All professions are important to the world around us 2. What are the professions of industry

Volkovets Elena
Game-journey "All professions are needed, all professions are important" in the GPA 2 classes Video

Journey game

“All professions are needed, all professions are important” in the GPA 2 classes.

Target: It is assumed that by the end of the lesson, students will be able to determine that "All professions are needed, all professions are important"


Contribute to the formation of ideas about the importance and significance of all professions.

To promote respect for working people, their activities and results.

To create conditions for expanding their horizons by getting to know some types of professions unknown to them.

Organize the situation for team building, improving attention and observation.

Materials and equipment: Cartoon "All professions are needed, all professions are important", envelopes with anagrams, statements of great thinkers and interpretation of the dictionary, multimedia designations of stations, images of professions, funny and sad "emoticons".

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

I'm glad to see you friends

It's time for us to get started.

Sit up straight, don't make noise

Watch everything carefully.

You need to think, answer,

Remember the material.

Are you ready friends?

I wish everyone success!

2. The main part.

Every day, millions of people leave their homes early and hurry somewhere. Where are they going so early? (Yes, adults are in a hurry to work). Tell me what you need to go to work every day with joy and pleasure (It’s true, for this you need, first of all, to find a job for yourself, choose a profession that brings joy and pleasure).

What wonderful words: “Life is work!” Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. Every thing, every, even a small object is the result of the work of many people. Your study is also work, and not easy. Years will pass, you will grow up, and the question will arise before you: Whom to be, what profession to choose? What is a profession? (children's answers). And here is what Ozhegov's dictionary tells us about the profession. "Profession is the labor activity of a person for which he receives remuneration." As already mentioned, you will have to choose the most necessary and important profession for yourself. To make it easier to understand the variety of professions, I invite you to take a journey into the world of professions. 2 slide

1 station "Kaleidoscope of professions" 3 slide

At this station, I propose to play a game where we will all try to name professions with letters ...

P - cook, hairdresser, pilot, etc.

R - director, radio mechanic, radio operator, etc.

O - security guard, waiter, hunter, etc.

F - photographer, florist, magician, etc.

E - huntsman, naturalist, etc.

C - stylist, gardener, dentist, etc.

I - collector, engineer, inventor, etc.

I am a coachman, linguist, yachtsman, etc.

Many professions and they escort us to the next station.

2 station "Guess the riddle" 5 slide

And for birds and animals.

He has a special gift

This doctor is (Veterinarian)

2. Waving a thin stick -

The choir will sing on stage.

Not a magician, not a juggler.

Who is it (Conductor)

Write, draw and solve examples?

Who will explain to us about the verb and the numerator?

Everyone knows the guys he is a schoolboy. (Teacher)

4. He brings letters to the house,

Long-awaited. (Postman.)

5. He is on duty in the snow and in the heat,

Keeps our peace.

A person who is faithful to the oath

It is called. (military)

6. Showcase all products:

Vegetables, nuts, fruits.

Tomato and cucumber

Offers. (salesman)

7. Teaches us politeness,

Reads a story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

This is the nanny. (tutor)

8. Lame boots helper,

Heels will beat. (Shoemaker.)

3 station "Necessary things and tools" 6 slide

Representatives of different professions use specific objects and tools in their work. I will name the items and tools, and you are the representatives of the profession who need them. The teams take turns answering their questions.

Cat, syringe, drugs. (vet)

Mirror, scissors, comb, hairspray, curlers. (the hairdresser)

Notebook, pointer, board, magazine. (teacher)

House, brick, cement. (builder)

Counter, products, scales. (salesman)

A set of needles, threads, fabric. (seamstress)

Pot, food, stove, frying pan. (Cook)

Thermometer, prescription, patient. (doctor)

Cow, milk can, milking machine. (milkmaid)

4 station "Otdyhayka" 7 slide

You did a great job and showed good knowledge. And now I offer you a physical education minute:

physical education "Professions"

Many professions

in our light! Hands on the belt - torso turns to the right

Let's talk about them now: Spread your arms to the sides.

Here is a seamstress sewing a shirt, Movements with an imaginary needle.

The cook cooks compote for us, “We interfere” with a ladle.

The pilot is leading the plane - Hands - to the sides,

For landing and takeoff. Drop them down, lift them up.

The doctor gives us injections Cross the uk. fingers above your head.

Movements: palm - fist.

And the school has a security guard. Arms - bent at the elbows "power gesture"

The bricklayer lays a brick, Alternately puts his hands on top of each other

top down.

And the hunter catches game They make binoculars from fingers.

There is a teacher, there is a blacksmith, They bend their fingers, listing professions

Ballerina and singer.

To have a profession, We unbend our fingers.

You need to know a lot, be able to turn with the hands (back of the hand).

Good study buddy! Threaten with a finger.

And, of course, don't be lazy! Negative movement of the index finger.

Guys, we had a good rest and now we will continue our journey with renewed vigor.

