Technology of handmade dumplings. Dumpling business at home

Everyone has come across a situation when you come home with the idea of ​​a quick and satisfying snack, and there is a small selection of food in the refrigerator. In this case, a package of frozen dumplings comes to the rescue. This semi-finished product is popular with both adults and children. Many people eat these semi-finished products for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the article, we will consider the opening of a dumpling shop with step by step instructions from scratch.

Housewives, who are sensitive to kitchen concerns, also cannot do without dumplings. This product is in demand at any time of the year. And the use of various sauces will turn a traditional dish into a culinary masterpiece.

Thus, the dumpling business is a profitable and win-win option. As proven sources show, the sale of dumplings is constantly increasing every year. Moreover, in a crisis, people want to save money and start buying not expensive meat products, but those that are cheaper. Pelmeni allow you to satisfy your gastronomic preferences without spending extra time and money. Therefore, the country's monetary problems stimulate the development of this business, make it profitable, bringing good profit to the owners.

How to start making dumplings?

The basis for business development will be a friendly or family contract. Handmade modeling and quality raw materials will be appreciated by friends who will inform the next fans about your products, and so on, along the chain, the information will spread. If the profit grows, then think about opening a dumpling shop.

To make dumplings, you need five components:

  • room;
  • staff of workers;
  • equipment;
  • raw materials;
  • marketing.

Placement of the dumpling shop

The premises of the future dumpling shop should be small in size so as not to overpay for rent, but spacious to accommodate equipment and free movement of personnel. An area of ​​50 m 2 is enough for handmade and placement of equipment. Pay attention to sanitary and hygienic conditions, otherwise the first check of the sanitary and epidemiological station will not only cost you dearly, but will also deprive you of your business if it is closed. The presence of water, light, heat and ventilation is required. Floors and walls should be easy to clean and light in color. This will increase the efficiency and mood of workers, and will also serve as a trump card when checking the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Organization of the production of dumplings in the workshop

Many appreciate hand-made dumplings, so the cost of the product will not confuse such buyers. The cost of this production method is high, but here it will be possible to save on the purchase of equipment. However, a rapid increase in the volume of manual production is not expected.

Machine molding of dumplings includes large volumes and low cost. At the same time, the costs of purchasing, maintaining and repairing equipment, and increasing utility bills are increasing.

If you are inclined to purchase special equipment, then prepare an amount from 300,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. Note that automated lines today offer a huge selection of manufacturers, and there is no shortage of them. Even Chinese units do an excellent job with the task, pay off in a short time and are easy to use. Russian and European equipment is more reliable, but it costs 5 times more, so the payback is much longer.

The minimum set of equipment that is required to open a dumpling shop includes:

  • industrial meat grinder;
  • apparatus for molding (molding) dumplings;
  • flour sower;
  • mixer;
  • freezer;
  • packaging machine.


After purchasing and installing equipment, consider how to hire staff. It is not necessary to save so as not to harm production. Any underpayments will lead to the fact that the quality of your products will crack or there will be days when employees do not come to work for unexcused reasons. Therefore, hire people with recommendations, middle-aged. Give preference to those who love to cook.

An additional plus for applicants will be experience and skills in handling equipment. Remember about the sanitary and epidemiological service, so be sure to have a health book with fresh records. Also follow medical board during the work of the workshop, so that you are not fined.

For automated production the staff of the dumpling shop consists of at least five employees.

Raw materials and ingredients for dumplings

The quality and cost of products depend on the raw materials and ingredients used. Since dumplings are minced meat, beautifully wrapped in dough, the following components will be required:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • flour;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • spices.

Try experimenting with the filling. Cottage cheese, mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes, berries will turn the line for the production of dumplings into the production of dumplings or ravioli. Thanks to this, the product range will expand and the market sector will expand.

Minced meat should not be too raw and viscous, and must remain juicy when cooked. Various minced meat components will expand the product range and attract additional buyers. As for the use of artificial additives, this is a personal matter for everyone. Choose for yourself which category of citizens the product is intended for. As an option - expanding the client base and organizing work with turkey or rabbit meat without adding chemicals.

