Test motivational questionnaire. Motivation Tests

Posted On 04/24/2018

  • Questionnaire for assessing the level of school motivation N. Luskanova
  • can be used for screening assessment of the level of school motivation of primary school students.

  • Risk Willingness (PSK) Schubert.
  • The test allows you to assess the degree of readiness for risk. Risk is understood as an action at random in the hope of a happy outcome, or as a possible danger, as an action performed under conditions of uncertainty.

  • Diagnostics of group motivation (I.D. Ladanov)
  • This test can be used both for individual use and for collective assessment of factors related to the formation of group-wide motivation.

  • Diagnosis of self-assessment of approval motivation (test for the sincerity of answers, D. Marlow, D. Crown)
  • This test allows you to assess your desire to get the approval of others in relation to your words and actions. High approval motivation indicates a high need for communication and vice versa.

  • "Hierarchy of Needs"
  • The test is used to assess satisfaction on 5 scales: financial situation, need for security, interpersonal relationships, respect from the outside, and self-realization.

  • Measuring the Need for Success in Students
  • The academic success of a student is determined not only by the level of abilities, the development of cognitive abilities and interests, but also by the strength of motivation for learning. One of the motives for learning is the motivation to achieve success in learning activities.

  • "Ladder of motives" (A.I. Bozhovich, I.K. Markova)
  • The results obtained using this technique testify to the correlation of the social and cognitive motives of the student's teaching, which are determined by what motives occupy the first four places in the hierarchy.

  • Methods for studying the motivation of learning at the university T. I. Ilina
  • Students' choice of a profession and satisfaction with it is determined by the predominance of motives on three scales: "Acquisition of knowledge" (desire to acquire knowledge, curiosity); "Mastering the profession" (the desire to master professional knowledge and form professionally important qualities); “Getting a diploma” (the desire to acquire a diploma with the formal assimilation of knowledge, the desire to find workarounds when passing exams and tests).

  • Methodology for studying student success motivation
  • Based on the assessments of the subject, the severity of the following parameters is calculated: success as a material standard of living, success - luck, recognition, power, success as a result of one's own activity, as a mental state, as overcoming obstacles, vocation.

  • The methodology for studying the motives of students' educational activities modified by A. A. Rean, V. A. Yakunin
  • Based on the results obtained, the ranking places of the motives of educational activity in a certain sample population (school, class, group, etc.) are determined.

  • Methodology for studying the motives of educational activity of students of pedagogical specialties, adapted by M. M. Kalashnikova, V. N. Kosyrev, O. V. Shchekochikhin
  • Students rank the list of motives for learning activities proposed by the authors of the methodology.

  • Methodology for studying attitudes to academic subjects (G.N. Kazantseva)
  • It allows you to identify preferred subjects, the reasons for the preferred attitude towards them, and in general what motives prevail (ideological, social, practically significant, personal, etc.).

  • Methodology for determining the main motives for choosing a profession (E.M. Pavlyutenkov)
  • This technique allows you to establish the role of certain motives in choosing a profession for specific subjects. The subject is given a questionnaire containing 18 judgments about the profession. These judgments express 9 groups of motives (social, moral, aesthetic, cognitive, creative, related to the content of labor, material, prestigious and utilitarian).

  • "Motivation to Avoid Failure"
  • The test proposed by T. Eles (Ehlers) allows you to assess the level of protection of the individual, motivation to avoid failure, fear of misfortune.

  • "Motivation for success"
  • This test for assessing the strength of motivation to achieve a goal, to success was proposed by T. Eles (or T. Ehlers).

  • "Motivation for success and fear of failure" (MUN) A.A. reana
  • Using this questionnaire, you can determine the type of motivation - motivation for success (the basis of the activity of the individual is the need to achieve success) and motivation for the fear of failure (human activity is the need to avoid a breakdown, censure, punishment, failure).

  • Motivation of educational activity: levels and types (development of Dombrovskaya I.S.)
  • The methodology determines the level of development of cognitive motivation and social motivation of educational activity, as well as to determine the dominant type of motivation.

  • "Motivation of the teaching of students of a pedagogical university" Pakulina S.A., Ketko S.M.
  • The methodology presents the motives for entering a pedagogical university, the actual motives for learning activities and professional motives. For each student, a qualitative analysis of the leading motives of educational activity is carried out. For the entire sample (group), the number of points that make up one or another motivational structure is determined.

  • "Motives for choosing a profession" (Ovcharova R.V.)
  • This technique allows you to determine the leading type of motivation when choosing a profession. The text of the questionnaire consists of twenty statements that characterize any profession. It is necessary to assess the extent to which each of them influenced the choice of profession. Using the technique, it is possible to identify the predominant type of motivation (internal individually significant motives, internal socially significant motives, external positive motives and external negative motives).

  • "Pair Comparisons"
  • (see "Hierarchy of Needs")

  • "Meaningful Life Orientations" (SZhO)
  • The test was adapted by D.A. Leontiev. With the help of this test, high school students' ideas about the future life are examined according to such characteristics as the presence or absence of goals in the future, the meaningfulness of life prospects, interest in life, life satisfaction, self-image as an active and strong person who independently makes decisions and controls his life. .

