Alytus executive documentation program. Executive documentation program

This instruction deals with execution in accordance with the requirements of the order of Rostekhnadzor No. 470 dated November 9, 2017. This order was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 15, 2018, and 10 days later the updated requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation came into force. From February 26, 2018, it is unlawful to validate the survey of hidden works according to the old forms.
New form certificates of examination of hidden works developed in accordance with the changes in the Urban Planning Code Russian Federation entered into force on July 1, 2017.
So, first, let's find out why we need it? Certificate of inspection of hidden works is a document that is compiled to record quality control and compliance project documentation those works that will subsequently not be visible to the human eye and presenting them for verification, without opening and dismantling the overlying structures, will not be possible. For example, when decorating rooms, first they plaster, then putty, and then paint the walls. So, before puttying, an act is drawn up for plastering work, and before painting, for puttying walls. Thus, we document the availability of work performed, as well as their quality. Thanks to such acts, it is easy to ensure and then confirm the construction control of the entire technological chain of construction.
In accordance with RD-11-02-2006, the list of hidden works that are subject to examination is determined by the design organization. But in fact, far from all projects have such a list, and if it is there, it is in a very truncated form, which often does not suit either the customer or the supervisory authorities. Based on this, it is recommended to draw up acts for all work, the control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after the completion of subsequent work.
The form

