Psychological tests for leaders. Quiz: What kind of leader are you? Questionnaire test "What kind of leader are you?"

They say that the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. However, before applying for high management positions, it would be a good idea to check whether there are suitable prerequisites for this. Well, if you are already a leader, then check yourself anyway: the proposed test is an additional opportunity to assess your capabilities.

Instruction. After reading the question, choose one of the options that suits your habits and character. Next, using the key table, calculate the amount of points you scored as a result of self-assessment.

1. Imagine that from tomorrow you have to manage a large group of employees who are somewhat older than you. In this case, you would be afraid that:

a) you may be less knowledgeable in the essence of the matter than they are;

b) will ignore and challenge the decisions you make;

c) you will not be able to complete the work at the level you would like.

2.If you experience a major failure in any business, then you:

a) try to console yourself, neglecting it, considering what happened to be insignificant, and go to unwind, for example, to a concert;

b) you will begin to feverishly think about whether it is possible to shift the blame on someone else or, in extreme cases, on objective circumstances;

c) analyze the reasons for the failure, evaluating what was your own mistake or how to fix it;

d) you will experience despair, fall into depression, your hands will drop.

3. Which of the following is best for you:

a) modest, sociable, condescending, impressionable, good-natured, slow, obedient;

b) friendly, persistent, energetic, resourceful, demanding, resolute;

c) hard-working, self-confident, restrained, diligent, executive, logical.

4. Do you think that most people:

a) likes to work well and diligently;

b) conscientiously treats work only when their work is paid properly;

c) considers work a necessity, nothing more.

5. The leader must be responsible for:

a) for maintaining a good mood in the team (then there will be no trouble with work);

b) excellent and timely performance of tasks (bosses and subordinates will be satisfied).

6. Imagine that you are the leader of a team and you have tosubmit to the higher authorities a plan of certain work. How will you do it?

a) draw up a draft plan, report it to your superiors and ask them to correct it if anything is wrong;

b) listen to the opinion of subordinates, specialists, and then draw up a plan, accepting only those of the proposals that are consistent with your point of view;

c) instruct subordinates to draw up a draft plan and will not make any significant amendments to it, sending your deputy or other competent employee for approval to a higher authority;

d) develop a draft plan together with specialists, and then report the plan to management, substantiating and defending its provisions.

7. In your opinion, the best results are achieved by the leader who:

a) vigilantly monitors that all subordinates accurately perform their functions and tasks;

b) connects subordinates to the solution of a common problem, guided by the principle: "Trust, but verify";

c) takes care of the work, but in the turmoil of affairs does not forget about those who do it.

8. When working in a team, do you consider responsibility for your own work to be equivalent to your responsibility for the results of the work of the entire team as a whole?

9. Your opinion or action is met critically by others. How will you behave?

a) do not succumb to an instant defensive reaction and do not rush to objections, but will be able to soberly weigh all the pros and cons;

b) do not save, but try to prove the advantages of your view;

c) due to the temper of your character, you will not be able to hide your annoyance and, possibly, be offended and angry;

d) keep silent, but do not change your view, you will act as before.

10. Better solves the educational problem and brings the greatest success:

a) encouragement;

b) punishment.

11. Do you want:

a) so that others see you as a good friend;

b) so that no one doubts your honesty and determination to provide assistance at the right time;

c) cause others to admire your qualities and achievements.

12. Do you like to make independent decisions?

13. If you have to make an important decision or give an opinion on a particular responsible issue, then:

a) try to do it without delay and, having done it, do not return again and again to this matter;

b) you do it quickly, but then you are tormented by doubts for a long time: “Wouldn’t it have been better to do it differently?”;

c) try not to take any steps for as long as possible.

Calculate the number of points for the key.

Interpretation of results.

If you typed more than 40 points, it means that you have a lot of makings to become a good leader with a modern style of behavior. You believe in people, their knowledge and good qualities, are demanding of yourself and your colleagues. You will not tolerate idlers in your team, you will not try to gain cheap authority. For conscientious subordinates, you will be not only a boss, but also a good comrade who, in difficult situations, will do everything possible to help in word and deed.