  • "Test of humorous phrases" (A.G. Shmelev, A.S. Babina, TUV)
  • This test allows you to identify the dominant in the subconscious of a person setting for increased sensitivity in one of the following areas (aggression-self-defense, inter-gender relationships, addictions, money, fashion, career, family troubles, social problems, mediocrity in art and other creative work, human stupidity ). The presence of an attitude in these areas is manifested in the fact that a person in insignificant humorous phrases captures exactly the meaning that corresponds to his attitude.

  • Need for Achievement Scale
  • Achievement motivation - the desire to improve results, dissatisfaction with what has been achieved, perseverance in achieving one's goals, the desire to achieve one's goal at all costs - is one of the main personality traits that influence all human life. The level of achievement motivation can be measured using the developed scale.

    In this article, we will review the existing personnel testing methods, give a brief overview of the solutions currently available to Russian companies, and also talk about sources of information that will help an HR specialist choose the appropriate employee testing system.

    Many recruiters are well aware that it takes a lot of time and effort to select a candidate who meets all the criteria. The selection process becomes especially difficult in the case of hiring for key positions, when the cost of a mistake can be very high. No less problematic is the mass selection of employees for line positions, when the HR department has to constantly look for a compromise between the volume of reviewed resumes and the minimum compliance of applicants with the requirements of the vacancy.

    As already discussed in our previous articles, personnel testing is one of the most effective selection methods that can improve the quality of hiring, reduce the complexity of selection and optimize the costs that a company incurs per hired employee.

    Testing as a method of personnel assessment has been widely used for more than 80 years. During this time, the most widely used 4 types of testing, discussed in the table below. It is important to note that one of the types of tests, namely the testing of cognitive abilities, consistently shows the highest efficiency in selection for most types of vacancies. According to studies, the correlation of the results of cognitive tests in the selection process with the success of candidates in work is 0.43-0.78, which is significantly higher than that of traditional approaches (structured interviews, work experience), and also exceeds the significance of other methods (psychological tests of personnel, personality and behavioral tests ).

    Overview of personnel testing methods

    Cognitive Ability Testing

    The types of cognitive tests available include tests of general intelligence, commonly referred to as IQ tests (although not all general intelligence tests are IQ tests), as well as specific tests of verbal ability, math ability, spatial awareness tests, and inductive and deductive logic tests. There are also tests that measure psychomotor abilities (such as reaction speed), which are also a subtype of cognitive ability tests.

    personality testing

    Personality testing during selection helps to determine the basic personal characteristics of the applicant, such as his relationship with others and emotional state. The same type of testing includes testing the motivation of employees.

    Loyalty and honesty testing

    Loyalty testing methods are designed to determine the propensity for undesirable behavior, such as lying and stealing. Such testing has been criticized because of the possible invasion of the privacy of employees, as well as because of the tendency of candidates to give "correct" answers to direct questions.

    Two types of employee testing help assess honesty and integrity. First, direct honesty testing raises direct questions about honesty and attitudes towards stealing. Secondly, in personality-based honesty testing used in personnel selection, psychological concepts are applied, such as dependence, respect for order and others.

    Polygraph tests

    Polygraph testing provides a diagnostic conclusion about the honesty of the applicant. The accuracy of polygraph testing has been questioned and the use of such tests is limited in some countries. For example, in the United States, an act of 1988 prohibits employers from using a polygraph to select personnel in most cases. There are no such legal prohibitions in Russia.

    The types of personnel testing used must correspond to the specifics of the vacancy

    It should be noted that the effectiveness of various testing methods varies greatly depending on the nature of the vacancy. For example, when selecting in the field of trade (sellers, sales representatives), personnel loyalty testing comes to the fore in comparison with cognitive tests. When selecting employees who require teamwork or strong communication skills with clients, psychological testing of personnel usually provides the most valuable information.

    The methodology for diagnosing a personality for motivation for success by Comrade Ehlers

    Before conducting testing, an HR specialist should draw up the most accurate description of the vacancy, and a list of key competencies that are required from a future employee. Understanding the qualifications and capabilities of a candidate is key if an organization is to use pre-testing tools effectively. Due to the special importance of this stage, we will devote one of our future publications to the issues of drawing up criteria for evaluating candidates, developing a position profile and a competency model.

    Existing online personnel testing systems are represented by foreign companies

    It should be noted that an individually designed personnel testing system is a laborious and lengthy project that requires a deep understanding of applied psychology and statistical methods. A more realistic alternative is to opt for one of the existing solutions offered on the market. To make the right choice, the HR specialist must study the market, taking into account the opinions of experts in the field of selection regarding the quality of tests, the final cost of using the system, as well as the completeness of the solution provided and its compliance with the needs of the company.

    One of the reliable sources of data for choosing a commercial testing system are resources such as the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the Mental Measurements Yearbook published by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements. These two sources, as well as the vast majority of reputable publications, are paid and are not published in Russian - which greatly complicates the access of HR specialists to data.

    Below we will briefly review the existing online employee testing systems. The leading solutions are mainly represented by foreign developers, due to the fact that (pre-) testing of personnel during selection in developed countries has been widely used for more than 30 years, and companies aimed at the Western market have had the opportunity to advance in development and have been able to gain a foothold in the market.