The form certificate of examination of hidden works installed Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision and is presented in RD-11-02-2006 (Appendix No. 3). Changing the form of the act and deviating from it is not allowed. The act is printed on one sheet on both sides. If the information specified in the act does not fit on one sheet, then additional sheets are printed. But in this case, each page of the act is numbered. This is due to the possible substitution of pages that do not have signatures.
Now let's take a closer look at the form of the act of examination of hidden works and the methodology for filling it out. The first thing you need to fill in is the name of the object capital construction. We take information about the name from the project documentation (the name of the object is indicated on the title page or in the stamps of the drawings). It is important, after the name of the object, to enter data on its postal or building address.
Next, we proceed to fill out the section that is devoted to information about the persons who participate in the examination of hidden works. First, let's look at the functions of these individuals.
Developer (technical customer, operating organization or regional operator)- physical or entity which implements the investment project. Simply put, a customer (project investor, owner of a land plot, structure, building, premises, operating organization) or a representative of the customer who is entrusted with a leading role in managing the construction process and effective interaction with other construction participants. It is important to know that, in accordance with the law, from 07/01/2017, only those organizations that are members of the SRO can act as a technical customer.
The person carrying out the construction– as a rule, this person is the general contractor.
The person who prepares the project documentation- a design organization that is engaged in the design of a capital construction object (reconstruction, repair), and also carries out architectural supervision of construction.
Certificate of inspection of hidden works 2018, unlike the old form, does not provide for entering data on the person carrying out the construction, performing the work.
Learn more about the member relationship system construction process can be consulted.
After we have clarified the role of each participant in the construction process, we have to indicate the following data about them: name, PSRN / ORGNIP, TIN, location of the organization, phone / fax, as well as name, PSRN, TIN self-regulatory organization, of which the customer, general contractors or designer is a member.
All this data must be provided to you by the developer (technical customer). In extreme cases, when the developer for some reason refuses to provide you with this information, you can go to the website of the Federal Tax Service and find out there most of the information necessary to fill out the certificate of inspection of hidden works.
Next, we date the act and assign it a number. It is better to number the acts taking into account the name of the section of the project documentation on which the work was performed. Suppose the numbering of the act for work on the installation of internal water supply and sewerage will look like this: 1 / VK, where 1 is the serial number of the act for the section, and VK is the name of the section of the project documentation. Such numbering in the future will greatly facilitate the search for the desired act, and also avoid confusion in the numbering.
At the next stage of design AOSR (certificate of inspection of hidden works) fill in information about the representatives of persons who participate in the examination of hidden works. This information includes the position, surname, initials, details of the document of representation (orders and instructions), as well as the name, PSRN, TIN and location of the organization represented by the specialist. In addition, data on developer's representative And representative of the person carrying out the construction on issues of construction control must be supplemented with information about . Data about representative of the person preparing project documentation we supplement with information about the name, PSRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization, of which the design organization is a member. It should be noted that information about the number and date of the order (instruction) on the appointment of a responsible person is entered as details of the administrative document confirming the authority. Each representative has his own order, and, accordingly, their area of ​​​​responsibility is different. For example, designers issue an order for architectural supervision. The general contractor and subcontractor by order appoint responsible persons for the performance of construction and installation works and maintenance of as-built documentation. In addition, the general contractor and the developer (technical customer) are required to appoint persons responsible for conducting construction control at the facility. Forms (forms) of orders, as well as examples of their completion, you can find here.
In paragraph 1 certificate of examination of hidden works enter the name of the work that is presented for examination, with an exact indication of the place where they were carried out (the axis of the building, floor, number (name) of the room, picket, mileage and other coordinates that allow you to accurately identify the place of work).
In paragraph 2 we enter the cipher of the working (project) documentation and the numbers of the sheets in accordance with which the work was performed. Next, enter the name design organization, which carried out the preparation of the project documentation section.
In step 3 indicate the name of the materials (products, structures, equipment) that were used in the performance of work subject to examination. After each material, in parentheses, we indicate the name of the document confirming its quality and safety (certificate of conformity, fire safety compliance certificate, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, quality certificate, quality passport, technical passport, etc.) and the date of its issue. The name of the material is indicated in full. For example, if it is a pipe, then we indicate the material, diameter, wall thickness of the pipe. If brick, then indicate its material (ceramic or silicate) and brand.
In paragraph 4 we enter data on executive schemes, laboratory tests, examinations and surveys carried out in the process of construction control.
In step 5 we indicate the actual dates of the work that we submit for examination. The dates indicated in certificate of examination of hidden works must coincide with the dates indicated in the general work log, the certificate of acceptance of work performed KS-2, a certificate of the cost of work performed and costs KS-3.
In step 6 indicate the data (code) about the section of the design documentation for which the work was performed, as well as regulations in accordance with which the work was carried out. And the name of the document is written in full. For example, for reinforcing work that was carried out during the construction of monolithic foundations, we enter SP 70.13330.2012 “Bearing and enclosing structures”.
In step 7 we indicate the subsequent type of work, which, according to the technological chain, we have to perform. For example, in the certificate of examination for plastering, the next type of work that is allowed to be performed is wall puttying or other finishing coating.
We indicate the number of copies that is prescribed in the agreement, contract, terms of reference or other document in accordance with which the work is performed. If there is no such information in such documents, then the number of copies is established through oral negotiations with the customer.
In the application section, we indicate all the documents that we attach to the acts. Such documents are executive schemes (drawings), conclusions and protocols of laboratory tests, examinations and conclusions of surveys. The list of applications should be numbered.
Please note that in accordance with RD-11-02-2006 as amended in 2018, if more than 5 documents are required in one of the paragraphs, then in this paragraph you can indicate a link to the register of such documents, and this register will be an integral part of the act.
In the final part act on hidden works indicate the same faces as on the first page. We write only the surname and initials. Other information about representatives in this part of the act is not required to be entered.

1. Composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation
1. General part
2. Terms and definitions
3. The procedure for maintaining executive documentation
3.1. Executive geodetic documentation
3.2. Certificates of examination of hidden works
3. 3. Certificates of examination of critical structures
3.4. Certificates of survey of sections of engineering and technical support networks
4. Composition of executive documentation
1. Certificate of survey of the geodetic center base of the capital construction object
2. The act of breaking down the axes of the capital construction object on the ground
3. Certificate of examination of hidden works
4. Certificate of examination of critical structures
5. Certificate of survey of sections of engineering and technical support networks
6. Indicative list hidden works subject to inspection
7. Approximate list of sections of engineering and technical support networks to be surveyed
8. Approximate list of executive geodetic schemes
9. Approximate list of executive drawings of sections of engineering and technical support networks inside the building (structure)
10. Approximate list of executive schemes and profiles of sections of engineering networks
11. Indicative list of test and sampling reports technical devices and sections of engineering networks
12. Indicative list of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other tests
II. General and special work logs
1. General provisions
2. The procedure for maintaining a general work log
3. The procedure for maintaining special work logs
4. The procedure for maintaining a journal of architectural supervision
1. General work log
2. Author's supervision journal
3. Journal of work on the installation of building structures
4. Welding log
5. Journal of anti-corrosion protection welded joints
b. Journal of monolithic mounting joints and nodes
7. Journal of execution of field connections on bolts
8. Journal of immersion (driving) of piles
9. Journal of concrete work
10. Journal of anti-corrosion work
III. Executive geodetic documentation
1. General Provisions
2. Composition, content and execution of documentation on the elements of buildings and structures, landscaping and geodetic staking basis
3. Composition, content and execution of engineering network documentation
4. Document control
5. Transfer, acceptance and storage of documentation
6. An approximate list of executive schemes for elements, structures and parts of buildings and structures, landscaping and geodetic staking basis
7. Requirements for the content of the executive drawing and the longitudinal profile of the underground network
9. Form, dimensions and filling of the main inscription of documentation for underground networks
IV. Examples of registration of certificates of examination of hidden works
1. Device for sand preparation for foundations
2. Device for concrete preparation for foundations
3. Foundation formwork
4. Reinforcement of foundations
5. Concreting of foundations
6. Installation of foundation blocks
7. Foundation waterproofing
8. Certificate of inspection of piles before immersion
9. Certificate for welding and anti-corrosion protection of pile joints
10. Brickwork walls with reinforcement
11. Insulation of brick walls with aerated concrete
12. Arrangement and reinforcement of brick partitions
13. Installation of floor slabs (with anchoring)
14. Wall reinforcement
15. Concrete walls
16. Reinforcement of floors
17. Concreting floors
18. Mounting wall panels
19. Sealing the joints of the outer panels
20. Installation of elevator shafts
21. Installation of columns
22. Installation of beams
23. Corrosion protection of welded joints
24. Installation of flights of stairs
25. Installation of ventilation units
26. Arrangement of bases for parquet floors
27. Soundproofing device under the floors
28. Antiseptic lag
29. Waterproofing of bathrooms
30. Roof vapor barrier device
31. Roof insulation device
32. Reinforced cement screed under the roof
33. Device for covering a two-layer welded roof
34. Lightning protection device
35. Mounting the structure of the hinged facade system
36. Insulation of the hinged facade system
V. Forms and examples of registration of certificates of survey and testing of sections of engineering networks
Technological equipment
1. The act of individual testing of equipment
2. The act of the working commission on the acceptance of equipment after a comprehensive testing
Heating and ventilation
3. Certificate of examination of the internal heating system
4. Act of hydrostatic or manometric leak test
5. Passport of the ventilation system
Water supply and sewerage
6. Certificate of examination of the internal water supply system
7. Act of hydrostatic or manometric leak test
8. Certificate of examination of the internal sewerage system
9. The act of testing internal sewage systems and drains
Installation of gas supply systems
10. Certificate of examination of internal gas supply networks
11. Construction passport of the underground (overground) gas pipeline, gas inlet
12. Construction passport of in-house gas-using equipment
Elevator installation
13. The act of readiness of the building part for installation elevator equipment
14. Certificate of complete technical examination of the elevator
15. Act of technical readiness of the elevator
16. Certificate of acceptance of the elevator into operation
Heating network
17. Certificate of examination of external heating networks
18. Act on the stretching of compensators
19. Act on testing pipelines for strength and tightness
20. Act on flushing (purging) pipelines
External water supply and sewerage networks
21. Certificate of examination of external water supply networks
22. Act on the acceptance hydraulic test of the pressure pipeline for strength and tightness
23. Act on flushing and disinfection of pipelines (structures) of domestic and drinking water supply
22. Certificate of examination of external sewerage networks
23. Act on the acceptance hydraulic test of a non-pressure pipeline for strength and tightness
Electrical devices
24. Act of technical readiness of electrical work
25. An example of drawing up an act of technical readiness for electrical work
a) Statement technical documentation presented at the time of delivery and acceptance of electrical work
b) Statement of changes and deviations from the project
c) List of electrical installation imperfections that do not prevent comprehensive testing
d) List of installed electrical equipment
26. The act of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation
27. The act of readiness of the building part of the premises for the production of electrical work
28. An example of drawing up an act of readiness of the building part of the premises for the production of electrical work
29. Certificate of elimination of defects
30. The act of checking the reliability of fastening hooks for chandeliers and lamps
31. The act of checking the lighting network for the correct ignition of internal lighting
32. The act of checking the lighting network for the functioning and correct installation of installation devices
33. Insulation resistance measurement protocol
34. Test report for power cable with voltage above 1000 V
35. Protocol of inspection and testing of insulation resistance of cables on the drum before laying
36. Protocol for warming up cables on a drum before laying at low temperatures
37. Cabling Log
38. Journal of installation of cable glands with voltage above 1000 V
Fire safety
39. Certificate of examination automatic system fire alarm system (ASPS)
40. Certificate of inspection of an automatic fire extinguishing installation (AUPT)
41. Certificate of examination of fire protection of wooden structures
VI. Results of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other tests
1. Vibration measurement protocol
2. Protocols laboratory research DHW water
3. Protocols of the results of the study of samples drinking water
4. Protocol for the study of the air environment of residential premises
5. Protocol for measuring the intensity of the geomagnetic field
6. Record of illumination measurement results
7. Protocols of the results of the study of soil samples
8. Protocol for measuring reverberation time
9. Noise measurement protocol
10. Protocol for measuring the levels of electromagnetic fields
11. Garbage chute acceptance certificate
12. Act of thermal imaging quality control of thermal protection of the building
13. The act of checking the multiplicity of air exchange of the building during the heating period and the effectiveness of natural ventilation systems
14. The act of checking the air permeability of building envelopes
15. Energy passport of the building
VII. Literature

