How to arrange a trade counter at the fair. How to arrange a table for a fair at school

I will break this post into 2 or 3 parts.
a really long story, but I tried, suddenly my experience is useful to someone

Quite a while ago, I began to have an obsessive thought about the need to participate in an exhibition of needlework) Naturally, the nearest ones are in Moscow, BUT it’s a little expensive for me to be honest. The cheapest (I met) 2-4 thousand .. And another moment. I live in the suburbs, in principle, it’s not very long and far for me to get to the capital, but if you collect all the traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road, it will be 1.5 hours. I have a 1.5 year old daughter. Anyway, if pah pah something happens, I won’t have time to arrive quickly.
In general, this thought about the exhibition periodically visited me, but I pushed it away) to the farthest shelf in the brain)
And then I suddenly remembered that I had seen some post on the BB .. about an exhibition that interested me .. about the organization .. I began to look. In diaries like you can give links to third-party sites?

And then I thought - why not really try ?? Organize an exhibition in your city! I began to look for more detailed information, but alas, there is not much of it, here on BB, on YM, in social networks .. Information - the cat cried. No clear answers to questions. But nevertheless, I decided, I gathered my courage and away we go…..

Naturally, I decided to time the exhibition for NG. And it was in October.
For starters, of course, it was worth deciding on the venue.
We don't have many "cultural" places, like DK, only 4. Two of them are quite far from the center, I'm talking about a children's art school, to be honest. At that time I forgot, and eventually settled on our Youth Center"LEADER". It is not very far from the center, or rather very close, BUT there is a very inconspicuous entrance ... And this later played a role ...

I signed up with the director of this MC, he turned out to be a young man, my age, and this was a plus. Young people will quickly find a common language with young people than with a 70-year-old director. Yes, and it was possible to communicate through social networks, which is easy and convenient.
The LEADER requested a small lease, with all this there were still many poles:

1) there were tables and chairs, which greatly facilitates the “work” of the masters, you don’t have to drag everything on yourself
2) New Year's entourage (decorations, garlands, music, Santa Claus) was, as it were, by default, because there are New Year's performances for children
3) they had titanium, (an analogy to a cooler), and accordingly hot tea was provided (and oh, how important it is in winter)).
Okay, the situation was sorted out with the place, the dates were also decided quickly.

Then I began to look for masters, in social networks - this is a disastrous business. I realized that the best place is YM. There, the craftsmen are already aiming to sell their products. But I was lucky, I met a very wonderful family on VKontakte, Alexei and Nastya. Nastya is engaged in felting, and Alexey is engaged in our city forum and website. This is a significant plus and a real help!
At first, things didn’t go well.. There were barely 5-7 pieces of craftswomen. But then, suddenly, things started to go, and the craftsmen began to agree to participate. They even found me)) By the way, Aleksey and his website helped a lot with this.
and then good luck! Here on BB I just met an awesome girl Sveta.
She's a soapmaker and she helped me with the layouts for the ads. What would I do without her!!!
Advertising was planned as follows - a large pylon on the main street of the city, posters on pedestals, flyers, from the leader - advertising in the newspaper and on TV. In principle, it was relatively easy, all I had to do was print it out, and, well, agree on a pylon. (this was the main money from the contributions of craftswomen).

I will also say this - at the very beginning, when I was looking for masters, I came across a bunch of misunderstanding and even negativity. Like, what the hell is this? why waste your time? or "Who? Am I??? at a fair in some Dzerzhinsky??? but what are you, girl, I'm such a master felt-tip pen that uhhhh, I won't participate for anything." Such a reaction was unsettling, but it also gave some kind of correct anger and confidence or something!

When there were 2 weeks left before the exhibition, I began to put up posters on poles and pedestals in the city. It is worth saying that I did all this with my daughter, which people looked at simply indignantly. As if I sent her money to beg ((
In general, I stuck it for several days and caught a cold .. (which was to be expected. The law of meanness is in action.) And that means I'm sitting at home, the temperature is 38. The director of the Leader is calling. And from him I learn that unexpectedly, the governor of the region is coming to the city, and, accordingly, everyone fussed, began to prepare the city and saw our poster. They told him everything that I pasted posters in the wrong place. I had to take the baby and stomp to take off posters ... (I will say that I have a husband, but he is at work from 7 am to 9 pm) ..
Okay, then I pasted everything only on the pedestals, and then when the governor left.