    Test developer

    Suggested Solutions

    One of the oldest developers of employee evaluation solutions; used by over 50% of the largest Fortune 500 companies

    CPQ personality test - measures goals, self-organization abilities, social confidence, and other characteristics

    General Personality Traits (GPI) - Measures confidence, independence, influencing others, teamwork, and the drive to achieve.

    $48-58 per test

    before using the HR testing system, the specialist must be instructed (cost about $ 3,000)


    Founded in 2005, the company has about 1,600 customers, mainly in the USA

    Employee Personality Profile (EPP): Measures motivation, managerial ability, patience, self-confidence and teamwork.

    Personality Traits (CPI): Measures extroversion, openness, emotional stability

    Sales success (Sales AP): measures diplomacy, patience, assertiveness and other traits that determine potential in working with customers.

    The annual subscription for using the testing system in selection depends on the size of the company
    from $995 for small companies (up to 25 people) to $23,000 for large companies

    Performance Assessment Network

    Founded in 2000, main customers in industry and government

    Management Development (MDQ): measures skills related to change management, planning, results orientation and leadership.

    Time Efficiency: Measures the ability to prioritize, plan, stick to plans. Designed for testing during the selection of linear office staff.

    $20 for 1 test, discounts are possible for large volumes of testing

    In addition to these developers, testing of personnel at hiring is helped to develop and implement such large companies as IBM (through the Kenexa division) and Hay Group (through its Talent Q division).

    These companies, however, are mainly focused on large business and selling a set of services along with software packages (consulting, development and integration).

    An important issue when choosing a testing system is its cost in use - as can be seen from the review, the solutions presented on the market require significant investments in the training of HR specialists, and the cost of testing per one hired candidate can exceed $1,000. An alternative solution for companies that do not have the opportunity to use expensive testing systems can be the use of paper tests in the selection of personnel - you can download and print them from public resources. At the same time, such a solution can significantly increase the load on the HR department by adding work to process paper tests.

    TestProfy is an affordable personnel testing system that provides modern selection methods without the need for additional costs.

    TestProfy provides free access to a testing system that includes motivation, cognitive abilities and professional competency tests in the areas of:

    1. sales and distribution (tests for sales managers, sales assistants)
    2. work with clients (tests for call-center specialists, account managers)
    3. finance and accounting (tests for accountants, economists)
    4. administrative staff (tests for office managers, secretaries)

    In addition to psychometric tests, TestProfy also allows you to check the professional knowledge of applicants and their applied skills (tests of office programs, the level of English proficiency).

    For the selection of highly qualified candidates and management personnel, TestProfy offers detailed reports on test results and recommendations for the next stages.

    Reference materials on motivation and stimulation of personnel

    Questionnaires and tests on motivation

    We don't give away anything as generously as advice.

    La Rochefoucauld

    Employee motivation

    Questionnaire for your employees

    Answer YES or NO for each statement.

    At the enterprise of competitors, wages and working conditions are better

    Employees of the company must mentally overstrain in order to achieve optimal results.

    Employees often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work being done

    Employees of the company often think about how to increase their salary

    The work environment leaves an unpleasant aftertaste

    It is a pity that individual tasks are not paid individually

    As a rule, the boss does not care about the working conditions of employees

    From time to time it would be possible to pay a little extra money for good results

    Employees do not feel very confident in their workplace

    Employees are not informed about what they can do in their workplace

    The social policy of the enterprise and provision in old age do not satisfy employees

    The company does not understand that the guarantee of a job also depends on the competitiveness of the enterprise

    In general, employees do not quite know exactly what is expected of them.

    I wish employees were praised more often

    Whether our company is insured against crises and how good its social services are - employees would like to know more about this

    Employees would like to know how the results of their work affect the overall success of the enterprise

    In the team I work in, they talk too little to each other

    Employees are mostly in favor of getting together more often after work

    I don't like indecisive management style

    The leader should be responsible for a good climate in the team

    At work, we should all talk more friendly to each other.

    The results of my work would be much better if our team increasingly came to an agreement on personal issues.

    The boss should make sure that we interact well as a team

    The camaraderie in our team is weakly expressed

    Employees are happy when they are praised

    If an employee notices that his work is needed by the company, he works better

    The manager must recognize the employees. He should at least talk to them more

    Employees strive to make a career

    It is only necessary to say more often that the results of the employee's work are appreciated

    The enterprise should provide more opportunities for promotion

    The company lacks a bonus system that would give employees an incentive to work

    I find my job uninteresting

    Every day I try to do my job in the enterprise in the best possible way.

    When I go home in the evening, I am proud of what I did

    Employees feel unwanted

    Many people think that there is too much command around

    Employees fail to truly reveal themselves

    Work needs to be more varied.

    More freedom to do the job

    Evaluation of results

    Count how many positive and negative answers were given.

    1. Four or more positive answers indicate that the employee feels the need for additional satisfaction of primary needs.

    Effective methods for assessing staff motivation

    This area of ​​motivation includes the need for praise, attention, a penchant for comfort, and a desire to dress well. If the number of negative answers sharply exceeds the number of positive ones, this does not mean that this employee can refuse to satisfy primary needs, it just seems to him at the moment that they are fulfilled.

    2. Four or more positive answers indicate that this employee does not have enough orders from above, that he considers the number of social services to be insufficient, and is also not sure about maintaining his job. If negative answers predominate, then we are talking about a person who is ready to take risks, ready to get down to business even in the most difficult situation.

