Test how happy you are. Test: Are you really a happy person? You are striving for your goals

If you are interested in the answer to the question: “Am I a happy person?” Then take the happiness test. Of course, every person himself knows whether he is happy or not. The test will add to your knowledge about yourself.

Happiness Test

Answer 15 questions sincerely and honestly. Yes or no.

1. Are you satisfied with your life?

2. Do you often quarrel with your wife (husband)?

3. Would you like to be James Bond for at least one day?

4. Are you satisfied (satisfied) with your clothes?

5. Is fate fair to you?

6. Do you have friendly relations with colleagues?

7. Do you often have insomnia?

8. Do you often wake up in a bad mood?

9. Are you satisfied (satisfied) with your appearance?

10. Are you proud of your professional achievements?

11. Have you had more defeats in your life than victories?

12. Do you like weekends more than working days?

13. Would you like (would like) to move to live in another city?

14. Are you satisfied with your sex life?

15. Do you remember your school days with dislike?

The answer "YES" to 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14 questions earns you 1 point.

Answering "NO" to 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15 gives you 1 more point.

Count your points.

Happiness Test Summary:

1-3 points. Unfortunately, you are an unhappy person, because you are deeply sure of this (I am sure). Give you free rein, you would cross out your life and rewrite it again. But that wouldn't help either. The problem is definitely you, not luck or fate.

9-15 points. You are a happy person! Not so much because I was born (born) in a shirt, but because you wear it without taking it off. Of course, there are things in life that I would like to change, but they do not affect your goodwill and goodwill towards yourself and people.

Take the happiness test! The questions are written in a comic form and will not let you get bored. At the same time, the test is serious, because it concerns the most important issue in human life.

Am I a happy person? Are we happy people? Is he happy, is she happy?

If you think about it (at least for a minute), it will become clear: human joy is unthinkable without a feeling of happiness, which is akin to a true miracle.

Around a person who smiles and knows how to please life, flowers bloom. But near the one who emits vibes of anger and envy, the flowers naturally wither. Communication with such comrades is not only very unpleasant, but also harmful to health. Well, how the pressure will jump! (By the way, you can test for misanthropy and philanthropy.)

Psychologists say that happiness depends more on the person himself than on external circumstances. Life difficulties create obstacles, but they are not a decisive factor in a bitter fate. Money, social stratum, position in society, level of power - all this only to a small extent affects a person's happiness. Temperament and character turn out to be the decisive factor (see above about envy and anger), and hence the strategy that the individual willy-nilly uses for his own advancement along the life line. Or a curve, that's how it turns out for someone.

Character largely determines the optimism or pessimism of the individual, the line of his behavior and reactions. An optimist in his troubles is a society, and a pessimist often slanders himself.

Living in harmony with your own inner world, enjoying life is not so easy. Those who succeed are called happy people.

How do you know how happy a person is?

There are no universal tests of happiness, because psychologists, sociologists and philosophers differ in the very definition of the phenomenon. However, using the test to determine the level of happiness, from maximum to low, it is possible.

Every person should at least try to answer the question: who is to blame for his difficulties? Where do career failures come from? Why is it that some people in society are loved, while others cannot be tolerated? In what?

We ask ourselves many such questions. A happy test will allow you to get closer to the answers and understand why you are unhappy. Or, on the contrary, will confirm your happiness!

So, in front of you is a short happiness test. The questions are open, there are no tricks. And do you really want to guess the correct answers? Someone who is about to take a happiness test hardly intends to get a fake grade. This is not a school, not a school lesson, not an exam. And everyone already knows something about himself. There is something left to check. What if the machine thinks otherwise?

Different points are provided for correct ("happy") answers: from 1 to 3. The higher the significance of the happiness factor, the higher the score for the corresponding answer.

Do you want to know if you are happy, if you know how to experience happiness?

Then answer honestly, without trying to guess the answer.

After passing the test, you can enter your name in the table of the best (the name should be short, a few characters). The machine will offer to replenish the table of records only for those who are in the top ten of the happiest!

There is a difference between moments of joy, pride in one's own success, and true happiness. The test will show you how close you are to inner harmony.

What is needed for happiness?

Some people give all their strength to work, others try to build a cozy family nest, others travel a lot. And although outwardly life may seem beautiful, but in the soul there is sometimes a feeling of dreary emptiness. After all, happiness cannot be measured by any attributes. It is only inside.

Of course, it's better to just listen to yourself. But if you have any doubts, take this little test.

Question 1. Why did you choose your job?

A. Because it is prestigious and makes it possible to earn good money.

B. To do what you love.

B. Just like that. You have to work, and that says it all.

G. Friends helped to get settled. Why not try.

Question 2. What do you do most often in your free time?

