Is it a businessman? All in your business

But you must admit that the general trend of the formation of a certain "stall consciousness", i.e. ideas to take place only as a small business speculator - this is not the best guide in life. And most importantly, what will happen to the business itself as a whole, when everyone, without exception, breaks into it, regardless of knowledge and experience. People copy businesses from each other, from their first bosses (who also copied the entire business from someone), as a result, the market becomes too many of some services or goods and there is a clear shortage of others, which young businessmen simply did not even try to think about, and did not want to work to discover new directions.
I'm not a complete idiot, and I myself perfectly understand why everyone's guide in life is entrepreneurship. Because you want everything at once, you want money and freedom, not full-time employment, hard work and low wages.
I myself was engaged in small business, and I felt for myself what it is like when you don’t have to get up in the morning, when you don’t have to work, and the money comes to you by itself. Naturally, the very possibility of such a life infects people.

But the problem here is the following. In our country, every schoolchild already knows how to make a business, but even adult guys simply do not know how the economy works, what role they play in this system.
I remember a time when freelancing was actively promoted. They say do not sit in offices, go all to freelancers. What ended? It ended with the overflow of the market with unprofessional labor, dumping on services and the departure of good customers and true professionals from this market. Everyone was a loser. Now exactly the same thing is happening in the field of small business.
Is running a business suitable for everyone? Often people are somehow blind and think that there are no other alternatives to "survive in this country". But is it?
Is it really so bad to become a professional in your field and be the one that the leading companies in your market are trying to lure?
Is it really bad to get such a high level of knowledge in your industry that you will be willing to pay for this information, for consultations, and you will receive more than small market speculators ..?
Or maybe become a Boeing pilot and earn 150-400 thousand?
There are a lot of areas of development and ways of self-realization, where there are high incomes, but people do not know about this, because they do not look for such options. Everyone has only “their own business” in mind, and the business is most often extremely flawed and unreliable, in the “buy-sell” style, and people have no desire to even bring something new and useful to the market. Everyone wants to be just a leech that sticks to an existing money artery. Yes, but the flow is already drying up. Services and goods become of lower quality and leave the market due to dumping. After all, young businessmen have no principles and morals, no economic knowledge, they want to quickly cut the dough here and now, they are easily lured to trainings, where they pour into their ears that they are the smartest and most progressive. As a result, the market is getting worse and worse, there are not enough real professionals.
Tell me people, what do you think about this?

This wonderful post caught our eye on In it, the author reasonably explains why, in matters of relationships or building a family, it is better to avoid people involved in business, and prefer them to "simple romantics, brave pilots and sailors."

For girls, the image of a businessman looks something like this: successful, with money, generous, in a good car, works little, rests a lot, everything in his life is good. But…

In fact, everything is completely different. You will face many difficulties and problems, and many times you will regret that you did not choose another man for yourself.

Memorize and write it down.

Businessman is not a profession

To begin with, understand that a businessman is not a profession, it is a way of life and thinking. What is the downside here? Yes, very simple. The fact that when a person has a profession, some one occupation (musician, artist, engineer), he thinks in a single vector, you know about what you can expect from him. A businessman, on the other hand, is a kind of set of incomprehensible things, he tries all the time, experiments, he is completely unpredictable. And maybe in terms of nice gifts, this is also good, but in terms of everything else, for most girls it will be a lot of stress.

Businessman character

Next, character. There are no businessmen with an easy complaisant character. A businessman has a very difficult character, demanding behavior, most often uncompromising. In business, there is no other way. There is no room for slack or compromise. It is naive to think that there is one person in business and another at home. For a businessman, there is no work/home switch... And this is the next problem...

businessman work schedule

A businessman ALWAYS works! Even when it doesn't work, it works. Even when he is resting, he is working. Even when he gives you flowers on a date and says nice things, he works. Business is a continuous brain process. A businessman cannot disconnect from work like other people. He constantly needs to think everything over, keep it under control, calculate possible situations. Moreover, when he is not at work, he analyzes everything that is happening around and tries to shift it to his business. Business for a businessman is a virus that cannot be cured.

When a businessman on a date gives you flowers and says nice things, he is working.

A businessman does not have weekdays or weekends. All days are working days for him. Moreover, for him there is no concept of early / late or morning / evening. There is a concept of "convenient time for a deal / negotiations / business, etc." AND if he considers that 3 nights on Sunday is convenient for a meeting, then he will go to this meeting.