    3. Four or more negative answers indicate that this employee is not very interested in developing communication in his team. Such employees are best suited for personal tasks, as well as for the position of assistant or administrative worker.

    4. Four or more positive answers indicate that this employee is strongly interested in his future career. The best way to motivate him is to expand the area of ​​​​responsibility, chances for promotion or promotion.

    5. Four or more positive answers mean that this employee cannot realize himself. The productivity of these workers will increase if you give them the opportunity to reveal their abilities.

    Monitoring the quality of education

    Unit Verification Programs:

    Faculty Verification Program

    Survey Questionnaire Samples

    Teacher Survey Questionnaire

    Survey reports

    Report - 2009 "Monitoring of satisfaction of teachers and employees with the educational process"

    Report - 2005 "Monitoring of student satisfaction with the educational process"

    Report - 2005 "Monitoring of satisfaction of teachers and employees with the educational process"

    Report on the online survey of applicants and students of RosNOU (June 2009)

    Analysis of the results of the survey of 1st year students (2005)

    Report of the Russian New University, a participant in the 2005 competition "Quality Assurance Systems for Specialist Training"

    Report "On the activities of the college for quality assurance ..."

    Monitoring materials by branches

    Employee Opinion Survey: How to Succeed

    People are the main capital of any modern company. That is why the personnel management strategy should be aimed at building their loyalty, at establishing a high quality level of relations between employees and the company. To assess the level of these relationships, to determine their strengths and weaknesses in order to develop measures for improvement, allows an opinion poll. During the survey, employees get the opportunity to express their attitude towards work and towards the employer, which, in turn, can influence the formation of a personnel management policy and the development strategy of the company as a whole ...

    What are the concerns of employers that HR managers face when they want to conduct a survey of employees' opinions?

    Most often, company leaders believe that employees:

    do not want to participate in the survey

    won't tell the truth

    tell the truth, but there will be no opportunity to adequately respond to it

    Business &rarr Employee survey. Why frames are leaving

    Too many companies consider employee surveys to be a low priority and therefore lose real professionals who could bring millions to the business.

    If your employees feel that they are underestimated, their ideas, opinions and desires are not taken into account, then they are more likely to look for another job opportunity.

    Think about it, maybe you are losing first-class specialists who were simply “not considered”. They can go to your competitors and bring invaluable benefits to their company.

    Employee Satisfaction Survey

    That is why it is important to regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys. From office lighting and equipment to meals and benefits, from company/management loyalty and salary levels to self-fulfillment opportunities, the results of the team survey will provide you with information that will help you avoid employee turnover, as well as create a comfortable working environment for specialists.

    On the Anketolog.ru website you will find sample questionnaires dedicated to employee surveys. They will help you easily create your own profile and get the valuable information you need to retain existing staff and attract new ones, as well as suggestions from employees.

    The employee survey will give you the opportunity to make sure that you are making the right decisions and open your eyes to new horizons of management.

    Staff motivation methods

    Here are some ideas for a questionnaire that will help establish a dialogue with the team.

  • A survey to determine the atmosphere within the team. The questionnaire will help assess the mood of employees, their emotional state at the workplace, the relationship of employees, find out their assessment of the effectiveness of teamwork and identify the reasons that impede it. By better understanding your employees, you can create more comfortable working conditions for them, and, accordingly, increase their productivity and desire to stay in your company.
  • Survey of employees upon their dismissal. By knowing the reason why employees leave the organization, you can prevent the departure of other highly qualified employees.
  • Planning a corporate event. Any of your employees, using such a survey, will be able to easily plan and organize a corporate meeting that satisfies everyone, without being distracted from their direct duties.
  • Financial support and self-realization. This survey of employees will allow you to find out whether the employee has enough opportunities for self-realization in your company and whether there are any obstacles for this, as well as how much his salary and social package meet his needs, what he is ready and can do for the company to increase his assessment in the eyes of management and receive greater financial rewards or career advancement.
  • Collection of ideas and suggestions. The questionnaire, distributed among the team, will help to collect ideas for the development of the company, which many employees might be afraid to express out loud. You can perceive employees as executors of instructions, but it is better to see them as specialists who can not only make valuable suggestions, but also implement them. This must be used!
  • How to use employee surveys?

    First of all, develop criteria that are important to you. The results of the Employee Satisfaction Survey will show you which areas of your company need improvement, which will increase productivity. The criteria will help you to observe the changes taking place in the repeated surveys, in comparison with the situation in other divisions or competitors.

    Our Sample Employee Surveys (Team Questionnaires) will provide ideas for questions and answer options. Templates will save you a lot of time and will bring undeniable benefits when interviewing employees.

    Finally, follow the simple rules:

    1. Get close to employees. Keep the survey casual and conversational.
    2. Enter gifts for completing the survey.
    3. Make the survey anonymous. Employees must be sure that their answers will not negatively affect them in any way.
    4. Let employees know that their opinions will be heard and suggestions will be considered. At the end of the survey, inform employees about what actions are planned to be taken as a result of the survey.