5 station "Read me" 8 slide

I suggest playing the game "Anagrams". Each group has envelopes on the table with intricate professions hidden inside. You need to rearrange the letters in the right order to read the name of the profession.

1 envelope: lop-pilot, ruist-lawyer, gauze-painter.

2 envelope: rvach-doctor, dronkiv-janitor, lice-seamstress.

3 envelope: bnarik-banker, avdotka-lawyer, syaud-judge.

4 envelope: kochrega-kochega, logoge-geologist, right-cook.

5 envelope: temroelektron-electrician, onion-clown, kistist-taxi driver.

6 envelope: berulos-lumberjack, lebarina-ballerina, fatress-director.

Envelope 7: telvo driver-driver, rozhtos-watchman, graphic photographer.

Station 6 "Professions of our parents" 9 slide

You all know who your parents are. There are professions only for women, only for mothers and only for fathers, only for men. Children's performances.


1. Warm clothes quickly and quietly

Sewing for the kids mother-dressmaker.

2. Milks a cow early in the morning

In a clean paddock, mom is a milkmaid.

3. Sick teeth without any injections

Mom will cure - a dentist.

4. There are a lot of activities in kindergarten.

Mom is a nanny and teacher there.

5. There are no less classes at school. See:

The mother-teacher puts marks.

6. You won’t get tired of growing from a root

Miracle plant mom botanist.

7. Writes articles and notes to newspapers

Mom is a writer and journalist.

8. Delicious sausages got from the window

Mom, she is a store clerk.

9. Hurry up to eat buns and buns!

They were baked for us by our pastry chef.

10. Jumping out of an airplane at risk

Courageous skydiver mother.

Dad's professions

11. The pavement trembles and the motor howls -

This is our chauffeur dad.

12. An airplane is flying across the blue sky.

He is piloted by his dad.

13. Walks together with the military in a row

Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

14. Who is the record holder in the all-around?

We answer: “Dad is an athlete!”

15. Not tired of chopping coal in the bowels of the mountains

Soot-black papa miner.

16. Sparks fly, steam comes out of the boiler -

That cooks steel our father, a steelmaker.

17. Heals thousands of broken hands

In a children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

18. The crane will install, clean the blockage

Dad is a plumber or fitter.

19. Who performs on stage for an encore?

This is a famous artist dad.

20. “There is no unnecessary profession in the world!” -

Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.

Guys, sometimes it happens that women work in a male profession. About one of these, we will now tell. (Child performance)

How interesting, but it's time for us to move on.

7 station "Unusual and new" 10 slide video

There are many different professions in the world. We can meet some of them only on the pages of different books: a barge hauler, a coachman, a chronicler, a floor polisher, a lamplighter, a shoe shiner, an organ grinder, a coachman. Life changes, becomes more modern and leads to the emergence of new professions, sometimes they are called difficult and bizarre: webmaster, blogger, realtor, stuntman, astronaut, interviewer That's how many different professions there are in the world.

8 station "What do crafts smell like" 11 slide

The guys at this station, with the help of your friends, we will all find out what crafts smell like. (theatricalization of the poem by G. Rodari "What do crafts smell like")

"What do crafts smell like"

Every business

Special smell:

The bakery smells

Test and muffin.

Past the carpentry

You go to the workshop -

Smells like shavings

And a fresh board.

The house painter smells

Turpentine and paint.

Smells like a glazier

Window putty.

Driver's jacket

Smells like gasoline.

Worker's blouse -

Machine oil.

Smells like a confectioner


Doctor in a bathrobe

Pleasant medicine.

loose earth,

Field and meadow

Smells like a peasant

Following the plow.

Fish and sea

Smells like a fisherman.

Only idleness

Doesn't smell at all.

No matter how much you choke

Rich slacker, -

Very unimportant

It smells guys!

Here our journey has come to an end. Today we guessed riddles, determined whose things and tools, learned about the professions of parents and much more about the world of professions. Think: “Is it possible to name the most necessary and important profession in the whole world (Watching a cartoon is recommended) 12 slide video

Now I believe you have an answer ready: Is there a most important and necessary profession? We will answer together. (pointing to the topic of the lesson)

Guys, on your tables are round "smileys" - funny or sad. Who was sad in the lesson, hangs sad on sad, who is cheerful, cheerful on cheerful.

3. Final part

I want to end the journey with the words of M. Raskatov:

"Friends, save a minute and an hour

Any school day!

Let each of you become a professor

In the profession you need"

Good luck in your career choice.

extracurricular activity

"All professions are needed, all professions are important"

Objectives: to introduce children to professions, to instill a love of work,
the desire to grow useful to their state; develop horizons,
thinking; cultivate interest in various professions respect for people
labor. To form students' understanding of the diversity of professions,
deepen knowledge of what people need to do and know in order to learn
certain profession; what is the difference between one or another work from another;
to enrich the speech of children with professional vocabulary, to cultivate industriousness,
respect for working people.

