Quarter television. Tariffs for connecting digital television (TV) provider Kverti

I put three - Internet 5, support 0. Total - 2.5, rounded up to 3, so be it, I'm not as greedy as they are. In general, there are almost no problems with the Internet. Shutdowns for the last two or three years have not occurred at all, the Internet is fine and everything is fine. BUT! if, God forbid, something happens and you need to contact them directly - this, with their procedures and regulations, is a whole problem. 1. It was a long time ago: Once my Internet turned off ... It was getting dark ... I called - they said they would come during the day of such and such and fix it, if their problem, then for free. The date did not suit me - they settled well, repairing it during the day on weekdays. And then the working people have time to wait until the fig for their workers on the date indicated by THEM without specifying a specific time. It is unlikely that they will compensate for the day off for solving their jamb. I said no, they asked when. Fortunately, after 2 weeks I had a vacation, I had to live without the Internet for two weeks and sacrifice one day of vacation and wait for the master. He came, fixed it, the problem was outside the apartment, i.e. their problem. I, rather on principle, for two weeks without the Internet and one day of vacation, called and demanded money for these two weeks of inaccessibility. He was politely sent, with the words "well, you yourself refused to be repaired two weeks ago." Yes, I refused ... On a weekday, in the middle of the week, without specifying a specific time. Fuck Soviet Mosenergo, along the way they have little competition in the industry. Summary: the problem was THEIR fault, they gave me a convenient time to solve THEIR jamb, and when I logically refused and delayed the repair for two weeks because of their magical work schedule, they refused to compensate me for these two weeks. I can live without 150 rubles, but in general this is disgusting in our "wonderful" world of the "Ideal Free Market". 2. Recently, without personal notice, they unilaterally changed the tariff and fee towards, of course, an increase. Marketers serve the motherland! Vivat! I didn’t even need the previous speed, they charged me 2 times more and pay them extra. I did not pay and delivered a small ultimatum in the style of "wouldn't you go ...". Don't wake up famously - for now, the bottom line is, I looked at other providers and more and more I don’t understand their impudence with tariffs. 3. And they have up to three days to consider the application! I love their rules! Three days later they reacted, then phoned, clarified that I was then switching to another tariff - cheaper. They promised to connect last night and ... Naturally, they burst, so that life would not seem like honey to me. They didn’t connect - I call “we will draw up an application, the decision term is from three hours to THREE DAYS”. Again their cant is my problem! We are waiting, sir. But what to expect! Maybe go to MGTS some easier? A summary on all of the above points: their stupid regulations, rules for interacting with the consumer of services and oversights ALWAYS turn their jamb into your problem. According to my experience, no options! Happiness, if you do not need to face their support. The feeling of communicating with the Soviet bureaucratized periodically mowing structure of the 1980 model, the eternal "signs are removed from us by another brigade" and other excuses, only more polite. Although, it seems like it’s time to wake up, but they haven’t succeeded yet, the dream, along the way, is lethargic ... Either become ideal, do it, and don’t mess it up, or be more flexible in matters of support, especially when you mess it up yourself, otherwise it’s already this is some nonsense. It's very unpleasant for you. I hold on to you with all my last strength because of my conservatism, but righteous anger rises more and more from the depths of my soul ...

Since the beginning of 2019, they began to issue left invoices for the provision of Internet access services via ADSL with the accrual of penalties for non-payment. In fact, the service is not provided. For example, I signed an agreement 15 years ago with OJSC Central Telegraph. Since then, I have already managed to change a couple of providers. The company OJSC Central Telegraph QWERTY was acquired in 2017. Mass phenomenon. As far as I understood from communication with technical support, invoices are issued to all customers of Central Telegraph OJSC who have ever ...

All the time they turned off the Internet for whole weeks, I sat without an Internet. And paid in advance. As soon as another provider appeared, she immediately threw the quarter. I do not recommend using this provider. Only one hassle.

In November, I encountered such disgusting service that for a long time I could not believe that this really happens. As a result of some external accident, I was left without the Internet, and do you know how much time has passed since I called the support service and registered a repair request? A WEEK AND A HALF. I called technical support every day, at the end of these one and a half weeks - 5-6 times a day, and every day they answered me: "Your application has been accepted, wait for a call from the installers." And the installers didn't call back...

