correspondence.

    Types of commercial letters can be different: offer, request, request and response to a request. This article explains how to write all of the above types of sales letters and provides examples of sales letters.

    From the article you will learn:

    V commercial activities a message sent by the seller to the buyer with an offer of goods or services and the intention to conclude a deal, indicating its specific conditions, is called a commercial offer.

    How to write a commercial offer letter

    According to the generally accepted standard, a letter of a commercial offer for cooperation is drawn up on the letterhead of the company.

    The composition of the details required for a commercial message includes:

    • Company name;
    • reference data about the company;
    • company code;
    • OGRN legal entity;
    • TIN of the taxpayer;
    • date of creation of the letter;
    • registration number of the shipment;
    • destination;
    • heading of the commercial letter;
    • signature;
    • artist mark.

    A commercial letter can be sent to one specific addressee or to several at once. Some companies use mass mailing of such letters to the widest possible range of addressees.

    How to write a letter of request

    Letters of request are compiled in order for the addressee to perform the actions necessary for the author of the message. In a simple situation, it is not required to present complex information, give arguments, or convince the addressee. Then letter of request it is better to start directly with the statement of the request itself.

    For instance:

    We ask you to send the calendar plan for the seminars for the 1st half of 2018.

    Request - a letter of request, which is compiled to obtain official information (documents, materials, information).

    Compare the texts of the two letters.

    Letter of request:

    An inquiry:

    Email text structure

    The text of the request letter consists of two parts: justification (statement of the reasons for the request) and conclusion (request).

    Unlike a request, a request can have a different structure. Such a letter may include:

    One part. For instance:

    We ask you to consider the possibility of supplying citrus fruits in the first quarter of 2018 and, if the decision is positive, send us an offer.

    The request consists of one part, since the situation does not require justification.

    Two parts. For instance:

    In connection with the repair of the road surface on the street. Molodtsova, in the area of ​​houses 15–27, from May 15 to May 20, 2018, we ask you to stop traffic on the indicated section at night.

    If the text of the request consists of two parts, the reasons for writing the message should be stated first, and then the request.

    Three parts. For instance:

    In accordance with the contract dated February 12, 2017 No. 22/56, your company undertook to supply metal mobile racks for the equipment of the archive in equal batches in September, October and November 2017. However, you delayed the delivery of the last batch of equipment for two weeks without explanation reasons for the delay.

    The delay in the delivery of the last batch of racks jeopardizes the commissioning of the archives within the time frame established by the state contract. We ask you to take measures for the shipment of the last batch of racks in the amount of 40 pcs. no later than March 10, 2018.

    The justification in requests or requests may be a reference to a legislative or other regulatory legal act, a statement of facts or events.

    Rules for writing letters

    Letters of request and letters of inquiry are drawn up on forms.

    When processing these types of messages, the details are used:

    1. destination;
    2. title to the text (if the text of the letter is more than 4–5 lines);
    3. signature;
    4. artist mark.

    In the process of preparing the message, they are coordinated. Approval marks (visas) are affixed to the copy of the letter. A copy remains in the organization - the author letters. There are marks on the back of the original if the message is sent by fax or e-mail. If there is a system electronic document management, marks are fixed in it.

    For more information about the classification of commercial letters, see the article Information Letters.

    How commercial inquiries are made

    A special type of request letter is a letter of request. commercial offer. This is a request from the buyer to the seller:

    • provide information about the goods (works, services);
    • send a proposal for the supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services).

    Commercial requests are used before the conclusion of the contract.

    In the text of a commercial request, as a rule, indicate:

    1. name of goods (services);
    2. the conditions under which the author of the letter would like to receive them;
    3. quantity and/or quality;
    4. terms of delivery of goods or services;
    5. price;
    6. other information.

    The commercial request uses the following expressions:

    Please let us know if you can supply...

    Please make an offer for...

    Please provide detailed information about…

    Full request example:

    Please inform about the possibility of supplying flatbed scanners of models SKAN-200 and SKAN-320 in the amount of 2 and 3 pcs. respectively during March 2018, as well as to communicate the terms of payment and terms of delivery.