Test to identify the true motivation. Motivation Tests

Today, for sure, every employer knows what the Herzberg test is. Its essence is to determine the factors of motivation when looking for a job, or it is needed to determine the degree of satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with an employee of a particular company with working conditions. This test consists of 28 pairs of alternative situations. A prospective or current employee who takes this test must evaluate each of them. These 28 points (separately for each situation) are scored, their sum should be the number 5. As a result of the test, motivational factors that dominate the mind of a person and will help in selecting the most suitable job will be identified. Further in the article, we will describe in more detail what the Herzberg motivation test is, its history of occurrence, applied significance, and also provide some information about the author.

F. Herzberg: scientific works

In the middle of the 20th century, the human sciences began to gain momentum. It was during this period that social psychology and the psychology of labor embarked on the path of development. The author of the work “Determination of Motivation at Work” popular today - “The Herzberg Test”, as it is often called today, was already at that time considered a well-known psychologist in the social sphere. He studied the problem of labor organization in large companies, and as a result of all these studies he developed a two-factor theory of motivation. In 1950, Frederick Herzberg studied business management. And then he concluded that it was important for workers to have success in their work, or at least minimal self-expression. He hypothesized that this is what will improve productivity and the quality of the work performed. According to Herzberg, creating physically acceptable workplace conditions is not enough, and in order to achieve successful management, management will need to do something more meaningful for their employees, namely, to motivate them.

How the motivational test was first conducted

Two hundred accountants took part in the study, which F. Herzberg decided to conduct in 1950. They had to describe in detail their feelings from the work, namely, in which cases they experience complete satisfaction from it. It was the answers of these “researched” accountants that formed the basis of the motivational theory of the scientist. It was called two-factor. And only after that he created the Herzberg test, the answers to the questions of which were supposed to reveal those motives that would increase labor productivity. This theory was a great success, and continues to be popular among companies large and small to this day.

The essence of the theory of motivation

According to the Herzberg doctrine, motivation is based on the following groups of factors:

Hygienic. They are also called external or health factors. These include the minimum amenities that an employee must be provided with in the course of work. In turn, genetic factors are divided into:

Motivational factors. Unlike hygienic, they are called internal. Their absence does not lead to dissatisfaction of employees with their work, but it will not lead to an increase in the efficiency of the team. But their presence can contribute to a positive perception of work and satisfaction. These include:

  • Merit and Recognition Awards.
  • The freedom of action.
  • Access to the necessary information.
  • Moving up the career ladder.
  • Imposing certain responsibilities.
  • Opportunity to use the accumulated experience.
  • Cooperation.


When a person passes the Herzberg test, decoding occurs through the selection of those of the above criteria that are most important to him in work, and this will allow him to find a job that will satisfy his needs. If the employer fulfills a minimum of hygiene factors, then a neutral attitude towards work is achieved for the employee. If these factors are not enough, then they form a negative (negative) attitude. It is also interesting to know that, according to the Herzberg formula, there is a certain relationship between the two groups of factors. So, for example, the absence of hygiene leads to dissatisfaction, the presence of hygiene in the absence of motivation leads to neutrality, and the presence of both factors leads to satisfaction.

Detailed description of the motivation test

As already noted, this questionnaire consists of 28 items containing questions. Each of them is given two answers-situations. However, the person passing the test does not choose between them, but evaluates his attitude to each of them, and the total score should be 5 points. That is, if you rate the first situation at 2 points, then the second should be given 3 points, if the first - 1 point, then the second 4, etc. After the test is passed, the marked scores must be entered in the table. Then they are counted. The Herzberg test allows you to evaluate the following factors: material, that is, financial motives; recognition from society and management; the imposition of liability; relationships with management, career advancement; success; the meaning of the work; interaction with colleagues, etc.


After summing up the results of the test, those factors that form your satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with working conditions, both physical and moral, are revealed. By the way, there is a difference between who conducts the Herzberg test. If this is necessary for management, then in the end it becomes possible to identify what drives this or that employee, and it becomes clear why the same work performed by different employees varies so much. In addition, management understands how to motivate each of the employees individually. Sometimes the test is carried out by recruiting companies before a person is hired, especially if he does not have specific requests. An HR specialist conducts a survey and summarizes the results, and the interpretation of the Herzberg test allows you to understand what kind of job he needs. With the development of the Internet, this test began to be taken online. If an employee feels dissatisfied with his job, then he can also take the Herzberg test. Deciphering the results in this case will allow a person to understand what exactly oppresses him in his work. In a word, F. Herzberg's theory, if used correctly, can benefit both the employer and the employee himself.

Scheme. Herzberg test: deciphering the results

If employees see the presence of hygienic factors, then “G +” is put, if their absence, then “G-“. The same goes for motivational factors. “M+” if present, and “M-” if not present.