This article is especially relevant for PTO engineers, as it will automate their work on filling out hidden work acts using the application package Microsoft office. If you are not a PTO engineer, then it's okay, because the technique described here is useful in solving the most different tasks where you need to fill out a large number of forms.

Download the form of the act of hidden works in word format.

So, we have an empty act of hidden works in the MS Word file (let's call it "Fm-1 v / o Zh / 2.doc"):

The form of the certificate of examination of hidden works

First, fill in all those fields that will not change during the work.

Those fields that will change I marked in red. It will look like this:

Let's fill in a few lines of this table according to the general log of work, for example, in my case for the foundation Fm-1 v / o Zh / 2:

We save the table, for example: "Fm-1 v / o Zh / 2.xls".

In the mail merge wizard, select “letters” as the document type, click “Next. Opening a Document.

Merging is done in 6 steps:

Stage 1. Document type - select "Letters".

Stage 2. Document selection - leave the "Current document".

Stage 3. Select recipients - leave "Using a list". Existing list - click "Browse" and select our table "Fm-1 v / o Zh / 2.xls", select our sheet, merge recipients - leave by default - ok. Let's move on to the next step.

Stage 4. We select the changing field (one of those marked in red), for example, let it be "number".

On the merge panel, click "More items ..." and select the appropriate field - "number". -> Paste.

Do not pay attention to the fact that the name of the field is too large and slides ugly.

This step is repeated for each of our changing fields.

Layout of the act of hidden works

Stage 5. Viewing letters. The data from the Excel spreadsheet was inserted into our act. buttons<< и >> you can switch rows from the table. Excel, thereby viewing different acts.

Stage 6. Completion of the merger. Close the Merge Wizard.

You can also switch records from the Results View panel.

Obvious advantages of this method of work:

1) No need to store hundreds of acts in different files, wasting time editing them.

2) In the table it is very convenient to view the chronology of work.

3) Pretty fast changes to records.

4) Quick replacement of the form of the act, let's say the name of the master was written incorrectly, a couple of clicks and the change will be made in all acts at the same time.

Software Features
preparation of executive documentation

Maintaining as-built documentation is necessary to fix the progress of construction and installation works and technical condition object. Often, payment for the work performed on time depends on its timely execution.

The routine process of issuing executive documentation, as a rule, comes down to a long search necessary documents- passports, approvals, executive schemes, etc. The work is accompanied by a lot of copying and scanning. The free online service, which is developed on the basis of practical experience, simplifies this process, makes it more efficient and convenient.

In, all documents related to the execution of as-built documentation, including the working draft, are located in a single information database of the capital construction object. A simple and convenient system of access to information makes it possible for several users to work in the program at the same time.