For the last week I have been handing out flyers, in principle, myself too. I delivered it wherever possible - all our hospitals, including the nursery, shops where it is not prohibited, handicrafts in the first place, banks, pharmacies. On the streets as much as you can.

To be continued...

Hello needlewomen!

Do you like to go to exhibitions? What about participating in them? It is very sad to leave the exhibition without paying back even her participation, isn't it? And this is very often the case with beginner craftswomen.

It is not enough just to come to the exhibition as a participant, it is important to prepare well and be ready for anything.

Today I will tell you:

  1. Why is it necessary to participate in exhibitions. What do they give the master?
  2. About my first experience of participating in a needlework exhibition.
  3. About the main mistakes that every second needlewoman makes when preparing for an exhibition.
  4. About little tricks that will help you succeed at any exhibition.

So let's go!

And those useful tricks that I learned after participation.

What does the exhibition give to the master?

If possible, participation in exhibitions is a must. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Participation in a creative exhibition will help you, needlewomen, find new customers and potential buyers. Even if nothing was bought from you at the exhibition itself, your proposed business cards and brochures will remain with the person. And perhaps someday he will become interested and follow the link indicated on the business card or dial the phone number.
  • Participating in an exhibition can also help you showcase all kinds of goods and products that you have. As a rule, at exhibitions there is no certain number of works that are allowed to be shown to the author.
  • The exhibition gives you the opportunity to give more information about you as a master and about your work in general. Potential buyers ask questions about products, how you make them.

Don't miss this opportunity. Tell as much as you can about your work and try to get people interested.

  • By participating in exhibitions, you will be able to analyze the prices of products. Perhaps you sometimes face the question of what price to put a particular product. Watch how other craftsmen rated their products on your subject. And draw a conclusion. By the way, in one of the previous articles we considered one of the options for calculating the cost of our product. I recommend reading the article "Determining the cost of a handmade product".
  • Participation in exhibitions will also help you attract the attention of mass media, journalists and reporters. I don't think it's worth explaining here.

Bitter experience of my first exhibition.

I will say right away that I am not a fan of going to exhibitions, various fairs. No, I’m only “for” to go and see, but I don’t like to participate. Why? Probably, it is a big responsibility, time.

I'm not saying that I'm embarrassed by my products, on the contrary. But preparation for the exhibition itself takes a lot of emotional component, a lot of personal time, etc.

I will tell you how my first exhibition in my life was held handmade.

It was in the spring of 2015. Sophia was born just recently. I accidentally came across the news that an exhibition of needlework will be held in my city.

Maybe out of boredom or because spring is calling, I applied for participation. Participation in the exhibition cost ridiculous money, only 300 rubles. I thought: "I'll go and unwind."

The event was held in a time cafe in the very center of the city. It was assumed that there would be a large cross-country ability and, accordingly, sales.

How did I prepare for the exhibition?

  • First of all, I put in order all my jewelry, which was supposed to participate in the exhibition. I checked if everything was in place, if the chains and locks were torn, if the threads were sticking out (even the most experienced craftsman makes mistakes).
  • I made business cards especially for the exhibition. I took a ready-made template, stylized for my theme. I printed 100 pieces.
  • I set a price for each piece of jewelry. Why in advance? I don't think it's worth explaining. It will turn out not cleverly when a potential buyer asks a question about the cost, and you, as a schoolboy, hesitate.

That's all my preparation. To put it mildly - the first pancake is lumpy.

The exhibition went more or less well, there were sales that were not as I had planned. After the end of the exhibition, I, of course, analyzed my preparation and deduced several key mistakes that should not be made.

What mistakes should not be made when preparing for the exhibition.