If you typed from 10 to 40 points, then you could manage certain objects and works, but would often encounter difficulties (and more often, the less points you scored). They would try to be a guardian for their subordinates, but sometimes they could take out their bad mood and anger on them; would help them and give them all sorts of advice, regardless of whether there is a need for this.

If you typed less than 10 points, then, Let's be honest, you have little chance of success as a leader. Unless you have enough willpower to reconsider many views and abandon ingrained habits. First of all, you need to gain faith in people and yourself.

Various circumstances, personal preferences, developmental features, etc. contribute to the formation of preferences in the work of the leader. Understanding your weaknesses helps the leader to overcome them and more competently manage his team.

There are 4 types of leaders.

  • R - Artisan Leader. Incapable of abandoning routine managerial functions. Works in combat. Inclined to identify himself with the organization, acutely experiencing its failures, rejoices in its successes. He lacks perspective. He is "drowning" in the details. Therefore, it is most suitable for guidance in narrow areas of production.
  • S - Head-Strategist. Able to abandon routine managerial functions. Creates and manages a team. Strives to develop global strategic concepts. Capable of long-term planning, results-oriented. Extremely immersed in work, unable to relax, demanding the same from others. To succeed, he needs to learn to convince and support others.
  • C - Head-Curious. Incapable of abandoning routine managerial functions. A leader of this type devotes a lot of time to the implementation of more and more improved, but not always necessary, management systems.
  • B - Leader-Hero. Able to abandon routine managerial functions. Works in combat. Routine issues, including control and instruction, go beyond his attention. The lack of control compensates for the delegation of authority and responsibility. Success can be achieved with the help of deputies who are prone to precise activities, able to plan and work with people.

Instructions for participants

  • Answer the questions on the test form (Appendix 1) sincerely and honestly.
  • Positive answers should be noted in the Table. Count the number of positive answers for each column and write the resulting values ​​in the corresponding row, respectively, in the columns under the letters R, S, C, B.
  • Plot the results on the graph and display them as a diamond.
  • After everyone has noted their results, the trainer talks about 4 types of leaders (Artisan, Hero, Curious and Strategist), gives examples from the test, gives examples from practice, explains the pros and cons of each type as a leader.

Necessary materials

  • Form of tests by the number of training participants (individually for each).

Issues for discussion

  • What results did you get? What made you happy and upset?
  • How, knowing the types of leaders, do you plan to change your activities? In which direction to develop?


  • It is important to draw the attention of the participants to the fact that even before starting the test, if they do not want to disclose their results, then they will be ensured that all information will be kept confidential. Otherwise, your participants will give only socially acceptable answers, and you will not achieve anything with this test.


  • Training "Modern leader". Center "Charisma", Novosibirsk.

Questionnaire test "What kind of leader are you?"