Biography of F.I. Herzberg

An American social psychologist was born in New York in April 1923. He received his higher education at New York City College, but in his last year he was drafted into the army. The Second World War was on. He was a patrol sergeant and was among the first allied soldiers who entered. Further, Herzberg said that the impressions that he received from what he saw in the concentration camp, as well as conversations with Germans living in the area, awakened in him an interest in the problem of motivation. After demobilization, Herzberg returned to his studies and graduated in 1946. After that, he did graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh, which was renowned for its medical research, while also teaching at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. The next step in his career was the position of professor of management at the School of Business at the University of Utah (University of Utah). In the mid-50s, he was the head of research in one of the consulting companies. Here, a vast field of action for collecting data opened before him.

Creation of new labor: Herzberg's labor motivation, test and its interpretation

Since the middle of the 20th century, the scientist has been closely involved in the development of his theories and research. As a result, in 1959 he created a two-factor theory of motivation, which we have already discussed above. It explains the factors that contribute to employee satisfaction from the work performed by him. By the way, as a result of these studies, Herzberg came to one paradoxical conclusion: a high level of salary is not a motivator. This factor refers to hygiene, that is, to those on which either satisfaction or dissatisfaction with work depends.

Relationship between basic theories and Herzberg's theory

There are many motivational theories in social science, and some of them have much in common with this one. So, for example, she and the theory of Oil have a lot of similarities. The first three of Herzberg's hygiene factors are the same as in But this is where the similarity ends, since Maslow believed that the creation of the necessary conditions or the satisfaction of needs would lead to a person's job satisfaction, and therefore to an increase in productivity. But Herzberg does not see this relationship. According to his theory, employees of the company will begin to pay attention to hygiene factors only when their inadequate implementation is observed, as well as when an atmosphere of injustice arises. At the same time, the presence of both types of factors ensures productivity growth. To determine all this, you need to pass the Herzberg test.


So, you already know what the Herzberg test is. The results are understandable too. Below is the formula.

[motivational factors] + [normal working conditions and work environment] = job satisfaction;
[normal work environment] - [motivational factors] = lack of satisfaction.

An example version of the Frederik Herzberg test

1. A person is faced with a choice between a highly paid, but uninteresting job, and a bright activity, and which will bring him recognition, but poorly paid. What would you advise this person?

(A) Choose a highly paid one.

(B) Recognition is much more important than the financial side.

2. Which of the two bosses to choose: (C) a person with whom you are in excellent relations, but perform only easy assignments, or - (D) a strict and demanding boss, where you will have responsible assignments and the opportunity to learn new things.

3. A person needs to decide, or accept an offer for an increase, while losing which will lead to a decrease in income. Your advice:

(E) Everyone dreams of a promotion.

(A) Most importantly, a high salary

4. You can choose an uninteresting job, while getting universal recognition, or stay in the same place and do work that is close in spirit.

(B) Public recognition is the most important thing in a career.

(G) Interesting work - there is nothing better than this.

5. A person got a job to move to another team to do interesting work and part with people with whom he is comfortable working.

(H) Human communication is the most precious thing.

(G) Most importantly, interesting work.

6. Enthusiasm is born as a result of delegating maximum responsibility, or is a high salary important?

(B) Of course, the imposition of responsibility.

(A) Only a good salary can stimulate a person to work with all his might.

7. What should the authorities do to understand the interest of employees in the work?

(D) Raise wages.

(A) For the employee, the most important thing is the goodwill of the management.

Summing up

These are some of the questions included in the Herzberg motivational test. When calculating, it is taken into account what type of factors is more in the responses of a person, and then the degree of his satisfaction becomes clear. If testing is carried out when selecting a job for a recruit, then an Age AR employee of the company determines what is more important for this person in work, and finds a suitable position for him.

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Taking tests is a favorite pastime of many people. Whether we learn something new about ourselves or are convinced of long-familiar things is not important. The main thing is that we get to know ourselves anew, get tremendous pleasure from the process and, of course, enjoy the result.

website shares this love and therefore collected all the most authoritative psychological tests in one place.


What will tell: Who are you by temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric, and will also determine your emotional stability.

How to pass: Answer the questions as truthfully as possible, trying not to think about the answer.

What will tell: Do you have any behavioral characteristics or predisposition to diseases.

How to pass: At each stage of the test, 8 portraits of people will be offered, you will need to first choose the two most liked photos (in descending order), and then the two most repulsive photos (also in descending order).

What will tell: What are your leading character traits, will show the degree of self-awareness and the level of self-esteem.

How to pass: You must answer quickly, without thinking, there are no “bad” or “good” answers.

Personality type

What will tell: What features of behavior in a group, family and personal relationships do you have.

How to pass: It is necessary to determine how the given statement suits you on a 4-point scale.

What will tell: What traits dominate your character. It will also reveal secondary qualities that are involved in its formation.

How to pass: When answering questions, do not think about a specific moment or mood, take your standard behavior as a basis.

