Calculation of logistics costs for transport. Tariff approval

The basis for solving problems in logistics is the development of a strategy and a logistics concept for building a model of transport service for consumers and firms, which is based on rational transportation routes and scheduling the delivery of products to consumers, i.e. transportation routing.

Transportation routing is the most advanced way to organize material flows of goods from enterprises wholesale trade, which has a significant impact on the acceleration of the turnover of the car with its rational and efficient use.

The creation of routes will allow you to accurately determine the volume of cargo transportation from supply and marketing enterprises, the number of vehicles carrying out these transportations, helps to reduce downtime of vehicles under loading and unloading, the efficient use of rolling stock and the release of significant material resources consumers. At the same time, routing allows you to increase the productivity of vehicles while reducing the number of rolling stock entering the enterprise with the same volume of traffic.

If routes are created, delivery dates are defined and observed, then consumer inventories can be reduced by 1.5-2 times, thereby reducing warehousing costs.

The need for routing cargo transportation is also justified by the fact that routes make it possible to draw up draft current plans and operational requests for transport based on actual traffic volumes.

Thus, the development of reasonable routes and draft transportation plans will contribute to the timely and uninterrupted delivery of products and the effective interaction of sales and transport organizations.

To develop routes, economic and mathematical methods, network planning methods, practical materials and other sources are used. The end result should be a document characterizing the agreed work schedule for supply and distribution, transport organizations and enterprises.

When drawing up a delivery schedule, the following conditions must be considered:

  • 1. Availability of the necessary products in warehouses, wholesalers.
  • 2. Availability Vehicle to service the warehouse complex, wholesalers, taking into account the transported products and the average vehicle load. The calculation should be made not only for the running number of vehicles, but also for the reserve in case of breakdowns and other circumstances.
  • 3. Consumers of products must ensure timely receipt of products and unloading.

Optimal routes are developed by the method of combined plans. The plan-application is applied in a matrix with the optimal distribution option in a different color. The cell, where there are numbers of different colors, indicates the pendulum route.

Pendulum route - the movement of rolling stock between two points. The traffic volume of the pendulum route is taken at the lowest load, regardless of the cell load, and is subtracted from these figures.

The sum of downloads in circles must always be equal to the sum of downloads without circles in both rows and columns. The final figures are not included in the calculations.

We are starting to develop circular routes.

The ring route is developed by constructing a contour of a closed line at right angles, all the vertices of which must lie in the loaded cells alternately in circles and without circles.

From the vertices, the least load is selected, which is the volume of traffic along this route and is subtracted from all vertices. Then the steps are repeated until one last route remains.

We calculate a rational route

Here we make a choice in favor of a pendulum or ring scheme of movement. We draw up agreed schedules for the delivery of products to consumers and develop indicators of economic incentives for employees involved in the transport process.

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Ministry of transportation Russian Federation

Federal Air Transport Agency

FGOU VPO "St. Petersburg State University civil aviation"


discipline: "General course of transport"

Development of a cargo transportation route using road and air transport


Art. uch. gr. No. OAP-07/VVO

Ragulina L.Yu.


Art. teacher, department 22

Bogdanov E.V.

Saint Petersburg 2008

1. Description of the itinerary

2. Vehicle type selection

3. The main calculated indicators of the transport and logistics system

4. Calculation of the main indicators of the transport and logistics system

5. Calculation of the amount of profit by a transport and logistics company

6. Calculation of the cost of the route

7. Calculation of the efficiency of the transport and logistics system

8. Calculation of the profitability of the selected route

9. Calculation of the total delivery time of the cargo and the length of the route

10. Determine the transport component in the price of the goods

11. Determination of the total price of the transported cargo


indicator scheme route transportation cargo

1. Description of the itinerary

Consider the scheme of the route for the transportation of cargo m g from the student's place of residence to the air town of St. Petersburg using road and air transport, and calculate the efficiency of the transport and logistics system on the route "MF? AP-1? AP-2? SPb AG" (Fig. 1), taking into account the emerging Pan-European and International Eurasian transport corridors:

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Rice. 1. Scheme of the route of the transport and logistics system,

Where L 1 , L 2 , L 3 - the length of the stages of the route, respectively, automobile aviation and road transport, km;

L 1 - length from the Brateevo metro station to the Domodedovo airport 35 km,

L 2 - length from Moscow to St. Petersburg 760 km,

L 3 - length from Pulkovo airport to Aviagorodok St. Petersburg 10 km,

t- auto parts for VAZ2109,

C g - cost of cargo, 970 thousand rubles .,

t RRR1 , t RRR2 , t RRR3 , t RRR4 - the time of loading and unloading operations is taken in accordance with field trip, h.

t 1 , t 2 , t 3 - time for transportation of cargo on each of the stages of the selected route, h;

t 1 - time 1.2 hours (including traffic)

t 2 - time 1 hour

t 3 - time 0.3 hour

MZHS - the student's place of residence, Moscow, m / d Brateevo,

AP-1 - the nearest airport to MZHS-Domodedovo;

AP-2 - St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport;

SPb AG - St. Petersburg Aviagorodok.

Cargo characteristics: Cargo nature - auto parts for VAZ2109

m g - mass of transported cargo, 10 t;

C g - cost of cargo, 970 thousand rubles;

Tariffs for transportation on the 1st stage of the route - C Pi, rub/tkm;

C P1 - tariff 5600 rubles. minimum order (6 hours) + 12 rubles / km beyond the Moscow Ring Road to the airport from the Moscow Ring Road 20 km (5600 rubles + 20 km * 12 rubles / km = 5840 rubles.) Thus 5840 rubles for the entire batch (according to the transport company Transway, C P2 - the airfare of S7-Airlines is 18 rubles/kg,

C P3 - the tariff is 1600 rubles per 10 km for the entire batch.