1. Never be late for the start of the exhibition.

It will look ridiculous when, with a busy audience, you burst into the hall and start laying out your products in front of everyone. 2. Do not use handwritten price tags (written on a piece of paper in a box, with a simple pencil, etc.).

3. Do not stack products on top of each other.

It looks at least not attractive, but at the most careless.

4. Do not eat or drink in front of customers.

Exhibitions, of course, do not last an hour or two, and you still want to eat, but in such a way that you do not have to answer a potential buyer with a bun in your mouth.

5. Do not focus only on yourself.

Do not praise or describe yourself. Do not miss the opportunity to chat and meet other artists and learn about their work. This will be useful to you in the future.

6. And lastly, be confident in yourself and your creativity!

How to prepare for the exhibition?

Rule 1. Choice of exhibition.

When you decide to take part in an exhibition, you certainly do not go for the first one that comes across. You choose from the proposed list.

What should be remembered? Choose an exhibition with a coverage of at least 500 people. Less - it makes no sense, since sales may not be at all.

The cost of participation may vary depending on the region and the scale of the exhibition. But let the average price of participation be 500-1000 rubles.

If you have large products, for example, you sew plush toys, it will probably be difficult for you to get on the bus. Therefore, if there are problems with transport, choose an exhibition closer to home.

Rule 2. Product packaging.

Packaging gives your product marketable condition. It is not necessary to pack the goods in plastic bag or gray box. It's not aesthetic.

Theoretically, for each product you should have a packing box or bag. Prepare this ahead of time at home. Arrange everything so that it is convenient to bring and not wrinkle.

Also think about the fact that after the end of the exhibition you will need to collect all these boxes.

On a note!

It is very convenient to pack products in boxes in advance and present them to potential buyers at the exhibition in this form. In addition, you can discreetly attach them with needles. So you will be sure that nothing will be stolen and nothing will fall off the table.

Rule 3. Organization of the place.

In order to make your products look attractive, not least attention should be paid to the workplace where you will offer your products.

To begin with, lay a bedspread or tablecloth on the table, which you will naturally bring with you. At exhibitions, these little things are rarely provided.

Arrange everything carefully on the table. Experiment at home in advance on how the products will look the best. Record the time that you need to lay out products on the table in order to be in time.

If it seems to you that there is not enough light in the room where the exhibition takes place to appreciate your products, take a lamp with you. Make sure that there is an outlet nearby.

Place business cards, brochures about your products on the edge of the table or at your convenience.

Also, for aesthetics, it will be good to arrange a small vase with artificial or even natural flowers or a plate of sweets.

Decorate your place in such a way that you want to come and look at it. It is worth thinking about this in advance. Now your table is ready.

Rule 4. Personal comfort at the exhibition.

This is a mandatory item in preparation for the exhibition. Many needlewomen lose sight of this.

Not often at exhibitions and fairs, craftsmen are treated to food and drinks. As a rule, this procedure is reduced to coffee from the machine.

Therefore, in order to be good mood and enjoy the exhibition, take care in advance about what you will eat and drink.

Take with you fruits, water, other non-perishable, but nutritious foods.

Your clothes should also be comfortable. You will sit or stand in it all day. Do not wear high-heeled shoes, at least have a change of comfortable shoes with you.

If the exhibition takes place in the cold season, then let you have a warm little thing at hand that will not let you freeze.

If the exhibition takes place on the street during the rainy season, keep an oilcloth in stock so that you can set your exhibition table in time.

Rule 5. Promotions and gifts.

You should consider this point in advance at home. Or you can get a 10% discount on your next purchase. Or on any certain types products, for example, in my theme necklace, a 30% discount on the day of the exhibition.

For example, when buying two products at once, the buyer receives a present. A trifle, but always pleasant and unexpected.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you, craftswomen. Preparing for an exhibition is a process no less painstaking and exciting than the exhibition itself. Be prepared for anything and don't worry.

Uncertainty is your main enemy. I hope the article was useful to you. If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. I will gladly answer.

P.S. Describe your experience of participation in exhibitions. What did you find the most difficult in preparation and participation itself? Did participation live up to expectations? Tell me, it's very interesting.