What will tell: What character traits, inclinations and interests are characteristic of you.

How to pass: It is worth answering quickly, truthfully and as accurately as possible.

career guidance

What will tell: What professions do you have in common with your inclinations and abilities.

How to pass: Of the two proposed options, it will be necessary to choose one of the most desirable or least objectionable.

What will tell: Which activities are related to your personality type.

How to pass: You will be offered three response options: “Agree”, “Disagree” and “Difficult to say”. You need to choose based on your feelings.

What will tell: What are the main motivational levers that drive your actions and decisions.

How to pass: By answering questions, you confirm or refute your behavior in these situations. Let's answer honestly and quickly.

What will tell: What is your IQ level.

How to pass: In the proposed game situations, you will need to make a choice based on your assumptions, calculations and ideas.

What will tell: What are your abilities for generalization and analysis, the speed of perception of the material, the accuracy of its assessment and the flexibility of thinking.

How to pass: Try not to linger on one task for a long time, it is better to move on to the next one. The speed of decision-making and a superficial assessment of the situation are important here.

Personal questionnaire T. Ehlers.

The goal is to diagnose the motivational orientation of the individual to achieve success.

The stimulus material consists of 41 statements, to which the subject must give one of 2 answers “yes” or “no”. The test belongs to monoscale methods. The degree of motivation for success is assessed by the number of points that match the key.

The result of the “Motivation to succeed” test should be analyzed together with the results of such tests as “Motivation to avoid failure”, “Willingness to take risks”.


You are offered 41 questions, each of which must be answered "yes" or "no".

Stimulus material:

1. When there is a choice between two options, it is better to make it faster than to postpone it for a certain time.
2. I get easily annoyed when I notice that I can't complete a task 100%.
3. When I work, it looks like I'm putting everything on the line.
4. When a problem situation arises, I am most often one of the last to make a decision.
5. When I have no business for two days in a row, I lose my peace.
6. Some days my progress is below average.
7. I am more strict with myself than with others.
8. I am more friendly than others.
9. When I refuse a difficult task, I then severely condemn myself, because I know that in it I would have succeeded.
10. In the process of work, I need small breaks to rest.
11. Diligence is not my main feature.
12. My achievements in work are not always the same.
13. I'm more attracted to other work than the one I'm in.
14. Blame stimulates me more than praise.
15. I know that my colleagues consider me an efficient person.
16. Obstacles make my decisions harder.
17. It's easy for me to be ambitious.
18. When I work without inspiration, it is usually noticeable.
19. I do not rely on the help of others to do my work.
20. Sometimes I put off what I should have done now.
21. You need to rely only on yourself.
22. There are few things in life that are more important than money.
23. Whenever I have an important task to do, I don't think about anything else.
24. I am less ambitious than many others.
25. At the end of a vacation, I'm usually glad that I'll be back at work soon.
26. When I am disposed to work, I do it better and more qualified than others.
27. I find it easier and easier to communicate with people who can work hard.
28. When I don't have things to do, I feel uneasy.
29. I have to do responsible work more often than others.
30. When I have to make a decision, I try to make it the best I can.
31. My friends sometimes think I'm lazy.
32. My success to some extent depends on my colleagues.
33. It is pointless to oppose the will of the leader.
34. Sometimes you don't know what kind of work you have to do.
35. When things don't go well, I'm impatient.
36. I usually pay little attention to my accomplishments.
37. When I work with others, my work produces greater results than the work of others.
38. Much of what I undertake, I do not bring to the end.
39. I envy people who are not busy with work.
40. I do not envy those who aspire to power and position.
41. When I am sure that I am on the right track, I go to extreme measures to prove my case.

1 point is awarded for “yes” answers to the following questions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 , 30, 32, 37, 41.
Also, 1 point is awarded for “no” answers to questions: 6, 19, 18, 20, 24, 31, 36, 38.39.
Answers to questions 1.11, 12.19, 28, 33, 34, 35.40 are not taken into account.
Next, the total score is calculated.

Result Analysis.

From 1 to 10 points: low motivation to succeed;

from 11 to 16 points: average level of motivation;

from 17 to 20 points: moderately high level of motivation;

over 21 points: too high a level of motivation for success.

Research has shown that people who are moderately and highly success-oriented tend to take moderate risk. Those who are afraid of failure prefer a small or, conversely, too high a level of risk. The higher the person's motivation for success - achieving the goal, the lower the willingness to take risks. At the same time, the motivation for success also affects the hope for success: with a strong motivation for success, the hopes for success are usually more modest than with a weak motivation for success.

In addition, people who are motivated to succeed and have high hopes for it tend to avoid high risk.

Those who are highly motivated to succeed and have a high willingness to take risks have fewer accidents than those who have a high willingness to take risks but a high motivation to avoid failure (protection). Conversely, when a person has a high motivation to avoid failure (protection), then this prevents the motive for success - achieving the goal.