Question Yes Not
1 I think that asking someone to do a job that I can not do myself / myself does not make sense.
2 Murphy's Law says that if things are going to go wrong, it's inevitable. My opinion is that in work you need to keep your finger on the pulse.
3 I managed to plan my time so that I can spend almost two days a week planning for the future instead of managing the affairs of today.
4 Few can doubt that I am the boss.
5 I live, eat and breathe my work 24 hours a day. My family would probably say that they have problems for this reason.
6 I believe in the need for constant investment of large amounts of money in such areas as performance evaluation, training and professional development, development of the company's management.
7 I have nothing against rolling up my sleeves, if necessary, and zealously getting to work.
8 Unfortunately, sometimes the only effective way to make something happen is to do it yourself.
9 I rely heavily on regular consultations with subordinates.
10 I try to devote as little time as possible to the problems of current management.
11 Several potentially crisis-prone issues appear on “my desk” every day. My task is to solve them before they explode.
12 I am always the first to arrive at work and the last to leave. I rarely use my vacation, and if I do, it's not more than a week.
13 I mainly show the vision of the goal and the results of its achievement (we do it this way). Particulars do not interest me.
14 My job is to make decisions. That's exactly what I do.
15 I do not believe in the distance between the boss and subordinates. Success is achieved, first of all, by the team.
16 Perhaps half of my time is spent checking, controlling, and monitoring work to make sure the work is moving forward.
17 Although I give advice to subordinates, my main task is to provide the team I manage with resources and funds.
18 I do not think that anyone could complain about the lack of participation on my part in giving a certain direction to the worker's activities.
19 I believe that participatory management can bring success.
20 My main job is to ensure that revenues come in and that what can be sold is sold daily.
21 It seems to me that one year is the maximum period for which one can realistically and responsibly gather one's thoughts.
22 Approximately 1/3 of my time is occupied by routine work, 1/3 is motivation, activation and development of myself and subordinates, the remaining 1/3 is the creation of the future of the company.
23 I focus on oral and written communication. I carefully review all mail. I try to be among the workers often.
24 I like the way our firm operates. Our product (service) is interesting in itself.
25 Firstly, I must be respected; secondly, I must be admired; thirdly, I can be hated; fourthly, I can be ignored.
26 I don't necessarily have to be famous, but I would like to be remembered by the firms and people I raised.
27 I personally deal with irritated and disappointed clients.
28 My abilities make themselves felt at critical and turning points. If necessary, I am able to "take the rabbit out of the hat."
29 I am pleased with each carefully done work. I am proud of the product (service) of our company.
30 "The devil is in the details." Achieving a good result is, in practice, control, control and more control.
31 Most people who have achieved success will say, "It's not luck or luck, it's just that we achieved it ourselves."
32 Since my team is inexperienced, its members usually go where I lead them.
33 I attach great importance and weight to the organization of informal communication.
34 I devote a relatively large amount of time to the implementation and improvement of management systems covering operational procedures and people management techniques.
35 I'm trying to create a new firm of tomorrow.
36 Most of our employees are focused on "release" goods out of the gate or on tasks such as bookkeeping or sales.
37 I devote a lot of time to participation in individual training programs, presentations outside the company, etc. I am well known in the industry/marketplace and usually I am asked, not my subordinates.
38 I invested a lot in retraining my team and led them, "digging and scraping", on a new road.
39 Promotion of employees to management positions is a challenge that gives me a lot of joy.
40 Today there is a struggle for survival.

Online Leadership Test: Can You Lead?

consists of 12 questions| rating 3.9 out of 5 points

We can say with confidence that leaders are not born, they are made! The upbringing of parents and one's own character, which is formed before the age of 6, plays one of the key roles. But anyone who wants to become a leader can do it. Here you need to keep in mind that for this you will need to work hard and, first of all, on yourself. Develop those qualities of character that are needed to become a leader.
With regard to personnel management, here, the leader must always look deep into the issue that confronts him. And set specific goals for subordinates. Put yourself in the place of a subordinate if he does something wrong. This is the basis of leadership and management of people. Do you know how to look deeper into the issue? Are you a good leader?

Psychological test Are you good at leading? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate. Have a good testing!

Reviews about the test for the head:

  • Natalia| Dnieper
    Not bad, but the answers are predictable. Not suitable for testing a serious organization. Just a check for yourself.

  • BUT| With
    Ads are very annoying

  • Lenar| Almetievsk

  • Oksana| Salekhard
    overestimated result seems to me

  • Oksana| Dnepropetrovsk
    Good test, thanks. Although it seems to me that the description of the result is somewhat exaggerated)

Many people think that when hiring a new manager for a job, he can only be evaluated after an interview and a trial period, but for a manager of any level - from the head of a department to the CEO - hiring tests can be even more relevant than for an ordinary employee.

Surveys of HR leaders conducted in 2018 showed that 72% of companies in Russia with more than 100 employees use testing when hiring. By 2020, this number is estimated to reach 85-87%.

And the higher the position for which the company is looking for an employee, the more likely it is that psychological tests and assessments will be used for the initial assessment of applicants.

According to SHL data for 2017, worldwide recruitment tests are used to select candidates for 60% of entry-level positions and 75% of middle management positions, from department heads. For senior management positions, this figure is 81%.

In Russia, this distribution is slightly different: we use tests more to evaluate entry-level and departmental-level positions, while companies rely more on traditional recommendations, personal connections and business intelligence to select senior management. In Russia, employment tests are applied:

  • for 66% of positions of the starting level (most of all in the banking sector - 81%);
  • for 83% of entry and middle management positions;
  • for 61% of senior management positions.