Make the dough elastic, of a suitable thickness, and ensure that the meat lump and juice are reliably retained from it, in order to reveal the taste and aroma of the product in the customer's mouth, and not in the container during cooking.

The quality of products and their compliance with sanitary standards is a guarantee of your peace of mind and positive inspections by supervisory authorities.

What dumplings to make

Nobody will oblige you to comply with the TU and GOST standards for the production of dumplings. The weight, shape and color of semi-finished products vary, if there was a demand for them.

Expanded assortment increases the customer base. In the future, after analyzing the demand, you will focus on a narrower selection of recipes.

When offering products to different types of buyers, observe an important rule - high quality products will keep existing customers and acquire new ones. This leads to an increase in profits and only then - to the expansion of production.

Statement about yourself in the market

Start with business card product and with a sonorous, memorable name. Get together with the whole team, call relatives and friends. Write down all suggestions, including stupid and inappropriate ones. Then relax and analyze the work done. Choose the best option or combine several into one. Highlight your brand with a combination of specific colors or "emblem" symbols so that your products become recognizable.

Selling methods

To sell the product, enter into agreements with small retail outlets or arrange delivery to sellers in the market. Market traders are more sociable and interested in sales, so the chances of making good profits are high. In large outlets contact only after creating a client base.

Arrange a tasting and hold a promotion on products, advertising a new manufacturer. Include an inexpensive gift with the package. Even a small bag of sauce or a wooden spatula will pay off and serve as a good marketing ploy.

Customers satisfied with your products - the best advertisement. They will repeat and then systematize their choice, telling relatives and friends about the find. This will create an irreversible effect of promoting semi-finished products on the market.

Results of dumpling production: income, expense

The production of dumplings fits into the following estimate:

  • equipment purchase costs - 300,000-2,000,000 rubles (manufacturer from China or Europe, respectively);
  • purchase of raw materials and consumables - 360,000 rubles;
  • the cost of utility bills and rent of premises - 45,000 rubles;
  • expenses for the payment of wages to employees - 80,000 rubles. (for a staff of five people);

By doing simple calculations, we arrive at the following results:

  • income - 210,000 rubles;
  • net profit - 90,000 rubles;
  • payback period 4-6 months.

The figures obtained are taken from the calculation of the daily production of 700 kg of dumplings. But the conclusions about the payback do not always coincide with the facts, therefore, another quarter is added to the period indicated in the calculation, spent on gaining a place in the sales market, creating a customer base, and so on.

Pelmeni production as a business: where to start, profitability, reviews. Today, these questions are of interest to many.

Key benefits

Like all other business areas, the production of dumplings has its advantages and disadvantages. Briefly about the first:

  1. Lack of seasonality - they are equally in demand at any time of the year.
  2. High business payback - with proper planning, it turns out to recapture all costs after 3 months of work.
  3. Undemanding to investments - at the initial stage, a fairly modest amount will be required.
  4. Undemanding to hire staff, at least at the initial stage. Also, you do not have to buy expensive equipment, rent a workshop or office.
  5. Availability of ingredients and ease of manufacture.
  6. Good prospects for small businesses.

Among the disadvantages include high competition. This is especially true for large cities. The only alternative is to increase the quality of the molded dumplings. Saving on meat or spices in this case is a path to failure.

Beginning of work

So where to start? Any business production requires a certain amount of time to prepare. In the case of the dumpling business, it usually takes about 2 months to resolve a number of organizational and related issues.

At the first stage, analyze the market and collect as much information as possible about the activities of competitors. A necessary step is to analyze the niche in your city.

The first step is to register a business. Only this often takes a lot of time, up to 2 weeks, and the associated expenses can reach 10 thousand rubles.

Finally, if we are talking about large-scale production, you will need to find a room for which you need to obtain permits from the SES.

At the final stages, personnel are hired, raw materials are purchased, contracts are concluded with suppliers and buyers.


If you plan at the initial stage to sell ready-made dumplings only to relatives, friends and colleagues, you can do without legal registration. However, in this case, it makes no sense to count on a large income - the clientele will be too limited.