The main value of a businessman

For a businessman, the most important thing in life is his business. And this must be understood. Yes, of course, when a wife and children appear, then other values ​​\u200b\u200bappear, but until this moment, the main thing is only business. Yes, in fact, children are a kind of business for him. A relationship with a girl for a businessman is like investing in a startup. It’s very risky, it’s not a sure thing that it will work out, so at the early stages we are ready to put a high degree of probability that the business (family) will not work out. Therefore, a businessman, although he is ready to devote time and attention to such a “project”, is much less than his main business / business.

When a girl thinks that a businessman has a lot of money, she most likely does not assume that he will never spend most of this money on clothes, gifts, etc. Even if his salary is in the millions, he will spend only a small part of this money on recreation and entertainment, he will return most of it to business or invest in other projects. The businessman thinks creatively. Spending money is not creation in his concept. So, when you see a fur coat for 100 thousand rubles, and think about how beautiful you will look in it, a businessman sees in this fur coat 2-4 salaries of his employee or a lost profit of 15 or more% per annum, with possible increase in business capitalization.

Let's get back to the schedule. As I already wrote, for a businessman there are no weekdays or weekends, for him every day is a work day. Therefore, it is useless to ask him to spend the weekend with you if he decided to work. Plus, a businessman tries to think in terms of efficiency. Therefore, he will most likely decide that it is much more profitable to work for a couple of months without days off at all, and only then, on the other hand, have a full rest for 1-2 weeks in warm countries. So get used to this schedule. But in any case, do not forget that he will work on vacation.

“Is business more important to you than me?”

It is extremely rare for a businessman to disconnect from the business process. And I repeat, for a businessman, his business is the most important thing in life. And do not try to provoke him with questions like: “Is business more important to you than me?” If you don’t want to get a truthful answer. He will seem to be there, but you will feel lonely.

Friendship through the eyes of a businessman

A businessman rarely meets with his friends, unless it is necessary to discuss business. Even less often, he is ready to meet with the girl's friends. Because he thinks in efficiency. To find out how things are, just call. Communicating with someone without getting valuable information that may be useful in the future is inefficient. And he definitely won’t ride with you every week to your parents’ “visit them”, because what is that?! That's right - inefficient.

When will a businessman find peace?

Business is always development. Any goal is intermediate, no end goal. Therefore, a businessman will never calm down in his passion for business. But to you girls, his passion can easily fade away.

The businessman loves development and diversity. This is the main problem for creating a family with a businessman. It will be extremely difficult for you to surprise him, and you have to constantly improve. And a lot of people think it's easy. Perhaps, but not forever.

What does he want from you?

Do not believe a businessman who wants to have just a beautiful girl next to her and make her feel at home. Nonsense! If he needs comfort, he will hire a governess; if he needs food, he will hire a cook. He needs something more... And what exactly - he sometimes does not know himself, because he is always in search.

And it's important to understand. A huge number of girls are hunting for businessmen, they are some kind of “top models”, only among men. In men, intelligence and the ability to provide for a family and offspring are most valued, which is why businessmen are always in the center of female attention. And in order to not only win it, but also to keep it, you need to try very hard. And yes, I remind you that only you need this, he does not need to hold you back, for him the main goal is his business, not you.

Girls, I can tell you many more reasons why you should not date businessmen, but spending even more time on this record than I did is completely inefficient for me.

So… Draw your own conclusions from what I have already told you.

It was a story from the perspective of a man. Now I should probably say how it all looks from my, that is, the female, bell tower. About work - this is true almost 100%. It always works! I can't say that I'm married to a super trendy businessman, but he still works all the time because he loves his job. If he had a job first, and not me, then he might never have had me.

“When a businessman on a date gives you flowers and says nice things, he is working.”- and this is the pure truth! It always works. Jumping up in the middle of the night and running to the computer to write down your ideas or look for something is quite a common situation in our family.

He might be working on my birthday (like he did last time) or be on a business trip for our wedding anniversary. He may forget to buy a gift for me in advance and bring home something that he bought for himself, but then, it turns out, a holiday, and you need to somehow get out of the situation. Accordingly, I also buy gifts for his friends and relatives.