Tariffs for loading and unloading works -

C PPR 1 , 2 loaders 2500 rub/hour from Transway,

C PPR2 the tariff for loading cargo at the Domodedovo airport is 2.5 rubles / kg, i.е. 2500 rub/t (terminal cargo handling at Domodedovo airport)

C PPR3, the tariff for unloading cargo at the Pulkovo airport is 1.65 rubles / kg, i.е. 1650 rub/t (terminal cargo handling at Pulkovo airport)

C PPR4 2 loaders 2500 rub/hour, C PPR5 2 loaders 2500 rub/hour.

Tariffs for cargo storage in the 1st warehouse - C хр1 and 2, 0 rub/kg during the first day, the contract is concluded for delivery within the first day.

An additional charge is the registration of a consignment note 330 rubles / piece.

2. Youboron vehicle type

Vehicle parameters required for calculation:

Car load capacity - not less than 10 t- KAMAZ truck

· The average speed of the car at the first stage - , 40 km/h;

· The average speed of the car at the second stage - , 40 km/h;

· Car engine fuel consumption - , 12 l/100 km;

Aircraft (AC) parameters required for calculation:

· Carrying capacity of aircraft - not less than 10 t; Tu154, payload 18.5 t

· The average speed of the aircraft at the second stage - , 700 km/h;

Specific fuel consumption of an aircraft engine during flight to a technical range with a maximum load - , G/tkm; 5.5t/h

3. Omainesettlementindicatorandwork tr

· Volume transport work at each stage of the route - Q Pi, t/km;

Income, money received for the performance of transport work
on the i-th stage of the route - D Pi, rub;

· Door-to-door shipping costs, rub;

Profit per i-th stage of the route - P Pi, rub;

The cost of transportation i-th stage of the route - C Pi, rub/tkm;

・Transportation efficiency i-th stage of the route - E Pi, rub/rub;

The transport component of the price of the goods -, rub;

· Cost of transported goods - .

4. Rcalculation of the main indicators of trtransport and logistics system

BUT)Calculation of the volume of transport work at each stage of the route. The result of transport work on the transportation of goods is transport products.

Transport products consist of the actual transportation of goods and (or) people, as well as operations and procedures related to customer service (provision of various services, handling of goods and luggage in transport and technological terminals, delivery to the place of departure and destination, maintenance of vehicles other companies, etc.).

One of the elements of the route under consideration is the stage from AP-1 to AP-2 (a link in the logistics chain), on which one of the modes of transport operates, in this case aviation.

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Rice. 2. Element of the considered route.

The value of transport products is determined by the amount of work performed. The volume of work performed on the site (Fig. 6.) Is equal to

, tkm

QP 1= 10x35=350tkm

QP 2=10х760=7600tkm

QP 3=10х10=100tkm

B)Determination of the income of the production activities of transport enterprises.

The amount of income is the money that must be received from the customer in order to carry out the transportation of goods according to the selected route scheme (we restrict ourselves to calculating income only at the stages of the route).

§ Calculation of the amount of income in the first automobile section


D P 1 = 5840 rubles.

where C P1 - rub/tkm.

§ Calculation of the amount of income in the second aviation section

D P 2 \u003d 180,000 rubles.

where C P2 - the tariff for the carriage of goods on the selected type of aircraft, rub/tkm.

§ Calculation of the amount of income in the third automobile section

D P 2 \u003d 1600 rubles.

where C P3 - freight rate for the selected type of vehicle, rub/tkm.

§ The calculation of the amount of income for the entire route is equal to

D P\u003d 5840 + 180000 + 1600 \u003d 187440 rubles

AT)Calculation of the amount of costs (expenses) of resources and money for work along the route.

To simplify the calculations, we assume that we do not consider costs in the places of the sender and recipient.

1. Calculation of the amount of costs for loading and unloading (transshipment) work at the point of departure (MZhS)

Zppr 1 \u003d 2500 rubles / hour x 2 hours \u003d 5000 rubles

(in this case, loading does not depend on the mass of the cargo, but on the time of loading)

2. Calculation of the value of resource costs in the first automobile section.

Calculation of the required amount of fuel consumed by the selected type of car

12x32 \u003d 384 \u003d 3.84 l

W m1 \u003d 3.84 x 15 \u003d 57.6 rubles.

3. Calculation of the cost of loading and unloading (transshipment) operations at the airport 1

Zppr 2 \u003d 10 x 2500 \u003d 25000 rubles

4. Calculation of costs for cargo storage in the AP-1 warehouse

in stock in one day, rub/kg day;


5. Calculation of the value of resource costs in the second aviation section:

Calculation of the required amount of fuel consumed by the selected type of aircraft

Q t2 = 5.5t/h

Calculation of the cost of the required amount of fuel

W m2 \u003d 5.5 x 17000 \u003d 93500 rubles

6. Calculation of the cost of loading and unloading (handling) operations at airport 2 (St. Petersburg Pulkovo)

Zppr 3 \u003d 10 x 1650 \u003d 16500 rubles

7. Calculation of costs for cargo storage in the AP-2 warehouse

where is the cost of storing one kilogram of cargo
in stock in one day, rub/kg day;

Storage time of goods in the warehouse, day;

The cost of storing cargo in the warehouse is not provided, because. the contract was concluded for the delivery of goods within a day.