In addition to opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will need to collect a number of permits from various organizations. Among them are papers from Rospotrebnadzor and the conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. To obtain the latter, you will have to provide the exact recipe.

If at some point you move to work in a separate room or even a workshop, you will have to take care of permission from the fire inspectorate. Also, the building must comply with all necessary requirements and specifications. The product will certainly have a label with the name and a brief description.

In the case of hiring additional staff, each person must have a sanitary book which will need to be updated periodically. otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a very large fine.

Making dumplings as a business

Today, the market presents the products of many manufacturers, but at the same time, finding a niche for yourself is quite simple - everything here depends only on the quality of the products.

The business idea itself gained popularity in our country only a few years ago. In a short period, she was able to take one of the leading positions among other areas of entrepreneurial activity.

Two options

In this business, there are two main options for doing business: creating a small workshop and working from home.

Let's look at both in detail.

Workshop work

For this option, you will need to find and rent a room. Small in area, but sufficient for the free movement of equipment and workers. According to experts, at first, you can get by with a room of 50 square meters.

The main requirement: the presence of water, lighting and high-quality ventilation. Walls and floors should be finished with easy-to-clean materials, such as glossy tiles. It is equally important to bring the room in line with all sanitary standards.

The main machine will be a special machine for the formation of dumplings. When choosing a specific model, you should pay attention to the list of device features. Be sure to include several interchangeable frames for different forms products. In addition to it, you will need the following devices:

  • Flour sifter - it is used to purify flour from all extraneous slightest impurities. In parallel, the device helps to saturate it with oxygen. Desktop options are in demand, which are actively used at the initial stages of business development.
  • The so-called complex for making dough - there are two main varieties on the market: floor (they are more popular) and desktop. Preference should be given to those that are able to knead as steep a dough as possible.
  • Meat grinders - grinding all the main components of minced meat. It is important that the device can work constantly, without interruption. It is worth paying attention to the presence of a reverse, which will help to avoid the need for cleaning films and cores, although this is a matter of personal preference.
  • Mixers - with the help of such devices, high-quality mixing of minced meat is carried out. Of the main options, floor and desktop options. They are set in motion manually or connected to the power supply. It is better to give preference to the latter. It allows you to achieve the perfect consistency of minced meat for subsequent production.
  • Packaging devices - are divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic. Features of the device allow you to pre-program the production date and weight. Automatic devices make it possible to completely remove people at this stage of production. As practice shows, completely transparent packaging should be preferred, as it allows buyers to see the product in advance, but if you want, you can imagine a more original version;
  • Refrigeration equipment for raw materials and finished products.

Before choosing one or another model, you should calculate the approximate production volume and potential sales level. For example, if we are talking about a relatively small workshop, then you should focus on a productivity of about 100-200 kilograms per hour.

The technological process of the line in this case will consist of the following steps:

  1. Test preparation.
  2. Minced meat preparation.
  3. Formation of finished products.
  4. Freeze.
  5. Packing.

Work at home

You can also make dumplings at home. The main thing is to constantly improve manufacturing process and keep product quality at the highest level. At the beginning of work, the products are distributed among acquaintances and friends, and then sales can be started to a wider range of customers. It is very important to build a reputation here. The notorious "word of mouth" will be a significant help.

Sculpting has many benefits. First of all, you do not need to rent a room. In addition, you do not have to hire employees, all the equipment can be found right in the kitchen. Most likely, you will not even need to open an IP. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to achieve large volumes and, accordingly, earnings by this method, but valuable experience can be gained.


As production expands and in the process of finding a new clientele, it is possible to move away from a fairly close community of friends and acquaintances. In this case, you can try to sell goods through social networks and special forums.

In the future, it makes sense to try to conclude a contract with networks of cafes, dumplings and restaurants - such semi-finished products are in great demand in them. Finally, through them you can reach larger buyers. Of course, all this is possible only if the quality of the dumplings is up to par.