    Motivation is a very powerful impetus for achieving success in any business, it is an inner desire to do even difficult work and bring the result to perfection. Moreover, motivation is a personal desire of a person, supported by some external factors. Some are motivated to work well by a high salary, a bonus, or the prospect of a promotion. Others diligently go in for sports every day, trying to get a beautiful figure or improve their health. Still others, after their main job, retrain as students - they spend time studying a foreign language or getting a second education, and this is already educational motivation. The main thing is that people are motivated to work efficiently and achieve impressive results.

    Test motivation for learning activities

    Everyone understands why you need to work and earn a living. But it would not hurt to check the motivation of educational activity among schoolchildren and students - many still do not realize the need and importance of learning. Therefore, tests according to Gerchikov, the test of Ehlers, Karpov, Mehrabian were developed. Each author has studied motivational achievement for many years, so he gives actionable recommendations on how to become more motivated and achieve success.

    Test on the topic of motivation with answers

    The most important thing that any respondent can take away from the test with answers is how to effectively motivate themselves. After all, for each activity you can choose your own key, build a system according to the Karpova method or your own, working to achieve the goal. First you need to understand what a person really wants - then it will be possible to motivate staff for better work, motivate the consumer to make more purchases and purchase services, motivate children to learn and, finally, their own motivation for success.

    Some try to achieve their goals at any cost, never rest on their laurels and always strive to improve the results of their work. Take the quiz to find out if you are one of those people. And how you need to motivate yourself to achieve any heights in life - whether in a career or on a personal front.

    The test developed by Professor Vladimir Gerchikov will help determine the type of personality motivation. So, with professional motivation, it is important for a person to recognize his skill and give him the opportunity to grow above himself. There is a motivation solely for the sake of earnings. But pure types of motivation, as a rule, do not exist. Find out what type you are by taking this quiz.

    Ehlers developed another method for determining motivation. Today, many people talk about the topic of achieving success. But the main stimulus must be sought precisely in oneself - this is the only way to become successful. Based on the test answers, the psychologist gives practical advice on how to work on yourself to achieve success.

    Motivated employees work better, which means they bring more value to the company. With the help of the developed assessment methods and tests, it is possible to assess the degree of staff motivation. This will help to identify shortcomings, correct the strategy of working with staff motivation, select the most effective methods and lead the company to success.

    How staff motivation affects the success of the company

    An employee with a high degree of motivation strives for self-improvement, honing his skills, updating knowledge. He constantly improves his skills, which means he does his job better than others.

    Staff motivation directly affects the company's net profit. Engaged/satisfied staff try better: generate more useful ideas, perform more tasks in a certain period. The quality of the services provided / goods produced is growing, so the company's customers are also satisfied.

    The company's costs of motivating its staff are returned double or triple in the form of net profit: the number of transactions and loyal customers is growing. Employees with low motivation are able to take things "in the negative." In order not to harm the interests of business, it is necessary to eliminate the discontent of the workers. To do this, they analyze the motivation system, identify effective methods and exclude what does not work.

    Analysis of the motivation system allows you to effectively manage personnel, increase productivity. Russian companies have begun, following the example of Western companies, to introduce incentive systems in order to retain valuable employees. helps an individual member of the team achieve success and leads the whole company to success.

    Methods for analyzing employee motivation

    Questionnaire A.A. reana

    The test is also called "Motivation for success and fear of failure." The test taker can answer "Yes" or "No". An affirmative answer includes both a firm statement, if the test-taker fully agrees with the thesis, and a “rather yes” answer, if he is not sure of the answer, but is more inclined towards an affirmative answer. Denial should be regarded in the same way: it is both a firm "No" and "rather no than yes."

    The test-taker should not think about the answers for a long time: you need to think quickly, answer immediately what comes to mind. Such answers are more truthful, more frank. So, more useful for testing.

    The answers of each specialist of the company are compared with the key to the test. If the answers match, then 1 point is added. The points are added together. The resulting number is the result of the test.

    The motivation to fail is negative. This is work to avoid punishment / censure. The employee has negative expectations about the results of his work. Before starting work, a person already mentally tunes in to failure: he is afraid to make a mistake, he thinks over ways to avoid responsible assignments. Such a specialist does not think about ways to achieve success. Such people are insecure, it is difficult to restrain increased anxiety. If they are entrusted with responsible tasks, then this provokes panic in them. But at the same time, such workers show responsibility.

    Motivation for good luck is of a positive type. Employees hope for success and strive for a constructive result. They feel the need to achieve their goals. These are responsible personnel who are confident in their abilities, proactive in business, purposeful and persistent on the path to success.

    V.I. test Gerchikov

    This test helps to determine the motivational type of personality. The respondent answers 15 questions of the test. Only one answer can be given for each question.

    Test questions 1 to 3 Test questions 4 to 6 Test questions 7 to 9 Test questions 10 to 12 Test questions 13 to 15

    According to the scientist's theory, there are two motivational classes:

    • Avoidant motivation. The employee seeks to avoid potential undesirable consequences of his behavior.
    • Achievement motivation. The employee strives to achieve the set goals, his behavior corresponds to the goals.

    The avoidant class includes the lumpenized type of personnel (LU). Such workers are not picky: they do the work that they have. Agree to a low salary if other colleagues receive the same. They have low qualifications and hinder its improvement. They have low activity and do not approve of someone else's initiative. They strive to minimize their own responsibility and make as little effort as possible in their work.