8. Calculation of the value of resource costs in the third automobile section:

Calculation of the required amount of fuel consumed by the selected type of car

Q t3 \u003d 12 x 10 \u003d 1.2 l

Calculation of the cost of the required amount of fuel

W t3 \u003d 1.2 x 15 \u003d 18 rubles

9. Calculation of the amount of costs for loading and unloading (transshipment) operations at the point of arrival (St. Petersburg Aviagorodok)

W ppr4 \u003d 2500 x 2 hours \u003d 5000 rubles

5. Calculation of the amount of profit transports and logistics company

Calculation of the amount of profit received by the transport and logistics company during the transportation of goods along the selected route

P tls \u003d 187440 - (5000 + 25000 + 16500 + 5000 + 18 + 93500 + 57.6) \u003d 187440-145075.6 \u003d 42364.4 rubles

6. Route cost calculation

The cost of transportation along the selected route is determined by the ratio of all costs (at all stages of the route) to the sum of the volumes of transport work Q П i at each stage, and is measured in rub/tkm.

Cm= 149075.6 / 5506 = 27 rubles / tkm

7. Calculation of the efficiency of the transport and logistics system

Efficiency is determined by the ratio of the total income (item 2) to the value of all resource costs on the route (item 3).

Em = 187440/149075,6 = 1,26

8 . Calculation of the profitability of the selected route

Profitability is determined by the ratio of profit P TLS(clause 4.) to the value of all resource costs on the route (clause 3).

R = 38364,4/149075,6 = 0,26

9 . Calculation of the total time of cargo delivery and the length of the route

t1 = 1 hour 30 minutes

t3 = 0.3 hours

tprr1 = 1 hour

tpr2 = 1 hour

tpr3 = 1 hour

where - hourly productivity, t/h; T m = 5.8 hours

10 . Define the transport componentin the price of the goods

The value of the transport component is determined by the ratio of all costs to the cost of cargo

T qt \u003d 149075.6 / 970000 \u003d 0.15

11 . Definitioncompletetransfer pricesezennecargo

SG P\u003d 970000 (1 + 0.15) \u003d 1,115,500 rubles.


transport network

Transport network - railways and roads, inland waterways, shipping channels and locks, air lines, pipelines, sea and river ports, railway stations, airfields and airports, pumping stations, marinas, transshipment bases, access roads industrial enterprises for transportation to main roads.

The characteristic that determines the state of the transport space is the density of the transport network is the length of transport communications in a given territory, measured in km/ km 2. At a certain density of the transport space, the rate of the transport process depends on bandwidth transport space, that is, the number of vehicles that move through a certain zone of transport space per unit of time, PCS./ h.

Transport nodes

In transport hubs (TU) there is an interaction of various types of transport, including vehicles and handling equipment.

THAT - this is a point of docking of two or more modes of transport, the technological interaction of which is provided by an appropriate set of devices and means. TU is considered as a complex system, in which teamwork different types transport with a different technology for each of them, a different set of vehicles and devices for the processing of rolling stock and cargo. TS is characterized by a single purpose for the functioning of the modes of transport interacting in it.

One of important elements in the development of the transport system of the Russian Federation is the development of alternative air transport hubs - “hubs”. It is quite obvious that the efficiency of the functioning of the transport complex largely depends on the presence of a well-established, logistically sound system for the formation and management of both freight and passenger flows.

Until recently, the Russian air transport market had two distinct positional sectors: intensive air communications between Moscow and the regions and low-frequency interregional traffic. The first is characterized by high potential capacity and extreme competition involving both the largest federal and many regional carriers. The second is less capacious and competitive, but strategically ineffective.

The formation of a transport hub and the organization of a hub scheme for the execution of flights, when the schedule is planned in such a way as to create connecting links, is fundamentally new service for the passenger. The formation of high-frequency, mostly daily interregional flights, not tied to overloaded and not very conveniently located Moscow airports, will improve the efficiency of transportation for the airline. Today there is a significant and largely unsatisfied demand for such transportation.

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The choice of the route for carrying out the transportation of goods is most often carried out after calculating the total cost of delivery in different ways. This methodology includes calculations of all investments for each route option (taking into account not only the distance and fuel consumption, but also the characteristics of each mode of transport and service needs). At the same time, it is not always necessary to choose the cheapest route - in some cases, an increase in costs for one item of expenditure leads to a decrease in spending as a whole. This condition must be taken into account by specialists performing calculations.

The development of the route is carried out by the forwarding department of the carrier company responsible for the execution of transportation for a specific order. Calculations are necessary when organizing the transportation of a new type of cargo or compiling new routes for already known cargo. Ideally, approximately 3-4 options for moving cargo from the initial to the final point are compiled, after which they are evaluated in detail for profitability and compared with each other.

For clarity, let's imagine that we need to transport 20 thousand tons of rubber shoes from Kohtla-Jarve to the port of Dalian (China). Let us assume that the customer of the transportation, who is also the buyer of the specified products, pays most of the costs. The transportation organizer must organize the main transportation with shipment at the transshipment point (port) and further delivery to the exact place of receipt of the goods by the buyer. The following transportation options have been developed:

  1. From Kohtla-Järve we deliver goods by rail to the port of Sillamäe, then by sea to the port of Dalyan. Approximate total cost of such transportation: $567,200
  2. From Kohtla-Järve by rail to the port of Muuga, then by sea to the port of Dalian. Estimation total cost transportation: 820400 c.u.
  3. It is also possible to deliver the goods by rail from Kohtla-Järve to the port of Dalian directly. The cost of this delivery option is estimated at $1,130,000.