Another development option is the delivery of ready-made hot meals. Dumplings, dumplings and khinkali have already established themselves in this market. Such lunches are well-deservedly popular at enterprises, markets and offices. Finally, you can offer products to small retail outlets.


On average, the cost of 1 kg of dumplings is about 70 rubles, while the price in stores is around 100 rubles. In this case, the profit will be 30 rubles per 1 kg. If we multiply this by the scale of about 800 kg of products and subtract all associated costs, we get net profit about 250 thousand rubles a month.

The production of dumplings pays for itself in less than a year, which indicates high profitability. Alternatively, you can use chicken meat - this will reduce the cost.

As for home-based production, it all depends on the final price of the product. Most often, revenue is about 20%. In some cases, if the product has already managed to establish itself and there is a base regular customers, the amount can increase up to 50%.

As for the costs of opening a workshop, the line alone will cost about 300 thousand rubles or even less. But it will be able to produce up to 650 kg of goods per day. However, more big business will also require advertising and wages employees.

Video: secrets industrial production dumplings.

Business plan

As already mentioned, one of the components of the success of any enterprise is a well-written business plan that will allow you to assess the profitability of the enterprise. It includes all expenses. An example of the cost of raw materials per 800 kg of products.

Opening a business for the production of dumplings is a promising direction. Firstly, this is due to the high popularity among the population. Secondly, it is the ability to use different ingredients and produce a wide range of products. Thirdly, this is a large volume of the market, which does not have a clear leader in the industry. These factors are reflected in the fast payback period of the project, which is 11 months, and the break-even point of the project falls on 3 months of operation.

To open production, you will need to find a room with an area of ​​​​150 m2. The premises can be found in the industrial parts of the city. This will help keep costs down. It is also necessary to hire a staff of 16 people.

The production capacity will be 960 kg of dumplings per day, per month - 28,800 kg. A day will require ingredients for a total of 52,800 rubles. Medium Wholesale price 1 kg of dumplings is 110 rubles. Based on these parameters, financial indicators projects are as follows:

Amount of initial investment - 2 050 000 rubles;

Monthly profit - 470 000 rubles;

Payback period - 11 months;

Break even - 3 month;

Profitability of sales - 28% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

The popularity of dumplings and their relative cheapness is a driver of demand growth for these products. It is also worth noting that there is no clear leader in this market. It opens additional features for start-up entrepreneurs in this market.

We need to open a small factory. This will achieve high quality products and significantly reduce the cost of opening.

Meat dumplings (beef and pork) will be the main products. Also, the line can be quickly rebuilt for the production of dumplings from other ingredients.

To organize a production line you will need:

  • dumpling forming machine
  • flour sifter
  • kneader
  • dough sheeter
  • meat grinder
  • meat mixer
  • refrigeration equipment
  • packing machine

This equipment will allow to fully automate the production process and eliminate the human factor. You also need to purchase computers and printers.

In addition to equipment, you will need to choose a quality room and make repairs in it. Repair is necessary in the premises to obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service to put production into operation.

The premises must meet the following requirements:

  • it is necessary to place the room in a sanitary zone
  • plumbing and sewerage
  • natural and forced ventilation
  • good lighting
  • Availability of a room with a bathroom for staff
  • availability of a warehouse

More detailed information SES requirements can be found in legal acts or regulations on production requirements.

3. Description of the market

For any production an important factor success is the rapid sale of manufactured products. This result can be achieved by creating an effective marketing system.

The main customers of the production are wholesale buyers and chains of super- and hypermarkets. Then, through their distribution channels, they will sell these products to your direct consumer - people.

To build an effective sales system, you need to identify the main circle of target customers, understand their demand for your products and start negotiating. Also, at the stage of negotiations, offer flexible payment systems for products, bonuses and preferences in order to increase the turnover of products in the warehouse.

A flexible marketing policy will help attract more customers and increase business profitability.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To open an enterprise for the production of dumplings, you will need:

  1. Register a legal entity - IP
  2. Find a room and sign a lease
  3. Make repairs
  4. Obtain permission from SES
  5. Purchase equipment
  6. Find staff
  7. Carry out commissioning work
  8. Get Started

Stage/duration, weeks

IP registration

Premises selection

Premises renovation

Obtaining permission from SES

Purchase of equipment


Commissioning works

Beginning of work

Many of us remember those times when families sat down at the table on a day off and everyone together sculpted dumplings, including the smallest ones. Home production reached several hundred. Looks like a family business.