And in general, in my family there are not three incarnations (mother, friend and lover), like any other woman, but four - I am also a personal assistant, as I constantly remind about what needs to be done, with whom he has meetings and what he really wanted to say.

I can already read seminars or courses on the promotion of Internet projects and content policy, because all new ideas are tested on me. I play the role of a training audience in front of which new thoughts and ideas are expressed. He can call me when I went to the sea with my child, and for 20 minutes talk about what he learned new and what he came up with, and at the end of the conversation, say something like: “Oh, how cool! I talked to you while walking from the bank to the house. It's like you didn't go anywhere! Let me call you later, too, when I go to a meeting?! There are a couple of interesting ideas that need to be edited before presenting to the client ... "

Finally, I would like to say that if you decide to marry a businessman, your main rival will not be any colleague, but work. Yes, she is born. And in order to always remain interesting for your husband, you will need to forget about rest and catch up with him, study, study, constantly study and never stop. You are now in the same harness and you need to look in one direction. This does not mean that now there is no “I”, but only “we”. But now your "I" should weigh much more than before.

It's a competition, baby, and if you relax, you'll be far behind. And it's very, very, very interesting. If you have common interests, you will never be bored. And yes, there will always be three of you - you, him and his work. But now this work will also be yours;)

Is it possible to make a good politician out of a businessman? The question is by no means an idle one in a country like the United States, where there have always been more good businessmen than good politicians. If the state is only a big factory, then why not transfer the successful experience of production management to the field of state administration?

This is how many European socialists used to think, and this is how many Americans still think, who do not consciously identify themselves with socialists in any way.

As the state in America grows and the signs of organizational confusion become more and more clearly visible in it, the desire of citizens to put smart business people into the apparatus who will put it in order according to the criteria adopted in private business grows stronger.

Voters' faith in the businessman-messiah partly explains Donald Trump's election victory, as well as his appointment of big businessmen to key ministerial posts, including that of secretary of state.

During the presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton repeatedly blamed her opponent for his lack of political experience. “So it is,” Trump agreed, “only the experience that you have is completely useless, America needs a different experience, such as I have, the experience of long-term successful management of large businesses.”

Let us leave open the question of whether Trump's business career can be considered largely successful. He himself estimates his own fortune at 10 billion dollars, but since he did not make his tax returns public, 10 billion is a guessing figure.

Democratic-sympathetic Politico has calculated the total wealth of Trump's ministers and aides at $35 billion. And compared it with the average income of Americans. Journalists did not supply their calculations with direct calls for expropriation, nevertheless, such sentiments are guessed behind their calculations.

It is not clear, however, why in a representative democracy the people's representatives should come from the same strata of the population as the voters.

Income couple Clinton, by the way, is also far from average. However, class envy has nothing to do with the problem outlined in the introduction to our story: why do Americans dream of businessmen entering big politics without fear of their becoming oligarchs?

Is it because the captains of the industry seem incorruptible to them, and their success in business is an absolutely objective fact, not evaluative? Well then, why not athletes, in particular chess players, whose results, in contrast to, say, the works of famous artists and writers, are also quite objective? We decided to ask a well-known management specialist, professor at McGill University in Montreal, Henry Mitzberg about this.

Well, if Americans could rise above their national experience, then the answer to the question “Who makes good politicians?”, in addition to business people, would certainly include prominent figures in the world of sports, chess players and football players too.

This is where the mentality of the Americans comes into play: they think that the state can be run according to the same schemes as business.

In my opinion, the opposite is true: there is no worse training base for politicians than business. I want to emphasize: I mean politicians of a democratic persuasion; statesmen in authoritarian countries who embezzle profitable companies, or financial bosses of the mafia who penetrate politics, I do not understand.

So, in business, in terms of evaluating efficiency, everything is extremely simple, it has one clear criterion for success - profit. And one group to which the economic manager must report is investors, shareholders.

In the system of public administration, there is no such thing as profit at all. There are simultaneously many criteria in it that a politician must be guided by, and they are contradictory and vague, in contrast to such a clear indicator as profit.

The politician is responsible to all voters, and not to any one group of them; they are all equal by definition as citizens, and have one vote. None of them can be fired for "incompetence." In addition, the interests of voters often do not coincide, so a politician is judged by the extent to which he manages to reconcile the conflicting desires of the electorate, while remaining within the tight framework of various rules and regulations.