Route options are ready. It would seem obvious that in economic sense the most profitable is the first option. But the organizer of transportation will not necessarily choose it, as a number of other factors should be evaluated. The most important among them are the duration of transportation, the risk of loss or damage to cargo, the likelihood of unexpected costs and delays in transit. The approval of the route is usually made by the customer of the transportation, i.e. the owner of the cargo. As soon as the route is determined, the organizer of the transportation looks for transport companies to carry it out and concludes contracts with them for the provision of services.

Calculation of logistics costs for transport. Tariff approval.

Logistic costs for transport are more dependent on the real price of cargo transportation various types transport. To determine this amount, the concepts of tariff and freight are used. In the first case, we are talking about ground transportation, the cost of which is determined by the owner of the vehicle and is valid for a certain time period. Freight is the cost of a specific transportation by sea, negotiated by the owner of the vehicle and the customer.

The cost of transporting goods by road is determined transport company at your discretion. At the same time, tariffs for customers are developed in accordance with the settlement system adopted by the organization. In practice, time-based tariffs are most often used, piecework or based on the calculation of conventional units of work. At the same time, the owner of the transport has the right to develop different payment schemes for different customers (for example, discounts for regular customers or for large shipments), transport units, etc.

Separate tariffs are developed for each type of transport. Payment transport services should be carried out in such a way that the owner makes a profit, as well as fully covers the costs of maintaining the transport. At the same time, for the buyer, the cost of transportation should not be too high and different price ranges should be maintained.

For rail transport The total cost of delivery is formed by the following conditions:

  • the speed of the cargo in transit
  • features of cargo placement: shipment by containers, wagons, small lots or tons
  • route length
  • the need to use special equipment: standard wagons or platforms that provide a special temperature regime, tanks.
  • volume of transported products
  • special conditions for the owner of wagons or tanks

Tariffs are determined by tariff rates that determine the cost of transportation. From the side of an ordinary buyer of goods at retail or small wholesale, tariffs can be classified as transportation costs. For the owner of vehicles, tariffs are the main tool that generates income.

Standard formula for calculation tariff rate as follows:

T - tariff rate

c - cost of transportation

r - profit (%)

For different modes of transport, the following types of tariffs apply:


  • piece-work payment
  • terms of paid transport - tons / hours
  • by truck transport arena time
  • by distance traveled (km)
  • rolling stock haulage tariffs
  • contractual terms of payment

Railway transport:

  • uniform tariffs
  • exceptional
  • preferential
  • regional

Sea transport:

  • for permanent lines
  • freight rates for single shipments

For river transport, the tariffs are set by the shipping company.

For a linear tariff, rates may vary depending on the characteristics of the transported products, the total size of the lot, the point of loading and unloading.

For different types of cargo, the following schemes for calculating the cost of its transportation are used:

  • Cool tariffs involve the creation tariff scale for various classes of cargo and determining the cost of delivery by category and subcategory of specific products.
  • Line-item tariffs involve taking into account all types of cargo carried by name and developing a tariff rate for each of them.
  • Mixed tariffs are a system in which rates are applied for some goods by class, and for others - by article.

The size of the tariff rate is determined by a number of conditions:

  • type of cargo and the ratio of mass and volume indicators
  • the duration of loading and unloading, the need to use special equipment to perform these works
  • cargo value ( material liability carrier), as well as its danger to the vehicle.

When calculating the ratio of volume and mass for heavy loads, tariffs are developed by weight, and for light ones - by volume (m 3). Similarly, for cargo that is more labor-intensive in loading, the tariffs will be higher than for conveniently packed, not requiring special conditions rigging work.

High tariff rates are also used for products with high material value. Most often, the cost of delivery increases by a certain percentage of the cost of products specified in the insurance policy.

Some other factors also affect the size of the tariff rate:

  • Acceptance by the sender of the cargo of the maximum rate that ensures the shipment of the cargo without risk.
  • Influence government agencies or freight forwarding companies, aimed at increasing the cargo flow and attracting new customers to the industry.

When delivering cargo by sea, it is worth considering the types of ports. They are mandatory and optional regarding the route of the transport unit. Accordingly, for unloading at an optional port, the owner of the transport will increase the interest rate to reimburse his own expenses.

When concluding a contract for the carriage of goods between the customer and the owner of the transport, an agreement is reached on payment for the services provided. When discussing tariffs, the conditions under which they operate should be taken into account:

  • Depending on the type of cargo, a method for determining its weight or volume is selected.
  • All additional payments are negotiated, for example, for the delivery of dangerous or valuable cargo.
  • If the calculation is made at a standard rate, the services must be listed in the contract. Also, the owner of the vehicle must notify the procedure for the provision of all other services for a separate fee.

The standard tariff is also called "linear", it includes the following services:

  • Shipment and short-term storage of cargo at the warehouse of the transportation organizer
  • Loading products onto the selected vehicle
  • Sorting in the transport compartments of the components of the cargo, packaging and securing it before shipment
  • Moving cargo along the route
  • Unloading at the final destination
  • Storage at the warehouse of the transportation organizer (if necessary)
  • Transfer of cargo to the transportation customer

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2.1. The development of block transportation technology is carried out in accordance with Chapter 3.3 of the Guidelines for the organization of car traffic on the railways of Russian Railways, approved on October 16, 2006, and includes:

Establishment of norms of weight and length of routes;

Determining the order of loading, formation, promotion and unloading of routes;

Development of a plan for organizing (forming) routes and calculating their effectiveness;

Calculation of circulation schemes for ring and technological routes with an assessment of their effectiveness;

Drawing up a schedule for the movement of block trains (for technological and other routes circulating on fixed threads of the schedule);

Calendar planning of loading routes based on accepted applications for the transportation of goods;

Calendar planning of the operation of ring and technological routes.