Living in the village, I had a question, how can I make money, in conditions of limited financial and material resources. Almost everyone has their own farm, the sale of production products is not profitable. It is not possible to export to the city for sale, and the competition is too big.

Remembering the old Russian tradition - to make dumplings in huge number, I thought, why not try making dumplings as a business? Where to start? How to organize a business from scratch? Any entrepreneurship begins with planning and determining financial costs.

Therefore, first of all, I decided to prepare a business plan for the production of dumplings with calculations, anticipating possible costs:

  1. Use of original resources. What is more profitable - to use purchased minced meat, or make it yourself, make a product at home or open a mini-workshop? Do you buy ready-made dough or mix your own?

If you use the services of suppliers, you will need the constant availability of funds in excess of income for 100% prepayment for the goods.

Calculation of the cost of components per 10 kilograms:

Name of ingredientsShare of finished productPrice
Beef25% 450 rub.
Pork19% 390 rub.
Salt0,1% 1 rub.
Spices0,7% 9 rub.
Onion5% 25 rub.
Flour35% 55 rub.
Egg0,2% 6 rub.
Water15% 0
Total:100% 1026 rub.
  1. It is also necessary to take into account the possible fare. When supplying raw materials wholesale buyers, you have to pay for shipping.
  2. The cost of renting and maintaining the premises (from 30 thousand rubles, utility bills - from 12 thousand rubles, Internet, communication services - 1 thousand rubles).
  3. The cost of purchasing, maintaining and maintaining equipment (unless, of course, sculpting by hand).
  1. Paying staff. At the initial stage, you can get by with a staff of several people, attract relatives, but in order to expand production volumes, you will have to take into account the number of employees and the corresponding financial costs.
  1. Registration of business status - or legal entity. For countryside quite enough decoration individual entrepreneurship with a simplified taxation system (from 10 thousand rubles).
  2. Marketing and advertising. The best and most cost-effective marketing move is the production of an excellent quality product using natural products at an affordable price. But without violating the laws of profitability, so as not to work at a loss. Rumors about my delicious dumplings will quickly spread throughout the village.

Having decided on the possible costs and the need to prolong the funds in reserve, I added inevitable risks to my business plan:

  1. There is a lot of competition, you can win only by quality.
  2. A small assortment that meets the needs of a small target audience(Muslims do not eat dumplings with pork, Orthodox Christians do not eat meat products during Lent, vegetarians prefer dumplings).
  3. Controlling bodies. All certificates for products, production conditions must comply with SanPiN and relevant normative document. Failure to do so will result in penalties, up to and including termination of operations.
  4. The most difficult thing is to establish sales lines. After all, selling to neighbors will not bring the planned profit. But the profitability of production primarily depends on this factor. The sale of products in supermarkets promises delayed profits.

By the way, several interesting ideas for business in rural areas:

I have already mentioned that the maintenance of the production workshop will require significant costs. What needs to be considered here:

  • square production premises(from 50 to 300 cm2), depending on the power of the equipment;
  • the amount of electricity, water, etc. consumed, including the use of a hood;
  • compliance of the premises SES requirements(zoning of the premises with the corresponding rooms for production, storage, etc.).

As a workshop, it is desirable to use former canteens that meet the conditions Food Industry. To minimize costs, it is advantageous to choose a premise that does not require re-equipment, with a low rent payment and a convenient transport approach.