Equipment: exhibition of illustrations about professions; children's drawings about
professions, cards - tasks; subject cards with a picture
tools, mechanisms related to any profession.

Organizing time.

Leading: We look in the mirror, light a fire from a match, eat with a spoon and
fork. We are used to these simple things. And don't think about who
and how they were invented and made. And all this is made by the hands of different people
professions. Guys, the hour is not far when you will enter a new era.
own life. Right now your focus is on studying. It's time to get serious
think about choosing your profession. Who is more needed and more important than all, people
what profession? You can argue for a long time. But we must remember one old
truth: “All professions are needed, all professions are important” (read together on
scene inscription).

There are about 50 thousand different professions in the world. Some
presented at our exhibition. We'll get to know them today
Let's try to discover the secrets of these professions.

Choosing a profession is a vital issue. It compares with the second
birth. Thinking about your future profession is useful. This means
ask yourself a lot of questions and find the right answer.

I don't know yet who I will become

And where will I go to work?

I want to be a captain

To command a tower crane

Then carry ore by car ...

I want to be a driver, an actor,

Explosives and electrician,

And also a painter, a blacksmith

And a world famous singer!

How many professions are there in the world

Unusual and important works?

And it's interesting to be a driller

And drive a cargo plane.

I will decide later who I will be.

There are so many different things in the world...

I don't like washing dishes

And do absolutely nothing!

Starting such an important matter as choosing your path, you need to try
objectively assess their abilities, capabilities, and respond to
questions: “What am I better at?”, “What am I more prone to?”.
A person can recognize his abilities only by putting them to work,
work, classes in circles, olympiads, various competitions, technical
creativity. While a person is inactive, he himself does not recognize his

It's not difficult, guys, to sing a song for us,

It's not hard, but you still need to know how.

Whatever you do, you need to become a master

And be able to do any job.

A toy is broken - know how to fix it,

And learn to make a new one yourself,

No wonder the guys are given ingenuity,

She helps in everything and everywhere.

Find out and you guys your abilities by participating in competitions:

1 competition: “Greeting-mystery”

You must guess the profession that each team represents.
For each correct answer, your team will receive a token.

1. Tailor

Just the right size

He will make a suit for you.

Everything will be done according to science -

And go hands in trousers.

Think what would be

When the tailor would say:

- I don't want to sew dresses,

I'll take a day off!

And all the tailors in town

They would follow him home.

People would go naked

On the street in winter.

Who in the days of sickness

more useful than all

And heals us

From all diseases

Think what would be

When the doctor would say:

I don't want to tear my teeth

I won't even if you cry!

Sick medical care

There would be none.

And you would sit and suffer

With a bandaged cheek.

He is accustomed to driving

And under the roar of the engine

Singing like usual

He is a song about the driver!

Think what would be

When the driver said:

“I don’t want to bring people! -

And turned off the engine.

Trolleybuses, buses

Would fall asleep with snow

Factory workers

We would walk.

4. Teacher

He is in class and tells

And tell and show

To little by little children

Learned everything in the world

Think what would be

When would the teacher suddenly

Don't want to learn

I won't come to school!

Notebooks and textbooks

Would roll in the dust

And you would be unlearned

Growing up to old age.

Think what would

There was a sudden disaster!

But just won't do it

Nobody ever

And the people won't refuse

From the required labor:

The teacher is required

Coming to class in the morning

And the bakers diligently

Bread will be baked for you.

Any job will be done

What do not entrust them

Tailors and shoemakers

Drivers and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

We live in the same country

And everyone honestly works

In place on your own.

L. Kuklin

Well done, the guys did a great job with the greeting.

Competition 2: “Tell me a word”

To the 3rd team I read part of the line from the poem by A. Shibaeva, and you must
complete the line with one word - the name of the profession:

1. The plane rules ... (pilot).

2. The tractor drives ... (tractor driver).

3. Electric train ... (driver).

4. Planed the board ... (carpenter).

1. Painted the walls ... (painter).

2. He spent the light in the house ... (fitter).

3. Works in the mine ... (miner).

4. In a hot forge ... (blacksmith).

Who knows everything - ... (well done).

3 competition: “Question - answer”

Listen carefully to the questions and choose the correct answer:

1. What do sellers use when weighing goods?

a) bars;

b) dumbbells;

c) weights;

d) boxing gloves.

2. What tool does a cook use?

a) a drill;

b) a shovel;

d) a broom.

3. Why can we go to the post office?

a) buy sausages;

b) send a letter;

c) remove a tooth;

d) cut your hair.

4. Which of these words can denote different objects, one of which
Do you need a military man or an athlete, and the second one - a cook?

b) dagger;

d) a pistol.

Competition 4: The game "Who needs what?"

Guys, in order for a person of any profession to work well, people
invented and made various objects and tools.