Thus, the chances of testing and an assessment center are the highest if you are applying for a job as an entry-level or middle-level manager - this is a large number of positions, they are fundamentally important for companies and they are the most competitive.

In this article, we will examine in detail the tests for just such positions - middle managers.

Goals of Tests for Executives

Companies use tests to find managers with the experience and skills needed to perform specific job responsibilities and quickly weed out the wrong people.

In addition to employers, tests for the competence of managers in Russia are now actively used by state competitions for managers. The most famous and popular among them is the Leaders of Russia competition. Read more about the managerial capacity test phase of this competition on HRLider:

What can you do to successfully pass these tests, get the job you want, and be able to grow quickly in your career?

First of all, do not try to deceive them by trying to fit in. It still won't work for you. But it is worth getting acquainted with such tests in order to better understand their format and, in general, increase your chances of passing them.

If you have already taken these tests before, then you are more likely to be able to show your best side. Also, according to the proposed tests, you will be able to better evaluate your potential job - this is a valuable source of information for a competent candidate.

Employers take job tests very seriously, you need to take them seriously too.

What do executive tests measure?

The first mention of exams for candidates for officials - prototypes of tests for leaders - are already found in ancient China of the Han Dynasty. The most famous developer of ancient tests for employment is Confucius and his followers in the imperial office of the Celestial Empire. In the leaders of that time, with the help of many tests, they were looking for intelligence, knowledge and moral integrity.

Tests of the modern type were introduced for the selection of officials and commanders in the military departments of the United States and England during the First World War, and after the Second World War this process became widespread in private business to evaluate leaders at all levels.

Currently, hiring tests are an integral part of the HR process in most large companies. The use of tests can significantly save time and resources for the initial assessment of applicants. It is a fast, accurate and objective way to screen a large number of candidates.

When evaluating applicants for leadership positions, companies primarily test three key qualities necessary for success: competence, work ethic, and emotional intelligence. While employers primarily look for these qualities in resumes, references, and interviews, they need more information to make a hiring decision. The success of the entire company depends on the quality of selection of employees for positions in management, and a resume and an interview alone are not enough here. Testing allows you to make a much more accurate prediction of the future success of a leader than an analysis of his education or experience.

Let's look at these three qualities that leaders need in more detail.


Competence is usually tested with intelligence tests, which are multiple choice questions or tasks. These are the so-called aptitude tests, which are designed to assess the general level of mental abilities of the candidate. They range from well-known IQ tests to highly specialized tests of certain knowledge and skills, but in general they are tasks for determining what you know, can do or will be able to do in the future.

The most common types of such tests are numerical, verbal and logical tests. For employers, these tools are a great addition to a resume, especially when all candidates have similar characteristics.

For you as a candidate, an important detail of aptitude tests is that you don't have to work them to perfection. Companies rely on them just to make sure that you have the right level of intellectual ability - you just need to get into the top of the best candidates. To do this, it is enough to score 80% or more of correct answers, which is quite achievable results after 3-4 days of preparation.

A relatively new trend is the use of psychological tests to assess executive candidates. Other names for such tests are situational or behavioral. Like intelligence tests, situational tests present you with a specific problem, but the answers present several possible solutions to the problem, and none of them are unambiguously right or wrong. The criterion for the correctness of answers is determined by experts or representatives of the employer - they themselves determine which answers are valuable and which are not. Behavioral tests for executives are usually not limited in time and their focus is more on experience and knowledge than on general intellectual abilities. In addition, in situational tests, their content is related to the performance of a specific managerial role, while in ability tests, roles are not prescribed.

To prepare for the case tests, you will need to learn the values ​​and principles of the company you are applying for - this is the same preparation that needs to be done before an interview.

work ethic

Most companies are looking for executives who are ambitious, reliable and trustworthy. These qualities of a middle manager determine not only his success in accomplishing his tasks, but also how well he will fit into the structure of the company and how well he will interact with other employees at all levels. To determine these qualities, questionnaires or questionnaires are usually used, such as psychological tests, which allow you to clarify typical patterns of behavior for the applicant in a particular situation. Such tests can show how a person will behave in a difficult work situation that requires a choice. For example, as in the task below - intervene or pass by - something that is very important to know for most employers.