A. I read a book, watch a movie, play computer games. Basically, I want to be alone.

B. I prefer to meet with relatives, friends, soulmate.

B. I go to the city (park, attractions, cinema, cafe, circus, shops, etc.). Alone or with a group, it doesn't matter.

G. I am engaged in self-development (courses, gym, useful books, meditation, travel, etc.).

Question 3. How would you describe how you have been feeling over the past month?

A. It happens in different ways. When there is a lot of work, I feel tired and stressed. When rested - everything is fine.

B. Excellent. I am full of strength and energy.

Q. I often feel tired, headache, nervous tension, etc.

G. Although I have problems, I do not attach much importance to them. Everything suits me.

Question 4. If you have problems at work (in your personal life), how do you feel about them?

A. I don't care about problems. Everything will pass.

B. I begin to get very worried and panic, read articles on the Internet, complain to relatives. In my mind, I imagine negative scenarios until the problem is solved.

Q. I try to calmly comprehend the problem and I will make a decision on a sober head.

G. I don't have any problems. Any problem is just an invaluable experience.

Question 5. If you achieve the main life goal, what will you do next?

A. Nothing. I will have everything I need.

B. Set a new goal. The main thing is movement towards the goal and self-development.

B. I will jump for happiness.

G. I will appreciate and respect myself more.


Question 1. A - 1. B - 3. C - 0. D - 2.

Question 2. A - 0. B - 1. C - 3. D - 2.

Question 3. A - 1. B - 3. C - 0. D - 2.

Question 4. A - 2. B - 0. C - 1. D - 3.

Question 5. A - 1. B - 3. C - 2. D - 0.


0–4. You are obviously worried about something. Do not take failures seriously, they all pass sooner or later. Also, try not to give yourself completely to only one side of life (for example, work or a loved one), otherwise you risk constantly experiencing disappointment.

5–8. You know how to enjoy life and appreciate its diversity, but sometimes difficulties can shake your mood. Nothing to worry about. Just do more of what you love.

9–15. You can be envied. You are an absolutely lucky person!

Last time we talked about how to quickly and radically change your life in the direction of happiness and success, and now we will do a small practical task, or rather a test that will show how happy you are and how much negativity is contained in your life.

Think about the results of the test, and you will understand how to change your life and what exactly is not very smooth in it today. In the meantime, to understand “am I happy” - take a piece of paper and a pen and write down the following numbers on paper:

Test "how unhappy I am"

1) How often during the week do you complain to relatives, colleagues, friends, and just people that you don’t have a good enough job, not enough money, not enough happy family, ill-mannered children or neighbors, not enough good health and well-being.

Also, if you do not have enough obedient and smart children, you are not self-fulfilling enough in creativity and life. It is also possible that in your life there is not enough love and comfort.

To understand how happy you are, consider everything that you have today is bad or not enough in your opinion. What number, if you add it all up, did you get it? Each dissatisfaction can be counted as 1 point.

Are you satisfied with your life?

2) Now write down another, at least an approximate figure, how many times a week you think that something is wrong in your life, and complain or annoy about it in your own head.

How many times a week do you think that your life has failed, your family is somehow not very happy, you receive little money, and a bad and unloved job does not provide sufficient growth, self-development, and so on. What figure did you get if you add up all these negative thoughts about your own life in a week into one?

What feelings and emotions do you usually experience?

3) And the last, most difficult task for today is to understand whether you are happy. Estimate at least roughly how many times a week you experienced any negative emotions, such as: fear, panic, excitement, envy, desire for revenge, disappointment in anything or resentment.

And now let's take and add all these 3 numbers, which will show how much negativity has been and is in your life today. What number did you get?

If zero, and you have never complained to anyone in a week that you are unhappy, and something is wrong with you. And you didn’t even think it in your head, then congratulations - you are already exactly halfway to your own happiness. If it turned out 2-3, or at least up to 10, then you will have to work on yourself a little, but everything is also fine, and you are not yet at risk.

Who is an unlucky person?

But if you get a figure of 20-30 or more, then this is already much worse, most likely you are no longer a very happy person. Although I will tell you a big secret, for completely unhappy people, the sum of these three numbers can reach 200 and even 300-500 points, and not in a week, but in just one day.

After all, they constantly complain about something, grumble at other people, are constantly dissatisfied with their salary and social status, constantly criticize others and themselves, etc.

Where, one wonders, in the life of such a person, at least in theory, material prosperity, love and happiness can come from? After all, not a single normal person, I hope, thinks that his grumbling and complaints about his life can suddenly one day turn into love, happiness, success, material wealth, and so on.