How to organize an exhibition - why is it needed + 10 steps for organizing + 4 common mistakes.

There are many marketing tools to promote goods and services.

It is quite difficult to take into account each, and even more so to use it at a time, and it is not always necessary.

But there is one way of communication that combines several promotion tools at once.

And these are familiar exhibitions for many.

Despite the fact that many entrepreneurs have already managed to evaluate the effect of their holding, some are still afraid to participate in such events.

And first of all, this is due to ignorance and misunderstanding of the organization of the whole process.

If you want to know how to organize an exhibition and get the most out of it, then keep reading this article.

What is an exhibition and why is it needed?

The exhibition is one of the key marketing communications, which includes many promotion methods that are carried out at the same time:

  • presentation of goods or services;
  • tasting (if necessary);
  • sampling;
  • contests.

What does an entrepreneur get in the end by deciding to take part in the exhibition:

  • communication with potential buyers or clients;
  • studying competitors and comparing yourself with them;
  • building a positive image of your company;
  • receiving new orders and negotiating future supply contracts.

Thus, taking part in such events, the company gets a unique opportunity not only to study the possible sales market and show itself in the best light, but also immediately after the results of the work to work on the mistakes - improve the quality of goods, hire more qualified personnel, engage in more active advertising.

Advantages and disadvantages of the exhibition

An exhibition is a rather specific marketing tool that has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the good times:

  • organizers use only high-quality and large-scale advertising;
  • for the most part, a really interested audience comes to the exhibition;
  • participation in such an event enables the entrepreneur to establish new connections with local authorities, other enterprises that may be suppliers of raw materials, advertising companies;
  • maintaining the image of your company.

But along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • high cost of participation;
  • long preparation time;
  • expensive design of the exhibition stand;
  • human factor (only proven and trained employees of the marketing department should be sent to the exhibition).

How to organize an exhibition: a step-by-step process

To organize an exhibition, you need to do a lot of work. Western analysts say that it is worth spending about one year on preparation, our compatriots agree that half a year will be quite enough.

The process of participation in the exhibition will consist of several stages.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Choosing the right exhibition
  2. Drawing up an action plan
  3. Selection and training of employees who will present the product
  4. Budget planning
  5. Sample selection
  6. Handout development
  7. Exhibition center decoration
  8. Installation work
  9. Direct participation
  10. Summarizing

Let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

Choosing an exhibition and applying for participation

The marketing department of the enterprise must constantly seek and study information about where, when and what kind of exhibitions will be organized.

If you are new to such events, then, first of all, pay attention to specialized exhibitions that are held in your region.

If there is nothing suitable in the next six months, then it is worth considering the option of expositions, where manufacturers of various groups of goods can show themselves.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing an exhibition:

  • subject matter;
  • number of participants;
  • the target audience;
  • ways to promote the exhibition;
  • requirements for exhibition stands of participants;
  • Cost of participation.

Submission of an application and payment for participation depends on the scale of its implementation:

  • at the regional level - you need to contact the organizer directly;
  • on the federal - to find intermediaries.

Also prepare everything ahead of time. Required documents, as some expo centers have strict requirements and carefully select participating enterprises.

Exhibition Planning

Organizing an exhibition will not work without careful planning.

First of all, you must make calendar plan actions, calculate the budget to understand how much money you are willing to invest in this type of advertising, and prepare employees.

Also at this stage, it is necessary to determine the main goals of participation in such an event and focus on them.

The strategic objectives will be:

  • increase in sales volume;
  • attracting new customers;
  • market research;
  • assessment of competitors' activities and study of their target audience;
  • search for new connections;
  • conducting preliminary negotiations with potential clients.

The tactical tasks are as follows:

  • determination of the size of the stand;
  • sample selection;
  • design of an exhibition stand;
  • Search suitable place for the installation of a stand in the expo center.

Selection of employees who will work at the exhibition

If the director or owner of the business is interested in its development, then his presence at the exhibition is mandatory.

Firstly, you can see the potential sales market with your own eyes, and secondly, make business acquaintances.