- 4 people come out, one participant from each group. They receive
cards with the image of a hairdresser, teacher, cook, seller, doctor. BUT
the rest of the children take a card with the image of an instrument and music
walk around the table. As soon as the music ends, the children, having determined
who needs this tool, approach the child depicting this

Well done! You did great. Please take your seats.

Competition 5: The game "The fourth extra"

We have cards with pictures of the tools that people use.
a certain profession. One of the tools for this profession is not

Define it:

Scissors, scales, mirror, comb.

Primer, pointer, saucepan, globe.

Shovel, pills, thermometer, syringe.

Frying pan, knife, ladle, rake.

The children are doing the task.

Competition 6: The game "Who owns the phrase?"

“Now I want to test how carefully you know how to listen. We will play
in the game "Who owns the phrase?" You will answer, man, what
profession could say this phrase:

1. How to cut your hair? And the bangs are shorter? (The hairdresser)

2. Children, hello, open your textbooks to page 33. (Teacher)

3. Carry bricks, cement. (Builder)

4. Today I will draw a landscape. (Painter)

1. Open your mouth and say "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ..." (Doctor)

2. What buttons to sew on this blouse: white or black? (Tailor)

3. How many kilograms of potatoes to weigh? From you 25 hryvnia. (Salesman)

4. I will go to the gas station now. And then I will continue on my way. (Chauffeur)

Well done, you correctly guessed all the professions.

Competition 7: "Collect a proverb"

And now we will check whether you know proverbs about labor well.
Each team is given parts of proverbs. You need to find a sequel to
the first part and connect them. Read aloud. (Students are given
strips of paper on which the beginning and end of proverbs are written.)

1. Who loves work, (people honor him).

2. The tree is strongly rooted, (man works).

3. The sun paints the earth, (and man - labor).

4. What is the master - (such is the work).

1. Labor feeds a person, (and laziness spoils).

2. Who does not work, (he does not eat).

3. Work is bitter, (yes bread is sweet).

4. Without difficulty (you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond).

1. There would be a hunt - (any work will work out).

2. Where there is desire, - (there is skill).

3. Eyes are afraid (and hands are doing).

4. Business - time, (fun - hour).

8th competition: The game "Test your knowledge of professions."

Before choosing where and what profession to study, you need to find out how you can
more professions. Did you have homework to write the alphabet?
professions". Students were asked to check how many professions they know
to the letter of the alphabet with which their last name begins (geologist, dentist
doctor, engineer, cosmonaut, pilot, porter, hairdresser, radio operator,
steelworker, shepherd, coachman).

Competition 9: Reading essays by children. (one essay from the team)

"Who do I want to be in the future?"

The poem "There are a lot of professions on earth":

There are many professions on earth.

Everyone dreamed of a profession.

There are professions - a gentle song.

There are professions - cast metal.

But always - and as it was once,

And now in our twenty-first century -

I want to wish you guys

To grow out of you Man!

Who you will become, you don't know yet

but I ask everyone to take this into account:

“Beautiful professions in the world can not be counted,

and glory and honor to every profession.”

Our esteemed jury will sum up


Please continue with suggestions:

I would like to point out...

In class, I realized...

The class hour was needed to…

I would like to advise…

Lesson type: complex application of knowledge and methods of activity


- the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of a person's place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension of the teaching personal experience of communication with people and nature;



Learn to determine the names of professions by the nature of the activity; learn about the profession of their parents and older family members.

They will have the opportunity to learn how to discuss what they have read.


Regulatory UUD:

Understand and maintain the learning task; take into account the guidelines for action identified by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher.

Cognitive UUD:

Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks; build a speech statement in oral form; the ability to structure knowledge.

Communicative UUD:

Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions in cooperation; build statements that are understandable for the partner; to ask questions; control your actions and the actions of your partner.


Knowledge of basic moral norms. awareness of oneself as a member of society; formation of the foundations of Russian civil identity; educational and cognitive interest in new educational material; awareness of one's ethnicity.

The main activities of students

Understand the educational task of the lesson, strive to fulfill them;

Tell about the work of people of professions known to children, about the professions of their parents and older family members;

Determine the names of professions by the nature of the activity;

Discuss the role of people of various professions in our lives;

Formulate conclusions;

Assign responsibilities for project preparation;

Interview respondents about the features of their professions.

Basic concepts

Professions of sectors of the economy: industry, agriculture, trade, transport, construction.

Checking readiness for mastering new material

1. Give at least three examples of professions related to different sectors of the economy.

2. Show with arrows who needs to change places with whom. __

Learning new material

Professions of people.


Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge

"Professions", presentation for children

Independent application of knowledge

2. What do people in these professions do? If you do not know, ask adults or find the answer in additional literature, the Internet. Write it down.

Sources of information:

A. A. Pleshakov textbook, workbook The world around 2nd grade Moscow

"Enlightenment" 2014

Presentation Hosting the world

Goals: enrich knowledge about the diversity of professions, their role in the economy and people's lives; cultivate respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions; start preparing for the project.