Registration of acts in the form of RD 11-02-2006 in the Internet service takes place in a dialog box based on the information contained in the sections information base specific capital construction object - information about organizations, representatives, work performed, materials, etc. Any completed act can serve as a template for a new act. The Internet service also allows you to enter data into the system in the course of filling out acts, to make corrections to finished acts.

Users can attach scanned documents to information about materials, projects, executive schemes. A single archive is formed, which is available to each user of the system. No need to waste time looking for documents, they are stored in one place. All sections of the program are equipped with a flexible document search system. The program implements the protection of information from accidental deletion or replacement of files.

Significant savings in time and resources during the execution of acts occur due to following factors:

    The acts are filled out on the basis of ready-made data from the information base, including the design and normative documentation ;

    All dialog boxes for creating acts are equipped with a system for quickly searching for data through a filter, an autocomplete function;

    Automatic completion of work start and end dates;

    Automatic completion of attachments to acts;

    Certificates of examination of critical structures and sections engineering networks are formed automatically, based on information about the certificates of survey of hidden works, which is already in the system.

    The formation of the register is a work that will require one click in the system: when inserting into the register of acts of hidden work, data is automatically inserted with the passports for materials indicated in the acts, executive schemes, test reports.

Program suitable for both individual users and a group of employees of a separate company. It is enough for the user to register in the program using his email and create in personal account capital construction object. In the settings of the capital construction object, it can give access to work to other registered users of the program.

The main work in the program takes place in the following sections:

    Organization section

The section contains information about organizations - participants in the construction of a specific facility. This information used to design the "header" of acts.

    Sections Materials and Works

The systematic filling of the work log and the materials log allows you to subsequently generate acts in a matter of seconds, because the main information about the work performed and materials has already been entered into the system. The details of the work include the start and end dates of the work.

    Sections Protocols and Executive Schemes

In this section, information is entered on the results of examinations and laboratory tests carried out during construction, executive schemes. The program also allows you to enter the results of the tests.

    Section Projects

This section contains sections of project documentation, in accordance with which the work, approvals are carried out during construction. The system allows the user to work online with files in pdf, jpeg format.

    Section Documents

In this section, the user can both fill out acts in the form of RD 11-02-2006 and registers, and upload various scans of documents - acts, registers, permits, specifications etc. Filling out acts in the Internet service takes place in user-friendly dialog boxes. After filling out the act or register, you can immediately download it in an editable word format. The Internet service also allows you to enter data into the system in the course of filling out acts, to make corrections to finished acts. is a free online service that allows the engineering and technical staff of a construction company to minimize the time spent on execution of as-built documentation, and the company to reduce the cost of document management and gain a competitive advantage.

The program "Executive Documentation" for PTO engineers of Customers and Contractors improves the work of:

  • Releases employees from the routine, optimizing the time to complete the ID;
  • Eliminates inaccuracies in the preparation of executive documentation;
  • Warns in advance about the lack of documentation for a particular object, project.

The "Standard" version of the program "Altius - As-built documentation" includes:

  • Journal of input accounting and quality control, received parts, materials, structures and equipment.
  • Journal of registration of briefing at the workplace.
  • Journal of work performed ( unified form No. KS-6a)
  • Construction Supervision Journal
  • Journal of concrete work (Form F-54 RD-11-02-2006)
  • Welding log
  • ACT of examination of hidden works
  • Certificate of Inspection of Critical Structures
  • ACT of survey of sections of engineering and technical support networks
  • General work log
  • The act of acceptance of the finished object
  • Journal of work on the installation of building structures
  • Bolting log
  • Act of geodetic base
  • Work documents - estimates can be imported into the Executive Documentation program. For each work of the estimate, the program will automatically substitute the necessary forms of executive documentation. If you set the dates by which the documents should be prepared, then the program will “semaphore” for each document of the as-built documentation separately, for the work as a whole and for the entire estimate. It is possible to create the necessary forms of as-built documentation directly from the register of works according to the estimate with automatic substitution of all details.

The "PROF" version of the "Altius - As-built documentation" program includes a full set of documents of the "Standard" version, as well as industry-specific forms.