As for the personnel who should be directly responsible for organizing the exhibition, they will be related to the sales or marketing department.

It is worth sending specialists to the exhibition who:

  • "from" and "to" know the selected goods,
  • have good communication skills;
  • will be able to sell the product and describe its positive characteristics.

Also, the stand should have a head of production, head of marketing or sales department.

Budget planning

The budget of the organization of the exhibition should include the following items of expenditure:

  • fee for participation and rental of a place in the expo center;
  • the cost of the exhibition stand (design, transportation, installation);
  • cost of samples;
  • preparation of handouts;
  • travel and accommodation expenses of employees;
  • force majeure costs.

Selection of product samples

As samples, you must use the same goods that go on sale.

Anyone who comes to the stand of the company should have the opportunity to try the product.

Also prepare a few units that you can give to potential customers.

On the brochure, be sure to leave full information about the product and contact details of the company.

Handout preparation

The handout should be in the form of:

  • leaflets with information about the company and its products;
  • price list;
  • complete catalog.

It is worth noting that the costs will be quite large, so do not rush to say goodbye to handouts easily.

Place a stack of leaflets next to the stand, but the price list and catalog should be reserved for those who are really interested in the company's products.

Exhibition stand design

The most important stage in the organization of the exhibition is the design of the exhibition stand.

The success and effect of participation in such an event depends on how the product will be presented.

To convey to visitors all the necessary information, use recommendations for the design of the stand for the exhibition, concerning the following points:

    Name and logo.

    They should be visible and immediately conspicuous.

    Therefore, be sure to place them on the stand.

    No need to make people guess what the enterprise in the right corner is.

    You can also develop some kind of customer-oriented slogan that will immediately attract the attention of visitors.

    He should be the center of attention.

    Therefore, avoid the bright design of the stand, where the goods can get lost.

    It should also be placed in such a way that anyone can approach it from any direction.

    Place in the hall.

    The earlier you apply for participation in the exhibition, the higher your chances of renting a good place.

    The most successful is the placement of the stand:

    • to the right of the entrance;
    • in the middle of Hall;
    • in the corners of the hall.
  1. Stand size.

    The stand should occupy a third of the rented space, the rest of the space belongs to employees at the rate of 1.5-2 sq. m. per person.

    As a rule, 5 seconds are enough for a person to catch their eye on a certain stand and decide to approach it.

    You need to know a few "chips" that will help in this matter.

So, how to design an exhibition stand so that it will surely attract attention:

  • stand can be unusual shape with a bright, but at the same time unobtrusive design;
  • you can add a running line, play a video on the screen with a demonstration of the product in action, put moving objects that are indirectly related to the company's activities;
  • must be provided text information on the booth itself and make sure that the handout rack is not empty.

    But it is important that visitors still have questions that company representatives can answer;

  • if the conditions of the exhibition organizers provide for the lease of large areas, then do not be stingy and organize an “island” with a table and chairs.

Try to give your stand a certain style, let it be concise and not overloaded with a lot of items and extra text.

Anyone would rather experience a product in real conditions than just see it in a photo or read a bunch of information about it.

Installation work on installing a stand in the exhibition hall

It is necessary to prepare in advance about the delivery of the exhibition stand: select and conduct a full briefing of employees.

For the implementation of installation and dismantling, you need to set clear deadlines: one day each.

Allowing employees to relax can increase costs.

On the days of the event, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the stand and its filling.

Participation in the exhibition and summing up

Well, all the stages of how to organize an exhibition have been completed, it remains only to participate in it.

And here it all depends on the employees who will conduct the presentation.

  1. There should always be people at the booth that visitors can turn to.
  2. First of all, you should pay attention wholesale buyers and then retail.
  3. Potential customers are invited to fill out a questionnaire, after which they are provided with a catalog with a full range of products and a price list.

The completed questionnaires will serve as the basis for summing up the results of the exhibition.

They can also be used to track how many buyers are really interested in the company's products.

After that, you can work on the mistakes, as well as evaluate the strengths and weak sides the work carried out.