On Friday, the connection was lost, on Saturday I contacted the support service and called the master on Tuesday from 12 to 15, agreeing to pay for the work if the problem was not the fault of QWERTY. Nobody came or called. At 15.24 I called technical support - they said that the master allegedly checked the connection to the apartment and left - and on this the application was closed. They can only create a new application, today they cannot do anything, there is no technical possibility to connect with the management, the claims department considers claims for 3 days. L/s 1332932768.

Do not return 3000 rubles after the termination of the contract. On February 8, she terminated the contract and wrote for a refund, in the hands of copies of the documents, they said wait for 2 weeks. Today is February 28, no money, I'm calling. The "duty parrot service" is working - I can’t help you with anything, you need to come again and write a statement that the money has not been received. I call on other phones, they ask for the number of the contract, they go to the melody, they return, but to no avail, the contract has been terminated, has the money been sent ...

8720628071 user of your office since 2010. I use the Internet 6 months a year (summer in the country). Starting from November d. Internet quality leaves much to be desired. After my calls, the quality improves, but not for long. He asked to send a specialist, because he himself is not able to understand this technique. A "specialist" arrived, sat for half an hour at the computer, poked around with my own ballpoint pen in the router, took 2,800 rubles from me, the Internet worked for 2 days and again the brakes. Not later than today...

On December 6, 2016, he paid 3,786 rubles for the KVERTI share for the year. On December 7, 2016, I went back to the site and registered my participation in the action (as it should have been). And on 08/18/17 I was turned off the Internet - it turns out that I am on some kind of "regular" tariff for 490 rubles / month and I have already run out of money. It is impossible to prove anything to them. I already had GPON from MGTS, but to connect to the router via cable, you need to call a specialist from MGTS, and this is 2 days. I asked these bastards to connect me for a few days (at least 7 days) until they connect ...

They have problems from time to time. The speed of the Internet has decreased, they called those support. We tested it - they said the reason is in the router and we can send a master who will re-flash the router. Departure 900 rub. The master came, neighed and said that they were not doing this and left. Where is your mother now my 900 rubles? Did you just give it away? A company of deceivers.

Technical support does not work, they can only take money from you and do not answer for anything, do not contact them!

I ordered a set of tankers. a watch, a purse and a pendant were supposed to come. They sent a pendant and the watch was not the one I ordered. There was no wallet in the box at all. How to decide? Court? Prosecutor's office?

Hello! A year and a half ago, qwerty was connected to the Internet. Year worked without problems and failures. But six months ago, things got ugly. During the day, frequent network breaks, in the evening in online games there are wild delays, and this is how it is now the 3rd day without the Internet is not the first time. Very sad (Contract number: 4329177819.

For 12 years of work (from 2 to 10 hours a day) I did not find any shortcomings. I have been using cable QWERTY since 2002, I have not made any claims for all the years, I work almost every day for 2-10 hours. Shutdown only in case of an accident, which happens no more than twice a year. The funny thing is that in case of an accident on Saturday or Sunday, the answering machine says: "The time for the elimination of the accident is Monday, 17 hours, 13 minutes, 40 seconds." Apparently, the repairmen have a rest on the weekend! The most important advantage: when...

I have been using the services of this provider for a long time (more than 7 years). Completely satisfied with the quality of services provided. Technical support responds, basically, quickly and competently, if an employee who comes across to you does not know the answer, they switch to another. Sometimes accidents / scheduled work happen (no more than once every three to four months), then it’s hard to get through to technical support, but they also fix problems quickly. The speed corresponds to the declared, usually even a little higher. For those who have wi-fi - the speed is really ...

When I rented the apartment where I now live, Kverti was already connected there. It was frankly too lazy to change something, left it as it is and never regretted it a bit. I got a relatively cheap and stable Internet with convenient payment methods and a whole range of additional services.

On qwerty for over 5 years. The speed suits. In the evenings everything is stable. Rarely occurring problems are solved promptly. Mitino area!

I live with my sister in different areas. She is on Kverti - I am on MTS. I toil with the Internet, there are always problems - she is very pleased, there are practically no interruptions. I want to go to Kverti, but I can't - we don't have it in our district. It's time for them to expand.

In our house, everyone from a small brother to an ancient grandfather climbs there. Everyone goes about their business and everyone freaks out, if there are any problems, they get nervous. But as they connected to Kverti three months ago, it became much quieter at home - the Internet plows without jambs, the speed is gorgeous.