    Achievement motivation includes the following types:

    • Instrumental (IN).
    • Professional (PR).
    • Patriotic (PA).
    • Master's (XO).

    Characteristics of types:

    • IN is more interested in the price than the content of labor. Labor for him is a tool for satisfying other needs. Strives to make money on his own. He does not expect "handouts", he is waiting for a reasonable wage.
    • The PR appreciates, first of all, the interesting content of the work. Unwilling to work on uninteresting projects regardless of the payment offered. Looking for opportunities for self-expression, takes on difficult tasks. Strives for professional recognition.
    • The PA appreciates public recognition, highlighting him as an irreplaceable specialist. He needs an idea to move forward.
    • XO is not afraid of responsibility, accepts it on its own initiative. Seeks to act on his own and avoids control.

    Table 1 - Definition of types of motivation

    Questions Types of work motivation,
    identified by the respective
    options (numbers) of answers
    IN ETC PA XO Best Junior
    1 4 2 3 1 5
    2 1 3 4 2 5
    3 3 2 5 4 1
    4 1 2 4 3 5
    5 1 2 3 5 4
    7 1 1 3 3
    8 1 3 3 1
    9 3 1
    10 3 3 3 1 3
    11 1 3 1
    12 1 1 3 3
    13 1
    14 3 3 1
    15 2 3 1 1 4
    16 5 2 3 1 4
    17 4 2 1 3 5
    18 2 4 1 3,1 5
    19 3 1 5 2 4
    20 1 2 4 5 3
    21 4,6 1,4,7 1,2,4,5 1,2,4 2,5
    22 3,6 5 2 1 4
    23 4,6 3,5 2 1,3 7,8

    In reality, each personality includes several characteristics of various types. Some type prevails, others complement the character of the individual.

    Gerchikov identifies the following forms of incentives:

    • Negative. Reprimands, punishments, threats of dismissal.
    • Cash. Salary, bonuses and other allowances.
    • Natural. Buying/renting a home/car.
    • Moral. Diplomas, honor boards, awards, etc.
    • Employee care. Provision of medical insurance, social insurance, creation of conditions for recreation, etc.
    • Organizational. Conditions and content of work, organization of work.
    • Attraction to co-ownership, management.

    The response to the above stimuli may be positive, negative, or not at all.

    Table 2 - Correspondence of motivational types and forms of stimulation

    Forms of incentives Motivational type
    Instrumental Professional Patriotic Master's avoidant
    Participation in managementNeutralApplicableApplicableBasicForbidden

    Thus, those incentives that are applicable to a particular type of employee are selected and applied in practice.

    Other ways and methods of studying motivation

    Trying to "calculate" motivation is like trying to measure the immeasurable. To analyze the degree of motivation of employees, different methods are used: testing, questioning, conducting surveys, filling out tables, organizing experiments and other techniques.

    Such methods allow you to identify "generalized motives" that increase or decrease motivation.

    Surveys are used to study employee satisfaction. It could be an interview or a questionnaire. They are based on a single principle: from all the proposed motives, a member of the team chooses the most attractive or evaluates them.

    Surveys also contain direct questions: how much the employee likes the current job, relationships with colleagues, assessment of leadership style, and so on. Diagnostic interviews are used to assess the motivation of managers and department heads.

    You can get acquainted with non-material methods of motivating employees in this article:

    The disadvantage of the survey method is that many respondents choose the answer according to "correctness" in order to appear in a favorable light. Also, some motives affect the personality subconsciously, the person is not aware of their significance. The advantage of the method is that it allows you to quickly collect data from many employees.

    Tests reveal the psychological qualities of a person. With the help of such questionnaires, the presence or absence of certain personality traits is determined. If a character trait is present, the degree of its development can be identified. The disadvantage of testing is that an employee may deliberately choose those answer options that are “approved” by management.

    Projective methods (interviews, cases, tasks) are aimed at revealing the employee's hidden motives. Hidden motivation is diagnosed, which, perhaps, the subject himself is not aware of. With the help of this technique, complex answers are obtained, they are difficult to analyze and structure. The collected data is interpreted by an experienced specialist.

    Assessment of the level of motivation

    To improve the motivation system, “generalized motives”, subjective assessments from the employees themselves and situational behavioral factors are used. To objectively study the motivational impact, three levels of assessment are used:

    1. Perspective level. These are subjective judgments of the employee. For example, mood, interest, attention. It is studied how the employee himself evaluates motivational factors (relationships in the team, salary, conditions at the workplace, the opportunity to develop professionally or build a career). Study methods: essay writing, surveys, testing, filling out questionnaires.
    2. Action level. The results of behavior in the workplace are studied, as far as the employee fulfills corporate requirements. And it is also important to find out if the employee adheres to the rules on his own initiative or because of pressure from management. It is possible to study how employees comply with corporate standards through video surveillance, keeping work diaries, and structured observation.
    3. Productivity level. The results of activities are being studied: cost reduction, profit increase. The indicators used are: sales, quality improvement, number of complaints, employee turnover.