In business, the general manager of a corporation is a kind of dictator: he gives the order, his order is carried out, and checking the effectiveness of the subordinate's execution of the boss's order is simple and not burdensome. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of an order is easily punishable.

As for the democratic politician, the most difficult part of his work falls on negotiations with other equal and independent branches of power, and not on orders. Because of these differences, examples of successful transitions from business to politics are few and far between in democracies.

- According to American historians, they do not exist at all. In the United States, at least. Here the views of historians and ordinary citizens differ dramatically. Good businessmen do not make good politicians, and politicians do not make good businessmen, experts say.

True, one case is known when a disgusting businessman evolved into a politician of high caliber - Harry Truman.

President Coolidge said: "America's main business is business," that is, business, and not at all the greatness of the state. Pragmatism, not ideology. Promoting material interests, not abstract ideals. And, indeed, the lion's share of American politicians, whether eminent, mediocre or bad, comes from the environment of lawyers, rather than industrialists or financiers.

The role of the state in the history of America is small, an ambitious person who dreamed of big money had no reason to go into politics, which, as a way of enrichment, by no means could be compared with business. Andrew Johnson, Harding, Hoover, Jimmy Carter, George Bush Jr. were average or slightly above average businessmen and, as one, unsuccessful politicians.

In the list of 44 presidents, none rose above 9th place. Mitt Romney, a big businessman, turned out to be a mediocre governor and a poor presidential candidate.

Donald Trump, the owner of a family business, rather than a joint-stock company, is an unknown figure in terms of presidency today. His open doubts that America should defend democracies and uphold the liberal economic order of the world raises fears that the traditional values ​​of US foreign policy will become a trade item under him.

Charles Wilson, general manager of General Motors, who became Eisenhower's secretary of defense, was fond of saying, "What's good for General Motors is good for the country, and vice versa." Nothing but this phrase, he went down in history.

The same can't be said for the next Pentagon chief, Robert McNamara, a brilliant graduate of Harvard Business School and president of the automaker giant Ford.

- Robert McNamara, I would say, is the most disastrous of all American secretaries of defense. It couldn't be worse! And precisely because of his fanatical technocracy. Whatever life-changing issues he touched on, be it building a nuclear force or strategizing the Vietnam War, McNamara was obsessed with finding quantitative indicators that would give him an unambiguous answer to the question of how many nuclear warheads the United States needed and how much power, in order to once and for all to keep the Soviet Union from making a first strike, or how many bombs the US Air Force must drop on North Vietnam to force it to stop its aggression against the South. He ignored all the political and diplomatic components of a grand strategy as unquantifiable.

I was talking to a friend who worked at the Pentagon under McNamara recently, and he told me he couldn't hear his name without a shudder. It also seems to him that McNamara's pernicious legacy of the Department of Defense is still alive today.

- According to military analysts, the payoff for McNamara's technocracy was the fiasco in Vietnam and America's many years behind the USSR in the nuclear field.

It should be added here that military analysts, as well as journalists in general, who evaluate businessmen who have entered the political field, are mostly humanities, and since the Enlightenment, if not earlier, humanities have had very strained relations with industrialists and financiers. Hence the question: is it reasonable to trust these estimates?

- It is up to us to decide how objective the people we read are in their judgments. I personally have a good attitude towards entrepreneurs, I think that they are doing a huge, useful and important thing.

I sincerely admire Steve Jobs and his contribution to technological progress. Only now, in my opinion, businessmen have nothing to do in politics, just as politicians should not be trusted to manage business.

- I want to cling to the word "entrepreneurs" that you used. And for Steve Jobs. Do you think there is a difference in terms of suitability for political activity between businessmen of the old and new formations?

- I do not see any difference in this sense between the "sharks" of Wall Street and the "sharks" of Silicon Valley. The same Steve Jobs with his tyrannical manners, which are excusable or even desirable in a big businessman, would be absolutely untenable as a democratic public politician.

I'm willing to admit that Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire and three-time mayor of New York, was quite successful in his role as mayor, but the city, you see, is an incomparably simpler structure than a state, not to mention an entire state.

Bloomberg, by the way, acted, in my opinion, absolutely correctly, refusing to run for president. Thus, he proved that everything is in order with his political intuition. Or take the head of the hugely successful and genuinely innovative company Uber. Travis K but Lanik seems to me a very unsympathetic person. He is a bull terrier by nature, an exact copy of Trump. I would never put either one or the other to run a democratic state.