2.2. The technology of transportation of goods by routes is based on:

Concentration of cargo flows by thickening the loading of bulk cargoes to separate route destinations; scheduling of cargo loading by destination by one or more consignors from one or more stations; accumulation of wagons of a certain purpose on non-public railway tracks or station tracks;

Strict adherence to the plan for the formation of freight trains when organizing routes for destination at stations of disbandment and ensuring the safe passage of sending routes or their core in full force from formation stations to destination stations;

Rational use of the rolling stock and technical means railway infrastructure of general and non-public use;

Constant improvement of forms and methods of organizing route transportation.

2.3. The weight and length of routes is set for:

On-road appointments - by the head of the Regional Directorate of Traffic Control;

Domestic appointments - head of the Central Directorate of Traffic Control - a branch of Russian Railways;

Interstate appointments - by the Directorate of the Council for Railway Transport in agreement with the involved railway administrations.

An increase in the established weight of the departure route to the norm in the order of its regulation is allowed no more than the allowance for exceeding the critical weight of the train (30 tons).

In exceptional cases, deviation from the established norms in the direction of reducing the weight and length of the sending route by no more than 90 tons or 1 physical wagon is allowed.

2.4. If there are stations on the routes following the routes of changing the weight of the train (breaking points) in the direction of decrease, the routes are organized from the core (the main part of the route of the established weight, which follows without re-forming to the destination station), corresponding to the smallest weight norm or length of trains in this direction, and trailer a group of wagons following as part of the route to the weight breaking station (for unloading or disbanding). The weight and length of the core routes are set in the same order as for the routes as a whole.

It is not allowed to disband the core of the route along the route when changing the weight or length of its composition at the stations of the change in weight norms.

2.5. The established norms for the weight and length of routes and their cores for specific destinations are announced to consignors and independent carriers by regional traffic control directorates in the form of extracts from the route organization (formation) plan.

2.6. Parallel norms for the weight and length of routes (increased or reduced compared to the unified norms of the train schedule) can be set to ensure safe skipping of routes along the entire route, to meet the deadlines for delivering goods over short distances, and also to ensure the multiplicity of the train composition (by weight net cargo or the number of container spaces, etc.) a certain size of the cargo (ship, production or warehouse) lot.

Parallel weight and length norms are established on the basis of technical and economic calculations to assess their commercial effectiveness in accordance with the Guidelines for the organization of car traffic on railways OJSC "Russian Railways", approved on 10/16/2006.

Routes for which parallel norms of weight and length are set are passed through their breakpoints without changing the composition.

Replenishment of routes to the weight norm established by the schedule of departure routes and through trains at points of change in weight or length, as well as when uncoupling wagons with commercial and technical malfunctions, is carried out by wagons in accordance with the purpose of the trains, and in the absence of such wagons - by wagons according to the formation plan trains set for this station.

When uncoupling wagons with technical and commercial malfunctions in the absence of wagons at the station that correspond to the purpose of the through train or the departure route, the train departs:

up to three wagons - without replenishment and are not included in the number of underweight (incomplete);

more than three cars - with replenishment according to the plan for the formation of the station that uncoupled the cars, followed by uncoupling during the train stop according to the schedule without disbanding the train and without changing the train index.

When replenishing the compositions of the sending routes, it is necessary to take into account the observance of the terms of delivery of goods.

2.7. Departure routes from own (leased) empty wagons from the unloading station are formed by the length of the train that arrived in compliance with the established weight in the laden state, regardless of wagon numbers.

Upon presentation for transportation of empty own (leased) wagons that arrived with carload or group shipments, as well as after the standing of own (leased) wagons on the station tracks under the contract, the direct departure route is formed by the length of the train in accordance with the train schedule or the length declared by JSC "RUSSIAN RAILWAYS".

2.8. Transportation of perishable goods and animals on the routes established by Russian Railways is carried out by the weight and length provided for by the timetable for accelerated freight trains.

2.9. The procedure for supplying wagons for loading and unloading of departure routes, their formation to a specified weight or length, return of wagons after loading (unloading) and the total continuous technological time for loading (unloading) of departure routes (or groups of wagons of stepped routes) are established:

In the Unified Technological Processes for the Operation of Non-Public Railway Tracks and Junction Stations (hereinafter referred to as the UTP) - in the case when the operation of the railway junction station and the non-public railway track is carried out on the basis of the UTP;

In contracts for the operation of non-public railway tracks, for the supply and removal of wagons, as well as in contracts for the formation of departure routes on public tracks (in cases of the request of the consignor for their formation).

If it is impossible to form routes on a non-public railway track of the established norms of weight and length (restriction on the loading front, etc.), it may be envisaged to organize routes from groups of cars weighing a multiple of the weight of mainline trains. The procedure for combining these groups into routes is established by the head of the Regional Directorate of Traffic Control.

When loading sending routes in parts, contracts and UTP, in addition, must determine the number of parts and the number of wagons in them, as well as the technological time for loading each part of the route. In this case, the total continuous technological time of loading the route is calculated from the moment the first part is submitted until the end of loading and the delivery of the last part of the route to the carrier. The UTP must also contain the procedure for organizing shunting work.