It’s even illogical, because such people spend a whole day, a whole week, a whole month, a whole year, and even all their conscious lives they train the skill of how not to be happy. And what trains, and what we most of all focus our attention on, then naturally and quickly comes into our lives.

Unhappy people make everyone around them unhappy!

After all, any adequate person understands that if a person trains to be unhappy and repeats it every day, then he will become a professional and even a personal trainer in misfortune for his loved ones and his children.

Unhappy people just by interacting with others make everyone around them unhappy. And it is precisely because of this seemingly banal reason that most people in the world are really unhappy, and misfortune is inherited from unhappy parents to unhappy children as a certain “genetic psychological disease”.

But in principle, conscious people can choose to become a coach of unhappiness, or still a coach of happiness for themselves and their loved ones. I hope you have finally and irrevocably decided to get out of this stupid vicious circle of misfortune?

Then prove it to yourself, and try to do a little practical task that will reduce the amount of unhappiness in your life.

Practical task: Try to reduce the figure of your unhappiness, by effort and control of your thoughts and actions, to an absolute, personally possible, minimum throughout the next day. And of course, look at how it affects your mood, performance and how other people perceive you. Perhaps you no longer want to return to your former unhappy life and thinking.

It's not enough to be unhappy

But that is not all. In fact, you are not happy enough yet. After all, we only considered how unhappy you are. But just don't become unhappy a little, even bringing the previous negative figure to zero.

Although I am more than sure, you did not succeed very well, if, of course, you at least tried to complete the last practice task.

In fact, it is very difficult to do this, and perhaps even stupid, as it is a waste of time and effort. After all, we want to achieve happiness, and not just become "not unhappy." Although this would be a very big step in life for the vast majority of people. But of course, we will go even further.

But before I tell you the basic secret of happiness and how to become happy in practice, let's do one more interesting test with you that will show how happy you are already today, even before you have even begun to apply the recommendations from this book.

When you have read this book to the end, you will also be able to compare 2 numbers which will show how unhappy you were before taking the course and how happy you were before.

Then you will already have the opportunity to compare after reading the old numbers of your happiness with the new ones and make sure that huge changes have taken place in your life in the first week.

But, I hope you will not limit yourself to just a week of work on yourself, and will bring new numbers to the most happy indicator. So, happiness test...

Quiz: how happy are you

1) Just like last time, write down on a piece of paper an approximate number of times per week you boasted and boasted, or simply spoke in a positive spirit or with pride about your work. About how wonderful, beloved and monetary she is.

About what a wonderful loving soulmate you have, perhaps, about what kind, smart and obedient children you have, if you, of course, have them.

How often do you engage in self-development, spend your free time usefully and in the way you would like it, how often and successfully you travel, do sports with pleasure, and the like.

In general, add up all the positive things you tell other people about yourself and your loved ones during the week.

2) Now, the second figure of your happiness will be formed from what you actually think about all this in your head. You can be honest, because you do not have to brag to anyone or even worse pretend to yourself, and also publish this figure somewhere.

This figure is only on your conscience, and it’s beneficial for you to conduct a happiness test as accurately as possible in order to understand whether you still need to work on yourself, or if you are already so happy, and how exactly are you happy today, in order to know where you are develop.

Just ask yourself how many times this week have I thought well and been proud of my job, my family, my bank account, the quality of my vacation, my productivity, my personality traits, my health, my social skills, my creativity, something that you started or completed successfully this week and so on. Add all this out of habit into one figure.

3) Most importantly, estimate at least approximately how many times per week you experienced any positive emotions, such as: enthusiasm, happiness, confidence, pleasure, satisfaction, passion, clarity, desire, love, desire to create, help, care for others or other positive and good feelings.

You can also add to this number how many times you gave these same positive emotions to other people and cheered them up. And, of course, put it all in one figure.

How happy is my life?

So, adding all three numbers together, you, as you probably already guessed, will get an approximate numerical indicator of how happy you were last week, and in general how happy your life is today.

If this number is less than ten, this is very bad, and you need to work on yourself. More than 50 or 100 is already better and you are making great strides towards happiness.

Of course, for unconditionally happy people, people with an ideal family, successful businessmen, and especially saints, these figures can exceed many hundreds and even thousands in just one day.

Where are you heading in your life?

So now we have two very important numbers, a rough measure of how happy you are and a rough measure of how unhappy you are. What else can you do with these numbers, besides being proud of them or, on the contrary, horrified by what you yourself are doing with your life?

I have already said the first application to them, a week or even better, two after reading the book, test again and compare the numbers obtained, so to speak, before and after.