I wrote "most" because there are companies looking for a more specific set of work ethic qualities. For example, Reckitt Benckiser, a well-known manufacturer of FMCG products, is looking for people who are “cool to the point of impossibility” to promote many of their brands, such as Durex, so that they can even act provocatively. This example is a reminder that different companies and different departments in the same company may be looking for different people for different tasks.

Since the psychologist Daniel Goleman introduced this concept, companies around the world have begun to pay great attention to this quality and this well-deserved attention. Many studies show that emotional intelligence is closely related to overall work performance, entrepreneurial potential, and leadership talent. For leaders of all levels, the importance of emotional intelligence is even higher, because a manager is someone who constantly interacts with different people.

Employers typically rate emotional intelligence in interviews, but a growing trend is the use of psychological tests for executives. Such behavioral tests may take the form of personality questionnaires or case tests with a detailed scenario and response options. Your choice of answers can create a very accurate and objective picture of your most likely behaviors when dealing with other people, such as in interpersonal conflicts. The main task of psychological tests for emotional intelligence is to determine how capable you are of empathy and understanding of the feelings of other people.

Case tests for managers can include a huge number of variations. They usually evaluate your ability to make decisions when under emotional pressure or in a situation of choosing the answer that is most appropriate within the framework of work etiquette.

Some companies have gone even further in applying case tests to executives. For example, Heineken uses them in real life when interviewing in the form of unforeseen or uncomfortable situations. This can take the form of a handshake that becomes too strong and intrusive, or when the interviewer who meets you is late for an appointment and then pretends not to notice you and walks past. These situations are actually situational tests designed to assess your emotional resilience, communication skills, and team spirit.

Although some scenarios for executive behavioral tests may seem too simple and even silly, they allow employers to create a fairly accurate picture of the emotional literacy and responsiveness of the applicant - qualities that are vital for certain roles and organizational cultures.

Types of situational tests for managers

There are several basic types of behavioral tests for leaders at all levels.

Most and Least Effective Answer

In this kind of psychological test, you are given a scenario that describes a problem and 4-5 answers suggesting your response to that scenario. You are required to determine the most and least effective response.

See the answer and explanation of this test at the end of the article. Try to find the answer yourself first.

Rating questions on the performance evaluation scale

In such questions, you need to rank all the answers from the most productive to the most counterproductive. Sometimes the same rating can only be used once, and sometimes more than once.

Rating questions that require answers to be ranked by performance from 1 to 5

Where 1 is the least efficient and 5 is the most efficient. Sometimes the same rating can only be used once, and sometimes more than once.

Most and least likely answer

A variation of the test with the most and least effective answers is the test with the most and least likely answers. They require you to identify the answers you are most likely to make and which you are least likely to make.

Tests with one correct answer

The main type of behavioral test for executives remains the test to determine the one correct answer - your first answer, your best answer, and so on.

See the answer and explanation of this test at the end of the article. Try to find the answer yourself first.

Once you understand the types of executive tests and the qualities that employers are trying to identify, here are some tips on how you can improve your ability to quickly and accurately solve executive behavior tests.


In preparation for the exam, students solve hundreds of practice tests - this is the best way to come to the exam and pass it successfully. The same applies to getting a job. Passing exemplary behavioral practice tests can give you a significant advantage.

According to the data we have, approximately 50% of job applicants prepare for tests or assessments in one way or another. And this is the right tactic: after high-quality training, the average score grows by 20% - usually this is more than enough to successfully pass the testing stage even for high-level managerial positions.

If you are applying for a managerial position, then with a high probability you will have to pass psychological tests for managers. On HRLider you can prepare for all major types of executive tests currently used by companies in Russia.

A US study of 50 scientific papers, including 130,000 participants, proved that pre-workout improves the performance of all types of tests for four reasons:

  1. It reduces anxiety. The more practice tests you have completed, the more familiar they are to you and the more confident and calm you will feel at the next test, even though the stakes are rising.
  2. Pre-training helps to identify weak points in order to pay attention to them in advance and improve performance.
  3. Practice reinforces proven test-taking tactics such as skipping and returning to difficult questions. You will learn to ignore irrelevant information and avoid mistakes in understanding assignments. This significantly increases the speed of passing behavioral and any other types of tests.
  4. Pre-training allows you to strengthen those specific qualities that employers need. This is the most valuable result of the practice of situational tests for managers.