Pelmeni production technology

When opening a dumpling business, the question arose about the choice of product production technology. But as it turned out, this process is similar for both mini-production and large lines:

Prepare food
  1. Defrost meat.
  2. Clean the onion.
  3. Disinfect eggs.
  4. You sift the flour.
  5. Prepare saline solution.
kneading the doughUse the ingredients according to the accepted recipe
Cook minced meat
  1. Grind meat with onions in a meat grinder.
  2. Knead the resulting mass on a meat mixer or manually (15 minutes).
  3. Add spices and water, stir.
Form dumplings
  1. Using a special apparatus for production.
  2. Making dumplings hand-sculpted.
Freeze the finished productWithin 20 minutes after sculpting, put the dumplings in the refrigerator.
Packing goods for saleLay out dumplings in packaging material of 0.5 or 1 kg, with the obligatory indication of the production date and expiration date.

Equipment for the production of dumplings at home

A mini-workshop is, of course, good, but you will have to start a dumpling business from simpler home conditions. In this case, the costs are less, and the equipment is easier. Instead of industrial devices, it is enough to have:

  • meat grinder;
  • freezer;
  • table dumplings.

Everything is clear with a refrigerator and a meat grinder. But what is a dumpling? This is a desktop machine for the production of 12-14 kg dumplings per hour., costing 60-80 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of dumpling business

Having calculated the options for the costs and profits of the business on homemade dumplings, I decided to read the reviews of the owners of this type of business, hoping to learn useful information of them personal experience. Of course, there are pros and cons.

  1. The payback of this event should not be expected earlier than in six months.
  2. The difficulty of many entrepreneurs was to calculate the cost of 1 kg of finished products, using various kinds minced meat. The most low price, for example, dumplings with pork, and high - with beef.
  3. There should be fallbacks for product implementation to avoid losses.
  4. It is required to constantly improve, use new recipes - competition.
  1. The business is quite profitable, with 100% of the cost of 1 kg of product, half is spent on production, and the same amount is received as net profit.
  2. Small start-up capital especially when organizing a home business.
  3. There is an acute shortage of quality goods on the market, therefore, the use of natural products can lead to a leading position.
  4. Great demand for this product.

The real experience of many entrepreneurs shows that with the right approach, it is quite easy to organize your own business for the production and sale of dumplings, even in rural areas. And having your own farm can be a big plus.

In this material:

Frozen hand-made dumplings are perhaps the most popular semi-finished product offered in every grocery store and firmly established in the diet of our citizens. Its wide demand is explained by the traditions of national cuisine, excellent taste, ease of use, usefulness of the product.

We love meat dumplings and dumplings everywhere. But the accelerating pace modern life and chronic lack of time rarely give people the opportunity to devote several hours of their personal lives to cooking their favorite product. Manufacturers of deep-frozen semi-finished products come to the rescue, offering dozens of items of different recipes and price categories.

But is it so easy to organize a startup specializing in the manufacture of this product? A business plan for the production of dumplings will help to show all the pros and cons of a new business, as well as determine the profitability.

Business Relevance

Everyone needs food. Food production was, is and will be the most relevant area of ​​human activity.

Making dumplings as a business has a number of advantages, which include:

  1. High demand and no need to promote the product. Dumplings are known and loved by most of the population Russian Federation and neighboring countries.
  2. Long shelf life. This reduces risks in case of extended sales periods and allows consumers to purchase products for the future without fear that they will be lost. Also, there is no need to add all kinds of preservatives to the recipe. Meat dumplings and dumplings made from natural ingredients are perfectly preserved.
  3. Ability to quickly respond to changing market needs. When overstocking at retail outlets of any manufactured products, you can quickly and painlessly switch all the forces of the workshop to other positions. For example, with an overabundance of meat dumplings in partner stores, part of the production capacity is instantly rebuilt to produce dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms.
  4. Consumer attraction different types products due to filling options for both dumplings and dumplings.
  5. Opportunities in the field of sales organization. Sell ​​products with a large assortment possible through distributors, directly to retail chains or organizing their own branded outlets in markets or pavilions.
  6. No seasonality.

But in order for the business to be afloat, it is necessary to constantly monitor the goods supplied by competitors (quality, price policy, advertising strategy). It is also necessary to remember that saving on raw materials will not work. A decrease in product quality will lead to the failure of a startup.