2.10. The formation of stepped routes from wagons presented by several consignors on non-public railway tracks adjacent to one station or a group of stations combined to organize routes is regulated by technological processes that provide for the operation of stations and shippers to ensure loading, formation and departure of stepped routes , as well as technological time standards for loading, taking into account the organization of shunting and local work.

The same procedure applies in the case of organizing routes by one consignor from several departure stations.

2.11. The possibility of acceptance by the consignee of routes of the established weight and length to the address of one consignee is agreed by the consignor.

2.12. The plan for the organization (formation) of departure and stepped routes is annually developed by the Regional Directorates of Traffic Control and approved by the Central Directorate of Traffic Control - a branch of Russian Railways as component plan for the formation of freight trains.

The route organization (formation) plan contains:

Cargo loading plan (departure of empty wagons) by departure and step routes

The plan includes sections: origin network routes, stepped network routes, origin intra-road routes, stepped intra-road routes. Each section contains subsections: to one destination station and to spraying (disbanding). The plan contains information about departure stations, destination stations, senders, the place of formation of routes (on public or non-public tracks), the type of cargo (empty rolling stock), the number and ownership of wagons, the number of routes per month, the weight and length of trains, inter-road and interstate crossing points, stations of change in weight and length of trains, distance, total weight of routed wagons (gross tons).

Comparative list of cargo loading sizes provided for by the route organization plan

Contains indicators of the task of Russian Railways by the amount of months, the fulfillment of the task and the developed route organization plan, divided into dispatch and staged routes (total volume of loading in wagons per month, volume of routed loading, routing level) by type of cargo and by the Regional Directorate of Traffic Control generally.

List of distribution of routed cars by range belts

The statement is compiled by type of cargo and by the Regional Directorate of Traffic Control as a whole. It lists indicators for routes organized per unloading station and for spraying (the number of routed cars per month and the share of route loading), which are combined into range zones: up to 400 km, from 401 to 1000 km, from 1001 to 1500 km , over 1500 km.

Route efficiency calculation sheet

Contains information about departure stations, destination stations, types of cargo (empty wagons), number of wagons per month, time and money savings at stations and loading and unloading sections, at associated technical stations and sections 1, calculation of total time savings, Money and the number of stations exempted from processing.

Plan for the formation of departure and stepped routes at the stations of the Regional Directorate of Traffic Control

Network indicators of the plan for the formation of departure routes for the Regional Directorates of Traffic Control and the network as a whole, including the number of routes per month, the number of cars per month, the average composition of the route, the total volume of route loading in gross tons, the average weight of the block train, route-kilometers, the average distance routes, wagon-kilometres, average distance of wagons in routes, total savings in wagon hours and money, savings per wagon, total number of wagon stations and average number of stations exempted from processing.

2.13. The route organization (formation) plan should:

Provide for the most efficient route assignments and the procedure for organizing routes, as well as access to economically viable directions, taking into account the weight and length of the trains;

Cover stable route correspondence (5 or more wagons per day on average);

Ensure compliance with the plan for the formation of freight trains at technical stations, including the appointment of groups of cars as part of routes for spraying (disbandment), as well as the procedure for replenishing routes at stations with a change in weight and length norms upward.

2.14. Route assignments are included in the plan of their organization (formation) on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of transportation in routes and in trains according to the formation plan, as well as different route assignments among themselves. In this case, it is necessary:

First of all, plan sending routes to one destination station;

In case of insufficient car traffic to organize routes to one destination, plan departure routes at the disbanding station, taking into account their maximum following without processing;

From the remaining car flow not covered by the departure routes, plan and organize stepped routes from cars presented by different consignors.

2.15. The efficiency of routes is assessed according to the procedure established by the Guidelines for the organization of car traffic on the railways of Russian Railways, approved on 10/16/2006.

2.16. The indicators of the route organization (formation) plan include:

Total loading, wagons/day;

Number of routed wagons, wagons/day;

Routing level, %, in general and for certain types of cargo;

The share of loading by shipping and staggered routes per one unloading station, per unloading site and into spraying (disbanding),%;

The average composition of the route, wagons;

Average gross weight of the route, t;

Total cash savings according to the drawn up plan for the formation of routes, determined by summing up the savings received for each destination of the routes, rub.;

The size of the processing of wagons removed by the shipping routes at marshalling and precinct stations, wagons / day;

Average number of technical stations released from processing;

The average distance traveled by routes, km (including on-road), determined by dividing all route-kilometers by the total number of planned routes.

The specified indicators are calculated for stations of loading (formation) of routes, Regional traffic control directorates and the network as a whole.

The procedure for developing a plan for the organization (formation) of sending and step routes.

The route organization (formation) plan is developed once a year for the period of validity of the train formation plan. The initial draft of the sender and staggered routing plan is drawn up by the Regional Directorates of Traffic Control in the form established by section 3.3.3 of the Guidelines for the organization of car traffic on the railways of Russian Railways, approved on 10/16/06. At the same time, the effectiveness of route organization is determined for each destination. The draft plan is submitted to the Central House - a branch of Russian Railways.

The Central Office, a branch of Russian Railways, considers draft plans for organizing routes submitted by the Regional Traffic Management Directorates and determines the feasibility of each route destination. The formation plan includes cost-effective and other routes, the need for the formation of which is caused by the conditions of work of railways and industrial enterprises.