    How to maintain a high level of company performance

    In order not to drop the team spirit, you need to maintain motivation at the proper level, stir up interest in work. Ways to keep the fighting spirit of the team:

    You can read about how to achieve the company's goal on our website:

    • Recognize the accomplishments of each employee.
    • Encourage satisfaction from success.
    • Transmit confidence in success to subordinates.
    • Eliminate “we can’t” or “we can’t” from everyday life.
    • Assign a mentor to each new employee. So the newly arrived staff will adapt faster, and experienced is a signal from the management that they are valued in the company.
    • Inform employees of important events. This must be done promptly and accurately, with personal contact.
    • Maintain the quality of work. To do this, you need to unobtrusively exercise daily control, work on errors, and carry out planned control.

    Working with low employee motivation

    Many factors can reduce the motivation of a particular employee to work. For example, stress, conflicts with colleagues, fatigue. Routine at work leads to apathy. The employee does not see the positive results of his work, does not expect success.

    To increase the mood of employees, and hence the motivation to work, the following recommendations will help:

    1. Communicate with the team. Find out from employees what their short-term goals in professional activity, preferences in work are. Allow potential to be realized through delegation or participation in planning.
    2. Control the work of employees. Ask questions and ask for a detailed answer. Employees must clearly understand what is required of them in the workplace.
    3. Demonstrate the importance of employee performance. For example, how the efforts of the team led the project to success. Recognize the merit of employees.
    4. Look for effective methods of work. Give employees a break from the routine. For example, a good effect is the movement of employees between positions.
    5. Plan rewards for high performance.
    6. Encourage the desire for advanced training, additional education.
    7. Use of a transparent punitive system. Employees must understand what limits they cannot go beyond in their work.

    There must be a healthy atmosphere in the team. Rumors should be kept to a minimum. If an employee is praised or punished, then everyone should clearly understand why. Elimination of omissions, transparent goals, control to give all the best at work.

    To determine the degree of motivation of the staff can be different methods. They need to be tested in the conditions of a particular team and an adequate one should be selected. To interest employees means to lay the foundation for the success of the company.

    Today, for sure, every employer knows what the Herzberg test is. Its essence is to determine the factors of motivation when looking for a job, or it is needed to determine the degree of satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with an employee of a particular company with working conditions. This test consists of 28 pairs of alternative situations. A prospective or current employee who takes this test must evaluate each of them. These 28 points (separately for each situation) are scored, their sum should be the number 5. As a result of the test, motivational factors that dominate the mind of a person and will help in selecting the most suitable job will be identified. Further in the article, we will describe in more detail what the Herzberg motivation test is, its history of occurrence, applied significance, and also provide some information about the author.

    F. Herzberg: scientific works

    In the middle of the 20th century, the human sciences began to gain momentum. It was during this period that social psychology and the psychology of labor embarked on the path of development. The author of the work “Determination of Motivation at Work” popular today - “The Herzberg Test”, as it is often called today, was already at that time considered a well-known psychologist in the social sphere. He studied the problem of labor organization in large companies, and as a result of all these studies he developed a two-factor theory of motivation. In 1950, Frederick Herzberg studied business management. And then he concluded that it was important for workers to have success in their work, or at least minimal self-expression. He hypothesized that this is what will improve productivity and the quality of the work performed. According to Herzberg, creating physically acceptable workplace conditions is not enough, and in order to achieve successful management, management will need to do something more meaningful for their employees, namely, to motivate them.

    How the motivational test was first conducted

    Two hundred accountants took part in the study, which F. Herzberg decided to conduct in 1950. They had to describe in detail their feelings from the work, namely, in which cases they experience complete satisfaction from it. It was the answers of these “researched” accountants that formed the basis of the motivational theory of the scientist. It was called two-factor. And only after that he created the Herzberg test, the answers to the questions of which were supposed to reveal those motives that would increase labor productivity. This theory was a great success, and continues to be popular among companies large and small to this day.

    The essence of the theory of motivation

    According to the Herzberg doctrine, motivation is based on the following groups of factors:

    Hygienic. They are also called external or health factors. These include the minimum amenities that an employee must be provided with in the course of work. In turn, genetic factors are divided into:

    Motivational factors. Unlike hygienic, they are called internal. Their absence does not lead to dissatisfaction of employees with their work, but it will not lead to an increase in the efficiency of the team. But their presence can contribute to a positive perception of work and satisfaction. These include:

    • Merit and Recognition Awards.
    • The freedom of action.
    • Access to the necessary information.
    • Moving up the career ladder.
    • Imposing certain responsibilities.
    • Opportunity to use the accumulated experience.
    • Cooperation.


    When a person passes the Herzberg test, decoding occurs through the selection of those of the above criteria that are most important to him in work, and this will allow him to find a job that will satisfy his needs. If the employer fulfills a minimum of hygiene factors, then a neutral attitude towards work is achieved for the employee. If these factors are not enough, then they form a negative (negative) attitude. It is also interesting to know that, according to the Herzberg formula, there is a certain relationship between the two groups of factors. So, for example, the absence of hygiene leads to dissatisfaction, the presence of hygiene in the absence of motivation leads to neutrality, and the presence of both factors leads to satisfaction.