Planned results: students learn about the profession of their parents and older members of their family; learn to determine the names of professions by the nature of the activity; read and discuss what they read; work in a group.

Equipment: the cipher of the word "profession" on the board, pictures, photographs depicting people of different professions, envelopes with deformed proverbs.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Knowledge update

What museum did you visit on the tour?

- And what did you get acquainted with using the Internet?

- What interesting things did you find out? What do you want to tell? (Children's answers.)

— What educational institutions did the senior members of your family graduate from?

What profession did they get? (Children's answers.) (You can use KIMs (test 27, p. 37).)

III. Self-determination to activity

(Writing on the board.)

17, 18, 16, 22,6, 19, 19, 10, 33.

- Guys, try to decipher the word. Who guessed what the secret is? (Each number corresponds to a letter number in the alphabet.)

- What is the word? (Profession.)

Guess what we will talk about in class. (About professions.)

- What does this word mean? (Children's answers.)

Here is what is said about this in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova: a profession is the main occupation of a person, his labor activity.

What occupations do people need to work in? (Everyone needs to work.)

Read the topic of the lesson on p. 124 textbooks. (All professions are important.)

What educational goals will we set for ourselves? (Children's answers.)

- Read what the Ant says about this.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation

- What professions do you know? (Children's answers.)

What professions do your parents have?

- Let's remember the branches of the economy and name the professions associated with them.

(The teacher names the branch of the economy, and the students name the professions that are associated with it.)

Industry. (Steelmaker, metallurgist, weaver, blacksmith, rolling agent.)

Agriculture. (Milkmaid, calf, field breeder, agronomist, livestock specialist, combine operator, beekeeper.)

Transport. (Driver, chauffeur, cashier, controller.)

Construction. (Bricklayer, painter, welder, excavator.)

Trade. (Seller, cashier.)

2. Completion of the task in workbook No. 1 (p. 49).


3. Conversation, work on the textbook

Open your textbook on p. 124. Look at the photographs. Complete the task.

(Students talk about professions.)

- Who would you like to be in the future? (Children's answers.) It is very important that each person chooses a business to his liking. Happy is the one who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession. They say about such a person that he is in his place or that he has golden hands. I wish you the right path to choose.

Listen to the poem and think about what it is about.

Think what would be

When the tailor would say:

I don't want to sew dresses

I'll take a day off!

And all the tailors in town

They would follow him home.

People would go naked

On the street in winter.

Think what would be

When the doctor would say:

I don't want to tear my teeth

I won't even if you cry!

Sick medical care

There would be no

And you would sit and suffer

With a bandaged cheek.

Think what would be

When the driver said:

“I don’t want to carry people! —

And turned off the engine.

Trolleybuses, buses

Would fall asleep with snow

Factory workers

We would walk.

The teacher at school would say:

- me this year

I do not want to teach children

I won't come to school!

Notebooks and textbooks

Would roll in the dust

And you would be unlearned

Growing up to old age.

Think what would

There was a sudden disaster!

But just won't do it

Nobody ever

And the people won't refuse

From the required labor:

The teacher is required

Come to class in the morning

And the bakers diligently

Bread will be baked for you.

Any job will be done

Whatever you entrust them with

Tailors and shoemakers

Drivers and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

We live in the same country

And everyone honestly works

On the spot.

L. Kuklin

What conclusion did you draw from this poem? What did it make you think about? (Children's answers.)

Read task 1 on p. 125. Discuss it in pairs. Complete the task.

4. Completing the task in the workbook


5. Creative task

(Students receive envelopes with proverbs cut into words, add proverbs, explain the meaning of each of them.)

Labor created man.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Labor feeds and clothes.

Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

Patience and work will grind everything.

Hastily do - redo.

Love the work - you will be a master.

Learned yourself - teach another.

V. Physical education

Attention game

Funny company,

Double your focus!

Rhyme used to help

And now it has become insidious.

You, my friend, do not rush,

Don't get hooked!

All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roof ... (chimney sweep).

Buns to us and kalachi

Every day they bake ... (bakers).

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat ... (cook).

Arius, opera writer

It is called ... (composer).

Three shifts in factories

The machines are ... (workers).

They talk about paired sounds

At school, you and I ... (teachers).

Planted hundreds of roses

In the city garden ... (gardener).

Trains lions, dogs

Brave, our brave ... (tamer).

Who tends cows, sheep?

Well, of course ... (shepherd).

Included in the class for first-graders

Only fearless, ... (teacher).

Sweeps a clean yard

At six in the morning, of course, ... (janitor).

A knight and a rook walk through the cells -

He is preparing his winning move ... (chess player).

Pleats, pockets and flat piping

I sewed a beautiful dress ... (tailor).

Under the dome of the circus on a dangerous flight

The brave and strong departed ... (gymnast).