UPD: As you know, the key to any science is a question mark. So we asked ourselves if we didn’t spend enough time on preparing the competitive videos? Not a little! But we decided to extend the contest :)

Currently on ΥοuTube Channel qwerty there is a program called “42”, where we talk about physical phenomena in nature. Now the Channel is expanding, and we are forming a team of the same crazy guys and girls who are ready to make no less exciting and fun programs with us.

So, if you are a passionate and in a good way obsessed with science person, you know how to talk about your interests, whether it be gadgets, black holes or Danaus plexippus butterfly migrations so that the whole world around freezes, send your videos with the tag #Competition_QWERTY to our email address: broadcast@mevix.ru

We will add the videos of all the participants who will pass to the first round to the Channel, and after the vote of the subscribers and the decision of the jury of our Channel, we will select experts who will be able to join our Team and lead their own programs. And the best will also get a set of professional equipment for filming!

Conditions and requirements:

  • To participate in the contest, you need to shoot 1 video, upload it to your Channel and send a link to our email address: broadcast@mevix.ru . To prevent your letter from getting lost, do not forget to include the tag in the subject line of the letter: #Competition_QWERTY;
  • The video should correspond to the general theme of the Channel (science and technology), be interesting and informative;
  • Timing - no more than 5 minutes. When editing, it is desirable to use graphics, visual materials to illustrate your story;
  • Cursing, racism and religious themes are prohibited;
  • All works that meet the requirements will be added to a separate playlist on Channel Qwerty with over 130,000 subscribers! After that, based on the audience and internal editorial voting, we will select the winners;
  • The jury reserves the right to invite an unlimited number of finalists to the Qwerty team - from 0 to 10;
  • Deadline - December 15, 2015. Applications will not be accepted after 23:59:59.

Grand Prize:

Camcorder - Panasonic HC-V760 Tripod - Hama Star-62 with bag

Buttonhole - Boya BY-M1 Background - green fabric chroma key

Winner Pick:

We will upload all the videos that meet the conditions of our Contest into a separate playlist and together with you (by analyzing the total number of likes, dislikes, the quality of the material itself and comments to it), we will determine the finalists, the best of which will be chosen later by our jury - the QWERTY team and invited experts - bloggers, scientists and journalists.

As a reminder, the finalists will get a chance to join our team and host original programs about science or technology on our Channel, and the winner will receive a set of professional filming equipment and a video camera!

Almost forgot! You are required to:

  • Love for science;
  • Charisma, ability to improvise;
  • High level of competence in the field of their interests;
  • Creative approach to work;
  • Desire to learn and develop;
  • Responsibility and punctuality;
  • Ability to work in a team and perceive other people's opinions;
  • Healthy ambitions to win a multi-million audience.

We have everything you need:

  • Daily coverage of the audience of our resources - more than 7 million people a day;
  • Qualified SMM specialists with successful experience in promoting video content;
  • The opportunity to teach the technique of speech, diction, writing scripts to those authors who will join us;
  • Growing team of enthusiastic psychos :)

Without cable TV channels, the TV becomes practically useless, so we recommend connecting smart TV starter packages on favorable terms with a small subscription fee. The basic packages of Qwerty television channels include more than 100 channels, when running one cable for a set-top box is enough. The latter can be bought in used condition from the provider for only 500 rubles. Qwerty TV tariff plans are subject to connection via their own local network, which entitles customers to download additional files.

How to connect cable digital TV Kverti?

  • Programs. Find out what free TV channels your provider has. Among the list of a hundred digital TV channels and more, you will surely find something interesting. What exactly is included in the movie packages should be clarified on the website or in the technical support service of the supplier.
  • Equipment. Upon receipt of the application, you will be offered a set-top box, however, in order to connect Qwerty cable TV and not experience difficulties with viewing, it is better to buy a new one. Many shops in Moscow offer installments at a low price per month.
  • Setting up digital television. The operation is performed free of charge, but if your equipment does not match the models listed on the company's website, it is possible to set a price tag for debugging.
  • Application. You can connect Qwerty interactive home TV by making an online application through our service, the supplier's website or after the operators.

Cable TV Kverti: channels, tariffs and prices

The supplier has two types of transfer packages. You can connect additional selections of movies by interests to them or turn them off. The cost of services is acceptable, which is why it is recommended to connect packages of pay TV channels Qwerty. The quality of communication mainly depends on the equipment, monitoring the status of networks is carried out around the clock.