And it is best to end with the words of the outstanding Austrian-American economist, Nobel Prize winner Ludwig von Mises: “The essence of entrepreneurship is not limited to the personality of the entrepreneur, it consists in the role that the entrepreneur plays in a market economy. An entrepreneur, when he becomes the head of a state department, ceases to be such and turns into an official. His goal is no longer profit, but the observance of laws and regulations, which determine the environment in which the department entrusted to him functions and which he cannot change at his own discretion and desire.

Have you ever thought about the difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur? Does it seem to you that these are two words that have the same meaning, just one is borrowed from English, and the other is of domestic origin? This is not true. No two words have the same meaning in a language. What then is the difference?


To understand the difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur, you need to understand the meaning of these two concepts in turn.

There is no concept of an entrepreneur in the code, but there is a definition for the word individual entrepreneur. According to the code, this is the person who has successfully passed state registration and now has the right to engage in commercial activities for the production and sale of any product or service. And what is the concept of the word businessman? The word is in English, and there is no explanation for it in the Russian dictionary. In translation, the concept means a person who is engaged in commercial activities. So what's the difference? Entrepreneur and businessman realize the same task, but their approach is fundamentally different.


What is the difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur? The goal of these two categories of citizens is the same. People want to make money. But then what is the difference between the concepts? An entrepreneur creates his business not only to earn money. A person is independently engaged in the promotion of his business. Often he performs the role of a handyman at the enterprise. If his company is engaged in production, in case of emergency, he will stand at the machine and will work together with his subordinates. The firm is the main activity of the entrepreneur. He enjoys work. He can spend 24 hours a day on it, solving technical issues and resolving emerging conflicts.

A businessman is a person who opens a business in a niche in which he may not understand anything. The main goal of the firm is to make money. Businessman - leader. But he will never stand at the machine. He will pay overtime employees, and he will live in a normal mode. If a crisis occurs in the country and the business becomes unprofitable, the businessman will close the business and open another company that will do something that will be economically profitable at the moment. If things are really bad, then nothing will prevent a businessman from simply selling his business.


What is the difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur? The entrepreneur is the main worker in the enterprise. He is the one who does all the leadership. If such a person goes on vacation, then work in the company stops. The entrepreneur is the main driving force behind his business. He can't leave him for an hour.

The businessman takes a different approach to business. His firm is doing just fine without him. Such an enterprise does not have total control. All responsible positions are occupied by managers who know their business and do it well.


Can a businessman be considered an entrepreneur? No. An entrepreneur is an active person. He comes up with all kinds of upgrades, he knows the process of the entire company. An entrepreneur can replace almost any worker in his own enterprise. The activity of such people is seething. To earn money, they have to work tirelessly. The more they work, the more profit their firm has. The entrepreneur is not used to shifting his problems to others, he decides everything himself.

A businessman does not stand at the machine, and sometimes even at the management. He simply invests in the development of the company and knows how to distinguish personal needs from business needs. A person spends part of the company's profits on personal needs, and puts some into circulation. What is the job of a businessman? In developing all kinds of development prospects, in checking your enterprise for failures.

Is it possible to become an entrepreneur?

To open your own business, you need to come up with an area in which a person wants to develop. Can every businessman be considered an entrepreneur? No. An entrepreneur is a person who is endowed with a non-trivial mind. Such a person agrees to work for ten. Creative energy is combined in the head with cold calculation. An entrepreneur is first and foremost a creative person. He is always thinking about improving his business. He designs something unique and goes his own way. An entrepreneur does not need money. A small turnover of the company is quite enough for him. He likes the process of work itself, and he is not afraid to "get his hands dirty". Entrepreneurship is more of a calling than a profession. A person must burn with his idea and direct all his strength and energy to the implementation of his plans. The entrepreneur will not close the company even if it is clearly unprofitable. If a changeable public does not consume the goods or services produced, a person will have a hard time, but he will think about how he can modernize his enterprise without changing the main structure of activity.

Is it possible to become a businessman?

