I can not find the reference book of the characteristics of the nomenclature. Using characteristics, series, properties and categories of objects

Structured, orderly maintenance of the stock list directory is an important task that needs to be solved at the stage of initial setup of 1C:Enterprise. This article will discuss setting up such an important parameter in 1C: Trade Management as a characteristic of the item. This parameter describes the additional properties of the product, and on which the program will conduct quantitative accounting. This is the main difference from "Properties". For example, if you sell shoes, then the shoe size is configured through the characteristics. Then you will know exactly how many pairs of what size are left in stock. It is better to think over the entire scheme for accounting for the item initial stage implementation.

First of all, the parameter "Nomenclature characteristic" must be enabled. First check if this setting is set for the entire program. You need to do this in the accounting parameter settings: "Service" - "Accounting settings" - "Accounting settings settings". If the characteristic is not planned to be used, then the checkbox must be unchecked. Now, open some position from the directory. Find a place to set the corresponding checkbox "Keep records for additional. characteristics." If you put it, then the “Characteristics” tab will be added to the table below. We will work with her.

For example, we will set up the characteristics for glasses. They are known to all bespectacled people: Diopters (D) and the size between the pupils - (RC).

Click "Add" and enter initially our characteristics, as shown in the figure.

After that, we can open the “Plan of types of characteristics” object, which is called “Properties of objects”, on the “Reference book “Nomenclature characteristics”” tab on the right, the previously entered characteristics will open.

Double click on the first line to open the property element. On the "Property Assignments" tab, add an item group with which the program will associate values. If this is not done, the characteristics will be shown for all groups.

Let's go to the "Property Values" tab and add all the missing values. We will do the same with the second characteristic. The preparation of the characteristics on this is done. Now, filling out the receipt document, you can select the desired characteristics. The program will remember and calculate the quantity of exactly the goods that need to be taken into account.

I hope you succeeded. If not, I'd be happy to help!

The nomenclature in 1C 8.3 means materials, semi-finished products, equipment, services, returnable packaging, overalls, etc. All this data is stored in the "Nomenclature" directory. You can get into it from the section "Reference books", subsection "Goods and services", item "Nomenclature"

You will see a list of directory positions that has a multi-level hierarchical structure.

In this article, we will step by step consider all the instructions for the initial filling of the nomenclature in 1C 8.3 using the example

For the convenience of using this guide, 1C Accounting uses groups (folders). They combine a nomenclature that has common features. In each group, in turn, it is possible to create subgroups (similar to the file system on a computer). The number of hierarchy levels is set by the programmer, but initially there are no restrictions.

Let's create a new group. In the list form of the "Nomenclature" reference book, click on the "Create group" button.

Specify the name of the group to be created. You can also fill in its form, but it is not necessary.

As you can see in the figure below, the group we created fit into the "Materials". If it needs to be moved to another group or to the root, open the context menu and select "Move to group". A window will open where you will need to specify a new location.

Creating a new stock item

Let's move on to adding the nomenclature itself. To do this, in the form of a directory list, click on the "Create" button. A card of the new nomenclature will open in front of you.

Fill in the "Name" field. The value in the "Full name" field will be filled in automatically. Please note that the full name is displayed in reports, printing forms documents, price tags, etc. The "Name" field is used for easy search of items in the program.

Fill in the rest of the details if necessary:

  • The fields "Type of item" and "Included in the group" are filled in automatically from the data of the group in which the new item is created. You can change them if necessary.
  • The value in the "Unit" field is the storage unit for the rest of this item.
  • The tax rate specified in the requisite “% VAT”, if necessary, can be changed already during the formation of documents.
  • "Sales price" is specified by default in sales documents. This setting can be changed by clicking on the hyperlink "?" next to this field.
  • In the "Production" section, you can specify the cost item of this stock item, and its specification (for finished products), in other words, composition.
  • Depending on the features of the nomenclature, the remaining sections are filled in, such as " Alcoholic products' and 'Imported goods'.

After you have filled out the card of the item being created, you need to write it down.

What is the type of item in 1C 8.3 and how to set them up

In order to set up types of nomenclature, click on the corresponding hyperlink in the list form of the "Nomenclature" reference book.

Item types are needed to separate item positions. Each type can have its own . It is very important to avoid the presence of duplicates in this reference book, which can lead to incorrect operation of item accounting accounts.

When installing a typical configuration from a supplier, this directory will already be filled with the main types of stock items. If the item type is a service, do not forget to set the appropriate flag when creating it.

Item accounting accounts in 1C 8.3

To generate accounting entries, you need to set up accounting accounts. This can be done from the list form of the reference book "Nomenclature" by clicking on the hyperlink "Nomenclature accounting accounts".

In the standard configuration of 1C Accounting 3.0, this register is already filled out. But if necessary, it can be adjusted manually.

Accounts can be configured:

  • for a specific nomenclature position;
  • by nomenclature group;
  • by type of nomenclature;
  • by warehouse;
  • by type of warehouse;
  • by organization;
  • throughout the nomenclature, specifying an empty reference as a value.

If different accounting accounts have been set up for a specific item and for it, then the account will be taken from the item. In such cases, aggregated accounts have a lower priority.

Setting item prices

One item can have multiple prices. They differ in types, for example, Wholesale price, retail price, etc.

Go to the item card of the "Nomenclature" reference book and follow the "Prices" hyperlink.

A list will open in front of you, in which it is possible for a specific type on a specific date. It is enough to indicate the price in the appropriate column, and then click on the "Record prices" button. The item price setting document will be created automatically, and you will see a link to it in this list.