Planting new seedlings in the spruce forest

Will set off again in the morning ... (forester).

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work according to the textbook

Read the text by A. Dietrich, G. Yurmin, R. Koshurnikova “Who made the bread” on p. 126-127. Discuss it, make questions to the text. (Work in groups.)

sample questions

1. Where did the conversation take place?

2. What occupations have you read about?

3. What was the one thing they had in common?

- Tell us about the relationship between the work of people of various professions. Discuss this task with your desk mate. (For example: the profession of a builder is associated with the professions of an engineer, a driver, an electrician, a plumber, a gasman, etc.)

2. Completing the task on the electronic supplement to the textbook

3. Work on the project

Read the text "Professions" on p. 128-129 of the textbook. Start preparing for the Professions project.

(Students read and discuss the text, distribute responsibilities in groups.)

VII. Reflection

(Students answer textbook questions (p. 127, boxed).)

(Students take out one of the signs and explain their choice.)

VIII. Summing up the lesson

Remember what tasks we set ourselves at the beginning of the lesson. Have we completed everything?


1. Workbook: No. 3 (p. 50).

Oceanologist- A specialist in the study of oceans and seas.

Speleologist- one who studies caves - the history of their origin, existence and use by man.

Entomologist- A specialist in the study of insects.

Ichthyologist- a specialist in the study of fish.

Ornithologist- a specialist in the study of birds.

dog handler- A dog trainer.

2. Start working on the project.

Additional material

What do crafts smell like?

Each case has a special smell:

The bakery smells of dough and pastries.

You go past the carpentry workshop -

It smells of shavings and a fresh board.

The painter smells of turpentine and paint.

The glazier smells like window putty.

The driver's jacket smells of gasoline.

Worker's blouse - machine oil.

The confectioner smells like nutmeg.

A doctor in a dressing gown is a pleasant medicine.

Loose earth, field and meadow

It smells like a peasant walking behind a plow.

The fisherman smells of fish and the sea.

Only a loafer does not smell in any way!

D. Rodari

Riddles about professions

Who is sitting at the bedside of the patient,

And how to be treated, he tells everyone?

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk. (Doctor, doctor.)

love nature,

Respect the elderly. (Teacher.)

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts and lunches. (Cook.)

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water

We are very much needed by all the people.

So who are we? (Firemen.)

Last time I was a teacher

The day after tomorrow - the driver.

He must know a lot

Because he ... (artist).

Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron with paint.

He has a bucket in his hand

He himself is painted colorfully. (Painter.)


The artist paints autumn leaves

Do not listen only to the artist's brush.

Autumn leaves play hide and seek with him,

You find them, and the colors disappear again.

The artist is confused, the artist is unable to

Overpower this autumn element.

Raises her hands, staring blankly,

And the leaves are flying in colored circles

And fall quietly somewhere, then nearby

And they just don't want to fall into the picture.

V. Stepanov


The sun has just come out

Melt the ice on the windows.

To us Tatyana Nikolaevna

It comes from the teacher's room.

For the first time, she, shy,

Came here for class

The kids made friends with her.

She knows how to lead a class -

Nothing young.

3. Alexandrova

The hairdresser

Dad sits in front of the mirror:

"I'll cut my hair and shave!"

The old master knows everything:

She has been cutting and shaving for forty years.

He's from a small closet

Quickly got the scissors

He wrapped dad in a sheet,

He took the comb and stood behind the chair.

Clicked the scissors loudly,

Once or twice waved the comb,

From neck to temples

Cut a lot of hair

Combed a straight parting,

He took out the razor.

Soap hissed in a cup,

For a closer shave.

Snorted fun vial

With the inscription "Cologne".

S. Mikhalkov


I thought about this:

It would be nice to be a doctor

But not for children, but for cats!

Children hurt - we will cry,

Let's burst into flames

Mom will call the doctor.

And a stray cat

If suddenly unbearable?

Who calls doctors to him?

He is a wanderer - he is nobody!

A. Barto


Time to paint the room

The painter was invited.

But not with a brush and a bucket

Our painter comes to the house.

Instead of a brush, he brought

metal pump.

Paint splatters on the wall

The sun shines in the window.

The walls turned blue

Like the sky above.

The new house is almost ready

Will accept tenants for the holiday.

Who is building this house?

The house where we live.

Professions in proverbs

Guess what professions the proverbs are talking about.

Strike while the iron is hot. (Blacksmith.)

To eat a fish, you need to climb into the water. (Fisherman.)

The needle does not sew, but the hands. (Tailor, seamstress.)

Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut. (A carpenter.)

The cow is black, but her milk is white. (Milkmaid.)

They cut the forest - the chips fly. (Lumberjack.)

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. (Poultry.)

Go hunting - feed the dogs. (Hunter.)

Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread. (Plowman, grain grower.)