But you can become a businessman. It is enough to go online or open a newspaper to see this. An incredible number of advertising posts offer to take all sorts of courses in business schools. Such announcements say that after training you will learn how to manage an enterprise, choose a niche and quickly respond to a change in the economic situation in the country. What is the difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur? The fact that the first type of people does not work with their own hands and not with their heads. Businessmen are used to cashing in on someone else's good idea. Even if they are producing something innovative, they do not develop their own technologies, but copy them from competitors. A businessman does not know how to go his own way. It seems too difficult for him. Why waste energy where you can not do it. Such people are passive. Most often, they were just lucky, and they had a large amount in their hands, which they managed to successfully invest. Some businessmen have connections that help them take loans for large amounts. The activity of these people is similar to speculation, which, in fact, is. This is neither good nor bad. Two types of these people - both entrepreneurs and businessmen - are needed by our society for normal functioning.

Give me a seat in the State Duma and I'll show you how to write laws. Russia will finally see at least some progress and renewal in the bureaucratic ranks. All Old Believers (ex-members of the CPSU) will retire, and young and promising youth will take their places. This is the only way to somehow break the existing naphthalene period in the development of the Russian political system. True, you will also have to pay dearly: progress, you know, is well worth it!

In fact, for a modern businessman, there is only one advantage in being a deputy - immunity. This is a totem that is awarded to the winners of the popular vote. Were you able to push your candidacy? Got the most votes? Well done, keep the totem. If you are on the list at all, in the passing part, your totem is twice as strong. Otherwise, it makes no sense for a businessman to change business for politics.

I used to think the opposite. Like, what is a business? Set up a scheme, set people up, delegated tasks to them - and sit yourself somewhere in Nice, eat oysters. But the same life is incredibly boring, right? And what could be more fun than the State Duma of Russia? First, you will have fun during the election campaign, of course, and then you can already part in full: new acquaintances, a new party, in general, everything is new and interesting. So I thought until I met a very fashionable guy who turned out to be some twenty-fifth deputy assistant in a row. He just removed the veil from his eyes.

Politicians - these are such professional creators of all kinds of conditions, and businessmen - those people who have to circumvent the conditions created by politicians or adapt their business to them. The process is round-the-clock!) When a politician leaves politics and gets into business, he knows how to adapt a new business to the conditions created by colleagues without much difficulty, but when a businessman enters politics, his real functions are nothing more than ceremonial.

It seems that a businessman with practical experience in the real economy can easily establish effective processes in any bureaucratic team, not necessarily even in the State Duma: some ministry, governor's wing, and so on. But the acquaintance absolutely firmly debunks this assumption as untenable. The fact is that politicians, by and large, - These are people who know how to make a show out of a performance. That is, people often choose not a professional, but a speaker. The speaker, on the other hand, also tries to choose personnel "for the future", therefore he chooses from among those applicants who are capable of both stepping out of the tank and wallowing in the mud, if necessary. The professional qualities of the candidate are important, but nothing more than that, for show. Have a diploma? Norm. Therefore, a single businessman will not change the system due to a shortage of personnel.

There were also cases when a businessman who got into power completely changed the team of employees, bringing to the posts exceptionally loyal people from the business. But at some point they got bored, and over time, all the main activities focused on the topic of saw cuts. Seeing the effective cutting system, the neighbors in the political workshop envied and resented! This caused unrest in the political environment of the region and the businessman-politician was forced to close his shop.

So a businessman will not be given real power, unless he buys all the politicians in the region or puts them on fat allowances, and there are only a few such businessmen in the country. Until then, there is an unspoken struggle: politicians create conditions, businessmen bypass these conditions. Sometimes they get around for free, but most often - in close financial cooperation with colleagues from the political workshop. It’s not for me to tell you how a granddaughter-niece-aunt gets a three-ruble note in Moscow for the necessary votes)). But what can I say, even if for getting to know a deputy who is able to "solve the issue", colleagues take money from 20,000 dollars and more. Although I do not rule out that these are just rumors. $50,000.

No matter how many seats are given to businessmen in the State Duma, they will not be able to bring the country out of the crisis. Strongly dependent on delegation as a phenomenon. It seems to me that power should be transferred to today's successful social activists who already have experience working with Russian legislation and do not have too steep a profit margin to demand golden toilets, 1000-square-meter villas and service Rolls-Royces from the country.

Would you vote for a businessman who spoke crookedly in speeches? Or would you still give preference to a politician, but very beautifully promising you a happy life? Who in life is the candidate for the State Duma, for whom you will vote in the upcoming elections: a person of business, culture, sports, or, perhaps, a military man?