See also the video about the nomenclature:

In order to add new characteristics to the 1C nomenclature or keep records of the characteristics on the website of the online store, you must:

  • set the settings in the " Administration" - "Item settings";
  • create the new kind items (or change the current one);
  • create new 1C characteristics for the product;

1C nomenclature administration

In order for accounting by characteristics to be available, go to the "Administration" - "Nomenclature settings" section. Opposite the fields "Characteristics of the item" and "Adding individual characteristics of the item", check the boxes.

In order to create a new item type with settings for accounting by characteristics, go to the " Reference Information" - "Settings and directories". In the list of item types, click the button " Create". A form for creating a new item type will open. In the " Name" enter the required name of the item. Opposite the line " Use Characteristics"check the box and in the box on the right select " Individual for nomenclature".Next click " Write and close".


Creation of characteristics of the 1C nomenclature

After that, go to the list of 1C items and open the product card. In order to change the item type for a product and add characteristics, click " All actions" - "Allow editing object attributes". A confirmation window will open - click " Allow editing". On the product tab " Account information", opposite the line " Item type", select the item type you created. Next, click " Write and close".

Note. This is necessary in order for the tab " Item characteristics".

Open the product card again. The list box on the left will show " Item characteristics", go to it. In this window, you can add new characteristics. To do this, click on the " Create". A window will open " New feature registration assistant". In the working name field, enter, for example, " Size 52".Next click " Create". Go to the product tab and click " Write and close".

Thus, when transferring goods from the 1C nomenclature to the site nomenclature, the field " Size 52"as a feature.

Characteristics of 1C are necessary for keeping records of the balance of goods in the warehouse in the context of characteristics.

Back Up

... Accounting for details is carried out in the context of characteristics and properties and must be implemented using the Plan of types of characteristics. A set of properties defines a characteristic. One part can have several different characteristics ...


In fact, it is necessary to implement the following: for the "Nomenclature" reference book, create a subordinate "Nomenclature Characteristics" reference book, for the latter to organize the ability to store property values ​​that define the characteristic.

1. Add the "Nomenclature characteristics" reference book to the configuration and subordinate it to the "Nomenclature" reference book.

2. In the plan of types of characteristics "Properties of objects", define the "Type of value of characteristics". Must contain all the value types that various properties can take.

3. To store property values, let's create a register of information "Object property values".

  • Object, type "Reference book. Characteristics of Nomenclature" (Other types can be added, one reference book is enough for us to solve this problem);
  • Property, type "Plan of Views of Characteristics. Properties of Objects";
  • Value, type "Characteristic.Properties of Objects", which is defined by the plan of types of characteristics "Properties of Objects".

ATTENTION!!! Here it is necessary to select not the type "Plan of ViewsCharacteristicsReference.ObjectProperties", but the type "Characteristic.PropertiesObjects".

4. To determine the type of the "Value" attribute depending on the type of the selected value of the "Property" attribute, fill in the "Relationship by type" property by specifying the "Property" attribute.


The problem is solved, in the course of solving the problem, beauty guidance is not considered (indicating the headings of forms of different entities, separating objects into subsystems, creating forms, checking data for correctness, forming the name of a characteristic depending on property values).

After launching the developed application solution and entering data, we obtain the necessary functionality

Characteristics are used to specialize and expand the possibilities of inventory accounting. These can be product dimensions, color, material, etc.

During the standard creation of a characteristic, the user can fill in its working name. Therefore, to specify, for example, several properties in the name of the characteristic, they have to be filled in manually:

Figure 1. We have already described how to add additional details to the values ​​of directories and documents. Now we will show how adding additional details to the reference book of item characteristics will make your work with them easier.

Configuration "1C: Trade Management 11" allows you to configure appearance the name of the reference value that is displayed in the system and on print. Let's look at how this can be done using the example of a specific online store.

How to create an item type "Jackets" for an online clothing store?

1. For additional details and properties of objects, enable their use in the system settings (Administration - General settings - Additional details and information).

2. To create a new type of item, go to the "Types of item" reference book (NSI - Settings and directories) and add a new type of item:

Figure 2.
3. Fill in the main fields and select the type of characteristics to be used. To set General characteristics for the entire type of item, select the desired item.

This will allow you not to create the same characteristics for similar items of the nomenclature. If you need to create unique characteristics, select the "Individual for the item" item.

4. Click the Additional Attributes tab and add new values ​​to the Additional Attribute Attributes list.

5. Specify the name of the additional attribute and the values ​​it can take:

Figure 3 6. Add a few additional details that are needed to refine the characteristic and save the changes to the form:

Figure 4
Now, when creating a characteristic, it will be convenient to enter the parameters in the appropriate fields:

Figure 5 7. To set up automatic filling of the name for a characteristic, open the item type form and go to the "Templates of names" tab. Click the "Edit" button next to the working name for the characteristic:

Figure 6 8. In the formula editing form that appears, set the naming format. In the left part of the form, the details of the characteristic (including those additionally created by you) are available for selection, in the right part - operators and functions.

Double-clicking on each of the elements adds it to the formula (the element is added in square brackets, which means that its value will be substituted for it), text values ​​are typed from the keyboard and included in “quotes”. Elements are connected to each other with "+" signs. You can check the correctness of the filling by clicking the "Check formula" button:

Figure 7
Save the naming formula and item type. Now create new feature nomenclature.

9. When filling out a characteristic, you can not immediately enter its working name. After entering the details and entry, click the "Fill in the template" button. The name will be written according to the template you set up earlier.

It is not necessary to press the button: when writing the form, the name will be automatically filled in according to the template:

Figure 8
As a result, your list of item characteristics now looks like this:

Figure 9
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