    Detailed description of the motivation test

    As already noted, this questionnaire consists of 28 items containing questions. Each of them is given two answers-situations. However, the person passing the test does not choose between them, but evaluates his attitude to each of them, and the total score should be 5 points. That is, if you rate the first situation at 2 points, then the second should be given 3 points, if the first - 1 point, then the second 4, etc. After the test is passed, the marked scores must be entered in the table. Then they are counted. The Herzberg test allows you to evaluate the following factors: material, that is, financial motives; recognition from society and management; the imposition of liability; relationships with management, career advancement; success; the meaning of the work; interaction with colleagues, etc.


    After summing up the results of the test, those factors that form your satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with working conditions, both physical and moral, are revealed. By the way, there is a difference between who conducts the Herzberg test. If this is needed for management, then in the end it becomes possible to identify what drives this or that employee, and it becomes clear why the same work performed by different employees varies so much. In addition, management understands how to motivate each of the employees individually. Sometimes the test is carried out by recruiting companies before a person is hired, especially if he does not have specific requests. An HR specialist conducts a survey and summarizes the results, and the interpretation of the Herzberg test allows you to understand what kind of job he needs. With the development of the Internet, this test began to be taken online. If an employee feels dissatisfied with his job, then he can also take the Herzberg test. Deciphering the results in this case will allow a person to understand what exactly oppresses him in his work. In a word, F. Herzberg's theory, if used correctly, can benefit both the employer and the employee himself.

    Scheme. Herzberg test: deciphering the results

    If employees see the presence of hygienic factors, then “G +” is put, if they are absent, then “G-“. The same goes for motivational factors. “M+” if present, and “M-” if not present.

    Biography of F.I. Herzberg

    An American social psychologist was born in New York in April 1923. He received his higher education at New York City College, but in his last year he was drafted into the army. The Second World War was on. He was a patrol sergeant and was among the first allied soldiers who entered. Further, Herzberg said that the impressions that he received from what he saw in the concentration camp, as well as conversations with Germans living in the area, awakened in him an interest in the problem of motivation. After demobilization, Herzberg returned to his studies and graduated in 1946. After that, he did graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh, which was renowned for its medical research, while also teaching at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. The next step in his career was the position of professor of management at the School of Business at the University of Utah (University of Utah). In the mid-50s, he was the head of research in one of the consulting companies. Here, a vast field of action for collecting data opened before him.

    Creation of new labor: Herzberg's labor motivation, test and its interpretation

    Since the middle of the 20th century, the scientist has been closely involved in the development of his theories and research. As a result, in 1959 he created the two-factor theory of motivation, which we have already discussed above. It explains the factors that contribute to employee satisfaction from the work performed by him. By the way, as a result of these studies, Herzberg came to one paradoxical conclusion: a high level of salary is not a motivator. This factor refers to hygiene, that is, to those on which either satisfaction or dissatisfaction with work depends.

    Relationship between basic theories and Herzberg's theory

    There are many motivational theories in social science, and some of them have much in common with this one. So, for example, she and the theory of Oil have a lot of similarities. The first three of Herzberg's hygiene factors are the same as in But this is where the similarity ends, since Maslow believed that the creation of the necessary conditions or the satisfaction of needs would lead to a person's job satisfaction, and therefore to an increase in productivity. But Herzberg does not see this relationship. According to his theory, employees of the company will begin to pay attention to hygiene factors only when their inadequate implementation is observed, as well as when an atmosphere of injustice arises. At the same time, the presence of both types of factors ensures productivity growth. To determine all this, you need to pass the Herzberg test.


    So, you already know what the Herzberg test is. The results are understandable too. Below is the formula.

    [motivational factors] + [normal working conditions and work environment] = job satisfaction;
    [normal work environment] - [motivational factors] = lack of satisfaction.

    An example version of the Frederik Herzberg test

    1. A person is faced with a choice between a highly paid, but uninteresting job, and a bright activity, and which will bring him recognition, but poorly paid. What would you advise this person?

    (A) Choose a highly paid one.

    (B) Recognition is much more important than the financial side.

    2. Which of the two bosses to choose: (C) a person with whom you are in excellent relations, but perform only easy assignments, or - (D) a strict and demanding boss, where you will have responsible assignments and the opportunity to learn new things.

    3. A person needs to decide, or accept an offer for an increase, while losing which will lead to a decrease in income. Your advice:

    (E) Everyone dreams of a promotion.

    (A) Most importantly, a high salary

    4. You can choose an uninteresting job, while getting universal recognition, or stay in the same place and do work that is close in spirit.

    (B) Public recognition is the most important thing in a career.

    (G) Interesting work - there is nothing better than this.

    5. A person got a job to move to another team to do interesting work and part with people with whom he is comfortable working.

    (H) Human communication is the most precious thing.

    (G) Most importantly, interesting work.

    6. Enthusiasm is born as a result of delegating maximum responsibility, or is a high salary important?

    (B) Of course, the imposition of responsibility.

    (A) Only a good salary can stimulate a person to work with all his might.

    7. What should the authorities do to understand the interest of employees in the work?

    (D) Raise wages.

    (A) For the employee, the most important thing is the goodwill of the management.

    Summing up

    These are some of the questions included in the Herzberg motivational test. When calculating, it is taken into account what type of factors is more in the responses of a person, and then the degree of his satisfaction becomes clear. If testing is carried out when selecting a job for a recruit, then an Age AR employee of the company determines what is more important for this person in work, and finds a suitable position for him.