A few more tips on how to hold an exhibition are collected in the video:

The main mistakes during the exhibition

Many do not fully understand what it means to organize an exhibition, which is why many questions arise, ignorance of the answers to which leads to negative results.

    The exhibition is only work at the stand.

    This is not true.

    This is a set of consistent actions that will lead to success.

    It is important to take a responsible approach to each stage of the organization - preparation, direct participation and summing up.

    Participation in the exhibition is only for the sake of participation.

    The management of the enterprise must clearly set the goals to be achieved from participation.

    The main attention should be riveted to the stand.

    Even the most beautiful and attention-grabbing booth will not save if the employees are not prepared and are not able to communicate with customers.

    The exhibition is over, and that's it.

    Nothing ended until a complete analysis of the received data was carried out, and work on the errors was not carried out.

    After all, what was the point of spending so much time and money, then not to take into account the information received.

If you are ready to go to a new level of promoting your business, then be sure to study any information related to the issue, how to organize an exhibition.

It is indeed very profitable and effective method Express yourself.

But without knowing certain points, it is unlikely that you will be able to get an “exhaust” from the work done and the money spent.

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Weekend fairs are fairs that are created to support agricultural producers. They operate from April to December inclusive (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Trading places are provided free of charge.

At weekend fairs, you can sell only agricultural products (vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, fish, dairy products) and foodstuffs (bakery products, cereals, flour, vegetable oils, salt, sugar, spices, tea, coffee, canned food and confectionery) produced in the territory Russian Federation, Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union.

2. Who can get a seat at the fair?

To get a place at the weekend fair can:

  • individuals (leading personal subsidiary plots or engaged in horticulture or horticulture, animal husbandry, heads of peasant (farm) households);
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities.

Individuals can get trading places only for the group of goods “vegetables and fruits”. Moreover, 60% of these places should be provided to those who run a personal subsidiary plot or are engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry, 20% - to the heads of peasant (farm) households. The remaining 20% ​​is distributed between individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

At each fair, one place should be provided to a pensioner (or a disabled person) so that he can sell products grown on his site.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have received a place at the fair are not required to trade themselves - you can take sellers, no more than three per site. Individuals can take as sellers only their own Close relatives are relatives in a direct ascending and descending line (parents and children, grandfathers, grandmothers and grandchildren), full and half-blooded (having a common father or mother) brothers and sisters.

> close relatives.

3. When are fairs held?

In Moscow, weekend fairs are held during three trading sessions of three months. First trading session in 2020 year will pass April 3rd to June 28th.

The dates of the weekend fairs are approved every year by the organizer of the weekend fairs - GBU "Moscow Fairs".

4. How to register and get a place at the fair?

To trade at the fair, you need to apply. This can only be done online on the site.

If you do not have Internet access, you can contact any. There are zones electronic services where computers with free Internet access are installed.

Only one administrative district can be specified in one request. But on its territory you can choose several fairs. However, you cannot get, for example, two places if you specify only one seller.

Places are given out in order of priority: whoever applied earlier is given a place. If you do not have enough seats, you will be put on a waiting list.

5. What documents will be needed?

To work at the weekend fair you will need:

  • for individuals- an identity document; for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities - the original or duly certified copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • for individuals - documents confirming the maintenance of a peasant (farm) economy, personal subsidiary farming or horticulture, horticulture, animal husbandry, and title documents for a land plot used for these purposes (original or a copy certified by a notary); for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities - shipping documentation (original or notarized copy);
  • documents confirming the quality and safety of products in accordance with the requirements of federal law;
  • medical books;
  • for individuals - documents confirming kinship with sellers.

Documents must be with the sellers during the entire time of work at the fair. They may be requested by authorized officials or fair organizers.

6. How to find a weekend fair?

Weekend fairs are organized in all districts of Moscow. Places for their placement Addresses for the placement of fairs are agreed upon by the councils of deputies of municipal districts, district councils and other involved authorities, proposed by the prefectures of the administrative districts of Moscow, considered by the Department of Trade and Services of Moscow and submitted in the form of an address list of weekend fairs for approval at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on consumer market issues under the Government Moscow.