Of course, the practice will be more effective if you know exactly what types of tests your employer uses. Feel free to ask about it and ask for sample tests from the employer's HR representatives or other people from this company. Recruiters are paid for successful applicants, and in most companies (Sibur, Gazprom and Gazpromneft, etc.) existing employees are rewarded with bonuses for recommending new candidates.

Accounting for personal characteristics

The 2016 American Psychological Society (NCBI) study shows that personality type, daily activity rhythms, and stimulant intake significantly affect mental performance. This applied quite well to behavioral tests for executives at all levels.

For example, neat and non-confrontational people do better on tests in the first half of the day and they should avoid taking stimulants, nootropics, even coffee, since at this time they are already at the peak of their physical and mental activity. For creative extroverts, the opposite is true: they need time and coffee to get pumped up in the morning, but after lunch and in the late afternoon they have an increase in activity and stimulants can be placed. So, if you can choose the timing of your tests, be mindful of your personality type and choose your diet and stimulants wisely.

Be yourself (within reason)

This recommendation is most suitable for psychological and personality tests for the competence of a middle manager. Don't lie - sometimes it can slightly increase your chances of getting a job, but it's not a certainty that such a job will suit you. Qualitative tests have mechanisms to detect anomalous or fake responses, and experienced personnel officers quickly notice the discrepancy between test responses and real behavior. However, while passing tests and assessments, it is still better to be your best self - clearly demonstrate your strengths and not expose your weaknesses.

For example, in most cases, it's worth showing yourself to be passionate about being a passionate person, but not to the point where you criticize others or act unethically. Smart employers tend to look for managers with moderately high levels of ambition or a combination of high ambition and altruism. When something becomes too much, it often leads to negative consequences.

Most large companies conduct testing of candidates for leadership on already established competency models. This is a set of skills, qualities and values ​​inherent in their best employees already working (for example, department heads) according to which new candidates for the same positions in management are evaluated. Before taking tests, you should carefully study these values ​​and the company's priorities for employment and try to follow them on tests and assessments. Typically, these data are widely publicized on corporate websites and other open sources.

Since employers consider behavioral tests for managers to be a valuable source of information about applicants for leadership positions, you should be prepared for all kinds and types of such tests. Most companies use simple questionnaires with 4-5 answer options, but more and more complex situational tests for managerial competence are appearing on the market. For example, with elements of gamification (games), where you need to earn points or chips. Some companies study and use data from your social networks and create tests based on it. It is expected that tests especially for experienced professionals and managers will become more complex and innovative.

An important recommendation: when preparing for psychological testing, consider tests not as a way to beat secret confessions out of you, but as a way for you to learn more about your potential employer. Behavioral tests for executives can give you valuable information about the company you are interested in - how it is done in it, how success criteria are defined, what traits are most valued. Quizzes give you an opportunity to assess the expectations of an employer, and this can be very useful in your career.

Last advice from HRLider: Remember, preparation is the key to success. If you have a test that includes behavioral tests for executives, start the training without wasting time. On our site you will find all the main types of tests for entry-level and intermediate-level managers. Give yourself an advantage - be prepared.

Answers and explanation of tests:

  1. You are the head of customer support in a large call center. You just overheard your employee telling a client on the phone that he "takes everything too personally" and then that he "needs psychiatric help." You do not know what the conversation was about, but the employee ended the conversation, and you can go and talk to him.

The strategy for responding to tests where it is required to find the most and least effective answers is to first determine the overall positive and negative answers.

In this task, answers 2 and 3 are positive. Answers 1 and 4 are negative. Of the positive answers, answer 2 is clearly better, since answer 3 - an order to call back an annoyed client and apologize to the problem, most likely will not solve. In some cases, this answer could even be classified as a negative answer.