Forms according to VSN 12-88 Part 2 (Departmental building codes):

  • Form 1.1. LIST of organizations and responsible persons involved in construction
  • Form 1.2. REGISTER of executive documentation
  • Form 1.4. CHECKLIST of project changes
  • Form 1.6. CERTIFICATE on reclamation at the pipeline section
  • Form 1.8. INFORMATION on the elimination of deficiencies identified by the working commission
  • Form 2.4. JOURNAL of earthworks production
  • Form 2.5. PILING JOURNAL
  • Form 2.9. CONCLUSION on checking the quality of welded joints by physical control methods
  • Form 2.13. PERMISSION for the right to produce pipeline insulation (underwater crossing)
  • Form 2.1. ACT for fixing the route (site)
  • Form 2.7. ACT for welding the warranty joint
  • Form 2.15. ACT for acceptance of the laid and ballasted pipeline
  • Form 2.16. ACT on the control of the continuity of the insulating coating of the backfilled pipeline
  • Form 2.19. PERMISSION to clean the cavity and test the laid section of the pipeline
  • Form 2.20. ACT for cleaning the pipeline cavity
  • Form 2.27. JOURNAL of stage-by-stage acceptance of the underwater transition for laying
  • Form 2.28. PERMISSION for laying a pipeline through a water barrier by pulling it per km / PK
  • Appendix 1 to Forms No. 2.28 and No. 3.7. STATEMENT of design and actual marks of the bottom of the trench
  • Form 2.29. ACT for checking the laying of the pipeline in the alignment of the crossing through the water barrier
  • Appendix to form No. 2.29 LIST of marks for laying the pipeline with a diameter
  • Form 2.31. ACT of intermediate acceptance of a pipeline crossing a water barrier
  • Form 2.8. ACT for welding technological holes
  • Form 2.10. CONCLUSION on ultrasonic quality control of welded joints
  • Form 2.17. ACT for assessing the quality of insulation of completed underground pipeline sections by cathodic polarization
  • Form 2.18. ACT of acceptance of the crane unit, the unit for receiving and starting cleaning devices and other assembly units for adjustment and backfilling
  • Form 2.21. ACT strength test, leak test
  • Form 2.23. ACT for preliminary (stage-by-stage) testing of pipelines and sections of categories B and 1
  • Form 2.30. ACT for bank protection and dredging works
  • Form 3.1. ACT for geodetic preparation of the route, site
  • Form 3.3. ACT on the results of product testing
  • Form 3.5. JOURNAL of registration of the results of mechanical tests of tolerance and control welded joints
  • Form 2.22 Test Permit Cat. B and I

Forms approved by Avtodor's order "IS-478-r" dated May 23, 2002:

  • Form 1. General work log
  • Form 3. Certificate of examination of hidden works
  • Form 4. Act of intermediate acceptance of critical structures
  • Form 62. Journal of waterproofing, anti-corrosion protection, painting of steel structures

Forms for electrical work in accordance with instruction I 1.13-07:

  • Form 2. Act of technical readiness
  • Form 3. List of project changes (Appendix 1 to the Act of technical readiness)
  • Form 4. List of imperfections (Appendix 3 to the Act of technical readiness)
  • Form 5. List of installed equipment (Appendix 4 to the Act of technical readiness)
  • Form 6. The act of readiness of the building part of the premises (structures) for production
  • Form 6a. Information about the elimination of defects.

Forms approved by order SP 73.13330.2016 SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems of buildings:

  • Appendix B. Hydrostatic or Gauge Leak Test Report
  • Annex D. Individual equipment test report

Working with estimatesprogram allows you to:

  • Import any estimate and automatically substitute a list of as-built documentation for each job.
  • Create all the necessary executive documentation directly from the estimate.
  • The entire package of as-built documentation for the desired period can be printed directly from the estimate.

Automatic control:

  • The program automatically monitors the timing of the preparation of as-built documentation and indicates those works for which something is not in order.
  • If some documents are missing, they have not yet been compiled, the program will highlight them in color.
  • If suppliers enter certificates for materials into the program, the program will automatically insert the current data into the log of input accounting and control of materials.

The Executive Documentation program is sold in two forms:

1. With an electronic key - we send you a set by courier delivery;

2. With a virtual key - we send you the key by E-mail.

Program composition download Articles on ID The cost of the ID program download