I am sure you will be surprised by the changes that have taken place in you and your life for the better. But just a comparison is boring, these “numbers of happiness” have an even more important and constructive application, it will help you change your outlook and attitude to life literally immediately after reading it, but read about it in the next part of the article.

And of course, read on our portal for learning and self-development about, and of course, and even everything that this article includes.

It doesn't matter who you are. Happiness is what we all dream of. Sometimes it comes easily and naturally, and sometimes it can only be obtained through struggle. Happiness is what everyone is looking for, what everyone dreams of, but it is very difficult to understand how to get or achieve it. Don't know if you have a happy life? Let's see what this condition implies!

You love the lifestyle you lead

All people find themselves in certain life situations as a result of their certain decisions. Everyone has a chance to create their own way of life. If you do it with love and awareness, chances are you are a reasonably happy person. A happy lifestyle is accompanied by a sincere feeling of calmness and contentment. Life can be difficult because of the constant changes and challenges, but if you then feel calm and confident in your decisions, you are on the right track. If you feel that your daily actions help you move towards your goal, you can be considered a happy person.

You can deal with difficulties

How you react to setbacks can say a lot about how happy you are. Happiness can be described as a balance of thoughts and emotions about a possible future. If you are truly happy, you know that you will be able to fulfill your potential and reach your goals. Think about a disappointment that has happened to you lately and evaluate what emotions it fills you with. If you are paralyzed by fear or lost your way after such a situation, perhaps deep down you are not very satisfied with the way your life is turning out. If you can move on easily after a disappointment and deal with life's storm, chances are you have a happy life. Only a happy person can meet trials with joy.

You speak calmly and openly

This is one of the most striking characteristics of a happy person. The more calmly you can express your thoughts and opinions, the happier you will be. A happy person does not suffer from the opinions of others about him. Such people are self-confident, they do not worry about what others think of them. This allows them to be open, honest and emotional. A happy person has the courage to express what he really feels. Express your emotions. Don't let anger or frustration build up inside. Speak what you feel openly and with respect. It's liberating!

You are striving for your goals

If you're not too busy worrying about what others think of you, you have a lot more time for the things that matter to you. Happy people manage to make time for what interests them. They are not limited by expectations created by society or loved ones. They are full of energy and strive for their dream, it does not matter to them what obstacles await them on the way.

You can make yourself happier

If you are a happy person, this does not mean that you are full of happiness twenty-four hours a day. This is impossible and completely unnatural. However, happy people know how to bounce back and find joy in any situation. They understand that happiness does not come from nowhere. They understand that happiness is the result of finding joy in their work, in their hobbies, in their relationships. This means that they strive to move up the career ladder that pleases them, they find time for their favorite activities and find a moment for loved ones.

You ask for help when you need it

Happy people are not immune from the hardships of life. They have to go through problems just like everyone else. Their difference is that they know how to ask for help. They know how to talk about their problems and find the support of others.

You prioritize your own well-being

You cannot be happy if you burn out. If you are constantly battling problems and striving for goals, it will be difficult for you to enjoy your achievement. Be sure to think about taking care of yourself. Happy people are able to monitor their condition - through proper nutrition, sports, meditation, or something else.

You accept yourself as you are

This is a very important criterion. It is impossible to genuinely feel happy and yet hate yourself for the way you look or act. A happy person manages to free himself from complexes and enjoy his existence. It is a feeling of confidence that is not based on any demands on oneself. If your happiness is based on conditions, you may lose it.

Do you like your job

If you have been able to find your passion in life, that is very important. It's nice when you can happily think about future prospects. Of course, most people would rather just lie on the beach than work, but still, work should make you feel good.

You have a strong circle of friends

People are social creatures, we need communication in order to feel happier. Our life is connected with hundreds of people every day. How do you experience this fellowship? If you're enthusiastic, that's a good sign.

You experienced true candor

Unobtrusive conversations with acquaintances are nice, but for true happiness, you need stronger ties. Being honest doesn't just happen in romantic relationships, you can achieve intimacy with friends as well.

Can you separate work from personal life?

Working is very important, but a career is not the whole life. A healthy balance between life and work fills a person with energy and happiness. Try to create positive moments for yourself outside the office. You are more than your job. Remember this.

Do you have values ​​in life

Happy people are comfortable with their values. They know what is a priority for them, they devote time to it and act exactly as they see fit.

You make time for yourself

A happy person takes time for himself. Evaluate your schedule: do you have the freedom to change something? Can you afford to relax? Find such an opportunity.

What to do if you are not happy?

If you realize that you are not happy, do not panic. This does not mean that you have depression. Maybe you just don't have the motivation. Think about what you can change. If you feel unwell, you may need specialist help.