Game "Tell me a word"

The tractor drives ... (tractor driver),

Electric train - ... (driver),

Painted the walls ... (painter),

Planed the board ... (carpenter),

He spent the light in the house ... (fitter),

Works in the mine ... (miner),

In a hot forge - ... (blacksmith).

Who knows - well done!

Competition "Name a profession"

The teacher shows the letters, and the students name professions that begin with these letters. For example:

A (pharmacist, architect).

B (baker, concrete worker).

B (doctor, driver).

G (geologist).

D (milkmaid).

3 (digger). Etc.

You can use another version of the game. Take a miracle bag that contains different tools (pictures). Students take a tool out of the bag and say who it belongs to.


Was on the river at Ink

The city is small, not dusty,

From time immemorial

It was called the lawsuit.

There, without knowing adversity.

A very glorious people lived:



Friendly and Hardworking:

A is a pharmacist, B is a cooper,

V - fuller, G - potter,

D - hefty crusher,

E is a corporal, he is a military man,

J - simpleton tinker,

3 - cutter-old man,

And - a bearded historian,

K - smart dyer,

L - tinker, M - painter,

N - porter, O - shepherd,

P - writer, R - radio operator,

C - shoemaker, T - tourist,

U is a fearless tamer

F is an eccentric amateur photographer.

X - battle painter,

C is a famous cymbalist,

Ch is a wonderful watchmaker,

Sh is a driver, a big joker.

U - puppy of his Bouquet,

E - electric power engineer,

I am me, my friends!

I. Tokmakova

What professions are named in this poem?

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Lesson type: a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge and primary consolidation

Target: To expand students' ideas about professions and their importance for people;


  • Educational: to give an idea of ​​the diversity of professions, to form a generalized concept of “profession”, to enrich the active vocabulary.
  • Developing: to promote the formation and development of educational, informational and intellectual skills (compare, generalize, formulate questions, explain); to promote the development of the communicative culture of students.
  • Educational: to form a cognitive interest in working people and their professions. To bring up a positive motivation for learning, respect for the work of adults.

Planned results:


  • know professions, be able to correlate professions with the spheres of the economy;


  • formation of the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude to work;
  • formation of educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and methods for solving a new problem;
  • development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations;


  • build oral messages;
  • compare and classify according to specified criteria.


The bell rang, the lesson began.

Guys, we have guests at the lesson today. And guests are always joy and good mood. Turn to the guests, greet them again with a nod of the head.

Good afternoon, dear doctors and teachers, pilots and builders, athletes and astronauts, artists and sailors, builders and defenders of the Fatherland. Don't be surprised if I call you that. School years will pass, and it is you who will stand at the helm of the ship, build cozy houses, sew beautiful and comfortable clothes, bake the most delicious cake in the world or be the first to discover new stars.

Of course, all this is waiting for you in the future. And now.....


I suggest you guys look at the slide and think about which 2 groups the photos presented here can be divided into?
Yes, these are cultural institutions and educational institutions.

  • What are cultural institutions for?
  • What cultural institutions do you know?
  • What are educational institutions for?
  • What educational institutions do you know?
  • What education is received at school? College? university?


  • What do you think we are going to talk about in class today? (about professions)
  • So, the goals and objectives of our lesson:
    • learn what a profession is;
    • expand knowledge about the diversity of professions;
    • have an idea about the role of people of various professions.

Open your textbooks to page 124 and read the name of the topic of our today's lesson ALL PROFESSIONS ARE IMPORTANT.

But my theme is written differently. Maybe I'm wrong? Let's try to figure out which expression is correct. Maybe it's true, there are more important and necessary professions that are more important than others?



  • How do you understand the meaning of the word PROFESSION?
  • What words can replace it? (business, craft, craftsmanship)


Ozhegov's dictionary

PROFESSION is the main occupation, labor activity.

- What professions do you know?

Do you know how many professions there are???

Experts say that there are more than 40 thousand professions in the world. But this huge figure is far from certain. Life does not stand still, some professions die off, while others appear.
For example, there used to be such professions as chronicler, coachman, laundress, clerk, polishers. Now there are no such professions.
But these professions have appeared recently (perhaps you do not even know their meaning):

  • shopper – style consultant, good stylist and psychologist.
  • Manager - management specialist
  • Programmer - This is a computer specialist, creates programs for them.


Each row receives a letter - A. B. C.

Your task is to remember as many professions starting with this letter as possible.

Sectors of the economy

The professions are varied. But depending on the sectors of the economy, they can be divided into groups.


Let's remember branches of the economy and name the professions associated with them.

Industry(steelmaker, weaver, blacksmith, miner, locksmith, driver, turner)

Agriculture(milkmaid, harvester, calf, beekeeper, tractor driver, driver, veterinarian, agronomist, machine operator)

Trade(seller, cashier, loader, packer, controller)

Transport(pilot, driver, cashier, controller, captain, conductor, loader, sailor, conductor)

Construction(mason, welder, excavator, painter, plasterer, carpenter, crane operator, driver)


Define occupations by industry

And now we open the workbooks on page 80. Let's complete task number 1.
- Read the task.
- What should be done?
Which of the following types of professions are industry?
- Choose two professions and write them down in your notebook.