These routes are indicated in the books of the Plan for the formation of freight trains of each Regional Directorate of Traffic Control. On the basis of this list of routes, the TsD - a branch of Russian Railways, excludes routed jets from the flows considered when drawing up a plan for the formation of trains at technical stations.

At the same time, the order of replenishment of those routes for which the weight break is stored is determined, and a list of weight breaks and lengths of the formed routes is compiled. These lists are used by the Regional Directorates of Traffic Control to establish the procedure for the formation of routes through the turning points, as well as the execution of transportation documents.

In the plan for the formation of sending routes, the destinations of wagons are established, with which the routes should be replenished at the stations of the weight change.

2.17. Regional traffic control directorates, territorial centers of branded transport services, stations are obliged to provide the necessary assistance to consignors in preparing applications for the transportation of goods by routes, as well as in organizing and forming routes in full accordance with this Instruction, the train formation plan and the procedure for directing car flows. To do this, shippers are provided with extracts from the train formation plan, the route organization plan, data on the established weight norms and the length of the route compositions and the core of the routes.

2.18. Specialized threads for technological routes in the train schedule should:

Based on stable bulk correspondence;

Ensure the coordinated and rhythmic work of enterprises - consignors and consignees, stations and sections of railways, sea and river ports;

Provide for a minimum time gap between the end of the preparation of routes for departure and their departure from the stations.

2.19. The system for providing locomotives and locomotive crews with routes running daily or with a set calendar frequency (every other day, on days of the week) according to permanent schedules laid down in the train schedule from the departure station to the destination station, provides for:

Issuance of locomotives corresponding to the weight and length of technological routes by series and section;

Organization of the work of locomotives according to the schedule of their turnover, and locomotive crews - according to nominal schedules in order to guarantee the removal of technological routes from freight, technical and butt stations;

Consolidation of adjacent sections of work of locomotive crews in cases of accelerated skipping of technological routes compared to other freight trains;

The passage of routes with train locomotives, as well as the passage of train locomotives for ready-to-departure trains of routes directly to the non-public railway tracks of enterprises - consignors and consignees, in the presence of appropriate technical development.


1. Freight routes.

2. Drawing up of routes of the movement of motor transport.

1. Freight transportation routes

An important role in the implementation of the GAP is occupied by the organization of the movement of the PS, since from right choice the route of movement depends on the share of the empty run of the CA in the total run. Driving route is called the path of the PS during the performance of transportation.

When performing a GAP, several typical options for organizing the transport process can be distinguished.

1. Single or multiple transportation of cargo by one vehicle from the same sender to the same consumer (microsystem) is the simplest variant of the organization of the transport process. With this option, the car performs a return run from the consumer to the sender without a load. All other options for organizing the transport process are based on various combinations of microsystems.

2. Single or multiple transportation of cargo by one vehicle from the same sender to the same consumer with delivery of cargo in the opposite direction to the sender or any intermediate point (especially small system). It should be noted that in this case, the type and amount of cargo transported in the forward and reverse directions, as a rule, are different.

3. Organization of the transport process in the first or second options using several PS units serving one consignor or consumer of goods (small shuttle system PS). For this option, the complexity and requirements for the organization of the transport process are much higher, since it requires linking the work of several vehicles, scheduling the loading of loading and unloading points, etc.

In all three variants considered, the car moves from point to point along the same route in the forward and reverse directions (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Shuttle movement of rolling stock

in the simplest options for organizing the transport process

4. Single or multiple transportation of cargo from several senders to several consumers, in which one or more vehicles periodically return to the first loading point (small system with roundabouts of the PS). With this option, the car makes several stops at the senders and consumers of goods in one revolution (Fig. 2). Mandatory requirement to this variant of the organization of the transport process is the need to draw up a schedule for the movement of rolling stock. This is due to the fact that the length of the revolution during the circular motion, as a rule, is significantly greater than during the shuttle.

Rice. 2. Ring traffic of rolling stock

5. Delivery or collection of cargo from one sender or to one consumer (small system with delivery or collection of cargo). The scheme for moving the car is similar to the scheme small system with ring traffic of the PS, but only one loading of the car and its gradual unloading at several points during the delivery of cargo and gradual multiple loading and single unloading during the collection of cargo occurs per revolution. The scheme of this variant of the organization of the transport process is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Delivery or collection of cargo

6. Maintenance of a certain production structure (enterprise, warehouse, terminal, etc.) requires the use of several small systems, the operation of which will be subordinated to one goal (medium system). An example of this variant of the organization of the transport process is shown in fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Transportation process of maintenance of the production structure

7. Integrated transport system can serve multiple production structures or a specific geographic region (large system). In this case, the processes of moving goods will occur between several manufacturing enterprises, warehouses or terminals with the collection or delivery of cargo to senders and consumers.

An example of this variant of transportation organization is shown in fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Transport process of servicing several production structures

The choice of one or another route is determined mainly by the variant of the organization of the transport process. In accordance with the options considered, it is possible to present a classification of various types of routes, as shown in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Classification of routes for the transport of goods

Characteristics of the main types of routes are given in table. 3.1.

For pendulum and ring routes, the mileage utilization factor can be used as a criterion for their effectiveness. The greater its value, the less resources will be spent on moving the PS without cargo and, naturally, the cost of transportation will be lower.

When carrying out transportation on distribution and assembly routes, a certain amount of cargo is in the back of a car along the entire route, so it is impossible to use the mileage utilization factor as an efficiency criterion.