Of the two negative answers, we need to choose the worst one. In this test, this is not as easy as it seems. In these answers, there is clearly a different direction in the development of events. Answer 1 - Threatening to fire an employee for some employers, where team spirit and team relationships are among the highest priority values, may be the least acceptable scenario and will be considered the worst answer. But if the priority for the company is, first of all, the quality of customer service, then the worst answer would be answer 4 - ignoring the rudeness of the employee towards the client.

Thus, the best answer (most effective) is 2, the worst is 4 (least effective).

This test is designed for managers

The test is intended to be determined by the Head himself:

- what moments in managing people cause him discomfort;
In what areas is the Leader most successful?
- which problem areas bring the greatest difficulties to the Manager;
- what changes should be made to the leader in the personal management style.

This test will help you determine how well you understand the nature of control and power, as well as how well you use the patterns of this nature in your daily activities.
After passing the test, you will be able to independently draw up your personal plan for improving managerial skills. Following this plan, plan your training and professional development as a Leader.
We will certainly discuss your plan, and we will take it into account in the course "Managerial Shaolin".

If you decide to take this test and are not a cadet of "Managerial Shaolin":

1. There are results and recommendations for you at the end of the test.
2. Get to know the nature of power, as well as with patterns effective management of people, consolidate your knowledge, structure it - you can at the seminar “Management and Power. Leadership and Influence»

For convenience, print the test.

Read the questions and answer them clearly - "Yes" or "No".

For questions that have enumerations, such as: “employees/clients/partner/team/deputy”, choose what is most meaningful to you in terms of improving interaction.

At the end, count the number of your positive answers and the number of negative ones.

Test in Word format

Count the total number of "YES" answers.

High level of management skills:

If you got 11 "Yes" answers to questions No. 1, 30, 42, 51, 52, 55, 56, 61, 62, 70, 74.

You know how to coordinate and direct the activities of the team, provide independence to the most capable subordinates, this is a natural management tool for you. Questions of control do not cause you additional stress. You appropriately develop the initiative in subordinates, intelligently introducing new methods of work. You know how to convince and provide moral support in a conversation, you are tactful in a dispute and guided justice. Successful solution of managerial problems is provided by understanding the nature of the problem, cause-and-effect relationships, influences and decisive factors.
You turn your attention for individual personality traits and socio-psychological team processes. In your decisions, you must take these features into account.
In communication, maintain openness, use constructive criticism wisely, which helps you prevent conflicts and create a friendly atmosphere.
Employees respect you. You are their authority and role model.
Recommendation for you:
Do not reduce your level of managerial skill, continuing to hone it.

* Average level of managerial skill:

If you succeeded 12–25 "Yes" answers, You answered the rest of the questions in the negative.

In your management, there may be contradictions between the fact that you strive to live in the interests of the team and at the same time, you are visited by a persistent desire to shift your responsibilities for substitutes.
Care for staff can be expressed in undemanding, excessive gullibility, which leads, in some cases, to fears of making decisions independently. This can manifest itself in excessive softness towards violators of discipline, constant violations of the rules and a tendency to persuasion.
As a result of contradictions in management, these are problems with delegation, feedback, responsibility of employees, control over the process and results.
Recommendation for you:
To eliminate confusion and vacillation in the team, you should increase the degree of your influence on it. Proper delegation and control will keep you going. Take care to strengthen your authority.
How to do it? To improve personal managerial skills, we recommend attending the seminar “Management and Power. Leadership and Influence»

* Low level of managerial skill:

If you succeeded 26-67 "Yes"-answers.

The difficulties with which you face in day-to-day management, cause extreme tension and fatigue. Gradually, this can lead not only to a loss of strength, a loss of interest in management and business, but also a loss of control.
Your leadership position as a manager is in dire need of strengthening.
By answering the questions of the test, you could find in them an exact match with your situation. The repetition of individual situations, with the same employees or with different people, underlines the urgent need to increase the power of your influence in managing a team.
You do not fully use your potential as a Manager and experience difficulties in assessing, using the potential of your employees.

Recommendation for you:
To increase the power of influence, strengthen your authority, eliminate recurring problems in management, to master the finest diagnostics, understand what affects what and what exactly needs to be managed in a particular situation - you should carefully study the patterns of management at the seminar “Management and Power. Leadership and influence