Market and competition analysis

There has long been fierce competition in the market for the production of dumplings and dumplings. Work for many years famous brands present everywhere. Competitors fall into several categories:

  1. Large workshops for the production of dumplings and dumplings with a very high monthly productivity, operating under a recognizable brand. These are the main players in the pelmeni market with a well-established production cycle and distribution system, and a large customer base. Often, in pursuit of profit, they revise the cost of raw materials and product formulations, which affects the quality in a bad way.
  2. Mid-range manufacturers. These include farms that produce semi-finished products as a secondary activity.
  3. Small entrepreneurs with small production capacities and a small volume of output, who have a well-established sales system at the regional level.

In order for little-known manufacturers to attract the attention of consumers in such fierce competition, it is necessary to think over a competent advertising strategy. A good result is given by tastings in large shopping malls where visitors have the opportunity to try new products for free.

Technology of making dumplings

The recipe for handmade dumplings and dumplings is well known to everyone:

  • steep dough is kneaded from flour, water, salt and a chicken egg;
  • the filling is prepared in the form of minced meat with salt and spices, mashed potatoes with salt and sometimes mushrooms, berry puree with sugar;
  • the finished dough is rolled out in a thin layer and cut into circles;
  • the filling is laid out on circles of dough and stuck;
  • the finished product is frozen at a temperature of 10-15 degrees below zero.

But to build a profitable business, you need high productivity, so the dumpling shop is equipped with special equipment, and the production technology will already look like this:

  • sifting flour in a special apparatus;
  • preparation of the dough in the floor fixture;
  • preparation and stirring of minced meat or other fillings;
  • formation of finished products in the apparatus for molding;
  • deep freezing and subsequent packaging on the packaging line.

To diversify products and increase the range, it is proposed to produce the following positions:

  • dumplings with potatoes;
  • dumplings with cabbage;
  • dumplings with cherries;
  • dumplings with cottage cheese;
  • dumplings with cottage cheese and raisins;
  • dumplings with dried apricots;
  • dumplings with strawberries;
  • dumplings with blueberries;
  • dumplings with chicken;
  • dumplings with chicken and cheese;
  • dumplings with turkey;
  • dumplings with pork;
  • homemade dumplings (pork and beef);
  • dumplings with beef;
  • dumplings with lamb;
  • dumplings "three meats" (lamb, beef, pork);
  • khinkali;
  • manti.

organizational plan

To register entrepreneurial activity in the field of production of frozen semi-finished products, it is necessary to open an organization or register as an individual entrepreneur.

To open an IP tax office includes a copy of the passport, a receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles and a completed application form P21001.

To register a limited liability company, the following package of organizational and legal documents must be submitted:

  • application for registration in the form P11001;
  • charter of the organization in two copies;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders;
  • decision to establish a limited liability company;
  • a letter of guarantee on the provision of a legal address;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 4000 rubles.

When completing the documentation, the following OKVED codes should be registered:

  • 1511410 - quick-frozen ready-made semi-finished products;
  • 1511420 - portioned natural semi-finished products;
  • 1511400 - frozen semi-finished meat products.

After receiving the registration documents, you need to issue a permit from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (about fire safety), as well as open a bank account.

For this type of activity, it is more profitable to switch to the USN taxation system of 15% (income minus expenses).

Requirements for the premises

You can start making handmade dumplings at home. But if a serious entrepreneurial activity, you will have to think about finding a room.

30-50 square meters will be enough to accommodate production. It is necessary to have ventilation, hot and cold water, electricity, lighting, heating. It is better to finish the walls and floor with tiles for the convenience of daily wet cleaning.

It must be remembered that food production should be placed in a clean room.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

To automate the process of making dumplings and dumplings, you will need:

  1. Apparatus for molding dumplings. Regulates not only the size and shape of products, but also the thickness of the dough, the amount of filling.
  2. Meat grinder for grinding pieces of meat into minced meat. When choosing industrial meat grinders, it is better to give preference to models with reverse.
  3. Floor fixture for kneading hard dough.
  4. Mince mixer. This equipment helps to achieve uniformity of minced meat or other stuffing, which is important for high quality products.
  5. The flour sifter is important for removing impurities and debris.
  6. Packing line for packing finished products, it can be automatic and semi-automatic. When planning high performance, it is better to immediately purchase an automatic machine.
  7. Refrigeration equipment.