2. Drawing up routes for road transport

One of the most important tasks transport logistics is the development of optimal routes for the movement of vehicles. In practice, transportation routing is reduced to optimization problems, which, based on the methods of setting and solving such problems, are divided into:

classical optimization problems mathematical programming: linear, dynamic, integer, stochastic, etc.;

tasks based on heuristic and metaheuristic methods: Solomon's method, parallel route construction method, Osman's method, Clark's method, Svir's algorithm, etc.

Let us give an example of setting and solving a routing problem based on heuristic and metaheuristic methods.

Economic formulation of the transportation routing problem

It is necessary to deliver goods to customers on a daily basis in volumes, assortment (nomenclature) and on time according to their applications at minimal cost, ensuring maximum loading of the rolling stock involved in transportation. Customer requests must be fully satisfied.

The results of the decision should be ready by the beginning of the working day in the form of a shift plan or work order, a driver's waybill and, if possible, electronic card transportation routes.

Mathematical formulation of the traffic routing problem

This task can be represented as a time-limited transport task belonging to the class of vehicle routing tasks (VRP - Vehicle

Routing Problem).

Mathematically, the problem can be represented as a graph G = (N, A ), where N is the set of vertices that correspond to a set of customers and are denoted 1, 2, ..., n , and vertex 0 corresponds to the initial warehouse for shipping goods. All cars start and end their route from this warehouse; A is a set of arcs connecting the corresponding vertices of the graph (corresponding clients), if i is one client, and j is another, then the arc connecting them is denoted (i, j) A. Let's denote C - the set of clients │ C │ = n and C l - customers with demand for the same type of goods l . │ C l │ = n l . Each client i , i С l is characterized by a certain demand d i l for goods of type l (l = 1, 2, …, m ), m is the number of types of cargo (goods formed into cargo units), respectively, and types of rolling stock. M is a set of types of cargo and, accordingly, types

rolling stock. Each arc (i , j ) A corresponds to the time t ij - the time of movement from the client i С to the client.j С , this time includes the time of servicing the client

i and c lk are the cost of the k -th car of type l from i to j. ñ lk = L × H lk × q l / q l , Upper

ij ij (i, j ) (i, j ) k Ôk

V l (q k l V l ), ​​k = 1, 2, …., K l . K l is the number of cars of type l . L (i, j) - the length of the path from point i, i C to point j, j C or arc length (i, j), (i, j) A. H (lk i, j) - fuel consumption rate of the k-th car of type l on the road (i, j). q Ф l k - the actual volume of the l -th type of cargo

loaded into the k -th car of the l -th type (the type of car and the type of cargo for which it is intended to be transported are indicated by the same index "l"). Each client must be served in a certain period of time, the so-called "time window", denoted by , i С.

a certain vertex of the graph is denoted by S i l , t îái lk is the service time of the k -th car of the l -th type for i N l . Vehicle service time includes time for maneuvering 5

time at the point of loading, the time of unloading and loading and the time for paperwork. The departure time from the shipment warehouse for all vehicles is 0, i.e. S 0 l = 0, time

we denote the movement of the corresponding car from i to j as t ij lk . The variables X ij l take the values ​​, 1 means that the car moves from vertex i to vertex j , 0 the opposite. Let's denote the storage of current routes as ХМl . Ordinal numbers of vertices

the route graph in the direction of the car is denoted p = 1, 2, ...,

n l - 1 Gra-

Physically, this problem can be represented as follows (see Fig. 1.).

Route 2


Route 1st


Route k-th


Rice. 1. Graphical representation of TK

Using the above notation, by analogy with the mathematical formulation of the static TK given in the work and guided by the recommendations given in the works, we will carry out the mathematical formulation of the problem of forming ring routes with a time limit.

Minimize the objective function (1), under constraints (2) - (9).

Z = ∑∑ ∑ cij lk Xij l

l M kl Kl (i, j) C

∑ Xij l =1, i M

(i , j ) a

∑d i l

∑ Xij l ≤ qk l , k Kl , l M


(i , j ) a

∑ X 0l

1, l V l


−∑ X rj l = 0, r C l , l M

∑ X l j ,0

1, l M

∑ X ij lk (S i lk + t îái lk + t ij − S lk j ) ≤ 0, (i , j ) A , k K l


≤ b , N , k K

X ij lk (0,1), (i , j ) A , k K l

The objective function (1) determines the price of all routes of all vehicles (the total price of the transport plan). Constraint (2) assumes that each customer is served by only one vehicle and only once. Constraint (3) determines that the vehicle cannot serve more customers than its carrying capacity (cargo capacity) allows. Constraint (4) means that each vehicle leaves the shipment warehouse once. Constraint (5) shows that the car can leave vertex h only if it has arrived at this vertex. Similar to constraint (4), constraint (6) means that all vehicles are returned to the shipping warehouse, and only once. This restriction follows from restrictions (4) and (5). Limitation

(7) means that if car k moves from vertex i to j , then the arrival time of car k to j cannot be less than the amount arrival time of car k at point i (S i lk ) and time

change of movement of car k from point i to point j (S lk j ). Constraint (8) is a constraint

The timing of the arrival of the car to the client must be within the time window.

As noted above, the primary goal is to minimize total of the required vehicles, secondary, with the same number of vehicles - minimizing the total number of distance traveled or the total time spent (minimizing the total cost of routes). Temporary restrictions are divided into "soft" (soft time windows) - violation of which is allowed (violation of such restrictions is punishable by a fine expressed in quantitative form and added to the CF) and "hard" (hard time windows) - violation of which is not allowed under any circumstances . As a rule, algorithms for "hard" and "soft" constraints differ , .