"> Approve annually.

Addresses of weekend fairs in the section of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow on the site. You can also find them on the open data portal.

exhibition business in modern conditions is of interest to many participants domestic market. For some, this is a way to acquaint the consumer with the range of products and interest in their subsequent acquisition. For others, it's an opportunity to raise some money for hand-made designer objects. For the third - a real chance to meet serious partners and make interesting deals.

A special place in this business is given to the organizer of exhibition events. To be guaranteed to make a profit in this business, you need to know how to organize an exhibition-sale, art exhibition or fair, and what is needed for this. How to open your exhibition business will be discussed later in the article.

Features of exhibition activity

Every entrepreneur is concerned about creating positive image for your company, attracting the attention of potential customers and buyers, stimulating sales. From this point of view, the exhibition is excellent marketing tool allowing direct contact with the target audience.

However, one should not forget that an exhibition is, first of all, a show, a demonstration of all kinds of achievements of mankind in various areas of its activity, whether it be art, economics, production or something else.

Only at a superficial examination it may seem that it is not difficult to arrange an exhibition. In fact, such an event is an important event that requires serious comprehensive preparation. For example, before organizing an art exhibition, a number of actions should be performed:

  • choose an interesting topic;
  • develop a program that can deliver aesthetic pleasure to visitors;
  • find exhibitors;
  • create an exposure;
  • make an attractive presentation, etc.

That's all that relates to the ideological side exhibition activities. In addition, there are also a lot of organizational issues. Therefore, in order to create an effective exhibition business, it is recommended to initially draw up a detailed business plan.

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How to write a business plan for an exhibition center

A business plan is the starting point for any entrepreneurial activity. Under the current conditions, it is indispensable. To succeed in business, an entrepreneur needs to act according to a pre-planned scheme, having initially calculated each step. In addition, a well-written business plan will help attract investors, which will be very appropriate when opening an exhibition business due to the large initial costs.

Exhibition center and what should it include? These are the main sections of a business plan with brief description what needs to be reflected in them:

  • introduction - here is a summary general information about the project, indicate its cost, the need for additional sources funding and economic efficiency- compiled upon completion of work on the business plan and summarizes the findings in other sections;
  • market overview - in this part, you need to provide information on the main competitors and economic feasibility and relevance own project;
  • investment plan - describe in detail all possible one-time and current expenses to open an exhibition center and withdraw the total amount;
  • production plan - reflect the main business transactions and business processes, the implementation of which is necessary for the implementation of the project;
  • marketing part - should contain the principles of pricing, schemes for promoting the services of the exhibition center, advertising, etc.;
  • financial plan - provide a calculation of the projected profit, reflect all the financial data of the project and, as a result, an indicator of the expected profitability of the business;
  • risks and guarantees - in this section, you need to analyze the existing risks and propose a scheme for minimizing them.

This is approximate for the opening of the exhibition center. You can use it when drawing up your own project or entrust the writing of a business plan to professionals.

What you need to open an exhibition center

The exhibition business, like any business activity, for its legal existence must pass state registration. the organizer decides, there are no requirements in the law regarding the form of the enterprise.

Important! Despite the absence of legal restrictions when choosing a legal form, registration is recommended for the exhibition business legal entity, which has more opportunities than IP. The advantage of an LLC in this case is the possibility of the participation of several founders at once and the formation of a larger authorized capital.

In addition to registration with the tax authority, the organizer of the exhibition center will have to go through an equally important and, perhaps, the most difficult stage of all - the preparation of the premises. The area of ​​the complex in which the exhibitions will be held must be at least 2 thousand square meters. m. The room should have high ceilings, spacious halls and pavilions and be very well lit. Is it worth saying that the external and internal decoration of the center must be impeccable? Indeed, the number of visitors and the desire of exhibitors to take part in exhibitions depend on how beautiful, comfortable and fashionable the premises will be arranged.

The premises can be rented or built specifically for this purpose. The second option seems to be more appropriate, since the lease of such large area will be very expensive, and the payback of the project may be delayed for a long time. The construction of the exhibition center is associated with large one-time costs, but in the future it will significantly save on current costs.