REFERENCE: The equipment is selected based on the planned productivity of the dumpling shop.

It is also necessary to take care of the organization of work office workers(accountant, managers, sales representatives, marketer) and purchase office furniture, office equipment.





Apparatus for forming dumplings

Meat grinder

Fixture for
dough mixing

Minced meat stirrer

flour sifting machine

Packing line


Other fixtures
for the workshop


Office chair

Filing cabinet



Search for product suppliers

Frozen semi-finished products cannot be produced without a well-functioning purchase of high-quality raw materials. To do this, you can get acquainted with the nearest farms and conclude contracts for the supply of meat, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, flour, eggs, cheese.


For the normal functioning of the dumpling shop, it is necessary to hire personnel according to the staffing table:

Marketing plan and sales channels for finished products

Implement finished products through the following distribution channels:

  • cafes and restaurants;
  • markets;
  • chain grocery stores;
  • shops within walking distance in residential areas.

A good marketing option would be cooperation with organizations that supply hot meals to the office.

To promote dumplings and dumplings own production the following marketing activities are used:

  • tastings and promotions in large chain stores;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • website promotion on the Internet;
  • commercials on television and radio.

Possible risks

There are certain risks associated with this type of business:

  • high competition;
  • careful control public services food production;
  • increase in the cost of raw materials;
  • decrease in purchasing power;
  • complaints from consumers, leading to the loss positive image and even litigation and fines.

Financial plan

Investments at the start

At the beginning of the activity of the dumpling shop, the following investments will be needed:

For start-up capital, you can use your own cash, borrowed (credit, leasing) or subsidies allocated by the local administration when submitting the relevant documents.

Current expenses

To determine the expenditure side of the enterprise budget, it is necessary to calculate the cost of raw materials.

product name

Number of sales per month in kg

Cost price,
per 1 kg

for raw materials

Vareniki with potatoes

Vareniki with potatoes and mushrooms

Vareniki with cabbage

Vareniki with cherries

Vareniki with cottage cheese

Vareniki with cottage cheese and raisins

Vareniki with dried apricots

Vareniki with strawberries

Vareniki with blueberries

Dumplings with chicken

Dumplings with chicken and cheese

Dumplings with turkey

Pelmeni with pork

Homemade dumplings
(pork and beef)

Beef dumplings

Dumplings with lamb

Dumplings with lamb and beef

Dumplings "three meats"

product name

Number of sales per month in kg

Selling price per 1 kg


Vareniki with potatoes

Vareniki with potatoes and mushrooms

Vareniki with cabbage

Vareniki with cherries

Vareniki with cottage cheese

Vareniki with cottage cheese and raisins

Vareniki with dried apricots

Vareniki with strawberries

Vareniki with blueberries

Dumplings with chicken

Dumplings with chicken and cheese

Dumplings with turkey

Pelmeni with pork

Homemade dumplings
(pork and beef)

Beef dumplings

Dumplings with lamb

Dumplings with lamb and beef

Dumplings "three meats"
(lamb, beef, pork)

Monthly expenses will look like this:

Profit calculation and business profitability

The financial result for the month will be 814,081 rubles net profit. Business profitability 20%. The payback period is 1-2 months when the shop is fully loaded.

Modeling dumplings at home

If there is a desire to first check the demand and gradually reach large volumes, you can consider the production of hand-made dumplings and dumplings at home, while connecting your family members and using your own kitchen. It is more expedient to sell products by renting a small tray in the market.

But the method of manual molding at home will not make it possible to reach serious levels of productivity, and the cost of production will be quite high. Therefore, it is better to equip production with special lines and fixtures.

According to the business plan of the dumpling shop, it can be concluded that entrepreneurial activity in the field of production of popular frozen semi-finished products is quite promising. The key to successful development and high profits here will be the guarantee of timely deliveries to counterparties and the consistently high quality of the product.