  • Agriculture
  • Trade
  • Transport
  • Construction

The game "Know the profession" by reference words

Each profession has its own objects of labor, important and necessary. By the subjects, you can guess what profession we are talking about.

Now we will play the game "Guess the profession".

  1. The sky, the steering wheel, the plane, the airport. (pilot or pilot)
  2. Comb, scissors, mirror, hairspray. (the hairdresser)
  3. Scales, money, cash register, goods. ( salesman)
  4. Farm, cows, bucket, milk. (milkmaid)
  5. Tractor, plow, lever. ( tractor driver)
  6. Wires, poles, switch. (electrician)
  7. Books, shelves, book exhibition.( librarian)
  8. Field, wheat, grain, harvester.( combiner)
  9. Drawing, project, plan, city, harmony, drawing, structures, construction, buildings, monuments. (Architect)
  10. Fabric, cutting, pattern, costume, scissors, atelier. (Tailor)
  11. Workbench, planer, machine tool, wood, furniture, workshop. (Joiner)
  12. White coat, patient, clinic, diagnosis. (Doctor)
  13. Newspaper, news, modernity, people, efficiency, editorial office, facts. (Journalist)
  14. Theater, audience, stage, premiere, applause, costume, makeup. (Artist)
  15. Construction, brick, concrete, eye, structures, wall, masonry. (Builder)
  16. Easel, paints, landscape, portrait. (Painter)

Learn a profession by questions

Question cards:

  1. To whom do all people take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser.)
  2. What kind of driver looks down on the earth (floats in the clouds)? (Pilot, pilot, cosmonaut.)
  3. Who works playfully? (Actors, musicians-performers.)
  4. Who is playing in public? (Actors.)
  5. Who lives and works in clover? (Singers.)
  6. A person who works with tension is... Who? (Electrician.)
  7. A person working with a spark is ... Who? (Firefighter.)
  8. The master of "clumsy work" is ... Who? (Lumberjack, lumberjack.)
  9. Who builds a house brick by brick? (Mason.)
  10. Who takes out the rubbish from the hut? (Cleaning lady, technician.)
  11. The sweetest master is... Who? (Confectioner.)
  12. The tree caretaker is... Who? (Gardener, gardener.)
  13. The guard instead of a traffic light is ... Who? (Traffic officer.)
  14. Representatives of what profession constantly ask young people questions to which they themselves know the answers? (Teachers.)
  15. Who saws a woman in half with impunity? (Magician.)
  16. A “marsupial” professional is… Who? (Postman.)

"Who works where"

It is necessary to connect the name of the profession and the place of work of the person with an arrow.

Sample assignment sheet:

Definition of the relationship of professions

There are many professions in the world. How many, who remembered? (40 thousand)

In your opinion, what profession is the most necessary, the most important, and without it, people could not live normally? And explain why you think so. (children's answers)

Yes, guys, the doctor is the most important profession. But the doctor wants to eat. Meat, milk, vegetables will be provided by the farmer.

Who will help the doctor get to the hospital?

Who pays the doctor's salary?

Output: There are professions that people cannot do without, no matter where they live. This means that all professions are needed, all professions are important.

find the mistake

  • The artist painted two pictures. But I think he messed something up. Explain what.

Work in a notebook: page 81 No. 2

Game "Really?"

Let's continue the theme of confusion and play the game "Really?"

If the question is posed correctly, we stand near our desks, and if the question contains an error, we stomp our feet while sitting in our seats.

  1. Is it true that a baker milks a cow? (milkmaid)
  2. Is it true that a tanker transports people? (driver)
  3. Is it true that the stoker fires the stove?
  4. Is it true that a piggery cures piglets? (vet)
  5. Is it true that the painter paints the walls?
  6. Is it true that a pastry chef bakes cakes and pastries?
  7. Is it true that an accountant paints pictures? (painter)
  8. Is it true that a veterinarian treats people? (doctor)
  9. Is it true that the teacher delivers the mail? (postman)


Open your textbooks to page 126.

- Now we will read the text in a chain, one sentence at a time "Who made the bread."

- Answer my questions:

1) Where did the conversation take place?

2) What occupations have you read about people?

3) What common cause connected them?

Reflection of activities in the classroom.

  • What did you learn in the lesson?
  • What did you learn in the lesson?
  • Where can you apply your knowledge?
  • What was difficult?
  • What seemed the most interesting?

Guys, now give me the answer. What is the most important profession?

-All professions are important, all professions are needed!

Confirm your answers with the conclusion on page 127 of the textbook.

What tasks did we set for ourselves? Have you done everything?

- You were very active today, inquisitive! GOOD FELLOWS!!!