In addition to the premises for the center, you will need special equipment for organizing exhibitions: demonstration tables, racks, stands, showcases, podiums, stands, etc.

One of the components of success in the exhibition business is quality work personnel. If you intend to open a full-scale exhibition center, it makes sense to assemble a close-knit team of employees (organizers, designers, advertising specialists, etc.) who work for the result.

Exhibition organization

When organizing an exhibition, the first thing to do is to choose a direction and determine the scale of the event.

Depending on the subject of the exhibition, there may be:

  • artistic;
  • scientific;
  • technical;
  • trade (this also includes exhibitions-sales and exhibitions-fairs), etc.

For the business community, exhibition-sales and exhibition-fairs are of the greatest interest. Participants of such events within the framework of the exhibition demonstrate to consumers their best achievements, advanced developments, technological innovations, etc. What distinguishes them from a regular exhibition is that the visitor can purchase the exhibited products in order to try them out before they go into mass production.

How to organize an exhibition-fair or exhibition-sale? To do this, you need to determine in advance the date of the event (preferably 2-3 months in advance), the subject and criteria for selecting exhibitors.

The next stage is the dissemination of information about the upcoming exhibition among potential participants. For this, the media, advertising on local radio and television, Internet communications, etc. are used. When inviting organizations to take part in an exhibition-sale or fair, one should specify the date by which it is possible to submit an application for participation.

When all the exhibitors of the exhibition-sale are determined, you need to perform the following actions:

  • develop an exposition project;
  • draw up an interesting program for the exhibition-sale (introduce an element of celebration, include master classes);
  • to interest the client audience (to conduct an advertising campaign);
  • organize the work of service personnel;
  • make a spending plan.

Costs of organizing an exhibition and ways to make a profit

How much it costs to organize an exhibition depends on what material and labor resources necessary for its implementation. All costs can be conditionally divided into 4 groups:

  • for the operation of the exhibition-sale (rent of premises, if it is not owned, utility bills, organization fire safety etc.);
  • for creative training (script development, decoration etc.);
  • for the technical equipment and implementation of the exhibition (preparation of equipment, purchase of necessary materials, transportation of exhibits, wage staff, );
  • for advertising.

Minimum cost value exhibition event is approximately 300 thousand rubles. It is difficult to determine the maximum, since everything depends on the number of exhibitors, on the need to create additional conditions for exhibits.

The income of the organizer, which can be gained from one exhibition-sale (exhibition-fair), exceeds the cost by several times. The price for the participation of an organization in such an event varies from 120 to 500 thousand rubles. depending on the scale of the exhibition itself and the number and area of ​​exhibition stands.

Important! An exhibition center can generate considerable income if additional services are provided on its basis, for example, the design of exclusive materials for demonstration stands or training seminars. In addition, on days free from exhibitions, part of the center's premises can be rented out for conferences, negotiations, etc.

Organization of a traveling exhibition

On the basis of the existing exhibition center, it is possible to implement many interesting ideas. One of them is the organization of a traveling exhibition. What is so attractive about this idea? The fact that the organizer does not need to create a project, arrange exhibits, but simply rent a ready-made package of a traveling exhibition and place it on the territory of the center. You can exhibit antiques, decorative butterflies, photographic materials, elements of modern design.

How to organize a traveling exhibition? Everything is quite simple. You need to find an interesting offer. Many museums now rent out finished exhibits. Details of the organization of the exhibition are agreed directly with representatives of museums and foundations. Pre-training includes:

  • selection of the exhibition placement period (duration is on average 7-10 days);
  • conducting advertising campaign(it is desirable to start actively advertising the exposition 1-1.5 months in advance);
  • conclusion of an agreement on holding an exhibition;
  • insurance of exhibits (if necessary);
  • transportation of exhibition materials and their placement in the exhibition center.

The revenue side of such a project is formed through the implementation of entrance tickets and providing additional services(sale of memorable souvenirs and postcards, photography, etc.).